ok guys thanks for your answers
i have got a Prototype Fractal Capacitor which i made with the 18000 relics long time ago and it has got a +5 versatile simple infusion applied, my doubt is:
should i craft the Beta Fractal Capacitor (Infused)??
If i do it i will lose the +5 vers. simple infusion but i will gain a +5 AR due to the infusion that the infused armor bear “per se”, right?
So..and later on?, the versatile simple infusion i add to that piece wont reset the +5 infused bonus since are 2 different " stacks" if i understand it well…
I am not sure if i explained my self clear enough, hope you can understand what i mean and give me an answer
ok thanks!! i will take a look
I was wondering if there is any guild still killing him weekly. I was in TKS and i had some good fun slaying tequatle several times, i would like to join TSS or TKS or any guild which is currently dedicated on killing tequatle to do it at least 1 o 2 days a week
ok thanks, as i thought
but did bank slots ever see a higher discount than 20%? not sure about that
Indeed…i was starting to be kitten ed about bank tabs never coming into discount. Just 1 question, is 20% the usual discount? I mean, when long tim2 ago they were on discount, were they at 20% to or higher?. And last time extra character slots were too, was it at 20%?
Dont get me wrong not rushing dev team into a solution but to avoid that people like Faux who, understandably, lost his faith and make something they can regret in a future.
Would be nice to hear" Dont worry guys, it will be implemented, we jut need time" so we know what to expect
I read in some thread from a dev:
“Unfortunately the change doesn’t apply to items that have already been acquired. Ultimately that’s what I wanted but there was a pretty severe technical limitation on this, so we thought it would be better to make the newly items work this way rather than postpone the conversion any longer.”
Does it mean it will be possible in the future, i got like 10 fractals skins i never used because of the cost of transmutation stones.
From my lack of knowledge about how programming works… Wouldnt be easy to make and NPC who accepted old fractal weapon s as currency and you could “buy” the new skins??? We have got many NPCs selling skin already, i can not understand why we can solve the issue that way.
If i recall well, some dev said it was possible to get precursors, low chance of course. My question is:
Since not all jumping puzzles present the same difficulty and the final reward chests seem to differ Which ones got more chances of them? Which locations?
ok clarified, thanks everybody
When you put any equipment into the MF to upgrade it, you get a completely new piece of equipment. You lose your skin as transmutations do not follow as far as I’m aware.
oh…now im not sure about it, 2 different answers…That was my fear, losing the transmuted skin
no, but you do lose any infusion you had previously put into it.
ok thanks, didnt want to lose the skin i used on it. And about the infusion i dont care since i can use some fractal relics to apply it again
if i put in mystic forge my ascended back armor to make it infused ascended, do i lose my skin?
TKS were full so TSS was created. If you go to the thread you can whisper op, as far a i know TSS not full yet
i got this achievement even i was not searching for it. Join TSS, usually there is a good turret defense
yay i just beat him for first time!!! TSS split in 3 different overflows at same time…thats a lot of people!, and managed to defeat him in 2 of 3 of them.
I truly enjoyed it, organization, pressure, communication…i was spamming my turret like crazy!, there were only 50 sec left when he died, uf
Thank op for the idea, commanders who lead the assault and all tquatle killers involved in overflow 2
Im eager to participate, its going to be fun!
Congratulations to op for organizing this.
i agree with op….i think it is premature to whine about tequatle difficulty level but leaving the responsibility of the entire zerg on 6 people..how about they dont know what to do and they still take the turrets like many people do and will do? what about if some of those hundreds of trolls players we got in game take the turrets and dont do Leave difficulty as it is, but please, add more turrets or something their job “just for the lulz and neighbor rage”
Leave difficulty as it is, but please, add more turrets or something
And the other thing i am afraid of is that what will happen when people get all the achievements, i hope drops are not subpar and make people keep coming.
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so do we know anything about this¿?
didnt count toward achievement because i left before the countdown finished????
i did the level and killed the boss why have i to wait for the stupid countdown to finish????.
By the way, now we talking about W2z2 there are a couple of traps emplacements, checkpoints and mechanics that need some revision
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Whats the weather like in Conspiracy Theory Land?
If the real world financial market has insider trading, this game definitely will have it. Since there is zero punishment and lack of oversight to control for this type of information being given out.
You know what it’s called when people allege a vast conspiracy and their only evidence is conjecture, circular logic and reductive reasoning?
if you think this is not happening you must be truly naive or blind
By the way even Anet at certain point said in public that some players abusing restricted info were going to be punished, a statement i dont hear since the first months of the game but i dont doubt it is still happening, like in almost all games online i know
It is working, you just have to be careful at the next to last checkpoint, dying and re-spawning has the potential to aggro the hillbillies.
even in infantile mode?
EDIT:nvm just read above post and i just did it in infantile mode with invisibility, it does work
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so…is this working nor not?
Even if those players represent an insignificant % of whole playing community it matters, it does matter since the vast amount of money that they hold can easily affect the tp, we witnessed a lot of examples during all this time.
