Showing Posts For laokoko.7403:

Unfairness - Tailor/Leatherworker

in Crafting

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Ok, darkface, do you become a farmer if you want to drink milk or do you become a dentist if you want to fix your tooth?

You do have the luxury it is called farm node sell it and buy cloth or leather.

And it is werid calling cloth a secondary material for armorsmith since most of the time it cost more cloth than ore to craft heavyarmor. And because of that armorsmith is actually more expensive than tailor and leatherworking.

Armorsmith cost 2 expensvie material, cloth and ore. Tailor and leatherworking cost 2 cheaper material cloth and leather.

The title should be renmaed to unfairness armorsmith, since armorsmith is more expensive. Not only that most armosmith take up weaponsmith too and weaponsmith is more expensive than most other profession.

So being part metal and part cloth makes armorsmithing more expensive than the all-cloth tailoring, because of the expensive cloth…
You need a calculator.

anyway I don’t know why I’m arguing lol. you don’t need to agree with me.

Tailor is not all cloth, it require leather. Tailor usually take 25% more cloth but much less leather compare to ore. Not only that leather is cheaper.

Did you use a calculator yourself? Anyway it is just a pointless argument. I dont’ know why I keep replying. The link I posted is a dynamic cost for crafting base on the material on the TP.

I think the stupid thing is we are arguing about very minicure difference. Consider the exotic armor item cost like 3 gold, do you really care that 1 discpline cost like a couple silver more expensive compare to the other?

Or do you erally care one of the craft take maybe 50 silver more expensive to max compare the other? It is just pointless argument.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Unfairness - Tailor/Leatherworker

in Crafting

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Ok, darkface, do you become a farmer if you want to drink milk or do you become a dentist if you want to fix your tooth?

You do have the luxury it is called farm node sell it and buy cloth or leather.

And it is werid calling cloth a secondary material for armorsmith since most of the time it cost more cloth than ore to craft heavyarmor. And because of that armorsmith is actually more expensive than tailor and leatherworking.

Armorsmith cost 2 expensvie material, cloth and ore. Tailor and leatherworking cost 2 cheaper material cloth and leather.

The title should be renmaed to unfairness armorsmith, since armorsmith is more expensive. Not only that most armosmith take up weaponsmith too and weaponsmith is more expensive than most other profession.

Unfairness - Tailor/Leatherworker

in Crafting

Posted by: laokoko.7403


No, it’s not like that at all. Legengaries are supposed and expected to be more difficult to obtain that other items. What, in-game or otherwise, indicates that tailoring should be more difficult/expensive than armorsmithing? Why should one armor-crafting discipline have to work harder/spend more to get the same results as another? Why? I’m begging you guys to answer that question.

Exactly. Why is it armorsmith actually more expensive and harder than tailor and leatherworking.

That is why I shook my head when I saw the topic. Because tailor and leatherworking who have it easy actually think they are harder.

The OP should rename the title to unfairness – armorsmith

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Are respawn rates being worked on?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I remember a skill point in orr underwater I have a hard time getting because everytime my necro killed the last mob another respawn already.

but increasing respawn time is a delicate issue. people will get frustrated for example if they try to do heart quest and it take a while for monster to spawn. Or they are grinding and there just isn’t enough mob.

Unfairness - Tailor/Leatherworker

in Crafting

Posted by: laokoko.7403


The main point is there is a disparity like other people says.

But that disparity don’t matter because it is not harder to craft say medium armor than heavy armor.

So heavy armor user should be the one complaining and instead of leather worker. Depend on the tier some of the tailor is more expensive and some of the heavy armor is more expensive.

If I want a 20 slot bag I would use armorsmith, if I want a 18 slot bag I would use tailor for example.

I understand Gosaamer is really expensive. But if you think about it Gossammer is actually the main component for armorsmith because their insignia require 5. And on the flip side mithril ore is much more expensive than silk so everything kind of balanced out.

And cloth wearer have a much eaiser time leveling artificier too compare to weaponsmith.

If you look at the big picture, I would actual compalin as a heavyarmor user since they have a harder time compare to the other 2. Why is a typical warrior/guardian heavyarmor/weaponsmith cost more than ther other tailor/artificer or leatherworking/huntsman?

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Unfairness - Tailor/Leatherworker

in Crafting

Posted by: laokoko.7403


BTW Oglaf, I don’t feel the same as you do.

