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My Opinion on PvP

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


The more I play the more I’m punished. If I win 1 game I am forced to carry 2~3 bad people who can’t even dodge or press skills. I don’t think its extremely fair when I wait 5~6 minutes for ranked matches on prime time just to see how bad my teammates do.

Do you know how i know I’m being punished? I win an extremely close match, and then the next 2~3 matches I will lose no matter what. If I win my 1v1 my team has wiped, if my team wins teamfights with me my home is lost. There is just no way for me to do anything anymore. I try switching to engi, ele, warrior, rev, Dh, just nothing. Literally whether I play good or bad I make no difference in each matches because my teammates are that bad.

If im playing support my team does no damage, if im playing DPS my team does no support, litearlly I am being punished for queuing. Why is this? My current match one of the teammates decided to throw after losing their own 4v3. What more can I do in this point? I am exactly at 50/50 win loss ratio currently from 60% because suddenly I am a god of PVP and have to carry people who never even played pvp after waiting for a long time.

Just bring back team and solo arena from 2013 and remove the seasoned and unranked all together.
Your matchmaking clearly does not work because sometimes I get pulled into Legend/platinum queues for no reason just to get stomped or have so much mmr stacked against me that unless I 1v4 and win my team still loses.

I am not an ESL player or even good, I just want to enjoy some quality matchmaking but at the moment it is impossible


"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Okay so how am I suppose to get good if in gold/plat all the teammates i have are ragers who goes afk or dies instantly without doing anything while the other team is seriously stacked against me?

What do I gain from losing 100-500 each game because people afk, tunnel vision, flame and have stacked classes while I get pulled into matches that I know I will lose in the first 2 minutes because my team wiped and the rage begins?

If I am not good enough for certain matches don’t put me in those matches and have me suffer through 10 minutes of losing while the matchmaking takes another 5~7 minutes. Just tell me that there aren’t enough players at my level queuing and suggest the hour and time that I should queue so that I can enjoy a proper matchmaking/ranked games instead of punishing me for queuing.

I get that Im not good enough for high level play so put me in a match that properly reflects my skill instead of some severely stacked team against my odds

e.g. If I lost 100-500 in a match, don’t put me in the same match with same people in my teammates versus the same opponents. I know I lost when i see the same people im playing with alreaxcdy


(edited by TheFamster.7806)

"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Hell im in unranked now and its getting worse. I won 6 times in a row and now Im paired with teammates who die at mid and insta quits the game. I’m losing 5~6 times in a row and literally being punished for my winning streak.

What am I supposed to do when my teammates decide to go afk or die so easily as a one man?


Some people shouldn't be allowed in ranked.

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Just had a game where a druid (my team) was fighting an ele (menders) 1v1 the whole game in the middle node of foefire that is already capped in the ele’s favor and blaming me (Rev) for not killing everything when the enemy comp had sustaining builds and condies.

You have these kind of people playing pvp which is not only absurd at this point but sad especially when those people do not know what focus target is, or when to heal people because they generally do not care. I agree that some people shouldn’t be playing ranked at all but then they did buy the game so there is nothing we can do.


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I dont think MM is the issue. I think the community is just spent. My last 5 matches has had some just sit when they felt it was over.

There are far better things to do with your time than just grind out a match that was lost from the beginning.

If you give up games in the beginning, maybe PvP isn’t the right thing for you.

No match is lost before it is over.

Majority of them are, especially when you know you’re the best player in the team and your team gets stomped 150 to 500 despite you doing everything you can.

And also that video isn’t matchmaking, that was an actual tournament. In this matchmaking anet purposely put you in a losing game to 50/50 your mmr


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


So after being stuck in mmr hell that is ruby a guy with low mmr decided to party with me for duo queue, and we literally stomped the crap out of the other team. And what made me sad was the other team, who never even dodged once in team fights, had 3 diamond players while I had to fight every match against pro league players only to lose at the end.

After going to the detail tab all I could do was start laughing because it made me feel stupid for trying to climb to legendary by solo queuing. Apparently people with low MMR can and have already cruised through their way to legendary. This killed my motivation to be competitive and try my best because now I learned that all I need to do to win was to grab someone who never played pvp and carry the match. Hell my team decided to leave mid for chieften and the enemy team followed us instead of capping node.

How seriously messed up is this matchmaking?


Something I Feel Must Be Said To All Rankers

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I reached enlightenment as I kept stopping myself from being too salty. Now I can be reincarnated as the Buddha himself in the next life cycle.


Helseth time to speak / state of pvp

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


You know why pvp don’t even care about gw2 pvp anymore? Just look at the kittenty matchmaking and how dumb anet are when it comes to using MMR+pip range. Seriously who thought it would be good to create 50/50 matchmaking no matter what type of mmr you have? That means either people have to use full premade, tank mmr and ride the winstreak or give up pvping at all.

I am pretty sure I fall in to the category of Gw2 pvp demographic where anet wants people to play competitively but not at pro level, in other words I know how to play pvp just not at top tier level. However with kittenty matchmaking that is forcing me to lose until my MMR drops to ground despite all of my attempts to try my best I am quitting pvp this season because its hopeless. The system is messed up beyond the point where you know you lost the moment when one of your teammates go down. Or it requires you to play the perfect game of your life and if you die or get downed once, the entire team gets snowballed.

Tell me how is it fair to force my 60~62% winloss ratio down to 57% and onwards because I played pvp long before HoT and got better than average pvpers/pvers? And I literally played 1 game in season 3 just to see what meta was like and I quit. Does that suddenly make me a player with 100% win loss ratio and able to carry 3~4 people in a match?

Because of their kittenty matchmaking, marketing and half of an expansion people are leaving. It is not because the game is terrible or community is toxic. Anet itself is a terrible company to manage gw2 and the only thing they didn’t do is put pay 2 win component which they will when they release next expansion and introduce more power creep.

INB4 Every single specialization in HoT becomes useless and/or outpowered by the next expansion


tanking my MMR but not throwing match?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


seriously anet if you’re gonna give me 5 min + queue then at least make even match ups instead of forcing me to lose every single game. I know i already lost in the first mid fight when I down 3 people and im the only one cleaving while rest of my team is doing their own thing and not even bother stomping or cleaving with me. Seriously what more can I do to salvage this matchmaking? If you’re gonna give me bad match ups at least reduce my queue time from 5 min+ to 30 sec by putting random people in the match with me.