I dont mean all rich players (lets say 10.000-100.00 gold range) made their fortune exploiting reserved information but Anet should target those who did, and beyond looking for culprits, it is far more important as you guys stated to set some system to avoid this problem
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this exists from the very begging of the game…certain alpha testers took info advantage in forging precursors based on certain weapon combination.
I was “wondering” in a recent post the same, since it is getting more obvious this information “leak”
I find right control function extremely helpful, and the items listed in BLMarket were translated to English too, It is true it took time to appear and sometimes BLion window just froze completely but it served its purpose. Now items inside BLion window remain in my native language so due to" free translations" not matching original names and my lack of foreign vocabulary now i got problems taking those item names and looking for them in English speaking websites dedicated to Gw2 for example.
Why the change? consumed lot of resources that option? was buggy and better to let it be?
Can we get this function back please? it was very helpful!
average? as you can imagine they stabilized at ecto prize, but in certain cases, and i can not explain why, they sell higher. I sold some at 2,50 gold (??) and others at 86 silver, and no, no jewel attached which explained that price
the 2,50g one was “corsé espinal del soldado”, in English it would be soldier spineguard i think
Some people do know about the changes before hand. There’s no question about it. Devs, QA, alpha testers and select people can all gain knowledge of changes beforehand. I can only imagine how much someone like Dulfy could have profited from knowing about, for example, the Zephyr boxes beforehand.
But when it comes to figuring something out, there’s millions of players, so it’s going to happen. In this case, someone was probably just buying cheap greens and accidentally bought a back item and tried anyways. After finding out they could be salvaged, they probably bought every single one. Since the trading post is global, it really only takes 1 player to buy everything, assuming sufficient funds.
yep i guess thats it, oh boy i always miss it by the skin of the teeth…meh at least i got some profit from those 40 stored…
yes, those kind of movements were announced, but this? back armor being salvaged it is not related with blog nor ascended crafting. I knew this was going to happen so i saved like 40 of them loooooong time ago in a bank-guild, but due to space issue i didnt buy more. Didnt know when they become salvageable (?) but i tried just after big 3rd Sept path and they werent. SO it was a veeeery recent change and market already reacted..so thats why i wonder how the hell people realize so fast of theses no announced changes
can you imagine the CRAZY profit for those who got them at 2 silver from TP?
..and of course all types climbed fast in price. This makes me wonder…Do you think some people know about these changes before they got implemented?
Or changes just get discovered extremely fast and the market evolves accordingly ?
May be tin paper hat issue..but God, people get exploits, opportunities and certain profitable changes and makes you wonder….
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ok thanks guys, i guess ill go ahead, the components were dropping so much that i thought you needed several tries
nope, for example trying to get the everlasting toymaker tonic you used a “recipe” that not always worked for example, so when mystic forge related you never know
does recipe always work or its determined by certain % chance? not willing to waste bubbles on motos mini if they get swallowed by mystic forge
we are stuck here and none has the enough bubbles to buy it
so using the torch is the only way?
i understood the same, that they would become account bound
if you touch certain flowers it means instadeath, bloody kittens devs uh? XDD
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it was said by a dev that quality of salvage kit didnt affect on getting essences of luck form blues/greens. Is Dark matter affected by salvage kit quality?
4 exos salvaged = 8 ectos 4 dark
PS We need a rich guy devoted to science to post a big batch
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i was about to ask the same, wasnt supposed that they will go account bound?
i liked…i have to admit i opened another one my other of my toons, just in case it did give me anything different ajajajaja, hey Anet likes range who knows
it is likely getting reworked, just check those screen shots. By the Way, the minstrel the ugliest and poorest designed legendary it is a major candidate to be reworked too, i regret now not to buying some when they were at 40g
as he stated:
- Upgrade components that currently give MF bonus will be updated with new functionality.
Which new stats on runes? nobody knows
Runes and signets please? What will happen to them? No changes on them, forgot to comment or still not decided?
would be great to know what happen to runes and sigils :S
i do fractals for fun, helping guild mates and still finding some use to those fractals tokens, of course i dont run fractals as often as i usually did at the beginning, but i still like running from time to time.
By the way, thinking that allowing fractal weapons going “selleable” would be “a quick way to make gold” as you stated its stupid, their drop is so low that farming for the only purpose to sell them its a nonsense, there are far more better ways to make gold
Anyone who make fractals, anyone, even those with bad luck got rings stockpiling in their bank (unless they sold/dump them), so dont try to make me look like a greedy player to make my point invalid
Answer my question: If those skins are ugly for me is not unfair i can not give them any use?
So i have to pay the price for those who try to maintain their snob exclusivity, Does my effort/luck worth less than yours? you gave them use, let me give them use too
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25 slots boxes, extra space is always wellcomed
and for those who say it shows prestige….pffff it shows just luck. Lot of people got them in fractal 2x, and those are as easy as the easiest dungeon. Fractal weapons need changes in many ways if not all of these some at least:
-Tickets so you can choose (tickets with same rarity than actual weapon drop)
-Convert them in skins or at least give them appropriated stats
-Not account bound, so i can sell those ugly things..i pray for not getting dropped one of them since they are useless for me