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'Cheesy builds' for newbies? :)

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Qaelyn please don’t take any build links Valentin posts seriously the guy does not have any real experience in team queues, hasn’t competed in tournaments, and constantly trolls the forums

'Cheesy builds' for newbies? :)

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Is that how you were dropped into downed state at least 5 times per match in the 2v2 tourney? Logic?

Also economists are some of the most irritating people on the planet and S/D thief is carried by sword 2 and evades, just like how Spirit Ranger is carried by the elite spirit. Once you know how to use sword 2 well you can be borderline kittened and play S/D as well as the “good thieves”

(edited by jmatb.6307)

SO stacked..... Skyhammer nearly fail.

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


You might have done better if you played your 4 NPC Thief Backpack.

Oh wait nobody cares if you do good on Skyhammer.

I can confirm that Backpack is that guy that runs his mouth about being good when he loses.

(edited by jmatb.6307)

Please rethink your diamond skin change

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Funny you say instant ranged AoE like its not something a Necro does all the time every single PvP match they log in to….

What bro? Necro has 1s cast time on all marks.

Do you really need to lie to make your points seem more valid all the time?

Marks have a 3/4 second cast time.

And he was talking about instant AoE ranged as in Marks have 0 travel time, they just appear and instantly go off under your feet.
+ No clear animations from ranged for which is being cast.

There is a clear animations and sound. Really I find it funny that noobs actually think staff is good. It is a utility weapon. The whole necro condition build revolves around scepter auto attack

The entire build revolves around giving up any semblance of attention span in favor of facerolling every button but condi passes on weapons when there’s red on the screen.

The more I try to think from a condi necro’s perspective the more it just puzzles me that they have anything worthwhile to add to a conversation about balance. They whine about their speed when they don’t use Spectral Walk. They whine about lack of sustain without putting points into Blood. They whine about Diamond Skin when they don’t put anything but 300 power into their build. They whine about getting wrecked 1v1 when they’re relying on Rabid ammy with no Death or Blood traits, prot runes..

It’s getting harder to respect them feel free to correct me and prove your playstyle isn’t a sign of the kittenocalypse

(edited by jmatb.6307)

[NA] Gw2PvPTV 2v2 #2 12/7/13

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


The builds wouldn’t be as stupid if they didn’t have huge toughness and healing power to carry them. Zerker/Rampager amulets would solve that problem, and the sudden death feel to the competition would be more fun to watch than AI teams, Spirit Ranger Hambow cheese wars 2.

pvp gold income is fine

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I agree with this. Once you buy the Tomes of Knowledge and get to 80 you can start farming, get geared, level up crafting, etc.

[NA] Gw2PvPTV 2v2 #2 12/7/13

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I’ll suggest a rule that will make these a lot more competitive and reward the better players instead of the better builders – berserker and rampager amulets only.

If there isn’t toughness and healing power to carry builds like Petting Zoo and Spirit Ranger/Hambow teams outside of traits, then the skill of the teams will win the match, not their comps.

There were really good players who lost because of the enemy comp more than the skill of the opponent, and if they had to use these ammys cheese comps would get slaughtered, as they should be.

Edit: of course the MM necro that got put into downed state for the majority of the fights doesn’t like the suggestion

(edited by jmatb.6307)

I'm Done with PVP

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


There are some problems with balance, but its the state of the players more than the state of the game itself. Even some of the “top” players are just copying and pasting as it is. There aren’t very many people who think for themselves and use their own builds successfully.

Diamond Skin will SAVE this game!

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


And you have no idea what a Blood Soul Reaping build is capable of with the new heal yet. Don’t worry people who think might give you something to play Necro with after your 200,000th QQ thread when your Condi build becomes absolutely godawful 1v1 against Mesmer, Ele, and Warrior…

I respect that you’re ranked highly, but I don’t respect how childish you get about something you have no idea is good or not and how whiny you are in general. The patch comes out next Tuesday we’ll see if the theory and potential of the non-existent build falls through or is successful…

(edited by jmatb.6307)

Ranger is getting another Spirit !

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Nobody likes AI builds I don’t blame them. You’re right tho the heal isn’t very good compared to Healing Spring for PvP

Diamond Skin will SAVE this game!

