I can live with 150 but then I’m one of those no lifers who plays 6+ hours a day everyday. Then there are those who play just as hard or harder than I but not as long. Should they be hindered in their journey just because I can play longer? Either way on the number Anet puts I’m fine but I certainly see why some want less.
@ Ohoni
Reason I’m responding is you empathized the word hate. There is very little I hate. Bigotry, racism, bad fish and my noisy neighbor yeah, but a game naw. If they did something to raids I I didn’t like I simply wouldn’t play it.
I do very much enjoy raiding but it’s not just raiding it’s the team as well. Loved learning and growing and getting better as we progressed. For me the later is more important. I don’t believe there is any content that can’t be overcome with perseverance. Finding a good group to persevere with, now that can be a little tough sometimes.
I haven’t figured out how someone would know what they are missing if they never tried. But I guess it can be like I’ve never been in a minefield but I’m certain I wouldn’t like it.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
I would hate to see the game decline in anyway all because the desires of a minority to set ourselves apart.
I expect GW to be around until I die. And I don’t have any immediate plans.You have made an incredibly level headed point, and in time ANET should release legendary armor sets to other game modes (though different skins). That said, it isn’t a matter of setting yourself apart. Maybe that is it for some people, or maybe it is part of it for a lot of the people, but there is more to this discussion than that.
This is a small, vocal minority causing a scene with their entitlement, acting as though they deserve everything for nothing. The game is already more inclusive than any other MMO. Do you think most people in the game care I’d they can’t get legendary armors? Sure, maybe most pepole would like to have it, but most reasonable people wouldn’t just want it made easily obtainable because they know it would be meaningless then.
Also, as far as believing not many people raid due to the stats you are seeing, just wait until we actually see the armor, and then wait until raiders start showing it off in game. Suddenly the people who don’t want to commit the time without seeing the product will start. Then the people who don’t really pay attention to the forums or reddit will see it in game and start asking how they can get it.
Then you will see a lot more people participating.
Well, that’s all well and good, but what about people who want THIS set? I mean, I’ve looked it over in the wardrobe, and I definitely want those boots (among a few other pieces). The hypothetical other set might be good too, but it’s no substitute for this one if it looks different.
If you want the armor set, play the raids. ArenaNet has made this game incredibly inclusive, and people like you who act ridiculous with entitlement complexes just spit in their faces.
I completely agree with all you said. In time they should. No I don’t think it should be done anytime soon. Legendary armor has been one of the main driving forces to do raids repetitively even on the days when your neighbor wakes you up in the middle of the night with his extremely loud truck making a person tired and cranky the next day and not really feeling up to raiding that night….anyway rant over. Although he is about to gain a whole new appreciation for pure cane sugar. Ok now rant really over.
I do believe there are those who genuinely wish to have an alternative way to obtain legendary armor and they are willing to do whatever is required of them in the mode of gameplay they enjoy.
As far as entitlement. Something I despise. But I’m not going to talk about that, I don’t need another infraction and that subject tends to bring out the evil Dan who I prefer to keep locked away.
I had considered what you said about, just wait until people start seeing the end product and then we will see more people commit to raiding. I honestly believe or at the least I’m very optimistic/hopeful we will see a huge number start raiding. That would be awesome for the game over all.. I understand some have no desire to raid. I don’t understand why, just some say they don’t and I just take their word for it. I think one thing that does bother me is, when I see people putting down raids/raiders when they actually never tried them to form an honest opinion. (excuse me a moment I need to lock someone back up he is trying to put his thoughts here regarding the last comment)
I recall a few years ago a lot of people saying the same thing about legendary weapons. Now everyone, their shadow and mini pets have multiple sets. But I recall many saying they would never do all that is required to make a weapon.
I would love nothing more to see thousands and more people start raiding. Honestly for those who haven’t found a group to grow with or become good friends with They just don’t know what they are missing.
Anyway it’s getting late and I have a bag of sugar to dump eeeerrrr put in a sugar bowl. Yeah that’s it.
Don’t know if my opinions belong in this thread or not, but since people are talking about raiders vs non raiders and armor well here it is.
I’m in the camp of raids having their own set of Legendary Armor. I’m 100% for this. And I’m certainly working for it. I love the idea of stat switching armor. Don’t currently see any reason for the way I play or what I do to stop using zerker but anyone who has been around is aware Anet can change anything at the drop of a hat. And that would be any hat. So having the ability to change in the future to whatever the flavor of the month is will be great.
After looking over some stats on gw2efficency I have grave concern where this can possibly lead. When we look at the number of shards people have on average we can see there is a small number of people who actually have committed a substantial amount of time raiding. Knowing provisioner tokens needed is 300 and seeing only a small portion of people who even started saving those up. Makes me think far less people raid than what I thought.
