“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Aslong as you give us a stat combination that is “Berserker + Concentration” it’s ok. Otherwise you’ll lose pretty much all of the Chronos. This is a touchy topic. There is the lack of a good stat combi for Chronomancers. There are only “Power + Concentration + Badstat + Badstat”.
Maybe it’s planned to get away from that “be in stealth and still attack” scheme. They removed it from Thief and honestly it’s more than healthy to also remove it from Mes. Yet I agree that we’d like to have something more impactful in return. But afaik those changes are ramping up for the Mirage / expansion in general. Let’s wait and see
I’m pretty happy about a ~5s projectile protection tho.
Upsy daisy! :o
Maybe would need to flip back from detonate to overcharge when overcharge comes off cd too. I only skimmed that thread earlier but I’m not certain he covered multiple overcharges in a single lifetime.
Yes this is how it would work.
Hello everyone. This is not my original idea. It’s from a great mind sharing his ideas on reddit. Here’s the link to the OP (big and great post):
So what is this all about? Simple – since the most recent patch, the state of all turrets is garbge. Period. Every decent Engineer player will agree with that statement.
Here I’ll quote the suggested change to fix the issue:
- Turrets won’t automatically overcharge like they do now.
- Overcharge will return in it’s orginal place as flip-skill of Turret.
- Turret detonation will be the flip skill of turret overcharge.
This suggestion is in my opinion absolutely flawless and should be going live asap. Every Engineer with decent skill wants the overcharge on demand and not after placing the turret. The current version prevents tactical usage of the turrets overcharges.
Some examples: You can’t cleanse the fear from sloth anymore, you can’t use the healing turret for might or stealth stacks anymore (unless you precast it somewhere else), you can’t delay the smoke or water field in mid combat to blast them anymore, you can’t use thumper or rocket turret’s cc for time gated break bars anymore.
Those are the things turrets where great for, and they need that potential back!
Please ANet, it’s very important that this comes through. We desperately need the overcharges to be on demand!
Exactly. The current version prevents tactical usage of the turrets overcharges.
Some examples: You can’t cleanse the fear from sloth anymore, you can’t use the healing turret for might or stealth stacks anymore (unless you precast it somewhere else), you can’t delay the smoke or water field in mid combat to blast them anymore, you can’t use thumper or rocket turret’s cc for time gated break bars anymore.
Those are the things turrets where great for, and they need that potential back! This means we require the overcharge on demand.
The problem here is that the changes they made are nothing but annoying. They won’t magically make turrets viable. I’m still taking Rifle turret because of the toolbelt and nothing else. Noone cares about those 300 dps from rifle turret or 500 from rocket and those are the strongest ones on power builds.
Turrets need major changes / reworks and instead of changing such minor things like they just did, they should invest their resources in that one day rework for turrets. The patch changed how turrets work yes, but they are still basicly useless and they’ve lost the tactical part / utility they’ve had, wich is very very sad. Also HT to blast might sux now :<
Maybe the skill change was meant to work this way and they just said your swordsman gained might to make it more understandable to others? Idk
They literally gain might. It just makes no sense…
All it brought to us was a 300 dps increase to the power Engi. Turrets are still too weak to replace any kits (Flame Turret vs Flamethrower for example) and what they just did is remove the last bit of strategy turrets had.
For instance, in Raids you could’ve used the Healing Turret to safely cleanse the Fear at Sloth by placing the turret, wait 1 sec and then proc the delayed overcharge with the condi cleanse.
I think overall it’s a step into the right direction, but they should’ve added an auto overcharge every X seconds, so turrets really are worth kept up, or remove them entierly. More importantly, they should inherit player stats at least in PvE, or even better: give us a tab like the Ranger pets where we can gear them like we want to.
They mistyped, but you added the wrong comma:
“If the sword strike hits*_,_* you and all Swordsmen currently summoned gain 8 might for 10 seconds.”