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I think Condis are gonna be team fighters only, which is more appropriate since Power v. Power 1v1s are a lot more risk/reward on side nodes.

Also, classes that previously did not use anything but Condi damage builds are gonna have to adapt and learn how to play more Power oriented stuff, which is better for build diversity and will honestly make them much better players than they were.

These Necro “experts” think the new heal is gonna suck, but I’ve got a Vampire Necro build cookin that might be pretty strong 1v1.

Please rethink your diamond skin change

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Funny you say instant ranged AoE like its not something a Necro does all the time every single PvP match they log in to….

There’s no distinguishing animation that tells you what Mark he’s casting and the mark itself just pops up on the screen underneath you if they’re casting it in a teamfight. Marks are the dumbest casts in the game, but, granted, without them Condi Necro would be terribad

(edited by jmatb.6307)

I will tell anet a secret

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


My take on this:

Condis are on their way out as a 1v1 option and will only be viable if they fight in 2v2 fights and above. Ele and Warrior are just gonna be too strong, even for Bomb Nade Engis, the best Condi build in the game.

Necro Vampire builds are gonna be pretty strong with the new signet and in combination with how they have buffed Blood Magic. BM Power Ranger might be a thing. Power Engis like Chaith’s build are gonna be more popular now.

It was kinda kittened for Condi builds to be strong in AoE and 1v1s, when AoE ought to be a teamfight build not an all-purpose type thing.

Please rethink your diamond skin change

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Looks like Necro needs to adapt to Dec. 10 the most. When you think about the typical 30/20/0/0/20 its not investing in any defensive attributes whatsoever through traits, and depending on conditions to survive.

I’m not a Necro main, but that doesn’t look like the kind of build that should be viable in 1v1 situations. Blood Magic is there for sustain, and Vitality is actually a really good stat for Necro, the only one that can actually get something out of it.

Necro mains gotta get their thinking caps on.

Female Mind Games

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I can respect anybody who runs non meta stuff and makes it work. I personally like Null Field a lot, but I might give Arcane Thievery a try since you’re so generous and sharing how it’s worked for you

Warrior Q and Suggestions.

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Scooby Doo all I gotta say is if you think Greatsword on Warrior sucks you should probably think about playing another class.

Edit: greatsword isn’t just about one skill at all. The #4 works pretty well with Leg Specialist, #5 can do pretty good damage in combination with immob or cc, #3 is the only evade weapon skill the Warrior has, but I’ll agree that the auto sucks and the Burst skill is pitiful.

(edited by jmatb.6307)

PvP Livestream: Friday at 2pm PST.

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I’m hoping for the best on the healing skills. Could be a big game changer

[Discussion] Future of PvP Blog

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I’m pretty interested to see what these new healing skills will be

is meta created by mechanics or buzz

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Thief is gonna be fine. All the doom and gloom predictions are pretty hilarious, considering how heavily people have been leaning on the S/D crutch.


in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I think its one of the most understated parts of the balance issues. The strongest runes and sigils go from a good option to necessary, and those types of things aren’t good for a game.

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Comming from the guy that said this i’m taking it quite as a compliment

Don’t argue with mini its a waste of time

Lol anyone stupid enough to throw bolas before immobing someone first is asking to be dodged.

That’s your only hint

I rest my case.

I guess people who don’t know how game mechanics work think immob stacking is silly or something. I’d love to duel you I’m pretty sure you’d eat a couple 100B with GS/LB with Throw Bolas if you have enough armor to survive one…

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Don’t argue with mini its a waste of time

I am the Greatest...

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I would like to add the following evidence of Bear’s wisdom as well as his power, in the exposure of the alleged “skills” of the one known as Backpack.

Rank 374 Mike.4830 Backpacks Squeeze

It was Bear who exposed in scintillating form through Twitch streaming this truth that the former leaderboards kept revealed in its previous state, and now is clear as day, that some players on the LB just got carried.

Honor this man and watch the Dodgeball tournies!!

Please rethink your diamond skin change

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


You can’t just copy paste the newest op build and climb broken lb to getsome sugar in my book sorry.

