I tried to get a few of my friends back to GW2 by showing them that the Elder Dragons are again the focus of the game. Too bad Anet put the lesbian scene at the worst time, and now none of my friends can take the game seriously.
And that’s the issue of revealing these kinds of things. I mean, let’s be honest, the kiss revealing the relationship wasn’t -necessary-. It was added, and if we’re being honest, it was likely added just for the sake of being added. I’m not unhappy that it was added, but often times I think that those kinds of fun facts should be kept to novels or interviews with the writers. It doesn’t necessarily have a place in the story.
Yes I am a big fan of things having far reaching effects, and Scarlet impacted almost all of Tyria when you think about it. What about a Sylvari more like Sieran? She was energetic, even bubbly, but still cared and did her job.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the bit of a dandy thing, it’s just when the only gay characters are mincing stereotypes that I get mad. (Looking at you Zevran, you terrible, terrible character)
When I say Dandy I mean more in dress and hygiene habits. If I were designing the character, for example, I’d put him in a purple coat, such as the Heritage one for Light armor. Longer hair and such. Pleasant personality; polite, friendly, and informative. The kind of person you don’t expect could really hurt a fly, and who wouldn’t like to get his hands dirty.
Likewise, I’d love to see Sieran again. She was an amazing character. Really, all three of the Order characters were amazing. Still, a carbon copy wouldn’t really do well. Someone eager, energetic, and outgoing would be a solid choice for certain.
@Vexander I like that idea. Taimi sounds perfect for the Asura, wanting to replicate the genius of Scarlet without resorting to her amoral methods. It would be nice to see a younger Sylvari too, since both Caithe and Trahearne are sort of sticks in the mud.
Yeah, I’d love to see a Sylvari who’s a bit more, wild in their Wyld Hunt. I also like the idea of taking what Scarlet did and making sure it has a lasting impact. I didn’t care for her being involved in all the living story, but since she has been, her actions should have repercussions for a LONG time to come, so introducing new characters directly affected by her, and motivated by her, feels like a good method. As for that Scholarly guy, I just think having a Gentleman and a Scholar would be nifty. A bit of a dandy, perhaps, but in Peter Griffon’s immortal words, one of those, ‘Classy, maybe he is, maybe he isn’t, kind of gays.’
Well, my hope is that, now that Scarlet has been taken down, the current cast of Sidekick Heroes will take a well deserved break while a new group will come up to deal with the Elder Dragon Scarlet just woke up. Seems to be that it’ll be a good time to introduce characters who may have such a potential.
If I were asked to write it, I’d probably go with a Human Male (Mesmer/Elementalist, depending) who’s a, ‘Loremaster,’ an intellectual elite of Divinity’s Reach who is sent out on behalf of the Ministry to investigate the matter of the new dragon, and on the Queen’s behalf to seek out potential allies against it.
Pair him up with a guy from Lion’s Arch who’s looking to get his own kind of payback for Scarlet destroying the city. Toss in an Asuran Genius who hated that a Sylvari did what no Asura could do (mastering all three colleges), and a Sylvari who’s Wyld Hunt is to defeat the new Dragon. Seems like a solid cast included the two races that didn’t get a hero with the last batch.
So I’m curious if we’ll end up seeing Lion’s Arch re-designed once it’s been saved and after it’s been rebuilt. I’d be pretty unhappy if it went back to looking like it did before, considering how much of it was ultimately shipwrecked boats from a massive tidal wave that can’t really be replaced. I guess for the sake of this thread I want to know what others are hoping for if it does end up being re-designed.
Me? I want to see the Bank and the Trade Post -much- closer together. I generally stay in Divinity’s Reach just for that reason. That and Divinity’s Reach also has a much cleaner setup for accessing crafting stations as they’re right below the bank and the Trading Post; no loading screen when using the waypoint.
Other than that I think I’d simply like to see Lion’s Arch develop its own architecture that isn’t shipwrecks and remnants of Krytan Architecture.