We read, it would take away resources if Anet put in more legendary armor for other modes of play. But if the numbers on gw2efficiency are a good indication of the percentage of people who raid, what will happen when the current available resources start to dwindle when the majority of player base (those who don’t raid) get so put off by not having an equivalent set of armor stop playing? Lets face it, if they feel like Anet is depriving them of some of the best gear in game why would they want to continue? The motto of Anet, play the way they want may feel untrue to some if they feel locked out whether it be lack of time or lack of skill or lack of …fill in the blank.
I guess to put it a different way. If the majority is unhappy, that will ultimately lead to fewer players. Fewer players equals less money for Anet. Less money for Anet equals less resources for the game. Less resources usually leads to less of a game. Wouldn’t Anet be shooting themselves in the foot if the the majority feels ostracized? I support having the ability to acquire legendary through other modes of play, fractal/WvW/PvP But only make it so difficulty to acquire they would wished they raided for it instead. Ok that may be a bit selfish on my part. But make it equally as difficulty to obtain in every possible way.
I love GW, my wife has claimed for years GW is my mistress. The game has been a huge part of my life since 2005. Between GW1/2 met a lot of great people had more fun playing than I ever thought I would in an mmo. I would hate to see the game decline in anyway all because the desires of a minority to set ourselves apart.
I expect GW to be around until I die. And I don’t have any immediate plans.
I have no idea if there is more casuals in the game than hardcore players. Seen the comment, why uses resources? Or, it would be a waste of resources…. Now would that be the same resources Anet used in making content for a specific group of players? Is that group of players entitled to have more resources used on them than the casuals? imho it’s whatever the real life bottom line is. Which group makes Anet more money?
I’m actually torn on this subject after reading both sides. A part of me genuinely feels bad for players who actually want to learn raids and play but are unable to for whatever reasons they may have. And a part of me says man up and learn to play if you want to raid. I’m sure Anet has the numbers of what their best move is financially, so really what I think just doesn’t matter.
But to say Anet shouldn’t waste or use resources on a group who doesn’t play like me would be very selfish on my part.
I don’t really care either way if they give an easy mode or not. If they did, I doubt I would ever play it. No reason to. What I don’t understand is those against it, I mean if you have no intention of running easy mode then what difference does it make to you if someone else does? Listening to people complaining about something they have no intention of doing sounds childish. imo the bottom line is there are those who don’t want easy mode for a reason, they want to be viewed separately from the casuals.
If the value a person places on themselves is how others perceive them in a make believe world, you’ve got bigger problems than not wanting easy mode.I don’t care whether an easy mode exists or not, but I don’t want one to be added in for two reasons:
1.) Easy mode inherently has no replay value. It exists to be beaten and then ignored, like SAB infantile mode of dungeon story modes. Which wouldn’t be a problem except…
2.) Designing an programming an easy mode raid would take a significant amount of time away from the raid team designing more substantial content. It isn’t as simple as just changing a few numbers and slapping a new sticker on it. Easy mode raids would take a lot of time up front to create (especially if you want them to be balanced and not just press-1-to-win), and would significantly increase the time needed to be spent on maintenance for the encounters.
Same as I said before but I certainly agree on your point 1. Easy mode has no replay value. That in itself would make me reconsider my opinion. Well part of it anyway.
Edit, cause this comment got me to thinking about no replay value. I suppose that would be dependent on what the rewards would be. I’m thinking about gw1 and doa runs. I recall many who couldn’t or wouldn’t run hard mode for whatever reasons I can’t say but I do recall some running easy mode daily.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
I don’t really care either way if they give an easy mode or not. If they did, I doubt I would ever play it. No reason to. What I don’t understand is those against it, I mean if you have no intention of running easy mode then what difference does it make to you if someone else does? Listening to people complaining about something they have no intention of doing sounds childish. imo the bottom line is there are those who don’t want easy mode for a reason, they want to be viewed separately from the casuals.
If the value a person places on themselves is how others perceive them in a make believe world, you’ve got bigger problems than not wanting easy mode.Here’s a couple of reasons to oppose an easy mode, even if you never play it:
Easy and medium instanced group content already exists in dungeons and raids. This content is more amenable to easy modes than raids.
If you are the type of player that plays content at varying difficulties, it’s much better to have different content at an easier level than easy mode raids. I’d rather play fractals + dungeons + raids. I would never do raid + easy mode raid.
