Showing Posts For laokoko.7403:

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


My take is always “if you don’t have any ar or exotic or whatever”… And you think that’s not a problem. Why not just find other people same as you and do the dungeon.

And the reality is it does matter. At least “the average people that do pass those gear check” usually perform better.

You called that elitism but I just call that you want to get carry. Else you can just go with people that won’t gear check you or have similar gear as you. Let me put it this way when I’m doing my daily fotm 10. I notice about half of the people dont’ have any ar. So I’m sure there are enough of people similar to you that you won’t have a problem finding a group.

Just like the complaint of berserker warrior/memser in cof? You meant to tell me you can’t find a cof group besides warrior/memser?

So ya I think you won’t have a problem finding a group. And if you only want to join the “gear checked” group, you are discriminating other people with similar ar or gear yourself.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I just think if their intention is to not forcing people do the same content over and over again

And they aren’t.

(Emphasis mine)

Ya I get it. I’m just saying there’s a huge percent the of gamers that always follow the most “lucrative” content. Maybe not you but many people do.

Why is everyone(loosely speaking) only doing the selective few content called fotm, petinent/shelter event, cof, ac? You get it right?

And there are far more people doing meta event now and I’m sure that’s because of the rewards getting better.

I understand you probably don’t play that way. I’m just saying there’s quite plenty of people that play that way.

Disagree with new Chest Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


i’m on sos. That’s one of the most populated server. And it’s populated enough that we get overflow sometime.

ya so I got no lag. I dont’ know why you get lag. My fps is fine and everything.

Just did jormag. no problem at all.

It’s weird when you mention lag. I thought it’ll be fps problem. Are you sure it’s lag and not your frame per second?

Disagree with new Chest Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’m sorry to hear. But I don’t have any problem. So if that’s not a computer spec or latency problem. I don’t know why I don’t have problem and you do.

What server are you on? Perhaps I can try your server.

ya my server is one of the most populated server so I dont think that help.

Only time I have any technical problem is when I got 50-100 people standing at a way point waiting for bounty to start, and there’s problem with culling.

But other then that, I dont’ think I have any “technical” problem, or anything major before.

So what exactly is your problem? “the lag”? “fps?”, “culling”?

I really never have any lag or fps due to too much people around. culling maybe but never lag or fps.

Disagree with new Chest Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya I mean if you find that a problem, you can always “guest” to the lower population server.

Get a better computer?

transfer to a lower population server?

I actually tried. I guested to Devona’s Rest to do Jormag, but the lag was terrible there. And I think it’s one of the lower-populated servers.

I also assure you, my computer’s specs are the least of my worries. But even then, getting better computers to compensate for Anet’s mistakes is not a good solution.

I’m sorry to hear. But I don’t have any problem. So if that’s not a computer spec or latency problem. I don’t know why I don’t have problem and you do.

Path 2 AC still bugged.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya I get that bug. I think we just have everyone do knockdown or whatever cc to remove the 4 stack of cc immune and it go back to normal.

Disagree with new Chest Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya I mean if you find that a problem, you can always “guest” to the lower population server.

Get a better computer?

transfer to a lower population server?

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya I mean, That’s a bit far fetch since people need to go to school or work in the morning. So I’m sure you won’t have problem finding people to do at night. And there is always oceanic server.

ya but anyway I dont’ really care. I just think if their intention is to not forcing people do the same content over and over again, an account bound DR make mroe sense.

and the actual reality is I always hear people yell, “SB is up, or maw is up, or jomag is up”. But I never heard people yell that for Grenth. So that “probably” isn’t the problem. The problem is people just find Grenth not as rewarding to do it.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Ya I mean it is getting a bit off topic. People dont’ run path 3 because it isn’t as rewarding. And most of the people who farm probably have a few alt so obviously they choose the easiest class to farm.

Just like I always choose my guardian to run harder dungeon.

