Showing Posts For imalog.7689:

3/29: BP/AR/EB

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


so uhh, how bout that castle fight.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Siegerazer NPC

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


the npc itself is too op. Needs a serious nerf, and those bubble knock backs gotta go away too. One thing to not let us in them, but to have them knock us back is a whole different story. The whole event needs to be nerf’d in general honestly.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

3:8 IoJ | Anvil Rock | DH

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


maybe we think twice before trebbing sm again yes??

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Brolis Rock - The Unholy Brotherhood.

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


We didn’t have AR to go for second place…

was too busy farming badges jumping on your zergs from QL to pay attention to pvd.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Tier 8 Points Extremely Scewed

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Honestly, I can’t understand why there’s constantly someone dropping this obligatory “Whoever drops down is gonna dominate anyways”. Currently SF is untested in how it would fair in its full power against tier 7 in a rematch, so just because they dominated doesn’t neccesarily mean other tier 7 servers would.


Even if they would dominate, that is really not the issue or the complaint at all. The complaint of tier 8 is always simply how long a dominating server takes to advance. How would those of you in tier 7-2 feel if a server in your tier could dominate you with 300k-400k+(in comparison to your 140k-ish score or whatever) scores every week, possessing the numbers two suppress both its competitors in their own borderlands AND control EB/press one other map simultaneously, and despite this disparity this server was stuck in your tier for 2-3 MONTHS. That’s the problem. You don’t know how it feels, and you never will know how it feels unless you drop here. Servers that dominate in your brackets like that advance within ONE WEEK. Here it can take up to a quarter year with the same server. Get it? Sorrow’s Furnace is not enjoying this. Ferguson’s Crossing is not enjoying this. Eredon Terrace is not enjoying this. ALL THREE of us are complaining about a legitimate issue.

Drop the misconception already. We have no issue with Sorrow’s Furnace. This is not a server issue. Bit by bit we’ve even started to become friends on the forums due to this Glicko junkhole. What if HoD dropped down and dominated us even HARDER than SF and advanced back up within a week, and this trend constantly continued forever with various tier 7 servers like what can happen in other tiers, where advancement doesn’t take months? We would actually be A LOT LESS frustrated because the functionality would be working here just as it does in higher tiers. At least we would get to truly put to the test whether the other tier 7 servers can hold their ground or not rather than operating purely off speculation. And if we were that weak even in our prime largest showings in WvWvW, we would happily accept it because we would of gotten to put it to test with more than just tier 6/tier 5/tier 3 WvWvW showings. Consider also the fact that we SCORED BETTER against the tier 5 and tier 3 level showings of both Devona’s Rest and Kaineng than tier 7 did. Don’t you think us having at least a new shot against a new server in tier 8 every three weeks at least or so would be fair? But we never get that opportunity in a timely fashion, unlike those of you in higher tiers. So, can you really not understand what the complaint is? Why should EVERY OTHER TIER (except tier 1, but at least they have the option to purposely drop DOWN if they don’t like it.) enjoy the privilege of having servers dominating like SF does advancing in as little as a week, two weeks tops while it takes many months here, and increasingly more every time more points get sucked out of tier 8 by the advancing server?

We don’t want tier 8 servers to be bumped up, we’re not asking to pick and choose who gets bumped down, we’re asking in a very reasonable fashion to have advancement to tier 7 and drops from tier 7 to work at in the very least COMPARABLE rates to other tiers. You people in higher tiers would be yelling the same crap twice as loud as us if it happened in your tiers, that’s the irony in all of this. So kitten stop trying to drown out our voices and legitimate complaints with “You will always be dominated by whoever drops”, that’s a non factor in our frustrations to begin with, and has never even had the chance to be adequately tested outside a single server in the case of Sorrow’s Furnace. After all as I made clear earlier, Devona’s Rest and Kaineng were very different case.

What’s it to you if whoever drops down here dominates anyways? If our complaints annoy you higher tier people, than do both of us a favor and keep your sorry hides somewhere else while you pass by the 20 minutes of your fail queues. At this point I’m even starting to think you guys just want to block all changes to this tier because you’re scared that one of these days with an unpredictable population shift your servers could fall in here, and maybe think that with us down here you’re safe from that.

Because we saw ET on the way down to T8 and their population is where they belong.
You seem very angry about something i care little about, and to the other people, theres at least 2 threads a week about SF or T8 problems. Theres 2 threads up right now.

