Showing Posts For danielrjones.8759:

What to do with 4250 Blade Shards?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


found the reason I had saved them, could be just me. But permanent addition is what caught my attention. Last sentence.

“Additionally, completing the “This Is My City!” meta-achievement rewards a container of desirable items, including a 5-skill-point Scroll of Knowledge, 1 Essence of Luck, 5 Obsidian Shards, 50 Blade Shards, a five-use Guild Shield Finisher, and a rare item.
Note: Aetherblade enemies across Tyria now have an added chance to drop Blade Shards. This addition to their drop list is permanent.”

What to do with 4250 Blade Shards?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Zanshin, was able to sell the votes. When it was over.

It’s Anet’s fault people can’t look past the tip of their nose.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

What to do with 4250 Blade Shards?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


for those complaining about deleting them, imo your fault. you should no better by now. anet is always pulling rabbits out of their hat.

Account magic find question..

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Sunny, guildless as in not with a guild of people. I have storage guilds. Don’t play as much as I once did. Still love the game. Just waiting for something more to do.

I would like to see Anet put more stuff into the game that takes hundreds of hours to complete instead of events that can be completed in a day or two. That’s just me though.

How do I become a 1%

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Mystic 9 stacks =15%, your in the 30k per point range. Hope you didn’t stop. Unless you are already done with mf. That sentence caught my attention, I remember those numbers all to well.

How do I become a 1%

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Ladybird, you will find many things which will be profitable. The more you get involved the more you learn. Things I’ve ran into from those first starting is lack of patience, panic buying just because someone post a thread here. “grapes” And letting their emotions get the better of them when getting into a bidding war. For me when I first started, and it has already been mentioned. Is research.
My advice when long term speculating have a valid reason as to why you would want to stock up on something. If your just starting, there are several great guides for learning the ins and outs so to speak. The tp is amazingly profitable as well as fun. After awhile imo its not so much about how much gold you can make. Once you break a certain amount it starts to lose its appeal. But more about your ability to be right when speculating. Which is what is fun for me. Wish you the best in this.

How do I become a 1%

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


always stay up on what Anet is doing. Sometimes I feel Anet practically spoon feeds people on what they need to invest in. And yet people still complain. Common sense with the market goes along ways.

Anet forgot about GW1 players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


having 5050 and thankful for anything already given as a reward for that. I really don’t see the need for anything more. We already have GWAMM and Champion of the God’s if someone wants to show their GW1 accomplishments.

Would love to see them put in the wintergreen sets. They are nothing flashy but my favorite collection.

Account magic find question..

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I noticed the best improvement from 220-250 range. I normally run around 357% with the 20 amulet and 30 cookie. Guildless so don’t have the advantage of guild boost. I am a huge advocate of magic find, encourage everyone to max it.

How many lvl 80 characters do you have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I would think the majority of the more than casual players have at least all 8 profs maxed. only 16 chars here, only 10 maxed tho. I like to have some low to mid level for obvious reasons.

Disappointed on Crafting Booster Sale.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


complaining when anet reduces the cost of something that some may need. Says something about the person complaining.

emphasis on the spinal blades

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


this is unfortunate, I have no interest in this backback, I do not like the skin at all. Guess I’m going to need to make something I will use briefly then destroy. What a waste.

Great Jungle Wurm Slayer VS Wurm’s Bane....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Anet is well known for reducing time/effort to achieve a title as time goes by. Two well known ones are LDoA and Drunkard. Yes I know they are from GW1, so is Anet. imo Drunkard was a huge change. Took people hundreds of hours to achieve, only to be able to be done in less than a day later on. People whined and moaned about it to no end. Didn’t make a difference though. Learn to roll with the punches. Less ego bruising that way.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

Example of Market crash in GW2

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Vol, I have been thinking the same thing about cores for several months now and been buying accordingly. Don’t want to miss the boat on it if there is one. Hope its not a canoe.