Now it makes sense eh? :P
Phantasmal Swordsman: This skill now performs a sword strike in front of the player when summoning the phantasm. If the sword strike hits, you and all Swordsmen currently summoned, gain 8 might for 10 seconds.
This patch note literally (no joking) made me hit my forehead on my desk (yes it still hurts a bit), because every single decent Mesmer knows this! Phantasms inherit the Mesmer’s main stats, wich includes Power. Therefore all Phantasms are completly unaffected by Might!
If you wanna check, visit the Test Kitty Golem, add all buffs and you’ll see they will crit between 9-9.5k regardless of the Might they have. You can even stack 25 stacks Might with CS and SoE – still 9-9.5k.
You can also do the same with 0 stacks Might on yourself and your phantasms, then let someone stack Might on the phantasms but not you. Regardless of the Phantasms Might, they will always deal the same amount of damage.
(Don’t get confused as you recieve the 8 stacks Might aswell if you do it on your own, so it looks like they get stronger by theirs but actually they don’t.)
Dear ANet, please change the skill effect from Might to a unique buff that increases outgoing damage for you and your swordsmen by ~10% instead. In case you didn’t knew – phantasms do get affected by modifiers placed on themselves. °3°
- Xyonon
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[edited, thx del]
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I believe a poll would be much more appropriate for this sort of thing. Many players probably wont even bother logging on to leave a comment.
Absolutely. Barely 100 random players deciding over such a big change seems a bit weird. There should at least be an ingame mail mentioning it and suggesting a visit here.
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(Votes at this point: Clipping (47) | Floating (21))
Chest & Backpack: I would prefer some level of clipping.
Most back pieces are rather “disabled” than anything else right now. A floating backpack is no option for many players, yet a clipping one at least gives you the choice to make if it’s ok or not for your outfit.
Gloves & Shields: I would prefer some level of clipping.
Will this also be adressed to the issue with shields and the gloves? Because it looks so extremly stupid to have a hovering shield 1/4th “asura length” next to you instead of actually wearing it… :|
The utmost perfect fix would be that one glove (left) would not expand if you wear a shield. But I believe this is too much asked. Regardless, I’d rather have some clipping issues here too, rather than a floaty…
Thanks for the communication, when will you let us know the final decision?
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In encounters where you (can/should) play Domi/Illu you automaticly generate less might and fury. That being sad, those two boons should already be maxxed out even without your assistance. You only help the Druids / Berserkers out a bit, but it’s not your primary role.
Actually the “clunkyness” of this kit makes it unique. A high dps with delayed damage output. It’s a great mechanic to play around, so I absolutely have no issue with the bomb kit whatsoever.
…the gatling sound for the Beastslayer Rifle is based on your Environmental audio setting rather than your Effects audio setting.
Oh so it IS a bug? “Good” news – I hope ANet realizes and fixes it
“We love the new screen”
“Uhh it’s just a bug…”
The recent patch states:
Adjusted the audio on the Beastslayer Rifle.
Well I can’t hear no sound at all anymore… Thanks ANet, I loved that gun but now it just has it’s animation left…
:( I hope that wasn’t intentionally because I unserstand something different under “adjust”.
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Honestly: Drop Chaos for an actually good trait line and use Concentration. :|
It fits perfectly into the condi Engi rotation. I’d rather like to see a damage boost to this skill. Something like more duration, longer lasting field or simply more stacks.
Playing this in open world is a horrible idea. A regular Chrono probably kills a Stonehead in the time you’ll kill a Pocket Raptor… :P
Most of the time you will struggle because you have to deal with foes over a long period of time. What you kill faster, won’t try to kill you any longer. Where do you struggle exactly? Maybe we can help you out so you can actually outplay the enviorment instead of getting ultra tanky wich slows down any progress you want to make in this game.
Is it true Battering Ram does the same dps as Grenade Garrage?
