Showing Posts For imalog.7689:

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


So what ur saying is it wasn’t PAXA it was SPEC.

You rep SPEC so you dont ruin that good name PAXA has going for themselves?

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


LOL omfg paxa just golem rushed our garrison. I’m dying right now hahahahaha

Glad putting our name and a childish phrase like “omfg” in the forums gets your rocks off… But last night we built one golem and parked it in the walled camp by bay. No one even drove it.

its “omfg” because we can’t believe you knew how to build things.

next time start off using rams on a tower before you try hitting garrison with a golem. Work your way up, i know you aren’t used to it and it must feel funny to hit a gate but its an improvement. Oh rams are those things you throw down near a gate, you just press 1 on them while targeting the gate. They cost 40 supply to build and they are only 6 silver from a “siege vendor”, and welcome to wvw.

Maybe u need to read this again!

But last night we built one golem and parked it in the walled camp by bay. No one even drove it.

Side note we never hit the gate.

just because you all werent wearing your PAXA tags doesn’t mean its not you. I know that furry charr mesmer from nsp anywhere. You can wear SPEC tag all day, still saw you all in golems at garrison water gate.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


LOL omfg paxa just golem rushed our garrison. I’m dying right now hahahahaha

Glad putting our name and a childish phrase like “omfg” in the forums gets your rocks off… But last night we built one golem and parked it in the walled camp by bay. No one even drove it.

its “omfg” because we can’t believe you knew how to build things.

next time start off using rams on a tower before you try hitting garrison with a golem. Work your way up, i know you aren’t used to it and it must feel funny to hit a gate but its an improvement. Oh rams are those things you throw down near a gate, you just press 1 on them while targeting the gate. They cost 40 supply to build and they are only 6 silver from a “siege vendor”, and welcome to wvw.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


LOL omfg paxa just golem rushed our garrison. I’m dying right now hahahahaha

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Hey guys can I ask that you stop arguing over who’s hacking or not? Anet will take care of it.

Let’s talk about more important things. Like how Anvil’s keep defence is now 11/12.

no silly, that was MY keep defense. Doesn’t count against me if im not playing.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Commander Chat Suppression?

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


i consider it anet just nerfing me… seeing how i can command without being able to talk.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


I dont care about you all, i dont care about BP, i dont care about AR, i dont care about NSP, but when i find my SM blue, i shall turn every single blue to green, when its red. i shall turn all red to green in eternal, yes im mad at someone and once i get home from work i wont move from eternal until i do what i said. im MAD

keep valley out of your mind and you won’t get wiped

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

[Vid] Sleeper Agents (3-ninja Keep attempt)

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Look anet, stealth is fine. Everything is fine. Theres nothing wrong with the game. Fine just fine.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Ok, ok, I’ll admit it, “NSP”. ALS has no skills; we never roam, we only zerg; plus, the moment Kodiak turns his tag off everything goes to kitten, AR loses every capture point it owns and starts blowing up Kodiak’s cellphone with “Commander?”, “Grub?”, “Stonemist?”

I can’t even get out of Citadel anymore because you kill me as soon as [Determined] ends.

its just my whispers that blow up really,. I imagine you all sit in citadel and watch the borderland get rolled when i go to sleep. Terrible dreams i have.

was fun tonight bp, went 3/3 on keep defense! that makes… 11/11 this week so far. I’m loving this break that im taking.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


We’re in the lead? NSP is such a little nibble dude. I mean, clearly I am reading the score wrong and that NSP is in last place and AR are in first.

Night crew this morning.
Here is a before and after shot of the score.

Me and Commander Smitry. Just being bosses together.

1) When just login

2) 2 hours later

C-c-c-Combo breaker!

3) decided to poke AR and see what happened

4) decided to poke BP and see what happened

I’m off now, Goodluck NSP!

rawrr weekend warriors!!!

im taking a break this week. You’ll see less ALS action im sure :s
i guess that means you can finally train your commanders!

We were all wondering when the excuses were going to start showing up.

And here you have it, kill imalog and all of ALS will die.

New strat, go.

notice how you havent been able to take bay? just last second something happens and your trebs just go away?

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


hundred blades. Thiefs love hundred blades.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


We’re in the lead? NSP is such a little nibble dude. I mean, clearly I am reading the score wrong and that NSP is in last place and AR are in first.

Night crew this morning.
Here is a before and after shot of the score.

Me and Commander Smitry. Just being bosses together.