That way at least I know I can play the game and still lose instead of waiting forever for the matchmaking to screw me over

You’re asking too much. 5 min queue times is not bad. Ask all the people in the past seasons that move their way up quickly, they would have 30 min to 2 hour queue times. AND you don’t have to sit in the mists anymore. Queue times are not the issue. And ANET is not forcing you to lose, that is just an excuse you people throw out because you lose a lot. Matchmaking isn’t good atm, but if you belong in a certain division, you will make it if you play good enough. So work on getting better.

Okay then tell me how I could have carried my last game. My thief becomes a 1v1 hero who decides to 1v1 a minion mancer necro at far and keeps dying, my team loses 3v3 every time and every node so I am forced to match up 4v3 in which no one in my team cleaves the downed enemy or rezzes the team mate. And then since I have to 4v3 in order for the teamfight to stay EVEN the one member of the other team can freely full cap and kill us 4v4. Also after each wipe my team decides to trickle one by one into different nodes only to get slaughtered, and at the end while the enemies were at my Lord 2 of my teammates decide to double cap home while ignoring the lord rush because they wanted to get 10 points and get match credit.

Since you are so confident in your ability and proud of match making please do tell me and stream how you can carry the game in your favor. And guess what? These quality of games are 8/10 of matches that I have because I have higher than average mmr. How fair is this for me forced to break my back and attempt to carry 3~4 people at a time? You tell me if you can enjoy these kind of matches after minimum queue time of 5 minutes and above


how do i get good at rev [pvp]?

in Revenant

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Currently I am running invoc with strength rune rev because I realized retribution and leadership runes just don’t work in solo queue. and while I do great at downing my teammates and cleaving while using impossible odds I lose almost all of my matches. Basically no one in my team helps me cleave or stomps the downs and gets melted regardless of the class they play and according to these people Magic Toker or Pro league players could have carried them.

I am trying to watch and follow those revs on twitch to learn about how they play and what else I can do to improve but I think there’s a limit to how much I can do. For instance if I win the mid fight, go home/far and win my 1v1 only to see my teammates losing mid because they are getting points or they are roaming around, is it my fault? And if so what can I do to improve? I suck at rev v rev match up so what I usually do is wait for plus 1 or try to play passive until the right moment and kill the other rev.


tanking my MMR but not throwing match?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I was not suggesting you tank your mmr.

Dont play ranked… thats what I suggested. If you dont care about achievements… just stop playing ranked… because it will HURT your mmr. A system that forces a 50% winrate also forces an average’d mmr. I posted about this in season1 and why this kind of system is VERY bad.

You cant just tank your mmr, just as you cant just inflate your mmr. If you played regularly so far, your mmr is pretty much set and only decreases a little bit with each match you loose. Its not just… loose 10 matches et voila… mmr is down.

And the thing is… to get your mmr back up… you need at least just as many matches won. Which is usually way more difficult.

So, no… dont do it… its a stupid idea. Take a break. Play another pvp game. Play custom arena to improve your 1v1 skills.

Tbh, best thing to do atm… is try out new games. Theres a few coming that are interesting, theres Overwatch which is already established and is getting nice attention from blizzard.

You will NOT get quality matches this season. You get blowouts. Either you loose, or you win. MMR only defines if you are someone that has to carry, or if you get carried. Match quality itself stays exactly the same, since the system itself is horribly imbalanced.

Yep I understand it and now I know exactly what to do. I have to bring other 4 miserable souls down on my team so that next season or whatever match making bs anet will try will at least keep me in check. I lost my competitive spirit today and now I don’t think I’ll ever care about getting better in pvp anymore.


tanking my MMR but not throwing match?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


seriously anet if you’re gonna give me 5 min + queue then at least make even match ups instead of forcing me to lose every single game. I know i already lost in the first mid fight when I down 3 people and im the only one cleaving while rest of my team is doing their own thing and not even bother stomping or cleaving with me. Seriously what more can I do to salvage this matchmaking? If you’re gonna give me bad match ups at least reduce my queue time from 5 min+ to 30 sec by putting random people in the match with me.

That way at least I know I can play the game and still lose instead of waiting forever for the matchmaking to screw me over


tanking my MMR but not throwing match?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


So from Yasi’s post which highlights how dumb this matchmaking is I just want to have quality match and I don’t care about backpiece or achievements. And in order for me to do that I have to tank my mmr to get fair fights and I don’t want to mess up other 4 random’s mmr but I have no choice. Also it doesn’t help the fact that my queues are easily over 5 minutes and sometimes extend to 12 min only to get me stomped kittening hard to the point where I just can’t play anymore.

So basically how can I lower my mmr? My account has 60% win loss ratio that is going down the gutter and as much as I love gw2 pvp I am sick and tired of getting bad players on my team and I’d rather lose a lot to get even match ups or get carried. I find it that there is no point for me to try anymore as I am being used as pip fodder and if that’s the case let those people move up their division faster since I really don’t care about moving up or down.


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I have several accounts I play actively in pvp.

One of those accounts has a nicely high winrate (overall ranked winrate is > 70%), since I bought this account not too long ago.

Another account has lots of ranked matches played, and because of that a winrate < 60%. Its the account I started in beta.

If I queue with the high winrate account in Sapphire Rank… I get what I like to call “two thumbers”. People that have absolutely no clue how to play, period. They dont dodge, they dont rotate. They double cap, they die in <5 sec in evenly matched fights.

The other account gets at least one player each match, thats horribly bad… but the rest is okay… at least they know where their dodge key is.

So… now I inherited another account with a < 40% winrate on ranked matches… at around 500 ranked matches played.
That account blows through the divisions (started amber) and is now at mid ruby with <10 matches lost.

You know what that means, boys and girls?

Correct. The lower your mmr is, the easier your way to diamond in soloqueue.

Nicely done Anet. Nicely done.

For everybody that doesnt need anything in terms of these horribly designed achievements to get the legendary backpiece and doesnt play exclusively as part of a premade…. Id suggest you go save your mmr and only play unranked.

Because you WILL tank your mmr if you have a high mmr, this season.

This is exactly what gw2 pvp matchmaking is all about. Its all about tanking mmr and then riding the winstreak. How fun is this


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


See I’ve always had higher than average MMR and I literally have to carry every single match to work my way to get a pip. If I am not in the team fight my team loses, if I am not +1ing an even fight then my team loses, if I lose my 1v1s I lose the game. I am forced to play the perfect game of my life in each match in order to advance and while that is good, there are many, many matches that I just can’t do it because my teammates are just plain bad. And those bad matches happen every so often that it drives me to frustration and to make it worse I know I lost the match when I won 1v2 or 2v3 but my teammates were killed so easily that there is no chance of coming back.