Check the date on this thread, its an old one not a new one. It makes more sense to use an older one rather than creating more doesn’t it, or bumping the others? This one also has that convenient ArenaNet post marker on it, I think we should stick to this one now.

nah t8 frustration thread is where its at.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Tier 8 Points Extremely Scewed

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Honestly, I can’t understand why there’s constantly someone dropping this obligatory “Whoever drops down is gonna dominate anyways”. Currently SF is untested in how it would fair in its full power against tier 7 in a rematch, so just because they dominated doesn’t neccesarily mean other tier 7 servers would.


Even if they would dominate, that is really not the issue or the complaint at all. The complaint of tier 8 is always simply how long a dominating server takes to advance. How would those of you in tier 7-2 feel if a server in your tier could dominate you with 300k-400k+(in comparison to your 140k-ish score or whatever) scores every week, possessing the numbers two suppress both its competitors in their own borderlands AND control EB/press one other map simultaneously, and despite this disparity this server was stuck in your tier for 2-3 MONTHS. That’s the problem. You don’t know how it feels, and you never will know how it feels unless you drop here. Servers that dominate in your brackets like that advance within ONE WEEK. Here it can take up to a quarter year with the same server. Get it? Sorrow’s Furnace is not enjoying this. Ferguson’s Crossing is not enjoying this. Eredon Terrace is not enjoying this. ALL THREE of us are complaining about a legitimate issue.

Drop the misconception already. We have no issue with Sorrow’s Furnace. This is not a server issue. Bit by bit we’ve even started to become friends on the forums due to this Glicko junkhole. What if HoD dropped down and dominated us even HARDER than SF and advanced back up within a week, and this trend constantly continued forever with various tier 7 servers like what can happen in other tiers, where advancement doesn’t take months? We would actually be A LOT LESS frustrated because the functionality would be working here just as it does in higher tiers. At least we would get to truly put to the test whether the other tier 7 servers can hold their ground or not rather than operating purely off speculation. And if we were that weak even in our prime largest showings in WvWvW, we would happily accept it because we would of gotten to put it to test with more than just tier 6/tier 5/tier 3 WvWvW showings. Consider also the fact that we SCORED BETTER against the tier 5 and tier 3 level showings of both Devona’s Rest and Kaineng than tier 7 did. Don’t you think us having at least a new shot against a new server in tier 8 every three weeks at least or so would be fair? But we never get that opportunity in a timely fashion, unlike those of you in higher tiers. So, can you really not understand what the complaint is? Why should EVERY OTHER TIER (except tier 1, but at least they have the option to purposely drop DOWN if they don’t like it.) enjoy the privilege of having servers dominating like SF does advancing in as little as a week, two weeks tops while it takes many months here, and increasingly more every time more points get sucked out of tier 8 by the advancing server?

We don’t want tier 8 servers to be bumped up, we’re not asking to pick and choose who gets bumped down, we’re asking in a very reasonable fashion to have advancement to tier 7 and drops from tier 7 to work at in the very least COMPARABLE rates to other tiers. You people in higher tiers would be yelling the same crap twice as loud as us if it happened in your tiers, that’s the irony in all of this. So kitten stop trying to drown out our voices and legitimate complaints with “You will always be dominated by whoever drops”, that’s a non factor in our frustrations to begin with, and has never even had the chance to be adequately tested outside a single server in the case of Sorrow’s Furnace. After all as I made clear earlier, Devona’s Rest and Kaineng were very different case.

What’s it to you if whoever drops down here dominates anyways? If our complaints annoy you higher tier people, than do both of us a favor and keep your sorry hides somewhere else while you pass by the 20 minutes of your fail queues. At this point I’m even starting to think you guys just want to block all changes to this tier because you’re scared that one of these days with an unpredictable population shift your servers could fall in here, and maybe think that with us down here you’re safe from that.

Because we saw ET on the way down to T8 and their population is where they belong.
You seem very angry about something i care little about, all im saying is you two arent wvw servers, and most likely wont ever be. and to the other people, theres at least 2 threads a week about SF or T8 problems. Theres 2 threads up right now.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Tier 8 Points Extremely Scewed

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


What happens if HoD moves down, dominates the two of you like they probably would? Just server transfer off if you enjoy wvw that much. Find a new home for yourselves because its not something that will be fixed any time soon, no matter how many forum threads you t8 guys make.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

3/8 - BP/DR/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


EB and DR will learn eventually. Don’t farm the points just farm the bp badges.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Get rid of it

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


rabble rabble zerging rabble rabble downed state rabble rabble

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Kaineng: Let's Complete the Journey

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Tell Jang Gun, WM that Tier1 has JQ’s FOO for his challenge. Get up here and fight them! They’re very strong, and from our point of view, may be on par or even stronger than WM. You gotta come up here and prove :P

I can wait to see epic matchup of FOO vs WM vs MERC. It will be insane, as well as a good reason to slowdown JQ’s SEA domination for us.