Piecemeal Armor Options

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I like this idea, there are some pieces I would buy, haven’t bought them for the simple fact I do not want the entire set.

I DONT want to see them!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I currently do not have a problem with it, but makes me wonder how it will look in another year. Only thing that has slightly annoyed me is using a wp and its crowded by several commanders so have to squirrel around the icons to get to use it.
Over all, I don’t care if they are on or not at this point. I never turn mine on anymore, don’t like to be annoyed.

Mystic Forge Conduits go Boom

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


this was an item I encourage people to buy when they were still in the 10g range. I felt GW1 showed, items that are discontinued seem to always go up in a year or two. Managed to buy 4, sold one to a friend who didn’t have the 10g at the time to get one.
When Anet posted they were discontinued, all I thought was wintergreen weps.

Felt it was more a vanity item. And we all know people will pay well to have discontinued or vanity items. Really have no intentions of selling them at this time, who knows what another year will do to the prices.

Maxxed MF - no title? Hmm...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Stonish, it does continue to add points and is not subject to the 30k point reset. I currently have about 122k above maxed. Now I just throw all in bank upgrade when they become a nuisance and hope Anet will add a use for them in the future. Only reason I exceeded 100k above max was to see if it would reset. If it had I felt that may have been a hint of something in the future. Sadly no it didn’t

I posted a screen shot awhile back about maximum possible, I got it to show 562% I did not use the +40% while under boon because it is bugged and does not show the increase on the overall section. Which would have been an additional 10% than the cookie.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

Maxxed MF - no title? Hmm...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I have to disagree with those who believe having maxed MF will cause someone to exclude others for that reason. I have had maxed MF for awhile. And that has never even entered my mind. It would be complete nonsense to use that to have an elitist attitude.

Lil Puppy and Dark, yes you will continue to get essence even after you are maxed.

Maxxed MF - no title? Hmm...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Great now I’m torn, I do like Special Snowflake, But Entitled is a very good one.

Why not entitled. only have to hit F on corpses for one, spam skill one all day long in queensdale killing bugs for another insert credit card buy emperor for another and so many more that requires nothing but clicking and time, may as well add another one to the list.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

Maxxed MF - no title? Hmm...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I’m going to have to go with goldenwing’s list on this one. love the special snowflake that’s very funny to me. Even though OCD certainly drove me when I was working on it.

+1 for Special Snowflake, I’m still laughing.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

Maxxed MF - no title? Hmm...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Would love to see Anet create a title for this one, GZ on finishing it Stonish.

Essences of Luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


there is no use all option, what others said, use artificer. If you are maxed, may be wise to do what Wanze said. Save them. The possibility they may be used later on for something different.
Once maxed, only thing that happens if someone keeps using them is it just keep adding points to the mf bar. Does not increase the mf bar after 300

considering about 4.3 mil points is required to max, the artificer is a life saver. I found it easier to just pile up various levels, when you get about 50-100k points or more upgrade to save time. Or upgrade them every 30k points saved which is the requirement per mf point after 218 I believe.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

Salvage Rates, results on rarity of Kit.

in Crafting

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Wanze, First, wanted to say thank you for the data regarding salvaging,
Its the reason I was reading this thread, I got sidetracked closer to the end when the subject of the auto clicker was brought up.

I see your point and agree. Even though the auto clicker I was going to use would have clicked so fast as to perform the function as a double click. Even though it was single clicks. I felt had I got busted for it, I wouldn’t really have a leg to stand on so opted not to. A one key one function done so fast it accomplished the same as 2 functions is splitting hairs, I didn’t feel it was doing anything wrong had I used one. But wasn’t willing to take a chance to find out if Anet had the same opinion.

Considering what I was doing was for an achievement this may be completely different.
The dev commented, specifically about it being done for an achievement and any achievement is to be accomplished by a person not an auto clicker.

