Showing Posts For TheFamster.7806:

D/D ele compromised balance in pvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I feel the opposite actually. Defenses in the Fire line as well as Air and Earth need to be better and Water and Arcana worse to balance it out a bit more. The ability to mitigate damage via blinds, and thus reduce the need to just heal through everything, is vital to promoting build diversity.

Nerfing Blinding Ashes and leaving Water and Arcana as is will just make sure Water and Arcana remain mandatory trait lines.

Water and arcane is already a mandatory. If you nerf it all eles die. However if you nerf fireline FA and Staff ele is still viable, while dd gets nerfed. People aren’t complaining about FA or STaff ele, its just dd


D/D ele compromised balance in pvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Lot’s of attention has been brought to dd ele and its going to literally gut Elementalists out of pvp. So I discussed some changes that should happen with DD ele WITHOUT touching water and arcane traits.

Cleansing fire trait should give 1 stacks of might per cantrip used instead of 3

Blinding Ashes should have 10 ICD

Drake’s breath should apply 3 stacks of burning instead of 4, and burning reduced from 3 1/2 to 3

Ring of fire burning stack reduced to 1 stack

Earth traitline is a different matter, but I found my friends agreeing to the changes that I proposed without touching water and arcane trait line, maybe Soothing Ice trait by removing the frost aura.


The Sickest Guild [NA] Recruiting for Wing 2

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


No drama, no noise, just pure skills and runs.


Gw2 still hard

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Though it used to be harder at release (not counting inexperience), I agree with the line of thought that GW2 PvE is only apparently “easy” because it has been done forever, and that without guides and lacking game experience they can still be difficult for many players.

Playing them at the “intended”/“recommended” level is a cool challenge in my view.

Plz do tell me where the developers/game designers say current state of gw2 pve is not “intended/recommended”


[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Futureproof your pve experience by joining the best guild in NA. Apply and see if you have what it takes.


Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I honestly want the raid to be difficult so that pugging is almost impossible. Basically ever since speedrun tactics were developed, shared, and openly taught, there were more ignorance and opposition on dungeon community. People in speed running guilds are simply reduced to “stack and press 1” despite all the efforts we put in, and I think raids could be the thing to change that.

For those who want casual but gold, you still have dungeons and fractals. Raids should be something that is catered to those who wishes to learn and adapt in GW2 game mechanic. To this day we still have people who wants lazy solution to everything, like having a character tank all the damage while the rest press the same rotations. Raid boss should be something that all 10 players must be skilled enough to read the animations and dodge/block/invul/blind at the right time to mitigate the damage.

It should never be easy where simply 10 random people walk in and finish it because dungeons and fractals already offer. Currently its about how long it would take a group to finish the same content and receive some blues and greens. If there is going to be a precursor involved, the raid difficulty should reflect that as well. This will actually allow people to learn about gw2 combat and take advantage of its magnificent system, and it would also change the perception that wvw/pvp people have on pvers.


[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


New Raids hype! Try us out and see how it goes!


My future prediction with improved AI

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


yeah how dare they try to add something new. I’ll stick with my 3year old wall trick run past everything stack metazerk!

Great job missing the point of the post. 0/10


Another Balance Path Ele Still Supreme

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I agree everything that was said by Zuko. As long as Eles don’t get their water and arcane touched, I’m happy for the nerf


The future of eles....

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


If water and arcane traits are touched, then GG for eles. We all dead….

Staff ele dose not need to run water or arcane at least how i play it in wvw fire air earth is a very powerfully build. Only d/d NEEDS these 2 and you can some what get away from arcane if your willing to take risk.

That’s because you don’t play pvp. In pvp Water and Arcane literally carries eles.


The future of eles....

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


If water and arcane traits are touched, then GG for eles. We all dead….


Class restriction in AG and ESL

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


As D/D ele I agree. I’m sure that D/D eles are going to be nerfed to ground after the recent ESL debacle, but I really don’t like class stacking anymore. I’d rather see diversity in classes so that each class synergies with others at least in AG, ESL.


