Showing Posts For notebene.3190:

Revitalize the Game World, Resetting Hearts.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I like the idea very much, in principle. I’m sure some details would be needed to be hashed out. There could even be an awesome title to work towards, with AP points at various levels and when you get to the last tier , you get the title “I <3 Tyria”, or something to that effect.

Would love some more casual AP points in the world.

Oh, and the addition of the daily and monthly should be just that: an addition. There is ‘no’ reason to take ‘away’ a daily and monthly option by adding this, thank you very much.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I think the change would make far more sense if it was only in effect before 80. Once you are 80, it reverts back to equal chance for everything.

Or, make it a setting that we can change. There’s a novel idea.

only i cant log in?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Everything Alga said, but before re-installing, you can try a repair as well.

It could also be something about your path to their servers, and if other folks from you general area (or, with a similar stop along the route) start reporting the same thing (and some other folks start doing some tracert, ping plots or whatever) to look for common problems, and they are hopefully out here reading and see a pattern, they will start making some phone calls. I can’t count the number of times I and others have discovered we were all having issues with some Cogent hub in LA, and had to wait while it was sorted out or routed around.

You should really put this in the tech forum as well, but I’d never scold anyone too much for asking where more people are reading too.

Suggestion: Making weapons invisible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Because of some issues I have with Bifrost sheathed, I’d love at least to be able to just hide weapons when they are sheathed.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Do we have any means at our disposal to ask a few simple questions about some odd things that were changed that were never in patch notes, or why two of the same ‘class’ of item available in the gem store weren’t quite designed the same way, and why, and could it ever be fixed?

I tried submitting a ticket once, and almost got somewhere, but then when I was getting warm, and though the person I was talking to could actually go ‘ask the developers’ (or a phrase he/she used close to that), it went cold and I was told to post here.

The problem is, you folks (developers and CMs) only really jump into the bigger, heady stuff (CDI; big feature pack topics), and there doesn’t seem like there is any room to just get some small things answered here or there. Or maybe there is, and I just don’t understand the process?

tomorow is the 2nd birthday, GIFTS?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Thread moved to 'trashcan' forum

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: notebene.3190


OK, well, mine was exactly like Eric’s. Didn’t say anything about an infraction. I’ll just not worry about it then. Thanks.

Thread moved to 'trashcan' forum

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: notebene.3190


I got a PM from a moderator saying a message I posted was moved to said forum. The message also contained a link to a “how to report a bug” thread, but the link to the moved message was dead (404 error). How am I to post it again in a “constructive manner” if I don’t know watcha talkin’ about Willis?

I just came here looking for the answer to the exact same question. I only posted, to the best of my recollection, in a few things this morning, and they are both there?

But the way it’s presented, they are asking you to “post better” and are happy to let you re-submit your post, after learning from how to respond properly, but I have no idea what I said in the post that was deleted? I’d submit a ticket, but I don’t see a category regarding forum post infractions?

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Anyway im giving up on this game … and if you all want to be honest with yourself, then you should do the same.

I am sorry that you don’t like the game any more (ever?), but this part always makes me laugh, whenever anyone says it, or the similar “I’m leaving now, and because I’m going, it has failed, because I’m the benchmark”.

Are we in a teen boy-meets-girl comedy, and this is the part where the girl breaks up with the jock at the party and everyone has stopped and staring at the jock, and he’s all flustered, and says the inane thing that he says and follows it with, “Come on guys, lets go”, and none of his buddies seem eager to follow him?

Please tell me I’m not going to have to race you down the K-12.

A lot of people are going to have this response, especially after hearing about dungeons/fractals. Like I said, it snot like im monthly paying, but as someone who has been extremely dedicated to gw2 and the devs, this is kinda the last straw after so many failures. I will always come back in a heartbeat if anything good is done like an expansion.

