AB doesn’t generate gold. You people need to stop harping on this, it’s a red herring. It may even sink some gold because of salvaging costs and fewer keys are given out from metas than farming would require.
See, no coin.
You are correct that massive amounts of gold are not be made out of thin air from AB.
But getting 50 rares a run and selling some and salvaging for ectos then selling that on the TP to other players that are not interested in AB or don’t own HoT. They are getting wealthy by selling those items to player base as a whole however large this player base is verses the AB farmers.Yes, but you’re not printing money, you’re exchanging it. Exchanging money doesn’t cause inflation, generating it does.
I think that’s too much simplify of economic model. Because porpotion of rich and poor people can also affect the price of luxury items without having an inflation.
Weather better farming methods have an effect on gem price I don’t know.
It’s interesting how cheap it is to buy a legendary now. I think people having a well paid job can probably buy a legendary with 1 day work. That being said legeandary seems increase in price also.
The game gets much easier when you unlock your mobility masteries.
I was having trouble getting to places without high level gliding. That’s why I have such a hard time.
But after I unlock the masteries each HOT maps took me roughly 1 hour to complete on alts. Hope this can be encouraging to people because it do get easier.
I am glad I got a permanent bank license. But quite honestly all it do is save you a few second when going to the bank.
I don’t think it is something you should get angry over.
I have the karma converter.
There may seem many good rewards, but the chance of it dropping good rewards is actually rare everyday.
I do think it is a good fun item though, and I’m glad I get it.
It’s good to hear Anet is doing well. And I’m eager to see what Anet will bring the next expansion.
I only bought the permanent bank license since I’m such a nice guy. I don’t like people waiting for me when I grab things from the bank. It’s not that useful.
The permanent hair license, I also bought. I think I used twice in my life time.
I’ll wish everyone good luck and hope this won’t discourage people from progressing. As GW2 is really one of the better game on the market.
When you say you only need 5 mastery from adventure, do you mean you only need to get gold in 5?
Quite honestly, I’m not sure I’ll ever get HOT done, I can’t even finish hero’s challenge. At least anet gate the content enough, lesser people will complain about nothing to do.
The adventures are really annoying. I don’t particulary enjoy it.
I have a hard time loggin in already. And when I log in, I’m doing something which is more annoying than fun.
Not to mention, when I’m finally hooked it’s night time in VB, and I logout.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
You get a box which gives you 10 silver a day. You are better of spending that 20 second of your day mining a rich mineral ore.
Weird thing is the raffle happened before have no effect on the shield price.
But either way, it don’t matter. Anet can affect the price either way. For example they can release it again in the mystic forge.
Presumably you are from EU. I think many of the response isn’t from EU.
It’s really hard to tell about population because megaserver kind of bring people together.
I’m not sure what job you have that you need to save 10$ to buy some skin. Unless you live in a third world country.
If you mean you can’t save enough in game gold to buy gem, that’s precisely the point. Better pull out that credit card…
I think where you stand might matter.
I usually get suck in when I melee. But when I range from a distance I rarely get suck in.
I’m not sure where the whirl thing spawn. Maybe the whirl thing spawn where most people is standing. Try not to scatter too much.
Super stoked you guys decided to do this. That doesn’t mean it was handled the right way though. The skins that were added to the forge are skins people could buy even if they were prohibitively expensive. The skins that should be added are the pvp skins that are still totally unobtainable right now. This is another 1 step forward 2 steps back issue. It feels like everything that is being done is for ArenaNet’s real world economy and little to no thought is given for the skins that players want that they cant obtain. Please correct this.
PS you really screwed over those of us who used these items as investments. When the market has no laws, why should we invest our time in playing your market? There’s no certainty that there are any fundamental rules in place. The market laws just change on a developer whim and that’s disappointing for those of us who find the market game exciting. Just food for thought.
Anet is kind of like the government. Their policy change can make some investor royaly rich or screw over people.
You have a high chance to get really lucky or really unlucky if you use the 10@ a time recipe.
I would suggest using the 1 clover recipe if you want more consistent results.
you can try gathering. problem is you really need a bunch of characters to do it.
I don’t understand why either. There was a post very long time ago explaining it . From what people is saying it is normal though.
Basically the game changed over time. Some things you used to do before you can’t do it now. There wasn’t wardrobe system before. You can apply skins to white weapon and sell I think. Or something like that.
It’s a very good point.
It don’t bother me though, because I’m accustomed to pay 15$ a month for mmorpg, and pay 50$ expansion. Since that’s previously what every mmorpg is doing.
So I actually felt GW2 is a very good deal.