1) When just login

2) 2 hours later

C-c-c-Combo breaker!

3) decided to poke AR and see what happened

4) decided to poke BP and see what happened

I’m off now, Goodluck NSP!

rawrr weekend warriors!!!

im taking a break this week. You’ll see less ALS action im sure :s
i guess that means you can finally train your commanders!

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Hello everyone, please refrain from making disrespectful and insulting posts against other members. Such posts will be removed without notice.

Fine, Sorry i was just teaching that guy who called NSP bad a lesson

like how i teach you where not to zerg in eb when im on the map everyone gets to learn!

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


goodnight nsp, you can have your bl back.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


To summize the entire thread.

PvP happened.

lol yes. Well put.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


you all are just gunna tell them that its been me? really? i was content with my nickname being “Kodiak”. Let grimbeard get all the fans.

and honestly rob i apologize for all of that. In reality i was accidentally running into you while hunting for BP on our side of EB… avoid the X on the map next time i guess :S

Dw, when we set off I told them that it was a very contested map and one that training is best not to be had on.
None of us had tags on, but when pugs see me or other Os. They follow
BP creamed us too a couple of times.

Pugs do the same to me and next time do me a favor when you’re on our side of eb and theres an X on the grub, go take their badges please. Wipe all those trolls and you can finish the grub too while you’re at it.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


you all are just gunna tell them that its been me? really? i was content with my nickname being “Kodiak”. Let grimbeard get all the fans.

and honestly rob i apologize for all of that. In reality i was accidentally running into you while hunting for BP on our side of EB… avoid the X on the map next time i guess :S

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


AR seems to have a new development in EBgrounds. A small group of players constantly doing whatever they can to redirect, confuse, and distract players in /t chat. If these players belong to either of the other servers it would hardly surprise me. They have made it difficult to command, completely clog up the chat window and are an overall nuisance to the server. If these guys do belong to BP or NSP, well played, it’s making it nearly impossible and unplayable in EB when you have a decent sized group misdirecting, confusing new players and trolling commanders to the point they do not even want to command on that map.

Honestly, if they are that disruptive – try to get your guys to all /ignore that player. Permanently shut them out of the community if they are going to be like that.

yeah i’ve gotten a few that way, but it seems that every day more pop up. I got a commander wanting to leave the server, 2 other commanders that will no longer work in eb, and i myself am getting sick of it as well. We have a hard enough time trying to get commanders to step up at certain hours, and trying to find EB commanders is like pulling hair. So when i do get some commanders that are willing to run EB and know how to, then get trolled by 5 different people each day to the point where they don’t want to play that specific content of the game, i believe Anet should have a responsibility to step up and take some action because its very clearly effecting our EB. Some of these players couldn’t care less about the server, and will run around shouting “all to SM” or “need more for grub”. While others try to tell the commanders how to command or will jump on them if they fail to take a tower.

In the end, they’re essentially screwing over the people that want to wvw, level up, or not wanting to read 20 minutes of arguing in team chat.

EDIT: i’d like to point out that no matter how many commanders put these people on ignore, when they are saying “all to grub” and a vast majority of pugs get the idea of the grub in their heads, they will go for it and like dovgan said, its open season on our towers after that.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


If there are any ALS players that are indeed good can someone list them for me, would love to fight them as all the ALS I have fought to date were free kills.

Did you get stepped on while we were on the way to somewhere? Its hard to say sorry to all the road kill out there in wvw.

Even an ALS commander can not dispute my point. Why quote something if you are not going to make a point remotely related to the quote?

“The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit” apparently not always

oh i was just quoting one post from the many you have here crying away. I presumed you were mad because we intentionally “30v1” you like the others here like to kitten about.

And come on rob, give us some credit, at least we’re smart enough not to organize guild events on eb all day just to b-line the castle. We admire your motivation. Always enjoy watching that orange X slowly moving back into overlook.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


If there are any ALS players that are indeed good can someone list them for me, would love to fight them as all the ALS I have fought to date were free kills.

Did you get stepped on while we were on the way to somewhere? Its hard to say sorry to all the road kill out there in wvw.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Dear ALS,

If you’re going to run into with a zerg of 30 people and have multiple people spamming environmental stun weapons, the least you could do is kill a small group of 4 people. Didn’t take long to find the trashcan guild of the tier.

Someone doesn’t like the hammer squad :o Don’t worry we just toy with it.
Welcome to the tier envy, enjoy your stay.