That being said, class balance is a touching issue. I’m sure people know by now warrior is great for easy content since they get the high dps. And guardian is great for hard content since they are the best tanker.

Heck I run orr event with my thief since ya… They are good at it. So you get the idea.

and I do cof farm with my warrior. And with some long term farm friend. Can you blame them? It take them 1000+ cof run to get their legendary. Which is mostly what they are farming for.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I think the big reason is Anet want people to play alt for “game longevity” reason.

So if Everyone try to get 8 level80 Anet have their work cut out. And the actuality is this is one of the few games I see where there are so many people with multiple alt.

But I think ya, it make more sense for the event to be account bound.

Lvl 35s AC all paths

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


there is basically no difference between a level35 and a level80 character after they changed the down scaling a while ago.

You need to pick the right skill and weapon choice though.

AC-very frustrating

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I only ran it once and it’s smooth and easy. Playing a guardian helps. Just put up the wall and shield and the spider queen is a joke.

Your group is not bad. It’s just people dont’ understand easy mechanics. Quite simple when you figure out the right skill to use. Use feedback for memser or any projectile reflect for the first boss. Know to dodge when kohger raise his hand.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


The problem is people will always move to the “next easiest thing to farm for money”.

if they nerf all of that, I’m just back to farming orr and world event and never do dungeon again.

My personal suggestion is for “scavenge hunt” or “legendary armor” if they are implementing it. Force us to get token for every single dungeon. So people’ll have to do everything.

I remember Anet saying their revamp the dungeon as well as the reward for it. So I guess it’s a wait and see.

Guilds have earned 4 Commendations already.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Don’t make sense at all. I was watching twitch and the guild event designer says the guild commendation is weekly and reset at sunday.

So how is it possible people have 4?

The new AC...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Why do people keep saying not doable by level35….

After the recent change a few weeks to “downscaling” A level35 and level80 pretty much have similar stats.

Of course you need to choose the right skill with your limited skill point. But there really isn’t much difference.

If I would to creat a new level35, I could honestly say the difference compare to my level80 is very small.

“But” I think I could honestly say, any new players will porbabaly have a hard time. Since they dont’ know which skill to use and learn with their limited skill points.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I dont’ know what you guys talking about. You can talk tactics or build all you want. If the other 4 people in your group sucks it is really hard to pull of a dungeon.

That is the frustration with pug and for people farming money which is essentially the center part of the game.

Like I always says. In other game, I played through hard dungeon, do it a few times get the drop I want and I never have to go through again.

In this game, after a hundred times doing the same dungeon I still have to do it again. And tolerate hours of wiping because my pug groupmate have no idea what to do. I think that’s the problem.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

So now that AC is not good, recommendations?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya so I just tried AC yesteray and did path 1-3 with no wipe and hardly any death and I’m like…. is this even hard?

But back the the original topic. What’s wrong with the game isn’t the dungeon being hard. What’s wrong with the game is in this game we farm “gold”.

When they introduced the change to cof path 2, I just stop doing it. Since it isn’t a good way to efficiently farm gold since pug have a tendency of “taking too long”, or “have a chance of failure”.

I mean seriously, I dont’ mind doing a hard dungeon with pug a few times. But when I’m forced to do it everyday to buy the things I want, it become really frustrated when you ran the dungeon so many times already and have to to endure bad pug every single day “again”.

And just like the OP says, if a dungeon have a chance of failure, or take too long. People’ll just stop doing it, at least with pug. Since it is just an inefficient way to farm gold. They might run it a few times for fun. But certainly not everyday.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Feelings on Revamped AC dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


so I heard AC got harder so I come up to the forum QQ and crying…

and I entered AC, to my dismay, finished path 1-3 no wipe, hardly any death.

Oh my god, please make some hard dungeon so I can actually QQ and complain.

AC Revamp: Do not Listen to the Crying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


So basically dont’ do pug? that’s what the post seemed to be saying.