Please tell me it is! (crosses fingers)
The ram adds up to 1501 dps to your rotation. Grenade Barrage alone is 1863 dps already. If you add the other grenade skills, the whole kit adds up to 4045 dps.
If you are a bomb aa spammer you could go for the ram for additional cc. If you wanna deal max dps though, the nade kit is a must.
But equipping a Rifle or Hammer is useless and that sucks because neither have a place in any meta except hammer guard.
A well played Power Engi offers the 3rd highest dps against small hitboxes. If you add the damage other professions deal more because of Pinpoint Distribution, you’re just like a condi Ranger.
Hammer is great, better than rifle, Scrapper is garbage tho, at least dps wise and thus in Raids. It’s good for some preevents or shenanigans in general, but that’s mostly because you want a gyro. Same goes for Fractals, although there are situations where hammer is quite strong, or rather again – a Gyro.
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
Jack of all traits, master of none some.
Most versatile profession there is, hardest profession to play, accordingly high skill floor. I love it. >:3
What do you mean by “unplayable”? Literally? BGDM updates itself and shouldn’t be an issue, ARC DpS however has to be deactivated and updated manually after each patch (1-2 days without it) or it will cause crashes.
This patch gave Engineers safe spots in Raids and I like it. Both, power and condi are now over 30k dps with realistic buffs wich is pretty amazing, as they both got their uses according to each boss.
I admit I’m a bit hyped.
Using our "old’ condi raid build or is there something new in the works? I too am hyped and am just waiting to see if we actually do get taken now,or at least given the chance to!
I assume pugs are still sceptical, although dps meters will filter out bad engis pretty quickly.
The condi build is still the same, just that I’d probably stop using “Short Fuse” even on enemies where you could easily make use of the trait, as 10% increased power damage became too dominant.
So I’d go with Explosives 322, Firearms 113, Tools 111. If you’re ranging a lot or can’t handle the streamlined mortar proc, go for Tools 131.
I’m very happy about this patch. Engineers will now have safe spots in raid groups, although I wouldn’t welcome them too freely in pugs.
Power Engi now scratches the 31k dips with realistic buffs too, while condi should be scratching the 33k. However I wouldn’t only go for condi cuz of those 2k, as there are plenty of raid bosses where power is superior. Same goes for fractals where power almost always is superior.
The condi damage aura the Engi gained, shared on his allies, the dps increase they expirience taken away from them and added to the Engi as “passive damage”, will most likely lead to a good Engi being the top dps profession for small hitboxes.
Yes, I certainly am triggered to HYPE a bit
This patch gave Engineers safe spots in Raids and I like it. Both, power and condi are now over 30k dps with realistic buffs wich is pretty amazing, as they both got their uses according to each boss.
I admit I’m a bit hyped.
Called it.
You guys really are never happy about changes, now are you? Don’t be so demanding. It was a massive step into the right direction, even if it meant to make major changes. If you balance things you shouldn’t do everything alltogether or every Engi would have to relearn the profession anew. I’d like to see some changes to gadgets and turrets too, but I’m glad they had their priority on the thing that made Engi worth a pick in a team. The ppl at ANet are only humans too.
For roaming, doing events, cleave, I use THIS power build, for max aoe dps.
For soloing single target bosses or hero points, I use THIS condi build, for max single target dps.
Since a big balance patch hits us tonight, I’d recomment to wait for that before changing or even crafting any gear.
If you have any questions or suggestions, lemme hear them!
No idea where this is coming from. Engi is one of the 4 top dpsers against small hitboxes. The problem ppl have with engi is it’s difficulty and that pugs don’t trust random engis, wich I completely understand. If you have a guild or a dps meter, you’ll find your spot as a good engi, no probs. I agree we could use some utility love, wich is what’s gonna happen tonight from what I’ve heared. The demand for good engis will rise soon, I assume.
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
Woah woah – imagine guys, the GYRO KIT. All the gyros on kit skill 1-5 xD The toolbelts could have been the utilities. :o
Regardless of power or condi spec, the aura is a huge win for the Engi. Remember, even power specs have 920 condi dmg through might and banners and almost every profession has either bleed or burn on crit.