Well, I hope they add some things that you find worthy to come back for, so long as they aren’t jarring, game altering changes that would then make me leave, that would be a bummer. But if it’s more content like more dungeons, areas, classes, races, WvW, PvP, etc, and that makes you come back, then that’d be great.

I am being honest with myself when I say that I’m still enjoying myself, and don’t see anything as a failure. I have a few minor gripes that are frustrating, like not all pets swimming. The other two related to their new healthy and appropriate direction that started around 10 months ago to help make the game safe for NASCAR and Jeebus and children. I’m not sure why it’s my job to help teach someone’s else’s children about values, or why that in turn has to result in intolerance towards what I value, and why it can’t all be about choices and options, but I digress. It hasn’t taken me to a breaking point .. yet, but when it did, and I decided to post about it, I wouldn’t presume to finish my screed with explaining to people why they needed to be honest with themselves and leave also. That’s just weird. I’m not saying you are wrong to have the feelings you have, just don’t presume I need to be honest with myself for your reasons. Not having ‘new’ of all the things you listed doesn’t really impact me very much, the way that I play and enjoy the game. I actually like the LS, and more so LS2.

But, I hope they add something that would get you to come back.

I do fear that they are very much in a ‘live maintenance’ mode where they’ve crunched the numbers and decided that living story plus shop items, even with ‘n’ number of people bleeding out, will yield them ‘d’ dollars over ‘t’ time, and they are good with that. I’m sure I might be faced with my own analysis some day.

I was sweating there for a minute, thought I was going to have to race you.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Anyway im giving up on this game … and if you all want to be honest with yourself, then you should do the same.

I am sorry that you don’t like the game any more (ever?), but this part always makes me laugh, whenever anyone says it, or the similar “I’m leaving now, and because I’m going, it has failed, because I’m the benchmark”.

Are we in a teen boy-meets-girl comedy, and this is the part where the girl breaks up with the jock at the party and everyone has stopped and staring at the jock, and he’s all flustered, and says the inane thing that he says and follows it with, “Come on guys, lets go”, and none of his buddies seem eager to follow him?

Please tell me I’m not going to have to race you down the K-12.

Maybe this was a huge typo?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I’m not sure which one it is, but I like my sickle.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I appreciate your post, and the thought, and what effort you folks do put in, but for me, it isn’t enough. I’ve seen better now, and this is disappointing.

I like the game, still enjoy it very much, but for me, it’s just one of those games where I do ‘not’ feel listened to, I do ‘not’ feel like I can ask a simple question and get an ‘honest’ answer to my question. I don’t have many, I’m actually pretty easy. I just have 3 things that bother me now and have never been answered adequately. I tried asking my questions via support tickets, and got close once, but then that person inexplicably backed down, probably because they were told not to tell me things like that, or whatever. I’d love to ask my questions again and get answers to them.

But until that time, I’ll enjoy it while I can, but I will always feel ‘completely’ disconnected from you folks, and not feel like I matter. I hate having that disconnect between a game I love and the people that run it.

But, thank you all the same.

OMG 5 days till 2nd birthday :P

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I asked Birthday Santa for my shorts and running animation back, and for all mini pets to be treated equal and given the ability to swim.

I will not get any of that.

Why doesn't Anet tell us their plans

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I don’t know. I see the legal reasons argument. I see the “can’t promise something and not deliver it” (not sure how saying you are working on trying to get something done is a promise, but I digress).

I guess I might buy some of that in the face of no other environment that is contrary to that, but I play a little game called Marvel Heroes (besides this game, I still very much like this, and they are different games), and those folks at Gazillion are down in the trenches with us. They are all players. They are constantly out there asking out opinion. They are constantly telling us what they are working on, and sometimes (rarely; because they are awesome) what they say they hope to do, they can’t quite get done, and it’s OK, and we move on (shared legendary quests, I’m looking at you).

