(edited by Vexander.9850)
New writers. Good villains. Meaningful rewards, or at least SOMETHING. Better world bosses, not the LOL GET 150 ZERKS AND U CAN DO IT TOO!!!XDXD
No more kittened mechanics like the condition reflect on the knights. No more emphasis on pure dps for all LS encounters.
And for the love of all that is holy, no more achievements that need me to rely on 100 other people to do something.
Funny, I kind of remember a major complaint about Zhaitan being that you took him down with only 5 people (the Storymode Dungeon).
New writers.
I’ll sign up! Give me an Application and-
And, preferably, writers who have played Guild Wars 1 on more than a passing occasion.
Oh, well, nevermind then.
Wouldn’t mind seeing Orr cleansed and transformed into the new Lion’s Arch, perhaps with some option to revisit old Orr in like, a flashback. I doubt that’ll happen though.
I guess I’d just like a story that is better than what we had with Season 1. No, ‘Grand Reveal,’ again. Let us know what we’re doing from the start and let us do it. Otherwise I’d like to see the current cast of biconics retired for the Season and come back in Season 3, with minor cameos in Season 2.
Yup. The way I see it, we’ve spent the last few LS patches in a grueling combat storyline. The feature patch is coming April 15, the next season of LS (I assume) a bit after that. We need something casual and relaxing. That, and, patch day falls perfectly on April Fools!
Long live tribulation mode!
SAB is casual and relaxing? Maybe World 1…
Infantile Mode.
World 2 was still a torture, even on Infantile Mode. Going for achievements like getting all Bauble and what not. Then there was that elite skill… No. Just no. I hope World 2 gets nerfed, but I doubt it.
Yeah, but with the new system, will that method no longer be possible? (Or being able to use the Necromancer’s Wraith mask on different professions, as another example.) Since Stones/Crystals are disappearing completely and all appearances are assigned via the Wardrobe, the old “transmute to a white item” loophole may now be closed.
Somehow I don’t suspect so. The Wardrobe system -seems- to be the old system, with the old stones/crystals being replaced by charges. Think of it like, the old dungeon tokens being put into the Wallet; no longer physically in your inventory, but still fulfilling the same exact purpose.
Hmm… What about Order armors? Are those still restricted to Order members? I’d understand if that was the case, but at the same time, I’d love to be able to use Order weapons on a different character just because I think they’d look more awesome in it.
You can do that already. Just transmute a piece of Order armor onto another piece of armor. It becomes account bound when you transmute it. Heck, my level 1 Elementalist had the Order’s Light pants and boots.
Personally, I hope they’ll introduce more Town Clothes type armors now. There are some clothes you see NPCs wearing that I’d love to be able to wear. I know there’s a big movement on people wanting Countess Anise’s getup. The queen’s clothes are worn by a few other NPCs, so I could see that going too. But I’d honestly like to have stuff like this available:
Last time I tried to preview cultural armor on a race that it wasn’t meant for, the Previewer didn’t show a change, and when I scrolled over the item it said, “Cannot be worn by this race.”
Guardian became my main character’s profession after a few months. I have rarely been disappointed with what my Guardian can do. It’s a powerful force that is balanced in a lot of ways. I made a Warrior alt for the fun of it. The Warrior can kill things a little faster than my guardian can, but it can’t survive them half as well.
The guardian… That old dust covered relic left to rot and fester in the upper attic.
My god…it needs some fresh air…
Can’t see why you say that. Guardian has been my main and its easily my strongest character. Excellent damage output, excellent healing capability, excellent maneuverability… Its a great class. My current build even lets me use a one-handed sword, which is my favorite weapon. Its just a pity that the Focus is much more powerful than the shield. I’d much rather use a shield.
Wished I’d seen it. I really should look for a RP’ing guild… Heck, I should look for a guild.
*Spoilers* Mordremoth final battle leaked.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Vexander.9850
i lost it at the traherne comic rofl
Me too.
I would send the 100G back.
Someone did send me some items by accident (a few rares and an exotic). I did send them back.
Warriors and Guardians both seem to be fairly strong options, though I agree, Guardian is probably more, ‘Stable,’ than Warrior is.
To be honest, I’d rather they had removed the cost of Waypoints rather than Repairs. If they want to get the players out of one or two zones, making it cheap to travel is certainly a good way to go about it.
