“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Every profession loses damge for utilities. A condi war gets more dps from Signet of Fury, Shattering Blow and “For Great Justice!” too. Mes loses wells, guard loses signet for reflection, etc etc. It’s totally fine we also do. It’s not like we would lose tons of damage when we miss one kit. For Gorsy, EG is gonna leave the stage for Slick shoes, wich is ok imo, since it only has one big dps skill. Sadly it’s one of our best tough, with fat 34k dmg.
PvE, WvW, PvP?
There’s nothing better than a charr engineer
Dude, what goggles are those? Gotta get my charr engi on that level. Teach me senpai.
only 1g at TP, awesome skin and ultra cheap. get them!
- Ziggy
As for a condi build, in raids, abandoning scrapper is abandoning utility for 10% power damage.
Power damage? Come on. Condi build is not focused on power dmg.
That’s exactly what I said. That’s why you should pick scrapper over tools.
Medic gyro is the best heal skill for raids in every encounter, especially due the super speed and condi engi being the ones to go to the green fields. Having super speed for everyone makes this task easier, lets the team reencounter faster, more dps, more effective.
You’re kidding, right? Medic gyro is a solid skill, however it’s still worse than Healing Turret that provides much better heal, 2 water fields and blast + knockdown cc. Super speed does not give you more dps, you do not attack faster. Also if someone is let’s say knocked away, he won’t get super speed because he’s too far, so your reencounter argument is invalid.
Bad arguments, let me explain it deeper to you.
For Vale Guardian, you have aoe on demand super speed. You can either use it to get to a green field, or to come back to the VG after that. If someone gets hit by a blue field, it’s a mistake on his/her own. Neither the HT, nor the gyro can help those players, but they also don’t have to. Getting hit by a blue field is something that should never happen to anyone, they are easy to dodge and blockable. In our guild we always have to pay 50 silver to the guild bank if we get hit :P The reencounter argument is when you have to take a far away green field and the tank already has to move on.
Then there is the reason of protection. When you are not breaking the breakbar for max dps, you want to have protection, yet this happens while you have to stay in a green field right before the bar appears. So revs can’t give you any, so the engis do it. It’s also a water field. Wich is the next point: Blast in a water field. You will never ever be able to blast your HT in melee due to the fields overlapping. In a 10 men raid, you will be forced to move away for blasting HT wich is a dps decrease in most scenarios. Where we are at DpS, not only is the Medic Gyro instant cast wich can save you when you are stunned or knockdowned or whatever, this also means you can attack during the time you would have to set up the HT and blast it. There is then the possibility to just leave the gyro and let it deal this huge junk of damage when he dies. Yes the tooltip is wrong, you crit up to 8’000 with it. If you are the red add, you can also blast it earlier to get a super speed field wich grants 6 sec of super speed for all engis there, wich means 3000 heal. But you can also just summon it at 50% hp of the red add, so it dies when the red add is breakable, dazing him and causing the same amount of CC the HT would, just with more heal and a protection field against the white bubbles.
This about VG. I’ve got more for Gorsy and Sabby if you want to know too, just let me know
I’d be great if gyros in general would have some sort of max range leash, so they would never be too far behind and be pulled over cliffs and rocks etc. Would be a huge qol change. Too bad then medic and purgy wouldn’t be able ot cleanse allies … wich they kinda don’t do anyway >_> … oh and btw purgy aoe pls <3
Honestly I would like to see the gyros have a pretty tight leash, almost but not quite to the point of turning us into mobile AOE effects like that new warrior torch fire field thing. Imagine an engi running at you surrounded by gyros like in that early HoT trailer. Bad kitten as well as useful.
Yea that’d be the best design tbh. But I’d like to have a perfect AI that would leave me (medic gyro) when I have full HP and seek for an ally to heal him, then fast come back to me. FAST come back to me …
I’d be great if gyros in general would have some sort of max range leash, so they would never be too far behind and be pulled over cliffs and rocks etc. Would be a huge qol change. Too bad then medic and purgy wouldn’t be able ot cleanse allies … wich they kinda don’t do anyway >_> … oh and btw purgy aoe pls <3
Normally yes, it should then be 1.25s
IMO it depends on what mode you want to play. While in pvp/wvw hammer scrapper is amazing, in pve the other weapons and classic builds are more effective.