You only need Crude Salvage Kits, and only need to salvage white items. You get enough cloth and leather doing that, along with all the bags that drop that contain that.

I’ve never had a problem with Cloth and Leather. Fine materials however, is another matter!


The issue of Oricalchum and Gossamer is a different beast though; both are randomly gotten when salvaging and in order to maximize your chances you need to use the higher quality Salvaging Kits which cost around 15s each.

Except that Oricalchum can also simply be gathered.

I dont understand your logic. Everyone can gather and salvage. Even if I’m not a tailor I’ll still salvage high level tailor material. Even if I’m not an armorsmith, I still gather orichalcum.

So the only difference is compare the cost to craft items. Now I believe tailor exotic lvl80 do cost like 5 silver more expensive than armorsmith. I dont’ think that is a big deal. And lvl80 rare armorsmith is probably more expensive. So for those who want to salvage ecto through crafting I think armorsmith get the shaft.

And there is no way leatherworker get shafted. Their item is the cheapest to craft. They can still salvage tailor item, they can mine too, and sell items to buy leather.

I do think tailor is probably slightly more expensive to level up. But the way I see it is most cloth wearer is probably leveling up artificier. Which is much cheaper to level than weaponsmith. So guadian or warrior is probably shafted since they need weaponsmith.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Unfairness - Tailor/Leatherworker

in Crafting

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Maybe you should check the price for crafting heavy armor, leather and cloth.

I think usually leather is the cheapest, follow by heavy armor and cloth.

anyway weird argument. The only thing matter is which is cheapest to craft.

Crafting's impact on the economy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


People could just use alt to learn craft which is the same thing.

And as far as I can tell you, many people didn’t even learn any crafting profession. I looked at my guild list of lvl80 character and most of them didn’t max their profession.

The high volumn trader/crafter is probably the reason it is hard to make money through crafting. They have so much capital, they can craft item in mass and undercut you by 1 copper and you have to wait your turn to sell things.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya I know relatively speaking maxing a profession isn’t easy for some.

But take a hard look at the cost to craft an ascended back piece, 250 tier6 material and 50 ecto. That is what I really meant.

What is 4 gold compare to 250 tier6 material and 50 ecto. What I meant is even if they allow us to craft ascended gear in the future. It might not be cheap. But that is all speculation. I only draw my conclusion because of the ascended backpiece.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


well, you know maxing jewelcraft take like 4 gold. Isn’t exactly hard to do. So Im’ not sure why everyone think they are so special that they max a craft.

The real question is if ascended item can be crafted, how expensive it will be.

You can already get the ascended piece without technically doing fractal. Just try to get in marsh fractal solo, and grind spiders and masquido’s for a mist essence and have some gold ready.

And you never really answered my question BOA. If you can craft ascended in the future, but it is expensive, will you do it.

Everyone knows ascended gear is coming and there will be more way to get it. Just no one knows how hard/long/expensive it’ll be to get it.

Scepter in general, thoughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If it is worthless people won’t use it. But people do use it. I use it on my guardian and necromancer. And I actually I see it on other guardian and necromancer quite often.

Almost all conditiomancer use sceptor. And I say a good portion of guardian use sceptor, it is either sceptor or staff as a secondary for pve guardian.

Ascended backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


They already said they will add ascended gear to other part of the game.

And you already can get the back ascended item without technicaly doing factal. Just go in solo grind mob and try to get mist essence, have some gold ready and mystic forge and voila.

The real question is how much will the new ascended gear cost. And if you can get the gear spec through for example crafting. Even if you can get max stats item dont’ necessary you get the spec you want.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Ascended weapon isn’t even in the game. I fail to udnerstand why people with legendary weapon get upset. Not to mention legendary weapon will get bump to ascended stats when new ascended weapon is released.

I’m bothered by ascended gear as much as you. But not with the same reason. A typical ascended backpiece cost like 50 gold to craft now. I use the cheapest one which cost 13 gold eventhough they have stats I dont’ want. I dont’ even want to imagine how much an agony infused backpiece will cost, something like 250 ecto?

Even if you are allowed to craft ascended gear, will you pay like 50 gold per piece and like 700 gold for a whole set? Quite honestly, I stop bothering. It is just a tiny stat bump which make little difference.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


The way I see it is 3 ascended piece boost like 2% to 3 of your stats. I dont’ see how it make that much difference.