Yup. The way I see it, we’ve spent the last few LS patches in a grueling combat storyline. The feature patch is coming April 15, the next season of LS (I assume) a bit after that. We need something casual and relaxing. That, and, patch day falls perfectly on April Fools!
Long live tribulation mode!
SAB is casual and relaxing? Maybe World 1…
I’m even more interested what “A Solid Foundation” might be about. There’s a tiny, overly optimistic part of me that hopes it might be about Housing … if only
Introduction of make-up kits obviously.
No, it’s precursor crafting!
Being able to craft Precursors would indeed be nice.
I remember some time ago they talked about introducing more weapons to every class.
Maybe removing restrictions is a code name for allowing all classes to use every weapon. Aka adding new skills.
Very unlikely in my opinion. Elementalists would have 4x as many weapon skill options as any other class, it’d be -vastly- overpowered. Don’t get me wrong, I like Attunements and all, but from the standpoint of advancing the class and given more options in the future, it was a bad direction to go with. The only way Elementalists could get new weapons without having 4x as many skill options as other classes would be to give them permanent conjured weapons, which would be -very- similar to Engineer Weapon Kits. Considering how Anet strives to avoid excess profession overlap like that, I can’t see it happen (even if I -wish- it’d happen with an elite so you can have an Elementalist with a pure arcane build).
Lets see for account bound I am hoping for the follow:
- A shared bag/ tab of shorts where unlimited harvesting tool, Tonics, and Contracts, are stored that way no running back to the bank to drop them/ pick them up for your other char’s.removing restrictions
- allowing ele’s to swap weapon sets OUT of combat. So tired of trying to find where that second dagger ended up.
Would be happy with these, though the second once is a little bit too specific. I imagine we -might- be more likely to get additional weapon options. Though, I’d still love to be able to mix heavy/light/medium gear art.
Maybe that dye-ing something won’t be restricted to armor only anymore but you will also be able to dye weapons and backpieces. I don’t believe this for a sec but I can always hope right?
Forgive the double post. The internet hiccuped on me.
Maybe they’ll remove the restriction of having to click a thousand times on an item to buy multiples of it (anyone who’s done or is trying Thirst Slayer understands my pain). Also, maybe we can right click on an item and get an option to, ‘Consume All,’ if its in a stack. That’d be amazing for the aforementioned Thirst Slayer -and- large stacks of Luck Essence.
The wardrobe indicates that armors will still be separated by weight, and Account Bound seems more likely to address Soulbound/Account Bound restrictions. So my guess is probably a change to guild/server restrictions or condition caps getting an overhaul.
I’d hope the armors would be separated by weight in the Wardrobe. It’s one of the most effective ways to organize them and look through them. That doesn’t necessarily mean you couldn’t transmute one armor type’s image onto another’s stats though. That would be removing a restriction.
I’d love to see restrictions on armor removed for the sake of transmutation. So I could be an Elementalist looking like I’m in Heavy Armor, even if the Stats are still Light Armor. Or I could be a Guardian in Light Armor even though I’m wearing Heavy Armor.
Dear Arena.net,
Being of sound mind and body, I do wish to request, perhaps not in the upcoming April update, but hopefully the one after it, the addition of a Shared Pouch/Bag across all characters on an account, to automatically hold Endless Tonics, the Hall of Monuments stone, Permanent Harvesting Tools, the Cooper Fed Salvage O’ Matic, the passes to special areas such as the Queen’s Pavilion and Airship in Gendarren, minis, and other such infinite/convenience use items.
I would request this bag be no larger than the starting bag, or if that is too large, no less than half its size. If this bag does not include an option to upgrade or increase its size, I will not be upset or complain.
Thank you in advance for considering my humble request.
Honestly? I’m not bothered by it. I’ve got 5 characters with Celestial. Or had 5, deleted one of them a long time ago. Anyways, I’m just going to identify the dyes I get for having duplicates, and hope its a dye I don’t already have. This morning I was going to buy a bunch of the nice cheap dyes that usually got for 20copper, only to find them at 25-30 silver.
I’ll be glad to get some unidentified dyes for my duplicates now.
WTB Clarification. I just bought an Abyss Dye today. Never bought one before. I’ve got 4 characters with Celestial (Actually, I -just- Bought a Celestial yesterday for a character >.<). I’ve got one who has Midnight Ice and Midnight Fire. I’m dying to learn just what’s up with Dyes and Account Bound.
I just want to make sure is all.