But because they are in the trenches with us, all the time, talking with us, joking around, not worrying about keeping up some weird “4th wall”, it’s just a completely different vibe. Because we feel like we’re being listened to and feel like we’re contributing and can get in and test things every week with them, it’s not a big deal. You don’t see page after page of screeds about being lied to or being promised something and road maps and all that.

So, it can be done. I’ve seen it in action.

Cognitive Dissonance was a nice idea, but then there were so many guide lines, complete with a sticky on what language you were allowed to use when posting in one, complete with bizarre, almost Orwellian phrases to use. And then it just went away.

I think it’s the difference between the big and the little companies, and why you see a lot of good developers leaving to go make beer, or go start a smaller shop.

But, whatever. I still enjoy the game for the most part. I’m just sad they keep taking away my nice looking clothes and perfectly fine running animation to make it safe for Jeebus and children. It’s not even that, it’s not having the respect for me to say, “Hey, this is ‘really’ why it was done. We want a Jeebus and children to learn and be good and feel safe. We know it wasn’t like that before, but we respect you enough to tell you the truth, and with that information, you can stay or go. We’d love for you to stay.” But no, it’s about ‘scary layers’ and misdirection, or in the case of the running animation, not a peep.

So from my small, little grumbly place where I’m not so happy about a few little things, I ‘totally’ get why people are angry, and how it has everything to do with communication and how they treat us. They weren’t designed for it from the ground up. They don’t like us. I bet many of them (compared to Gazillion and Marvel Heroes) don’t even care much for their own product, in much the same many of us slog off to cubicles every day to evil places we hate. It’s a bummer, but if that’s the environment, that’s the environment, and there’s sadly not much we can do about it.

But I get some fun shorts AA, so I’m going to add that to my kitten nal, at least for a little while. I’m sure I’ll hit a wall early with it (not like this game), but there are enough different things to do and see, looking how I want to look, farming how I want to farm, for a little while, and pine away that those things aren’t here…then stop and spend more time here. Will be here a few hours a day for the foreseeable future still.

Outfit trend is worrying.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I also don’t particularly believe all that crap about layers and the corbamite manuever and a flux capacitor and the zero effect (good movie) were preventing them from turning ‘all’ the old clothes into sets. They just didn’t wanted to use the opportunity to make the game more healthy and appropriate (I believe was the phrase one of them used in one of those Cognitive Dissonance threads). Never did get any input from them as to what game breaking issue was solved by changing the human female running animation. Probably another HaP thing for them.

Outfit trend is worrying.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


So basically they’re selling us what’s cheap and easy. Great.

Seriously, what is even the point of outfits?

It’s the same reason they don’t make pets swim anymore, unless they’re based on some other frame and it can be done quickly and easily.

They have become quite hibatious™.

Outfit trend is worrying.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Miss my gatherer shorts, sleeveless hoodie and witch’s boots. I sure done do.

Can't get past zone loading screen.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: notebene.3190


For what it’s worth, had to solve my issue by doing a full system restore from a symantec back up (I do every night). Might have been the Skype desktop install which killed everything. That was right around lunch, and would explain why it worked before and not after.

Can't get past zone loading screen.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: notebene.3190


Well, I guess I’ll add more here, since I’m not getting very ‘timely’ responses from my support ticket, and I’d really like to get back to playing. Was playing in the morning, it just stopped working after lunch. I might end up just trying to restore my entire PC to my 1am back up from Monday.

I tried renaming the local.dat file to let it make a new one. That was disastrous. I play in ‘fullscreen windowed’ and by removing it, it reset me to the default of fullscreen. When I tried to bring the character in by the shop keeper in WF (keep in mind, this happens with all characters, not just WF. I get in the game, hear all the sounds, can even interact with things, just don’t ‘see’ the game, the load screen never clears), it never rendered, acted like it minimized, but it wouldn’t allow me to alt-tab to anything. Couldn’t get into Task Manager to end the process. Had to ctrl-alt-del and restart from that screen.