Possible future community event

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I strongly advise you against this. In my casual guild there were some people interested in learning speedruns, but they all got shut down because there were lots of people who didn’t like “meta” or speed runs. Luckily it was in guild chat so no one called me filthy elitist but I could definitely tell that I was the most hated person at that time.

There is no arguing with logic when people believe stacking stealth/might/swiftness is an exploit.


this meta sucks

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Current meta is the outcome of the stat removal from trait line. Remember these threads? and how everyone thought it was really good to have high damage?

Basically in a conquest game, surviving and holding nodes are more important than killing and fighting off nodes. The higher the damage from marauder/zerker amulet, the more people would want bunkier specs to hold onto nodes. Now we have bunker guards back in the meta with d/d eles, although in previous meta d/d eles were called out for their toughness and sustain, and now its just sustain.

Reflect on this people. The more damage in conquest, more defensively people will build.


Still Nothing

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


shhh Why do you want me to get kicked out of the team! JK Blinding ashes and burn stack nerf is much needed. Even diamond skin and that earth thing can be nerfed too. As long as anet doesn’t touch water and arcane trait, I’d be happy.


Rewards Revamp needs to happen.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Yeah let’s let people afk in a dungeon instance for 24 hours so that they can each get precursors. Such logic….


My future prediction with improved AI

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Currently with dungeons/fractals being 2~3 years old with barely any updates, people have gotten used to tactics. And now we have some “visionaries” who wants AIs to dodge away from AOE and such. And we also have some people who wants challenging group contents from 5~20 people in an instance. But I feel so bad when majority of communities blindly agree to those “visionaries” wishing for improved AIs when currently people still fail hard at simple coordination such as blasting stealth/might and have to rely wall on wall trick to by pass the Giant Lupicus.

With any members of speedrunning guilds with voice comps and group experience, it is just a longer fight with mobs randomly dodging, but still doable. However when pugs can’t even comprehend that mobs can be blinded in smoke fields, it is like seeing cows wanting to go into a slaughterhouse. I wonder how people will react when they can’t use any previous tactics anymore.

Also for people crying for build diversity, I hope they do get what they want because now they will have to face “sinister gear or kick” and getting the trinkets are already pretty time consuming. And to those who didn’t purchase living story season 2 and didn’t complete it, well he/she might have to buy the living story season 2, do all the achievements, and then realize with improved AI pugging is simply not an option anymore.

And when the raids come, I foresee an increase in huge number of applicants in any dungeon guilds, hoping that they can be carried for exclusive rewards for raids. And of course those who are rejected will raise pitchfork to hunt down those “elitists scumbags” but truth be told, everyone wants to have a nice and smooth clear of group contents instead of having to carry people.

So in short, let’s really hope that anet gives what people want to see how people will hate anet for getting what they want


[Concept] Elite Specialisation - The Weaver

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Much better than the Tempest. Very well thought out and more useful than tempest in any kind of game mode. Only if anet would take a look at this….


Healing Guardian LF DPS :)

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Can I join your party and just afk until we are done? It won’t make a difference anyway


Calling it now! Tempest=New scepter

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Elementalist are currently in the best position possible. Needed in open world, dungeons/fractal, pvp, and in wvw. However in all of the contents scepter isn’t used much, if rarely. And when it is used, its mostly for swag since it is a half made weapon that gets carried hard by focus. Currently its just a blast finisher weapon at best, since S/F conjure build was replaced by phalanx warrior and staff eles. Also I don’t know why developers forgot about the best off hand focus, that has like the best skills in the entire games and synergies really well with eles.

Now since all developers play either d/d ele or staff ele in whatever gamemode they play, they decided to give eles new off hand. But then they also needed ideas to make it look cool. So they gave eles “overcharged”, very diluted and weak version of glyph of storm, and another offhand weapon that eles will never use because eles have focus! Also its obvious that developers don’t play wvw because hey, eles don’t have enough group support. That staff ele is meant to press 1s and 2s sometimes 5 in tequatle.