But if you come from a different back ground, you might felt differently. For example if you mostly play MOBA, you’ll felt differently. Or you might have a feeling you can get better worth playing other single player game or different genre of games. Which is valid points.
the community wants a whole boatload of things, like mounts, housing, and god knows what else. your reasoning still doesnt make sense.
My question is this. What reasoning? I’m asking why or why not people say it will or won’t work.
All I said is that saying “too easy to level as it is” is not a valid argument for this thread due to all the easy leveling MMO’s having this service. Just because another MMO has it and a player suggesting it doesn’t mean that player is putting up the argument" they have it so why don’t we?" At least I think that is what you’re suggesting with your comments.
The game already have it. It’s just not cheap. It’s the luxary for people who spend a bunch on black lion key.
You should probably also state what you think is a fair price.
If you spend 400$ you should have enough tome of knowledge to actually do it.
I’m actually paranoid enough I scanned with other virus program.
I think it is a false positive too, but you can never be too safe. I don’t see how a response from anet saying they have checkef the page and see there is no problem hurt though.
I sent a false positive report to bitdefender.
I’m just saying if there really is no problem. Anet should come out and say their page have no problem. And it is “indeed” a false positive.
I know there is a post up already. Can Anet give a reply please.
Just want the confidence there is no problem on Anet’s end. I unblocked the Anet’s page which Bit defender says have problem, and get pretty paranoid because of it.
I turned the block back on, but is still worried.
think it’s problem with bit defender. I can access it if I disable bit defender. I’m not sure you should disable it too though. Or just wait till bit defender or Anet sort it out.
Check the account problem page. There are people with similar problem. Most likely a false alarm since no other virus scan seems to alert the problem.
The thing is Anet comes out to say they put very little resource in making raids.
If that’s the case, I really question what Anet is doing for the dungeon and fractal community for the past 3 years.
I really haven’t tried the raids, but I don’t think dungeon and raids are really the same thing. Dungeon difficulty is usually doable with pug. Raids you pretty much need an organized group. Else they could just call it 10 man dungeon, which Wow have when it first come out.
I think many dungeon and raid group overlap though. So if Anet really don’t want to put resource in the dungeon group, it’s probably necessary they make raids.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
In a recent reddit survey 70% of the people who answered said they’ve tried raids. Now I don’t believe that is an accurate number but I wouldn’t be surprised if 10%-15% of the active players do raids regularly. If 6/300 anet employees (that’s 2%) are developing raids I don’t see a problem here. A small group of people makes awesome content for a decent amount of players.
Be mad at the people who are making casual content if you really have to be angry all the time. The raid team just seems to have their formula down so why should they make content slow if they can make it fast.
That don’t have anything to do with the topic.
The OP is asking for non raid way to get legendary armor.
I’m really surprised with that many people raided on the poll.
Either way I’ll be surprised if legendary armor is going to be easy. I doubt 70% of the gw2 population will be running around in legendary armor.
Watching how so many mmorpg have failed or even shutdown. I would say Anet is actually doing a really well job.
I was just reading the news about EQNext being canceled.
Totally agree with this, WVW has acknowledged major issues and needs the lov next, and its a big part of the end game. As for raids, as long as the investment is proportional to the target demographic all is well., and with the GW2 Payment model that will happen natural – they have to.
With 32 active zones, fractals, dungeons (i still do em, im not worries about gold per hour), WVW, PVP, legendaries, map rewards, achievements, long term viable crafting goals, holiday events, guild activites. ive got more than any other 3 year old mmo I have played, and I can take a holiday at any time and know my character will still be there when i come back and wont be screwed by some power curve.
What we do see here is a lot of players that don’t get that a MMO game cannot be the perfect game to all players at the same time and generally act like spoiled children stamping their feet because the game doesn’t perfectly match their personal vision of a game while not willing to invest energy thinking about why that could be.
That’s true. It’s really hard to please everyone. But at the same time, if you kittenes enough players, there is a certain amount of players gone.
I don’t know if what anet is doing is a good thing. They are the ones with all the datas. They are doing ok judging from NCSoft’s financial reports. But at the same time, GW2 is probably at a crucial moment, since not many mmorpg survive after 3 years.
let’s assume it really is only 6 out of 300 developers working on raids.
my question is if it is so easy what the hack is the dungeon and fractal team doing for the past 3 years.
My whole thoughts is raid is necessary because instanced group content is very lacking in gw2.
It doesn’t effect the casual community because they can… oh I don’t know… not raid…
And not get the Stuff.