Hrmn… to be honest, I had similar thoughts when I first saw the cinematic in Scarlet’s Drill thing. It seemed sweet and all, but my literal thoughts were, in order:
“Another lesbian relationship?”
Followed by:
“Kind of wish they’d at least push Logan and Jennah’s, a neat Living Story concept with be the crowning of a new King of Kryta at the least.”
What I like about Kasmeer and Majory’s little relationship is that it wasn’t really a key part of the story. It was there to be enjoyed, to have a touching little moment with character’s we’ve known for some time. It’s not as big as Caithe and Faolin or Jennah and Logan.
Sure, I wouldn’t mind seeing a two-male relationship at some point that isn’t Sylvari. However, I’d -hate- to see two male characters added JUST for that. Kasmeer and Majory had bigger roles in the story.
Also, if Anet needs a male homosexual writer, sign me up. I have lots of ideas for interesting Living Story content. None of which is really based in homosexuality anyways, but still.
They actually ran a gambling game based on the /roll command. If I remember correctly you paid and picked a number, if your number was rolled you won most/all of the pot money (or split with others from the same winning number). Someone else can correct me if wrong, it was like 5 years ago.
That’s a shame but… its really not Anet’s responsibility if players decided to engage in something like that. I mean, its not as though people can fix the outcomes to scam folks. Just seems a shame that something simple which could function in a number of ways would be denied because individuals from another game used it for gambling.
My main thoughts are how nicely it functions as a RP tool, because despite a great setting and rich lore, the game of Guild Wars 2 is a very desolate place in terms of supporting RP.
Beyond that, I think it could even function pretty well as a way to solve disputes for folks. Arguing over what dungeon to do? Do a /roll, see who gets the higher score. Not sure what map you want to visit to complete next? Do a /roll.
This deserves no attention from the Anet team and is a silly idea at best. Hundreds of bugs exist in this game and many of them have been around since launch. Well, nvm, I can see how this would alieviate many of those problems and add a grand new dynamic that i’ve heard much of the community clamoring for…so i retract my former statement that this is completely stupid as it might even bring back many of the thousands of players that have abandoned the game due to all the unrefined game mechanics that still persist to this day. +1
Not sure if serious… Will take it at face value though =)
Thanks for the support and I doubt it’d be anything that’d require hours of work really. I’m not a coder, so I can’t say, but it seems overall pretty easy. There’s no need to make it into an emote where characters kneel down and roll dice or something. Just a simple function that shows a randomized number in your chat and the chats of those in your party.
Lotteries and scamming? Not sure I follow. How did they manage that, exactly?
I like the idea. It’d be pretty nifty to be able to get auras or other effects like this. Perhaps quests or something from class trainers for Class Specific ones?
So, just going to toss this out there. In many of the MMORPGs I’ve played, there has typically been a /roll or /random command where players could type in a number and get a randomly generated number between 1 and the number entered, usually with a default of 100 if the command alone was rolled.
I’d love to see this added to GW2. For those who like to RP, a system for rolls that can be viewed by others makes it possible to run D&D like events. I know it won’t really have other functions outside of RP, but you never know what players will come up with.
I agree with you, Vexander. I find it odd that things like silk (or cotton, jute and linen for that matter) does not seem to come from anything but salvaged clothing; how were they made in the first place?
Discarded Garment, Rag, Torn Rag, Torn Garment, etc most of them drop very regularly from certain mobs (grawl and orges)
Why not include, “Pile of Rags,” or something in certain places then? Camps or Caves or such? Seems like an easy enough node to work with. Add animal carcasses for gathering leather or something.
To be honest, I enjoyed reading the Original Post. Really got me thinking. I gave my Human Elementalist that hairstyle. I might try to tie it into her story somehow now. Maybe a vague association of those who study and practice magic who stand united and use the flower as a symbol to recognize one another.
