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IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


You must be doing something wrong, because I have superior sigils and runs on most of my guys and I have a legendary and I’ve never spent time “farming” or selling gems for gold.

ya but a huge part is because it is cheaper to get legendary back a few month ago.

That being said, I estimate a legendary cost about 300 hours to get now. You really need to farm 1 hour a day for 10 month. Depend how you look at it.

You really only need to make 8 gold a day and in half a year you can afford a legendary. Well, that’s probably how Vayne get his legendary.

I got my legendary by playing the game. When I get ectos I tend to throw them into the mystic forge with coins and skill points in order to produce tier 6 mats. I have far more clovers than I need, but seeing as it’s so easy to get ectos these days (the maw, the wurm, the shadow behemonth, the dragons etc) I just get ectos from salvaging golds. I do also help guildies with dungeon runs and fractals which makes me money and gets me rares or very rarely exotics.

Build up a bunch of ectos, do dailies and monthlies for coins, do events for karma (it helps that I enjoy events) and get skill points, even on alts, to use the 10 mystic clover forumula. Sometimes you get junk, sometimes you get 40 vials of powerful blood or 36 elaborate totems. It all counts.

Do your 9 dungeon runs, farm in WvW while you’re getting your badges (jumping puzzle chests can give you rares too).

The hardest part, of course, is the precusor. I was lucky enough to have one drop. If that hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have my legendary. On the other hand if that hadn’t happened, I probably wouldn’t be worrying about a legendary.

Another cheap trick is that if you want to go for a legendary and don’t want to spend a fortune for a precusor, look at the underwater ones. The precusor for kraitkin, for example, was 22 gold the last time I priced it. My wife bought it a couple of days ago for 25 gold.

So you can have a legendary, just maybe not the greatsword.

That is a really long way of saying I take my time and get my legendary slowly.

The reality is you can farm 10 hours a day for 1 month, or 1 hour a day for 10 month. It is really the same thing.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


^ ya but have you said anything negative about GW2 before. Or even anything you disagree with the game design philosophy?

I mean I love this game, that’s why I’m playing it instead of other game. But even so I try to give as much unbias discussion as possible.

Not only that I try to include and care about other people’s playstyle.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I just use major sigil to be honestly.

I only use good items on the character I play the most.

The only time I believe min/max is actually useful is when you fight 1vs1 in wvw. And that dont’ happen often.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


^ Ya I mean I don’t think Anet cares that 1% of the players are super rich from TP flipping, or 5% of the players are rich from farming.

But they do care most of the players arn’t rich. Else who are they selling the gems to?

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


You must be doing something wrong, because I have superior sigils and runs on most of my guys and I have a legendary and I’ve never spent time “farming” or selling gems for gold.

ya but a huge part is because it is cheaper to get legendary back a few month ago.

That being said, I estimate a legendary cost about 300 hours to get now. You really need to farm 1 hour a day for 10 month. Depend how you look at it.

You really only need to make 8 gold a day and in half a year you can afford a legendary. Well, that’s probably how Vayne get his legendary.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’m perfectly fine with people being richer than me, I hate everyone to be forced into their play style because they chose to screw with the economy though.

Screw up the economy for what?

If material is cheap, its’ true people can’t make “money”, but everything is cheaper too, so you need less money.

Do you think the drop in ecto price make it easier for crafter to make money?

And you talk about the economy 8 month ago when the game is out. The game is just out, of course the economy isn’t stable.

Nothing you said even make sense.

Ane the reality? Believe or not there really isn’t that many farmers. Not only that how does the farmer screw the economy? Most of the farmers are working on legendary. So they won’t cause the material price to go down. “Since they need the material”.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

So is crafting worth it yet?

in Crafting

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If crafting is always profitable, I’ll just craft 1000 of the same item and undercut everyone of you.

I think finding ways to stop people from mass production is a good step.

Take for example I find a jewel craft recipe from a dungeon. And I can make money of it, since there is far less competition.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Like you know anything about economy. You said lower material price make it harder for normal player to buy exotic. When in reality nothing changes. Since lowering material price lower the price of exotic.

except that in reality that didn’t happen at the start of the game.
Exotics getting dropped as loot means that community puts a certain value on dropped exotics that make crafters unable to raise their prices above it (because they require ectos it often means that they end up losing money) and mat prices don’t influence them that much.

