Showing Posts For danielrjones.8759:

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Jackal, I believe you hit the nail on the head. with “poor sportsmanship” its very much like changing the rules to a competition after the competition has started.

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I was thinking, those who are opposed to a change in the current system. We need to ask. Is the current system with ap something you enjoy? If some are opposed to change simply to see some hardcore ap hunters cringe. Is that good for the game? If it is good, then how?

I think of these changes much like any other aspect of the game. Would I like it if anet put something new in places that greatly increased the time I did something? I would not. We read people complain about x and y after update taking so long, crafting to 500 being burdensome to others. Are these complaints more important than what the ap hunters want.
We each do various areas of the game that we enjoy. If I logged on and seen anet say. Oh you can still do this, its just going to take you longer. I would not be a happy camper.
I am not an ap hunter, just trying to put myself in their shoes mentally. I wish anet would reconsider the surplus of ap. They are not needed. How can this be a good thing for the game for the community?

Ascended armor looks terrible!

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I really like it on female human guardian. Using celestial and abyss dye imo it looks great. Good job anet. as said beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@hellmasker, If I was an ap hunter, this would certainly upset me greatly. I think its just wrong. this is not sarcasm at all. I would genuinely be frustrated.

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Ewon, I have to say that was well put. I have given this more thought that I normally do. I got to thinking. I broke 10k back in May. only at 11.8 now so it goes to show I have completely fallen off the board and my desire to ap hunt no longer exist.

Many times it has been said. If the changes don’t affect you then why do you care.
imo, this is a valid statement. Why do some people, who don’t ap hunt really care? I can’t answer that. I have my speculations, but saying them would appear as trolling. But I got to thinking. Do I care if a change is implemented in the game that will in no way affect me? No I do not. Indirectly yeah it would I suppose, but is it enough for me to whine about it. Again no.
Having been an ap hunter from the beginning of the game, but making a choice that is not the direction I wish to go back in May, I understand the time and grind and hardcore dedication it takes.
I agree to be at the top of the board should show a person is seriously dedicated to the game, but to say it should be a mindless grind of menial task. No I do not think that should be what establishes those at the top. The problem is, for many that is how they got there. You all are really in between a rock and a hard place.
I wish you the best in getting something done, for you and for the game.

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Do I think there are to many ap for each day? Of course I do. I thought that 8 months ago. A problem some may have with the proposed changes is now that some have reaped the benefits of the current laborious grind. They are requesting changes. Denying others of exactly what they have done to get where they are.

It seems some at the top are accusing those lower on the boards of wanting to catch up. And some lower are accusing those higher than them of not wanting them to catch up. However I believe (for me anyway) there are many that the amount of achievements have nothing to do with the board but with personal satisfaction. I feel it is this group of people that like the current state. For them the amount they acquire is entirely their choosing, and when changes suggested will affect the way they play is where resistance comes in. Finding a way to satisfy this group of people I think will greatly benefit your cause.

If changes made do not deny others the ability to play the game as their predecessors, then by all means Anet should make the change. Any change that would benefit the entire community, I could not see being unwelcomed.

All the Materials you need (Crafting 400-500)

in Crafting

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I’m totally with anabasis on this one. I bought crap ton of putrid essence when it was very cheap about 3-4 months ago, thought the day would never come I would be able to resell those for a nice profit. Thank you.

What is your go-to Jumping Puzzle for daily?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I would go with southsun.

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Ewon, I can only speak for myself and that is one I would certainly be fine with. It may be contrary to some of those who dropped out of the race because of the grind. Denying them points they would have obtained had the grind not increased every time we turned around. And a cap had been in place from the beginning. But imo that would be their problem since they didn’t stick it out.
Since I no longer chase them, it would actually benefit someone like me. I spend 80% of my game time on tp anyway. It was just some of the reason I seen about capping sure rubbed me the wrong way.
btw, kids were demanding my attention so I flat out missed that suggestion earlier.

