Showing Posts For Valky.2574:

Why do we promote this behavior? Nevermore IV [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Oh don’t still my event, we all like to beat you with a stick !
Game is turning into the toxic community of other mmo’s

Not about event but node but i think it fits any way

spoof song about node in eq2 and ppl stilling themP
game is getting close tot hat mentality

which one is the official forum ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


This is the official forums
Reddit is just a place for all the white knights so yea of course poorly skilled developers
would prefer it more where ppl can defend them and remove posts they don’t like to see lol

Must Be Nice To Raid...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valky.2574


I have not done any gw2 raids yet might never do any, but one thing i can say with 10+ years of raiding in eq/eq2 made me realize that raids are not really hard at all, there easy there like opening a instruction manual and just following the instructions,
ever have to line dance or square dance back in school ? can you program your old vcr clock ? you can raid

The prob with raids is the players they grow all elite and i have seen grown men 20’s 30’s 40’s all the way to 60 years old flip out in raids and voice chat it’s not something i ever want to experience ever again, I think allot of us that left them games came to this one Just do to the fact it had no raids like the other games no pressure to log in at a date and time so so

I mean just look at what some guilds are requiring of there guild mates it’s disgusting

Female Outfits more accurate than male

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


I would not say they are more accurate but i can def say i will never go back to a male sylvari over a female there animations is miles better – not as stiff and even the voice actor is better imo

Disable ALL HPs in HoT with meta up

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Funny AB event is going right now but i am just sitting at a wp looking at the forums until it’s over why ? i don;t want to do it any more and i can’t do what i want why it’s up so… yea go to forums look on tp look at what collections i am close to finishing but know what i am not gonna do ? the event ..

Forced grouping and raid group experience

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


This is one of those ‘sounded so good on paper’ ideas – that doesn’t actually work in practice.

Here is what advocates imagine will happen..

Raiders will continue to raid like they used to – and get the same rewards! Woot.
Casuals will get a chance to ‘experience’ the content that they would see other wise. They will get to see the story..

Here is what will ACTUALLY HAPPEN..

Raiders will ‘practice’ on the new ‘casual’ mode before defeating the bosses on the main mode. Sometimes they won’t even get to the main mode. When they do get to and beat the boss instead of the ecstatic OMG I DEFEATED XYZ BOSS TODAY feeling they get they will feel ‘Meh’ it was a bit harder.. I guess I don’t really like raiding..

Casuals will initially be excited by raiding. WOOT raiding for undergeared people too. But when it fails – assuming its not total face roll people will get mad and yell at strangers. People are not nice to strangers.

Okay so maybe they make it ’can’t fail’ then it will feel really boring – kinda like a meta event but without any fear of failure that you still have to sign up for. They will be bored as well.

This is what WILL happen. Some of us KNOW this because we have played this game called World of Warcraft – which used to be immensely popular before they started listening to ‘casuals’ on forums.

Be careful what you wish for…

What is most important about game design is the playing EXPERIENCE. Its not maximizing the ‘value’ of your ‘content’. If you have an amusement park – its not important that all the customers go on EVERY SINGLE RIDE. All that matters is the rides they go on – they really really like.

This is a theme park MMO – we want fun rides. I will never do a PvP tournament – I still like it that they exist.

But if it cost 10 million to build that hardcore roller coaster and only 1% of your customers go on it well that was a huge wast + repairs so so, and since nothing new for the 99% they go find a new amusement park = Park no longer makes hardcore roller coasters ,+ was not the hole point in every one crying about how gw2 had no raids all about a challenge ? well go play hard mode raid why do you need to block others from experiencing the story why do you need shiny new loot ? was not the challenge the hole kitteniNG POINT seems like it was more about the mini/glider skin they could flaunt in ppls faces

Black Friday? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


It really is there loss if they don’t want are money, on black Friday every one is looking for deals no deal no buy, there loss
Kinda makes me think this is revenge for not buying there ripoff packs
but it’s still there loss not ares

We'll Return to Tangled Depths

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


I keep forgetting this zone even exists..

Black Friday? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Gaz is doing a Black Friday special for Marvel Heroes. BOGO on heroes and costumes. I’d love a buy one get one free from ArenaNet one time. Gaz does it multiple times a year.

