Showing Posts For ofLegends.9853:

Ranger similar to hunter?

in Ranger

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Not really.

There’s no strafe kiting/180 shot angle
Pets in WoW stick to their target like glue and don’t die untill targeted and focused
Hunter gains strenght over fight. LB Ranger loses it.
In modern WoW, there’s no room for melee Hunter. Yes, it was always possible but Hunter has always had a ranged weapon as primary.

They play very, very different. 4.3 MM Hunter or 3.5 were probably the best Hunter can be. We will see about WoD.

Not to mention completly different game mechanics. Hunter, just 2 years ago, had to kite effectively just to do damage. The whole gameplay was about kiting. Some didn’t like it. I loved it.

I’m not sure why you’re explaining to me how a wow hunter plays.
And anyway, I have decided ranger won’t be the class for me.

Wait, I know you. Aren’t you from mmochamp forums?

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

(edited by ofLegends.9853)

Ranger similar to hunter?

in Ranger

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Eh yeah, but really the novelty of a pet died for me long ago. I just kind of wanted to play a ranger without the pet :P
If it’s not possible, that’s okay.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Ranger similar to hunter?

in Ranger

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Meh, if I can’t not have a pet then I probably won’t bother. Like I said, my wow class relied on a pet for all the years I played it and all the years before that, and only now they’re making pets not required. I’m not interested in micromanaging pets, especially if they’re half as buggy as they were on wow.

Thanks anyway guys.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Ranger similar to hunter?

in Ranger

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Hey guys.

I’m thinking of playing a ranger, but my main for 3 years on world of warcraft (from the time I started till I quit) was a beast mastery hunter. I do NOT want to do it again, mainly because I’m just tired of it.

I really want to hear from you guys, especially if you have played both, on how similar the two are. I’m sure I can probably play a ranger with no pets, and that’s definitely what I would be doing unless I would be severely gimping myself. I remember micromanaging pets on wow, and after a while it was just annoying.

Can you guys please tell me what you enjoy most about the profession, what rangers are the best at, that kind of thing? What I’m wanting is a ranged DPS without many magey-type spells (or I would just play my mesmer )


— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Quietest TP to afk at?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Just change your sound settings so dialog, and environment and effects, if necessary, are muted?

Meh, then I have to remember to turn it back on all the time when I stop afking.

permanent black lion trading post..

o.o Didn’t know there was one.

Okay, thanks everybody.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Quietest TP to afk at?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Right now the TP at dwayna high road isn’t too loud. I’m too low level to really look around right now, but it’s better than the others so far. The charr at black citadel got a little too annoying after a while. Hoelbrek has the best ambience, but there are too many players.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Quietest TP to afk at?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Just change your sound settings so dialog, and environment and effects, if necessary, are muted?

Meh, then I have to remember to turn it back on all the time when I stop afking.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Quietest TP to afk at?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Awesome, thanks. :P

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Suggest fixing the 1 copper raise problem

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


does anybody know enough about botting to answer few of these questions?

  • How many buy/sell orders does a bot execute per hour compared to a human tp power player? Any educated guesses?
  • Do bots always raise for the same amount, say 2c? – are there more agile bots?
  • When hitting a bid ceiling due to an artificially low sale offer, do they resume trading immediately after the sale offer was taken?
  • Are there any markets where bots either don’t exist or cannot compete with humans?

thank you

  • Depends on the bot. Advanced ones would be on par with the human who wrote them to avoid suspicion.
  • Yes, they can be written to be more agile. They will not always raise by the same amount; some do, some don’t – just like a human.
  • Depends on the bot. Advanced bots will be written to appear “human”.
  • No.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT BOT. I am answering the questions because I was reading a guide about what to look for the other day.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Suggest fixing the 1 copper raise problem

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Was buying a 2 gold item of the market and made a fair 30 silver raise. After an hour I checked once more only to find 4 new bids that were 1, 2, 3 and 4 copper higher.