Not in the slightest. Thunderclap deals 42’000 dps, Electro Whirl 18’500, Rocket Charge 12’000, Shock Shield 12’500 against a HEAVY armor target (2600 armor). To compare, freeze grenade deals 11’000 dps. Hell even the aa is strong with 8’300 dps, nade aa is only 7’200…
As for a condi build, in raids, abandoning scrapper is abandoning utility for 10% power damage. I guess you can do the math on your own. “Mor effective” is more practice oriented. Medic gyro is the best heal skill for raids in every encounter, especially due the super speed and condi engi being the ones to go to the green fields. Having super speed for everyone makes this task easier, lets the team reencounter faster, more dps, more effective. Same goes for protection in stun phase from it’s toolbelt, also helps scholar bonus professions.
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
stupid post :P
2. function gyro is one of the best things to happen – you can double revive, or stomp+make a pressure on downstate so he wouldnt get up
3. adaptive armor is one of the things that helps us to deal with our gratest weakness all the time – condi, so now we have a chance against necros
4. hammer is like powerbased p/s with blocks, reflects, cc, movement speed/avades and even good damage
so scrapper is best thing in 3 years to happen to us
how do you use your function gyro to revive? I have yet to do it.
select a downed ally, press F.
The loot you get from a specific type of enemy drops pretty fast, nothing to really worry about. About your mastery level, the only thing you can do is to use EXP booster and simply enjoy playing the new maps. I don’t know what masteries you need cuz I already had them when I went for Fix R Upper, but especially if you’re not that rich, it’s always a good idea to aim for those ascended weapons.
Hope I could help you a bit greez
- Ziggy
The thing about sigil of concentration is that you can’t always swap on 10 sec cd for the perfect rotation. Like ToT when it has 12 sec CD right after F5. Soc is imo just not optimal, since it destroys rotations :/
well necro is a completly different story, mine has 45k with DS and is still the “reaper zerker”. But celecstial is a huge waste once he gets decent equip. Why not start with the real deal right away? :S
^pretty much what he said
Thank you.
It is 5-10 min test though
You can do it with golem like I did.
I just ponder did I make gross mistake with math or why nobody noticed that ~1 sec alacrity difference from avenger hit.
You’re sure it’s not just because you’re a mesmer with the trait “+50% alacrity applied to you” :’D
I can only help you with the PvE part. But I think you would need 2 equips for both modes anyway. But for PvE go for Berserker stats (Power>Precision=Ferocity).
I will soon “tm” do testings on allies with and without alacrity, while under the effect of quickness, to estimate the true dps increase for any profession.
Btw could you confirm/disproove ~3s alacrity duration from Illusionary Avanger’s _hit too?
I’ll try what I can, but it seems this project of mine is a HUGE one :< It just took me 4 hours to calculate all the damaging skills of the engineer as condi and as power. I thought I would be faster, but getting all those “true cast times” from each skill is a pain in the -assassin gear ö.ö
I will soon “tm” do testings on allies with and without alacrity, while under the effect of quickness, to estimate the true dps increase for any profession.
Btw could you confirm/disproove ~3s alacrity duration from Illusionary Avanger’s _hit too?
I’ll try what I can, but it seems this project of mine is a HUGE one :< It just took me 4 hours to calculate all the damaging skills of the engineer as condi and as power. I thought I would be faster, but getting all those “true cast times” from each skill is a pain in the -assassin gear ö.ö
Btw about ToT hitting 10 ppl if they stack – that’s not entierly true. We tested this with our guild and not everyone gained the buff IF they are all stacking on each other. If they are spread a bit, everyone gets the quickness.
I think the the combo field, the shield creates, wich grants quickness, can only affect 5 targets at the same time, like every other skill too. So I think the wall just does this kind of “am I touching someone? If yes → quickness to him”-thing, but very often in short time. So if too many ppl are on each other it sometimes will fail to share quickness to everyone …
The reason of failure and not being able to 100% share quickness, I recommend to have a slightly higher quickness uptime than 100%. I personally aim for about 110-120%, and move myself in the subgroup after each TW. So you will never waste quickness and since you have 2x 4 peps in a pt + you and the druid alone, there will be no problems with boonsharing either.
I was so happy when I saw the GS in the gemstore (the artwork) but then … I’ve seen the blade and my dreams have been F1-F5’d …
I think they did good work, but sadly the gold parts of the weapons are too “green” and look not good on my gold dyes on my mes. The “real” gold people most of the time use is warm and a shiny yellow-orange, not a yellow-green. That’s why I didn’t buy them.
But I like the sound they make!
Hey there, can you tell us for what? WvW, PvE, raids, open world? The “full knights armor” seems more like WvW, or you’re just either new to PvE or you just take it easy So tell us! ^^
greez Ziggy
Also rocket charge is a decent dps skill, somewhere between Poison Grenade and Freeze Grenade. But btt: I don’t have any problems with skill queues, especially not since HoT where SD and all traits that trigger a skill have been fixed.