When people think of close games they think the matches were even, but in my case I literally had to give 130% just to get to that close game range only to see my teammates making dumb mistakes/rotations to lose. And its really draining me at this point to do everything I can plus more but still losing the match because of this matchmaking. And I know I am the difference maker in at least 90% of the matches I had so far in this season because if I don’t perform at my 100% then my team loses, but if I go 110% or more then at least my team has a chance of coming back.

And if I win I get worse players on my team while my opponents get stronger, leaving me 1 step forward and 2 steps back until my friends take pity on me and we duo/trio queue to farm those poor solo queuers until we meet the pro league premade/solo queuers. Also my queue time is well over average of 6~7 minutes so I’m assuming that is trying to account me into giving me the worst teammates as possible.


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Its because we are now getting matched with people that die in < 5 seconds because they cant even find their dodge buttons…. and we are not the slightest bit interested in carrying such bad players.

I agree, it’s extremely demotivating to be winning or stalling for 1-2 minutes 1v3/4 and your team manages to die 4v2 while achieving nothing.

Yeah agreed, after loosing 7 games in a row last night, 4 of which were exactly like you said, and 2 were complete throws 2 minutes from when we would have won, I raged, and logged out accepting the dishonor. I was so mad. I am not claiming to be the best player ever, but there is nothing more frustrating than having complete beginners throw a match, then tell you how to play. “Don’t ever go far, that is only for the thief.” Yeah OK buddy. Nice map awareness.

I had 7 games in a row like that yesterday where people literally tried to stomp every single downed instead of cleaving or at least having stab. It was so frustrating and they don’t know what they did wrong which is the worst part. My winrate went over from 62% to 55% and still going down because anet refuses to give me quality teammates or at least fair match ups.

I don’t know how or what I am suppose to do other than winning my 1v1s or occasional 1v2s when I see my teammates losing all the nodes or tunnel visioning on the 3rd objective of the map. The fact that there isn’t a voice comp means you can’t even yell at them or explain to them what they did wrong. Seriously why should I have to carry those people and not get paired with people that are on my skill level/mmr?

Also my queue time doesn’t justify the quality of matches I get. Whether I queue on prime time or off time I still get 5 min+ only to find out that I will lose no matter what. If that is the case then why not throw me with random people who queue at the same time to at least shorten my queue? Long queue time, bad match making and forced to carry people doesn’t make fun or rewarding.


So how do I get good?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


It´s mostly know your class and memorize your keys. I did more or less exclusively play one class (ele) for a year and think i am now decent(unfortuantely now this is not enough …). I usually know why i did just loose and think how i can adapt.
And while you learn you will also get a feeling about other classes you fight. Of course playing others and knowing their strenghts and weaknesses helps a lot but this might cost a lot of time most don´t have.

After playing rev in ranked/unranked matches for 250+ games and playing pvp for about 2 years in both pug and teams I think I have somewhat sound understanding of rev including skills, match ups, jukes and other details. I have not really lost many 1v1s but yesterday I faced Toker in rev match up and I got demolished. If I lost to other Rev it is mostly due to my own mistake but against Toker I literally got crushed and I want to know how I can improve as a player not only in 1v1 but in team fights as well because he was literally carrying the team into the another level.


So how do I get good?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I believe I have mediocre to decent knowledge about GW2 pvp mechanics including map, rotation awareness, meta and skills of each professions. I also know the general terms and strategies such as leaving people bleed and cleaving and other details that can really make a difference in game.

However what I still don’t understand is how can I get good in other ways that would help me become better pvp player overall, going above and beyond where I am. For instance on 4v4 fights at mid how can I make greater impact that would win the mid fight? As a power revenent (invoc/strength) what I generally do is bait their cd by using sword 3 in shiro and walking out of node while healing in glint towards my teammates to create more opportunities but I realized that these will not work in higher levels such as against pro league players.

While I believe that I can hold my own in skirmishes and somewhat unfavorable 1v1 match ups to a point where I can survive and call back ups pro league players tend to be the game changers in many ways that I cannot recognize. I tried to watch all their streams but the current match making either have them stomp the opposition to the ground or give them bad teammates that they cannot do much but survive.

What should I be doing in order to get good and ultimately be the difference in carrying the team?


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Nah i’m not sayin you’re bad I just meant I vs’d you as a solo q back ages ago when you were with oT.

Just sayin from my experience you don’t end up on super duper stacked teams with high MMR, you’re definitely better player than most.

I understand where you are coming from and I’m still in oT. But I can definitely say I improved a lot in season 4 instead of season 2 where I mindlessly farmed people to my way to ruby. However when people don’t know the basic mechanics of pvp there is literally nothing I can do. And I will never do full premade because I know how it feels to be a solo quer and last thing i wanna do is rolf stomp


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Famster’s MMR isn’t that high, I’ve played vs his teams last season (or was it 2? when you were still in oT anyway) and they weren’t really that stacked. A few people like Gin/Mysticiness etc have super high MMR stack carry but Famster doesn’t imo.

I think the population is just that low outside of prime time in sapphire atm that you get at least 6-7 duds which is why you have such a poor experience and probably ended up being unlucky with your team.

Do they still give average MMR to new players? That might explain a bit if the system gives you a few new players that’s rip.

Because oT isn’t a pvp guild and I was messing with friends? I solo queued into my friends and I never had a team for pvp season so you might have seen some oT tags or guild team but I was never part of them.

I haven’t even played pvp much in HoT until season 2 and that’s when I got my stride. You could say how good/bad I was when I started playing revenant for the first time and got to ruby without problem, and then got stuck at last tier of ruby because of all the pro league players moving up.

While I do know that I don’t have high MMR I can definetly say I am above average and currently the matchmaking doesn’t favor me regardless of prime hours


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


This always happens at the beginning of seasons. Everyone is making their way to the division that they belong in. You can’t expect not to get placed against people better than you at this point.

IF people were better than me and I was getting stomped I’d be okay with that. What I am not okay with is I’m facing bad players who i can easily win even numbered fights but my teammates are simply worse than my opponents so I am forced to lose. Basically because of my above average MMR I am being punished into carrying players that were going to lose the match anyway and getting my time and effort wasted


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Alright so I’ve been losing like 5~7 games after winning like 1 or 2 inbetween and my season statistics say I’m well below 50% winloss ratio. However I still get such kittenty teammates that go afk at the end and loses the entire game because enemy back caps us while I do everything I can do defend one node.

What the hell is my MMR and what am I suppose to do to fix this dump? How low should my season winrate should be in order for me to get competent teammates who put poison on downed bodies or know not to camp home the entire time?