In a real auction you can’t just offer one million dollars and one cent as an outbid and seeing this in guild wars frustrating. It ends up as a test of endurance instead of gold and that is in heavy favour of market bots.

Please restrict it somehow. A 1% minimum raise would be a gift from heaven

Well I’m not great at markets or understanding economies, but I’m pretty sure an ingame copper is worth more than 1 cent IRL.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Quietest TP to afk at?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


This might sound odd, but I like to just leave the game on and stand there afk. I get the random urge to look up things in game or read the chat, and I don’t like to open up the game all the time. Since I sell stuff, it makes sense to afk at the TP.

The problem is, players are so LOUD. Their characters keep saying random stuff (I’m not sure if they’re casting a spell to make them talk or not), people run by and their char says things, and even NPCs have too much dialog in some places (black citadel) for someone who is just standing there afk for hours. The music and ambiance is nice, so I don’t want to log out to the character screen, either.

Does anyone know which TP is the least used, somewhere there are consistently very few players? NPCs I can live with, as long as they don’t have dialog every 5 mins. It’s just players I really want to get away from while afk.


— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Here is how to auto-login

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Wow thanks for this!

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

What would you do with 1000g ? ? ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


I’d buy cultural armor for my charr, norn, and sylvari.
Then I’d buy a character customization for each.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

GW2 gets a lot of things right

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


A lack of competition is not a definition of teamwork. My employer is not competing against Anet, that does not mean we are engaged with them in any form of teamwork. My character working on an event chain in one zone is not engaged with a character in another zone just because we are not competing against each other.

I agree with much of the OP but there is competition between players in PVE. The reward system ensures it.

Those are drastic cases which serve no purpose, really. I think what the OP meant was that instead of people fighting over tagging mobs or trying to complete their quests or gathering resource nodes, they can instead help each other out. The lack of competition between players can help create an environment where cooperation is prevalent.

See someone downed fighting a Champion? Jump in and revive them then help kill the Champion and you can reap the rewards from it.

See someone defending an outpost by themselves? Rush to their aid and get credit for the event.

See a rich orichalcum vein surrounded by mobs that someone else is fighting? Go help kill those mobs and you can both mine the node.

It doesn’t mean that there won’t be people who would ignore downed people, or people doing an event or fighting mobs and just run pass them to gather the node, but those are player problems not the game’s.

I was not replying to the OP’s comment about the elements you mention. I was pointing out to the poster I quoted that not competing with someone is not the same as being engaged in teamwork with them.

As to competing to tag mobs, I see it almost every time I play GW2. Not to the same degree as in some other games though..

The person you’re replying to in this post has the idea of what I meant.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

GW2 gets a lot of things right

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


What’s your opinion about mobs? Open world, Dungeon, everywhere in PvE…

Read all posts in this topic, but didn’t see any inputs about mobs by you.

My opinion?

I’m neutral.

Edit: Guess I can elaborate. I understand that they need to be there to make us feel a part of the world. I will say that at least our level scales down with the zone so that they aren’t just a pointless distraction (as they are on wow). Sometimes they can be annoying, but I don’t mind them much. They’re no better or worse than they are in any other MMO I’ve played (except wow).

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

(edited by ofLegends.9853)

How do you tell a norn from a human?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Alright, thanks :P

I was hoping I could learn to tell after a while. Right now it’s sometimes hard.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

How do you tell a norn from a human?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Is there a way?

This is if the character doesn’t have tattoos and is average height.

Not for any specific reason, just out of curiosity.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

(edited by ofLegends.9853)

GW2 gets a lot of things right

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


A lot of “teamwork” in GW2 is basically people playing side by side, as opposed to playing together. Most dungeons are soloable, and there is not actually that much interaction between players. Largely, it is just everyone doing their own thing and they happen to be physically close to each other. The strategy for soloing or undermanning content is no different than for doing the content with a full party, because all that more people bring is more damage numbers.