It’s the first step they said – currently all engineer players and designers are working on WvW, after that they work on all engineer kits to have special treatment. That’s what they said))
confirmed by me too, the 6th bonus of this rune does still not work. please fix it asap, since it’s an essential rune for condi professions. thx
You really reduce my input down to a “big crit”-comment to shred it’s meaning… Nvm, tough, it’s only one rather disrespectful or rather disgraceful aspect of leading a discussion …
It’s a fact that pre patch, dps have been calculated for past fotm 50 to be more worth to use a condi engi instead of a power engi, because of some dps. Condi engi was about 22-25k dps, power about 18-22k, but less dps is less dps so noone cared how much behind power really was.
Now the hammer gave only a minor damage boost indeed, but it’s also a fact that raid bosses have significantly lower armor than high fotm enemies. So:
The VG vid shows nothing what I didn’t say either: You require 2-3 condi professions for red add, yet if you have more engis, engis who are focusing on VG itself, they should go for power based damage output. VG has insanely low armor, power engi will deal about 33% more damage for sure against VG itself.
Against Gorsy the lack of one kit will ofc hurt the condi engi more. Condi engi has only one or two AWESOME skills on each kit, yet what makes condi with missing a kit so weak is because condi has no strong aa. Have you seen the damage numbers of burst skills like napalm, fire bomb, IA or blowtorch compared to their auto attacks like nades or pistol? Or even compared to the average skills like pistol 2 and 3, or bomb 3 etc. A power engi does not suffer from that. He has the same excellent burst skills, but still got a solid aa. The no glider challenge worked because of the warriors, not the engi. They could have used a power engi too, or even swap a profession out for a necro and send all the glory to him like he was the cherry on the ice cream cub – sounds familiar, doesn’kitten :P cough DNT cough
And then there is sabby, where she has low armor, some of her adds low and some medium armor, but overall it’s the same game again: Less armor than in fotm, but more than VG tough, I’d say here both professions are pretty much on the same level of damage output, but I like power more because of the mesmers quickness. Alacrity helps both, condi and power, but quickness only truly helps the power engi #better aa. Also there’s more utility and the possibility to go ranged in the last phase where druid goes in, but that’s a different story than dps.
I don’t want to destroy you here, I’d rather like to recall that “famous” players are only humans aswell. Don’t beleve everything they say and recommend. I mean just look what DNT did to the air sigil :P Sure if you truly follow the so called authority bias, you also won’t beleve me, wich basicly is good IF you do so because you have made expiriences yourself instead of watched videos where someone did something and it worked for a reason other than what it seems.
Don’t hate me for that statement please. I just try to be nice
- Ziggy
However, for raids, power builds, while still strong, just get overshadowed by condi that just does all the same stuff power does, but better. The only real advantage power has is on short fights and trash mobs due to not relying on damage over time.
Wrong. The only reason why you take a condi engi is because he deals great damage against the red add of VG and provides good cc with FT and support with super speed. But if the red add wouldn’t exist, noone would take a condi engi.
Condi engi got overhyped recently, but have you ever encountered VG with an on pair power engi? Yesterday I’ve had my highest crit on him, 36k with barrage only and up to 9k nade autos. VG has ultra low armor, condi damage doesn’t care about armor.
As for gorseval, it’s very simple why condi engi is worse: Slick shoes. Condi engi loses too much dps when he swaps out a kit and will never be able to keep up with the power engi dmg. Gorsy also moves often → not cool for napalm.
As for sabby again, low armor, even tough a bit more than VG, but much less than in fotm 50+. There they are pretty much even.
This is the standard DpS power Engi for raids. About the traits tough:
- at Sabby instead of grenadier, glass cannon
- at not 100% fury uptime (if it ever happens) instead of pinpoint distribution, no scope
- if you lack mobility or sustain and don’t really need dps like against vale guardian, use 312 instead of 333 at scrapper
Power engi is a very very strong profession. Our guild always wants one in our team for ANY encounter in the current raid. He can do so much to help the team. Condi engi is only good for the red adds at VG, everywhere else go for power builds if you have multiple sets.
- greez Ziggy!