If anyone has answer please tell me because I am in hell right now developing cancer stage 3 and going straight for 4 and opting to pulling my lifeline

I imagine last season, you were in MMR heaven where you were constantly on the stacked teams. A lot of people had this and ended up with 50+ win streaks without trying.

As your MMR was artificially inflated last season, you are now struggling to carry as you are not as good as your MMR suggests leading to early season loss streaks.

Honestly, I’m sure a lot of decent players are in your situation.

I’m hoping future changes to rewards will actually provide incentives for having high MMR as the current system benefits low MMR.

Actually no I didn’t even play last season. I litearlly played one game to get my sapphire or whatever that is and stopped playing. I played season two where I got to diamond and then quit because of real life issue and I never had 50+ win streak. What I had however was before HoT when there weren’t leagues I got oftened solo queued into matches with/against the current pro league players and had some amazing matches where I won and lost. Currently no matter what I do, whether I down 2 people at teamfight or win 1v1s against my unfavoriable match ups I lose because of the match making puts me with such terrible players who have no concept of bleeding players, rezzing others, rallying and all of other mechanics.

How is this my fault and how much can I do to actually get good match ups?

Out of 23 games I played so far i only won 10, and out of 10 I believe I only had 1 or 2 good match ups while rest were fed to me because anet probably didn’t want me to quit gw2 pvp to retain already small playerbase. I see no reason why I am punished into being queued against premades or queued with people who don’t know the basic rotation and skills to actually play pvp.


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Alright so I’ve been losing like 5~7 games after winning like 1 or 2 inbetween and my season statistics say I’m well below 50% winloss ratio. However I still get such kittenty teammates that go afk at the end and loses the entire game because enemy back caps us while I do everything I can do defend one node.

What the hell is my MMR and what am I suppose to do to fix this dump? How low should my season winrate should be in order for me to get competent teammates who put poison on downed bodies or know not to camp home the entire time?

If anyone has answer please tell me because I am in hell right now developing cancer stage 3 and going straight for 4 and opting to pulling my lifeline


hows s4 emerald ?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I currently have a 73% winrate on symbol guardian dragon hunter bunker. Halfway through emerald, started in amber but the win streaks were massive so didn’t stay long.

People are still back pedalling and running trap guardians, so I guess ill be in sapphire or ruby later this week as it has been face roll for me.

It’s very easy to carry your team in this game, you can easily win 2v1 most of the time.

okay then tell me how I can carry when one of my teammates decide to afk for 1 minute then goes home to mid to get decapped and afk, or after mid fight wipe my teammates decide to trickle into mid 1 by 1 and dying.

When my teammates and one of enemy team got downed at mid at the same time enemy team rezzes their’s while I’m the only one either helping my teammates up or ccing the rezzers while my team decdies to go far/home.

I really need to see what kind of video you have or how lucky you are to get carried because either you’re the god of gw2 of pvp litearlly 1v3ing and winning all the game or your mmr/matchmaking is so bad that you get queued into fighting true baddies who never dodged in their life. Video plz


hows s4 emerald ?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


basically I win once or twice to get some pips and then lose 4~6 matches in a row until i get 50% win loss ratio on season. Then i win one or two more games and lose 3~4 more until I know my MMR is tanked enough to a point where I can go afk and my teammates will win the game not because they are better, but other team is worse


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I honestly don’t even know what to do anymore. No matter how well I perform in 1v1s or team fights if my teammates die then there is literally nothing I can do. We have coordinated people in teams farming solo queuers left and right with necro and engi combo and my teammates are either bots trickling into losing fights or afking for 5 minutes after the first team fight.

Seriously what the hell am I suppose to do or play in order to escape this MMR hell or whatever it is? Back in team arena or before HoT at least people knew what to do or how to play and solo queuers had chance against teams. Now I am literally a farm bot every time I queue and might as well as go afk

Welcome to gw2 pvp, hope you enjoy your stay.

I’m literally thinking about tanking my mmmr to the point where I have 10% win loss ratio and then starting to play because this is bullkitten. They make me wait 5 minutes~10 minutes for a rank game to give me bullkitten teammates who double cap or die to beasts in forest whie I win 1v2 only to find out that my team got 3 capped.

Who thought forcing people to lose because they have over 50% win ratio was a good idea? This isn’t fair for anyone other than premades.

I think you have a misunderstanding. The algorithm attempts to match keep the match as balanced as it can. The 50-50 win ratio is merely a consequence.
Unfortunately that means that if you are beyond a certain level you are forced to carry brain dead players.

My matchmaking experience came to a point where I know we lost the game if I see my teammates dying within 20 sec at mid when they are running ele/druid whatever that is tanky these days. No matter how hard I try there is just no way I can do anything when I am outnumbered at everysingle point and my teammates lose every single battle.

Is there someway I can get some good games like season 2 or should i keep losing until anet feels so bad for me that they literally place me with pro league players against people who never played pvp in their life? Seriously just put legendary backpack skin a gem store item instead of pvp reward so people who never played pvp won’t have to queue for an item that they shouldn’t even get in the first place.


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I honestly don’t even know what to do anymore. No matter how well I perform in 1v1s or team fights if my teammates die then there is literally nothing I can do. We have coordinated people in teams farming solo queuers left and right with necro and engi combo and my teammates are either bots trickling into losing fights or afking for 5 minutes after the first team fight.

Seriously what the hell am I suppose to do or play in order to escape this MMR hell or whatever it is? Back in team arena or before HoT at least people knew what to do or how to play and solo queuers had chance against teams. Now I am literally a farm bot every time I queue and might as well as go afk

Welcome to gw2 pvp, hope you enjoy your stay.

I’m literally thinking about tanking my mmmr to the point where I have 10% win loss ratio and then starting to play because this is bullkitten. They make me wait 5 minutes~10 minutes for a rank game to give me bullkitten teammates who double cap or die to beasts in forest whie I win 1v2 only to find out that my team got 3 capped.

Who thought forcing people to lose because they have over 50% win ratio was a good idea? This isn’t fair for anyone other than premades.


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I honestly don’t even know what to do anymore. No matter how well I perform in 1v1s or team fights if my teammates die then there is literally nothing I can do. We have coordinated people in teams farming solo queuers left and right with necro and engi combo and my teammates are either bots trickling into losing fights or afking for 5 minutes after the first team fight.

Seriously what the hell am I suppose to do or play in order to escape this MMR hell or whatever it is? Back in team arena or before HoT at least people knew what to do or how to play and solo queuers had chance against teams. Now I am literally a farm bot every time I queue and might as well as go afk


[NA][RAID] Overthrow [oT]

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


oT is back

Whisper/mail TheFamster.7806


Things you saw today in unranked.