Easy mode raids split the player base. As someone who raids, it’s preferable to have a larger player pool. I know some argue that they could learn in easy mode, but most/all are capable of learning in normal mode.
It would be a waste of developer resources. It would either take away from raid development, or take away from dungeon/fractal/living world development. The latter content aligns more closely with the values of people who like easy mode.
You have some good points. I don’t agree entirely. Yes easy mode is dungeon and imo anything fractal 75 and below 76-100 middle of the road difficulty I suppose. Even less difficult since last changes to fractals.
I was thinking more about those who want to experience raids but either have less skill or time and as such doing an easy mode raid would reward accordingly.
As far as splitting the player base thus causing a smaller pool. I hadn’t considered that. I don’t pug raids so that’s pretty much a non issue with me as I’ve had a team from the beginning. I can see it being an issue for those who do pug.
Being a waste of developer resources is an opinion. To some it would not be a waste at all in fact they would greatly appreciate it. To others obviously so.
I still believe a portion of the raiders don’t want easy mode for selfish reasons. Not all but some. I don’t see anything wrong with throwing a bone to those who don’t have the skill or time to play as much as other. That’s just me though, I love everyone lol well cept my neighbor who starts his diesel truck at 4 in the morning.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
What Stitch and Just a flesh wound said, in addition the npc will shout something along the lines of, Watch out fingers or tendrils are pulling people under. I don’t remember exactly what the npc will say but there is a comment about pulling people under that will let you know to watch for it.
Argh, OP idea of competitive is obviously different from the norm.
And that’s why all the salt. Sometimes changes are good. Old populations have to step down and let the young ones take over, it cannot always be old one’s game. But some are just willing to grip on with their last teeth and do whatever it takes to make the game as stale as possible and unchanged, when in reality, the majority of the population no longer wants it, it’s just the relics of the old ones.
This comment alone says all one needs to know about you.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
Where to start. The game is just too easy. Everyone can get achievement points in PVE, no one is left behind. You’ve done a right step in PVP. Let’s analyse the achievements: need to win, need to win, need to win. Whereas PVE: participate, help, work together. See a problem? You are not incentivizing the player enough to go PVE. Offer a great reward (such as a legendary backpack), but cut the supply of them tenfold (by making it only that winners get the achievements and put in tiers of semi good rewards), by making so that only the Meta achievers can get it, while others get something that’s less of a value, such as resonating sliver, since everyone likes those. Economy is better off (less rewards flood the market), players are better off, you are better off as you can be sure that players will gate other players as much as possible from getting the final shiny. I like where you are going with current events, where players have to steal from other players to get achievement points, but I believe you could still kick it up a notch by making so that instead of priory fighting inquest, priory (player side) could fight consortium (player side) and the losing sides loses that much from their achievement pool. This way, people have incentive to try, because now, people are just gonna be like meh, I’ll do it and I’ll get something everyone will get, whereas if it’s exclusive, more people will join to get the exclusive shiny. You could also throw a match-maker to ensure fair-play between the two sides, no stacking, etc.
Do you work for a company who competes against Anet? This suggestion would certainly be a death blow to Anet. And I don’t mean in a down state. An insta kill.
How Anet FORCED them to do dailies everyday and how unfair it was because they were unable to play the game because Anet forced them to do dailies.
Can’t tell if sarcasm or not.
Truth and sarcasm, A day didn’t go by for months on end where the ap farmers came on the forums QQing how unfair it was for Anet to force them to do the dailies and because of that Anet removed any fun they had in the game and on and on and on.
It was actually bizarre to read how some had the belief Anet was some puppet master who controlled their every movement in the game.
This is so true. There were many, many threads and posts about it, and many arguments, but, alas, ArenaNet listened to the ‘majority’ of the forum playerbase.
Never, though, to my knowledge, did ArenaNet ever state the change in Dailies was to afford ‘new’ players to ‘catch up’. Likely, because ‘new’ players can never catch up the the Leaderboard’s top Achievement Points. With, or without a cap…as long as those ‘vet’ players keep playing.
I agree I don’t recall that every being said. I thought it was the incessant complaining 24/7 from the ap farmers. Have to give them credit though. They were persistent and did get Anet to change it.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
How Anet FORCED them to do dailies everyday and how unfair it was because they were unable to play the game because Anet forced them to do dailies.
Can’t tell if sarcasm or not.
Truth and sarcasm, A day didn’t go by for months on end where the ap farmers came on the forums QQing how unfair it was for Anet to force them to do the dailies and because of that Anet removed any fun they had in the game and on and on and on.