I dont’ know what you mean start of the game. If you mean like 8 month ago, I dont’ think anyone care about 8 month ago.

First you say, normal players can’t buy exotic since farmers deflate material price so normal people can’t make money. After it you say farmers cause excess amount of exotic, so exotic is too cheap?

Come on, please make up your mind.

Crafter can’t make money because there’s too many crafter competing against each other. If there’s more exotic drop there is bound to be many rare drop too which drop the price of ecto. You have to come up with every excuse which serve no purpose right?

The moral of story is people can’t stand other people being richer than them that’s it.
It’s like the “Oh I don’t farm. So I don’t want to see other people that can farm that can get richer than me”.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Farming is actually getting easier.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


well do you actually do it yourself? Your telling people to spend real money, but you never said if you do it yourself.

How to CoF P1 Gate controller with a mesmer?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I don’t know but there’s a cheap way to do it as any class. Spend 1 silver on summoning pet, flame elemental or ogre pet.

You won’t necessary do it fast, but you’ll do it easily.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Can anyone actually tell me what farming nerf there is for this patch?

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


because it changes the economy for the rest of us?

Like you know anything about economy. You said lower material price make it harder for normal player to buy exotic. When in reality nothing changes. Since lowering material price lower the price of exotic.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


because, I don’t know, you enjoy the content? Or is it everything about money to you?

or I don’t know. Why do you care that other people are farming money for a piece of skin.

If it is lame to care only about money. It is more lame to care other people are farming for a piece of skin.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


DR gets taken off, farmer farms all mats, a normal player collects the mats while playing normally, farmer brings the mats price down, normal player can’t get money by selling what he collected now, normal player can’t get exotic jewels unless he has jewel-crafting and can’t afford exotic weapons unless he has the proper weapon crafting profession, because mats are now dirt cheap. Exotic armor can still be gotten with karma, so that’s not a problem.

That is why they have a great material sink called legendary. And there is another farming place called dungeon which drop silver.

And what you says dont’ even make sense. If material price goes down, so does the exotic items. The crated exotic item price really follow the mateiral price isn’t it?

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Equal footing for what? Only thing large gold is need for is a few skins, some fluffy item and some convenient item.

You might as well say people who spend real money makes the game unfair.

getting exotic weapons and jewelery?
How many people do you think actually exchanges gems to gold? I know nobody that does that. There’s no need.

Getting a full set of exotic cost like 40 gold. I’m in full exotic 1 day after I reach level80.
What is the DR suppose to fix? People getting full exotic in 2 days instead of 1?

I already told you the only way to buy gems with gold is because there are people selling the gems with gold. Else where do you think those gems on the exchange system come from.

Even if you neglect the gem system, there are people buy gem store item directly with cash right? That is unfair advantage.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


what would happen in your opinion if farming was made really profitable, but some people wouldn’t want to do it? How much on an equal footing would they be do you think?
And like I said regarding loot/ gold, the balancing should be done very carefully.

Equal footing for what? Only thing large gold is need for is a few skins, some fluffy item and some convenient item.

You might as well say people who spend real money makes the game unfair.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


@ Mirta:

The devs even disagree with you, they once said something like “we sympathize, we are gamers too and some of us love to farm, it should be there for these people”

I can’t remember where it was said, but I thought it was Colin saying it in some podcast

ya I mean, legendary give people a reason to farm. Else farming serve no purpose.

I think grinding is just part of every mmorpg. And that’s something mmorpg players have to accept.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’m sorry but where did Anet say that gems aren’t unlimited. I’ve never seen anything to suggest that. Do you have a quote?

Quite honestly I can’t say for sure. This topic comes up a few times on the black lion forum. From memory, base on the replys by John I believe it is limited.

But if gems are unlimited. Doesn’t that mean Anet just set the exchange rate to anything they want?

Since the whole point is people buy gem with real life cash sell that for gold, that is what set the rate.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


So where is all the gem supply come from? Obviously someone buys gem and sell them for in game gold, else there will be no supply. Unless you think there is a conspiracy theory.

I think you just experienced a severe brain fart. Gems are unlimited. They don’t require to be bought and sold.

You should post that in the trading post forum and have John answer your question.

So basically gem exchange rate is a conspiracy theory. And Anet just change gem exchange rate to anything they want?

nope. When gold gets exchanged the rate goes up. When gems get exchanged the rate goes down. However the number of gems is unlimited. We’re not betting on 100 out of 10 000 gems. Nobody gets the “sorry we ran out of gems” message either.

