Did anyone lose respect for Argi with his interview or do you think that because of the situation it is justified? I can understand the salt from what happened, but the way he conducted the interview, In my opinion, made ArenaNet look bad since it took place during a Pro League broadcast. What is you opinion of what transpired.
I felt bad for what happen to Vermillion but this interview, it’s like don’t burn your bridges. You don’t know when you may run into an Anet employee in the future. Also, he’s blaming Anet for things that they had no control over. I thought, he would have realized that by now.
That sounds like projectile finishers behaving like a projectile finisher is supposed to behave. Is there something documented that says Mortar Kit projectile finishers are supposed to behave differently?
For the combo pages on wiki and the skill description states mortar projectile has a 100% chance of activating. When combining it with a water field, the combo regeneration appears. However, no one in the water field ever receives regeneration. Combo finsiher projectiles through combos fields always had a chance of activating since 2012. The mortar kit combo field for health regeneration “never” activates but no health is restored on any player. There is no need to even show a combo activation, if the skill does not function as said in the skill description and the combo field pop up.
I was referring to the condi removal since there are very few cases where you could fire a projectile and have it pass through yourself. The whole combo system needs an overhaul anyway. Anything besides blast is a bit disappointing.
Ah, I was referring to both. Still, thank you for the response. I hope Anet addresses the mortar regeneration bug one day.
It never made sense to me either why there aren’t rich sapling nodes. Ore seems to be more plentiful anyway, considering you can find it underwater and underground as well as on the surface
Rich ancient wood node(s) would be great!
That sounds like projectile finishers behaving like a projectile finisher is supposed to behave. Is there something documented that says Mortar Kit projectile finishers are supposed to behave differently?
For the combo pages on wiki and the skill description states mortar projectile has a 100% chance of activating. When combining it with a water field, the combo regeneration appears. However, no one in the water field ever receives regeneration. Combo finsiher projectiles through combos fields always had a chance of activating since 2012. The mortar kit combo field for health regeneration “never” activates but no health is restored on any player. There is no need to even show a combo activation, if the skill does not function as said in the skill description and the combo field pop up.
Light field combo finishers condi removal have never worked on yourself. Only allies.
As you can see by reading at “condi removal from allies” has combo field finishers listed, but “removal from self” has no finishers listed. Hope that helps..That also goes with Fumigate(#3 Elixer Gun) if you didn’t know also.
Thank you, for the condition removal explanation
I have people saying everyone should be foucsing on dps in groups and that just doesnt sound right to me, cant you do more support stuff if you want?
You can, you can do anything you want. Its your game, you bought it do what you want. People can’t start bossing you around, unless they buy the game for you imo.
Been 7 days, did a new guild rush today. Two gulidies did not receive credit and there 1.5 mins left on the clock after they crossed the finished line. I was one of those guildies.
Human, Female, Elementalist
I transmuted my Soldier’s Flame Eye to look like a Feathered Headpiece. Now my Elementalist has the Flame Eye stuck to her character model. Removing the headgear still leaves the Flame Eye on my character, and putting the Feathered Headpiece on shows both. Hiding the headgear still shows the Flame Eye.
try putting on another headpiece temporarily and see if it goes away.
I and others have tried the regeneration and condition removal combo (skill #4 then #1) and we could not remove our conditions from ourselves. Also, the health regeneration boon did not apply to other players as well.
Is anyone, else experiencing this issue?
Thank you for your response, they have waited over 72 hours and never received their rewards.
Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: reapex.8546
Yeah, I must agree. Gating them, and the hero points and points-of-interest in the area, behind the meta was a mistake.
They are all about gating these days, i don’t get it either…
Challenge does not equal fun..
The gate has been removed
I and others have tried the regeneration and condition removal combo (skill #4 then #1) and we could not remove our conditions from ourselves. Also, the health regeneration boon did not apply to other players as well.
For me the issue is not being afraid. I do raids but I have other classes like a DD and Druid Healer fully setup and ready to go. But most groups want experience only, so I don’t play them. Then when they ask if someone has a healer, everyone is silent. I volunteer mine but I tell them, I only healed on VG and then they don’t want to give me a chance to heal on other bosses. So back to my default raid characters again lol.
So imo, if you can’t find someone to fill a role and they’re somewhat experience give them a chance. If they’re bad, they should revert back to their main raid character. People won’t know what they’re capable of if they aren’t allowed to use any non main characters.
Are you speaking from a pug perspective?
I think everyone that has a problem with raiding are speaking from a pug respective. Thinks like this don’t happen in most guilds, they will give you a chance to get experience on whatever class you want. Go out and look for a guild that suits you. If you are in a guild that is behaving like this then that’s not the guild for you for raiding, you can represent 5 guilds.
Pug perspective.