It was actually bizarre to read how some had the belief Anet was some puppet master who controlled their every movement in the game.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
Wondered when this would come full circle. Before the caps all we heard week after week is how people hated not having a cap. How Anet FORCED them to do dailies everyday and how unfair it was because they were unable to play the game because Anet forced them to do dailies. Anet caved and put a cap. Now here we go again just the opposite direction.
Some see a problem here and some do not. I certainly see the problem. Read through some of the comments and can’t figure out how in the world some can’t. Anet acknowledges a problem and thankfully they are working on it. May take them awhile but for all the nay sayers here, I"m glad Anet doesn’t agree with you.
Not sure if already mentioned. Someone posted on reddit. A 3D printing of a persons character of their choice. My wife would pay well for something like that. Because she would never hear the end of it if she didn’t buy me my main character.
@Aeon, Oh I do get it, mapping is pretty much a time consuming almost worthless rewards vs the amount of time need. If anyone understand where you’re coming from I do. On my main account alone I’ve done 34 toons to 100%. I have 7 more accounts but only one character on each account has 100%. Meaning I’ve done WC 41 times.
I would love to see Anet make them where they could be traded or sold. I currently have 55 Gifts of Exploration still unused on my main. The reason I haven’t used them I think of WvW like you think of mapping. It would require me to grind out 27,500 badges doing the same thing over and over. I hate the very thought of that.
If Anet makes Gifts of Exploration trade able or sellable or easier to obtain then they certainly should make Gifts of Battle trade able or sellable and easier to obtain. Some would even say the same about dungeon gifts.
The general line of thought for those who support Gift of Exploration being easier to obtain is, For those who did 100% multiple times they should be easier or another method to obtain those gifts. I mentioned in an earlier post I mapped 15 toons through WVW before the WVW change making where we no longer had to. Did enough WVW to make 13 legendarys. So by the same logic Gifts of Battle should be easier for me to obtain.
I never once said you were lazy or implied it. In fact it’s obvious you are not. My problem is 2 fold. If you have the gold/mats to make multiple legendary weapons then you almost certainly did the same things over and over. The other and imo more important to me. If Anet makes Gift of Exploration easy to obtain or where it can be sold/traded then they should do that with ALL the gifts. Do you honestly think for one second Anet will ever make Gift of Battle require less than what it currently does? Maybe when the Volcano in Mount Maelstrom freezes over.
I didn’t post the numbers of how many I’ve map for any sort of attention of comments. I posted them so you would understand I know what you mean about mapping and all that it entails. In fact most comments about an excess amount of time in the game are negative which is why I have refrained from posting any numbers in the past. I know people who have considerably more Gifts than I do. Making me but a moon lit shadow compared to them and their accomplishments.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
I often wonder how many of the people who complain about World Completion being a grind actually go doing champion trains, or Silverwaste Chest farms etc. Farms which again, one can’t fail.
Exactly what I’m saying. If someone grinded out the mats or gold to make legendarys then they also did the same repetitive tasks over and over. Some who complain about WC will farm Orr, do SW chest runs for hours and hours, FS champs for hours and hours or dungeons over and over. Most which require being good at pressing 1 key or F. All these things can be done while watching netflix. imo the only difference between WC and the things mentioned, WC is not profitable vs time where repetitive farm is.
For those who support acquiring the gift of exploration easier. Do you also support making the gift of battle easier for those who do not wish to wvw? I already mapped 15 toons through wvw when we had to to get 100%, Only made 13 legandarys sold 5 so I could afford the ones I wanted. I no longer wish to wvw. Yet I continued to map open pve. I currently only have 438 badges. Yet I need 27,500 badges to use with the remaining gifts of exploration I have. Should I be allowed to to purchase something to acquire gifts of war without having to do wvw since I no longer wish to wvw? Because for me wvw is mindless zerg doing the same thing over and over
The problem I see with catering to the OP’s desire to make gaining a Legendary weapon easier is this. There are many different players who want to make L. weapons. Many of them will dislike some part of gaining what it take to make the item. Once Anet sets the precedent that they will cave to one request to make the process less demanding, the flood of calls to eliminate the part of the process other players hate will flood in. There will be no justification to say, “No!” to those players once they’ve said, “Yes!” to the OP. This would have an overall detriment to the health of the game.
Yes… I never said you Dont ever have to do world exploration at all, just not 10x to make all 19 core Legendaries. Again if this went by a number amount of time you have completed it, and then was only gated by other means, I wouldn’t mind, however it is forcing you to spend roughly 24+hrs doing the EXACT same thing that involves roughly 10% of your attention.
This will in turn push people away from the game when they realize they have to repeat the same content over and over again, let alone forcing you to either delete toons who have made it to 100% or purchasing new player slots.