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


every game I down 2~3 people at mid and they all get rezzed because my “teammates” suddenly go off to elsewhere and I die because outnumbed…

My mmr sank to the point where I lose not because I am bad but because my teammates are worse than my opponents…


always the far pushers.....

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


This is one of the issues that separates good players from average players. Like someone on this thread mentioned there’s no 100% viable strategy in gw2 due to comp, nature of conquest and player skills. 1-3-1 does not always get countered by 1-4 if those 3 are playing defensive, have good communication/coordination, running sustaining builds, and are confident of the far pusher’s skill in 1v1 match up.

Also sometimes strategy calls for 1-0-4 strat or 2-0-3 strat where 1~2 people go home and 3~4 people go far because the enemy has enough sustain and condi pressure to win a team match up. For example unless the comp is mirror or a bit better, it is pointless to engage in mid fight when enemy comps consist of 2 necros, 2 elementalist/2 scrappers and 1 revenant/etc. You and your team will eventually exhaust all condi cleanse and cd and get crushed by condies and boon corruptions flying in and out.

The best way to prevent or mitigate this situation is evaluating your team’s comp against your opponents’ comp, have team chat in the middle explaining why opening split should be different from regular one, and also being good enough to execute those strategies. Also advantage of 1-3-1 like the abjured uses is that once the far pusher wins far fight, the fight becomes 4 vs 5 almost the entire match as people at home and far can collapse to mid and keep killing people.

But there are no 100% acceptable situation so do whatever you want


Boon corrupt + condi transfer

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I think it’s balanced for now as necros punish mistakes in rotations and force people to play much smarter. Maybe a CD increase in corrupt boon but now necros make people think instead of mindlessly pushing for 1v1


Unhappy/Confused about Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


i beat a guy in ruby in duel
he ask me why im emerald, i say i got no luck

Because duel does not equal conquest skill? Whoever was that guy you dueled doesn’t know PvP much. I lose most of my 1v1 against better revenants and necros but I still win my matches through rotation and map awareness.

You can be the best 1v1 custom arena in the world but still suck at conquest. All other team has to do is match you against a bunker or simply outnumber you


I quit PvP rank

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


@TheFamster I was actually talking about CS GO: cause you ve mentioned getting rekt in CS GO as a new player. Hence my question about ever lost or won 15 or 20 games in row, like some players are experiencing.

I played Cs 1.6 and played cs go about 5 months ago. I lost all of my 10 placement matches, won twice because my friends felt bad, and then lost 7 more in a row before I quit the game completely. I was in Silver 3 or 4 x

. Now I play Cs go once every 2 weeks in community death match servers before I get one tab headshotted. I know I can be better but I chose not to play because I know I’m not competitive enough. I don’t understand why in gw2 everyone has to be that guy who gets legendary backpiece in 2 seasons

Nope its not the legendary backpiece, its protective your new player experience. Read your own post, you quit after 7 loss, how will spvp will be able to grow if a new player (rank 20) cant even a win a single game??

You know why league. Smite or Dota are popular or enjoyable (subjective term)? Because they use the 50/50 algorithm; they match against people you have a 50% chance of winning or losing; unlike what we have now, where one side is GROSSLY FAVORED over the other.

No people are playing for the reward instead of quality pvp matchings. If people were playing for fun they can go to unranked matches and enjoy 50% win/loss ratio. The reason why people started speaking up about match making and bringing up last league’s division is because they don’t want to accept that meta carried them to their division, they are not as skilled as they thought, and still haven’t adapt to current meta. If people truly cared about matchmaking then this type of post should have been up more frequently instead of sprouting since the starting of the league.

I know how it feels to be that person. I posted this

I know how exclusive pvp community is and how unbalanced the match making system and this post was from a year and a half ago. I know what people are going through but all will be better as players start move up the divisions

And how log is it going to take?? Or are you of the opinion that low MMR players should play/enjoy the entirety of rank because of their skills? Is that what you are proposing?? Esclusive spvp player should enjoy the whole month while casual spvp player shouldn’t join in until the Esclusive have moveed up the ladder.

And I do agree about the balance issue and stuff, but having a system that grossly biased as this one, is like a government official telling a home owner we are going to take away your house and there is nothing you can do about it.

From my experience (which is biased) all the pro league players and hardcore pvpers who got to play this weekend are already at sapphire and above. My solution is bring back giving 1 pip for having 500-400 matches so that everyone can eventually move up for trying. I don’t know why they removed that feature but I believe in next week or two things will settle again.

For casual pvpers, tbh they should not be expecting themselves to reach legendary/diamond division and play for 2 more seasons to get the legendary backpiece since people can eventually get it. Personally I would love to try for ESL team because $$ and fame, but my work schedule, lack of skill, and me personally prefering raid over pvp will not get me what I want and I’ll have to live with that. Even if I reach legendary in this league I won’t be able to get the backpiece since I didn’t play last season, but it is what it is.

I agree with everything said; However my issue is, the system shouldn’t favored one side over the other, which ours currently does by grouping High MMR player together against LOWER MMR players. So, it’s sort of castle system instead of meritocracy. Here are the issue this system brings:

- players with similar skills but different MMR won’t enjoy the same experience as one would be group with better player and the other with new/bad players.. So, in the long run, it becomes pretty clear that the burden of winning/advancing is on one side while the other is given a free win.

- As the system stand a new player (rank 20) has a 100% chance of losing all of his rank games this season depending on which side he ends up in. Since all new players start with an average MMR, if he ends up on HIGH MMR meta camp, he might have a chance at winning one or two games. Otherwise he will get burned for the entirety of the season.

- I agree kitten good player should climb and lower shouldnt do it apace; my issue is that the system should NOT favor one side over 5he other; instead they should give everyone an equal chance.

I never got that impression and I left proof of my matches, PvP history and my current division in other threads. Never had massive winning streaks, lost many games in a row, and I took 6 month break from PvP and did not participate in season 1. I have less than 1100 ranked/unranked matches combined and have less than 60% winning ratio in both.

I started season 2 with 2 loss streak but I began to play aroundy teammates and try to communicate with them. Now I maybe the exception to that rule since I did get invites into in-house scrims and such to get taste of higher than average PvP experience but if I can, anyone can.

I am also a pver in an elite raiding guild. When 2nd wing comes out I’ll likely stop pvping for raid progression. Basically you have a pver climbing through the division by winning and losing, trying and making comebacks. And tbh other than some people I hardly recognize any of the account names that complain about matchmaking. I honestly think those vocal players aren’t really finding themselves as problems but blaming the system and teammates.