I restored my original local.dat, and I’m at least back to where I was. Considering a full backup restore at this point.

Can't get past zone loading screen.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: notebene.3190


Heh, logged in a character at the cooking station at the town south of where Maw spawns in Wayfarer and that character must be near an NPC. I can keep hitting ‘F’ and hear her go through her shop keeper lines: “What do you need?”, “What brings you here?”, “Everybody wants something.”

All I see is the Wayfarer Foothills loading screen.

Can't get past zone loading screen.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: notebene.3190


Tried this repair procedure:

…and it didn’t help.

It’s weird, everything is normal, and then the disk drive stops loading stuff, I ‘hear’ that I’m in the zone (I’m standing near where people walk, I hear NPCs as for my help, when players walk by, I hear “That’s Refreshing!”, most likely because I’m attuned to water, which is what I’m usually attuned to as I’m running around), but the loading screen doesn’t go away.

Would really love to know if there is a file that I can delete or something so I can get back to playing. Hopefully ‘not’ a file that makes me lose all my settings.

Can't get past zone loading screen.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: notebene.3190


Tried rebooting, and that didn’t work.

Oh well, guess no more GW2 for me.

Can't get past zone loading screen.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: notebene.3190


I was playing all morning, took a break an hour+ ago for some lunch.

Now, I tried logging in the character I was playing (Plains of Ashford, I think) and then tried a different character entire (Frostgorge) and in both cases, the loading screen would get ‘stuck’ (the swirly-loader-icon-thingy in the lower right would freeze), but it was like I was loaded. I could heard all the sounds and NPCs and such, and if I moved the mouse around over the stuck loading screen, I see it change colors and shapes as I moused over different objects in the world.

No specific error codes.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I’d love to have my old gatherer shorts, sleeveless hoodie and witch’s boots back. They didn’t make their healthy and appropriate list.

Glad to see not everyone is chiroptera -dropping crazy.

No Mawdrey For Me I Guess... :-(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Thanks synk and Xiahou, I’ll have to look to see if I have any of those in my bank. It wasn’t ‘too’ long ago that I did like 2-3 in one day. The other time I did a fractal in a day was a long time ago.

No Mawdrey For Me I Guess... :-(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I was looking at my achievements, and it would seem I went to 5 fractals, though might not have been on different days. If I had to guess, I seem to recall it was two different days?

So in theory, I have 2 of these things that I need, and need to go 3 more times on 3 different days? What do these things look like? My wallet shows I have 60 fractal relics. Is it something different? Maybe something I put in my bank?

[Suggestion] Legendary Free Skinning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Ha ha she looks tough lollll!!!! Should have taken screeshots instead……

Yeah, not looking very dark and imposing there.

Why is everyone so obsessed with legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I just recently made my first, and probably won’t make another. There are some things I visually don’t care for. It was something big to shoot for, and I enjoyed the journey, picking away at it, mostly passively (except the past 2 months finishing up were a bit more focused), over the past (nearly) 2 years.

So, the journey.

List your SUPER EASY Fixes/Changes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Human female running animation, unless someone deleted all the old animation files. [Once they decide to spend some money and make running animation a character trait than can be selected at creation and changed with a make over kit, you can re-apply the newer healthy and appropriate animation as something that can be changed on a character, for those that don’t like the original.]

Not entirely sure why you can’t adapt the swimming animation for the Lion Cubs to the Puppy and Plush Griffon, who have the same basic structure.

Place a Guild Banker near the Mystic Forge. I presume a Guild Banker is just a type of NPC and you pick it in the little tool-maker-thingy and then click a little empty spot on the ground by the forge. About the only thing that might be complex there is thinking of a name for the NPC (I’m partial to Whitey McWhiterton).

