Archeage = Farmville with PK
(edited by azizul.8469)
there should be no tier in the first place. even if there is, should not have been made public . match up should be random since the beginning.
but, alas, damage has been done. people flocked to winning servers. wvw is screwed forever.
If tiers were “random” then your server CD would have a chance of facing a current top tier server, that would be incredibly boring for everyone involved. Tiers allow for competitive play, your server will eventually stabilize in its correct tier. “Removing tiers” is not an option xD
i said since the beginning… when WvW started…. regardsless…. it’s too late now…
(edited by azizul.8469)
there should be no tier in the first place. even if there is, should not have been made public . match up should be random since the beginning.
but, alas, damage has been done. people flocked to winning servers. wvw is screwed forever.
Should have been Shoopadoopa instead….
said so……………………………….
I’m so angry at this 2 weeks after I payed $99.99US for this which is $131.99 Aud> i struggled to raise this full amount from my disability pension. Any one else have this issue.
dude… you can ask for refund since any purchase is qualify for refund within 30 days. they will only disable the HoT feature for your account, your existing character will stay in tact, only access to HoT is blocked. then, after you get your refund you can repurchase the discounted HoT.
you’ll be surprised what will happen. trust me…
Kraits would be celebrating…….
Its a pretty poor way of selling gold , given the TP takes 15% of the sale price.
even at 15% lost, their price is waaayyy cheaper than gems-> gold conversion and can still make profit. not to say that i support goldseller, but when they have abundance of gold 15% tax is puny for a safe, secure, unlimited and undetectable transaction….
ANet definitely tracks TP gold selling stuff, some guy on reddit made a post a few months ago about his item+gold being confiscated because an item he sold was bought by a gold seller.
So it’s not really undetectable.
i meant not the way gold transaction is flagged like the mailed gold. that reddit guy probably had his trade unluckily reported for being suspicious….
Its a pretty poor way of selling gold , given the TP takes 15% of the sale price.
even at 15% lost, their price is waaayyy cheaper than gems→ gold conversion and can still make profit. not to say that i support goldseller, but when they have abundance of gold 15% tax is puny for a safe, secure, unlimited and undetectable transaction….
had friends bought the game last week and regret the purchase. is there any retrospective refund of price difference for those purchasing within last 30 days ?
just look at this item :
there are many more item like this circulating in trading post. highly suspicious if you ask me. i’m sure this way of gold transaction has been going on for a long time. did Anet notice ? no action can be taken since it is free TP anyone can put whatever price ?
i think they should revert the map completion to include the wvw map…. it is just too easy now….
it is called Legendary for a reason. just live with it.
timed raid is a lazy design, forcing players to follow meta build to have optimum result. no meta no raid. no meta , you get abused. zzzz……..
nope, you cannot upgrade to digital deluxe using gems if you don’t have a paid account.
to upgrade to Core Deluxe you must have at least the Standard Core account.
to upgrade to HoT Deluxe you must have the Standard HoT account.
i say good luck to the seller.
i bought one with condi stats, tried it on, and immediately not liking the aura. converted it to power stats, and sold it to recoup my gold with some tiny profit.
others might like it though.
i think i know why, but mentioning here would be catastrophic. all i can say is you will not see the price per leather section coming down . not in a near future.
exactly. i would do the same.
the current gemstore upgrade extractor was design for the overly expensive infusions when they were thousands of gold in value. however, with the introduction of the infusion extractor, it has lost its function. there is no sigil/runes that is worth more than 250 gems.
introduce a permanent version of the extractor at the gemstore, OR, sell the consumable version in game.
i understand the reason of locking the infusion extractor behind HoT, as a bait for people to buy HoT, but you can also sell the consumable extractor in game at let’s say 50s each, locking it behind HoT can’t you, Anet ?
GW2 relies heavily on a single core performance. get an i7 processor. AMD’s slow 10-core CPU is no use.
it’s a robot Charr… not a true Charr…. must have been a dredge invention….
better still, add wvw specific ascended armor. no, not the random drop from rank chest. the one that we can purchase with BoH, PoH, karma or any combination of them.. even create a reward track that will grant item required to buy those armors if you have to. what ever… i don’t care.
Season 1 is the only true “Living Story” as it happens on the live map, not instanced. Since it happened on the live map, it would be hard to relive that moment without forcing players to participate in the event on that map.
get a party, you’ll faceroll it….
my guess is in 2 weeks time..
nightfury, legendary armor speculation, etc…. a few to name… Anet simply need to fix the supply….
get rich or die grinding…..
just reduce the Tier to 3….. and relink the servers.. see how it goes…
Well almost quit the game because of this condi chrono ..
#nerf please
why don’t you make one ? character slots are dead cheap…
may be using proof of heroic + badge of honor + some gold ? i don’t know…. just make use of any currency that we get from doing WvW….
and every time players find the way to beat the content, nerfbat incoming….
those food you people are complaining about are available to everyone. use it . can’t afford it ? too bad for you. get rich or die grinding……
map currencies should go to wallet, same goes to Legendary Insight. as for material storage, all the doubloons should have been there long ago.
gem→gold, gold→gem conversion is one of the reason i play GW2. plus, the existing gems in the exchange are already bought by players with real money. gems buyer and gold converter benefit mutually….
(edited by azizul.8469)
come on , it’s only few hundreds WP. i unlocked them all 9 characters. no issue. i’m sure many others have done it too.. it’s doable . unless you’re lazy kitten ….
it is called Legendary weapon for a reason…. not something that you can simply make by tossing few trivial items into mystic forge… duh !
in 8 hours from now…
seems everyone is puzzled by OP.. lol….
you get what you paid for, as advertised. you want more you have to pay more, unless given freely.
LW:S2 was never advertised as gift for buying HoT.
bad idea. more griefs than benefits…..
i on the other hand , have been experiencing flickering loading screen that….
more money from vendor doesn’t hurt…..
i notice the ecto price plummet since the 1st episode of LS3. perhaps due to the rewards for doing events in BF. super easy to get rares. without much effort of focusing on farming i now have 3 stack of ectos . just like that.
other than that, i think more and more people are getting good at doing raid, thus reducing their needs for crafting ascended stuff when they can simply get them using magnetite shards. being able to purchase ascended armor from fractals also play part.
i like they way they are now, i can just farm trees near the melandru statue in malchor’s, and use the gold obtained from selling them to buy the raw mats for ascended crafting.
Steve Job……………………….
yeah.. the token should not have been there at all…
1/10000 + 200% = 3/10000 . believe the dev. they are the ones who make this game.
the stats in the hero panel is the “extra chance” on top of 100% for a specific item to drop.
season 3 spoiler * : Lazarus is planning the demise of Jormag and Primordus, for is his actually the water dragon. expansion wil be 3-faction dragon war !
Locked out as well.
Does Anet remember how to reboot the Commodore 64 server?
Dont worry, they have it all backed up on 8" floppy disks.
too advanced.. they’ll use the recording tape, you know, those with sequence of punched hole.
lol GW2 got queue now… zzzz… cant log my characters….
current legendary system is fine. i wish there is a prerequisite for equipping the weapon, so that you can’t simply just buy and use it. seems to lost its prestige a bit, you can park all your characters at malchor’s leap melandru statue and farm elder woods all day, when the gold is enough you can simply buy and use your favorite Legendary. zzzz.
it is their game, they can dictate how it is played. lazy people are always lazy. if you want something work for it, including vendor access.
clean nameplate in the arena, without mastery level or pvp rank etc. as of now you can differentiate which one is clone and which one is the real mesmer, just by looking at the nameplate.
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