You entirely missed the definition of “teamwork” used in the OP, which was literally just meant to be the opposite of “competition”.

Now, I’m not sure if you were responding to the OP or not, but you didn’t quote anyone and I asked to keep it positive. The fact is that players aren’t competing against each other for anything in open world content, therefore, there is teamwork.

I should further point out (to everyone) that this thread isn’t the place to argue over whether or not dungeons are soloable, whether or not profession choice actually matters, or anything else. The bottom line is that GW2 is unique in several ways and you either like it or not.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

(edited by ofLegends.9853)

GW2 gets a lot of things right

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Yup, agree with Vayne.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

To the Raiding People

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


ex wow player: Not having trinity is nice. Feels much more like teamwork.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

GW2 gets a lot of things right

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Finally did some pvp yesterday. It was great
Spent a lot of time following around some zerg group and trying to learn what to do. Map feels huge.

Sounds like you did WvW, not PvP. PvP is teams of 5 and the maps, while large for some game’s standards of PvP maps, are really not that big. Still, WvW is a totally different monster.

I think you will find, though, that your first point ties in with your last two. The game has been built entirely around player cooperation, which actually annoys trolls, because they really can’t, well, troll. They can’t impede anyone’s progress, so they either give up trying to troll or move on to another game.

Whoops, yeah it was WvW.

Hmmm, I knew the community seemed nicer, but I didn’t think about the fact that I really haven’t seen any trolls at all….. Nice!

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

To the Raiding People

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


From the traditional MMO player’s mindset, GW2 is dead because of the lack of endgame, where endgame is only seen as raiding. Whenever I see someone bring up GW2 in a traditional MMO, someone always brings up the lack of raiding. They simply don’t know what to do when what every other MMO has taught them to do isn’t there.

For that reason, I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually implemented a traditional raid-like instance. However, ArenaNet wouldn’t be able to keep these people happy for long so there’s really no point, unless they’re also planning on adding constant vertical progression that actually matters.

More than likely, what ArenaNet will probably do is simply make another Tequatl-like encounter but put it in a box this time. I doubt they would devote a lot of resources to it considering only a small percentage will probably try it, so I wouldn’t expect anything big.

According to every source we have access too that measures the popularity of MMOs, Guild Wars 2 is just behind WoW and pretty close to Final Fantasy. None of the other MMOs even come close.

It doesn’t matter what people say in other MMOs. They obviously play them because they like them. I don’t play them because I don’t like them. That’s the point.

Anet isn’t looking at those other MMOs and thinking we’re going to get those people. I don’t think they can. I’m pretty sure they don’t think they can.

They can get the whole lot of people who might like to play an MMO but not a traditional one.

I’m guessing that out of all the gamers that exist on this planet, the players who might like Guild Wars 2 are greater than the number of players who might like traditional MMOs.

I’m pretty sick of all those other MMOs too. Actually I was just looking last night, the one right behind wow is runescape, which is old as kitten. I didn’t know it was older than wow :P But I think the majority of those players are Ftp anyway.

But yeah, if people want those other styles of mmos, there are plenty out there. GW is better because it does things in a more unique way.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

GW2 gets a lot of things right

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Finally did some pvp yesterday. It was great
Spent a lot of time following around some zerg group and trying to learn what to do. Map feels huge.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

is it why NO expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


This game might not have given us as much updated content as other MMO’s does in two years (Why would I care?), but it has give *me now more than two years almost constant playtime and fun.*

I walked away from MMOs because I just didnt want to repeat the same stuff to unlock the next bunch of content and while eventually I end up getting back it always had me struggling with the frustration of having to pick up that repetition again..

Yup, same here.