After looking at your picture, one of 2 things come to mind. Either A, you bought most everything with a credit card. Or B you earned them. If you earned them, there is no way you can say you did Not do the same things over and over for more than 24 hours that requires more than 10% attention. No dungeon, even Arah requires more than 10% of your attention if you have a good team. Nothing below fractal 50-60 requires more than 10% of your attention if you have a decent team.
From a later post it appears you earned it, that is commendable. But if you are going to spend that much time doing the very thing you are complaining about which is doing the same things over and over to acquire those items it’s difficult for some to believe your sincerity.
For me and I may be wrong. You did the same things over and over many many hours for those items in your photo and now want the benefit of a menial time consuming task like mapping to make what you have worth considerably more. That’s understandable. Because lets be honest the profit in mapping is very low, in fact any decent mat farmer worth their salt can make considerably more farming than they could mapping a toon.
I feel most don’t want the free open waypoints because they are strictly tired of mapping but they want open way points for personal gain. I understand if that’s so and certainly don’t hold it against anyone who wish to have faster ways to acquire items/ gold. Doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for Anet to do.
I know I have a different outlook than most on map clearing I have mapped a considerable amount. It’s something I enjoy. Would you be ok if Anet came in an made all that you acquire pretty much worthless? Imo that’s what you are asking Anet to do for those who value their spent time mapping all their toons. Some people value their time as much as some value their possessions.
What Behellagh said is a very good way to level. Crafting is a very quick way but can cost. Going off the beaten path killing critters that have been on the map longer will give more experience. Usually the ones to kill are passive critters, the yellow ones. Most people will skip past them so they have a tendency to have been on the map longer.
Another thing, there is dirt cheap food and utility consumable that will give 15% and 10% xp so always keep those up. If you are in a guild, you may want to check the guild hall, most likely they will have an npc you can talk to to get an additional percentage buff. Best of luck to you.
I feel giving the design teams a theme/topic is one of the best ideas I’ve heard. Would be nice to see what they would come up with.
@SkullProX, Ok I decided to check out this farm to see what all the hoopla is about. Seen people talking about and posting it in lfg. After having done it. All I can say is.
You’re right, I’m wrong.
I don’t recall ever seeing anything like this. Only thing I can think of that comes close is the SW chest farm at Amber people did when SW first came out and before Anet nerf that farm.
Guess next time I should know what I’m talking about before I put my 2 cents worth in. I don’t begrudge anyone for taking advantage of this (even though I wont in the future) while they can. No question at all Anet is already polishing up their nerf bat.
I meant this part: " Because you don’t want to take the time to find another squad to join for a 2nd map? Or that you don’t have enough keys for a 2nd run though?"
I do have the time and the keys but still not doing it.@danielrjones I only did a few hours of cf, and I tried this multiloot once before I started complaining, just to see how it is…. -both were boring and a really kitteny way of farming…. boring, no skill needed… Seriously I like gw2, but the farming methods are just bad… cf or zerg farms where you press autoattack and loot… in other mmos you either farm alone or do dungeons -yes you can farm dungeons/fracs here too but thats the only way of ‘skilled’ but i would rather call it semi-skilled farming….- so yeah i think my point is clear..
We may not agree on everything but this part we do. People will flock to that which is most profitable per hour if possible. Not saying its right or wrong, just the nature of the farming beast in most mmo’s
I don’t get it why would anyone think this is an okay farming method… you complete 1 META, YOU LOOT 1X… and don’t compare it to sw, it’s different… SW chests are not lock behind a meta event
Absolutely can be compared to SW chest farming. The point is people reaping rewards in a manner not intended by Anet.
You’re right SW chest farming is not locked out by a meta, almost the reverse though. Chest farmers make it difficult for those who are trying to progress a map to the meta. And one thing for certain Anet did not intend for the actions of some to inhibit the intended design.
Again I have nothing against SW chest farming. If that is how some wish to play and it’s a good source of income for them then by all means chest farm away.
I will say it again, if there is anything anyone does to acquire gold in a manner not intended by Anet (yet allowed) and it is being done by anyone complaining here, then the people complaining are no different than the very people they are complaining about. Of course the AB farm will be nerfed. Just a matter of time. My problem is with people who complain about what people are doing in one map when they are doing relatively the same thing in another map. How you can’t see that makes me question your true motive as to your complaint.
Honestly I expect AB to soon follow what happened in the early days of SW where people could chest farm for hours and hours in front on Amber and never have to do events to get the crest for keys because the chest gave an ample supply. And the chest would respawn faster than they could be farmed.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
I don’t do the multi loot thing. I was just wondering why you think it’s unfair? I could care less if people do it. It doesn’t affect me in anyway. I agree it most likely isn’t what Anet intended. I just don’t understand why you’re upset with people making a little more gold. Jealousy? Investments going south?
