seriously, what are BHB’s?
This is good.
I have played exactly one mmo with a trinity. In that game is just dps classes mashing the button that does highest dps, heal classing mashing the button that does most efficient heals and tanks auto attacks and occasionally use a taunt skill. Do I think timing dodges and doing max dps rotation is a bit better? Yeah in my opinion I find it a bit more engaging.
this thread is so cool
yeah but they are having fun wiping over and over again!!! who are you to ruin people’s fun?
turn around hotkey only works 30% of the time for me. I am trying to learn to turn my camera to look at my char and lupi sideways so when he does aoe lifedrain I can just press w and dodge which should put me almost out of the circle.
@Dub, thx for the updates, but how about this one?
My post has been in fracted & deleted because I said thanks to Anet for my grandma likes to play fotm 48 and now w/ AR at 55, she got her chance. I have an on line friend who is retired and a grandma, affectionately called “grandma”. She got to level 30s then quit FoTM higher levels because dodging is hard for her and she didn’t want to be a burden to the team. And now she got her chance. If you want her name, I can provide that for you, Anet’s mod.
Don’t think modbots are advanced enough for that
WOW, they sure have skyrocketed
all employment issues in the medical industry has been solved in this thread
been there, done that
ah true, better champ loot as well
you are feeding them on purpose aren’t you?
I wish
because anet logic. Hmm we need ascended materials, maybe we can get from salvaging ascended trinkets? no no no must be from exotics /facepalm
that would be… wonderful for my 2+ banktabs of hammer skins
No, I didn’t read all of that.
If you suggest to implement mechanics that force to switch out UTILITY SKILLS for certain boss encounters – I am all for it.
If you suggest mechanics that require to run specific BUILDS or use specific WEAPONS for certain boss encounters – Hell No.
That is my short version
it really wouldn’t be that bad (okay requiring certain weapon skills is a bit much) if we can have those god kitten build templates
still no SAB hammer skin, just some stupid pickaxe that is bugged and shown as a hammer
Bright, do you really expect serious replies in this sub section?
well holy crap.
lo and behold I have found someone who not only agrees with me fully, but does a much better job of explaining what I hate about this game.
adding this to the OP.
would you be kind enough to explain to me the relevance between that post and yours?
- Berserker gear. Hard foes often kill you if you get hit once (or by several AoE fields at once), no matter what gear you wear. So it’s basically dodge or die. We might as well sacrifice all sorts of healing and armour for more damage then. While the damage reduction from toughness is quite effective mathematically, it doesn’t matter at all if a missed dodge or bad positioning still kills you in one second. In fact killing faster is the best defence, it reduces the chance of someone missing their dodge.
- PvE Builds. While GW2 has lots of options when it comes to builds, a large part of it is only appealing in PvP. Pulling foes is only done once, by a guardian, to pull the mob together with a greatsword. Pushing is actually a hindrance most of the time, since it throws foes out of any AoE damage your friends have brought. And in the few cases where a pull might be useful, like getting Mai Trin inside the electrical storm, it is not really required. (She’ll just follow you over there)
Getting an interrupt on a huge boss attack is also something that I have not yet been able to do. (Or felt the need to)
Just being pedantic here but mesmer focus pulls tend to be much more reliable than GS pull. There are also encounters where we use warriors to fear bosses into corners to do our business. As for interrupts, dredge fractal boss heal and CoE golem boss spin attack are the ones we (my guild team) always interrupt.
- My character has nothing unique to offer to the fight. This is put a bit harsh, but apart from bringing my guardian for reflects and party wide aegis (so my team can miss a few more dodges). I only feel uniquely useful if I’m using portal or shadow refuge. After all, anyone can dodge and hit. And that’s all we need.
well yeah… the things we need is obtainable in every class. But for something like speedclearing we do have specific roles for different classes.
*Guardians: Fire fields, aegis, stability, reflects, condition cleanse
*Mesmers: TW, focus pulls, reflects, condition cleanse
*Warriors: vulnerability, might/fury, banners
*Elementalists: blasts finishers (ie, fury and might), vulnerability. fire fields
*Thieves: spammable interrupts, spammable blast finishers, stealth
but yeah it all comes down to increasing overall dps
- Smart players with bad reflexes. There are plenty of bright people in my guild that managed to do the hard content in GW1 that are struggling with the terrors of GW2. Bringing protective gear and some extra healing just doesn’t help. If you don’t have the reflexes, you’re going to fail. And since difficulty is for a large part defined by the amount of time you can keep going without messing up a dodge…Yeah you’re going to have to miss out on all the challenging stuff.
well, I consider myself with horrible reflexes and I barely scrap by a lot of the contents. A lot of it comes down to muscle memory. I started playing GW1 after playing GW2 and I also face the same problem but the other way round. I can’t dodge my way out of trouble if I know nothing about the encounter before hand. I don’t think there is right or wrong it is just… a different cup of tea. It would be nice for anet to make different tea for everyone though.