I hate doing gear grind after gear grind after gear grind…. Soooo boring.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

GW2 gets a lot of things right

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


(Noob perspective – highest lvl is 43).
I was thinking about writing a post but I wasn’t sure what all to say, because a lot of what I think of GW2 has to do with comparisons between it and the most popular MMO – we all know its name. Anyway, I’m posting because a poster in another thread mentioned that positive feedback is good for the community to read. So, here are some things I LOOOOOOVE about GW2, in no particular order.

  • Players are nicer. There are far less trolls, though obviously there will always be a few rude people.
  • Characters are WAY more customizable. Armor dyes, cosmetic sets, sliders at character creation.. The character feels more like “your own” and no other character can look exactly the same (unless they do it on purpose :P). Way more variety.
  • Don’t have to store 100s of outfits in your bank to customize your appearance later.
  • No “factions”. I can be whatever race I want and not feel like I’m choosing sides.
  • Every race can become any profession.
  • Waypoints for travelling.
  • Every profession is viable, and you use the playstyle you choose. Less cookiecutter-ness. I can use a bow on my warrior if I want to, or a shield and mace.
  • Events in zones all the time, NPCs talking with each other, and the whole world in general feeling “alive”. (In wow, once the xpac is over, all related zones are effectively stuck in a time capsule indefinitely.)
  • Dailies are not mind-numbingly boring repetitive quests, but instead tie into things you would have been doing anyway.
  • Quests themselves are great and unique instead of being basically the same thing over and over and over.
  • Crafting is more fun. Discovering the recipe on your own by creating it feels much more immersive than just buying a piece of paper with the recipe.
  • Not so grindy with gear (from what I can see so far).
  • Cool gem store purchases. If you’re a thrifty type of person, or just enjoy making gold on games, you can even earn gems yourself without spending real money. It’s nice that the option is there.
  • Underwater looks AMAZING. Seriously, first time I dove underwater, I couldn’t get over it.
  • Jumping puzzles are ridiculously fun.
  • Notifications for one more step completed towards an achievement. Great for people who are into doing achievements.
  • Picking and choosing what spells you want to have active on your bar and being limited at any given time. Cluttered bars are crazy: . Clicking either of the other 2 circled buttons brings up yet more spells. You’re gonna need a razr naga for that. Having less causes you to plan ahead and be more creative.
  • Being further tied to my character by being able to give it traits and a background, and its own story.
  • Aesthetics of the game itself. Can’t ignore this one Zones are beautiful and unique.
  • Haven’t done any pvp, but from what I understand, everyone is the same level? If so, good. It’s somewhat even – no twinks, no odd bracket groups where the bottom levels are at a severe disadvantage before even mentioning gear.
  • Being able to click “represent” on a guild as opposed to being able to be in only one guild (where you have to leave before joining another) and needing to be invited on every single character. A nice convenience for us, the player.
  • Nodes. They’re not shared. Each node can be gathered by each player. This is not a thing in wow and creates tension between players, as all nodes become competition and seeing another player becomes a bad thing.
  • Group loot for kills. This ties into the above point about player competition. It’s nice to know that if you do enough damage to a mob someone else is also fighting, you can loot it as well. This creates more teamwork. You know that other game? This isn’t a thing at all. There, if you hit the mob once, you get all the loot (with very few exceptions).

I like almost everything about GW2 so far, but the above are the main things that I REALLY love, especially the last two points about player teamwork. It’s so great to not be in competition like that with players; you should be happy to see them – it’s an MMO. There are many conveniences players have here that I am not used to at all, and I’m usually surprised in some small way every time I play. I spent 3 years playing wow, and I’m not trying to advertise it (I left for a reason), but this is the only way I know to explain why I see GW2 this way. It’s natural to compare. I think GW2 is better than the top mmo. There are many things that are done right here, and I just thought maybe you guys needed a fresh perspective on them if you’ve been here a few years or haven’t really gone into other mmos.