Looks like we are getting a free exp booster and trading post express instead..
gonna spend my $ some where else apparently anet don’t need it

Black Friday? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Don’t look like there is gonna be one, There is a free exp booster and trading post express in there tho

Feedback on squad

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


1 thing that keeps me from joining squads is the fact we can’t turn off the floating names

GW2 and Teamplay...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Dungeons start to open up around 30-35 ish there is also fractals -high level ones – at 80
and they also put in raids you can also play Spvp for good 5vs5 team play tho prob want to find a pvp guild or one that dose pvp to

HoT - 'good and meh' review

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


7. Raids are also the story leading up to s3 . No raid no story for you

Raid need at least 2 difficulty level!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valky.2574


If they are gonna start locking story behind raids then yes it needs a easy mode,
or just remove story from raids since so few will see it, and add it into a solo instance
like it should of been in the first place, did we not just go through this with the core game boss fight.

Astralaria... 62+ days of time-gated madness

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Dam 62 days ! only took me a bit over 600 for my first and only one

Too much pushing for gem buying(edit) [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Well i don’t like defending anet -hot sucks nerfs suck so so -
but you can def still make gold i had about 1gold or less 4 days later
220 gold and bought a Dreamthistle staff for my druid and all i did was grind mats sold any thing more than 40s or salvaged it then sold the mats granted this is only doable if you have at lest 3-4hrs a day to dedicate to it

Gw2 vs eso vs ff14 vs wow

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Mastery’s feel like Nothing more than achievement points basically useless in the long run and one of the worse grinds i ever had to do in 15 years of playing mmorpgs

If you want to see how it is done go look at Eq2 AA system
same with raids if i wanted to raid i would go back to eq2 or even wow

Oh and by the time you farmed the mats for ascended -daily mat craft-
and the time it took you to get all them laurels .. In most games you could of 100% geared you toon out as well for raiding

(edited by Valky.2574)

500 Chef

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Would be nice, but all one has to do is look at the Gem store to see this will never happen.

Aka Metabolic Primers

Class for me?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


can use GS has perm run speed multiple ways -skills and traits-
Good condition to if you use the weapons for it -not longbow-
And imo The best solo class + now we have tuns of heals

XP in WvW count towards C.Tyrian Mastery?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


If it was gonna happen it would of by now.
Tho i don’t think they will, just do to the fact they probably gonna make wvw mastery’s and even spvp one’s sooner or later

End..... Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Enders game i am assuming, tho they could not use the water physics or animations
with it would not look right at all would be just swimming in the air .. def not the same as no gravity they could tweak it sure but the animations … they would have to make all new ones for every one for something that maybe no one would use . See underwater combat

Maybe if there teams was bigger we could do fun stuff like this but as it as now i rather they use the time for a good s3 with tuns of armors so so that was left out of hot

Legendary Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


I don’t get the joke.

There are parts of the new Legendary weapons that need you to Fail events ..
yea most ppl wont fail a event just for some ones quest

Please stop making jumping puzzles

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Most are easy and the ones maybe abit confusing like SW one can be looked up or watched on youtube

Only one i would say flat out sucks is the one in VB up on top that you got to do for that mastery point ..

Groups vs. Squads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Can’t Taxi in Squad – other than leader ? = less ppl
Also i can’t seem to find a way to turn off the names .. to much blue name spam i rather hold crt or was it alt ? i always forget

Should I go back to GW2? Is HoT worth it?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


In the state it is in NO
just play core for a few years plenty of stuff there and more ppl to also give you time to farm gold to gems so you can BUY the season 2 story or else the expansion is not gonna make 1 bit of since story wise + the expansion will be cheaper and hot will be changed as it is now it’s kinda dead seems the only ones having fun are elites gloating over being able to look down on ppl – yes this game with hot became Elite raiders only now

My most Fav quote so far from raiders forums is on the DPS meter topic some one said this

DPS meter is absolutely crucial, if someone isn’t putting the effort needed to beat the encounter they need to be gkicked and blacklisted from future runs.

Failure is not an option and can’t be ignored.

That what you got to look forward to in H.O.T

Since the new star wars movie is out soon should be allot of new ppl flooding that mmo game about 70% done downloading it my self H.O.T is just not for me raids/elites and the mastery exp grind reminds me of eq1 hell levels
be back next year to see how things going

(edited by Valky.2574)

A big warning to anet for the raids.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valky.2574


LOL Raiders ….

HoT is very lackluster

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


H.O.T Mess

It’s all you can call it at this point .