I’ve also heared about other buffs for us to boost our personal dps. I think we will be in a very good spot, like, take 1-2 for sure. Since the trait seems to be Pinpoint Distribution, the Engi itself loses around 50 condi dmg, but the aura makes up for that big times.
I’m rather hyped but I hope we won’t be max dps after the patch. I’d rather like to see 1-2 Engis instead of Engi replacing Ele. But with the upcoming thief changes, I think he’ll be the new top.
But it’s only a few more hours to wait, lets see! I from my part will probably do the new Engi skill priority list spreadsheets within a week or so.
You basicly still run this build for Distortion share:
If you are new to the whole Distortion thing, I suggest you use Midnight over Recall to fix any mistakes you make:
It’s sad cuz it’s sorta true :/
honestly, a stunbreak (and maaaaybe an evade frame) would already be enough :/ but yea – we asked for this ages ago. I’d rather see the evade frame on rifle #5 though.
Use 4x traveler runes and 2x platinum doubloons in your armor parts. That will grant you the most boon duration at a low cost. At least until you got your leadership runes.
Alternative you could also just run 2 exotic accessories with platinum doubloons aswell. In the end 90% boon duration is enough for perma Quickness. In Raids even less is required, but having 90% is still great because mechanics may mess up your rota a little bit – depending on the boss that is.
I’m creating skill priority lists for each major balance patch for the Engi. Unfortunately I currently have a broken computer and am playing on my Laptop, so I can’t give you the up to date numbers. However slightly older ones should still do it.
The skills in the lists gained a DpiSCT number. It’s the combination of total damage applied and the cast time required to do so.
For example: The discussion above – bomb #1 vs let’s say grenade #4 (freeze) was only made based on damage, not cast time. Those two skills deal almost exactly the same damage, since Freeze Grenade takes way longer to cast (1s or 0.67s with Quickness) than bomb #1 (0.84s or 0.56s with Quickness).
This is the power Scrapper list (Engi deals 10% more power damage, so it might be a little bit different from Scrapper. Don’t have vanilla Engi rdy for now):
Most of those skills have a very high cd or are simply bound to otherwise horrible weapons, like Blowtorch for power. For example, while Freeze Grenade deals ~5% more damage than a bomb aa, over the cd that results into +50 dps… yes, 50. So don’t get fooled by nice numbers.
Also got a “flat dps increase over bomb aa”- list somewhere…
But there are plenty of skills, stronger than the bomb aa. I suggest to use them :P
That again would rely on them dying, so – rather not ^^
One of my 5 armor sets I carry around is a “Heal-O-Mancer” too – after all I came up with it right after HoT Q_Q :P So yea I sometimes use it aswell. Those are niche situations however.
Just like qT used a Minstrel Chrono tank in their latest VG record, to let the Druids focus on their rotation and gotl uptime for the team, rather than healing the tank, while the tank was able to eat blue fields (jump to not get ported, you still take damage!) instead of dodging them, so VG doesn’t move → more team dps.
I often help out training runs or simply pugs regardless of LI’s. I know how annoying it can be to wait for “that one Chrono”, so why not? If it’s not supposed to be a speed clear, and I see ppl take lots of damage, I’ll swap to my Heal-O-Mancer aswell.
However when I’m running with my own guild, I can’t remember when the last time was I touched it.
TL;DR: Normally 90%~, situationally 50%<
Since the SoI changes, every full Raid team uses 2 Chronos, so you don’t need CS for perma Quickness / Alacrity anymore.
Therefore CS should either be used for damage via using Blurred Frenzy, Tides of Time, Wells (not the healing one) or Frostbow #4, or for heavy cc at will, like Moa.