Probably because it’s an obvious case of reward unbalance. There’s no reason for AB meta to have such a big reward.
For those who like it, it’s awesome. For those who don’t, it means either to spend a good amount of time on something you don’t like or getting behind economy wise.
I said I believe it’s not as it intended. I agree there is an imbalance. Why some are upset over it I find odd.
Can the same not be said about people who chest farm in SW for hours at a time? Are we to believe Anet intended for this? Are we to believe Anet intended for people to farm SW chest for hours only to open them on a mid level toon?
Are we to believe the profit from tree farming in Malchors with multiple toons hourly is something Anet intended. And the gold gained from that, does it not create an imbalance?
I don’t do any of the things list above nor do I care if people do? imo if anyone complaining here has done any of these things it is pretty much pot calling the kettle black.
The list of things people do for reward that is not as it was intended extent beyond AB and SW. I found when people complain about what others do, it’s usually not because of imbalance or for maintaining some form of integrity in the game, it’s usually because of personal gain or lack of.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
I don’t do the multi loot thing. I was just wondering why you think it’s unfair? I could care less if people do it. It doesn’t affect me in anyway. I agree it most likely isn’t what Anet intended. I just don’t understand why you’re upset with people making a little more gold. Jealousy? Investments going south?
5: Account Limit per IP. Every IP should be able to own maximum 3 accounts, this is also a very important aspect against Gold Sellers that should have been done right from the begin on!! Yes, that might be a very frustratign change for all people, which might have already more than 3 accounts, but peopl can (and will) sell them anyways in that case, but for the safely of this games economy and in protection against Gold Selling, this change is long overdue and neccessary.
Even the most hardcore altoholic players should have with 3 Accounts more than enough space for possible characters.
Limiting the maximum number of accoutns, limits extremely also the maximum gold a hoarder can accumulate together in regard of farmed materials/general gold to be able to try to monopolize the game’s economy.
There needs to be borders for such people, a point, where they simply can’t get more anymore. Stop until here and no further, thats the principle that is missing in this game to protect the game’s economy from dagobert duck syndrome players, which don’t know anymore, when it is enough.That’s not a terrible idea if only 1 person per household plays the game. But it’s really not uncommon to encounter people who play together with their whole family, or with their housemates.
Do you really think it’s fair to say only the first 3 of them can have accounts and anyone else is out of luck (bear in mind it’s against the EULA to share an account, even with another person at the same IP address) because you’re concerned that someone else somewhere in the world may be using their 4th account to get an additional 2g from dailies?
Pretty much what Danikat said. There is 4 in my household who play GW2. Each with their own account. There are several people in my guild who have at least 3 players per house hold. imo this limiting would hurt Anet in the long run. Considering how many people bought multiple accounts when they sold them for 10.00 per. That would be like Anet saying, thanks for the money but now those accounts are worthless. I disagree with this suggestion. And yes I bought my fair share of multiple accounts when they sold for 10 buck each. But I do not do the dailies on all of them. I simply don’t have time. But for those who do. That would be a slap in their face because when they bought the additional accounts that wasn’t part of the deal in purchasing them.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
@Sartharina enjoyed you post about your family. Brought back memories for me. Also a mirror image cept Army instead of Air Force and we were a family of 11. I’ve heard comments similar to the poor get poorer and it’s one I complete disagree with, with the exception of the poor get poorer if they choose to do nothing and expect others to make them rich.
Back on topic. OP I know the tp isn’t for everyone. Yet as mentioned there are tons of guides and well just using basic common sense one can become very successful in the game with gold. 2.5-3 years ago I was lucky to 100-150g on my account total, including all mats, decided I would do some research and use some guides. Listen to others on here and reddit and absorb as much info as possible to apply it to the games economy. From that I managed to get in the top .5% according to gw2efficiency. And yes I know it only portrays small portion of players, 70 thousand accounts I believe so who knows where I really stand in the grand scheme of things.
Of course it certainly didn’t happen over night. And no I’ve never been lucky enough to get some crazy good drop. Best item to every drop for me in game was worth around 70g and that was a few months ago. Things that helped me, first I don’t feel the need to have every new shiny that comes into the game. Second, any time Anet makes an announcement of any potential change coming into the game I’m all over it. Pulling up any reputable site that would be discussing it, seeing what general opinions are. (sometimes they are right and sometimes not.) Coupling that with knowing what events will be coming up particularly holiday events and buy/sell accordingly. I believe all one has to do to make money from those is a small amount of research and just flat out paying attention to the market. If the tp isn’t your thing then consider farming, good grief with current general mat prices the way the are now its certainly hardcore farmers happy days.