Go go go! Beat TC and FA and reign in tier1

WM came from T1. SBI

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

3/8 - BP/DR/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


GL this week BP! AR is rooting for you. GoM is looking up too. Perhaps we can all meet up in T6, soon. Till then, we will try for T5 to meet you guys.

lol what? no we’re not. We hate BP remember?

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


You guys are only on page 4 for your forum thread?



really quiet without PAXA and that anths kid. Quite peaceful actually.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


This fight so far has been the most fun in WvW ive had thus far. The score is so tight its amazing!

Side note: idk why both servers feel the need to zerg on our BL at the same time?glad you feel we are that big of a threat!

Also AR on DH BL last night attempting to take our tower 10+ times getting wiped over and over, lol what were you guys doing?? Had me confused TBH

i enjoyed watching 40-50 dh getting wiped 4 times trying to take dg as well.. cannons are a kitten arent they.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Anvil Rock WvW recruitment thread.

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Join Anvil where it is proven again and again that Second Place is the first loser!

rather be in second then jealous of it eh?

enjoy the new tier.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

AR vs NSP: Forum Battle Round 1

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


in before lock!

my server is better than yours blah blah blah

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


:’( i feel like a part of me is missing.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

3/1 Yaks vs Ebay vs CD

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Sekz guild from EB – very interesting! Looking forward to this match-up

lol they’re your problem now. I suggest combo fields and dont let them have the high ground.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Dear AR. Your valley is going to be safe and it shall not be touched this week by me, i’ll have a waypoint to build at North

no wait wtf?!?! where am i getting the majority of my badges this week god kitten #8230;

Just like to remind everyone that its a marathon and not a sprint.

Also DH, watch your borderlands on thursday night from about 12-3 in the morning eastern time, BP likes to have reset night 2.0 around that time.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

T8, please read

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689



you’re stomping two dead servers, i wouldn’t be too excited to play active wvw servers which will probably stomp you.

Looks like your match next week should be good for you when DH moves up. Can’t wait to see how that works out for you….bet you guys get stomped!

lol put the pipe down. DH isnt coming up on their own, check the scores. They are coming up because NSP has to go down. Maybe T8 doesn’t totally understand the overall point score, who can blame you? SF is destroying the role-playing server and the other dead server, yet still holding a -50 point evolution. Things must be pretty backwards over here.

Lol…not even sure what that is supposed to mean. Your talking like we have a choice to stay here…we are stuck. We have been blowing these teams out but losing points due to their low ratings. But for some reason SF in bad for trying to recruit people? All I said was bet you guys end up moving to red once DH get’s in there…but I could be wrong we will see.

im telling you right now, that you are wrong.

You realized we saw DH on the way down correct? Their borderlands will turn into eternal bg 2 in a mad dash for points between AR and BP.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

T8, please read

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689



you’re stomping two dead servers, i wouldn’t be too excited to play active wvw servers which will probably stomp you.

Looks like your match next week should be good for you when DH moves up. Can’t wait to see how that works out for you….bet you guys get stomped!

lol put the pipe down. DH isnt coming up on their own, check the scores. They are coming up because NSP has to go down. Maybe T8 doesn’t totally understand the overall point score, who can blame you? SF is destroying the role-playing server and the other dead server, yet still holding a -50 point evolution. Things must be pretty backwards over here.

That -50 point evolution is primarily due to the absurdly low point totals of the other two servers. The glicko system does work pretty well most of the time, but when it encounters massive point disparities in a tier like that, it can provide some really screwy results.

Ultimately, its going to be at least another week or two before SF manages to pull out positive score movement if they maintain their current level of domination. Ironically enough, if they start doing worse, they’ll get positive score faster due to the 2 lower servers gaining their score quicker as well. However, since SF is probably going to drop another 100-200 points before they start turning around, it isn’t an exaggeration at all to say they are stuck in T8 for at least another month, if not a month and a half.

whats ironic is the possibility that NSP knocks HoD down and SF up. In which case Mr. Rat here would thank AR for such an opportunity considering how we held NSP’s borderland for the start of the week prompting their current score, in which i lead the majority of that on nsp bl.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

T8, please read

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689



you’re stomping two dead servers, i wouldn’t be too excited to play active wvw servers which will probably stomp you.