Tempests shows that developers know only 2 ele builds. D/D and Staff. If they knew about existence of scepter and focus, they wouldn’t have made another offhand weapon, but gave a mainhand weapon to replace scepter. Basically all elementalist players wanted was a different style of play that would still be useful in group settings.

Tempest is probably a last minute idea that a developer ripped glyph of storm off to make it “cool”. It will probably never be used in pvp or pve or even wvw unless a major overhaul is to come, but based on the latest BWE, that won’t happen. Tempest is a scepter 2.0 and it will be forgotten except when people want to troll.

If you think the overload effects are cool, plz slot a glyph of storm in your utility bar and use it. It provides the same effect, better result, and most importantly, doesn’t lock you out of your attunement enabling you to survive and be useful to your teammates.
And if you really want to do group support, no need to despair. You have a staff, off hand dagger, and focus. All those things do way better job than warhorn.


Free to play PvP

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


INB4 Go back to LoL/CS GO/SC2/ other esports game etc and pleb buy the game before you play noob stuff happens.

We all know how GW2 pvp community is. PvP community already hates, pvers, wvwers, arenanet devs, balance team, any player with legendary skin, basically everyone but like 5% of the pvp playerbase. This will not work at all


Nerfing DD ele intelligently

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Don’t touch the water and arcane trait at all, and now let’s work on fire. Right now the synergy of cantrips and fire is way too strong. Cantrips grant might, and also grants regeneration, and burning fire removes 3 condis as well as apply burns and do damage.
The problem that most people complain are sustain and burning. Well eles do need sustain because we can’t go tanky due to having the lowest healthpool and lowest toughness, and that lies in our water and arcane trait line.

Now if we nerf drake’s breath a kittenange burning fire’s burning stacks to 1 or 2, and change ring of fire burning stack to 1 or 2, then people can’t say much about it. After that it becomes l2p issue. That would bring d/d eles down a bit, but not so much.


D/D Ele from a Ele player perspective

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Everyone seems to miss a crucial problem. Eles only have 2 builds that work, and staff ele is just viable, not meta. I don’t care if d/d ele gets nerfed, but you better not touch that water and arcane line because the moment you do, all form of ele dies.

I don’t care and don’t mind that eles have lowest toughness and health pool. We have lots of blast finishers that compensate for our lack of survival. The problem is that currently all eles are forced on to that one build. And anyone who has been playing ele in pvp wants to play something more than d/d and staff and not be a crutch to a team.

The point is don’t touch water and arcane, nerf burning, buff scepter, and then let’s talk about d/d ele because I want it nerfed too.


Matchmaking concern regarding leagues

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


According to Curse article that has been floating around after league announcement in WTS, solo Q and team Q will stay merged as it is.

“Players will be able to queue up solo or with up to 5 other players, but all progression in this regard will be on the personal level”

This means that in order to compete in leagues, going ham on solo q is basically a demotion from divisions unless you get extremely lucky. While personal progressions are good, what I think this will bring is that the Legendary and Diamond tier will be filled with teams with voice comp, and rest of the divisions will be pvpers without voice comp. I think this league system, if continues as current matchmaking system, will literally destroy majority of pvp population base, and yes pvers and wvwers do matter as GW2 is MMORPG and pvp matchmaking consider them as pvp players..

What I can already picture is that except for diamond and legendary tier/division rest of the population will just abuse demotion/promotion of leagues for skins/rewards and any competitive individuals who can’t find teams for whatever reason will leave pvp scene since top leagues are filled with teams.

While this does promote teamplay, without in game voip this is meaningless. Basically pvp will be even more segregated and population will further decrease since premades at high level will stomp pug teams without voip. This is almost as same is creating a small pvp tournaments that uses solo queues as placeholders/sacrifices for sake of pvp teams.

I love the idea of league system, and reward based on skill. I may not be even on diamond tier when the league launches, and I’ll be okay with that. However what I am not okay with is pitting solo que players against pre mades and giving the same rewards. Either make different leagues for solo Q and premades, or implement ingame voip for solo q players to use.