Shouldn’t it work like this? If there are almost no gems. The price reach infinity and no one is able to buy gem because it is so expensive.

What you are saying is really a consipiracy theory. And Anet basically set gem price to anything they want.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I support the anti-farming measures and hope they don’t something about CoF path 1 sooner rather than later.

I can honestly tell you the real rich people are the TP flippers.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


So where is all the gem supply come from? Obviously someone buys gem and sell them for in game gold, else there will be no supply. Unless you think there is a conspiracy theory.

I think you just experienced a severe brain fart. Gems are unlimited. They don’t require to be bought and sold.

You should post that in the trading post forum and have John answer your question.

So basically gem exchange rate is a conspiracy theory. And Anet just change gem exchange rate to anything they want?

If you want to defend Anet, that is probably not the best thing to say.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’m saying it is easy using the gem store

what rational human being would pay thousands of dollars for a virtual effects sword? Nobody buys a legendary trough gems.

So where is all the gem supply come from? Obviously someone buys gem and sell them for in game gold, else there will be no supply. Unless you think there is a conspiracy theory.

But I think the truth is grind is a necessary evil. Many of my friend quit after they get their legendary. Many of my friend quit because they give up on legendary and dont’ know what to do.

Hack, I havn’t logon for a few days because I find no reason to grind any more. I farmed enough money to buy 7 personal bank express, 1 personal trading post, 2 perosnal merchant. 15k gem, 700 gold.

In the end I dont’ want to farm any more. Not because I dislike farming, it is because I dont’ know what I’m farming for.

The reality is beside Anet want to sell gem, they have to make grind as tedious as possible because they dont’ want people to run out of goals and quit.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If you’re auto-attacking then you’re doing something wrong.

I know this is pre quickness nerf. At best I see the damage is similar. I’m not sure how you make the conclusion auto attacking is wrong.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya that test is quite good. But a few things you don’t consider. you “only” auto attack with axe and use OMM since in a full warrior group you don’t need to press 2 and 4. The axe dps build have 30 in the first tree. And in cof you can have another dps boost from sigil of night.

And I’m not sure why his using 20/0/0/20/30 when he did his axe test?

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


The other video is pre quickness nerf. But it have 12 second slavedriver kill with no time warp. And last boss is like 10 second. Strife’s video take like 18 second on the last boss. The last boss isn’t stuck to the wall is it?

The truth is I don’t know. I’m more inclined to believe axe have more dps because I actually tried it. Base on my limited observation which could be wrong.

But that’s not the point. Did you guys ever tried it? If you tried it and tell me you think swaping is faster I’ll believe you.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


You didnt take a careful look to that thread it seems, because the fastest video in there is recorded from a GS/axe mace warrior perspective.

There is only 2 video. One is from strife group, the other is from phira group.

Strife’s group shows the fastest complete video pre quickness. And he swap. But phira’s group have the fastest boss kill which show dps. They do indeed use GS/axe but they only use GS for mobility but only attack with axe.

I’m actually in the video. How am I not paying attention.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


No. Warriors use greatsword with axe/mace as their swap. They do not just stand there attacking with axe. They swap to axe after the hundred blades / whirlwind combo for eviscerate. They also swap to it if they need to stun their target.

People are free to play however they want. If they prefer a certain setup then so be it. It’s their choice.

I heard it like 1 billion times. I’m not saying you are wrong but how do you even prove your right.

My button line is

Out of my 1500+ cof run with various group, like 10 ash of effigy recipe, I would say the fastest group I ever run with pretty much are all axe warrior only.

I’m more incline to believe people on the post I just linked. Because they are people actually bother to test things instead of just listening to people.

It’s just my guess but the thing is you never did any dps test or math calculation right? I’ll believe you if you say you actually test it, but my guess is y ou never test it.

Chaos in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I won’t exactly call it bad decision. The button line is this game is designed to be casual, and inclusion.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


GW2 is NCSOFT via ArenaNet, not Nexon. Nexon does own 15% of NCSOFT however but 15% does not buy anyone controlling interest.

And I apologize for viral marketing a Nexon game on NCsoft forum.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Guys seriously... economyclash

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Ultimately, legendary is expensive is because Anet want players to farm. It have nothing to do supply/demand, or player setting the price right?