Oh my guild blah blah wipe over and over but now we are fine and it is easy that we can use low level.

If you would to run with pug and have to restart over and wipe over and over everyday it became quite frustrating. Ya either way just do with guild or dont’ do it at all.

Anyway I dont’ care. At most I’ll just do 2 more runs to get enough ac token for twilight and never do it again.

I never complaint about dungeon being too hard in other game. Because I never need to farm the same dungeon 500 times for money. I suppose that’s what really sucks about doing pug in this game….

“Oh I ran the same dungeon 500 times already. I still need to suffer about my group sucks and wipe over and over again”

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Help; I don't understand gem supply concept

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Well in that case, I want to know how many gems are available as supply.
Without this knowledge, and knowledge of how the gems come into existence the whole shebang is a farce. And what about when you buy gems with real money?—is the number of gems purchased subtracted from the supply pool on this occasion as well?

It’s like governments printing money whenever they like. I smell a big, dirty rat.

This is something I’ve always wanted to challenge as well. Without us seeing the Gem supply – it’s impossible to predict market value, quantity or if ArenaNet aren’t just rigging it.

Having come from Eve Online, I wanted to see Gems similar to their PLEX system; i.e physical items on the market to allow you to see just how many there are.

So what exactly do you think Anet could be rigging?

The only thing Anet cares is people are buying gems. And they didn’t kitten too many people off to quit with their cash shop.

And rigging don’t necessary meant bad, it’s like the goverment printing out cash analogy. Well governement is doing the right thing. That is needed to stabalize the economy.

If Anet find any need to add more gems in the market. Let them do it, keep the rate low. If Anet think the rate should be higher so maybe more people will buy gems. Let them do it. Either way if Anet dont’ make enough money, the players are the one getting punished in the end.

The thing to me is I dont’ know if Anet would step in to stabalize the market. But if they do, I might have to say thank you.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Help; I don't understand gem supply concept

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I think the truth is the gem price is set at whatever maximize Anet’s profit.

The supply/demand model make sense. And I’m sure that is what Anet is doing.

I’m just saying there is probably some fine tuning.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


a lot of people seem to play “the most rewarding thing” over and over again.
i know a rl friend thats like that.

do you really think anet can cure these people ? even if its 1 silver an hour more they will go there.
imo its better to clog them in one place so they dont affect too much the overall game.

It is indeed anet’s job to balance the content so people would do everything. The 1 silver comment is exaggeration. If the reward is balanced out, and diminishing return put in the right places. I do think people will do every content Anet have to offer.

The question is if Anet even want to do that. Since as we all know if the content is too spread out there wont’ be enough people to do the content.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


and all of that is needed to enjoy the game?


its needed if you are “dedicated” and enjoy that type of, hardcore playing.

Apparently for me, because there isn’t anything for me to do in the game. I’m sure Anet knows it, that’s why those items are in the game. And apparently there are many gold sink in this game, because so people can buy gem with real life cash. That’s the truth right? I didn’t design the game, Anet did. I’m just following what Anet want me to do. And apparently that’s what my friend is doing too. They farm gold everyday to buy all those things I listed.

If you don’t think I should play that way. Why do Anet introduced those in the first place. I didn’t put it there. Anet did.

I am happy that Anet does try to change though. I dont’ think doing the same 2 event over and over again is healthy. I like how Anet does try to push people to do various event now. And the introduction of guild event I’m quite happy. They are adding new content.

you can farm all you want! if you enjoy it its perfect.
i prefer 1h to do my daily and get further into map completion.
1h dungeons, 1h wvwvw.

game gives you many ways of playing it.
but if you are at the “need to farm 1000 gold stage”.
well sir, you played a lot! or are .. too smart!

either way, its all good.
but dont complain about the grind, its obvious a non randomized pve game will have it.
even if you have to play as much as a full time job to reach it.

ya I’m not you. you can play whatever way you like and I can play whatever way I like.