Not trying to debate or argue a position here, just posting my dealings with a similar situation is all.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

Salvage Rates, results on rarity of Kit.

in Crafting

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


About 8 months ago I was working on something in which an auto clicker would have been beneficial. The Thirsty Achievement. Fearing the possibility of violating a rule and getting a perma ban. I sent an email to anet regarding my question. I sent my questions, since there appears to be different opinions of what is and is not acceptable on the forums.

I do not remember exactly what their answer was word for word. But in short it was, anything done using any resource outside of the game for any benefit regardless what that benefit was to accomplish a task inside the game had potential for a ban. The dev did say, they may never know. If they did find out they could not guarantee the account would be safe from a ban.

I can say it was not an automated response as I really wanted to get a specific answer. The dev who responded was very polite and very receptive to my multiple questions.

Yes I know “potential” does not mean certain. I just was unwilling to take the chance.

Gift of Battle rank requirement update

in WvW

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Gift of Battle. (Battle not required.)

@VOLKON, I don’t care what anyone says, that is down right funny.

Babysitting Buy Orders?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


posting a comment hear Wanze said, “Most people who complain about the profit margins of TP traders dont realize how much work this can actually be, especially if you look at short term flipping.”

That could not have been said better, I have people complain about tp and not making enough money, then find out they are only on it an hour or two at most a day.
Some of the hardcore traders that pretty much only play tp, have that much time in before breakfast.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

Babysitting Buy Orders?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Aceter, there is some very sound advice on this thread. As well as some great guides online for daily flipping, long term investments ect.
When starting to learn what works for you, never let your emotions control how you are bidding. Its very easy to do if you see you are competing with someone and you let your frustration get the better of you. Always know why you are placing bids on what you are bidding on. Patience and diversity have already been mentioned.

Trading post abuse should be addressed

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Not all flippers are bots, some just play tp several hours a day. Know what they are doing. Use resources outside of the game to gather information. Apply the information gathered. As was mentioned, it is not flippers fault so many want their gold now and can’t handle to wait a bit. imo, if anything its those who are impatience that creates the problem so many dislike. Not that I see it as a problem.

If I can take advantage of someone’s impatience or lack of understand because of laziness to do a little research, and as long as it acceptable by anet. I certainly will and do.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

so Radiant/Hellfire boots...

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


no doubt at the amount of ap required, those who have them certainly have earn them imo. I wont see those for a couple of years. Good grief or good job to those who do.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


My opinion is like some here, I believe having a legendary should require wvw pve and pvp. They should be not able to be bought. This should have been started at launch.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


only a r19 wvw here, I preferred s/t pvp so spent more time in the pvp environment there. Do I like the change, not really. I do however think its fair. In fact I believe one should be required to have a minimum of r30 in s/t pvp before one can equip one.

Many times we have seen wvw players complain about having to do pve to acquire various items, and it seems many of the pve community did not support them on their play style. What is good for one aspect of the game should be good for the other.

Appears there are a lot of double standards here.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

Warning: Don't enter EotM [FIXED]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I got a dandelion logging in EOTM, dang rng.

Don't Make Precursors Craftable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


after reading most of these post, not all.

Are there really people who believe a legendary should not be earned? But completely given by chance?

Nicholas the Traveler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


this is something I would very much enjoy seeing them bring into GW2, Anet should consider this imo. Encourage people to buy more storage space.

Stop blaming other players, plz

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I haven’t been a big fan of the LS, only complete all ap on just a few. The puppet. I did enjoy. Fortunately I was able to get all I wanted from this event the first few day. Missed a couple of days went back and seen it was in somewhat a different state at the first.
The behavior of some towards the less experience has greatly increased. I understand being frustrated when people are either lazy or don’t care to learn thus causing a fail.
But some people will never learn, insulting others will certainly have the opposite results of what they wish to accomplish. Lets be honest, if people talked to you in that manner. Would it encourage you to improve? Or would it give you the attitude of “screw you” to the person doing the insulting.