You have no idea whether or not I used an OP build, an UP build, or what classes I used. You’re too mad to be good at the game you might want to take a break.

In your example, what in the world are you doing running that build with those teammates? That’s the kind of thing that separates people who want to win from people who win – you knew going in that the build was bad for your team and didn’t make any choice to improve your team’s chances…

Also, symbolic it wasn’t a coincidence that the people on top of team Q are the same people that were on top of solo Q. It’s not as legitimate a measure of skill as team Q, but you can’t be terrible and get on top if it, especially now with the changes to MMR pairing that doesn’t rig it for the people on top at everyone else’s expense.

I agree about what solo Q is for, it’s throwing yourself into a trap and getting out alive haha

Please rethink your diamond skin change

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Mini, the only delusional trance I’ve had is when I was saying exactly what you are saying now word for word 3 months ago. I was raging pretty hard at the Dhuumfire and Spirit Ranger meta, made all kinds of active/passive posts and QQ’d like there was no tomorrow… and sucked at playing the game.

To be honest if you’re having issues with the new matchmaking and losing that many in a row in the top 1k, then it looks like you were getting carried.

I learned how to rotate, when to 1v1, when to help the team and say “nope” to a better 1v1 build, how to pick the right class for your solo Q team, and when and how to play certain maps. You can’t play this game with tunnel vision and expect to win.

Please rethink your diamond skin change

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Edit: Symbolic I disagree on LB because being at the bottom shows you how TERRIBLE most players are. Especially on NA lol. You’ve never been there so you haven’t had the “privilege” of having to stare at your monitor and shake your head at the kind of things lower tier people do.

I’m already there, i think i’m rank 6-700 or something because i only play zerker staff or d/d ele lol. alls I mean is there’s no reason to bring up leaderboard numbers into a discussion as it’s pointless and ends up in a ‘my kitten is bigger than your kitten’.

Still in the top 1k though. Some ppl on the forum are like 50-70% and think they know what balance is though. Those are the ppl I mean, not the lower half of the top 1k.

It is and isn’t a measuring contest. I agree that people who say they’re kittenes for being in the top 50 vs. top 150 is just first world drama, but people completely out of the loop dont’ really know what the game needs balance wise.

Edit: Marcos, Scepter/Focus 30 Air 30 Earth, 10 Water with Valks ammy is going to be pretty impressive sustain for not having Evasive Arcana post patch. Getting most, if not all, your Ether Renewal even with a little bit of HP is big, since it scales really well with it.

Blackbeard, I think it’ll have Eles capable of running home node defender again, like it used to be on some teams. They’re actually really good against Warriors 1v1 if they know what they’re doing

(edited by jmatb.6307)

Please rethink your diamond skin change

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I climbed out of MMR Hell to top 300 and can pretty safely say that if you’re not playing against higher tier players you have no idea what ought to be considered for class balance. I haven’t been playing there that long, but I’ve reached the point that I know I will be there and potentially higher for as long as I play the game. Rotation, building, class matchups… etc.

Mini, I’ve seen you trolling around enough to see that you are like I used to be before I woke up and learned how to play better. If you 1v1’d Lord I’m pretty sure he would kite your Warrior and fear chain you into the fetal position b/c nobody gets to the top 100 on LB and stays there without knowing how to play their class

When you consider Rock Solid-Ether Renewal-Diamond Skin its pretty obvious that Ele is not going to lose a 1v1 against a Condi build. It’s an easy way out of dealing with Ele’s problems and will make Ele the next class that goes from challenging to easy mode. Add that to blind spam, instant burst with Fresh Air, and some of the best healing power scaling in the game.

I’ve said it before, but I’ll throw it out there again – Condi builds are gonna be teamfighters only nobody in their right mind is gonna put a condi build on sides with Warrior and Ele being able to easily deal with condis 1v1.

Edit: Symbolic I disagree on LB because being at the bottom shows you how TERRIBLE most players are. Especially on NA lol. You’ve never been there so you haven’t had the “privilege” of having to stare at your monitor and shake your head at the kind of things lower tier people do.