But to say you’re poor because of the rich? From my experience that isn’t true. I wish you the best in what ever avenue you choose to make gold.
All I have seen in this thread is “Well I did it (x) times, so everyone can do it.” and comparing map completion (which doesn’t affect anyone else but the player in question) to things that are even TP based. (Wardrobe unlocks, pvp rewards). And if you really want to say that all the mats/items the person could get from doing map completion with free WPs would destroy the market… Do you really think someone who hates map completion this much, and is only doing it for the gift of exploration for legendaries is going to spend the time doing it over and over for mats?
If someone wants access to the WPs after they already did full map completion, let them. It’s not going to harm you in anyway. Is really having any/all of the WPs on a map on a new map completion character really going to change things for you?
Though, I have no idea why all of you are arguing. Anet would never put this in.
So does this mean you support being able to buy pvp skins because I don’t want to pvp anymore. And I have done my share of hours there repeating the same thing over and over. Why is someones wish to have all wp unlocked more important than the desire to have any portion of the game unlocked for others? I haven’t said how many times I’ve done map completion and so far it’s more than double the highest amount posted in this thread. I don’t begrudge anyone who would be able to buy map completion. What I dislike is someone wanting it and the rewards that go with it. No it wont affect me at all if they did this, but then neither would letting me buy pvp skins through gem store affect anyone else.
For the record I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if Anet put this option to buy ones way through the game in the gem store.
Well considering right now there are no exclusive PvP skins (sorry, the PvP legendary Backpack is actually an item, you said skins!). And just so you know. I have all the original PvP skins that were removed from the game. I am completely okay with them coming back so others can get it. I am not a special snowflake. If someone wants to pay money, go for it. It will not affect my game. It’s a skin. And it would support Anet… which we all should want.
Yes there are. There is 3 armor weights that you can’t get other than PvP reward track the glorious armor set. Look it up.
Was going to point that out. But as said, I did say skins when in fact I also meant items and skins so that’s my mistake.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
To the people who believe people should get no rewards whatsoever if WP’s are unlocked.
It almost sounds as if people who have done all the work before (several times even, maybe) don’t want others to have a small advantage they didn’t have way back when.
I don’t have a problem with earning rewards for work that is started and finished by a person. If anet could hammer out some kind of deal to make all things equal it would be great, like perhaps 50%-75% rewards. But zero map completion rewards since they wouldn’t have completed the map.
However I can’t get past the fact you support giving an advantage to some over others. That comments just reeks of entitlement.
Oh and Anet if you do allow people to buy their way through the game. There are some pvp skins I would like to have but to lazy to earn, Make them available in the gem store.
To the people who believe people should get no rewards whatsoever if WP’s are unlocked.
No rewards whatsoever, despite putting time and effort into it? No rewards, only because 25% of the total is automatically unlocked for you? No rewards because you can get to the places you need to be faster? Toned down rewards, maybe. No rewards, hell no. Almost nobody does anything if there isn’t some kind of reward tied to it, especially if it’s repeatable content. If it’d be an accountwide unlock, that would basically lock everyone who uses it out of creating (more) legendaries. It almost sounds as if people who have done all the work before (several times even, maybe) don’t want others to have a small advantage they didn’t have way back when.
So you support the idea of some players having an advantage over others. My questions are, should some players have an advantage over others in pvp since they have already done pvp x amount of hours? Should some servers have an advantage over other servers in WvW since said server has more people putting in more hours and time? Keep in mind these said advantages of course can be bought through the gem store.
@BrotherBelial simply the best way to say it. TY
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
Sounds like some want a way for waypoints to be unlocked without actually unlocking them and in the same token they want to be able to claim 100% for mapping when they didn’t do 100%. Having an item to unlock waypoints is something I’m completely against. I have never understood why some people think they deserve to be given something everyone else had to earn.
Seen this post. Whats funny is I have been thinking this for some time. I didn’t post about it because I didn’t want to hear the usual. Get a life, get a job, go outside, get (fill in the blank) or you’re a liar comments. I did max out the amount one can have on my main account and it came to the point the last 30 alts I just gave the same name and put a roman number after them as well as color coordinate for easy recognition as to what they run gear/build wise. It made it a little quicker. Personally I wished anet would let us move character slots around like windows icons on my desktop.