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


My last couple of post had nothing to do with catching up. But denying others of playing the same as some.

There are some times when I get close to a chest I will do more for the chest. Putting a cap will just take longer.
There have been many who posted about dropping out of the ap race simply because they kept adding more. And causing them to drop off the board. If a cap had been in place then, imo most of them would not have. I know I wouldn’t have. At this point, it seems a cap would only benefit a few. But hurt more, for those that on days they want to do them all for points towards a chest.
It seems those who want a cap is more about the grind (not all). Those opposed to a cap, its more about the next reward.
Most suggestions I’ve seen are for changes that affect everyone, but only benefit a few. It also seems those at the top of the boards are all for a cap, where those not, are against.
To say a cap would benefit everyone is not true. imo both have valid reasons.

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I do remember those days. Not really sure if I understand your suggestion. There certainly have been a few I believe most would be fine with. However to believe “those not seeking” will remain the same through the life of the game seems odd. Peoples playstyle changes. Some may someday decide they wish to go after every daily. Or possibly new players would like the challenge. We all know 5 or even 10 is nothing to get really. Putting a cap would pretty much eliminate that challenge for those who wish to go there. Denying them something in the game others enjoyed.

I understand the game changes, 7 years of gw1 and nothing anet does surprises me anymore. If I woke up tomorrow and the update was only 3 points to get daily and that was max one could earn in a day, I would be ohhh, ok lol.

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


For some a 10k or 15k chest is a milestone. Would putting a cap decrease the time it would take them to achieve that? Or in other words, would they be able to acquire points to that goal at the same manner of speed those who already got it?

Finding a fair way to put a cap is not going to be easy. But I have to disagree, when some say, " doesn’t affect other players." Would not any change to the game affect everyone either directly or indirectly? Since any change would be applied to all players regardless of their playstyle.

Cured Coarse Leather Square spiking???

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


What Romek said, people who trade in this manner prepare way before it comes out. How some people cant see certain mats will go up, months before they do is beyond me. I started stockpiling gos when it was below 2s and continued till it hit 4. As I am sure many other traders have.

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I wouldn’t mind a 10 point cap. Reason I stopped chasing ap was they kept adding more. And it was easy to see what would be required to maintain.
But to say that no one can catch up to the top is untrue, sure most never will. But if those at the top started slacking (some) could in time.
And putting a cap would prevent that. I would think there are those seeking to gain a higher position on the board, just waiting for those ahead of them to burn out or quit because of the frustration.
For the sanity of some people, I think a cap is a good idea though.

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Adminir, Ive read your post, most I think. Seems pretty level headed imo. I may not agree with everything. But reasonable comments. I certainly cannot say that about myself. To often I let frustration dictate what I write, when its not called for.

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


e pluribus Unum
seriously tho, good luck in getting a change. and this is not sarcasm. I believe its needed. Just done in a way that is good for all

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@linuxotaku, liked your response and it makes sense. As I said, I am in no way opposed to a cap. I’m opposed to why (some) want a cap. To deny others what they have been doing for months, because they are tired of the grind. To blame anet for something, when it is within them to not grind.
I agree rewards should be on par with content. But other than grinding towards a chest what other reward is there for chasing ap? Reading some of the post it sounds like they are saying “anet help me, because I cant help myself”
If people really want a cap, imo the cap should be retroactive. I’ve only seen a few comments that agreed with that. How many would be willing to give up points through a move like this?
It seems “now” they want a cap. There was a time when some didn’t but would be more than happy with one now.
I guess my biggest complaint is the double standard so many have.
Sure I agree there are flaws in the system, but if anet cleaned it up in a manner that is fair to ALL players. Most people wanting a change would be crying till doomsday.
And I say ALL because many times I’ve read, “these suggested changes will only impact us”, when any change in the game impacts everyone one way or another.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I still stand by there is a cap, its called self control. people who can’t see that are in denial of their gaming problem. If people are unhappy about the grind, they need to ask themselves, why do they do it? If they are honest with themselves they will see the problem is not a game.
If a cap was imposed on people that are above 15k yet not anyone below. Would that be acceptable? For those who claim its not about catching up. They should not have a problem with this. They could go on their merry way since it would have nothing to do with board position and it would not have an impact on them. Why people keep denying its not about board position when it clearly is for the majority is beyond me.
Even though I have been hateful, I genuinely feel bad for those who feel they must keep grinding. Again, if they capped it. It would be fine with me and not change the way I play. I just wished people would be honest about why they want a cap. Most want a cap because they are tired of the grind. If those near their scores are capped they would not feel compelled to grind more to maintain. I feel this is why they lose so much support from the community.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Kopper, no I am not against some of the suggestions at all, Some are actually very good suggestion imo. but there have been some comments I feel are pretty selfish.