Looks like your match next week should be good for you when DH moves up. Can’t wait to see how that works out for you….bet you guys get stomped!

lol put the pipe down. DH isnt coming up on their own, check the scores. They are coming up because NSP has to go down. Maybe T8 doesn’t totally understand the overall point score, who can blame you? SF is destroying the role-playing server and the other dead server, yet still holding a -50 point evolution. Things must be pretty backwards over here.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Really like how ARBL looks right now, very good mix of red and green

How hard do the doors hit?

Garrison had one person in it, defending it. <laughs>

A better question is when the last time nsp has hit a single door on BP’s keep in the past 2 weeks. (taking back your own keeps from bp doesn’t count btw)

Here you go, enjoy:

you realize its march. That was feb. 15th.

should i repeat the question or…?

Yes technically it was one day before the past 2 weeks. Close enough in my book.

fair enough, you’re content with being the lap dogs.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Really like how ARBL looks right now, very good mix of red and green

How hard do the doors hit?

Garrison had one person in it, defending it. <laughs>

A better question is when the last time nsp has hit a single door on BP’s keep in the past 2 weeks. (taking back your own keeps from bp doesn’t count btw)

Here you go, enjoy:

you realize its march. That was feb. 15th.

should i repeat the question or…?

edit: sorry i just watched the video.. you recorded yourselves doing pvd in golems?

at least the few things i get recorded are a little more meaningful.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

What if culling is unfixable?

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Culling is absolutely a fixable problem, and as Habib mentioned in his MMORPG interview, we are planning to completely remove it from the game in march.

Why is it taking so long? Well, I think the best way I can describe how we’ve had to approach this problem is that it’s almost like changing a flat tire on a car that’s still moving. That’s a really rough analogy, but hopefully it helps illustrate just how difficult this would be in terms that are easier for everyone to understand.

Something like the way players render is extremely core to the engine and any change to that sort of thing could cause all kinds of other issues throughout the game. There are a lot of really complex technical problems that we needed to solve, then make sure that our changes don’t actually cause any of those odd side effects.

That being said, we’re confident that been able to solve those problems on the technical side. We still have a bit more testing to do, but we’re not expecting any major issues to pop up at this point, so we’re really looking forward to flipping that switch and getting rid of culling for good!

We’ll have a blog post coming up sometime in the next month to go into more details about the culling fixes and what you can expect.

i think you guys can do it.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Really like how ARBL looks right now, very good mix of red and green

How hard do the doors hit?

Garrison had one person in it, defending it. <laughs>

A better question is when the last time nsp has hit a single door on BP’s keep in the past 2 weeks. (taking back your own keeps from bp doesn’t count btw)

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Karma- what to do with it?

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


buy exotic wvw gear, throw it in the mystic forge, you’re welcome.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

T8, please read

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Do you like excitement? How about adventure? Maybe 100% map completion? Or badges raining from the sky? If so Sorrow’s Furnace is the place for you. We can offer you all that and more. If you are stuck on a server where map completion is a problem, then look no further cause we have players achieving these goals everyday. While we will be in T8 for a little longer our goal is to get out as soon as possible and we could use your help to do so. Join “Team Sheen” and help keep our maps green

you’re stomping two dead servers, i wouldn’t be too excited to play active wvw servers which will probably stomp you.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Had a great time at Badgetoberfest in BP’s Bay tonight, you should host these things more often.

How many of you there? 70+

not nearly as many BP that were on that inner dock of bay. I like when you pick up so much loot that it doesnt fit on the screen

To those BURN crying about me jumping on your dead bodies, ask one of your leaders, Balric Ironhide. He’ll tell you why.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689



You are prolly the reason why PAXA won’t ever get the respect they deserve.

Osif should be your forum representative.


Since when did your troll mode switched on? I used to think your post were funny and all. But since last week, you started talking kitten and provocating people.

Whats up wit the attitude? Did you go to Jscull school

Anyone else want to talk about there top level pvp skills? Let it go guys, you will feel better after that.