I don’t like beards. That said, since there is a beardless option, I fully support the addition of more beards. Let the people have what they want.
In a setting such as Guild Wars 2, there is only one acknowledgable, “Right,” to any territory or land. The Right of Conquest. That is the only one. If you say you have the right to land, you prove it by conquering it and holding it, or you don’t. In the case of the Charr, they took the lands of Ascalon, -and- they have maintained their control over those lands.
If Humanity (Read: Ascalonians) want the land back, they just have to take it from the Charr and hold it. Simple as that. If they can’t do that, then the land isn’t theirs. Given their reduced population, I wouldn’t expect the Ascalonians to be able to manage that. They seem to have a hard enough time holding onto Ebonhawke.
Can Kryta help the Ascalonians reclaim Ascalon? Sure. But then it’s not really Ascalon, is it? Its just another part of Kryta, which the Krytans have claimed and hold.
Long story short, no matter -what- the Ascalonians do, their homeland is more or less lost at this point. They can’t take it back from the Charr, and enlisting the aid of Kryta to take it back will just make it Krytan land. Even if its called Ascalon and ruled by an Ascalonian, you can bet the formation of its government will have numerous strings attached, all leading back to Kryta. Ascalonian taxes would fill Krytan coffers. The Queen or Ministry would have enough political influence to make or prevent laws.
Ascalon is gone. It’s not coming back. Not by the standards of the setting, at least.
Yup well all the spiteful people who are in T3 don’t want you spending 20g less than them for a fiery T3 do they?! Oh dear lord 20g Less! Or $10 which would exchange into enough gold to buy half of the T3 anyway!
Oh well. Friendly Gw2 community? I think not. I love the flamekissed light and human T3, to me their different.
I think the main reason why people were against it, was because every other race had access to T3 HUMAN CULTURAL gear, what is the point in having CULTURAL gear when other races can get one that is not only prettier but easier to get.
This is the only valid reason to take it down in my opinion. However, by the same logic, why not just every other race’s cultural armor available as well? I’d love to see, for example, a Lightning version of the Norn Heavy Armor. Or an icy version of any of the Sylvari armors. Dark Versions of the Asura Armor would be amazing, I’d totally get a necromancer a Dark Asuran tier 3.
I guess the main issue is that these armors would have to be released in waves. I still think they’d be amazing and that players would love them. I mean, you may pay less in terms of gold to gems and all, but you also don’t get credit towards certain achievements either, so I don’t see a huge problem there.
I’m all for a Virtue that gives Guardians a Speed Bonus. I love my Guardian dearly, but when I play a Thief or a Warrior can can actually move with any kind of speed, it really makes it hard to go back to playing my Guardian. It just feels so slow afterwards. I’d be happy with a Signet or a Trait to give speed equal to other Signets and Traits. A virtue would be idea.
Granted I’d rather have a teleport than a leap.
Arguably, why not add a means to harvest Cloth and Leather beyond just salvaging? Add certain types of mobs that can be slain easily and then their wool/silk/leather can be harvested. Perhaps with a new kind of gathering item. A knife or something.
It’d be nice to have some nodes for them.
I’m surprised they didn’t also explore the problem with her being a typical female villain stereotype.
I don’t think anyone could complain about this game having, “Typical female villain stereotypes,” all that much. It barely has -any- female villains. The majority of villains are male, and the majority of heros are female. It’s been that way since Guild Wars, and continued into Guild Wars 2. I mean, let’s keep count for a moment…
Of the Six human Gods, Four are Female.
The Last known Human Royal is a Queen, who has a male Minister as her political arch nemesis at this point.
Destiny’s Edge is composed of 3 females, 2 males, with a woman being their leader (Eir Stegalkin), and another female being the Catalyst to bring them together (Caithe).
A massive part of the Charr conflict with the Flame Legion is their treatment of female Charr.