GW2 is No Longer a Refuge :(

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Hey Dejavu, correct me if im wrong, but as far as i understood you liked this game for it’s easy accessability and that it didn’t need a coordination and/or communication between players in a scale that other mmo’s require to progress.

That is a valid point.

But i think it is also a valid point to expect something like that out of a mmo game and a lot of people i know have quit gw2 because it lacked content requiring good coordination and team effort.

When i started gw like a year ago i was very surprised that you didn’t need a guild at all to progress even in the most diffcult contents provided in the game. the only reason to look for a guild was to socialize. In every other mmo i knew it was a requirement, if you enjoyed the game and wanted to progress you had to look for a guild and socialized because of that after some time.

I think it is a good and healthy discussion to be had here. but what it comes down to are pure numbers and cash. we cant know how many people have quit because they didnt have to invest anything in this game to get somewhere. before the expansion was announced i recognized a drop of players over time. almost every guild i knew was getting emptier and emptier because there was “nothing to do”.

sure it may be nice to come back once a month and see what is going on, checking a dungeon or two. but i think for a company its much healthier to keep their players invested, and for that a guild is a good starting point. to give players a reason to join a guild besides their own decision of wanting so is a good idea to keep peple playing regularly.

sure, you may have spent a lot of money on this game even if u didnt play that much. but what is your guess, how many people dont spend anything, because they think its not worth their money when they dont spend so much time playing the game?

i think that the difficulty we experience is an economic decision, maybe not purely but mainly. and i think its the correct one. Maybe its impossible to change a game on that big of a scale so late in its running time, only time will tell.

And one more point. I think you are a little bit harsh in your conclusion. this game is still very casual friendly. you dont have a gear teadmill where your old gear is useless after some month. the gear you have worked for will still be at the same quality even month after you come back after a break.

you still can play most of the content alone or in small groups or in larger PuG groups. All of the personal story is completely solo-able. you can get over all maps alone. you only have to team up with 2 or 3 people for the hardest hero challenges.

and now besides gold you have something else to farm for on maps, something people always asked after, with all the specialiastion acchievemtn weapons and armor sets.

your elite specs can be unlocked in a matter of some hours if you know the maps.

all in all i think its still a big gap to games like swtor, wow, conan etc.

again, dont take this as an offense please, but i think you are disappointed because this game is not anymore what you grew up liking. but may i suggest asking youurself that maybe what you liked in the game is not healthy for a game as a whole but only suited ur needs of a relaxing game after taking a break from more serious games where you invested more? is it so wrong that people would LIKE to invest into gw2 what you invest into other games because they like its style, its lore, its combat but never got a reason to get invested?
EDIT: Im just now realizing that a lot of your anger and disappointment comes from guild halls. as i can see that taking away bonuses you have worked for is not a nice thing i have to say the bonuses guilds give are so small that they are hardly noticeable and only there to give people at least SOMETHING to work for. same with ascended armor for example. +10% mf, some minor random buffs etc…. is that REALLY the reason why you are so upset? thats why ive addressed other points in my post since i cant see why that could be more than a minor side point.

if you were engaged into wvw i could see that as a much more valid point, because a lot of functionality has been gated behind a gild hall grind. THATS something to be kittened about. also i feel the arena should be much cheaper, but its not that expensive as it is. that all these small things, decorations, minor buffs, qol improvements and skins are expensive as hell dont bother me at all. i dont need em and when i have them after some month or years with my guild yeah its nice… we have accomplished something together. but are they… neccesary? surely not.

Are you saying that H.O.T was good for gw2 ?
look at WvW
look at Dungeons
Look at fractals
Look At Dead H.O.T zones ..

Yep def was good for gw2 to go from casual to hardcore who do you think was playing and paying the bills the last 3 years sure as hell was not Raiders

Very interested to see this games H.O.T player count in the next few months

I want to raid, but I can´t find a group

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Don´t have full ascended gear and I´m a scrapper/hammer engi.

No group wants to have you if you are not the right class and don´t have fully ascended gear.

This game is no different than WoW now.

Then level up crafting, make ascended gear, buy trinkets with laurels and adjust your traits once in a while like everyone else…

I have gripes about raids, but finally ascended has content designed around it and we are seeing roles being developed.