World 2 was… a nightmare. It was challenging in a lot of bad ways. When I finished the meta achievement for World 2 and such, I was turned -away- from SAB. I loved it for World 1, I was so unhappy when it left. I was stoked for World 2. I was looking forward to having fun.
I ended up being tortured, and that was on Infantile Mode for achievements.
Oh sorry for that Vexander.
No one’s fault but my own. ^.^
Well, that and life in general, but you get the idea.
That’s odd Vexander because both my friend and I got the drawing off her not more than 15 minutes ago.
I think it might be because I missed the Evacuation of Lion’s Arch thing. I killed scarlet and participated in the battle, but the Living Story segment before that where you help people escape, I missed. All she tells me is, “I was told not to talk to strangers, and you sure are strange looking.”
That’s exactly what it is. She only gives if you did her event.
Ah, thanks! Pity, I would never turn up a free 25 Luck a day XD
That’s odd Vexander because both my friend and I got the drawing off her not more than 15 minutes ago.
I think it might be because I missed the Evacuation of Lion’s Arch thing. I killed scarlet and participated in the battle, but the Living Story segment before that where you help people escape, I missed. All she tells me is, “I was told not to talk to strangers, and you sure are strange looking.”
I spoke to her today and she didn’t offer me squat.
No to both, I wanted Skritt but now that I realized we’re missing out on some really neat items because of charr I’d rather no new races be added. We’ll always be short on armor because a lot that they could bring over from GW 1 or make will clip on charr and if tengu was ever added, cannot imagine anything would look great on them.
Until they make it that they don’t need armor for all races than nothing will change, people will cry about lack of armor without realizing multi racial selection is the reason why there is no new armor.
Why they didn’t just give us the Upright looking Charr is beyond me. In GW1 Charr came in two types; the hunchbacks we have in GW2, and those who stood more upright and straight backed. I would have -loved- having -those- charr.
How about they bring in the Dervish with a twist? Dervishes originally were similar to what Elementalists are now, what with attunements. The original Dervishes, however, were tied into the Six Gods, which is probably why they wouldn’t work in GW2, because only humans really care about the Six, while some races, like the Charr, would love to kill them.
So bring the Dervish back, but using the power of the Elder Dragons. They find a way to tap into the Elder Dragons’ powers without succumbing to corruption.
Honestly if they ever implement removing class restrictions off armor I will lose my mind. Why have a mesmer if my asura can just be a guardian with t3 light armor. On top of that, my ranger would be rerolled as – you guessed it, a guardian. It’d be win-win, I’d have all guardians, they’d look neat, and I wouldn’t give a rat’s kitten about playing this game except to look neat when I’m doing Living Story instances.
My guess is PvP and PvE armor though or changes to conditions. Likely PvP and PvE armor though because no other titles hint at anything that related and there has been major discussion along the lines of removing the PvP locker.
That’s one way to look at it I suppose. Personally I’d like to play a Guardian that looks more like a spellcaster than a Paladin. Especially as they get to summon books to use magic from as an Elite. That’s some awesome Mage-type stuff right there. I wish Elementalists could summon a tome giving them Arcane Weapon Skills. Especially if the skills were balanced and the tome was permanent until un-summoned.
To address the title, Yes, and Yes, in that order.
Dervish would be awesome, though a Dark Knight type of class would also be very interesting, perhaps one that wields the power of the Dragons without succumbing to Dragon Minion Corruption in some manner; a class introduced through the story, in other words, maybe from Sylvari and Sons of Svanir seeking redemption and to use the power of the dragons against them.
As for a new race, I don’t like Tengu, Kodan are okay, the manta ray people would be interesting, but a new race to the setting would also be interesting.
All this stuff sounds amazing. I’ll be happy if even a handful of it is actually what happens. I specially liked that idea of an Inventory Bag for account bound items like tonics, or the Hall of Monuments stone.
That is a character I think I would enjoy seeing Vexander, definitely a step up from Braham.
I’m a bit loathe to add in -another- human to be honest, but Kasmeer and Marjory don’t really address some of the major facets of human lore or culture really. Kasmeer could really do well on that point if her past as a Noble was more developed and looked into. Marjory is a detective, which is really interesting and her intuition makes her kind of the Eir Stegalkin of the group, but her own ethnicity or background doesn’t tie into the human lore.
I’m not sure if I mentioned it in this thread or not myself.