I’m not complaining about grinding. I’m telling you why people are complaining about grinding. And Anet does make a consicence effort to keep people like me and other people from grinding so we dont’ quit the game.

It is really the casual complaining right? look at the forum and how people complain about the various gold sink in the game.

I do think there need to be a change though. People shouldn’t be made to farm the same content over and over again. A balance in the reward so people will play various content is indeed needed.

100% map completion not going to happen.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


SoR was in tier 2, and Sos was never last place in tier 1. So ya, maybe something will change.

Sos probably fall to tier 2 soon. SoR should be dominating wvw in other tier before so that’s why they are in tier 1.

I don’t know if things will change. But they did before right?

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


and all of that is needed to enjoy the game?


its needed if you are “dedicated” and enjoy that type of, hardcore playing.

Apparently for me, because there isn’t anything for me to do in the game. I’m sure Anet knows it, that’s why those items are in the game. And apparently there are many gold sink in this game, because so people can buy gem with real life cash. That’s the truth right? I didn’t design the game, Anet did. I’m just following what Anet want me to do. And apparently that’s what my friend is doing too. They farm gold everyday to buy all those things I listed.

If you don’t think I should play that way. Why do Anet introduced those in the first place. I didn’t put it there. Anet did.

I am happy that Anet does try to change though. I dont’ think doing the same 2 event over and over again is healthy. I like how Anet does try to push people to do various event now. And the introduction of guild event I’m quite happy. They are adding new content.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Playing the events because they’re fun > Grinding the events for gold.

You’d think this would be a good change, BUT WAIT! People want the loot at the end of the tunnel, even though this game isn’t about loot…

600 gold for precursor. 2000+ gold for legendary. a few hundred gold for permanent merchant/bank/trader. 500 gold for total make over. insane price for culture item. Maybe 10,000+ gold for endless tonic from black lion chest. 100+ gold to infuse your backpiece for fotm. 30+ gold to transfer server. 100+ gold for small guild to do guild event. 50+ gold for some of the “skins”. 60+ gold to level alt through crafting. Expensive holiday exclusive items. Trying to collect miniature? Buying gem store skins? 100+ gold for small guild to buy influence to do guild event? Equiping your 8 alt with exotic equipment. Buying more bank/bag space.

The players didn’t introduced this. Anet did. So ya, if those won’t there in the game you made a point this game isn’t about loot. Gold is useful in this game. That’s why I farm it. And apparently many people do it too.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Selebrity I actually play the same as u.. Login for maybe 2 hrs, do daily, kill dragons and farm pent shelt to ensure I make a bit of gold… Now the dragons give better loot, I can do something else rather than pent shelt and not be too much worse off.. And maybe even enjoy it a lil more.. My point was that ppl complain about grinding, then complain about taking grinding away.. The biggest thing ppl were complaining about pve wise, was the crap precursor drop rate, and the dismal loot from chests and temple’s forcing ppl to grind pent shelt over and over and over… They have addressed this which in think is a good thing

Ya but how about bump every other thing in the game to give equal reward as penn/shelter so we dont’ need to grind instead of nerfing it. That’s what people trying to say.

We have to farm money. Everything in the game cost a bunch of gold. So instead of farmig 2 event 1000 times we need to farm 10 event 1000 times, you think that help? I think that’s what people is talking about.

I dont’ know how much the other event changed. If I can still net 4-5 gold an hour doing “the other event now”, I have nothing to worry about. But if they nerf pent/shelter, and we still only get like 1 gold per hour and we need to farm 1000+ gold for a legendary that really sucks.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I honestly dont’ see the big deal of joining a large guild.

And hey, I never have guild chat turned on unless I do guild event so when people are talking about all the guild drama, or whatever whatever, I don’t even know what people are talking about.

Besides your small guild of 7 or whatever people can join multiple guild. Just join a large guild for the event and rest of the time you can be in your tiny society of whatever chatting and do whatever thing you want.