And believe it or not, I fully understand about being a completionist, (game addict)18,700 hrs on gw1, When gw2 launched I was an avid ap hunter until I realized where it was going what it was doing. It got to the point I was concerned about having to be away for a weekend with my family because I would not be able to get points. When I seen how this was making me feel. I unhappily accepted it was “my” fault and not anet. When I see people blaming anet for something that is within their control, it annoys me.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


People blaming anet for their gaming addiction, is like a drug addict blaming the person they buy drugs from for their addiction. No one wants to take responsibility for their own actions. So lets blame someone else because we lack self control.

Earlier it was mentioned the boards separate the boys from the men. Real men take responsibility for their actions, boys make excuses, and blame others.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


It would not bother me one bit if they changed it. I feel some people are negative in some suggested changes, because some changes are clearly, " I’m tired of doing this and I don’t want anyone else to be able to"
If the suggested changes where really about completionist being overwhelmed, its understandable. However, most changes are by people that say "I’m # w/e on lb. That implies, those who are so concerned about their position are more competitive than being a completionist.
It appears some suggestion are geared towards denying others of something some have done for a long time. imo that’s where the negativity comes in.

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I believe there are those who feel compelled to complete everything, I also have to believe those who are arguing saying its not about position on the leaderboard. If you are saying that, then I also have to believe you never check the leaderboard, never look to see who has x amount more and who is very close to your score. If you never check the boards to see what others peoples scores are then you have a valid argument. If you do check them, its all about points, and other peoples points, you have no argument.

More daily - are you kidding me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


those who want limited amount earned for dailies are the same people who have grinded for hours, are now tired of it, and don’t want others to catch up. If someone feels they “must” complete everything. The problem is not anet, it is the person playing. Being at the top of the leaderboard, says one is very good at playing long hours and very good at pushing buttons. Just a heads up, people who work at Mcdonalds are very good at pushing buttons to. I can say this, as I once had the addiction, thinking I must complete everything. Made it in the top 200 world. Realized what I was doing to myself and took an extended break several months from gw2. Now I enjoy the game again.

[merged] Mini Mr. Sparkles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I haven’t bought gems in awhile. For this I have. Want to complete the collection. Thank you Anet.

[merged] Mini Mr. Sparkles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Zaxares, I would be equally frustrated if I was in the same boat as you. I do wish the best on a resolution. I do wonder. If they make an allowance for you. Would it be justified for those that bought gems just one day before you? And if so, what about those who bought gems 48 hours before. The problem is where do they drawn the line. I doubt they will accommodate you. Would be nice to see them do so.

T6 prices again

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Buttercup called it on the blood as well. Some of us had different opinions regarding the remaining t6. Of course I want them all to rise.