Yeah, putting cool things behind raids do not affect non-raiders in the slightest. Because they can, i don’t know, not get the cool stuff (and be happy, because reasons).Seriously?
i think many people’s assumption is just because you raid, you will get legendary armor.
it might not even be true. depends on anet’s decision legendary armor could be so difficult most people raiding still can’t get it.
to be fair i have a job too but a boyfriend that plays gw with me.
anyway the raids don’t require 8 hours a day. our guild dedicate 2 hours 3 days a week to the raids. the raid don’t reset daily, so you have a full week to complete it.
really it’s not a matter of time. although it is a fair matter of skill, so i would suggest not to pug it.
there are a lots of video about those fights that you can watch in your spare time to see what your role can be.
and finally, as you described how you play, you really don’t need a legendary armor, actually, no one needs one to be fair. even though you should be able to switch stat with it, the way you play i don’t think you change build that often and you can always try new builds in exoticI don’t think it’s so much about time required, it’s more about commitment.
if a raid is scheduled at certain time, you better be there, else you won’t have a slot next time.
yes, it’s like when you decide to hang out with friends, you decide to commit a night out with them and to do so you don’t pick other dates with other people…
but you hang out in a mmo instead. but i don’t see why it is ok to go to the cinema and not ok to decide to spend 2 hours in a raid
I never said there is any thing wrong with it. Some people like to commit to a schedule every week some don’t.
Some people like to play whenever they like. It’s how people choose to live their life.
If legendary armor is such a non factor, why does it have to ne exclusive to raids. That is the question.
Most likely is because if it’s not exclusive. Raids would be dead already just like dungeon. Because reality is almost all the players are just farmers.
to be fair i have a job too but a boyfriend that plays gw with me.
anyway the raids don’t require 8 hours a day. our guild dedicate 2 hours 3 days a week to the raids. the raid don’t reset daily, so you have a full week to complete it.
really it’s not a matter of time. although it is a fair matter of skill, so i would suggest not to pug it.
there are a lots of video about those fights that you can watch in your spare time to see what your role can be.
and finally, as you described how you play, you really don’t need a legendary armor, actually, no one needs one to be fair. even though you should be able to switch stat with it, the way you play i don’t think you change build that often and you can always try new builds in exotic
I don’t think it’s so much about time required, it’s more about commitment.
if a raid is scheduled at certain time, you better be there, else you won’t have a slot next time.
Probably a bit of mixed feeling.
I don’t think GW2 having raid is a good idea. But if GW2 don’t have raids, HOT end game content is probably a bit lacking.
The more things change, the more it stay the same. Probably why every mmorpg is so similar. GW2 also end up going the raid route.
I think the point is remember when you were playing WoW or whatever 15 years ago, did you enjoy putting a lot of time into getting the best stuff or raiding? Do you really want to deprive younger people of the experiences you had?
Yes, you have a different life now with more responsibility, that doesn’t mean you should ask that people who are not facing the family/work pressures etc. to have their game changed for you.
You do not need Legendary Armour, you had that experience growing up, let the next generation have it now.
It’s probably the other way around. GW2 advertise itself as this really casual game. Developer even come out with some kind of PR excuse why not having raid is a good idea before the game is out.
I guess Anet realize players get through content too quickly.
Forgive my ignorance, but I’m still having difficulty wrapping my head around the “horizontal” gearing at cap in this game. Where I come from (WoW), there is a HUGE difference between the stats on open world and small group content “rare” items. So when I hear raiders jealously guarding what are essentially cosmetic upgrades, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
Again, I may be missing something, but here’s a thought: Why can’t we just introduce HoT legendary items that require a lot of time/gold, but no raiding/dungeon requirements?
Am I correct in assuming that the stats on the gear aren’t the issue? Only access to that gear matters? Raiders would like some items to show for their accomplishments. Non-raiders want the same. And since there’s no conflict in this game over the actual stats, why can’t they both have their own sets?
probably because very few people will actually raid, if legendary armor isn’t exclusive.
people then ask isn’t the rewards having fun raiding?
me response is something like yes they do at first but once they repeat the same thing over and over again, it is a grind. The raids would be deserted once beaten unless there is incentive to go back to grind for legendary armor.
I think many people play gw2 because they don’t need to raid though. so you never know if anet might change their decision latter.
One particular design decision in GW2 is that you can START your raiding career with your character already having a full set of best-in-slot equipment. Most other MMOs require you to actually finish raids to get best-in-slot
Ascended = best in slot
Legendary = most expensive in slot
people probably kick you for having the wrong class or build. so 1 set might not be enough.
i remember before gw2 are out people are defending gw2 for not having raid.
now people are defending anet for having raids.
quite funny since I used to be pro raiding and questioning gw2’s reason for not having raids. now I’m so casual I really don’t want to raid for legendary armor.
if not mistaken, HOT didn’t even boost anet sales by much. might as well make expansion free to keep players.