Wow. Just… wow. Part of me thinks that you just don’t understand how markets work. I’ll leave it at that.

Why are we even talking about market, economy or whatever.

Anet want to keep players playing that is why they make goals so unreachable. That is all it is. It is same as every mmorpg. Try to read your own signature, “I swung a sword, I swung a sword again…”

The buttom line is mmorpg are grindy. That’s it. What does that have anything to do with the market. Legendary is grindy because Anet want it to be grindy, so they can keep people playing without running out of goals.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


^ That is the nice way of saying it. The evil way of saying it is Anet is doing what every mmorpg company is doing. Make goals so unreachable because they don’t have the resource to make enough content to keep people playing.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Think about it this way. What is farming? What is grinding? The only reason why someone would raise an issue about “farming” or “grinding” is because it’s not PLAYING. It’s not playing and having FUN! You want to minimize this unfun experience, right?

Exatly, nothing wrong with what you are saying.

On the other hand, I can minimize my unfun experience by just playing another game if I have to.

People have different value of their money and time. Everyone’s perspective is different.

Quite honestly, if I really have to dump 300$ – 600$ on a mmorpg, I’ll still be playing Atlantiac Online. That is another of Nexon’s game. I wouldn’t be playing GW2. That’s all I’m saying.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Quite honestly, beside getting full berserker and ruby orb, you really have to test out what you like.

Take for example, if you are in those elitist group, they will tell you to attack with axe only, OMM, healing signet, might signet, FGJ. But in reality most of the time I use mending, shake it off, GS for attacking and axe/sword warhorn for mobility. You can’t expect all pug to be that good.

It really depend on your party. Quite honestly if my group is really bad, I would use shake it off with lung capacity.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If you think outside of the box you can just play another game or better yet spend real money on other form of entertainment.

Not that GW2 is a bad game or anything. But I can find other games as fun as GW2 or other form of entertainment if I have to spend 300$ on precursor or 600$ on a legendary.

why the hell would you buy legendaries with money? And why do you have to do so?
This says more about you as a player, than about a game.

I’m responding to the guy above me. Why dont’ you respond to him instead of me.

I’m saying the exact same you are telling me to the guy above me.

The only reason I’m playing this game instead of other subscription game and f2p games is because it is cheaper.

That being said, if people is rich, I dont’ see anything wrong with them sending cash to Anet.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If you think outside of the box you can just play another game or better yet spend real money on other form of entertainment.

Not that GW2 is a bad game or anything. But I can find other games as fun as GW2 or other form of entertainment if I have to spend 300$ on precursor or 600$ on a legendary.

And I hope I can have your job. 27$/hr is pretty good pay.

Guys seriously... economyclash

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


This is sounding more like “entitlement”. You want to have an easier time to get something that is rare. But realize that if Anet gives a rare item a drop rate increase, it no longer becomes rare.

I didn’t even say there’s anything wrong with legendary being expensive. A few of my friend stop playing after they get their legendary. Maybe Anet did the right thing.

I just think people is a bit naive when they say Anet dont’ have anything to do with the GW2 economy. Even the US economy isn’t completely free. If it is, we should have a recession right now. The government obviously have influence on it.

Why bother hier economist, monitor item price, cashshop manager if Anet can’t influence item price or gem price.

Ultimately, legendary is expensive is because Anet want players to farm. It have nothing to do supply/demand, or player setting the price right?

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Guys seriously... economyclash

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Actually, those factors are not controlled and regulated by ANet. They are factors of player behavior.

I understand what you are trying to say. But you can’t change human behavior.

You can’t creat a weapon that do more damage or a skin that looks really good, and don’t anticipate people want it.

That look more like the “fix factor” of the equation. So why are we spend so much time talking about something you can’t change. Instead we should be talking about the things we can change which is drop rate, gold sink, material sink etc.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Guys seriously... economyclash

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Ecto price was like 35 silver a while ago? A simple desicison to make rare drop in world chest and guild event make it flunk to 20 silver. Amazing eih?

Anet doesn’t even need to make a concrete change. The announcement that boss chests are per account instead per character jumped ecto prices from 25 to 30s for a while. The way the player base reacts is pretty cool.

Exactly my quote: “But price is really set base on the difficulty to get, usefulness of item, prestage of item, and market anticipation.”

I even include market anticipation.

Guys seriously... economyclash

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


From the tone of your post, I do believe you’re serious about this.