That covers all my pet peeves except my shorts, which maybe isn’t exactly ‘easy’, but I’ll wager it’s a lot easier than they are letting on, and the decision was solely values based, they just won’t admit it. I have an outfit I used to wear that would work fine with 4 dye channels, and I’d be happy to send it to you. I would buy it again, and I bet it would sell great. Which…would give you lots of new money to spend on the other little things I listed. :p

Cognitive Dissonance

Laurels suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Contact customer support, they should refund it for you.

First, I like the OP idea. A lot like refunding a legendary you buy in MH for the odin marks any time you want to buy/try something different.

Second, I tried this, and asked very nicely, to which I have no proof, I suppose, but was told they can’t do that sort of thing. I was a little bit sad, but moved on.

Conversely, before the MH launch, I had bought a multi-hero pack that included Torch, who wasn’t ready for release, and anyone who bought the pack would get him when it was ready. Within days of launch, they introduced another multi-hero pack which I was ‘far’ more interested in (which didn’t include Torch), and they let anyone that had purchased a pre-order multi-hero pack switch to that pack, if they wanted to.

When Torch was launched, they gave me Torch, which I wasn’t entitled to.

I submitted a ticket, letting them know I had received it erroneously, and they said, “Our bad, but go ahead and keep him, on the house.” In fact, I’ve had lots of little “oh shoot, if I had know you were going to B, I would never have done A, so can I switch it for B” moments, and they always come through for me.

I sure love this game, but:

1. My old shorts.
2. My old running animation.
3. Mini-pets that can’t swim.
4. What they call ‘collaborative development’.

Really gets under my skin (or sadly over my skin, in some cases). So far, most everything else is great, but sometimes enough small philosophical things get me grumpy enough.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


“Stop right there, and I’ll bring back the sun” – Emmett Fitz-Hume

Event Scaling is Harming the Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


There is nothing wrong with event scaling. It is working as intended. It is just, with the champ trains, they just mindlessly zerg all day long.

Which is also fine, if that’s what they want to do, it’s just event focused and farm focused folks don’t mix very well.

I’d rather they just not have champs drop bags at events that were solely brought into existence because of scaling at an event where the monster itself is not the ‘main event’.

At Trio, they are the main event, they’d continue to be farmed, bags ahoy. Giant, Ooze. Again, main event, bags. Something like the Vets in the, ugh, they event with all the jumping and zooming and pulling that inspired Dry Top (forget what it’s called), where you click on something and a Vet spawns to kill, but if there’s 5+ people, it’s a champ? Bags ahoy, because while it scaled, it is the main event.

Places where the champs come into existence because of scaling and they are not the main event (killing them isn’t the direct objective and doesn’t move the event forward, but is solely there as an obstacle to completing the event, and performing some other task is the objective), those champs shouldn’t have bags. Now, if a champ is at an event, and there’s a set number and you have to kill ‘n’ of them as part of clearing the event, then those should have bags, or at least some of them, why not? There’s a fixed number, they are part of the objective, failing the event won’t make more come (well, if it did, it would be because of scaling, and they wouldn’t be the same as the first ones, so…they’d have no bag).

Now, back to the train, I don’t see anything wrong with that type of play. They have their bags, already been hit pretty hard twice, I don’t see why we need to hit on them again. In fact, I’d say that if after ensuring champs don’t drop bags as non-objects members of an event, the train loses some targets, well, add one or two more of them out in the area that they can farm as part of their rotation.

Two caveats:

1. Be careful what you with for might apply. If there are a lot of folks there solely for the farming, and they all leave, will you be able to complete the event even not scaled with the people remaining who just want to do the event and aren’t there for the bags? I’m sure the answer is yes, but, you never know.