Not to mention many of the stats prefix isn’t even there. I’m wearing ring and backpiece item with stats I dont’ want just to get agony resist so I can do fotm.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ok so ascended ring: 103 power/68 Toughness/68 vitality

exotic ring with rare soldier cresent 87power/62 toughness/62 vitality

My soldier spec knight with berserker greatsword stats with ascended ring:
1738 power/1824 toughness/1726 vitality

My soldier spec knight with berserker greatsword stats with exotic ring:
1722 power/1818 toughness/1720 vitality

Total to 0.9% increase in power, 0.3% increase in toughness, 0.3% increase in vitality

You must be very hardcore if you care about those very minicure difference.

Also soldier spec can’t be crafted, just like knight spec gear dont’ come from the dungeon. That is just how things go. I hope I can get an ascended knight ring but there isn’t any.

The Tale of Two Jewellry Recipes...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ok so someone help a cluless folk like me…

You mean to tell me, when you salvage the wintersday ring with a master salvage kit, you have a 80% chance of retaining the ecto. On top of that you have a chance to get an extra 0-3 ecto?

The Tale of Two Jewellry Recipes...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’m quite confused how people profit from the recipe.

The recipe require 1 ecto, some mithril, and 1 pristine snowball.

But as far as I’m aware of, when you salvage, on average you’ll get less than 1 ecto back.

So how do people even profit from the recipe?

Move Fractal Entrance out of Lions arch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Why not just let us party up without having to use an overflow. There isn’t even any overflow half of the day when US folks are sleeping.

What are all the fractals supposed to be?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Basically FOTM is like taking you to the past and experienced something that have happen in history.

I really make that up, but I think that make sense.

50% magic find boost?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I sometimes see people with 50% magic find boost on top of the boost they got from food.

Where do they get it from?

Turning Badge into Bank Roll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


let it go. It’s like saying someone can spend a few dollar and win a lottery.

If it is so easy. Try to get the recipe yourself.

I dont’ have the recipe and I dont’ have any problem someone won the lottery. It is not like there’s many CM group up anyway. Finding a group isn’t easy.

Fastest CoF speedrun comp

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Ya but you are still running a pick up group. Would you rather pickup a potential warrior noob or potential elementist noob. That is the question.

Condition Necro dungeon gearing help

in Necromancer

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Ok so I have a full set of rabid set from running HOTW.

I can only afford rampager weapon since I have so many token from running AC.

What should I slot for accessory for running dungeon?

High level fotm question

in Warrior

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’m currently wearing mostly knight armor with sodier rune. Spec is 20/20/0/30/0.

My question is for high level fotm should I focus more on surviving? Should I get the soldier ascended ring for more vitality? Or is high level fotm still easy enough that you can survive using crit gear with low vitality.

Dungeon diminishing return and reset

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I know there’s a diminishing return on doing same dungeon path within 2 hour frame even if I use alt.

My question is if I finish a dungeon 30 miniute before reset, and finish the same dungeon 30 minute after reset, is it still affect by diminishing return?

salvaging dungeon gear for ecto

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: laokoko.7403


click the second button on the vendors, every dungeon sells level 80 exotic armor

But the cheapest exotic cost 160 token and only gives 0-5 ecto. And cheap rare only cost 30 token and give 0-3 ecto.

That means COF is much more profitable to run? That is kind of my question. I need to run AC 3 times to get 0-5 ecto. But if I run COF 3 times I get 0-18 ecto?

Salvaging gears acquire through dungeon token

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Might be a silly question.

If I bought a rare level35 gear using AC token and salvage it, does that give ecto?

Since it dont’ make much sense only 4 of the dungeon sell level70+ rare gear. Since it make those dungeon much more profitable to run.

salvaging dungeon gear for ecto

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: laokoko.7403


your drops are level appropriate even if you are downscaled

Yes I know about drop. I’m talking about trading token for dungeon rare gear.

AC token vendor only trade lvl30-35 rare. That means I can’t salvage it for ecto? Or does the level35 AC rare gear give ecto?

salvaging dungeon gear for ecto

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I was checking the dungeon gear and notice only 4 dungeon sell rare item above level70(through the dungeon token vendor)

So if I want ecto, I can only run cof, coe, hotw, arah? Since only those dungeon vendor sell level70+ rare? Dungeon like AC give only 35 rare?