Sekz is filled with idiots and I have a dealt with a lot of bullkitten from them directly and indirectly. I haven’t said anything previously though because I don’t want server drama, but then last week I was told they are transferring servers without (possibly) telling anyone and so I called them out on their bullkitten and posted they are transferring. Day later they start telling everyone

Some guy say that using your skills by coordinating them with others in your group makes you bad players, when I’ve fought him before and I could tell he is a bad player

“oh lol teivopsy is teh best when he talk a bunch of nonsense and its so funny even though its all worthless gibberish that has no relevance to anything and even teivospy thinks is dumb to type out Lo LoLo lLoLool but as soon as he real talks based off his experience oh he’s a bad guy”.

just because they were still discussing the server transfer doesn’t mean they were withholding the information.

(no longer directed to teivo)
From what i understood, they weren’t well respected on NSP, at least to the standard that they should have been. The thing the majority of you on NSP will never realize is how helpful Sekz was to you.

Just because they never did much capping, doesnt mean they didnt have an impact. Their ability to wipe zergs much larger than them would demoralize people and have them leave the map they were on, which would/could have even the numbers for NSP on a borderland.

Regardless, i’ll miss their fights and i wish them luck in ehmry bay.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


everything gets ninja’d a lot easier.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Mhmm Dear AR
3 Omegas. Around 5 Alphas ?, 7 Trebs at DG. 4 Trebs at Valley tower, 50 Anvils, you missed one thing, When you touch my SM next time make sure i’m offline

and when you touch my valley, make sure im offline.

we had like less than 20 people for a bit there when you hit us at DG both times from behind. I wanted to know if you were 40+ or 60+ people.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


To the ALS cmmder in nsp , honeslty .. your zerg still using planks/gears/peglegs or whatever.. g sus. I’m just 1 person.

I’m starting to wonder , what’s my lootbag look like divided by 20 people.

Oh and zhxy is it that obvious ?

yes. Hammer, gear, kitten it, who cares anymore you’ll find something to kitten about tomorrow.

honestly, i hope Anet bans the gear from wvw, so you can know the difference between being hit in the head with a hammer.

I’m pretty sure we can all see the difference between a warrior swinging a hammer and stunning, and an ele throwing a gear that bounces and stuns multiple ppl that aren’t right next to each other.

Also, a ‘l2play’ comment coming from ALS, how ironic.

Clearly you can’t tell the difference and i never said L2play but… L2play.


So much hate.

So much for thinking, please make more free assumption like that.

Okay, I think AR is the greatest server of all time, they definitely don’t zerg and they’re far superior to BP.

BP doesn’t zerg either!

Clearly I can see when someone wields an item in their hands and then throws it at me and I get knocked down or stunned.

Clearly you didn’t exactly say ‘l2play’, but clearly your post implied it.

You’re right, I clearly need to learn to play. If you are that glass ALS warrior commander, could you please teach me how to get downed 3 times by a Necro while fighting him 10v1. Clearly that would be a good skill to have to improve my gameplay. I’m not sure how zergs work but I think that gives an exp boost to the revive bots..

easy, he has 25 stacks and i never did. Simple game mechanics, l2play.

Also, 10v1? he must make himself sound like quite the war hero over there in DOWN.

Say hi to gates of madness for me kids, its been real fun over the weeks hearing you kitten on the forums about different things. We’ll really miss you here.

Which stage of grief are you all in? is this anger now?


So much hate.

So much for thinking, please make more free assumption like that.

PAXA…… OMG your sooo annoying why are you Ganking guys from other maps and not trying to put the same effort in to get your server some points???? you have some great players that work well together….

@ Imalog

Dude the only time i SEE you is when you got 20+ guys right behind you its the only real time AR seems to fight….. your like there mommy with the apren strings bro…. its time to cut them loose lol BUT your ZERG machine works untill some one either rolls over you with a bigger ZERG or some one like PAXA SEKZ GOAT etc tear your zerg to pieces with less numbers.

shame bout the hate between AR and BP ive met a few good guys from AR and NS.

Now I know Im nothing but an annoying guild leader but here are my thoughts:

AR and BP are “strong” servers. You guys have large, Zerg oriented guilds such as BURN, GOAT, SOS, and ALS that keep points flowing and flowing. In fact, you guys even seem to have some decent commanders that help keep your “forces” in line as well as on target towards your goal of winning the “match”….and it really is impressive the sheer number of players you guys are able to field.

Us over here on NSP however do not have that. Sure, we have some “Zerg” guilds like Os and TCMM but they don’t even come close to having the shear man power that ALS or SOS boast….and our points suffer for it.