Your pugs reply in full sentences? I am shocked.

dear god, they troll in them too.

nice talking to you the other day dtc justice, was nice seeing a bp commander whispering me that didn’t start with “kitten you”

best regards, FIFO norn warrior.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

08/02 BP/ AR/ NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


BP and their separation anxiety from SM

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Feb 1st: NSP/BP/AR

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


I didnt like what ALS did to our waypoints in NSP BL. that wasn’t cool
so i loaded up some people and had to mess and spend some time in AR BL & ALS.

yeah we know! we ripped all the golems down going to bay and hills before they got the gates below 50! you had us for a second there, almost had to panic when the golems showed up on bay til i realized that WAR guild didnt even take the oil or cannons down so me and my party just wiped them up.

The way we saw it is that you were catching up in points because NSP couldn’t take them back on their own so someone had to do it.

and dark, they do work to take out rams. It’s getting old though so we’ve just been working on tactics to counter it.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Northern Shiverpeaks dead?

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Dont blame you for feeling that way, i feel like NSP is dead after today. There are people who still play, but none of them are interested in defending their own borderlands. They all just want that castle.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Feb 1st: NSP/BP/AR

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Score update?? (and please tell me NSP has taken back their keeps…)

we had to flip them for them. BP 100k AR 100k NSP 73k.

Relax bird, we saw you “show up” on NSP bay and get pushed right out by those nasty up scaled BP and their brilliant arrow cart behind the gate technique.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

Feb 1st: NSP/BP/AR

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


@Toble Indeed, Anvil Rock and Northern Shiverpeaks have been planning this assault since October 2012, I guess the secret is now out. Darn the superiority of the great and powerful Borlis Pass, foiled again!!

LOLLL i had to read that out to teamspeak

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Feb 1st: NSP/BP/AR

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Dear NSP. Hold your own borderlands, stop b lining it to the castle. You’re giving BP the lead over us now because you let them fortify your bay and hills. Now i have to go bang my head against those keeps because you can’t do it yourself. This whole full out on AR bl on reset night, and then not playing throughout the week is getting old.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


LOL look at all the Os thinking they don’t run in a zerg! lovin that short term memory loss. Put the pipe down kids

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


congrats man. that was funny lmfao. sadly, zerging around takes no skill even naked.

i’m currently baffled on how we ever wipe with armor on.

ALS? lmfao good one. as I said before. it was hilarious to see that naked army stroll the naked mile around SM.

was going to just clear the walls again until i realized BP was busy with their own tower. Maybe NSP should try fighting together, you let paxa get into your heads about how wvw is meant to be 5v5.. its ruining your scores.

how can you say its paxa? ive never even talked to those guys. I transferred to nsp a week ago. as far as I can tell. NSP does not give up

i’ll give them that, they do relentlessly try to get SM all day on eternal… Don’t think we don’t see the constant X on north gate. We really are cheering for you to get inside though.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


congrats man. that was funny lmfao. sadly, zerging around takes no skill even naked.

i’m currently baffled on how we ever wipe with armor on.

ALS? lmfao good one. as I said before. it was hilarious to see that naked army stroll the naked mile around SM.

was going to just clear the walls again until i realized BP was busy with their own tower. Maybe NSP should try fighting together, you let paxa get into your heads about how wvw is meant to be 5v5.. its ruining your scores.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


congrats man. that was funny lmfao. sadly, zerging around takes no skill even naked.

i’m currently baffled on how we ever wipe with armor on, but it takes skill if you train your zerg. Sadly it takes skill to kill other zergs

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Mmm Havin fun in SM.

That was fun defending Stonemist for us. Good job on getting it.

And… Good luck defending it.

We didn’t take it. We opened it up, kept you busy, and NSP decided to play WvW just to take it. We like letting NSP have SM because we can only imagine the terrible withdrawal they go through without it… You can stop itching guys, you got your fix.

Here on anvil rock, we’re well aware we don’t have the man power to stop all those up-scaled BP from crawling around the walls 24/7 trying to get in, and we don’t like losing our bl over having that castle much like NSP does.

I just like clearing the walls really, pushing to take it was for fun. Good job defending, this time i believe it came down to the numbers.

Oh wow, I just realized how extremely angry we as a server must make you to reply to a borlis poke with “We hate NSP” basically.

I feel good inside. I can smell the rage fermenting.

better feeling? taking fortified stonemist naked. Something NSP dedicates their wvw time to doing.