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
Since I don’t trust DNT anymore at all, I will soon “tm” do testings on allies with and without alacrity, while under the effect of quickness, to estimate the true dps increase for any profession. Even tough the napkin math of DNT seems somewhat correct, so I’d say we sometimes overestimate alacrity. Yet DNT says “shield phantasm is bad because it sometimes will buff pets or other phantasms” wich is just because the video is old and this has been fixed. Yet overall I’d say you should always have a damage phantasm over an iavenger. Low personal damage is not an argument. It’s only “more group dps” wich matters.
hmmm it appears it’s still a stunbreak and the basilisk stun iused for testing in pve is unique wich prevents it somehow. sry then ^^’’
That’s still a bug, is it not?
Basilisk venom isn’t supposed to reapply itself if you stunbreak it, as far as I know.
basilisks are enemies in pve.
it not healthy for the game as it makes people want chronos over standard mesmers.
People didn’t want mesmers before. Now they do.
You’re operating off a faulty assumption that things were better before, and they weren’t.
PvE was a wasteland for mesmer. You came along for reflects and portal, and that was it.
this – mesmer was only (pardon) a portal slave for pve aswell pvp. now they are good and everyone loses their minds.
It’s not about IF you can keep up 100% alacrity for your team. It’s about how many shield phantasms you require to do so with your build.
hmmm it appears it’s still a stunbreak and the basilisk stun iused for testing in pve is unique wich prevents it somehow. sry then ^^’’
hmmm it appears it’s still a stunbreak and the basilisk stun iused for testing in pve is unique wich prevents it somehow. sry then ^^’’
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
yea, but an annoying one – i also cant understand a skill who’s a stunbreak to have a long cast time, or a cast time at all :|
After some testing, the way it’s working at the moment is, the cast time is there for the laying down of the well itself.
For example, if you pop the skill when stunned, you will break it like any stun break, BUT you can cancel cast laying down the well with another skill or dodging, etc effectively putting the well on full CD.
It behaved like this pre patch already. But right now I can’t cast it while stunned, but skills like blink can be cast. It’s bugged is what I’m saying.
kappa? :o or are you for real? :o
The shield is the problem. It requires major buffs and skill reworks to be seen again. The problem is in a condition build, the pistol offhand is ultra mighty and cannot be abandoned and in a power build, the hammer does everything the shield does, just better, more often and with damage. Same reasons for both, pvp and pve. The shield needs help
I’d suggest they rework this phantasm completly. Maybe give them 2 new abilities like:
Try to achieve this and you’ll be fine:
With the current state of high ferocity and power, every single profession requires to hit 100% crit chance in the party. This means without fury and banner 72%.
You don’t have to subtract anything. You don’t have to calculate with the raw numbers, you have to do it with the final ones. In all builds, the main goal is to achieve 100% boon duration and then try to stay on same toughness and then get max damage out of it. That’s the point I was trying to make.
yea, but an annoying one – i also cant understand a skill who’s a stunbreak to have a long cast time, or a cast time at all :|
Alacrity is not a boon, no affected by boonduration, nor by soi.I know. Why do you bring that up?
SoI and Boon Duration are for quickness.
Because you said this:
You can get perma alacrity without well of calamity. I guess there two different ways to get it done. Either you use Rune of Leadership to reach 100% boon duration or Rune of the Chronomancer + SoI.
or did i misunderstand something? ö.ö
it’s not a stunbreak anymore :| at least i cant use it as one, even tough it says it is one.
Well of Precognition: This ability now applies distortion instead of blur and prevents capture-point contribution. Casting time has been increased from 0.25 seconds to 0.75 seconds, and aftercast delay has been reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0 seconds.
hi all, wanted to test how annoying 0.75s casttime instead of 0.25s is gonna be and noticed i can’t use this skill as a stunbreak anylonger, despite the fact that it clearly says it is one. anyone else noticed the same? toughts? :/
I used to beleve MI is weak too, yet it’s totally fine in pvp, and in pve it’s just not our job to also give a very long stealth. Yet it’s still fine for granting 15 sec stealth tough.
You pretty much mention the problem there: It feels we’re entirely balanced around Continuum Split now.
None of our abilities feel powerful enough to be useful with 50% less usage.
Yet we have CS always rdy when we want in pve, since we can estimate the future. In pvp, the skill is stronger anyway and there we have to be flexible and adapt to what’s happening right away. I see no problem in that at all, rather surprisingly excellent balance.
Ok, so those are the two options:
Assassin + Leadership + Tankstuff:
Commander + Leadership + Tankstuff:
So to get to the same toughness, compare the stats etc. Commandership got a bit more damage with the same tankyness, yet the main problem there is the boon duration. 43.8% is a terrible number. You’d require 46% boon duration to get all the 0.25sec quickness to the next second. So you’d lose a few quickness tics with that equip, unless you go for the boonduration food and an overkill. But wait, there’s this option too:
A HUGE mix, but in the end guys – it’s all the same, just the 2nd option doesn’t work that well. So either go full leadership + tank trinkets + dura food, OR the last one strange ultra mix, so you can save yourself the leadership runes for 600 crystalline ore :P
interesting tought, i probably gonna need 2 leadership equips i’ll look into that “good tofu”. gimme some time to respond …
Delete PvP please.