If I salvage the gear I get from AC token vendor does that give ecto? Since it’s silly only a few dungeon is worth running for ecto.

Also what salvaging kit should I use to salvage? I’ve been using master salvage kit. I’m not sure if that gives more ecto.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

dodge roll healing?

in Guardian

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I was reading some guardian guide and was confused.

He talked about dodge roll heal which give 429 heal per roll in AOE. What does that mean? And where he got the 429 dodge heal from?

Link to Guide:

pvp glory booster disappear

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: laokoko.7403


This happened twice. So I clicked deposit all collectible and the pvp glory booster disappear. where did it go?

A truly Legendary punishment - Charged Lodes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


To the poeple who can make 3 gold an hour. How do you make 3g an hour?

Make dungeons harder but less time consuming

in Suggestions

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I dont’ want any hard dungeon. I always run PUG and it is frustrating enough to always carry new people and low levels.

If you are in a premade group that can steam roll dungeon, fotm lvl60, there you go, hard dungeon.

Besides, dungeon is only hard the first few times you run through. If you want hard they should make every dungeon have level too. I dont’ see why people doing premade group everyday should be rewarded so heavely.

Can't do fotm because no overflow server

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


you can join other peoples overflow.. Just right click on them and select Join Lion’s arch or something. I think that would work.

That is the problem none of the server have overflow. I suppose I can try the suggestion of joining a EU server’s group overflow… That is silly though.

how many AR you need for fotm 11 +

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I just got my first ring and have 5 agony resist. Im’ wondering how much you should have to try and do 11+. Obviously many people are pros and will tell me you dont’ need any… But when I try to join a lvl11 group and tell them I only have 5 agony resist they gave me the face =(

How do I get more agony resist? 5 × 2 for two ring and 5 from back is 15 is the max I can try to get now?

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Can't do fotm because no overflow server

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’ve been trying to form a fotm party for a few hours. I think between 5-10pm aussie time, Lion Arch simply dont’ have any overflow on any server. So even if we can get 5 people through cross server matching on gwlfg, we still can’t do fotm.

Is it something that can be addressed? It’ll really helps for people that play at a different time zone. I mean for the non Euro non US players.

Does hold the line heal yourself?

in Guardian

Posted by: laokoko.7403


The skill button says grand protection and heal to ally.

Does that heal the guardian too, or is it only people you party with?

Dungeon diminishing return question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I know you can’t run the same path within a 2 hour frame else you’ll be hit by diminishing return. That is for sure.

But I also googled and someone says you can’t run the same dungeon path in a row. And you have to do another dungeon in between….?

So if I do cof path 1 and wait 5 hours and do cof path 1 on another character I still be hit by diminishing return?

offense defense infusion slot?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I just got a offensive slot ring from my daily fotm.

I randomly searched on google and it says offensive infusino slot takes 225 relic and defensive takes 75 relic?

But when I went to the fotm vendor there is only the versatile simple infusion which cost 75 relic. So I’m quite confused.

Also can I use the versatile simple infusion in my offensive infusion ring?

does fotm have diminishing return?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Beside the daily, do you get less token if you run 2 fotm run back to back? For example if I run fotm10 2 times in a row do I get less token?

Is it possible to get multiple fotm daily by running different level fotm? For example if I run fotm 10 for my daily, can I run another fotm 8 for daily?

If there’s diminishing return is it possible to run fotm on another character to bypass it or can I use another character for another daily?

Which exp dungeon is easy?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I only run AC and COF since that’s the one most people is doing.

I also tried HOTW, which isn’t hard but quite long.

Which other dungeon is easy for PUG to do?

World transfer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Does it cost anything to do world transfer?

Is there any limit to which server that you can transfer to?

Anyway to get ascended back without gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I know you can get ascended back item through mystic forge with 50 ecto and 250 t6 material.

But is there anyway to get it without all those ecto and t6 material. I remember reading someone mention all you need is essence of the mist and a fractal relic? How exactly does it work? Or I’m mislead?

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Quiver/Book back item comes from the Mystic Forge
the Exotic Back from the Fractal dungeon can be upgraded with 0 gold cost into an Ascended back via the Mystic Forge and the Gift of Ascension.
Rings come from Pristine Relics/lvl 10+ daily.

how exactly do you get the exotic back from the fractal dungeon? Is it a random drop?