Someone explain to me the feeling of running away from a naked zerg? Either server can answer that after tonight.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Mmm Havin fun in SM.

That was fun defending Stonemist for us. Good job on getting it.

And… Good luck defending it.

We didn’t take it. We opened it up, kept you busy, and NSP decided to play WvW just to take it. We like letting NSP have SM because we can only imagine the terrible withdrawal they go through without it… You can stop itching guys, you got your fix.

Here on anvil rock, we’re well aware we don’t have the man power to stop all those up-scaled BP from crawling around the walls 24/7 trying to get in, and we don’t like losing our bl over having that castle much like NSP does.

I just like clearing the walls really, pushing to take it was for fun. Good job defending, this time i believe it came down to the numbers.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Every time we are about to take SM the server goes down..

This is like the third time.

The only reason you guys got close to getting SM is because we had a troll build 10+ trebs and golems inside to waste our supply. Here’s a picture for proof.

I guess that’s why this happened lol:

Was wondering what this guy was so mad about…

Dear NSP. Dear AR (I know AR have nothing to do with this but anyway)
first i apologize for saying that, i was clearly kitten but even tho
Yes im mad.
im about to explode.
Because of this :
I dont know if you guys “NSP” got anything to do with this. because this might take us far from enjoying the game

NSP has nothing to do with it as far as I know. We cleared out our Borderlands and we(Os) moved on to EB to take back our stuff, we(Os) also were the ones who dropped the 5 trebs to go against SM.

I apologize for Kalkz’s outburst. You are not spies as well as Anvil Rock. However, this individual is a long term Borlis Pass and was just trolling.

I still wonder how you weren’t able to get Stonemist when you guys were at inner and Anvil Rock was hitting our towers. It was tough for us but we pulled through.

Here is a picture of what I did to you for your little Stonemist attempt.

The servers reset and for some reason, pretty much all of our siege disappeared including the golems we had made for inner.

This has actually happened 3 times in the last week while we were on sm inner, 1 time when we had just broken down inner doors.

It’s getting old, this patching during pvp prime time thing.

Also, oooh, very scary, you can take a map from an underpopulated server.

I’m shivering in my boots.

Underpopulated? Shortly after I took it I see a zerg of 40-50 NSP trying to take it back.

Patch killed all our siege at lords room. Either way, you wouldn’t have made it that far if the troll didn’t burn ALL our supply.

its great, I don’t know what they do without that castle.

Also i believe BP has unlimited supply. So many scaled-up people running supply i can’t imagine you ever running out.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Every time we are about to take SM the server goes down..

This is like the third time.

The only reason you guys got close to getting SM is because we had a troll build 10+ trebs and golems inside to waste our supply. Here’s a picture for proof.

I guess that’s why this happened lol:

Was wondering what this guy was so mad about…

Dear NSP. Dear AR (I know AR have nothing to do with this but anyway)
first i apologize for saying that, i was clearly kitten but even tho
Yes im mad.
im about to explode.
Because of this :
I dont know if you guys “NSP” got anything to do with this. because this might take us far from enjoying the game

oh look, the BP commander that whispers AR commanders. He doesn’t spy by the way. BP never spies. Ever.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689



Well not all WvWers are like that, but a good amount.

Sadly, zerging bring people in a zone of confort where they don’t feel the need to improve.

Zerg and win a fight by spamming Aoe? We are better!
Zerg and lose a fight? They were too many.

With culling and lag, Zerg fights are pretty random and you don’t learn to fight this way.

I followed a zerg from AR leaded by TwoGallant. I think he is a really effecient commander and one of the most present on our server. But I also saw how high level zerg fights happen :

1- Spot the enemy.
2- Stack on commander
3- Charge in
4- Mass culling everywhere, spam your AoE.
5- Hope you are still aline.

That pretty much how Zerg fight went. Again this is not TwoGallant fault. He is playing so our server win, and if we want to win, we have to win using wat Anet gives us : Culling , AoE limit (and soon to be nerfed) and small map. All this make Zerging and stacking the only viable way to WvW for score.

I went off track a bit, but that’s why I think Zerg followers won’t have the same skill in pvp as old school and sPvpers/Roamers.

So Jscull, for once I agree with you. But it doesn’t make them any kind of bad, it’s just the way they learned and play it. Roamers have the advantage because they learned another facet of WvW.

As you mention it, I started on UO, and that’s why I also prefer WvWing. Sure I miss the full loot and the free world pvp, but WvW isn’t that far.