PS: I would love to have to change builds for different encounters. But it just becomes annoying how anet didn’t implement build templates in this game.
(edited by Wukunlin.8461)
Check out the posting time of OP
just saying
I heard necros are good for cof now
yes we know you loved farming cof P1’s
apparently there is no DR with empyreal rewards in dungeon paths so you can spam 25 cof P1’s if you want to get your 500 quick
What was the problem with people getting top tier stats quickly?
gold rewards at the end of the paths are buffed but they are time gated to once per day per account so you can’t farm the same path over and over again anymore. If instead you do a bunch of different paths you will get quite a bit of gold though
but… why are mid bunker guards so popular?
Bunker works in tpvp not hotjoins. Bunker requires competent team mates and communication, which is severely lacking in spvp. People just zerg points, they’ll leave you a point, and an eight man zerg will come kill you in five seconds.
Would bunker warriors do better jobs with the same competent team mates and communication?
trident 5 in water is similar to firy rush but it is a little trickier to position.
yeah but I am just genuinely curious about why I see so many mid bunker guards and almost never see teams sending a tank warrior to do the job
i’d more imagine it’s.. torch 4’s double tap that can hit that high?
that’s still a direct damage (scale with power) skill though :S
“you don’t need ascended to play the game”
“you don’t a good job in real life, you can stay a janitor” … sorry I don’t want to be a janitor.
same mentality applies to games/anything in general, the want to be better.
oh noes, get ready for the swarms of YOU CAN’T COMPARE GAME TO RL AHFEJAHJEWAR;LWAFE dog piling on you
At lower lvls where fotm mobs are still pretty squishy (read: don’t need too much dps to finish in 1 hr) you can sometimes see x/10/x/30/x d/d eles spamming group auras and spewing out boons. Those can be okay for babysitting, decent might stacking, perma group swiftness for skipping, contributes fury etc but don’t expect them to do anywhere near LH damage. Also, on demand group aegis just isn’t replaceable imo.
this probably make me sound stupid but if the 12k+ burn damage you are talking about is from the torch 5 skill, it scales off power not condi because it is actually a direct damage skill
but… why are mid bunker guards so popular?
good thing I didn’t blow my 2 mil on orrian boxes yesterday
yeah just let it rot
Yet this has happened before. Where is the quality control?
quality control
be realistic plz
I just like to point out hammer isn’t that slow overall because the symbol ticks a few times
I just don’t understand the “There is nothing wrong with it because you don’t need to use it” argument. It is like saying that apple on the floor cannot possibly be rotten because you don’t have to eat it.
ya know, I’ve always wondered why gears have different qualities to start with.
light field shouldn’t be a problem. A guardian can either 1) not use a hammer, or 2) use the hammer after the firefield goes down.
To answer OP’s question, I only pug with my guardian but I don’t think anyone can solo carry a bad team without suffering from extreme back pain.
I’m not sure I understand the answer. He says that they want to make dungeons vary in difficulty, so that it’s generally understood that some are for the hardcore players and some are not. But how does that not equally splinter the community into, say, the people who do fractals and the people who don’t? (Of course, the people who do fractals might also do other things, but the people who did hard mode in GW also did other things.)
because the “non-hardcore” players will walk into higher difficulty dungeons and QQ and they will nerf everything back to ground again
solid state drive, basically a harddrive that is much faster and much more expensive per GB
After investigation by our programmers, they have determined that the fix to this issue would be too risky and could end up making the situation worse than it is. Unfortunately, this means that we’re not able to make changes to correct the issue. We’re sorry about this and we will be implementing ways to ensure this doesn’t happen in the future.
yeah, not much to expect when you have a bunch of fanboys with all that “YOU DON’T PLAY FOR THE REWARDS” BS
well the hammer isn’t TOO garbage…
oh my god I was considering finishing it last night -_-