HoT is seriously boroken, next to no one is playing it anymore, so there isn’t enough people to form effective groups anymore even if you don’t want to play solo. The real problem is the maps not just the difficulty balance. This place is the NO FUN ZONE as I’ve said before. Oh and yes Ive played HoT before the update. I dragged my necro through this grinding ordeal since day one until I finally maxed reaper. And as things stand even after the so called April update. I’m not going to take my alts back in. Anet needs to do what S-E did with FF14. Take HoT offline , take it apart and rebuild it from the ground up. They can rerelease it in a year or two and call it HoT: Reborn or Restored or whatever.
I’m not sure what maps you’re landing on and use the LFG tool.
Fay said “if you need more than the 50% provided by a revenant”.
The one to Rule said “you need at least 50% so you can get 100% uptime”.Those are two completly different things. I agree that you need 50% boon duration, even a bit more to make it smooth. But this does not require you to have a Revenant, not does it require you to have crappy commander gear.
If you have 20% boon dura food and 33% from Superior Sigil of Concentration, you’ll be fine. If you want to be on the safe side, simply use 10% boon duration utility.
With 63% boon duration, you’ll have more than enough quickness uptime wich (in theory -> SoI randomness stuff) could grant permaquickness for 10 ppl.
If you are a solo Chrono, you will most likely have a Rev in your sub-party anyway, if you duo Chrono, you just have to provide quickness and alacrity to 5 allies, wich i find more reliable and successful (also increases alacrity uptime to 100%).
Here some rota vids I’ve made:
Rotation (Solo with Revenant): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqPVOhi_cw0
Rotation (Duo without Revenant): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZGl-bV2RjA(read descriptions
- Xyo
THanks for the video!
For me the issue is not being afraid. I do raids but I have other classes like a DD and Druid Healer fully setup and ready to go. But most groups want experience only, so I don’t play them. Then when they ask if someone has a healer, everyone is silent. I volunteer mine but I tell them, I only healed on VG and then they don’t want to give me a chance to heal on other bosses. So back to my default raid characters again lol.
So imo, if you can’t find someone to fill a role and they’re somewhat experience give them a chance. If they’re bad, they should revert back to their main raid character. People won’t know what they’re capable of if they aren’t allowed to use any non main characters.
We did guild rush today and all but two guildies did not receive the rewards for crossing over the finish line (for Posternus Caverns, bear rush). The guild rush was successfully completed.
We redid the rush for those two guildies and they crossed the finish line a second time but they did not receive the chest either. We did not get 15 guildies across the 2nd time because we thought, it would not matter since we had completed the rush successfully the first time.
Both guild receive credit for the event, both times but did not get a chest. The guild mission window says they are both still eligible for rewards.
I have submitted an in-game bug report about this issue.
(edited by reapex.8546)
You know what they say….
Eir today, Garm tomorrow.
Was excited to hear this was fixed in the patch notes as well only to discover that the same bug is still present for our guild hall (Gilded Hollow). The song will play once selected but it doesn’t update in the guild panel to show that the song was changed to Music of the Caverns and remains as the previous selected source.
Same for us, we selected Music of the Caverns for Guilded Hollow and it stays on Music of the Grove. This problem has been going on since last year. But thank you, Dara
(edited by reapex.8546)
“Rewards that now come from individual events have been rebalanced and consolidated into a smaller number of bags, reducing the number of inventory slots that players’ loot takes up during these event chains.”
Thank you Anet, one step in a positive direction!
Meta refers to the large event on a map that people do once they’ve finished all the pre-req events beforehand. As they are large group events, his point is they would be difficult to solo.
Maps can have meta events and still include soloable content and even other soloable events. Core Tyria maps did this very well – plenty of solo content and a large meta world event for those that want to group up.
(Strange use of Meta by the way)
But there are never enough people on the maps to do them, so the content sits there pretty much useless just to appeal to a small minority that may or may not want to do them?The rest just ignore the content and move on, because they have no choice.
I see people doing the Hirathi Hinterlands meta every time I’m in the map. Same with other maps, say….Silverwastes.
I don’t think all meta content is ‘useless’. Probably just depends on the map, and who’s there.
Which is all true but not Heart of Thorns… its all old content you listed, Hot is dead where i am.
Then you must have some kind of social awkwardness (too many fractals played? :P)
because it is not dead where i am. It is no problem to get into a map where the meta is being completed.I’m constantly having trouble finding a DS map to taxi to. I often see the other 3 maps advertised, but this last week, I’ve rarely found a DS map to taxi into. So, sometimes, it’s not easy to get what you want to play even if you’re obediently checking LFG regularly.
Maybe do SAB content, which should expire in 2 days. A lot of people want to finish the achievements before it goes away. Right before the start of the map, you could advertise for DS or make your own taxi. Also, tag up with your mentor or commander tag so people don’t leave the map immediately.