(edited by jmatb.6307)

Solo Que doesn't take skill....?

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Na once you get higher than the % region (MMR hell) and consistently play against good players you don’t really see the game the same way anymore.

So umm. There is only like 1000 players per region who are not in MMR hell? :< 1000 is nothing for a game like this.

It’s like that in any PvP game though. Dota 2 is legendary for the bads in their version of MMR Hell, and I’m sure League has its swarms too.

You really do have to play well to get into the leaderboards and stay there. I was like 65% when I came back after leaving the game and got into the top 400

Solo Que doesn't take skill....?

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Na once you get higher than the % region (MMR hell) and consistently play against good players you don’t really see the game the same way anymore.

Of course, it’s easy to get burnt out when you see PvE updates every 2 weeks and get the “coming soon” posts regarding anything PvP.

Anet's plan with all the Passive Play?

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


MM takes more skill than people give credit. Sure minions are outsourced damage, but the fun “play” of it is using your character as a source of Control to allow uptime and knowing when the best time to use minions/sacrifice them are. If anything the force the game to be more active because people can’t stand still and facetank so much. It also comes with its draw backs; no stability, protection, spot condi removal, vigor, no blocks/invuln, so basically anything that comes at us, we have to deal with ourselves with the limited dodging we have, and making sure we connect enough hits to get some life force generation or else we’re toast against a good player. Play one before you knock it and pretend it’s too easy to play.

It’s only easy against nubs who stand still. MM is incredibly fun in higher tier play where its not so easy and you have to work for the minion uptime. (Assuming they don’t just get aoe’d down.)

Where are you playing at higher tier? You’re not on either LB on NA so are you talking about duel servers?

Sword/Longbow Condition Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Ya condi being strong 1v1 is about to be history with the combination of AR Engi, Diamond Skin Ele, and Warrior Cleansing Ire/Zerker Stance.

If someone runs condi builds I think it’s only gonna be good in team fights at higher tier play. At lower tier, you can run whatever you want though because people run the goofiest stuff there.

Bunker engi is so OP/lame

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Rotation > Build anyway.

No one build can win a 1v2 with relatively similar skill level without getting really lucky. An Engi is pretty funny though when you play it way better than your opponents play their class, because if people are silly enough to stand in the bombs the whole time they deserve to get 1v2’d.

Bunker engi is so OP/lame

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


and IDK ele diamonds are incoming anyway.

God this is such a fail. More condi immunity. I am sure it will be fun having an INSTA GIB s/f ele chasing me round the map WHO I CANT CC/PEAL FOR MYSELF at all with. Fear shouldnt be effected by condi immunity imo

Any Ele willing to go into 30 earth to pick up Diamond Skin will be a condi ele. I.e. you’re not going to get insta-gibbed by S/F, and you can proceed to stomp their face because Necro is a vastly better condition-friendly class than Ele will ever be. Now you know.

After Dec10 changes you will STILL see 95% of Ele’s running power-based builds, i.e. no Diamond Skin and dipping into Fire/Air/Water + Arcana.

I’ll actually be very interested to see if any condi Ele players even come along in the meta.

You don’t have to run a condi build just because you put points in Earth. It’s like saying that Shatter Mesmer has to run condi because Illusions gives Condi Damage…

S/F doesn’t have the burst that S/D does, but it’s going to be really easy to keep your health high against condi builds with Earth 4 and 5, CC, Ether Renewal, and Rock Solid. 1v1 I don’t really see a good Ele losing to a condi build, unless it’s an Engineer of the same or higher skill level.

Downed state discussion.

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I agree. Pro noob system called downed state should be removed from pvp completely, worse pvp feature i have seen in any pvp game.

Your sig is funny, guess you didn’t get the memo about immob stacking a month ago.

Bunker engi is so OP/lame

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I am more inclined to give him some respect, given he’s in the top 50 on both LB in EU.

I think full condi builds are only going to be viable in team fights after Dec. 10, both Eles and Warriors are going to be too strong against Condis 1v1. Diamond Skin + Rock Solid + Ether Renewal resets the fight whenever the Ele wants vs. Condis, and we all know how easily Warriors deal with Condi builds.