The Pale Tree, a deity-like being, is portrayed as Female.
The Sons of Svanir is an entirely -Male- antagonist group.
I mean really, Scarlet may be a lot of things, but its almost -refreshing- to have a female antagonist for a change. I really, personally do not consider gender inequality to be a huge issue in this game or story. There’s a fair mix of male and female characters, and all characters are, for the most part, portrayed well.
I just think its silly to pull the gender card into this. I’ve had arguments with people who thought Guild Wars 2 was a Misogynist game before for one reason or another. I really just don’t think gender has that big of a role in Tyria when it comes to characters like Scarlet. Being male or female wouldn’t really change her in my opinion.
(edited by Vexander.9850)
Clearly Scarlet had a bad time in PvP or WvW. That’s why she hates Mesmers.
Agreed. I’d like to see a Living Story, “Season,” wherein we know exactly what we’re doing from the start. Everything we’ve been given so far has been more or less completely unrelated occurrences that were connected in the shadows. I don’t think it worked so well. For one thing, the connections in the shadows were -far- too obscure. For another thing, it really ended up using a lot of narrative resources. We’ve seen Flame Legion, Dredge, Aetherblades which were new, Nightmare Court, Krait, Steam Creatures, etc… all being pooled together into a single story that was discordant.
I’d rather have seen something remarkably cliche like all the racial opposing factions joining together in a dark mockery of the existing alliances of Tyria to combat them. I’d honestly have preferred watching Queen Jennah in a slapping contest with some female White Mantle Prophet while Knut Whitebear is Wrestling a so called Havroun of Dragon, with the Arcane Council in a freeforall with an Inquest Council or something. I’d even have been fine watching the Pale Tree’s Avatar mudwrestling with some Avatar of the Nightmare Tree.
At least then we kind of know what’s going on.
Hopefully Streamlining means that they’re going to make categories or collapsible ones where you can more easily preview certain kinds of goods in the Style Section. Holiday items, Living Story items, Armor Skins, Weapon Skins, Town Clothes, Toys, Backpacks, etc…
I’d prefer to see more Heavy Armor skirts/kilts similar to the Heavy Leggins from Honor of the Waves. I see more people wearing that than just about anything else really.
7/10 – Just because i don’t like “common” real life names as a character name, however, Crowngarde sounds really bad-kitten =)
I feel like I should explain it. I wanted to go with something that was a mix of, “Generic Paladin,” but with a stronger surname. I was thinking of Joshua, Vicktor, and Leo when I decided to go with Leo since Kryta’s national animal is/was a lion (not sure if that changed or what have you since Lion’s Arch is no longer a part of Kryta).
9/10 – very nice name. It sounds so asian. :P
My human thief name is Ventru Uth Matar – Ventru is a nickname I use in many games/websites and Uth Matar is a surname of a Dragonlance novels character. BTW Ventru is a variation of a major bloodline of vampires called Ventrue.
10/10 for going with Uth Matar. Dragonlance is one of my all-time favorite works! Every character was a gem of amazing.
To stay on topic…
Sorceress Elenie
Elementalist. Female.
Was just thinking how awesome it would be if it was offered on the gem store for 2k gems or something, and how angry those people who bought it for a legendary + worth of gold would be.
Hahahaha oh dear lord please anet please!!!! The forums would be a mad house, would be worse than the flame kissed debacle.
To be honest, the price of goods in the Trading Post fluctuates. I’m fine with some things getting lowered from ungodly high prices. Something that is strictly a convenience like the Permanent Hairstyle Kit, I am fine with seeing become cheaper. I’d rather Legendaries remained the big price tags on the Trading Post (though I also want to see them become Account Bound).
To be honest, I could see Queen Jennah trying to reclaim Lion’s Arch before Ascalon. Lion’s Arch belonged to Kryta, after all, and is now under the control of Pirates who took advantage of Dragon-Created natural disasters to take the city for themselves.