Abjured dominates EU in WTS gratz bois!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Wait if cele eles were so op then why not run with 5 cele eles and just face roll? Oh yeah the abjured only won because of the build, then you should be beating them with even more op/cheesy builds right?



in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I wanna be in the weakest league!


revs so far in spvp

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


For me sword/sword rev was very fun to play, but lack of defense made it impossible to survive in 1v1 and teamfight. I’m not saying rev needs stealth, but it certainly does need disengage utility that doesn’t drain the energy so much. Right now revs are worse than s/f eles since they don’t even have invul, and now they have to count the skill cd, as well as energy, and then utility for energy as well. There is just too many things a rev need to count without proper block/invul/stealth etc.


Are Dungeons Dying in NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Well its most likely that people are starting to gear/grind for fractal 50, and those who have been running are preparing for legendary backpack since it sort of looks like fractal backpiece but with wings. Also I don’t really find many active speed running guilds other than IQ, DnT, and LOD so you should apply to those guilds.


How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Umm fractal skins are not prestigious at all. It’s gated behind some insane RNG that forces people to grind, capped at 50 for 2 years, and even the achievements have no meaning since they don’t even amount to anything but few aps. If you want to talk about prestigious pve title/item, I guess its dungeon master (dungeoneer title doens’t really need to do dungeons to get) and mini clockwork from finishing all of the aetherblade path achievements.

Also OP, I know that you grinded a lot of fractals, but so what? So have a lot of people, and we all know that fractal skin doesn’t even reflect the amount of skill you have. In fact its like fractal tonic: no matter how good you and your groups are at fractal, only the luckiest few gets rewarded due to RNG. I respect you having over 90k relics and such, but at the end of the day, it is not prestigious.

I myself have finished all fractal achievements, have 3 characters heavy/medium/light for fractal 50, made about 20~30k relics but spent it all on 20 slot backpacks and ascended back pieces. And my first fractal skin was from fractal 10~20 when I first started pugging. Value of fractal skins are nothing more than result of RNG, and the cost of fractal skins should be about 25~50 pristine relics imo.

However the kitten tonic, should be given to those who gets up to fractal level 100 and have finished all the achievements, and then some. Or given to those who have completed fractal weapon collection.


Dungeon acts of Kindness?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I remember back when Lupi autos weren’t bugged, I used to find LFGs looking for Lupi help and literally soloed for inexperienced players. It was mostly p2, and if people requested me to stay until the last boss, I gladly help them.

Then one day I met a group claiming that they are new, kept dying at Lupi. I of course helped them out at no charge, even helped them kill alphard, switched to a thief for stealth skips, then after the cut scene of last boss, I was kicked, received a mail that says something roughly like “Thanks for the free p2. We’ll sell it you tool” something like that. And they did exactly that, which made me stop joining LFG group.

And with lupi auto attack, all people want are guardians/memsers to use wall on wall trick, and whenever I join and teach them the new way, I get kicked.


Describe the Tempest in 3 Words

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


/15 charr gg


We should make petition for scepter buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


This subject has been on the front page for the last couple of years I think, every time under a different name. I’ll just copy what i said in a different thread, and what most people agree on:

Same list as always:
-Buff all scepter auto-attacks, they are pretty much all horrible (Ice Shards is the least horrible)
- Make Dragon’s Tooth ground-targeted or decrease the casting time and/or the time it takes to drop.
-Make Shatterstone a useful skill. Add something like a chill, pulsing damage before detonation, an ice field, or simply more damage and/or vuln stacks.

The auto-attacks are the most important IMO. Scepter eles do close to nothing when their cooldowns have been used, and that needs to change. Sure, a burst weapon should not have insane sustained DPS, but right now it is just far too low.

Yeah but this time elementalist community should band together and make formal request. Like literally filling the whole elementalist sub forum with scepter related posts to show that elementalists really want the scepter rework. As far as I know there weren’t any collective movements that really made anet think about elementalist scepter. We see from extra character slot debacle that anet only responds to well organized petition/riot, but we don’t have to resort to Riot. D/D ele will get nerfed soon, then we should really be getting the buffs we deserve. And we aren’t even asking for the whole trait rework like mesmers.