Yet, we do have one strength you guys don’t and that’s the small man….and we have it in spades. Guilds like ENVY, SPLT, SPCA, Tm, and even us, PAXA probably don’t even have 1/3rd of of ALS’s numbers combined, but we have beaten you guys by the thousands. We wade into zergs of 15,20, and 30 and wreck havoc and destruction..with only 4 allies beside us. We laugh in the face seemingly impossible odds and kick the jaws of defeat Until they break. Our guilds stand and fight where not even zergs would and eat commander Doritos for lunch.

But overall you are right. We probably should put our talents towards the good of our “realm”. That being said, it does make me wonder what would happen if we did. What if our small guilds decided we wanted those towers. What if we decided we wanted those keeps. What if all of our small mans decided to hit your zergs together in coordination? Could you beat us? Could you even hold us off? What would happen to your precious points then?

Who knows.

this stage is called denial.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


To the ALS cmmder in nsp , honeslty .. your zerg still using planks/gears/peglegs or whatever.. g sus. I’m just 1 person.

I’m starting to wonder , what’s my lootbag look like divided by 20 people.

Oh and zhxy is it that obvious ?

yes. Hammer, gear, kitten it, who cares anymore you’ll find something to kitten about tomorrow.

honestly, i hope Anet bans the gear from wvw, so you can know the difference between being hit in the head with a hammer.

I’m pretty sure we can all see the difference between a warrior swinging a hammer and stunning, and an ele throwing a gear that bounces and stuns multiple ppl that aren’t right next to each other.

Also, a ‘l2play’ comment coming from ALS, how ironic.

Clearly you can’t tell the difference and i never said L2play but… L2play.


So much hate.

So much for thinking, please make more free assumption like that.

Okay, I think AR is the greatest server of all time, they definitely don’t zerg and they’re far superior to BP.

BP doesn’t zerg either!

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


To the ALS cmmder in nsp , honeslty .. your zerg still using planks/gears/peglegs or whatever.. g sus. I’m just 1 person.

I’m starting to wonder , what’s my lootbag look like divided by 20 people.

Oh and zhxy is it that obvious ?

yes. Hammer, gear, kitten it, who cares anymore you’ll find something to kitten about tomorrow.

honestly, i hope Anet bans the gear from wvw, so you can know the difference between being hit in the head with a hammer.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


“Take a note from BP this week. They are staying out of our way”.

Not really, just another borlisy strategy, i was inside your valley 1 hour ago btw, couldnt cap it

What the hell was that btw. I mean props for having a humongous Zerg and absolutely destroying everything we had, it was literally a sea of red… (well red and green because almost everyone was Upscaled) but seriously? How did you not cap that… Yeah we got some help but it was nowhere near the numbers you guys had.

I just don’t get where you borlis seem to pull all these numbers from, do you go to lions arch and callout “1g for every person that comes to EB and follows me?” or something? To match you guys we have to pull lots of people of all the other maps, and I still hear “30 BP attacking ARBL bay” down TS. It’s mind boggling!

Haha it depends on the commanders, when one of your good commanders lead you will see people coming to him from LA, we couldnt cap it because it was well sieged, about 7 arrow carts on inner walls, some ballistas here and there, no waypoint for us in SM, and sure twogallnts jumping in with his 40 als zerg from time to time, and the lord hammer power makes it possible to defend 20 vs 50.

This is an sPvP server, we don’t get people from lions arch. They don’t care about wvw. Trust us, we’ve tried.

I don’t pull 40 ALS these days, i get 15-25 maybe.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

23/02 BP/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Well, although it wasn’t you Rob, there were a few calling out AR for the last weeks match. I’m sure they managed to kitten off quite a few people on AR which in turn means some individuals who may have taken the insults to heart will do whatever they can to crush NSP because of the ignorance of a few.

I’m just assuming this is the case, I can’t actually confirm it, but in the future maybe those that were spouting crap should try and refrain or accept what happens next.

Again this is not directed at you Rob and I’m only guessing this is now whats happening. Its unfortunate that it seems BP is also hitting NSP.

are you saying this is all anths and toble’s fault?!?! Because if you are, you’re correct.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2/22 BP | AR | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


it was last weeks thread.

Teivospy, come at my golems. It was just me and my 5 golems walking into sm, you had to join my party and beg me to let you hit the golems.

Next time i say try it, don’t run away

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Skarloc…your post made me LOL. However, you gotta understand not too many people are going to take someone’s input on the score being pointless when they consistently end up in last place each week. Afterall, if everyone had that mentality…why even show up for wvw…nothing would really ever get done. Might as well just do pvp. But I do agree that a reward system should be implemented for the wvw. So my fingers are crossed for march.