First of all ascended already has content designed around it or did you miss that infusion slot / agony infusion

Second Raids are for exotic – ascended might be better but raid are made with exotics in mind as in can be done in them

And legendary – full set back piece 2 weapons and full armor will be the armor Designed around raids sure the first raid will be the place to go from exotic to ascended -well was but the community already made it ascended only-then the next is for legendary armor after that all raider/elits will pretty much require you to have a full set of legendarys so you can change stats per raid boss
it’s the new gear grind

Welcome to Wow i mean gw2

What has happened to your manifesto!?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Quoting your own manifesto carried out in 2011, you stated (sorry Colin for dropping you in here) ‘We just dont want players to grind in Guild Wars 2’.
The old way of making legendary weapons was fine, so why was there a need to go completely over the top with the time gating of materials along with a stupidly high number of the same material you can only make one of per day, just for the new precursors. Surely with a system like this in place you should remove the daily craft restriction on all T7 materials.

Looking at the new list of what is needed for the new legendary weapons this is the most grindy thing I’ve seen in this game, which goes against the 2011 statement on what direction you guys wanted this game to go in.

  • Colin used “grind” to mean collect a new tier of gear every time the game changed. And guess what? We don’t do that in GW2 (since HoT didn’t introduce new tiers of gear).
  • The community overwhelming asked for scavenger hunts in their legendary journeys (I still don’t like the idea, but I have to admit that others do).
  • The community also asked that it wouldn’t be easy or fast to create legendaries.

legendary armor says Hi
exotics where suppose to be ok for raids the players say NOPE full ascended or gtfo
once legendary armor is out that will be the new MUST have to raid later raids that come out, Why ? simple the ability to change stats boss 1 condi is better so every one go condi boss 2 pure zerk physical dmg so so this will be the new gear grind pve over world for exotic then get full ascended to do noob raids for full legendary then you can finally raid the new raids … that’s the new gear grind don’t matter if that’s not how they intended it raiders from other games will make there own elite rules any way

Raids should be removed ASAP

HoT maps getting empty ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


FYI to all casual players, if you don’t have all the hero points and masteries you need now, you had better get them done in less than a month. At the current rate, the HoT maps are going to be uninhabited by xmas.

To late good luck getting a TD meta

Dear Anet: why i leave the game

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


I’d say take a break and keep watching for patches to improve on your list of grievances. Your not totally wrong there are issues.

This. what mmo doesn’t have bugs, issues, and balancing acts to fix on launch? If anything this gw2 expac was done quite smoothly compared to wow. Even big console games like assassins creed are still filled with bugs years later.

Oh there are bugs lots of them DS has been buggy as heck for the last few days collections broken so so
still what they meant by smooth is not clogged log in -kinda hard with so few players

Dear Anet: why i leave the game

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


If you have a problem with the Mac client, complain to Apple, not to ANet or any other developers, for not being willing to play nicely with everyone else.

Anet say HoT work with Mac client. Sell game to Mac customer and say work, But many say do not and client worse than ever.. Anet should not advertise it work when do not. Bold letter here to make point like you.

Even Anet admit Mac clint is bad.

And for many it works.
Do you have an objective and verifiable source to claim that it doesn’t work for most mac users?

Now again don’t take 45€ of mac users, if the game isn’t working on a mac

So we have a topic with 458 replies, now where’s your source to claim that 458 players are a representative % of Mac users? Remember this game has 7m accounts, 458 is 0.006% of that. Even with Mac as a very small minority in computer gaming I bet we have more than that % of Mac users.
Still waiting on that source, your whole argument relies on that yet you haven’t provided it.

7m accounts don’t mean 7m players heck i bet this game has less than 250k active players at any 1 time less now with H.O.T and then you got to count the ftp accounts to… better thing to ask is How many copy’s did hot sell ? not many or else they would be advertising things like 4mil pre orders 1mil sold in first week so so company’s love that

HoT maps getting empty ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Less than a month has passed there should be so many more ppl doing H.O.T but there’s not and it was going on be for raids to

WvW is dead do to H.O.T – funny it’s still dead
H.O.T is dead since ppl are grind none hot masterys – still empty
Oh now every one is doing raids ….
Has TD ever been populated ? i keep forgetting that map is even there

Just face it we did not want raids or hard core content in the world keep that to fractals and dungeons

And i can still go to a TEQ fight 10min late and get in a map with tuns of ppl probably fail but still at lest it’s active Now look at TT that’s what H.O.T is right now go to a zone at the right time open up lfg and try and get into a map and fail since there is only 1 active map since the lack of players in H.O.T

Legendary Armor Options?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


99% that won’t raid? That’s not going to be the case.