I went to the website and everything I see require like 50 ecto and 250 tier 6 material.

best/easiest class for dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I want to start a new character. Mainly to do just dungeon. What class is the best or is the easiest to play for dungeon?

Karma Foods.

in Crafting

Posted by: laokoko.7403


how do you make karma food?

anything special about the toy maker's bag?

in Wintersday

Posted by: laokoko.7403


is it just another back item? The stats is low and I equiped it and dont’ see any cosmetic improvement too. So I should just vendor it if I’m high level?

Want to make sure I don’t do anything I would regret.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Would you rather have them remove the jumping puzzle and you have to earn it by actual pvp? I only did a few hours of world vs world, and unlike what you said badges actually drop in pvp. Just very slowly.

Maybe I’m not being clear… if I go into a JP and fight an invader one on one or 2 on one or 5 on 5 and I lose… fine! I don’t deserve to finish the puzzle. I should try again or move on, play more, get better etc…. no problem.

What I am saying is that it is GREIFING when 30 people from a Guild camp an area and kill people that are obviously just trying to get a reward from a puzzle that has no bearing on the WvW score.

I am not complaining because I got out played in PvP… I am complaining because it seems to be an acceptable pastime for Guilds to go out and harass other players for fun.

You think world vs world is ever fair? I can’t get my world completion too. The jumping puzzle is a reward for the server/group of people who take over the area. You are suppose to take over the area and get reward. I’m missing world completion just because my server havn’t been the top server for a while. All I can do is pray on the match making and my server come on top, or change server.

And the only thing you can do is hope your server is winning and you get lucky to do the jumping puzzle ( like everyone else is ). I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m saying you QQ too much. If your server never can take over the jumping puzzle area change server. That is the only thing you can do.

What??? As I said… We …. MY SERVER…. owned the area where the JP is located…. If the opposing server owned the area I wouldn’t have bothered and would expect to be ROFL stomped for trying. I was in JQ borderlands in an area where JQ controlled. That is not the issue…

The issue is that the battles and the attention of the Server Zerg was well south of the JP. A Guild Group from the opposing server managed to get up to the JP and camped out waiting for people to come. They were harassing players who assumed that since their server owned that area they could do the puzzle… what would you call that behavior?? It’s greifing … which is the point of this post.

Why bother, I wasted enough time on this. The problem with this forum is that even when someone posts something factual and logical it becomes a debate of opinions. If people in a Guild are organizing to harass other players whether it be in PvE or PvP it is greifing. Fact …. nuff said…. you should be ashamed of yourself if you engage in that type of behavior and it should be investigated by a GM and if found to be true you should get the ban hammer… period.

That make sense. Maybe those people can’t kill anything because your server is zering them and only way they can not get zerged is camp people doing puzzle. Working as intended. Joking aside what you said make perfect sense. People that dont’ want to pvp shouldn’t be forced to since it is the only way to get legendary item. If they would allow multiple path to earn legendary item. For example let people earn legendary through a lot of dungeon token, or a lot of pvp badge, or a lot of pure cash. That would probably be better, so people can stick with what they enjoy.

The main problem isn’t the griefing. You are in a pvp zone. The problem is you shouldn’t be there. If you dont’ have to be there this wont’ be a problem.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Would you rather have them remove the jumping puzzle and you have to earn it by actual pvp? I only did a few hours of world vs world, and unlike what you said badges actually drop in pvp. Just very slowly.

Maybe I’m not being clear… if I go into a JP and fight an invader one on one or 2 on one or 5 on 5 and I lose… fine! I don’t deserve to finish the puzzle. I should try again or move on, play more, get better etc…. no problem.

What I am saying is that it is GREIFING when 30 people from a Guild camp an area and kill people that are obviously just trying to get a reward from a puzzle that has no bearing on the WvW score.

I am not complaining because I got out played in PvP… I am complaining because it seems to be an acceptable pastime for Guilds to go out and harass other players for fun.

You think world vs world is ever fair? I can’t get my world completion too. The jumping puzzle is a reward for the server/group of people who take over the area. You are suppose to take over the area and get reward. I’m missing world completion just because my server havn’t been the top server for a while. All I can do is pray on the match making and my server come on top, or change server.

And the only thing you can do is hope your server is winning and you get lucky to do the jumping puzzle ( like everyone else is ). I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m saying you QQ too much. If your server never can take over the jumping puzzle area change server. That is the only thing you can do.