We should make petition for scepter buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


As we all know scepter is an abandoned child that is ignored even by anet devs. It has undoubtedly worst auto-attacks, needlessly long animation, and lackluster damage. However it is also a really unique weapon that no other class has access to, and imo defines what an ele is. With tempest as warhorn revealed, more and more balance issue will arise, and currently we are in danger of being pushed out in pvp forever due to whiny children.

Right now in pvp D/D ele is cause of all hatred because of foundation of elementalist. Elementalists have the lowest healthpool and toughness of 8 classes, and we are forced into water and arcane in pvp and wvw to rely on our boon duration. In fact due to our class mechanics, we are the best class to utilize celestial amulets and be jack of all trades since we have various access to condition damage to physical damage. However this also means that we only have two reliable build, celestial d/d and celestial staff.

When burning gets nerfed across everyone, so will eles. However knowing how anet messes with Mesmers and Necromancers, we are soon to be doomed since anet will undoublty not only nerf burning, but probably lots of thing that should not be nerfed, forcing elementalists out of meta. I’m not saying that celestial d/d is completely balanced, but if our most competitive build is going to get nerfed, we might as well as ask for much needed buffs.

Scepter has always been one useless weapon that has infinite potential but ruined by developers. And since all pvpers and wvw roamers hate d/d ele with passion, we have to prepare for a new build. And currently Elementalists have very limited choice to be effective. But since our low health pool and armor forces us to trait into water and arcane, our only option is to ask for buffs in our main hand weapon, the scepter.

Scepter has a lot to offer at the moment. 2 blast finishers in fire that do massive amount of damage that requires set ups, telegraphed attacks that are fair, and great synergy when used with focus and off hand dagger. We should ask for complete reword on some of the scepter skills so that we can take roles of marauder and compete with mesmer/thief in pvp and wvw roaming.

We all agree that scepter auto attacks for elementalists in water, earth, and fire needs a huge change. Let us start with asking for revamp of auto attacks. Let us remind anet that if they are going to nerf the one spec that made us competitive at high level play of GW2 combat, then they will have to give us something in return. You might think forums aren’t a good way to communicate with anet, but my thread
undoubtedly played an important role for anet to let us unlock all of the traits using hero points at level 80 instead of forcing all of our alts into mindless grind. We should keep petitioning for rework on scepter in trade off for nerfing our d/d. They will undoubtedly nerf our sustain, then we should get more damage via scepter.


Difficulty curve in new fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


As I was reading the blog post, “In addition, after scale 50, the difficulty curve will change to adjust not only the health and outgoing damage of creatures but also other stats like precision and toughness” really interested me. Currently we all know that monsters/mobs/trash melt fast even at 50 scaled fractal with group coordination and full berserker set. I love the design of GW2 Pve because I hate the holy trinity stuff, but wouldn’t this only add to the gating of fractal?

At the moment doing fractal level 50s and higher with agony resistance of 70 is a pretty easy thing to do. Ascended rings drop a lot from fractal, are purchasable, and so are the ascended earrings. But if anet somehow makes the trash mobs have toughness of Silverwastes Mordrem Husk, then people will have to opt in for condition. I’m not saying getting all sinister set should be bad or conditions should forever stay out of the meta, but I find some things unreasonable.

I find having to unlock sinister ascended trinkets through living story season 2 achievements or forced to spend lots of bandit crests/ectos for them unreasonable. Those should be sold as part of guild commendation. At least for people who bought HoT should be able to purchase sinister trinkets through laurel/guild commendation/+ ectos as other ascended trinkets. Also I find that Verata’s Armor Recipe Book is a rare drop from chests or breach unpleasant. Again, the solution would be for anyone who bought HoT, those recipes should be purchasable from master crafters at the same price.

Sinister stats gears/trinkets should not be treated as exclusive weapon/armor skins if they were to be implemented/introduced in high level pve contents. It’s just another time sink and pain. I understand how some people had to work hard to unlock all trinkets, but there should be also a way to bypass through purchasing HoT. For those who already unlocked, already saved on laurlels/guild commendations/ectos/golds/badge of honor on one set. Those who didn’t unlock it through living story season 2 for whatever reason, can unlock it after paying for HoT. I think it’s fair to let people catch up to gear stats after paying reasonable sum of $50~$100.