Dude, you said you “LOL” but then back up your comments with what Skarloc was ripping on….You still brought up the score, and how we naturally “dont care about it because we’re always in last”. What he was BLATANTLY pointing out that you sir seemed to miss in 2 full posts, was that we could be tier 1 and never lose and the score would mean the same to us then. ROCKSTAR status to you man. [ENVY] [PAXA] [Splt] [LoS] [Fist] are all out to kill. Re-read what Skarloc wrote. Maybe 2nd and 3rd time you’ll start to understand rather than just see the sarcasm as the main point.

Haha, I get the jist of what he was saying. You misunderstand me. I was never debating that score didn’t matter to you. The point I was trying to make is that if he was trying to convince other people that score doesn’t matter, not too many people are going to take a rant seriously about how score doesn’t matter coming from the guy who comes in last place every week. Otherwise, it just comes across as an excuse…or “I’m not trying”. Also, if you’ll notice at the end of my post I actually agreed with Skarloc that it would be nice to have a reward system in place. No reason to argue just to argue…I was just pointing out that he’s probably not going to get through to anyone. People are going to play for different reasons. Some for score, some not…does it really matter?

Yea it does matter. 90% or higher play for score because they have little to ZERO “player vs. player” experience. So taking keeps and camps then becomes the “high” people get when they play because that moves numbers they see on a meaningless scoreboard.

Once players get a real taste for what playing other good players who use their classes to the fullest rather than players that spam 1, 2 and maybe get to 3….they won’t be satisfied taking keeps in a mass of 20+ anymore. The reason 90% or more don’t want to fight other good players is because in their gaming experience they never have. All they know is that “Two Gallant, Imalog, Plokity Plok, Rob, and I am Harmless” have their blue derrito’s on and are shouting out commands in chat. So they follow and think that’s “Real” pvp, or excuse me WvW.

YEAH ANET! why are you putting towers and keeps in the way of these guys trying to pvp? Shouldn’t you put in some type of STRUCTURED PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER content which allows people like this guy to just fight others without having to worry about these inconveniences? I just don’t understand the objectives in this game either, lets make more forum posts and use my name more in it too! i like being mentioned

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


its a known fact bp has had spies in the past, i.e. vlad the soulrenderer, nicholas silvia, all the famous ones. But BURN guild leader? ohhh this is good. This is very good.

I love this tier.

EDIT: No lana, you werent supposed to kick him we were gunna use that to our advantage but now that hes out, let it be known to the whole tier.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689



Do you have a random theory generator Anthsss? :`)

Everybody know that early on this week, some commanders in both BP and NSP allied to focus on Anvil Rock. One of the commander even said it on the forum.

With ALS taking time off, We can only do so much to come back.

I don’t think right now we can play for the first place, the score difference is too big. We will have to settle for second and try the first next week.

Well, being a part of the server alliance, we never once discussed working with either server. If you want to think we worked with BP, that’s cool, but I’m pretty sure it was BP’s borderland that we took on reset, not AR, and it was also BP’s keep in EB that we took twice in two days. I mean, maybe I have the definition of an alliance wrong, but thus far I have yet to see how I’m wrong in any of my statements I’ve made.

ALS wasn’t taking a break this week, it’s their excuse for not being in 2nd the whole time, I know this because on reset, I repelled them at hills on BP borderlands with the pugs I was leading. We don’t make excuses when we are losing, we just keep fighting

no no! you see! thats why i kept rolling your kitten! because kitten like you kept saying stupid kitten on the forums! So i would come on, take your bay and hills to remind you, i’m better than you.

Taking down wooden doors and a couple of keeps makes you feel powerful? So basically you never won a little league championship or anything for that matter as a kid huh? Why don’t you try doing something that takes skill as a player that consists of more than just:
1. throw down blueprints
2. “guys build my siege”
3. “Someone else fire this thing”
4. “Everyone on the map get to my Blue Derrito”
5. “someone run to lions arch and recruit more for my Blue Derrito crusade”
6. “guys do you realize what I just did….I just got all of you to take this keep for me”
7. Forum post

roaming so much you’ve lost all touch with reality and wvw.