However, while the Centaur remain a problem, I can’t see Kryta launching any campaigns to reclaim any lost territory. I could perhaps see Cantha doing some conquest though, assuming its massive population is still massive.
1, there are Quite a few people asking for the same thing.
2, it would destroy the market for said weapons
3, it would be awesome.so….. most likely wont happen
I’m not so sure it’ll destroy the Market for the Weapons really. There are a -LOT- of Legendaries, and supposedly, even more to be added in future content updates. If anything, it might drive up the prices of the less-desired Legendaries by those seeking to gather them all or such.
Simple suggestion. I think making a Legendary is a difficult enough task in and of itself, but why make more than one of the same? If I have a Guardian, a Warrior, and a Mesmer, I really would not want to go through making Sunrise or Twilight or heaven forbid, Eternity, three times. I’d rather play Hot Potato through the bank, passing it around.
I would hope this is a simple enough suggestion, I guess we’ll see. Not sure if its been suggested before or not, though I imagine so…
It’d be great to have more options for Town Clothes, and by that I don’t just mean in the Gem Store, but also in-game. Give NPCs the ability to sell Town Clothes that match their race’s style. For example, maybe a Sylvari goes to Divinity’s Reach and comes across a vendor selling town clothes for the three classes of society? The Street Rat clothes make you look like a thug or ruffian, the Commoner clothes like a merchant or commoner, and the Noble clothes wealthy and flashy, kind of like Countess Anise’s clothes or such.
In a way, they’d be Cultural Town Clothes, just not bound to a single race like Cultural Armor is. It’d also be nice to see some town clothes available to the Armor Crafts. Tailoring, Leatherworking, Armorsmithing, etc….
The stuff in the Gem Store is great and all, but I like how that can be more specialized for Living Story or Holidays. Having more options for casual clothing and all that is more normal would be nice.
I didn’t think the Sons of Svanir had been used yet. Or the Jotun, though I don’t consider them to be quite the same as, say, the Flame Legion or the White Mantle.
Call me crazy, but the Flamekissed armor was the only one of the three I actually liked. I can see why it was pulled, being so much like the Human Cultural Armor, but why didn’t they pull the Heavy and Medium ones as well? I thought the whole point of those armors was to look like existing armor with fire aesthetics.
I’d love to hear more about this to be honest. Pity there’s no statement yet. I mean, it makes sense that it now works at the same efficiency as a high-end Kit and all since the Permanent gathering tools also function at the highest quality of gathering tools. I’d still like to know a bit more though. Also a bit of a shame that unlike the permanent gathering tools this actually eats your money, not that I’ll be upset at losing a couple of silver after breaking down a few hundred items.
0/10 for not sounding like a human name at all. Your warrior’s parents must have been drunk to name him that. Outside of Lore though, I give it a 5/10, mostly out of respect for using a handle across multiple games and media. It demonstrates a characteristic of being accountable, rather than hiding behind internet Anonymity.
Leo Crowngarde – Human, Male, Guardian, Noble
We have a perfectly good system in game now for acquiring skills. I think your idea is a bad one. You falsely assume we want to be pulled away from our game play to unlock a skill simply because you feel it would be fun. I disagree.
I can earn skill point to buy skills. And having already done things to earn the skill point, I no longer have to do things for them. I do not have to quest for every skill and I like that.
While I’m in agreement as far as Healing or Utility Skills go, I do think something of a Personal Story Side-Quest for an Elite Skill would have the potential to be quite fun. You could be a Thief seeking the Secrets of the Canthan Assassins, a Human Guardian delving in to the deepest mysteries of the Six Gods, an Asuran Mesmer plumbing the depths of the Eternal Alchemy, etc…
I started another thread for people to come up with Elite Skills for fun and as suggestions for implementations.