I could be wrong on this part, I often wonder when anet does their testing, I would think they would use experience players. Players that are more than willing to work as a team. Player that have knowledge of the mechanics of their skills and the event.

Then turn around dump the event on a population of people that are no where near that accomplished. There will always be some in the group that simply just do not care. Causing grief for those who do.

Lack of Lemongrass

in Crafting

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


What Valandil said, gather then guest. repeat. If you have several alts very easy to get a stack a week. Seems those nodes have a pretty quick respawn rate to.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

The future for Essence of Luck?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Khisanth, At 250% base I noticed the biggest change in amount of rares dropped per day. Once I started running 357% I notice exotics were more common. Not real common but certainly more than I was getting when I was in the 150%-250% range.
Some days I don’t get any. If I was to average amount per week I would estimate at least 8-10 exotics. None of them have been great. I think the best one was only worth 5g. Yesterday I got 3 but highest value was only 1.1g Day before I got zero. So its really a hit/miss thing on those.
I don’t believe its just about rares and exotics though. It seems overall drops have really improved. I get far more greens than blues. maybe one in 5 is a white.
I know there are different opinions of DR, as much farming I do. I am pretty convinced it exist. But with rng, its really hard to just pin numbers down as I would like to do. If not impossible.

The future for Essence of Luck?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Khisanth, Yes you can continue to use them after you cap, however all it does is accumulate points. At this time it does nothing for you to continue to use them.
I just found it odd it didn’t reset after hitting the 30k, from 218% and on it would reset to 0, I assumed once it was capped when you hit 30k again it would reset. It does not.

@rogerwilko, I was under the impression mf did very little as well, This belief continued until my base was around 250% and I was using amulet, cookie. It was around that number I really started noticing a difference. I am just one voice on this matter and I am sure many others have capped as well. From my experience. I highly advice to continue to build mf.

@Reverence, your absolutely correct, it doesn’t take much effort, it does take a lot of time. imho time and effort are very different things. As far as If you played tp, it would take all of a month. that is not an exaggeration. Depending on how much time you put in. I know from experience it can take considerably less than 1 month.

@Volkon, thank you for pointing that out, as much as I crafted those to exotic to reduce clicking. That one just went right over my head. kitten me.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

The future for Essence of Luck?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Khisanth, Yes I read that as well. And thought the same thing, since even on wiki it says maximum possible is 565%, When in fact the maximum possible is 565% plus the amount of mf one gets from ap. I tried buffing it using the food which is +40% while under boon. However that buff did not show up on the bar. Anet said it was there in a bug report…… Just invisible. I’m one that wants to see the numbers so opt for the 30% which did show up on bar.

I had to find out cause I just had to know. Did the points from luck continue to be added to bar after 300% was max. Yes it does. Since it also requires 30k points of luck to gain one point, I had to see if the points would go to 30k and reset, They do not. It continues to show how many are being added beyond the 30k point reset. Even if they aren’t gaining… which is why this thread was an interest to me. Once I seen points exceed the 30k mark without resetting was hoping there may be something more in the future with mf.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

The future for Essence of Luck?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


@Saturn, that was me, actually I buffed it up to 562% to do some testing. But the 562% wasn’t easy to maintain cause I had to seek out the right buffs to keep it up. So ended up doing my testing with 507%.

@Khisanth, The max base you can have is 300% the mf you get from ap is in addition to base. So whatever mf you have from ap is above the 300% for example, I have 307% the 7% is from ap. but since I also have the +20% amulet I run 327% all the time. If I want a little extra I will use a cookie for 30% hit a banner for another 10-15%
So no the mf from ap is not useless.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

The future for Essence of Luck?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Reverence, not trying to troll, if you have not checked the numbers to max you may want to. 128% is less than 10% of the amount needed to max. Base at 226%-227% is the half way mark on amount of points needed to max base.