I just got the HP on VB done. Anet really nerfed a bunch of HP in VB. Don’t even need to fight at most of it.
The population is alright at this time of day. I can actually find maps which is doing events.
I played at off time yesterday. It is really frustrating. The adventure is always lock, and things you needs groups can’t be done.
I don’t have a problem when the game first come out, maps are full of people, and I have 10 hours a day to burn.
But now when I play 30 minutes a day, I log in, hard to get any thing done, get frustrated solo, can’t find people, and log out.
Are you sure? I’ve been playing for the past three hours on Auric Basin and Dragon’s Stand. When I started off in Auric Basic it was about 40 minutes prior to the challenges and the map had two tags running events and another running a HP train. Stayed there till the meta then immediately went to Dragon’s Stand about 12 minutes prior to the Meta beginning. There was already a squad there with about 50 people grouped up waiting.
Yesterday evening (about 3 hours from now) I was on Verdant Brink (about 30 minutes prior to nightfall) trying to complete the Adventures. Map chat was alive and there was two separate groups getting the outpost metas done.
I’m going to be real with you though. I think the major reason you are finding unhappiness in this game is due to the fact that you only have 30 minutes a day to play. That sort of schedule does not really work with this game and it really won’t work in any MMO. MMO’s are very time demanding with the assumption that when you play you play for at least an hour or two. It’s extremely difficult to develop content that caters to the player who has less than an hour to play.
I’m just trying to do map completion or just some hero’s points.
You are precisely right, if you find a HP train you can get everything done. But what if you don’t find a train?
In the old GW2 I can just login and do map completion any time I want. Now on the new maps, there isn’t much I can do in a short time spam.
Basically, all I’m saying is you can’t just logon and play. If you are telling me that’s how it suppose to be, I’m fine with it.
Also, the maps is really empty at off peak time. I don’t know why. Either because the game can’t even fill a map or two at off peak time. Or the mega server isn’t doing a good job at merging the maps.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
I don’t have a problem when the game first come out, maps are full of people, and I have 10 hours a day to burn.
But now when I play 30 minutes a day, I log in, hard to get any thing done, get frustrated solo, can’t find people, and log out.
I don’t really know. It seemed Anet invested more in GW2 but people aren’t happy.
But in GW1 Anet seemed to be able to put lesser money but keep people happy.
Second option:
You can always change the stats of your armor. You can make multiple sets.
In fact I have multiple legendaries but guess what? I never change the stats because of the sigils. I just make ascended if I want a different stat that I will be switching to oftenThe QoL feature of legendary armor is nearly worthless without an ability to save runes. .
Exactly, its pointless to even make legendary gear for the stat swapping because you can’t swap your sigils or runes to suit the build. If it were added, they would be actually legendary.
if it’s useless, Anet could remove it. And believe me legendary owners will spam the forums with angry posts.
weather it’s useful or not is in the eye of the beholders.
If legendary armor isn’t raid bound, many raiders will probably stop raiding. So Anet is putting the time to make this content and people dont’ do them.
But if legendary armor is raid bound. You’ll have many angry players. Some even might be out for good as the OP is saying.
but it’s a good excuse why I am terrible…
I tried Outside a few years ago, crafting is really hard there and I am still level 3 of cooking after all this time. Anyone knows a good guide to level that up?.
Why do people keep asking?
It’s the same in GW2. Check Google.
BTW if you want to open up your map interface, you need an item called Cellphone, it have this Google map which shows your location. It was added a few patch ago.
I just restarted playing Outside, they surely added many things in the new patch.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
What makes you think PvE is happy ?
Have you not seen the countless threads about grind, masteries, dungeons, fractals, raids, etc….. ?
sigh. He actually believe bunny ears problem is resolved.
The last time bunny ears is released is 2013.
That’s 3!!!!!!! years ago. How many balance patch have been released for sPvP? But still no bunny ears.
so please stop thinking you are the only one with problems.
lol, don’t take offense from the pve in general, it is only mentioned because threads that mentioned pvp or wvw get moved to those subforums and since there are only 3 game modes, this is the one pve has to fit in.
but like khisanth says, “general lack of communication everywhere” why is this?
just asking your thoughts
People are probably complaining in the HoT forums about PvE. and nothing is really done to the dungeon community. Besides Raids.
The questions in pvp is mostly balance and queueing since the beginning of time. I’m not sure what you want Anet to say… They are probably trying to fix it since the beginning of time but still aren’t be able to do it.
(edited by laokoko.7403)