I’m in a tiny society too. I play with the same 5 people every day and we are all in differnet guild.

You know what you guys should do? buy a vent channel. You can chat any time you guys want in your tiny society.

Dooh small guilds predominantly like to focus on achieving goals for their own group not be herded into larger guilds in order to just be able to the run content and stockpile points, gold and gear etc or others, many of whom rarely log on in such guilds and are faceless and voiceless…. otherwise what was the reasoning to allow more than 1 guild in the game to start with, why not just say “click here to join the GW2 Guild, called Destiny’s Edge” – - 1 guild, millions of members, 1 Guild emblem/ banner, PvP will be just become 1v1, WvW will become 1 guild vs another 1 guild from A N other server… you think that’s a healthy recipe for an MMO.. I will grant you it will likely still fit ANETS mandate to be differnet though I guess.

You dont’ want to get hand out by large guild? farm 2 hours. FARM 2 hours. That’s all you need to do.

Everyone only need to farm 2 hours. Buy influence and be done with that. but no… you guys keep complaining.

Seriously for once work for it. Form a nation. Get 10 small guild like yours and form a nation. Everyone contribute 1 gold and be done with that. You guys can be in your own little guild and only represent the nation when doing guild event. And there you worked for it.

There’s like a trillion work around. You said you want to work for it but apparently nop, you don’t.

And quite honestly I just think you guys who are complaining most likely guild leader are just affriad your guildmates might join a large guild and actually like it and never come back. I come from another game and like I said before, everyone want to be guild leader but no one want to work for it.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya I don’t see the big deal of joining large guild. Just turn off chat and buy a vent channel or something.

My guild chat is turned off 99% of the time. The people I regularly play with isn’t even on the same server.

And I’m sure someone said it before. “many” guilds dont’ require you to represent 100% of the time.

Put into the time to find a guild that dont’ require you to represent 100% of the time. Not that hard.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I honestly dont’ see the big deal of joining a large guild.

And hey, I never have guild chat turned on unless I do guild event so when people are talking about all the guild drama, or whatever whatever, I don’t even know what people are talking about.

Besides your small guild of 7 or whatever people can join multiple guild. Just join a large guild for the event and rest of the time you can be in your tiny society of whatever chatting and do whatever thing you want.

I’m in a tiny society too. I play with the same 5 people every day and we are all in differnet guild.

You know what you guys should do? buy a vent channel. You can chat any time you guys want in your tiny society.

Guild Missions scale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


and what’s wrong with joining a large guild.

I come from another game called atlantica online and everyone want to be a guild leader. Quite honestly I think that’s the problem. Everyone want to be the guild leader but no one willing to put in the time.

Anet fails once again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


look at it this way, if anyone can creat a 1 man guild and do guild event anytime they want and be rewarded greatly for it, it will surely result in abuse.

and seriously 2 hours of farming each member is all you need. I dont’ understand all the whinning and crying.

Anet fails once again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If your guild is active like you said every memeber can grind for 2 hours to farm enough gold to buy the influence.

Quite honestly, I was in a guild of 500 and they never have enough influence for anything, because people are so demanding to spend every bit of influence on wvw.

I’m in a new guild now, and actually have alot of influence because they never spend influence on anything beside magic find. and karma on weekend.

easy jumping puzzle?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: laokoko.7403


is there any easy jumping puzzle to do for the daily?

I never done any jumpin puzzle besides the one in wvw.

Are hardcore players this games worst enemy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I looked it the other way around. All the hardcore content revolve around farming gold. If this game isn’t so cater to casual, it probably wont’ be that way.

Everything are designed so casual can do it, so anything hardcore became a massively gold grind for legendary or for example 250 ecto for infused ascended backpiece.

Hey! let the casual do everything. For the hardcore people we just make them farm money like crazy. I dont’ know, but that sounds silly.

You dont’ need to play 10 hours a day to have the max stats gear. At most maybe 30-40 minutes doing your daily a day.