I would rather have it but not have the whole game balanced around a 5v5 conquest mode.
You do realize that if the shield block was OP for PvP, it was also OP for PvE? From what I understood, chrono was considered one of the best tank for raids… now that does sound familiar to someone playing PvP…
Still best tank in pve, you just have to time your blocks more now :P Love it.
Alacrity is not a boon, no affected by boonduration, nor by soi.
Indeed you could switch your subgroup all the time, yet that may interfere with the revenants, one using mallyx (mesmer group), the other using shiroh (other group). But yea, if you could keep up 100% for both subs, then both should use mallyx and this would be a good option.
But then again, I’d use leadership with over 100% quickness uptime, so you could forget about SoI, but rather ToT wich hits up to 10 members will be stronger, aswell your personal damage increases with WoC. If that’s not enough, why not use all the stuff together? SoI, leadership AND swap subgroups :O
“This means 64s quickness every 51s.”
Sry just glancing through the thread, I already talked about this with you xD
It’s every 56 seconds because you have to take into account from the start of CS to when it’s off CD not the end of CS till it’s off CD.
You got me there ö.ö You got me goooood … but smooth ;3
Domination adds minimal damage. You’re using shield phantasms anyway, and they do garbage damage. You’re not producing a lot of shatter damage, and the boon stripping is of course unnecessary.
I only use one shield phantasm. The others are sword phantasms for VG. You don’t need more than one shieldy for the alacrity uptime if you do not use mimic or soi, since then you can use calamity wich increases personal damage aswell where the 12.5% dmg modifier starting to make sense too.
Inspiration lets me produce a third illusion faster (iLeap -> block = 3 illusions with defender) so that I can start the combo quicker. The heals from it let me tank active floor panels without needing to rely on the Druid for heals. Since you need to move VG ahead of the rotation sometimes, being able to sustain that damage is pretty important.
iAvenger → iSwordsman → iLeap, done. Timer starts when you attack so you got time to channel that block (wich btw get’s reduced from 2.25s to 1.5s soon <3). We start the combo at the same time.
You don’t have to tank the active panels, you can move into them for just a moment, let the VG follow you, turn around and stay in the inactive one, while he stays in the active one. Then you get the druid heal together with your team. It’s a matter of positioning.
What damage are you talking about you want to sustain btw? o.ô
Persistence of memory is really nice because it allows me to use BF or the block to mitigate close to 100% of attacks from VG. Again, the Druid could heal you up, but mitigating instead leaves your Druid free to keep the rest of the team healthy. That’s not an issue if everything goes perfectly…but nothing ever goes perfectly. If your team has to hit a circle on an active panel, you want the Druid to be fully topped up on cooldowns instead of having potentially burnt some healing you.
You block the blue fields with your shield, you don’t need anything but alacrity for that. Then you evade serval attacks with common sword 2 skills or dodges. The rest of the team should barely get no damage, except for the green team wich is with the druid anyway, or the engis who are selfsustaining. The druid has almost nothing to do rather than to heal you up a bit and buff the team with “grace of the land” at these phases.
Well maybe he is a bit too tanky, maybe. But that’s FAR FAR less a problem than you not having chronomancer runes + Signet of Inspiration. Perma Quickness for your group is far more important than a bit more dps on your chronotank.
Why would I use soi? I cast 1x TW (22s), 3x WoA (18s) and 4x ToT (24s). This means 64s quickness every 51s. With that considering reality is not a perfect world, I indeed might miss my allies with one or two skills (or they miss the wells) and keep a 100% quickness uptime. Without soi, and calamity instead A) your personal damage is higher, not just a little bit, and you have a higher alacrity uptime for your allies = higher passive damage / group damage.
On one thing tough I agree with you: group dps is far more important than personal damage. That’s why I do not use soi, nor chronomancer runes in raids.
Perfect change. Nerf in pvp against the strong bunker mesmer, a buff in pve for faster mob spawn, only a small nerf for survivablity there tough. Love it.
Unless you’re Tanking, Commanders should be avoiding as Toughness will interfere with the dedicated Tank causing that player to tack on toughness that surpasses yours (commander armor alone is puts you at ~1200 toughness).
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