I just think you could find a more respectful way of saying it.

you need to pay more attention. Theres a lot more than that.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Yup, culling sucks right now. We can’t even run from the 6 ALS people before we’re already dead from invisible attackers.

its called paxa hunting on anvil rock, we invent new ways to stop you from running away, like hitting you in a trap.

It’s almost as if you think your zerg is skilled or something.

its almost as if you forget its wvw and not spvp

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Culling not Fixed

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


can i see my players again please?

sincerely, a commander….

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Yup, culling sucks right now. We can’t even run from the 6 ALS people before we’re already dead from invisible attackers.

its called paxa hunting on anvil rock, we invent new ways to stop you from running away, like hitting you in a trap.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Culling is fricken terrible right now my god.

trust me PAXA its been to your advantage, you all seem to run away just fine when more than 6 people are coming towards you.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Fun times with AR boys from BL and Five guilds. 1 vs 5-6 you win, 3 vs 5-6, you lose. Had a lot of fun tho once the odds were a little bit more even. And that is how NSP rolls….. Undermanned but always putting up a fight until you zerg our small groups….

But I guess that is what it takes sometimes.

PS Nice to see AR finally pushing into BP BL

lol at all of this… you do fractals a lot huh?

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


I wanna clear some things up for those NSP that feel like they’re catching the double team.

When i’m stomping around on BP bl and they leave their own map to go to YOUR map and get points there, it forces us to go and back cap on them because YOU cannot stop them yourselves. If you havent noticed BP is really playing for points this week and if they want to beat us on the scoreboard, that means i want to beat them.

Hold your own, and we wont have to hold it for you.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Scores back to under 1k difference, and im going to sleep now. Enjoy our prime time coming up BP, your 4 a.m. est golem rushes to all AR keeps failed with 80 people Better luck next time, lord rooms can be a kitten huh.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


crying on the forums that you’re being focused, kinda makes me wanna focus you. Also some comment about AR only hitting 1 server at a time? i don’t know what kinda numbers you think this sPvP based server can pull in wvw but you need to calm down with those ambitions. Its like you guys WANT me to WANT to dislike you more than BP.

And BP how i’ve missed your badges. 11k-12k wvw kills this week, and i have mostly you to thank despite what some nsp may think.

In the future, just hand me your badges and you wont have to spend the silver on the repair bill.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Us here at the shiverpeaks need to keep ourselves drunk and happy, it gets quite cold up in the mountains! Though you jerks keep trying to steal our beer factories at dreaming bay and etheron hills!

there was no try, we did… a few times.. after taking wood keeps for awhile it kinda gets boring.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


We are convinced. Anvil runs NOTHING but 15+ groups. Period. Good job at getting “points”. Cant win a fight with any skills. Very few players are impressive. There are a few, and we have given you props. Gross.

i’m convinced you all will now forever run on reflex from any norn warriors in a tier 3 cultural helms.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


You know for ARs huge hate for BP they sure are attackin us a lot…

But dude. Don’t you remember when it was AR vs NSP vs DR?

All AR did was attack us.
And all we did was attack DR.

I think Anvil will always have the tendency to lean towards an easier fight.
I love taking a shot at the big guy and I feel bad when we wipe a server who has less than us.

But that could be just me.
I play to put a smile on my own face,
Not to one up on a spreadsheet.

Ahh thats a shame birdy, i heard some good things about you! Now i find out how lost you are with the enemy you’ve been fighting for a few weeks now.

I spent most of my day today in eternal BG, then took ahold of BP’s bay and hills… Was on my way to taking BP’s garrison when my PAXA friends came looking for me at the water gate of BP garrison. Gotta say guys, kindaaaa sketchy you all know where i am, BP bl or AR bl. Since that nice little move that caused me to derail my attack on BP garrison and thus, having me call off the attack.. I’ll be sure to “take the easy fight” and see you on your borderlands tomorrow. Sleep well.

p.s. Nicholas Silvia, where you at man? No more whispering me of where your server will hit so i can wipe you all at a claimer room of some other tower? Nothing better then an enemy spy commander whispering me what they are going to do. Still got the pics from our last conversation months back… You made a name for yourself as the worst spy anvil rock has ever seen, time to remind us again of your talents.

No one expects anyone to ‘pick on’ someone.
You seems to have ignored the fact that this was me talking in referral to DR a few weeks ago and looking into the future of this week. I have foretold nothing.