Can you and PAXA or SPEC whatever you’re calling yourselves these days, come to garrison with golems again? that was fun I never knew PAXA could run in golems too.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


BP and AR WORKING TOGETHER. You have no idea how u made me laugh, basically you were at 2nd because we were focusing AR most of the time and ALS are taking a break, we were focusing AR coz they can match us in this tier, so BP attacks AR with no ALS most of the time and your things stay clean, but outta nowhere u came and went way too far with BP at night by capping Lowlands and Sm twice, and that was a really stupid move from the commanders to make BP full focus you, feel the power of BorlisPass my friend, we still not even trying

When you told me I would feel the full power of Borlis Pass, I thought you were flirting with me, and I’m really upset that you would flirt with Ronny so openly even after I thought we were doing so well together.

BP and AR aren’t working together, they simply aren’t attacking each other. AR simply rides the coattails of either NSP or BP, that’s the only way that they can effectively compete with us. If they know that we are attacking BP, they will too, if they know that BP is attacking us, they will too. Simply put, AR doesn’t know how to play, they just follow.

I just wanna say great job on the coordinated attack by ALS and VS on the NSP hills tonight team work was great.

Great team work again today with VS and ALS taking over the entire NSP map! Yes Rob that was me who staked you inside your garrison and laughed , tag your it!!!!

Case in point, VS didn’t even show up to take hills, and when they flipped our borderlands, it was a very short time after BP had flipped it.


The moment NSP finally realizes it’s not a good idea to trash talk on the forums will be the moment NSP finally does not have to deal with getting “double teamed” the vast majority of the week. BP generally hates AR more than NSP, unless of course you wipe Kalkz numerous times causing him/her to go into total rage mode until s/he has either quit or actually taken whatever it is s/he wanted.

AR hates BP more than NSP unless of course people on NSP trash talk AR enough to get TwoGallants all hot and bothered enough to lead ALS through our borderlands, or some AR commander decides to attack NSP out of pure spite for being wiped numerous times.

Either way, I see NSP fighting AR in the borderlands even more now…that’s really going to be fun and/or boring. Either way, more pointless bragging will ensue causing more forum rage which leads to WvW rage on a continuous cycle. It’s all quite predictable at this point.

Carry on people.

see! Sekz gets it. You all should really drop this anthss guy, hes hurting your server :o

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689



Do you have a random theory generator Anthsss? :`)

Everybody know that early on this week, some commanders in both BP and NSP allied to focus on Anvil Rock. One of the commander even said it on the forum.

With ALS taking time off, We can only do so much to come back.

I don’t think right now we can play for the first place, the score difference is too big. We will have to settle for second and try the first next week.

Well, being a part of the server alliance, we never once discussed working with either server. If you want to think we worked with BP, that’s cool, but I’m pretty sure it was BP’s borderland that we took on reset, not AR, and it was also BP’s keep in EB that we took twice in two days. I mean, maybe I have the definition of an alliance wrong, but thus far I have yet to see how I’m wrong in any of my statements I’ve made.

ALS wasn’t taking a break this week, it’s their excuse for not being in 2nd the whole time, I know this because on reset, I repelled them at hills on BP borderlands with the pugs I was leading. We don’t make excuses when we are losing, we just keep fighting

no no! you see! thats why i kept rolling your kitten! because kitten like you kept saying stupid kitten on the forums! So i would come on, take your bay and hills to remind you, i’m better than you.

EDIT: wheres your hills

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


i wish i was commanding for such an epic eb fight

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

Bull's Charge.

in Warrior

Posted by: imalog.7689


When is it going to be fixed? It’s like a 2 second stun and when i over shoot the target using bulls charge, the stun is rendered useless.

I’m sure you know about this, i’m curious as to when/if you plan on fixing it.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

(edited by imalog.7689)

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


i heard if you say my name 3 times i appear on your borderlands with an ALS zerg of over 80.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


He said that while i was in BP bay :s

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


someone send me gold i want to try out a new anti zerg build in wvw I just came up with and I need armour that makes me look like a surgeon

Guildname will be:
Blood its in you to give [DOC]

and I will primarily target ALS raids


[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


maybe he’d learn to stop rushing the frogs and getting wiped 5 times in a row

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


Aside from ALS you see SOS every so often. But when there’s not 20 of the same tag destroying you, you tend not to take notice of a group of folks with mixed tags. At least I don’t. Still see a handful of ALS folks here and there. They’re not all on vacation.

I’ve taken 1 keep this week and defended over 15. Trust me, thats a break.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


LOL omfg paxa just golem rushed our garrison. I’m dying right now hahahahaha

o.O SPCA != Paxa. Apparently I can’t even help out some friends without causing forum drama between Als and Paxa now.

no drama at all, like i said i encourage you all to use “siege”.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.