Feel free to comment, but let’s keep it in spirit and be positive, alright? :P

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

(edited by ofLegends.9853)

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


I think that a lot of people don’t understand the kind of environment that is created when people do nothing but slam the game. Posts like this do a lot more for others than those that explain “why you hate the game”. I like to see positive feedback like this even though the game has major issues that some people believe should be addressed. Thanks for a nice post, I hope that issues you may have with the game are addressed positively and you can find more reasons to enter the game in the future

As a side note, I keep logging in because I enjoy being able to play for a short amount of time and still accomplish a portion of my goal. I tend to be very busy and I don’t always have a good amount of time to allot to gaming.

You’d like to see positive feedback?

Okay, I’ll go make a topic and link you to it.

Here you go:

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

(edited by ofLegends.9853)

is it why NO expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


this is a really good point. LS not = expansion.

because LS will went pass. but expansion won’t. and also for new player they cant enjoy the pass LS. so whats the point to keep making it.
LS STILL a small update they just keep cover the previous. thats it.

I stopped here, sorry.

I am an ex-WoW player of 3 years and have been away from there for 1 year. Wow is the opposite of this problem. Most of the players on the forums over there are complaining that they’ve gone an entire year with ABSOLUTELY NO new content, not even minor things. I have experienced this in previous wow expacs before I quit, and I would rather have a living story. No, it’s not an expansion, but a world which remains stale for a year is boring. You are arguing for a perfect solution where none exists.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Magic Carpet & Tireless Tools in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Love the carpet. Might buy a couple

Can the color be changed or are they all that color?

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

(Noob): Is crafting worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Alright, I’ll go ahead and level it all.

I usually end up gathering everything I can myself, and everything I can’t gather, I buy.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

My Feedback on GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Pretty good as far as my $60 goes.

I can think of a certain other MMO which got thousands from me and I regret every penny…………. >_>

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Do you keep the standard WASD keybinds?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


No, I use E for forward, D is backwards roll, S and F are strafe, and to move I just hold in E and mouse steer. C is interact and I can’t remember what else I’ve rebound as I just got back from a break.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

What made you decide to play as a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


The run animation and tails.

And like someone else said, I don’t like playing oversexualized characters. I get it, women are “sexy” (so I’ve heard). Charr have a nice and refreshing brutality to them and I love it (the females, that is). I feel like a lot of females in games are depicted as sweet or not opinionated enough and, well, I’m a VERY opinionated person and I don’t got time for BS irl.

So charr it is.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Ban-able Offense?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Unfortunately, as soon as you said “and my brother”, well… you just admitted to the illegitimate past use of that account.

Is that the distinct sound of Dhuum’s sharpening stone I hear?

Please leave the replying to people who bother to read what they are replying to:

i bought gw2 for myself and my brother and he doesnt play anymore. so i own and control that account too, so i just wanted to do world bosses. There will be no botting or any account sharing.

There’s no way in the kitty universe that ANet will make an issue of two accounts being used in the same household/ip as long as botting is not an issue.

Truly am sorry for upsetting you by stating the facts. The fact is it is against the rules to share an account for any reason(please see the exact quote of the clause above). Justifying the illegitimate use is surely your prerogative but it does not make it in any way right.

He bought the account for his brother (who may be underage, we don’t know any details). He already owns the account, since he bought it. His brother does not play. It is not “shared” if only one person uses an account.

In any case, all this ping-ponging of opinions is getting no one anywhere. I guess it’s nice of us to keep bumping the thread so OP can get an official reply.

Edit: on another note, there seems to be some misunderstanding about “same IPs”. I play with my husband, so obviously we have the same IP. Anet is not going to ban us just because we live in the same house, since we have 2 accounts (1 each) like the OP.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

(edited by ofLegends.9853)

Dungeon Guide for Noobs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


I only tried one dungeon with my husband and it was a disaster. Wiped 20+ times but we finally completed it. The group advertised that we could be “any level”, and since we’d just unlocked the dungeon we went for it. We learned we need to level up a bit more before pulling that in the future.