S2 From a High-Level Player's View

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


From a different thread, but brilliant:

You know why league. Smite or Dota are popular or enjoyable (subjective term)? Because they use the 50/50 algorithm; they match against people you have a 50% chance of winning or losing; unlike what we have now, where one side is GROSSLY FAVORED over the other.

And that’s why there’s unranked.

You think average players don’t want to pit themselves against players of similar skills and improve? You don’t get that in unranked.

I disagree. I got that in unranked.

No you don’t because you don’t specifically get matched with and against others of similar skill.

actually due to unrank and ranked mmr being separated yeah. Back then when I was on winning streak I was faced against the abjured members and got my kitten handed to me. Since there is no division people didn’t know how to evaluate their skills unless they were in pvp community (aka famous people). My own personal judgement was if I was teamed with great players then my mmr was low enough for the system to think I should be carried by great players but if I was matched up against them I believed the system thought I had a chance against those players or at least had higher mmr than people that were teamed up with great players if all of us were solo queuing.


Unhappy/Confused about Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


This is my proof that match making is solid and I am being rewarded/punished for my skills

You win some, you lose some, you try harder



S2 From a High-Level Player's View

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


fixing forum bug


S2 From a High-Level Player's View

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


From a different thread, but brilliant:

You know why league. Smite or Dota are popular or enjoyable (subjective term)? Because they use the 50/50 algorithm; they match against people you have a 50% chance of winning or losing; unlike what we have now, where one side is GROSSLY FAVORED over the other.

And that’s why there’s unranked.

You think average players don’t want to pit themselves against players of similar skills and improve? You don’t get that in unranked.

I disagree. I got that in unranked. In fact I have more unranked games than ranked games when they implemented the grindy leaderboard when meta was 1 shoutbow and 4 turret engies putting turrets up in the air.


I quit PvP rank

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


@TheFamster I was actually talking about CS GO: cause you ve mentioned getting rekt in CS GO as a new player. Hence my question about ever lost or won 15 or 20 games in row, like some players are experiencing.

I played Cs 1.6 and played cs go about 5 months ago. I lost all of my 10 placement matches, won twice because my friends felt bad, and then lost 7 more in a row before I quit the game completely. I was in Silver 3 or 4 x

. Now I play Cs go once every 2 weeks in community death match servers before I get one tab headshotted. I know I can be better but I chose not to play because I know I’m not competitive enough. I don’t understand why in gw2 everyone has to be that guy who gets legendary backpiece in 2 seasons

Nope its not the legendary backpiece, its protective your new player experience. Read your own post, you quit after 7 loss, how will spvp will be able to grow if a new player (rank 20) cant even a win a single game??

You know why league. Smite or Dota are popular or enjoyable (subjective term)? Because they use the 50/50 algorithm; they match against people you have a 50% chance of winning or losing; unlike what we have now, where one side is GROSSLY FAVORED over the other.

No people are playing for the reward instead of quality pvp matchings. If people were playing for fun they can go to unranked matches and enjoy 50% win/loss ratio. The reason why people started speaking up about match making and bringing up last league’s division is because they don’t want to accept that meta carried them to their division, they are not as skilled as they thought, and still haven’t adapt to current meta. If people truly cared about matchmaking then this type of post should have been up more frequently instead of sprouting since the starting of the league.

I know how it feels to be that person. I posted this

I know how exclusive pvp community is and how unbalanced the match making system and this post was from a year and a half ago. I know what people are going through but all will be better as players start move up the divisions

And how log is it going to take?? Or are you of the opinion that low MMR players should play/enjoy the entirety of rank because of their skills? Is that what you are proposing?? Esclusive spvp player should enjoy the whole month while casual spvp player shouldn’t join in until the Esclusive have moveed up the ladder.

And I do agree about the balance issue and stuff, but having a system that grossly biased as this one, is like a government official telling a home owner we are going to take away your house and there is nothing you can do about it.

From my experience (which is biased) all the pro league players and hardcore pvpers who got to play this weekend are already at sapphire and above. My solution is bring back giving 1 pip for having 500-400 matches so that everyone can eventually move up for trying. I don’t know why they removed that feature but I believe in next week or two things will settle again.

For casual pvpers, tbh they should not be expecting themselves to reach legendary/diamond division and play for 2 more seasons to get the legendary backpiece since people can eventually get it. Personally I would love to try for ESL team because $$ and fame, but my work schedule, lack of skill, and me personally prefering raid over pvp will not get me what I want and I’ll have to live with that. Even if I reach legendary in this league I won’t be able to get the backpiece since I didn’t play last season, but it is what it is.


(edited by TheFamster.7806)

S2 From a High-Level Player's View

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


high MMR have nothing to do with skill. once you reach a certain value the system carry you up. Acting high and mighty just confirm you need a system to carry you up.
If you are really good, you should ask for a system that works the other way, that higher your MMR, the worse your team gets, so YOU need to be better to carry them. how does that sound ?

No because then at the end the average skill ceiling in this game will go down just as it did with pve. Do you think high end players like carrying people? This has been the case before HoT where high end players had to carry low skilled players resulting in frustration and toxicity. Also new players will think that they won the match instead of being carried.

No one hosts tournaments to see average players bashing each other. Honestly no one playing pvp at this moment is forced to play it. You can simply not play it at all if you are so frustrated. Also the backlash of that will be 3 great players will party up with 1 average players and still crush team of 1 or 2 great players+ 3/4 pugs. That will not make the match fun for that pug great players, so he will get a team and more teams will farm solo queuers because of matchmaking limits.

At this point its personal responsibility to be better in pvp. No energy sigil, no party wide invul, and map awareness being the most important skill people should just give themselves some time to get used to the new meta. New guides and podcasts will show up pretty soon anyway.


S2 From a High-Level Player's View

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


They started with 3 cap at legacy of foefire, score being 250-0, but we manage to comeback and lord rushed to win 500- 390.

Haha they must have been truly terrible players, or had a double disconnect. This just supports my point that match making loves you.

Nope no one disconnected, the fight was pretty close as they were rushing our lord and we were rushing theirs. When the fight ended our lord only had 20% health left. I am not the greatest player or luckiest person in the world but I’m sure my constant ccs and trying my best to heal the lord using shield 4 and providing him with almost perma protection by using the elite facet helped my lord survive.


I quit PvP rank

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


@TheFamster I was actually talking about CS GO: cause you ve mentioned getting rekt in CS GO as a new player. Hence my question about ever lost or won 15 or 20 games in row, like some players are experiencing.