Your end statement on topic has just proven me right though. You are just going to totter off and do the easy deal. Good way to tell that I’m wrong, making the vast majority of your post hypocritical. A Public Relations Manager? Who gave you that title XD Or maybe its because you manage to get on a poor relationship the first time you speak to someone. Intelligent!
Maybe your guild leader should have thought twice before appointing you with it! Or maybe it has self-given

I was starting to think better things of AR, as you had so graciously put about myself. But now?
Good to know that its led by children, and not very bright ones at that.

In response to this?
If you’ll read my post, I do not do things like that.
I play for the enjoyment of playing.
So I will continue to attack whoever is tactically viable.
And not because of Q_Q

I’m amused to see your response.
You can easily dig yourself out of this hole and I will accept that.
But will ALS actually grow some?
I advise you think harder the next time you write something to me.
And excuse me if I have been too rough in this post.
But you add insult to insult as I am not and never will be PAXA.

where to begin

first of all, while you were typing all this nonsense you lost your eternal bg. Left you your keep and veloka.

that p.s. was directed at a BP commander, who was a known spy.

and yes, you’ve caught onto the inside joke of me being the public relations manager.. you are super bright, must explain why you capped all those supply camps on ar bl with no one stopping you……..

ALS has already grown, they picked me up a few days ago and i’ve been very gracious as to not taking all of your map, and taking BP’s instead. You made a name for yourself by being a keyboard warrior on the forums and taking anvil rock supply camps. Os has been a very small threat to anything going on in wvw, seeing as the only good guild i’ve recognized on NSP is Sekz.

Trust me, you don’t want to make your server my target Robert. You’ll be begging Sekz for help to stop me… that or for meow to come back… which ever is more convenient for you.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


You know for ARs huge hate for BP they sure are attackin us a lot…

But dude. Don’t you remember when it was AR vs NSP vs DR?

All AR did was attack us.
And all we did was attack DR.

I think Anvil will always have the tendency to lean towards an easier fight.
I love taking a shot at the big guy and I feel bad when we wipe a server who has less than us.

But that could be just me.
I play to put a smile on my own face,
Not to one up on a spreadsheet.

Ahh thats a shame birdy, i heard some good things about you! Now i find out how lost you are with the enemy you’ve been fighting for a few weeks now.

I spent most of my day today in eternal BG, then took ahold of BP’s bay and hills… Was on my way to taking BP’s garrison when my PAXA friends came looking for me at the water gate of BP garrison. Gotta say guys, kindaaaa sketchy you all know where i am, BP bl or AR bl. Since that nice little move that caused me to derail my attack on BP garrison and thus, having me call off the attack.. I’ll be sure to “take the easy fight” and see you on your borderlands tomorrow. Sleep well.

p.s. Nicholas Silvia, where you at man? No more whispering me of where your server will hit so i can wipe you all at a claimer room of some other tower? Nothing better then an enemy spy commander whispering me what they are going to do. Still got the pics from our last conversation months back… You made a name for yourself as the worst spy anvil rock has ever seen, time to remind us again of your talents.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Either way, it happens to all of us, and the commander whom drops the F-bomb when it happens is usually making a fool of only themselves (I’ve done it!)

The ones who flip out, nerd rage, drop F-bombs, and CAPSLOCK LIKE YOU MEAN IT, every time it happens… you’re all the entire list of 7 words we can’t say.

we gunna have problems here with my caps lock leading? if so i’d like to start this off by saying uhh, bring it.

Oh, it’s already been brought’n!

I don’t like the strongly pejorative form of the term "PuG"—used as if to say “all of these people are useless idiots and tools”—either.

well i could always just call out each and every person who doesn’t read chat when we say incoming or those that B line it to SM when we’re losing towers.. i think pug is a much nicer way of going about it instead of calling people out. It’s not like i don’t teach, but i see people doing the exact thing i ask them not to and i see people repeating that same thing over and over… so i just say oh well the pugs aren’t listening today and work with what i have.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


nahh its all good guy, we see lots of servers that get mad guild transfers just to move up a bit in tiers and then blow up the forums with their gigantic ego’s because they’re stepping on the lower tiers who cant cover all hours of the day. You guys aren’t that special or different :\

Funny note: There’s been more people from your Server and NSP blowing up the forum with their gigantic egos than Kaineng’s had…See…we’re egotistical about our lack of ego. It’s a source of pride for us!

sure man! can’t wait to talk to you on your way back down the tiers!

Funny note: WM will leave the server after awhile and you all will drop back to fighting ET again.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.