Base mf at 218% and on, requires 30k luck per point.
I kept track on 3k greens salvaged, its was approximately 30k points of luck per 1000 salvages. Or approximately 82,000 greens salvaged to go from 218% to 300%
I cannot say how many blues or rares it would require. I do not know.
Of course others may have been more successful with the amount of luck received from salvages, those are just the numbers I dealt with when working mf.

I agree, it was easier to get than I thought. But far more time consuming than I had imagined as well.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

The future for Essence of Luck?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


This is a subject I was hoping someone would bring up. At this point I am crafting them to exotic and putting in bank. Hoping they will do something like a recipe or 2 that can be used with them. Or increase MF later on.

@Subdue, for the most part it did seem the majority of the salvageable items on tp were either at a few copper cost for the luck after selling mats back. Or was pretty much breaking even.
I did find a great many items that was profitable for those working mf. Of course I had to watch the prices of mats on a daily basis to make sure what I was buying was worth it. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind mf can be done for free. For those who are a little more patient there is profitability, not a great deal but enough to make it worth the time if they are working mf.

[Suggestion] AFK auto-kick time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


This is a problem no doubt. Wished there was a way to address it. Even though the overflow I’ve been on has been successful several times. afk’ers certainly are a hindrance to others. I’m all for kick times like pvp. That would be awesome imo.

The Marionette is Well Designed: Here's Why

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Have done this event about 10 times so far, 3 times have been successful. I have enjoyed it every time. Even more when there is a win.

The only problem I have seen is afk’ers, imo if someone isn’t helping with the event they should not get any loot from the event. When its over.

Enough with the Name Calling

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


when my wife and I first had children, the people who were first to tell us everything we were doing wrong as parents were those people who had no children of their own. Similar mindset, when I see people name calling I think. hmmm, are they QQ or insulting others because they are lacking in the experience department? Are they just looking to place their own faults on others to pacify themselves?
Name calling, insulting others is childish behavior at its finest. For those who can’t see that, there is a reason why.

I understand why people get upset, and agree with many of the comments on this thread about people doing their homework. But really? name calling and insulting benefits others? For those who believe that, thank you for my daily chuckle.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

Which servers completed Marinette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


been on 2 overflows that was successful. Out of 6 tries in overflow.

MF 357% vs 507%

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I would like to say the exotics where nice. Sadly only one had a value of 3g on tp, the rest was filler fodder in mystic forge for old soulbound exotics no longer used.

MF 357% vs 507%

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Penny, the rares I get from the daily chest I have deducted. Those are given and are expected. Now I have counted the rares I get when a boss is killed. If keeping track of how many I’ve been getting while deducting those from the boss kill would be helpful I will gladly do that. Only reason I counted them, was it was drops from a kill not from chest, or daily.
I believe you are correct though. I need to keep track of any I am getting from the actual event chest and subtract those. I have failed to do that.
The only problem I would have doing that is taking the time write it down while the zerg is mapping to another zone and an I end up in overflow. Happens often if I’m not on my toes. I will do my best, I think subtracting those would definitely give a better number. Something I had not considered. Thank you for that suggestion. I like that suggestion and will apply it for 10 days to the best of my ability. Using the same method of running as before.

What I have noticed. In the past when I would kill a boss. It was mostly blues and greens. Once I started hitting around 300+ I notice the amount of rares from the boss kill jumped considerably.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

MF 357% vs 507%

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Mad Queen, I know people have different opinions, this is just mine. Do I believe there are hidden diminishing returns? Farming is one of my things. And I certainly believe that.
There is a group of nightmare in maelstrom, I would farm them for maybe half an hour to hour if nothing was going on. The first few days I was getting 2-3 rares every 15-20 min. Now I’m lucky if I get one every 30 min farming them. Could be coincidence. I just hate when things are random and I just don’t know.