Those PVE legendaries

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Umm first of all unlike pvp, fractal actually takes money and time way more than pvp does. In fact all pvpers should be grateful that unlike other MMORPGS pvpers don’t have to grind best gear to even pvp, and then no level ups. Legendaries are optional, and only skins. Beside pvpers get legendaries and lots of gems from tournaments such as ESL, Aspect GG, and AG.

Basically pvpers don’t need to spend gold to progress, so why whine about it? If you want pve rewards while playing pvp, go beat the abjured, or grow up and start your pve grind.


Simplest Way to Reign in D/D Eles

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Those are all terrible ideas. The problem is the damage, not the stacks or cd of drakes breath.

How is reducing burning stacks and increasing DPS skills’ CD not nerfing damage?
Are you aware that, aside from burning speed and Firegrab (the first can be easily both predicted and dodged and the latter is on a 30s CD and is hard to land), the DPS comes from burning? Do you even ele?

for about 3 years actually. I meant the burn damage. The damage in general is largely due to the large amount of might the elementalist can have. I don’t care much about the burn stacks but increasing cd on skills would hurt builds that don’t rely on stacking burn damage.

You first post seems to be written by an entire different person. You basically said that burn is the problem, I suggested reducing burn stacks from cleansing fire, reducing burn duration and increasing CD of burning skills.
In your first post you said it’s wrong, in your last post you said it’s everything ele needs.

I am confused.

I am saying burn needs nerf, but should also be done so through how much might an ele is able to stack. Less burn damage and less might is basically what I am trying to get at

umm burn nerf I agree with. Might stacking is just a nature of that class. Are you trying to kill diversity of class? Oh one class can stack might, so lets make sure that class can’t stack might anymore. Oh another class can give stability! Let’s make sure that stability can’t be given out anymore.

If this trends continues, you might as well have just 1 class with 1 set of weapon with same skill, same utility, and single amulet. Eles can stack might because they are eles. Mesmers can create clones/phantasms because they are mesmers. Learn to play with diversity.


Simplest Way to Reign in D/D Eles

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Why is everybody ignoring the real problem for 3 years this game run without any burn stacking, the moment burn stacking started everybody is whining but telling the real problem.

Uh, no. You do realize d/d ele got a myriad of other buffs and the changes to allow them a full other trait line great contributed? The burning stacking contributes, but it’s not the crux of the problem.

What buff? Cele was shaved by 10% when other amulets got buffed, blinding ashes got nerfed from 3 sec to 5 sec, and the tankiness from cele was reduced so much that shoutbow and cele rifle engi fell out of the meta. Mind you that those traits have been always there, its just that due to lack of trait points eles were forced to take earth for that remaining 2 points.

Also now we hear stuff like too much sustain, but before June 23rd it was too much sustain and tankiness. Suddenly all the traits that weren’t used are using, and suddenly those traits have become OP somehow. Even when eles give up earth for more damage and less tankiness, there’s always constant whining. At this point its almost l2p issue.

First nerf burning, and then complain about d/d ele.


What does Personal Score really tell you?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Actually point score is very useful. Sometimes I get invited to play with random people on ts3, and if they care about personal score, then I know they lack basic understanding of gw2 pvp and after that they I refuse to play with them. And so far every single person I met who cares about pvp scores were pretty terrible but thought they were ESL material and even compete against some of the great teams.

Now those players, you don’t ever want on your team because all they will say is “I have the highest personal score. Those who have lower threw the game for me. huh duhhhhh”. You can ramp up your personal score by double/tripping capping a point, tagging those who are downed and about to be killed, and leaving the capped point, let an enemy cap it fully, and back cap it.

As cleric troll thief I often scored a lot more personal scores and still lost match then I usually have on my non troll builds. That says a lot about how bad of an indicator of personal score is on an outcome of a match.