ANet has the ability to control supply and demand to some degree through various mechanisms (drop rates, recipes, etc.). They do not, however, have any say with respect to pricing policies for non-gemstore items. This is entirely player driven.

Completely agree. A player driven economy. I’m just pin point the part, Anet has the ability to control supply and demand to some degree through various mechanisms.

Ecto price was like 35 silver a while ago? A simple desicison to make rare drop in world chest and guild event make it flunk to 20 silver. Amazing eih?

Guys seriously... economyclash

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


You said Anet controls the price, then you said players do, then go back to saying Anet does. /confused

That means players do indeed set the price. But price is really set base on the difficulty to get, usefulness of item, prestage of item, and market anticipation.

Those criteria are controlled and regulated by Anet.

Even in the real world, goverment can regulate the economy to a certain extand. That is expecially true in a mmorpg world where Anet can set item drop rate to anything they want.

Ecto price flunk because Anet make it more easy to get and they didn’t create new use for ecto. The players dont’ control that?

Guys seriously... economyclash

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If you don’t want us to farm, why do u make legendaries so expensive? Do you want us to buy gems to convert? It seems like it…

ANet doesn’t set BLTC prices, players do.

That is like saying China have a free economy.

The change in ecto price already showed Anet can change the price of any item to anything they want. What more proof you need?

Now, I’m not saying legendary should be cheap. I’m saying the conversation about players set price is moot.

The players do ultimately set the price of item. But I’m pretty sure Anet already knows what the price will be because they control it.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Too much supply. Not enough demand.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Why should the prices on these go up? To screw over players that are low-leveled and drain them of all their funds so they don’t have money to buy end-game gear when they hit 80?

I’m not asking for them to go up. I’m stating that the economy is worthless because of this. It’s not always about making a profit, but trying to balance the economic state of the game. What’s the point of having all these items in the game if they are useless? That’s what i’m trying to get at.

Those item are not useless. I like them being dirt cheap. If only everything in this game is dirt cheap, players won’t need to grind that much.

millions of excess silk scraps/thick leather

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Maybe it suggest people should vendor it.

New items: temporary or permanent?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Are the new items temporary or permanent? Im not asking about the ones that have in their description “available for a limited time”, but the ones that doesnt. More specific:

Quaggam Killer Whale Backpack Set/Cover and the Charr equivalent
Sonic Tunneling Tool

Would love to see an official answer.

Make you guess right?

Should I spend my money investing on this item to flip or…

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I have been in both EQ and WoW riading. I had the most fun in EQ’s period

So you can clearly understand not all raid content is the same.

EQ raid is differnet than wow raid. Just like GW2 raid is different compare to the other.

And since you prefer the EQ type of raid over Wow. You should appreciate there are people like you too. There are people that prefer other type of raid compare to the GW2 type of raid.

So when people complain there is no “other type of raid content they want”, you should appreciate what they are talking about.

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If this is not “raiding” then what the heck have been doing in other MMOs for the past decade ore more? (EDIT: side note: actually been in MMOs for 20 years. Raiding didn’t start til 4 years into EverQuest after launch)

I thought I was raiding

Ya but do you think the raid (if you want to call it) in GW2 ressemble anything like the raid in “the other AAA mmorpg”(I don’t want to call out names seems that is like viral marketing).

The definition don’t matter. Some people want the “type of raid” that is in other mmorpg which GW2 dont’ have.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I see people doing the temples and event chains all the time. The only time I ever have a problem forming a group for them is at 2:00 AM.

ya I see it quite often too. My guildmates yelled when people are doing temple events and it happen quite often.

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Raiding is post- temples not pre – temples.

Stop making assumptive states

I don’t think the terminology matters.

Even if you call it raiding. Do you think the GW2 raid look anything similar to the raid that is in other game? At least to me it is very different. And “some people” (not necessary you or me) want the sort of raid content that is in other game.

And there is a GW2 video, where the GW2 designer said themself this game have no raid. So even the game desginer don’t call that raid.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Raiding - endgame is there but never played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


These events in orr are very boring, which is why nobody does them.

Almost every raid in almost every other MMO is very boring too, the only thing that makes them interesting is Teamspeak.

Ya but that is to you. And I’m sure there are many people like you. But you can’t speak for everyone can you?

Shame almost every major town is so dead...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


this game need like 100 million players to fiill every city, every zone and every …. map is too large.