Nice video, but I’m too much of a noob to remember it :P We’re just taking our time leveling and exploring.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

(Noob): Is crafting worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Bit of background behind the question: I’m somewhat of a completionist, and so for that reason I may max out my.. crafting levels? Later on. I’m just wondering if they are worth doing beyond that. Do they give certain bonuses; are those bonuses negligible?

I just don’t want to go out of my way gathering stuff while I level (or even afterwards) if the crafting isn’t a big deal. I saw someone earlier mention that it was useless, so I just thought I’d ask.


— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Spending hours on character create screen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Well, I always name my character non-lore names anyway, so, for ME at least, it’s not so hard. It’s just finding one that isn’t taken. I named my sylvari “Ettenmoor” and I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t fit the lore at all, but it COULD technically be a “real name” if only nobody knows what it actually is.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Spending hours on character create screen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Yeah, it’s mainly the sylvari and charr. Earlier I created a human and it took me maybe 5 minutes total (I already had the name).

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Spending hours on character create screen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Guilty as charged.

…that moment when you spend half an hour perfecting a look and then realize after creation that you never checked the look with the lighting turned off and now your skin tone just doesn’t look right at all.

I wish they would tell me what the undertones are for each skin color option LOL. It is a chore sometimes trying to figure out what I’m working with.

Ugh I do that all the time with sylvari. I get all the way done, enter the name and go, and then it’s like……. forgot to choose a glow color.
I wish I were one of those people who, at that point, could just look at their character, shrug, and say, “meh, glow looks fine” and move on.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Spending hours on character create screen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Well I come from wow, and if people haven’t played that, then let me tell you: there are NO sliders. You pick your face, your hair, hair color, jewelry/facial hair, skin/fur color, horns/ears/etc. and that’s it. It’s really quite bad :P
Also there are very few options as far as most of the above goes, as well. XD

So I’m pretty impressed with GW creation.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Spending hours on character create screen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


I personally don’t think character creator has enough options-you’ll see alot of female sylvari, diff skin colors but same face- no matter how you edit a face, it will look exactly the same as the other person who uses it. I’ve always thought we should be able to add makeup, change eye/nose/lip shapes but presets available who don’t need or care for a real character creator.

I really like that one sylvari face with the tree in the middle… but it’s ruined because that one looks sad all the time.
So… I used one of the 3 most used faces. Oh well.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Spending hours on character create screen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Usually it takes my husband like 2 mins max to make a character.. Then he goes afk waiting on me for an hour.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Spending hours on character create screen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Names aren’t so bad for me because I find it much easier to work on them in my head. I’m not a very visual person (I think more in words), so choosing the way the character looks is much harder. I have to see it before I know I like it.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Spending hours on character create screen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Or a “save favorite”, lol.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Spending hours on character create screen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


If only I can be so lucky :P

Usually I take forever creating a character (especially the ones with billions of options, like sylvari), and then I end up buying a makeover kit anyway after 40 levels.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Spending hours on character create screen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Does anyone else do this?

It took me literally 20 minutes just to pick a GLOW color for my sylvari.
Twenty minutes!!!!

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Fellow Females!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Maybe I’m not, either.

All I know is I had a terrible time when I worked with all females.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Fellow Females!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Well I just play with my husband, and in all honesty you need a male or two in any given group of females to “balance out the hormones”. Too much of one gender = drama, IMO.

It does sound fun – if you can get the right women for the group, that is. Good luck, OP. :P

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

A great thing about this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


If you say so.

I’ve played other games and seen players quit for several years and pick it up again in a week. There are actually a lot of games like this, even several MMOs.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Cancel my ticket..?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Whoops, didn’t see it since it went to my other email.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

Cancel my ticket..?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Well if I have to submit a new request just to “cancel” the other one, then I will just leave it alone. That’s the only option I can see, at least.

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!