Realistic way to nerf Ele?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Blackbeard, can you please count the cd and casting time of ele weapons, and test it on golems to see how ridiculously long and obvious ele bursts are, and that goes for all weapons of ele. The reason you think d/d ele is strong is burning, and in sustained fight, ele takes a rotation or two to start ramping up their damage to deal decent amount of damage (other than burning).

Look at staff cele ele. No one calls that strong and op yet it uses cele like shoutbow, engi, dd ele, and now cele signet necro. It can’t kill anything 1v1 but it also has earth and arcane. And look how telegraphed and long cds are, especially meteor shower and auto attacks. The healing is actually suboptimal unless blasted, and that requires ele to either put down eruption in the beginning, limiting its ground, or having to use water skills then dodge into the field while attuning to water, putting evasive arcana into 10 sec cd as well as using one of the valuable dodges especially with vigor nerf.

Now D/D. The main hand dagger attacks that do decent amount of damage are lightning whip (3/4 cast time), drake’s breath (2 and 1/4 castime with 3 1/4 cd if traited), and burning speed (3/4 cd). In earth ring of earth (3/4 sec cast time). Do you see how all these do mediocre damage and also has casting time? Firegrab is 45 seconds (30 1/4 with trait) with 3/4 casting time, ring of fire is 1/4 casting time with 10 sec with trait. I’m not even gonna mention churning earth or earth quake because those have really kittened damage or needlessly long animation.

Now let’s go to scepter, the one that needs most work. All air is the only one that does decent damage, and water is the only one that can be used to damage someone without targetting. I’m not gonna go in depth into this but lets just say out of 12 weapon skills, water 1 water 2, water 3 (not enough healing), fire 1, 2, earth 1, 2 and 3 are used to proc fresh air trait. and all these skills have casting times as well as animation.

Also with having the lowest health pool, lowest armor, eles have to build defensively no matter what build they play, which is water and arcane. Basically ele’s weapon skills suck major kittens. Revamp those even d/d with reduced casting time and change some to instant, and give more healing powers and put improved defensive mechanisms into those weapons, then let’s talk about how to nerf water and arcane.


Realistic way to nerf Ele?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


First of all ignore Lordrosicky because he calls for nerfs on everything except necro.

Now to a real point, before you nerf ele (basically all ele specs require arcane and water to function), take a look at the sad sad weapon that is scepter, which is also ignored in tempest interview. Scepter has about 5~6 useless placeholder skills that need to be reworked, including scepter water 3 which does no damage and very little heal for main heal skill. And now lets look at other weapons which almost all of them have at least 3/4 sec casting time.

The correct title for this post should be “how to nerf d/d ele without killing off all ele specs”. You can’t nerf water/arcane without killing all form of ele as a whole. So buff weapon effectiveness and then talk about nerfing “d/d ele”. Which i think nerfing the burning is good enough.


Ele Vs Mesemer

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


If s/f ele vs Mesmer of any kind prepatch of June 23rd, mesmer should win.
D/D cele ele vs mantra mesmer who runs decoy, mantra of distraction, and blink on a point, about 50:50 in a conquest match.
D/D cele ele vs mantra mesmer in an open space such as wvw, mantra mesmer would have advantage.

I’m not even gonna bother calling condi PU mesmer as a build


Fractal Reward Track

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Nice idea but i think the pve guys would moan that there is no way for them to get glorious armour stuff but wer can get their high end pve skins though pvp

If you want that happen the track should be flooded in insane RNG with increased rank points per track, and then also filled with 5 silver rings before you can even see a skin. Fractal is very special that even most hardcore fractal runners who did fractal over 2 years could not get the skin they wanted

source: reddit posts and forum posts and community driven drop rate research that shows fractal skin has 5% drop rate at max.


Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


While it will be god mode in pvp, the entire elite spec is shut down by mantra of distraction.

how do u even know that is the case without any insight of the specc? Lol. Ur Just making stuff up now and throwing at the fact he does not have a Sword, lmfao you have no idea what will and will not counter it til the preview goes live.