I’d like to see a character who is a human male and fits the, ‘Gentleman and a Scholar,’ trope with a side of, ‘Bad kitten Bookworm,’ and ‘Gentleman Wizard.’ Essentially, someone who is a highly intelligent, socially pleasant individual with magical talent. Describe him as a second Lord Odran in the making, with his main weakness being the, ‘Brilliant but Lazy,’ trope. He’d rather smell the roses than obtain great magical power.
I’d also like his focus to actually be on magic. In so many ways, magic feels like a footnote for the races than a major force. It’s with Scarlet that we actually saw magic as something more important than a fuel source for the Asura. Human Lore is very rich when it comes to magic, and it’d be nice to see that come back to the forefront with this character in a drastically changed world.
Let his knowledge and skill with magic be something new for the Biconics. Maybe he’s the one who can stop some big bad from corrupting a Bloodstone. Maybe he can provide the relevant information that allows Marjory to unravel a puzzle or mystery as her own magical knowledge is secondary to her detective skills. Maybe something he says inspires Taimi to create some new piece of Asuran Technology that helps the effort against the next big bad’s forces.
He doesn’t need to be center stage, but he can be. As for his personal life, he’s a dandy bachelor. Not looking for a relationship, not particularly interested in one, and no, people don’t need to fawn over him or even show interest in him that way. He could be an orphan with connections from his days in the orphanage. Earned scholarships that paid for his education, works in the employ of the Ministry or Queen.
(edited by Vexander.9850)
I too had an “a-ha!” moment when she said she’s being deployed to Brisban. Figured, well she’s gonna die and Jory is going to rush to fight the new dragon threat.
Frankly, I hope she does die. Cannot stand any more of that voice acting. It sounded so wooden and cue-card-read. Plus, it’ll give Jory & Kasmeer a reason to join us in Maguuma. And hopefully, that’ll pull the rest of the Bionics there too. And then they meet up with The Pact and Destiny’s Edge and I command them all !!!!!!!!!
Really? My impression was, “Ah, the 1st of the DE Mk III has been revealed.”
May we get a new Living Story character in the form of the Wizard’s apprentice, and a new dungeon with some good looking magic gear to be obtained. Actual robes and such.
I have an idea. Rather than the discussions of, “Would you be happy if <existing female character> were male,” or, “Privilege,” and so forth, why not put forth a question purely for amusement?
Let’s say Anet comes up to you and hires you to be part of the Living Story development team, asking you to create a new character to fit into the ,‘New Destiny’s Edge,’ that is currently comprised of Rox, Marjory, Kasmeer, Taimi, and Braham. Their rules are simple: this character can be any race and profession, but has to be male.
So, it’s up to you to create this character who fits into the group and contributes. Overlap is acceptable (can be another strong guy like Braham, or a brainy person like Taimi, or an intuitive person like Marjory, etc…).
What would you all add?
Wasn’t this thread about the leasbian or absence of gay couples in-game?
Aynway….why are there lesbians and no gays?
Answer: majority of GW2 gamers are young male teens.
Now make a surprised face!
And you sir, get +1 Internets.
How many times did you call for equality? I bet none.
But when a game has a strong female cast it’s imbalanced, LOL.Equality? I just want characters that I can identify with.
I can agree with this. My favorite character type is the Intellectual, the Scholar, the Gentleman, the Mage… The closest I get is most Asura, but I just do NOT like that race at all. It’d be easier to relate to a human character honestly, but now we have 3 prominent human mesmers, all of which are female, and as a guy, I can’t identify with a woman. I don’t think any man can understand what its like to be a woman, after all. I’m not saying that both genders don’t share qualities or what have you, but when it comes down to gender, men and women often have different ways of thinking. If I can’t understand the character’s thought processes, I can’t really relate to them.
I wouldn’t mind seeing the next, ‘Lord Odran,’ as a mage caster type human. It’d be a character I could finally relate to.
But why do all human major characters have to be beautiful?
The kiss scene sounded fake to me for this reason: both characters looked like dolls. Perfect skin, perfect makeup, the face of a 20 year old victoria secret model.
In general, human models lack the variety of norn ones (to make a comparison with another humanoid species), and that’s a pity.
To be fair, Marjory wasn’t looking her finest in that scene. Her fast looked like it had burn marks and blisters on it.
It should be rebuilt (slowly) to incorporate wreckage from the Breachmaker, Aetherblade airships, etc. Send all the refugees home and close the camps.
Ruined stone structures should either stay as ruins or be cleared away.