2. While I’m fine with ‘the train’ and feel they have every right to play how they want to, I also believe individual players and small groups can play as they choose, and all champs are fair game. I think the train folks have gotten a lot better about just letting it go and moving on, and I commend those that have. On the solo/small group side, while there is no objective way to measure it, I hope your motivations are pure (I wanted to try this alone or with my friends) or at least passive (I was passing by, it was up, figured I’d kill it) and not evil (heh, I killed it, and I know it makes them mad! look, they said my name in chat! kek kek! pew pew! it’s easy, i don’t even really enjoy it, but look how mad they get! that’s the best part! i’m going to keep coming around and doing it right before they come back around, they’ll really get mad then! my favorite part about MMOs is finding ways where one person can ruin the play of 20-30!). Only you know who you are, and at the very least, I hope you made a conscious decision not to reproduce.

[Suggestion] Make spineguard a skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I had one equipped. I made an Ascended Back of Ugliness. I figured I’d apply the spineguard skin to it, which would just make it invisible. It’s not one of the skins.

You may say, “Well, you just hide it!”

Well, that’s all well and good, but not convenient if you have a few sets of armor that you flip between quickly (d-click all the pieces out of the bag, including weapon change and back piece) for different situations, and the back piece for that set is a flower, and you’d like it shown.

Just…really seems strange that it’s not a skin.

Chinese back skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I like the one made out of skins on (I believe) image 7, the second one. Has an emblem of a bear skin on the cover flap.

There are some other small ones that seem interesting too, but that’s my favorite. Would look great with my old gathering shorts, white sleeveless hoodie and witch’s boots. If I got very plain staff skin to make it look like a walking stick, I’d look like a hiker.

Alas, healthy and appropriate.

I feel scammed.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


It would be nice to be able to earn them in some way across all game play types/choices on relatively equal footing.1 WvW should have a way. Dungeons, open world PvE (world bosses, DEs, Dry Top-esque), other play styles I can’t think of.

1 And no, paying $10 for a character slot solely for the purpose of running city discoveries and then deleting them is not something I would consider equal to, say, winning some PvP games. It barely qualifies as playing.

P.S. – Your [sup] doesn’t work for young cats.

Chinese back skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I’m surprised at how many people don’t like the skins. Some of the small ones are really nice.

What Happened to All That L.A. Money?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


It didn’t go towards letting the Guild Banker hire a new employee to run a branch office near the Mystic Forge, I can tell you.

[Suggestion] Legendary Free Skinning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I understand where you are getting at but what is the point of crafting a legendary if you did not like its appearance, however apart from being able to change stats there isn’t much difference in comparison to an exotic weapon. I have 2 legendaries and I always stick to just one stat because it seems pointless to change all the time. I read on the forums earlier on (forgot link) that a person apparently transmutated a new look for the legendary and then accidently sold it to a vendor later on thinking it was junk (transmutating a legendary makes it become sellable without having to type in name I think) anyway because the person only noticed after a certain time anet could do nothingggggg……….

But saying all that I have been tempted to transmutate the volcanus look to twilight……..

As I said, I crafted it because I enjoyed the journey. There was that ‘big thing’ out there that you can make, and I made one, and I enjoyed picking away at it here and there over the course of 2 years, without letting it consume all my time and thoughts and yada yada.

I picked the one that I thought I’d get the most use out of, and liked the look of the best. I actually would pick the skin over the others, and pretty much like everything about it, ‘except’ for the sheathed streaming of rainbows off my back when I’m running. I really don’t care for that part. I like the rainbow foot prints. I don’t mind that it makes me glow when it’s out. I don’t mind the visual rainbows as it casts, that’s fine. It’s the rainbow wake off my back, that I don’t care for.

Now, that would be quite a lot to ask to be able to turn off ‘some’ things like that, so I thought a possible easy work around would be to make it so Legendary base items could be reskinned for free, whenever. That would allow me to decide how much I hate the rainbow wake, and if it bothered me that much (it might be giving me headaches, but I digress), I could change it to another skin I own, without penalty, and switch it back whenever.

Regarding the changing stat option, I was excited about it at first, as I run around with two staffs, one for power and one that is more of a healing staff. The problem I saw immediately is now way to also flip the sigils on the fly either.