Reaper will be SLow as hell and shut down by merely being ranged and capable of kiting, people will still be using it in pvp and it prolly still work in a way, Just because ONE proffession counters it, doesnt make it useless Everything NEEDS to have a counter.

It’s in the description that every overcharge of attunement will take anywhere between 2.75 to 5 seconds. So anyone with atleast a bit of a brain and CC can have a go at the Tempest going Overcharge.

Apparently a trait with an 8.66 mininum CD, which provides 2 second worth of stability, will protect you while you channel 2.75 to 5 seconds skills.

Afterall, positioning and brains will save you. Sometimes I wonder if people assume everybody is stupid.

I’m pretty sure you don’t play pvp or if you do not at decent level. Basically in a pvp match with people who actually are competent any major channeling skill will be interrupted in no time. Not everyone plays at the lowest skill ceiling.


Scepter rework is even more imperative now!

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Even anet devs on tenton interview forgot about scepter as ele weapon. LOL


Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


This is dumbest thing they could have done. We eles already excel at AOE support,damage, and CC. Not only that we also can do many things such as blasting fields in general, group might, and sometimes with clever use of our skill aoe blinds and even downstate rezzes. We don’t need an aoe offhand that will lock us out of our attunment making us into 1 shot trick pony. We already have enough aoe and group support. We already have those extremes. S/F is the selfish version, Staff is the group support version. D/D or d/f can be both, but then the problem is our mainhand weapons set sucks so hard that we are literally locked into water and arcane in pvp/wvw, and in pve even daggers are useless since bolt to the heart was moved to Gm.

Right now instead of having some fancy offhand that will not be used except for in very specific situation, we need scepter revamp, or a new main hand so that we can literally do something else. Even the anet avoids talking about scepter in the Tenton hammer interview because they know how kittenty it is. Also they don’t mention that dagger offhand has some crazy long cd for what it is (earth quake 40+ sec, churning earth ridiculously long cd, RTL patched, updraft 40 sec compare to other ccs, and fire grab 45 sec without trait).

I don’t care if eles can equip some other legendary offhand or something. I’ll still call for scepter revamp, bug fix on our air trait (ferocious winds), and new trait synergy that will allow us to be viable outside of water and arcane.


Can we get that D/D ele nerf please?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


As an ele main I really wish this stupid burning got toned down. But then after that I don’t know where to start nerfing. Most of damages d/d eles put out are very telegraphed so it can be dodged. Basically after fire skills, air auto, d/d ele has no direct damage other than churning earth (pfftt). But if people really think they should nerf d/d ele, well then buff scepter damage, reduce scepter casting times, completely revamp scepter auto attacks and weapon #2 skills, and I’ll gladly make that trade.


So I'm watching Chaith playing Engie.

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


When you watch his stream you should actually watch his positioning. He has solid mechanical skills but as a marauder engi he dies far less than other engies with same build and wins outnumbered fights using LOS/CDs, CCs, etc. Unlike most people who run marauder/zerker builds that likes to go on point and hash it out, he uses terrain and LOS to damage and CC people often turning the fights around.

As much as I like burst meta, too many people seem to over extend and get bursted or blow important cds way too early in the fights and die, making the team lose teamfights. Also its important to remember to cleave downed bodies instead of going for the full stomp and try to survive and reengage the fights after resets.


To raise awareness and support PvE Events

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I guess what we can do is actually delete/hide all the guides and stop dungeon mentoring so that other players cry for support…but its not a good move for the community. But then whatelse can we do anyway.

All the balance patches are geared towards pvp, wvw players are actually excluded from their beta tests due to lack of popularity, and dungeon community gets no support at all. Unless there’s a huge uproar just like the don’t preorder HoT debacle, anet won’t care.


To raise awareness and support PvE Events

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Go on strike and stop buying gems…? Idk i think that’s the only way to get ane’ts attention these days


Why aren't we calling for scepter buff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


We also need damage buffs on certain skills, such as earth 2 and faster traveling time on earth 3.

Also water 3 should heal a lot more, possibly 2000+ instead of 1444 that we have right now. Eles have the lowest health pull, but has longest cd on heal and least amount of healing.