99.9% ?

A-net make millions of $ in a few of seconds?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


And who is gonna buy them ? raiders fat chance

Nevermore 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Dumb question but before you start T1 don’t you have to have the proper mastery for legendary or whatever it is called?

Yes you need tier 4 legendary crafting mastery. This allows you to purchase the book to start the collection.

Na to start the first one all you need is the first mastery it’s all i have just 1 in that mastery line and was able to buy Vol.1 and start it up

Did they nerf the EXP from EOTM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


EotM is now like wvw – it should’ve been like that from the start as EotM was created for those who wanted to play wvw but stuck in a queue.

No, the regular wvw “is like it was” at least reward wise – we’ve got a new borderland though which is all buggy and a bit complicated so it might well be that there’s no dorito to follow.

EotM is now like wvw

Dead ?

The great achievement point depression

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Did you account for all the WvW ones that are now actually obtainable?

but did you account for WvW being dead now since hot ?
i seen a que maybe twice since hot ..

GW2 Efficiency to screen raiders has begun.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Oh no. Some people have a way of doing things and you don’t like it.

You don’t have to play with them.

Problem solved!

Umm you did hear leg armor is raid only right ? so yes we have to play with the idiots of gw2 that scream at kids like a bad kitten and force ppl to play THERE way with the skills they want

Feedback on Raid

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valky.2574


I hate the raid !


I don’t really care about all you Hardcore “Give me more pain. Beat me Beat me, Yes Sir may I have another” players.

My guildies and I stop playing HoT after story because it was too hard.

We now tried several times with raids and the same. TOO HARD !!!

Everyone is back in Tyria farming for precursor crafting.

ANET ! Stop listening to Hardcore players !

You have more Casual players in the game than Hardcore players !

Turn down the difficulty !

If you think the game is hard i wonder what you would think about old C64 or Atari games back then it took 30+ minutes to load a game with a cassette drive and almost everytime difficulty was just hard and if you died in game it was 30 minutes of load screen but back then we learned from mistakes and tried to better our self unlike nowadays when people just cry to developers to hold their hands.

Yawn… Games were hard back then since they had to are where you ok baying for a game you can beat in 2min or less + the size limits – see old Mario for example

Turn down the difficulty for Casual Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Raids are fine however difficult content should never be part of the core campaign trail in any mmo.

WoW or any MMO you can name the difficult content is not part of the core campaign and is rather found off the beaten trail. However Gw2 has this found on the main trail and having the so called higher level content smack dab in the middle of the path casuals have to take just to see the ending of the story is idiotic. The reason why it exists in this game is because Anet only provided four maps or rather 4 event maps. I don’t mind difficult content and I remain adamant that this game needs a side map with content much more difficult than what we see in HoT and have adequate rewards for that difficulty. But the way it’s set up now is just wrong and it will and even has been nerfed becaue it was a mistake to implement it in that fashion.

As for raids they just need a LFR tool furthermore Mastery level needs to go because for dungeons we already had Zerker, Class, and AP checks and for raids I’m sure there going to start demanding people with over 100 mastery points as well. Makes no sense whatsoever to count Mastery points but that total replaces our level and it’s what people will see and judge.

Well looking at the lfg group tool i see 2 raid groups looking for more both want experienced players that know the strats have over 4k ap and have to ping there gear to make sure there in the right stat for there class and ALL ASCENDED – not exotic like it suppose to and there build/weapons pretty much every thing lol

Raids will kill this game get ready for logging in once a week and screaming at every one

Feedback on Raid

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valky.2574


Better yet Remove raids from the gameP
only gonna hurt it in the long run with the hardcore mentality
that will only log in to do raids once more of them come out and do nothing else

GW2 is No Longer a Refuge :(

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


First of all, Who actually thinks of Guild Halls as content? Putting furniture in a building is boring, pointless, and seems like just a lack of the devs actually making content. Not only that it take tons of time and materials for what ?

I dont play mmo’s to play house. I play mmo’s for pve content, pvp content, and the experience’s that go along with that. Wish they would have just made new dungeons, fractals, more raids, another pvp map! , or pretty much anything other than this “lets play house” stuff.

I known ppl who pay 15$ a month to play mmorpg’s with housing crafting and guild hall decorations like eq2

HoT maps getting empty ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Unfortunately, I get into more maps that are sparsely populated than I do ones that are full or even mostly full.