And just because I’m hardcore and play 10 hours a day dont’ mean I enjoy farming the samething over and over again. I want to see interesting content.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Make crafting profitable

in Crafting

Posted by: laokoko.7403


if people can click a button and make money everytime, they can just craft 100000000 of the same item and make infinit money…. So you get the idea why crafting “is hard” to make money.

Because anything that make money will result in other people mass produce it and undercut you.

World Completion Impossible Now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


It is “possible”. It just take a “very long time” to wait till your server move up and down the tier.

It might take month and month but most likely it should be possible.

Too much hype on playing the TP in this game

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’ll put it this way, I can only make 50 gold a day farming. Another guy is making 100+ gold a day doing TP while farming.

From what he told me, it’s not easy to make money from TP. You really are indeed only making 5-10% profit on every sale. “But” the catch is if you have 500 gold or 1000 gold, 5-10% of that is quite a bit of money. Which I suppose doesn’t help because if I have that much money, I’d have everything I want already.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

FotM Barrier to Entry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


^ ya I mean, what’s the point of fotm having level if any lvl0 person can just walk in and do fotm50.

But you have a good point. They might as well remove fotm level. I mean this is a game for casual right? Only hardcore content is farming 300 hours of gold for legendary.

FotM Barrier to Entry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


well, agony resistance dont’ even do anything for fractal level1-9.

And I just did a bunch of level10 daily a week ago. And as far as I’m seeing half the people dont’ have any agony resist.

Buying "The End Game."

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Why does it matter. Am I suppose to clap my hand when someone farmed cof path 1 1000 times or the same orr event 1000 times?

People who have legendary now either got them when they are cheap a long time ago, or isn’t thinking right. Legendary isn’t a sign of achievement. It’s a sign of you are very tolerable to doing the same boring content over and over again.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’ll stop posting. I just want to say if everything is casual what is there left for hardcore to do?

You meant to tell me the only thing hardcore to do is chase some prestage skins?

What if I don’t even want those skin? I’m not a cosmetic person. Anet want people to spend a few hundred hours farming for something they don’t even want?

Game feels incredibly anti-melee.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


That’s the reason why I use rifle so much on my warrior. I might as well rename my warrior to rifleman.

You can indeed melee. But most of the time, it is much safer to just rifle away. So I only melee when I know I’m donig easy things because I know I won’t die.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


so do you guys even play the game?

you guys act like daily is some sort of grind. I’m quite speechless.

If your leveling, you should do your daily regardless, the exp is great, the karma is great.

If you only wvw, you should get the 5 event done, which is the only thing on the daily list that actually take some time.

And if mmorpg isn’t about grinding gear. Why are you “grinding” gear. You should just care about playing and not worry about those insignificant amount of stats increase.

Because those stas increase is so insignificant that it doesnt matter. I mean I’m qutie hardcore and I do play video game way too much. If I dont’ even care, I dont’ understand why people hardly plays care.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


One topic that seems to be getting overlooked is the time investment to get these laurels and by extension ascended gear. A casual player will want to log in and play whatever aspect of the game he or she wants. A casual player doesn’t want to be faced with a chore that has to be completed every day. Another topic that keeps getting brought up is that casuals don’t need ascended gear. This is a terrible argument because everyone deserves to have top tier gear in this game. One of the design philosophies was that players would not need to endlessly grind to get the best gear. With the current implementation of the laurels it takes a month to get each item. That is certainly a grind and is made worse by requiring daily participation. A simple change would be to make ascended gear craftable thus removing the chore associated with the daily.

Grinding for a month for 1 piece of the best gear in game. I have no words to express how very much I wish EVERY game was this “difficult” in this aspect.

I do my daily regardlessly. The exp and karma is amazing.

It’s more like hand out. Even if you just wvw, you should get 5 event done easy, and the rest just take a little time.

I love this game. But this game is just too shallow because Anet have to cater to the casual players.