T6 prices again

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Buttercup, I completely agree about the counter measures and do think they will adjust prices accordingly, I was thinking more along the lines there will be a spike, people panic buying and what not. And if hunt is tied to ap, the majority of that group of people want those points "now: so to speak. So they wont lose their position.
And yes I feel there could be a stall in prices due to the influx of fotm players, but as with most new content peoples attention begin to wane at some point, Unless there is something more profitable than other avenues of making gold.
Buying/selling on tp, when those purchases appeals to someone’s vanity has been extremely profitable for me.

Extremely good point about the blood though. And loved your selective memory comment. My wife claims I live in that world.

T6 prices again

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I could be wrong, certainly won’t be the first time. But gonna have to disagree with you in some parts Buttercup. Yes I believe they will make the hunt very grindy. But I believe once people see there is the possibility to acquire one, they will work on it. Recalling how people played gw1, some of those titles required couple hundred hours of grind each, yet many people did it just for the title.
I think once people see a progression from playing the game to acquire a pre, more will do that. I also think many people that already have a legendary will go for the pre hunt, then we need to consider. If the hunt is tied into some ap rewards 1000’s more will pursue that more for the points. The pre hunt has the ability to appeal to many people on different levels.
Not trying to troll or start an argument, just a difference of opinion.

No Acended Armor Yet...

in Crafting

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Seen several post saying ascended armor is coming Dec 10th, I must be looking in the wrong place. Would someone post the link that verifies that please.

I know people have different opinions on the armor, I personally like it. So really looking forward to it.

Quartz Crystals spike

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I didn’t double check, because its to early and I’m to lazy atm. Didn’t I see something about celestial trinkets in the chat code link on the datamine page?

WvW & Ascended Weapons/Armor [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


was gonna post, but fellyn already said what I was thinking. People QQ all day about wvw being unfair regarding ascended. But one never hears them whining when they are killing uplevels, we can also say, those who can afford all the best boost/buffs ect have an advantage over those who cannot afford them. I don’t hear any QQ about that. If people want everyone in wvw on a level playing field. ALL food buffs/boost should be removed and make it like s/tpvp. With all the “extra” buffs/food/ boost people are allowed to “buy” to give an advantage, is why some do not consider wvw real pvp but more of a mix of pve/pvp

guesting not limited to 2 servers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Lilius is correct. Last night when I seen that. I guested to a 3rd server. Seen the node was active but didn’t hit it. So I assumed it was farmable. I went back, tested again. It only allowed me to hit it one time. Like one of those bonus hits or w/e ppl call it.

Thanks for the correction on this Lilius

Guesting unlimited to 2 per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


The ori node by the champ karka, is always there. It was a rich perm. But they changed it to where you can only get 3. Even after the change. It is still always in the same place even after updates, patches ect. However many people will go to that one and farm it on 3 servers.

Yeah it is not showing I guested to any server at all. I posted in the bug section last night.

Guesting unlimited to 2 per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I have a few toons parked at the perm ori node in southsun. I use them to get the ori on 3 servers everyday. I noticed after last update. When I guest to the 2 servers I usually do it is not showing I guested to them. I checked it out and was able to guest to 5 different servers. I did not get the ori on the other because I thought this is a bug.

My question is. Is it a bug? Or would it be an exploit to gather the ori from every server since it is not limited? Anyone else have this problem?

Thanks for any advice. The ori on the other servers is taunting me, letting me know its there. But I fear Dhuum’s Scythe more. In the event its just bugged.

And no I am not in overflow

guesting not limited to 2 servers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I noticed it in southsun, It still is not showing I have quested to another server. And queen wasn’t up. So was not in overflow.

guesting not limited to 2 servers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


after last update, guesting is not limited, one can guest to any and all servers. Now unless this is new and I missed it in the update. please fix before I cant stop myself from farming the perm ori node in southsun on every server, with multiple toons.

Anet Crashes The Mini Market Again

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


pride goes before a fall of mini prices.