One thing I suggest to those with lots of alts. GW2efficiency.com is great for when you lose an item. Nothing is more annoying that getting the error 44: from logging in and out to many time to quick.
edit had to take out a comment as someone may find it offensive so I just put fill in the blank.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
Anet puts them in the gem store people complain, If Anet put them as reward for doing x event people would complain. If anet heaven forbid made acquiring them take longer than 2 days people would complain. Anet is and will forever be in a no win situation with some people.
Been following this awhile now. I play Guard and really enjoy the class. Having dealt with Anet’s shenanigans concerning balance (both good and bad imo) since 2005, nothing they do will ever surprise me short of waking up one day and seeing the servers permanently shut down. Because of the constant changes to all classes, for me it is important to learn as many as possible.
I agree with Obtena on some things and some I do not. But when blanket statements are made regarding a class it kinda puts the truth somewhere in the middle. To me blanket statements can overshadow real specific problems because when everyone is saying this class is and has been crap it almost sounds like someone crying wolf. I encourage the guard community to be very specific as to what and why there is a problem, as some has done here. Even better when someone can offer “reasonable” suggestions to make it comparable to other classes.
Now sure I would love to see the guard over the top way op nothing can stop me now. But that’s just being ridiculously selfish.
I don’t agree that all classes cannot be balanced equally. Of course that assumption is made by me without any knowledge of numbers/programming. I believe in Yin and yang though.
Even with txtmod mapping in GW1 took a considerable amount of more time than GW2 but as many said this isn’t the same game and it’s like apples/oranges, this is true but Anet still could have made mapping the same scrape scrape scrape. Looking hours for the .1% However they didn’t, in GW2 all you have to do is get somewhere near the fogged area to get it to count. And yet people still want it easier.
I respect everyone’s opinion to each their own. This is just something I am completely against. I feel like if people want the way points they should go get them. There are so many things in game that the, Well I did it on one character I should have access to (fill in the bank) this is as said a very slippery slope.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
Well if Anet gives map booster minimizing the gift of exploration, Then I suppose those who are for this must also be for gift of war booster and gift of battle booster. No need for anyone to earn, just buy them. Or even better how about a booster for the pvp legendary backpiece. There’s people who don’t pvp that would like the item without actually earning it so why not a booster for them?
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
I’m one who is thankful for this change.
HoT HP 10 points each. There is a lot that’s either commune or the can be done solo. Dulfy has a list of all the easy ones and there is more than enough to get your elites just from her guides.
Furajir, honestly for me it was just something to do. It’s really no different that those who run fractals everyday or when people ran dungeons everyday over and over. People have their preference of how to occupy their time and to each their own.
After I did dungeons so many times week after week finished fractal to 100. Im not an ap farmer so don’t care about those. Leveling and mapping is just something I enjoyed.
Palador I had considered what you said. It does not profit Anet to spend any time or resources to increase the cap. One can hope though.
Pretty much in the same boat. Leveled 69 characters to 80 on my main and was hoping to see them increase the max number to at least 90 for the exact same reason. Currently having to use another account just to make myself feel complete with the other 21. Would enjoy having them all on same account. I agree since its something most don’t care about I would be surprised if we see a change.
@Andraus, request pops up often, one today even.
I don’t think these are bad ideas. Only problem I have is where does it end? First the option to have insta map completion, then the option to have insta level 80 for the low price of x amount of gems. Then people will want insta lvl 80 exotic gear. Then it would be access to any chapter of any story with any new character that has never done the story. Because no matter what there is always something in the game others will say “why shouldn’t we have (fill in blank) without earning it since I already earned it before.”
Update to this issue, after about 20+ emails back and forth with Anet. Starting early this morning and they continued to work on it till 8 tonight. So about 12 hours. The maximum number of characters an account can have is 69. So wiki is incorrect. The assumption with the 70 on gw2efficiency is those accounts were updated to the site when the beta character was still in play or possible bug as suggested by Healix
I want to say I was very impressed with the way and amount of time support GM Heart and GM Zentify put into resolving this issue. I"m a nobody in the grand scheme of things and the problem is so uncommon I truly felt it would have been put on the back burner. Yet the rapid responses from them and the various things attempted to get that extra slot, imo they went above and beyond my expectations. They even logged onto my account attempting to make changes on their end. Even went as far as trying to give me a character slot for free but it just wouldn’t take to the account.
I know some have had their issues with support and maybe rightfully so. I am however not one of those.
Thank you Healix. I sent a ticket. Will post response in the event another person comes across this problem.
Yes I did register HoT prior to release and did receive the extra slots. As you said wiki may be incorrect. But I noticed on gw2efficiency there are multiple accounts that have 70 as character count. Which is why I’m confused, and for me it doesn’t take much to be confused.