Like I said before, they might as well change the daily to logon, logoff and walk 3 step.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I never seen any mmorpg so casual as GW2, but I didn’t play GW1.

It is so casual I find it very shallow. Get full exotic 1 day after reaching level80. The stats difference between tier is bare minimum. Dungeon in general is too easy so pug can complete it. People just goof around for 30 minutes a day and get ascended amulet. And what the hardcore people get? Cosmetic tradmill which is just tedious grind for money to get a legendary skin which take like 300 hours. First of all I dont’ even know why I should get ascended since the stats difference is so small. Second of all, you want me to spend 300+ hours “of grinding” for a cosmetic item that barely look better than any other weapon in the game?

So ya people is right. GW2 isn’t casual. Since casual dont’ have 30 minutes a day to play and even that they dont’ have time to do daily… “Oh my god 10 second to craft 10 copper bar and 3 minutes to find water to kill water animal isn’t casual!”

And the problem? eventhough those casual players barely play, they still think they should have the same gear as those that plays 10 hours a day. I dont’ even know why they care, they barely plays, why does it matter? I don’t even know why they introduce ascended gear, there is barely any stats difference. I don’t even care. If not for those elitist gear checking for dungeon I won’t even bother with ascended gear. The only end game is tedious grind for money for a skin since they can’t add any content since you know… “those people that barely play can’t complete them”.

So people are right. GW2 eventhough is the most casual mmorpg “beside maybe GW1”…. still isn’t casual. Since casual don’t have time to play. Maybe they should change the daily to “logon”, “logoff”, and “walk 10 foot”. Or maybe not, those casual dont’ even have time to logon.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Dungeons punishing condition builds!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


It almost seems that having Zerker gear is a requirement on anything other than guard/necro.

I don’t know why you exempt necro. I was actually in rabid gear but switch to knight.

There is a few situation condition just don’t work well. Structure or last boss of dredge fractal? ya so I just switched to power build. If not for those I’ll stick with condition build.

"elitists lvl80 only" attitude lately

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Here is the thing though. No player under level 80 is in their top gear for their level. Nobody spends money on top gear for their level because that gear will become obsolete at each level up. So what this mean is sure a lvl 35 will have some lvl 35 gear, but most of their gear will not be lvl 35 simply because they cannot afford it or choose not to buy it because it will become obsolete quickly.

Not always true. I know many that re-gear every 5 or so levels into top gear. I, personally, kept good gear around from when I was levelling my other charas so I didn’t need to spend the money while still keeping my alts geared.

ya i think after the last patch the difference is more or less very minimum. There is a difference but it’s not much.

"elitists lvl80 only" attitude lately

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I compared my lvl32 memser in bad gear with my lvl80 warrior.

the stats is more or less teh same. My warrior got more crit chance but that’s it.

SO ya, peopel are right. there isn’t much difference.

"elitists lvl80 only" attitude lately

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


All I’m saying is there is a stats different between a level35 and level80, and the difference is actually quite large.

And to the previous person if you don’t know there is a stats difference and the stats difference is actually quite large, it makes me think you arn’t very experienced.

There is a stat difference, yes. With dynamic level adjustment, however, that difference is minimal to non-existant provided both charas are in top gear for their level.

This ^

I did AC naked back in September.

The disadvantage of having a lowie in your party:
lack of traits – always true
may lack some useful skills
may lack personal experience

Gear? Nonfactor when it comes to scaling down.

Someone did post the stats difference before. 50% more power, 3 times more crit, 2 times more toughness and defense. That is no difference? I dont’ know how much have change at the last update but the difference is huge before. After the last update I don’t know.

I congrat you being able to do ac naked. But untill you can solo ac naked I say there is a difference, since people can solo ac but I don’t think they can do it naked.

I don’t know what happen in the last patch someone fill free to post their level35 stats now so people can see it more clearing what really is the difference.

(edited by laokoko.7403)