Whatever happens with the train..

in Suggestions

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I have actually been on both sides of the fence on this issue, at one time I was against nerfing and at one time for it. Now I’m really caught in the middle. Its great for knocking out monthly in a couple hours.. But I do feel the reward for such mindless playing is to much. I wish they could find a reasonable balance.

reading some of the post it seems some people want it nerfed because ppl are making easy money and they don’t want to do that to keep up.
But for those that take the argument its "free money’ for doing nothing. How is that any different that the trading post flippers?

My biggest problem with the train, is this how anet wants the game played. If so, is this what we are to expect in future content?

WvW Jumping Puzzle Courtesy - /wave

in WvW

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


imo, any area in wvw is a fight zone, thats what its made for. So always be ready to throw down. But it is common knowledge jp campers are just pvp wannabes. If they are as good as they think they are they would be on the field where it matters. Otherwise they stay in the jp to fight up levels or those not prepared only to make themselves feel better. Whatever blows their skirt up I suppose.

hall of monuments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


got the the part the op made the comment, " , to go and play a beginner version of guild wars 2" stopped reading. imo at this time there is nothing in gw2 that execeeds some of the difficulty in gw1. I feel gw2 is designed far more for the casual player than gw1 ever was.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

Lion's Arch- Over used

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


just my experaince. I have a pc that is about 2 years old. takes me about 1 min to map in la. On my newer one it takes about 10 sec at most, even during peak times. On my newer pc it does have an i7/SSD ect.

Crafting account or character based?

in Crafting

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


It is character based, it would be best imo if you are working all crafting to level each toon with a different set of crafting profs.

login problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Got it all taken care of, thanks all, for input.

login problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I like the email authenticator, when it works. I’ve had my gw1 account hacked a few years ago. So every measure to protect ones account I use. I really don’t want to disable that.

login problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


SandraSolace, No, I checked the spam. Nothing was in there. I did however get 2 emails to authenticate the logins just now. Now when I click on the link to authenticate the login for the forum for that account, it gives me “this page cannot be found HTTP 400 Bad Request” It does that for the link to authenticate my game as well. All this started because my ip was changed by the phone company. It does that every know and then. In the past I have never had a problem with clicking the links and updating accordinglly.

login problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Not sure what to do, I have a second account, when I attemp to login it, it says authenticate through email required. I go to my email there is nothing in any box.
So I try to login on that account to the forums it is saying same thing, authentication require. It tells me to check my email for link. Again, nothing in my email. I cannot login into that account on the forums to submit a ticket.

Please note, I have never followed any phishing email of any kind. Not sure how to submit a ticket for that account since I cannot login to forums on that account to submit.
Any advice would be helpful.

Thank you,

Remove Ascended from WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


if they should get rid of ascended gear from wvw, then they should do the same thing in wvw as s/tpvp when someone maps in, all gear changes to wvw gear no exceptions. No food of anykind either. Since food is something which can be crafted. No buffs of anykind except wvw booster. This is of course, only if true balance is sought.

Your Opinion on PvE Players in sPvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@AntiGW, if avoiding those that have attitudes as some on this thread it is completely understandable. And they cannot be blamed for not wanting to be around those who do nothing but whine and tell them how bad they are. Not saying I agree or disagree if it is right or wrong. But the attitudes of some is what kills pvp more than any single other issue in pvp.

@ShinjoNaomi, yes there is a vocal minority that do nothing but bleed pvp dry as much as possible for their own selfish reason. But there are many more that imho do not behave that way. imo the majority do not behave in a childish manner. Its just hard to see that when everytime someone goes into pvp when the minority cant shut up long enough for you to see the chat from those who wants pvp to improve greater than what it is today. I do feel it is an unfair assumption on pvp.

Boring CHamp farm solution

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


why nerf something that pays so good, takes zero skill. I need something to do that makes good money while i’m watching tv, or eating. geeesh. I think its great anet rewards so much for under achieving.

Banned for buying Omega Golem Blueprints?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


only way I could see a ban, is if money was being laundered. And it was obvious.