Even using LFG doesn’t usually help me get a meta done sadly. It helps sometimes, if I hop enough maps, but it doesn’t work most of the time.

And this is happening less than a full month since launch. That downward slide happened very quickly.

Not really, I use LFG everyday for HoT meta maps. I find them easy when the zone is starting up. From there I just stick with the zone, and help people taxi in.

It is always interesting to read threads of how people expect everything to be handed to them without ever trying. If your map is empty, tag up and start to organize it. Taxi people in find others to help tag up. Yes if you try to start a DS map with 45min left to the timer you may not find a lot of people joining. But start it at anything above hour and half and you should have no time getting people in to the zone.

I agree with the l2p issue coming up, stop trying to get everything handed to you then blaming Arena Net. Use the tools available and you will have plenty of people on the map.

So if some one has 1hr to play a night – not me but some do- heck not even every night
and if that time dose not mix with the timer’s then what ? to bad so sad ?
I think you and anet is gonna get a wake up call on who pays the bills around here
PS it’s not the hardcore / raiders they will only log in once or twice a week on raid days once a good amount of raids are out they wont be buying fluff

So much Hate on HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


I remember in eq1 there was this guy that spawned EVERY 6hrs you had to camp him for 6hrs if you where lucky if not get in line !.. yea that’s about as fun as the new zones are
why waiting on ppl

Fast way to get mass XP?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Well this forum seems to be a kitten of people complaining about HoT and I can’t seem to find a single post that answers my question before turning into a debate.

What is the best/fastest way to get mass XP for masteries and why? I’ve been running meta events but it just doesn’t seem fast enough for me.

Run meta event’s in hot for hot mastery’s ITS THE ONLY WAY

Give in-game voice chat for commanders only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Don’t see why not but i def wont ever join a squad do to them i heard 15-60 year old men brake down and act like a 4 year old in a store when his mommy tells him he can’t have that candy. also why i quit most games with raiding as end game content .. Looking at you gw2.. you might be next

HoT maps getting empty ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


So , I’m trying hard to grind xps doing events but since the raids came out , maps (even VB) are quite empty.
Yesterday I ran around VB trying to find a small group to do events and we were 3 people (from 8pm till 11pm).
Normally when I find no people in maps I go do some crafting ….come back after 1/2hour and than map is full again……but really lately no one doing events , so how I’m supposed to level up my mastery ?
Another thing I disagree with HoT is that now became almost impossible play solo and the only way to do meta-events and gain some good amount of xps , is to play with big group of player …..I really miss the old quest system , at least you can play solo and progress anyway.

Don’t get me wrong , I still love the game and the map design is great , is just that Anet seems more focus only to make a game for players that only play in groups and not for casual players.

Maybe I’m wrong….what’s your opinion ?

You are wrong.

1) Raids are new and exciting and brand new content. EVERY single time new content comes out, everything else empties. It always happens with every single content update for ANY game out there. So, give it time, people will come back. Rewards will eventually get fixed.

2) I’m sorry, whenever I hear people complain about the lack of “solo” content in an MMORPG makes me want to smack them. I solo’d all of the content (meaning map completion, specializations, and Story) in HoT. Not impossible, it’s a l2p issue for most. To further my points, the story does not make sense for you to solo the “Meta” event of the map. In fact, in any of the maps in the game, you can not solo the Meta Boss, but you are just now complaining because it is probably too hard. News flash, you can’t faceroll in HoT.

You can solo content in HoT. The small missions of getting the supplies, rescuing some scouts, all solo’able.

But in reality, you are wanting to play a Massively *MULTIPLAYER" Online Roleplaying Game solo. The content is going to be geared towards working with others. Always will be. If you want to play a solo game, go play Skyrim. It’s really that simple.

Also, you don’t need a “big” group. 10 people are suggested for an “group event”.

So quick crying, get better at the game, and make some friends to play with.

Sorry man but most that stuff is so wrong it’s not even funny
ppl are not flocking to raids that’s not why hot zones are dead
MMORPG dose not mean what you think it means in no way dose it mean GROUP
just means you are playing in a world with other players not that you have to play with them heck where have you been for the last 3 years of gw2 ?

HoT maps getting empty ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


Trust me it’s not dead do to raids and it’s not just VB it’s all H.O.T zones