Bunker engi is so OP/lame

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I disagree apollo, Diamond Skin + Ether Renewal + Rock Solid make it pretty hard for a condi class to keep the ele’s health low enough to keep the pressure on.

I don’t think Condi builds are going to be any good as home node defenders anymore on Dec. 10. They’ll only be good in team fights because there is more to cleanse there.

(edited by jmatb.6307)

Downed state discussion.

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Guys suggestions like these just don’t make any sense.

If there are specific skills that you’re having trouble with, then that would be far more productive to suggest changes to than eliminating a big dynamic of the game just because you don’t like it.

Downed state discussion.

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


The only thing that is ridiculous about downed state is Ranger 3. Everything else is pretty good. If they got rid of Ranger pet rez and replaced it with a pet frenzy type buff that makes the pet hit really hard for 5 seconds or something that would be cool.

I think the more cheesy utility rezes are more of a problem than how downed state works.

Spirit Of Nature Criticism

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


guardians and spirit rangers are pretty much the same, IMO.

That is now quoted for all eternity, no backsies.

My sides… LOL

Please tell me this doesn’t say what I think it says.

Poll: Should Skyhammer be Removed?

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Either make the cannon dodgeable, reduce the damage significantly, or just send it to hotjoin.

Knocking people off being addressed helped with the cheesiness, but the cannon is still too important for the outcome of the match.

The pros of 8v8

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I’d be down for 8v8 being scrapped entirely. It does not promote anything productive when tpvp matches are 5v5. All the zerging belongs in WvW

100% uptime

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


+1 google, this guy must go nuts when someone uses Lyssa runes

The Death of Zerk Hammer

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


I wouldn’t use it either if immob didn’t stack, but being able to use either weapon to put immob on and set TB up makes it worth it and sets up a full 100 blades if they can’t cleanse it.

I run full zerker, 0/30/0/10/30 and Lyssa runes, so I have to be really careful to make it work but the combination of damage, mobility, cleave, and being able to immob the called target in team fights for days makes it valuable enough to help me go on a 15-2 winning streak in Solo Q over the past week.

(edited by jmatb.6307)

The Death of Zerk Hammer

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Not really, it just guarantees that you nail them with an even longer immob. I can still hit it without doing an immob first, but if you can GS4 to immob, then do throw bolas, or pin down for the same effect, then why would you pass that up.

It’s not a useless skill at all. People who think it is don’t have the patience, reflexes, or deceptiveness to take advantage of it.

Scooby Doo don’t even lift mayn

The Death of Zerk Hammer

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Lol anyone stupid enough to throw bolas before immobing someone first is asking to be dodged.

That’s your only hint

Made my day. I will put that into my signature so everyone can laugh just like me. I think i been running bolas for some time and it tend to fail even when i was in melee range..Seriously? Anyway..ty for sign

/shrug I’ll make it work on you, just like the rest of the hotjoin heroes who get baited like accountants at a poker table.

Toxic community or bad luck?

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


It’s becoming the culture in this game. It doesn’t matter where you play – hotjoin, solo Q, or Team Q, there are gonna be shots fired.

100% uptime

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


The only thing that makes Engi “out of control,” if you can even call it that, is the vigor. Every other boon is comparable to what you get on any other class.

The Death of Zerk Hammer

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Lol forum people are priceless. Too much time feeling sorry for themselves to actually see if what they’re saying doesn’t work has to do with reality.

The Death of Zerk Hammer

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Greatsword + Longbow + Throw Bolas

You’re welcome

I will personally bet my own money if out of ten throws of bola you can get me twice. To make this interesting, I will stand still on a small incline and still wager you’d be lucky to get 2. If/when i am allowed to move..i’d be surprised if you can 12 or more out of a hundred.

Lol anyone stupid enough to throw bolas before immobing someone first is asking to be dodged.

That’s your only hint

And after reading your post history it seems like you’re so upset about Hambow getting nerfed that you’re gonna have an aneurysm.

Of course, that’s okay you’ll just copy and paste the new meta build that someone spells out for you

Spirit Rangers after patch? (fans and haters)

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


It’s just not respectable. All the specifics boil down to that in the end.