Ideally, what would be cool would be to adjust a ‘lot’ of things on the fly on legendary weapons. It would be nice to apply as many sigils as you want to a weapon, and activate 1 (or 2, if a weapon supports 2) at a time with whatever stat you want to flip it to, and apply a skin, or maybe the ability to filter ‘some’ of the effects on/off as well. And the skin change could be such that it doesn’t change the base icon on the item itself (like a real wardrobe skin does) so you don’t accidentally sell it.

That would really let us fine tune them on the fly a bit more. In my case, I’d be able to drop having to carry around the secondary staff. And yeah, a healing staff, I know, but you know what? It’s fun. It’s fun to throw on my heal-centric staff and armor when I’m at big, zerg non-consequential events (like say, Claw), and feel like I’m doing something helpful standing around helping keep people healed in the little lemming pile during phase 2.

Yeah, would be nice to tweak some things here and there on my legendary. As a ‘small’ step in that direction, I just thought free unlimited skins would be a nice start. And maybe in the long run, they can think about some other nice enhancements for legendaries.

Side note: Just thought of another neat thing they could do. I know a lot of Necros complain about not having a staff of their own (legendary). I mean, how necro can you look with a Bifrost? I haven’t made a Necro yet, but was thinking about it soon, and was planning on an overall look and theme, and a My Little Pony staff isn’t in the equation.

What if Bifrost (and other Legendaries) came with more than one skin that you could activate (assuming they implemented some of my other suggestions) depending on a look you were going for? So maybe it comes with the existing Bifrost, and then a skin that is like opposite of that, maybe black with some ominous swirling lights or smoke or what not. And then you pick.

Eh, you could think of all sorts of neat things they could do with Legendaries to make them more interesting, but, yeah, just having some issues with the rainbow wake thing, sadly. I’d love to keep all the effects ‘but’ the rainbow wake, but I don’t expect to ever see anything like that.

Female human greatsword holding stance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Or, they could do like I was saying months ago and just making running and walking animations something you can ‘choose’, just like your hair or your face. Might even be a way to make some more cash shop money for them.

And after you add all the strong walks and runs and two handed sword animations that people want, I’d like my original running animation back please. If you must, charge me $20 bucks to buy it back.

I’m not a big fan of all this ‘us vs them’ changes, and that’s really what this devolves into. I’m ‘totally’ happy for everyone to get the armor they want, the strong running they want, whatever it is. It doesn’t have to come at the expense or loss of choices and options for other people.

Unless the whole point is to take away the options, then I find the whole thing intolerant and hypocritical.

Though, healthy and appropriate is their new motto.

I’d like my shorts back too, thank you very much.

[Suggestion] Legendary Free Skinning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


After 2 years, I finally made my first Legendary.

Not super excited about how busy it is. I think my character is running in front of it, I’ll assume she is.

Since we can change stats on the fly, I was wondering if it would be neat if we could apply any skin (that we know) to it free of charge? Just Legendaries.

I know it seems like a weird request, but for me, the Legendary was more about the quest to make it. I’m certain I’ll never make another one, but I wanted to do it. I picked one that seemed the least annoying, from a visual stand point (though, I think I didn’t choose wisely there), and that the most of my characters (I think) could use. But now that I have it, it would be nice to ‘show it off’ sometimes, but I think for day-to-day playing, I’d rather not look at it all the time.

And I’d ‘assume’ the skin change would also effect it’s visual effects as well, like turn them off? That would be perfect, though don’t mind that as much as not being able to find my character when running.

Pile of Phantasmal Residue

in Living World

Posted by: notebene.3190


It was the quartz. Thanks.

See kitten.
See kitten mess everything up with an improperly coded if or switch statement.
Code kitten, Code…kitten!

Edit: Really? Short for Richard? Books we read as kids? Oh well, kitten works too.