I like your idea to be honest. I think it’d make the Elite Skills much more interesting if you could acquire them as part of, say, an Optional Side-Quest in your Personal Story. Take the suggested Elite Skill, ‘Tome of Lord Odran.’ As an Elementalist, it’d be pretty awesome if you went on a quest around Tyria to obtain the location of it. Seek out clues in Orr, in the libraries of Divinty’s Reach or the Durmand Priory, etc…
To be honest, I don’t really like Underwater Combat all that much. Spear abilities seem to be the only weapons that are any good underwater.
Depends on your class. As a necro the trident skills are pretty powerful.
Necromancer, Engineer, and Ranger are classes I haven’t actually played a lot beyond, say, level 15 or so. So, I concede the point and shall remember it when I start a Necromancer =) Thanks!
1.New skills
A little bit related, but if you’re interested in some fun brainstorming, I made a thread to brainstorm new Elite skills for classes.
However, I do largely agree with your points. I’m a bit curious what you or others would think of as an acceptable third Heavy Armor profession though. All I can think up are Dervishes, but I feel like a lot of their functionality has been lost to other professions such as Elementalists.
To be honest, I don’t really like Underwater Combat all that much. Spear abilities seem to be the only weapons that are any good underwater.
I think this is a great suggestion that would really help spread around the population. My only question is how would you go about implementing a Scoreboard to demonstrate which maps require attention, and how long do you believe a Zerg or Train would need to work in a map before they could move on to another?
be grateful for what we ARE given already, folk.
We, as the paying customer, have every right to voice complaints when the product fails to meet our standards.
It’s a business relationship and ANet’s not a charity. We have no reason whatsoever to be “grateful”.
When the product is of quality, we the customer show support by paying. When the product is a baby cat, we publicly announce how bad it is and finally proceed to leave without a backward glance.
Simple as that.
Oh, I must have missed that part of the box that said that I would get new updates every second week all year around.
When I bought the game I didn’t see anything at all about any kind of updates after release, but I suppose that might have changed since then.
The only updates I expected were small balancing patches until an Expansion. The Living World came as a pleasant surprise. I think they just need to go back to, say, the Flame and Frost level of content releases. They weren’t bit, they had a month, and they all tied into one another in a very satisfying and reasonable way. I was very happy with how Flame and Frost was handled.
I don’t mind bi-weekly updates for fun things I can ignore or just take my time to enjoy, like the Four Winds Bazaar or the Super Adventure Box. Pity that both of those disappeared though. I’d have loved to have seen both remain. The Super Adventure Box in particular. I don’t much like Jumping Puzzles, but the Box has this amazing old school charm that makes it an amazing mini game.
I love this idea, but I imagine it was changed to the current model so that Dyes wouldn’t become worthless after a while. I believe before it was released the idea was that you could take a Dye to an NPC, and 24 hours later it would be unlocked on your account.
Hands of Death
Cast Time - 5 Seconds
Recharge - 3 Minutes
The Necromancer suffuses his hands with the power of his art, turning them into a versatile weapon. While the Hands of Death remain in effect (indefinite until one Presses 0), the Necromancer can assign skills to hot keys 1-5 from any weapon they have mastered. In addition to this, the Necromancer has a 15% chance to inflict Torment onto enemies they strike with their skills (this effect cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds).
So in effect you could have the Axe skill 1, the Dagger skill 2, the Staff skill 3, the Focus Skill 4, the Horn skill 5, etc…
Cast Time - 1 Second
Recharge - 60 Seconds
The Mesmer assumes the precise appearance, stats, and traits as their target for twenty seconds or until cancelled (Press 0 to Cancel). In the case of players, copy’s their weapon and utility skills to the Mesmer’s skill bar. In the case of NPCs, copies their attack skills and if applicable, racial skills.
So if you use it on a Son of Svanir you’d get Call Owl and Call Wyrm on your utility bar. Can be used on allies or enemies as well.
(edited by Vexander.9850)
Warrior Elite
Place nearby enemies in Defeated State.