I played Cs 1.6 and played cs go about 5 months ago. I lost all of my 10 placement matches, won twice because my friends felt bad, and then lost 7 more in a row before I quit the game completely. I was in Silver 3 or 4 x

. Now I play Cs go once every 2 weeks in community death match servers before I get one tab headshotted. I know I can be better but I chose not to play because I know I’m not competitive enough. I don’t understand why in gw2 everyone has to be that guy who gets legendary backpiece in 2 seasons

Nope its not the legendary backpiece, its protective your new player experience. Read your own post, you quit after 7 loss, how will spvp will be able to grow if a new player (rank 20) cant even a win a single game??

You know why league. Smite or Dota are popular or enjoyable (subjective term)? Because they use the 50/50 algorithm; they match against people you have a 50% chance of winning or losing; unlike what we have now, where one side is GROSSLY FAVORED over the other.

No people are playing for the reward instead of quality pvp matchings. If people were playing for fun they can go to unranked matches and enjoy 50% win/loss ratio. The reason why people started speaking up about match making and bringing up last league’s division is because they don’t want to accept that meta carried them to their division, they are not as skilled as they thought, and still haven’t adapt to current meta. If people truly cared about matchmaking then this type of post should have been up more frequently instead of sprouting since the starting of the league.

I know how it feels to be that person. I posted this

I know how exclusive pvp community is and how unbalanced the match making system and this post was from a year and a half ago. I know what people are going through but all will be better as players start move up the divisions


S2 From a High-Level Player's View

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


haha i bet this Famster kid can sit in a corner, afk, and still win matches the system loves him so much

I mean you don’t really have to tell us what you do in ranked matches because I try to win and you’re just complaining on the forum. I’m loved by the match making system? Then they should have not put me against 3 ruby+1 amber premade versus all solo queuers. They started with 3 cap at legacy of foefire, score being 250-0, but we manage to comeback and lord rushed to win 500- 390.

No one in pvp community that matters knows me, I have not won any community tournaments or been in any established pvp guilds. I just play, rage and keep trying and only thing I see on forum is people complaining because they can’t faceroll like last season


I quit PvP rank

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


@TheFamster I was actually talking about CS GO: cause you ve mentioned getting rekt in CS GO as a new player. Hence my question about ever lost or won 15 or 20 games in row, like some players are experiencing.

I played Cs 1.6 and played cs go about 5 months ago. I lost all of my 10 placement matches, won twice because my friends felt bad, and then lost 7 more in a row before I quit the game completely. I was in Silver 3 or 4 x

. Now I play Cs go once every 2 weeks in community death match servers before I get one tab headshotted. I know I can be better but I chose not to play because I know I’m not competitive enough. I don’t understand why in gw2 everyone has to be that guy who gets legendary backpiece in 2 seasons


S2 From a High-Level Player's View

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Why are people using last league’s division rank as standpoint/measuring point? Last league’s meta was so bad and forgiving that there literally weren’t any drastic skill difference apart from pro league players/players at the top and average pvpers . Also before anet fixed queue with amber to advance to the division almost everyone I knew who played PvP “casually”, like played for daily matches for giggles got into legendary, diamond, ruby etc. Hell after seeing bunker chronomancer most of pvp friends that I had quit or moved onto different gamemode and myself as well.

Last year’s league is done! It does not properly gauge one’s skill. This league’s meta reflects not only personal skill but map awareness, rotation, secondary objectives, etc, basically much better than last league and also more difficult/skill based. If you were on bunkering classes and carried the team or survived through boredom last league, well time to change and actually try playing stuff that punishes you for the mistakes.

People that I know play regularly or had in-depth knowledge about gw2 combat system has already moved on to ruby and beyond. You can blame your teammates, team comp and matchmaking but you may be the part of the problem. I already see so many people trying to play 3 points and lose games, so many people not even bother cleaving the dead body as last meta they were rezzed easily, etc. All the bad habits from last league are still carried over to current meta so unlearn them.

I’m not telling you to get better or git gud. I’m telling you to adapt to the current meta, count dodges, play smart and start making strategies based on your team comp, enemy team comp and rotations. According to people on the forum I should have never escaped Amber since last league I played 5 games and lost twice. But I’m in ruby tier 5 right now and keep going despite winning or losing streak. If a guy who took 6 month break from pvp comes back and starts enjoying/winning matches, so can you.

God this is a huge amount of pointless text. You have absolutely no idea what are you talking about, so all your theorization is irrelevant. The problem is not what you think about my skill, the problem is what matchmaking algorithm thinks about my skill.

You just proved yourself that why you are in a losing streak. You ignored my advice, you fail to acknowledge the change in meta and now you’re just blaming the system. With that attitude you would never advance to ruby or higher because you would never improve. According to the rule since I lost twice in amber and didn’t even participate in last league I should be losing 15~20 times in a row, but I didn’t. Seriously ask yourself if you could not do better for yourself and your teammates. Until you fix that attitude and accept that last meta just carried you to whatever division, you will never advance.


I quit PvP rank

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


There’s always unranked for people to enjoy. I get dominated when I play competitive CS GO matches. I don’t complain about match making, I just either try to get better or play casual/dm/community servers.

Keep in mind that you were once “no clue, 400AP, 1v1 of point all the time. Who think taking down the npcs is the most important part of pvp or just folding like paper when a enemy breathe on then”. You are advocating the same thing that many pvpers before HoT were asking about: not letting casuals/noobs play pvp.

But do you ever lose 15 games. In row or does the system purposely match you against better player ALL THE TIME??

Yeah just about 2 hours ago I was matched up against 4 men guild team while i was solo queuing. I lost 5~6 games in a row and that’s when I decided to take a break. Yes I got matched up against Zoose and Marvin and Hiba when I first reached ruby. I lost 500-22 or something like that for few times and on one match I had 0 points because the enemy team had 2 necro 1 ele and 2 condi mesmer comp and I had literally no where to go because I was playing power revenant.

I solo queued my way because I never won a match when I duo or trio queued. I thought about having 4 people in ts3 but then I am a solo queuer at heart and I just couldn’t see myself taking such advantage. I never switched my profession, never switched my builds, I just reacted to my team’s comp and enemy team’s comp and rotation.

Some people called me leecher because I avoided 1v1s like plague and only entered the team fights, but that is what I think a revenant should and must do in order to make a difference. I went down countless amount of time when I was the only one cleaving the downed body while rest of my team went off to other places. It happens but I move on. Sometimes I will take unfavorable match up like 1v1ing condi mesmer or corrupt necro and let jesus drive the wheel for rest of the teamfight, hoping they win.