Pile of Phantasmal Residue

in Living World

Posted by: notebene.3190


I can’t get it to work. I’m at the place, in theory. Am I supposed to use the skill point channel? My only option is to fuse 25 quartz (which I don’t have enough of), or leave.

Share your funny Guild wars 2 moments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190




Living Story 3

in Living World

Posted by: notebene.3190


Rani’s been busy…


[Tin Foil] They are removing Guild Banks!

in Living World

Posted by: notebene.3190


I think that hat fell over your eyes or you’d have seen the plentiful guild banks available in a Major City Near You™. The world’s bigger than LA, my friend!


Near a mystic forge? Without having to be so awesome at WvW that you always have a way point up in your main keep? :p

The old LA you could (incoming hyperbole) stand in one spot and access the guild bank and the mystic forge. OK, not really, but super close.

I store all my runes and sigils and some other things in the guild bank, which I’ll periodically ‘clean out’ to turn the lesser ones into better ones. It’s a super pain now.

And we said, “Hey, throw us a bone, put a guild bank over there by the mystic forge.”

And they said, “Oh yeah? Well how about we turn that Collaborative Development into some Cognitive Dissonance and just break the closest waypoint to the guild bank instead? You like that? Tell your mom I said ‘Hi’.”


And yes, I’m being hyperbolic because I’m bored and love the game, just, always that little piece of popcorn that gets stuck between some teeth and I just can’t seem to get out.

[Tin Foil] They are removing Guild Banks!

in Living World

Posted by: notebene.3190


[secures hat with strap]

1. The put Lion’s Arch back together, and put ‘one’ Guild Bank, down in East Jeebus, as far away from the mystic forge as they possibly could.

2. They then destroy the closest waypoint to the Guild Bank, to make it even more super inconvenient (one does not simply waypoint to East Jeebus).

3. We had no one at the mutant hamster races, we had one entry in the Madame Curie look-a-like contest and he was disqualified later… why do I bother?

Brought to you by: Insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results for over 70 years.

Feedback - Ambrite Weapons

in Living World

Posted by: notebene.3190


I made a longbow, and am currently using it on my Ranger. Fits her color scheme great (brown, copper, gold).

I found another one last week, but can’t decide which to make? Maybe a knife?

[Suggestion] Trees at Broken Events

in Living World

Posted by: notebene.3190


If you can’t figure out why the are broken, plant 3 tree nodes at all the places it breaks, that have 5 minute respawn times, and a chance to not only get that one new thing, but geodes.

Then we’d have something productive to do while we are all standing around.

Oh, and put kites and black lion keys in the trees, the latter so I have a shot at getting a hair kit without gambling with my own money.

Worst episode

in Living World

Posted by: notebene.3190


I don’t think it’s too short, per se. I like that it’s a mix of instance and open world (from what I’ve seen so far), and it’s been a lot of fun…when it works.

My only complaint is the buggy part, and not even so much that, bugs happen.

It’s the communication, or lack of communication.

If this was Gazillion, over at Marvel Heroes, there would at least be some sort of notification that something is broken, and to not bother trying until they tell us to try again.

Here? Nothing. Not running updates, not notification that they know something is wrong, no timely updates with progress, no periodic patches, server bounces, anything to help us.


I know it’s lunch time, but well, there you go.

For example: Should we all just stop trying Frostgorge? When should be try again? Could you post something and let us know? We at least could be in Dry Top or out logging and doing something useful while you are working on the problem?

Or, maybe ya’ll find this part kinda funny and like watching us try different servers over and over in vain? It sure feels that way.

Other than that, I like what they ‘tried’ to do. It’s fun, when it works.

Summit Invitations: Frostgorge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: notebene.3190


I know you folks don’t, like, ever talk to us, but it would be ‘really’ nice if we could get some sort of update on what’s going on with the Frostgorge step, if we should just stop and try again tomorrow, or what we should do at this point?