Outside of CS, you can apply Quickness by performing some sort of a mini rotation. So the calculation is quite simple:
You activate 2x SoI, 1x WoA and 1x ToT every 22.5s. This results into a requirement of only 87.5% boon duration for perma Quickness. Due to the tiny cast times and some delays, just round it up to 90%.
But wait, there’s more!
There is Tides of Time wich buffs up to everyone in the team, regardless of subgroup. This means if everything would be perfect, you’d have 2x WoA every 22.5s wich reduces the required boon duration down to a little bit more than 50%.
So yea – if you know the other Chrono is expirienced too, just run Scholar Runes at bosses like Sabby, where everyone easily stacks on each other (if you want to minmax). This still leaves you with 67% boon duration. Plenty over the required 51%. You could even ditch the expensive 10% food.
But do not even think about running such a low boon duration if you are not absolutely sure everyone has a good positioning and both Chronos are up for the challenge!
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
I wouldn’t recommend healing, just focus on concentration like commander if you want full support. Some PvE raid people may spend huge money for minstrel but ultimately mesmer can get very little out of its healing power.
As for PvE raid, there’s just no way you trump druid’s healing potential. And druid is pretty much a must with all the buff they provide. Not to mention spamming MoP in raid is a terrible waste of potential in any scenario…
Commander gear? o.ô
As of the current patch – do NOT spend any money on commander’s gear. It’s plain and simple inferior to a full berserk Chrono. You can’t have more than perma Quickness and Alacrity and full berserk already maxes that out.
About the heal Chrono
The healing output very well matches the one of a Druid, in some cases it’s even better since the Chrono is able to heal in a wide area (wich the Druid is not) and more successfully keeps up the Scholar bonus due to high regeneration tics. You can go either full Minstrel or a Minstrel + Exotic Cleric trinkets with Platinum Doubloons mix.
Full heal Druids and full heal Chronos deal both around 2-4k dps. A full berserk Chrono is limited at around 12k DpS, equally to a full berserk Druid. A condi Druid will be at around 16k. So either way you are just shifting around damage between professions. Since tanking as Chrono already lowers your dps, you can easily tank and heal at the same time. Channeling Mantras also grants you 600 toughness, wich supports this idea even further.
As a heal Chrono you don’t have to worry about your phantasm dps, thus, keep up 3 iAvengers. That way you can also go for Mantra of Pain (tool tip healing value is wrong, it calculates with a 0.2 healing power ratio, altough it got buffed to 0.8 shortly after HoT release) while still keeping up 100% Quickness and 100% Alacrity for your subgroup. If you don’t think you need Mantra of Pain as a heal, your party probably doesn’t need a healer at all -> both, Druid and Chrono, can focus on damage. This is quite common in exp groups.
Here are the two heal builds I use. One is a bit more offensive than the other at the cost of a little healing power, but unfortunately you can’t really use it in fractals unless you buy expensive high agony resistance infusions:
Slightly more heal / agony resistance: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAs+dncfClohFoBmfCMrhllj68ACgIDdDOhLr+Qj0JF-TBiXABxq+TK6FCW5nuPAAA2fALlgGOBJ0TCApA8bqF-e
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…far more important than squeezing out every last bit of dps is making sure all mechanics are performed properly and that everyone stays alive.
My point here is that one thing does not rule out the other. The more damage your party deals, the easier the raids get. Things like skipping updrafts, flame walls or even orb phases at Xera. It’s like playing with more heal to play safe, just in another direction. When everyone stays alive and performs properly, I see not point in not starting to minmax.
Yea I don’t think the FG needs more stomp and ress capability. It rather needs abilities ouside of this area.
For example, being able to use it on alive allies to boost their dps for 15s or something like that. It’s half of a mechanic right now.
Hehe yea, the turrets are kinda weird. Like Thumper turrets overcharged immediately will use it’s skill twice, causing 2x knockback, but only the first one is a blast finisher :| The blast finisher also occures on the turrets place, but the toolbelt to blow up turrets always happens at your position. So dual blast at two different positions xP
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