Heal: 50k.
Radius: 10k
Cooldown: 10s:D
Come on, try to be serious and have fun making an Elite Skill that could actually be -added- =)
What do want from new areas? Do you want another low level zone like Queensdale where low level characters can do quests, given there are five low level zones already? Do you want another beautiful zone like timberline falls, given that nobody will go to since the personal story will still players into timberline? Do you want another zone like Orr with end game event chains, and if so wouldn’t it just be better if Orr was revamped to give three better endgame zones? Do you want another island like Southsun with all that’s expected of a traditional zone except any players there? A zone has to have a purpose so just asking for zones for the sake of having zones is going to get nowhere.
I’d want Zones designed for Guild Bases, preferably 4-5 of them, each with a design layout and thematic fitting one of each playable race. Allow players to build up guild bases and unlock/purchase events. As an example, you can earn the right for a Celebration event to occur at or near your guild base three times a day. Maybe change the weather or add new bits and pieces to it or something.
To get the ball rolling I’ll start us off!
Tome of Lord Odran
A tome containing teachings of the famous Wizard Lord, Odran, which only the greatest Elementalists can decipher.
Summons and Equips a Tome of Lord Odran onto the Elementalist, granting them access to a set of five Arcane Spells, enhanced by the Elementalist’s attunement.
Cast Time: 5 Seconds
Recharge Time: 3 Minutes
Skill 1 – Arcane Missile: Launches an Arcane Missile at the enemy, damaging enemies in the vicinity of its impact.
Fire - Causes Burning (3 Seconds)
Water - Causes Chill (3 Seconds)
Air - Causes Vulnerability (3 Seconds)
Earth - Causes Bleeding (3 Seconds)
Skill 2 – Arcane Explosion: Causes an explosion of arcane energy at the target location.
Fire - Places a Fire Field on the ground at place of explosion. (Lasts 5 Seconds)
Water - Places an Ice Field on the ground at the place of explosion. (Lasts 5 Seconds)
Air - Places a Lightning Field on the ground at the place of explosion. (Lasts 5 Seconds)
Earth - Churns the ground, applying Cripple to Enemies in the area of effect. (Lasts 5 Seconds)
Skill 3 – Arcane Empowerment: Grants you and nearby allies 3 stacks of Might, and 9 seconds of Protection and Retaliation.
Fire - Grants 9 seconds of Fury to you and nearby allies.
Water - Grants 9 seconds of Regeneration to you and nearby allies.
Air - Grants 9 seconds of Swiftness to you and nearby allies.
Earth – Grants 9 seconds of Stability to you and nearby allies.
Skill 4 – Arcane Focus: Charge an Enemy or Ally with Arcane energy. If an ally, grants regeneration to nearby friendly units. If an enemy, deals damage to nearby enemies.
Fire - Target ally gains 5 stacks of Might/Target enemy is afflicted with 5 stacks of Burning and 9 seconds of Blind.
Water - Target ally gains 9 seconds of Aegis/Target enemy is afflicted with 5 stacks of Chilled and Poison.
Air - Target ally gains 9 seconds of Swiftness/Target enemy is afflicted with 5 stacks of Vulnerability and Confusion.
Earth - Target ally gains 9 seconds of Stability/Target enemy is afflicted with 9 seconds of Immobilize and 5 stacks of Bleeding.
Skill 5 – Summon Arcane Elemental: Call forth a low-health Arcane Elemental to fight beside the caster for 15 seconds. Each strike by the Elemental deals 1 stack of Torment. If killed by an enemy before 15 seconds ends, applies Arcane Focus. If duration concludes, causes an Arcane Explosion at its location.
Fire - Creates a Flame Axe with 5 Charges at location of Elemental’s end.
Water - Creates a Frost Bow with 5 Charges at location of Elemental’s end.
Air - Creates a Lightning Hammer with 5 Charges at Location of Elemental’s end.