Ugh, please, no more, ‘City built of Wreckage.’ That’s the one thing I always hated about Lion’s Arch. I get -why- it was a city of wrecks before, but now that it has to rebuild, it can be so much more. I’ll be sorely disappointed if A.net misses this chance to transform Lion’s Arch into an actual city.
If a new map has a dungeon, it should have a hub outside of it. Profession and Crafting Trainers, Bankers, and Trading Post NPCs. Not quite a city, but with a number of the amenities. And of course, things need to be placed close to one another for convenience. No one wants to run for a minute to go from the bank to the trading post like in Lion’s Arch ( though there’s a Waypoint near the Bank).
As others have said, it would be stupid for us to retake LA and drive scarlet and her forces out if we were just going to leave it a ruin. Especially since it is a prime area for a city and a strategic/convenient port area. Why would any society want to lose a central hub like that.
That being said, I hope it is rebuilt over time and not just instantly full and repaired. I hope that happens over time like when the Lion Statue was rebuilt. Only with LA it is an entire city so it should take much longer.
The Lion Statue took too long in my opinion, but it was a minor thing so I was willing to accept it. Personally I’m hoping that, story-wise, the leaders of the 5 other Nations will help rebuild Lion’s Arch in returned for increased influence in the city’s politics and such. The Captain’s Council failed to protect the city, to heed the warnings, so I think its only right that the people of Lion’s Arch want new leadership, though by the same token, I don’t think we’d just see the Captain’s Council disappear either. No doubt it would remain in some kind of political position, but still.
If the five nations all contribute to the reconstruction, it can go down much more swiftly.
All kinds of games have Cat People or Dog People. Let’s branch out a bit.
Fox People. That’s right, make Kitsunes a playable race! They’ll fit in nice and good in Cantha!
Yes, please! I will be the first one to make a red-haired one named Holo.
Who cares she’s a wolf anyway!I’d have about four people join up just to play with me as kitsune in exile from Cantha if they existed. But I’d have to transfer to TC then . . . hmm . . .
I’d personally love it. I really like my Mesmer, but I would delete and remake him as a Kitsune in an instant. It just fits so well.
Agreed. I didn’t notice too much of an “imbalance” between genders up until the living story, the only male we have in the main group is Braham. There is nothing “wrong” with this, but it seems unlikely that all the men in Tyria lack spines, talent, and good will.
Not only this, but it often feels like the Males are being type casted in a way. -Most- major male lore characters are either Warriors or Guardians it feels like.
Logan – Guardian
Braham – Guardian
Rytlock – Warrior
Faren – WarriorIts kind of like the writers are telling us the male characters are only good enough to be meat shields, that they’re not smart enough to be an Engineer or an Elementalist or a Mesmer. Especially mesmer to be honest. We’ve got 3 human female Mesmers now who are very prominent in the story (Jennah, Anise, and Kasmeer).
Treherene, the main of the personal story who everyone seems to forget is a necromancer and a scholar. The main reason why he got the job of marshal was due to his knowledge.
Gixx the head of the durmand priory is also male.
Tybalt is an engineer and by far the most popular of the mentors.
Evion isn’t much of fighter but he’s crafty.
Guardians are spell swords, not just meat shields.
Not to mention women being sepllcasters, archers and thieves and men being warriors also comes with the implication that woman should stay at the back and can’t be useful without trickery or unless it’s fantasy world where magic makes up for gender.
I did say -Major- Lore characters, the Destiny’s Edge and Biconics ones mostly, but I added Faren in because he’s fairly memorable as a lovable idiot. Trahearne is a good point of a Major Lore Character who isn’t a meat shield, however, as a Sylvari, gender doesn’t exactly hold the same significance. Sylvari also have the dream, which means they share experiences and so forth, so its expected for them to be able to make all kinds of excellent profession characters despite gender.
Gixx is an Asura, so it automatically goes without saying he’s not a meatshield and smart, that’s just a racial quality.
I always thought Tybalt was a Thief, but you’re right, he’s an engineer, which is a refreshing change of pace.
I have no clue who Evion is and neither does the GW2 wiki.
Guardians are indeed Spellswords but they’re still one of the two only classes who wear heavy armor and are designed to take hits, and generally fight on the front lines in stories. It’s not like Braham or Logan use a Staff or a Scepter when battling.
However, I agree with you, the inverse of this is just as valid a complaint; Men might be too stupid to actually do something that requires half a brain, but it definitely makes women look too weak to stand on the front lines and go toe to toe with their enemies.