I had many comeback games as I never gave up and tried playing my best, and I whispered pro league players for any tips/tricks on my profession to gain edge over other solo queuers. I am still not the best revenant at 1v1, in fact I lose mirror match ups quite often. But I can tell you I never gave up in a match even when it was 500-22. I got my team the last 2 points when I went to far, decapped, and capped it for points.


S2 From a High-Level Player's View

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Why are people using last league’s division rank as standpoint/measuring point? Last league’s meta was so bad and forgiving that there literally weren’t any drastic skill difference apart from pro league players/players at the top and average pvpers . Also before anet fixed queue with amber to advance to the division almost everyone I knew who played PvP “casually”, like played for daily matches for giggles got into legendary, diamond, ruby etc. Hell after seeing bunker chronomancer most of pvp friends that I had quit or moved onto different gamemode and myself as well.

Last year’s league is done! It does not properly gauge one’s skill. This league’s meta reflects not only personal skill but map awareness, rotation, secondary objectives, etc, basically much better than last league and also more difficult/skill based. If you were on bunkering classes and carried the team or survived through boredom last league, well time to change and actually try playing stuff that punishes you for the mistakes.

People that I know play regularly or had in-depth knowledge about gw2 combat system has already moved on to ruby and beyond. You can blame your teammates, team comp and matchmaking but you may be the part of the problem. I already see so many people trying to play 3 points and lose games, so many people not even bother cleaving the dead body as last meta they were rezzed easily, etc. All the bad habits from last league are still carried over to current meta so unlearn them.

I’m not telling you to get better or git gud. I’m telling you to adapt to the current meta, count dodges, play smart and start making strategies based on your team comp, enemy team comp and rotations. According to people on the forum I should have never escaped Amber since last league I played 5 games and lost twice. But I’m in ruby tier 5 right now and keep going despite winning or losing streak. If a guy who took 6 month break from pvp comes back and starts enjoying/winning matches, so can you.

Could say the same about this season, skills are not required to level up since all you have to do is play rev scrapper or reaper and have a high MMR. Why?? Because anet will constantly match you against Low MMR players.

And about the last season, it depends on who you ask. The MM system last season was a lot better than this one since it was based on the 50/50 even though the system as a whole wasn’t. This season they have the right system but the formula is faulty.

And about your post, your MMR carried you out of amber. That’s a FACT. You can’t dispute it, folks with the same skills as you but low MMR,weren’t as lucky as you since the system gave them bad teammates.

I can tell you for the fact that I have not played scrapper or reaper at all. In fact I played scrapper the day before league and got myself absolutely handed to me, and then I turned on to revenant. Now we all know with condi mesmer and condi necro around my choice of profession would be poor. There were many games that I lost 500-22, 500-40 etc, but I also won a lot of comeback games such as 500-490, 500-370, etc down from 0-200. I did rage a lot in team chat when my teammates pushed for 3 points when we only had 1 bunker (scrapper/ele) in the team, made dumb rotation, zerged and mowed down but I never gave up.

I also hit the sapphire t4/t5 wall and was stuck there for 6 hours when I played pvp literally every minute of the day. I raged, almost broke my keyboard, thought about uninstalling, but I decided to calm myself down, start over again and try to win one match at a time. My rank up game from sapphire to Ruby was the best game I ever had, my team coming back from 100-400 to 500-489. One thing I kept typing on team chat was never give up and lets try our best.

I lost 2 games in amber when I first started, but I kept working my way up. I never had anything like 15 win streak, more like 9 at most and then losing some games and then climbing back again. My MMR isn’t that great since I played less than 1800 games before pvp league and then I took break for 6 months from PvP. I am the guy in solo queue who tells people where to go and why during ready to formulate strategy, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. The point is I do everything I can to win the game and if I lose, I accept it.

I am now in ruby tier 5 and for past day and a half I was stuck at ruby tier 1 and 2. I raged so much that my pve guild mates formed their own pvp team without me and created their own passworded channel to stop me from entering their conversation. I accept it, I move on, and I will probably try to find a decent team so that I can start playing in AG tournaments. I assure you being a revenant in this meta especially when other team has 2 necros and 2 condi mesmer is very difficult, but I always do my best


I quit PvP rank

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


There’s always unranked for people to enjoy. I get dominated when I play competitive CS GO matches. I don’t complain about match making, I just either try to get better or play casual/dm/community servers.

Keep in mind that you were once “no clue, 400AP, 1v1 of point all the time. Who think taking down the npcs is the most important part of pvp or just folding like paper when a enemy breathe on then”. You are advocating the same thing that many pvpers before HoT were asking about: not letting casuals/noobs play pvp.


S2 From a High-Level Player's View

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Why are people using last league’s division rank as standpoint/measuring point? Last league’s meta was so bad and forgiving that there literally weren’t any drastic skill difference apart from pro league players/players at the top and average pvpers . Also before anet fixed queue with amber to advance to the division almost everyone I knew who played PvP “casually”, like played for daily matches for giggles got into legendary, diamond, ruby etc. Hell after seeing bunker chronomancer most of pvp friends that I had quit or moved onto different gamemode and myself as well.

Last year’s league is done! It does not properly gauge one’s skill. This league’s meta reflects not only personal skill but map awareness, rotation, secondary objectives, etc, basically much better than last league and also more difficult/skill based. If you were on bunkering classes and carried the team or survived through boredom last league, well time to change and actually try playing stuff that punishes you for the mistakes.

People that I know play regularly or had in-depth knowledge about gw2 combat system has already moved on to ruby and beyond. You can blame your teammates, team comp and matchmaking but you may be the part of the problem. I already see so many people trying to play 3 points and lose games, so many people not even bother cleaving the dead body as last meta they were rezzed easily, etc. All the bad habits from last league are still carried over to current meta so unlearn them.

I’m not telling you to get better or git gud. I’m telling you to adapt to the current meta, count dodges, play smart and start making strategies based on your team comp, enemy team comp and rotations. According to people on the forum I should have never escaped Amber since last league I played 5 games and lost twice. But I’m in ruby tier 5 right now and keep going despite winning or losing streak. If a guy who took 6 month break from pvp comes back and starts enjoying/winning matches, so can you.


Stop playing for 3 points. Meta changed!

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


If enemy has 2 eles and scrappers i don’t even bother with mid. You will never win those team fights, you do have a chance if you split them across the map.

yep but people don’t see that for some reason. I have no idea why they just don’t get it after playing for 20~30 matches. Play sides so that one guy will be so paranoid so that fights will be 3v2 and 2v2 or 3v3 and 1v2. If all of them goes to far then its even 4v4, in which case one can choose to fight or spread the fight once more to another node.