Earth - Creates an Earth Shield with 5 Charges at location of Elemental’s end.
OOC Explanation: An Elite Skill that functions similar to a Guardian’s Tome of Courage or Wrath, but being permanent until unequipped similar to an Engineer’s Flamethrower or Grenade Kit. The main purpose behind this elite skill is to offer Elementalists who want to play with an Arcane build a chance to do so, without actually sacrificing the purpose/utility of Attunements in the process.
They’ll also have to be smart with that last skill, because if they equip a conjured weapon by accident, they’d have to wait for the Elite Skill to cool down to get the Tome back. The cooldown on the Elite Skill wouldn’t begin until the book is unequipped. When sheathed it’d show up on the caster’s side like a Focus would.
I didn’t add any damage numbers or anything as I’m not someone who does a whole lot of number crunching, and I expect the Developers would be able to balance it out.
Anyways, that’s an example down! Show off your ideas for Elite Skills, folks!
(edited by Vexander.9850)
So, this topic is largely for fun, but as this is the Suggestion Forum, I hope to keep it in a serious line. Essentially, design an Elite Skill for your favorite class or classes. Some Rules or guidelines to help:
1) Stick to existing Mechanics - This one is straight forward, but can open up some interesting options if you decide to mix and match. Look at existing class mechanics for skills and work with them to come up with an idea. For example, maybe you want to make a Guardian Skill that works similar to the Poison Mechanics for Thieves.
2) Keep skills Reasonable - No one wants to see, I.W.I.N. buttons in effect. An Elite is supposed to be a way to turn the tide of battle or an amazing compliment to a character. So, don’t make up an Engineering skill that drops a Nuke that does crit damage with a base of 15,000 damage in 9,000 yards or something.
3) Keep them Lore Friendly - More of a Bonus Points guideline, try to keep Elite Skills relevant to the lore. As an idea, a Thief Skill based around the Jade Wind which petrifies enemies in an area of effect for a period of time, playing off the Assassin profession from which Thieves are based on coming from Cantha.
Thanks for the link! That was a very nice read. Can’t really argue with anything that it said. I hope that Arena.net doesn’t get rid of the Living Story entirely, but redesigns the nature of its content. Much more light-hearted and permanent content would be appreciated, with the more serious content being temporary over the course of 1-3 months and then having some visual marks on the world afterwords.
Queen’s Jubilee and the Bazaar of the Four Winds both were good examples for Light-Hearted content, though the Jubilee was the only one with anything more permanent to it, even though that has only been a change to Divinity’s Reach that has since been closed. I can’t say there was really any reason for the Bazaar’s map to be removed/closed off.
It might just be better to have more Living Story such as the Four Winds Bazaar. There was nothing really hectic about it. It was fun, relaxing. There was no big bad threatening everything you know and love. I sometimes just spent hours at the top of the air ship just enjoying the music and atmosphere.
I loved all the temporary skills you got from the crystals too. Higher jumps, teleporting, dashing, etc…
I think she’s targeting other races because they’re more complex and defined in terms of being systems, compared to the Sylvari. The Sylvari are still a child race in a lot of ways, while Humans, Charr, and Norn are very old races that have well defined, complex cultural systems. Taking them out, or damaging them, might just be more of her testing her abilities in preamble for what she hopes to do with the Sylvari.
My theory is she is making these alliances to gain their technology/resources, and in return she is attacking their rivals.
Some people think Scarlett is building her own Chaos Reactor, like Thaumanova, and The Tower of Nightmares IS that reactor. I don’t know how a Chaos Reactor fits into attacking the Pale Tree though. We will just have to wait and see…
Maybe its not so much the Tree that she’s after, but the Dream and Nightmare. She doesn’t seem to want the Pale Tree to die (that’d mean the extinction of her race, not the evolution, since they cannot procreate without the Tree), but she doesn’t want the Dream and Nightmare to essentially control the Sylvari.