Ticket #1294244 (for a friend)
Banned for gold selling, when in fact was just sending gold to a (newly aquired) alt. Been banned twice for gold selling before, both times support agreed was a false flag (having a chinese IP adrress probably doesnt help)
been 3 days.
inb4 we need a stack of bricks for ascended armor
hope not….
good game design is possible with and without trinity.
if anything the zerker meta will be even stronger because dps becomes even more important for speedclears. Mesmers will slow down runs even more.
Power of the Virtuous (Virtues 25) still needs an increase to at least 2%, although I’d rather see 3%.
considering they went through all the effort to nerf bountiful power to be the same as power of the virtuous. I doubt they will do an 180 on it. Would be nice though….
I see i’m not the only person disturbed by the amount of T2 materials you need for ascended crafting.
Its only the full signet warriors that get hate? What about the full signet guardians rangers thieves etc, is it ok for a thief to go full signet but not for a warrior?
I don’t mind a signet thief when we don’t need stealth
Would you run knight’s with hammer?
the permanent protection you get from hammer auto should be enough to let you survive with berserker’s. But obviously if you do have trouble surviving then use knight’s and switch to berserker’s when you feel like trading tankiness for damage
I consider the 15/15/0/20/20 hammer camping build to be all-round
The rewards system in FOTM is good as it is in my opinion, the scaling is fine.
uhh… yeah…. okay
Waiting for punctuated version of what OP was trying to say…
It turned out to be more difficult than I thought. This is the best I can do.
I am making this post because I want to whine about dungeon system. From my personal experience, having most of the reward back loaded at the end of the dungeon is horrible game design. I have groups where people leave on the last fractal or second last fractal about 5 times this week. I couldn’t get the rewards due to the system and fractals is extremely long, taking around 2 hours. The worse thing is that the 2 hours were wasted because 1 or 2 people leave and then the rest leave which leave me unable to carry on those fractal runs. Therefore if I don’t run with guildies then I am just wasting my time. The current reward system is not suitable for fractals. I hope people from Anet read this and at least think about changing the reward system for their own good.
PS. extremely frustrated player trying to farm fractal relics
It is based on length by Anet’s understanding of these dungeon paths. So go figure how much they do know about these dungeons.
best way to farm is always work IRL and then buy gems, then exchange for gold. Works for minimum wage in most countries I know.
I don’t think we need more way to gain gold. Instead we need more way to gain actual items like crafting materials
Not sure if that was serious
Best thread NA.
GW2? 5 random pugs, doesn’t matter what profession, skill level, sure it may take a bit more time, few deaths but you still can finish everything, no risk, no failure, no wipe, no restart.
I’m not sure I’ve read my other reply to your edit but again, that is an (imo) unfortunate consequence to making this game friendly to casual players
Holy Trinity was replaced with holy Zerging/DPS spam, occasional dodge and #5.
well, this we can agree on. Challenging content has been asked for but they are reluctant to make them, due to the amount of crying they get every time they make something that requires more than 11111.
HA was intense with Infuse RC/Infuse Monks reuired 1/4 , 1/2 second reaction time.
It required good reflexes, mana management, weapon switching etc, it sure as hell wasn’t just standing in one place casting 2-3 heal skills again and again.
But that is more about the challenge of having to have good reflexes instead of having to do with trinity roles
This is what I know about the trinity:
tanks: spam taunt skills, put something heavy on the key mapped to that skill
healers: spam heal skills, put something heavy on the key mapped to that skill
dps; dps rotationwhat do people like it so much?
Challenge? Coordination? Team work?
you don’t have to have trinity to have those
This is what I know about the trinity:
tanks: spam taunt skills, put something heavy on the key mapped to that skill
healers: spam heal skills, put something heavy on the key mapped to that skill
dps; dps rotation
what do people like it so much?
no, haven’t got around to it
it has been like that since the spykit nerf
I did, and he kicked me
lupi is more than legendary
basically he got the skin he wants and he wants to remain the only special snowflake
Make your own group. Write what you want in the description, eg. “AC path 1, everyone welcome, no skiping, no stacking”. You’ll find people in no time.
Just because a majority of players prefer the speedrun/skip version doesn’t mean everyone does.
to be fair with the amount of morons who don’t read the lfg descriptions this can be problematic at times.
You are referring to the non-English speaker who only recongnize “P1/P2/P3” in the whole sentance? XD
that is what I don’t understand, a lot of them understand english perfectly but they just refuse to read the descriptions and join groups they clearly won’t enjoy playing with
Make your own group. Write what you want in the description, eg. “AC path 1, everyone welcome, no skiping, no stacking”. You’ll find people in no time.
Just because a majority of players prefer the speedrun/skip version doesn’t mean everyone does.
to be fair with the amount of morons who don’t read the lfg descriptions this can be problematic at times.
Not only loot, but ressing down players.
if the players you are ressing is in your party you can click on their portrait to select them
Unlikely. Also I don’t think they put much thought into matching appearance with lore. Your sister in that story line would look exactly the same regardless of the ancestry you chose earlier.
the crab mentality is strong in this thread
TL;DR Byron thinks having to run a huge amount of fractals to get a skin you want is reasonable, some other people disagree.
if SoP have that extra tick the damage boost would’ve been real nice
new bugs = new challenges = new content
is there a record for 5 man lupi with ranged weapons?
That comes down to personal preference. How valuable is 20% shout CD to you? How often do you stay in sword? 10/30/0/10/20 is also an option. There isn’t really a “best build” unless you specify what you value most and not everyone can agree on those.
I always use guardian hammer 3 on maw Colossi to immob my guildies when they are targetted
Guess OP also cuts his neighbor’s internet wire because he finds out his neighbor is downloading porn.
respect for OP +9001
come on, where is the ban?
OP must feel like the whole world owes him a favour now
Here we go again
I got people whispering on advice for thief builds, wth o_O
But then the instance opener can abuse the hell out of his teammates.
you can report their names cos you just partied with them… oh wai-
Why can’t we have the list of names of people we recently partied with? Like, please?
I have started to believe that, given the age rating of this game and the target audience. Challenging content simply doesn’t have a place here.
Why is dungeon selling so common in this game but not other game.
In my experience, players in other games are willing to learn and play better.
Also, when These type of people spam reports whenever they see something not going their way I can understand why Anet hasn’t been able to take action towards griefers. Hell, I personally knew someone that uses hacks to teleport all over dungeons. Me and some irl friends has reported him multiple times because we don’t think he deserves to play. Nothing ever happened to his account. Not even a warning. Does that mean hacking is okay?
(edited by Wukunlin.8461)
yup, no arguments there. Although that means people can potentially hijack the dungeon. The system can only do so much. The rest has to be done by game moderators and the ability to report abusive players /coughpartychatlogcough
I use PVT because I use staff in running trash and survivability actually helps more than dps in that regard. Not that weapon alone makes much of the difference though.
the fact that the tooltip changed with it suggest that it is intentionally changed but for some reason they specifically leave it out of the release notes