Meta refers to the large event on a map that people do once they’ve finished all the pre-req events beforehand. As they are large group events, his point is they would be difficult to solo.
Maps can have meta events and still include soloable content and even other soloable events. Core Tyria maps did this very well – plenty of solo content and a large meta world event for those that want to group up.
(Strange use of Meta by the way)
But there are never enough people on the maps to do them, so the content sits there pretty much useless just to appeal to a small minority that may or may not want to do them?The rest just ignore the content and move on, because they have no choice.
You’re incorrect, Celtic used the term meta correctly. It’s the original meaning from 2012, players have adjusted the meaning of meta events over time. But the original definition still holds true. Also, your statement about there is never enough to complete a meta event is also incorrect. They are completed daily, try using the LFG tool.
If you list your item as lowest seller, you’ll never get this warning.
With those 3 separate entrances to the building and the raid portal image it certainly looks like an entrance to raids. I think Anet said they are committed to 3 raid wings. Note the middle door has a different look because perhaps it is the future access for the current raid. Again my guess is they are removing the raid portal from VB and putting it in LA to avoid raid players taking map space from those doing events.
They committed to four.
My mistake then I was going by the HoT website and the wiki. I must have not seen the news about 4 wings. Thanks for keeping me informed.
Players who purchase Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will get access to our first raid, with the first of the three associated raid wings to be activated shortly after launch.
Np, I hope we still get 4; Thank you for finding the info too.
So… when are we getting on ships to Cantha, Elona, the ancient ruins to the West and the faraway lands to the east?
When you cough up cash for expansion #2 likely.
I’d gladly buy expansion 2 if it gave all those! If it gave one of those!
An expansion is not a new campaign. An expansion is a smaller upgrade like HoT, so I wouldn’t get insanely hyped thinking we’re going to a new continent (imo).
With those 3 separate entrances to the building and the raid portal image it certainly looks like an entrance to raids. I think Anet said they are committed to 3 raid wings. Note the middle door has a different look because perhaps it is the future access for the current raid. Again my guess is they are removing the raid portal from VB and putting it in LA to avoid raid players taking map space from those doing events.
They committed to four.
That is an interesting suggestion. Who else would you like to see as returning heroes in stronghold?
How about before more heroes add more maps to Stronghold? It’s a cool game mode but yet like Deathmatch has only 1 map….
More maps would be nice, if stronghold is popular enough to warrant new maps…I guess
The hero of destiny’s edge who is the master race. That would be cool. Maybe could have a Garm run along beside her.
Garm is probably alive
That is an interesting suggestion. Who else would you like to see as returning heroes in stronghold?
Non humanoid champions. Glint maybe?
Glint would stomp on us, she’s too big. She’ll be the Godzilla of Stronghold x.×.
Yes, toughness is useful.
For managing aggro in a raid, yes. Anywhere else in PvE land: no, it is not useful unfortunately.
There are more game modes than just pve.
Hail friends,
I wanted to let you know that a fix for this was identified and once we’ve verified the fix is solid, it will be released. Thanks!
Thank you.
I guess Anet never finished EoTM or the personal wardrobe, or Living Story Season 2. Anet has finished many things, and they’ve abandoned others, pretty much like every MMO I’ve ever played.
In fact, in MMOs most things aren’t really supposed to be finished. They’re always moving on.
I mean Guild Halls are finished, but they’re going to add more Guild Halls I’m sure.
Anet said, several times, in live streams the max level for the guild hall is 80.
Guild Halls aren’t finished, several people reported they’ve done all the upgrades and are stuck in the 60s. Unless there is another way to level.
I’m not sure that there’s supposed to be a specific top level of tier. I’m sure more will be added, but as a feature the Guild Halls are finished.
Obviously anything ongoing needs to leave room for expansion. As an example, Living World Season 2 is finished, but the Living story goes on.
The Guild Hall is finished because you can max it out. Why does saying you got to the mid 60s matter at all. Are we saying it was supposed to go to level 80 or something, because I never saw that claim.
Anet said, several times, that the guild hall max level is 80. Also, several guild hall upgrades are disabled. When those upgrades are re-enable, we should be able to reach level 80.
This behavior has to be one of the least efficient ways to earn income in the game. And, when I say least, I mean it’s probably dead last. The only way to earn less is to either be parked in LA or to be a scout in WvW.
894 Rivets… 895 Rivets…. 896 Rivets…. Zzzzzz…. Wah wut???….. 897 Rivets….
I truly wish players would understand and see there’s many ways to play a game. Better to mind our own business more and enjoy what we’re doing, than worry about what others are doing. With that said, I’m totally guilty of dropping an aggro’d Mob Bomb on the utterly overt afk’ers in SW
Though farming “Slayer” achievements in a low level zone, knock yourselves out buddy.
So are you saying there are better ways to farm in GW2 without even playing it? I do not mind people activily pushing buttons and running in circles a whole day in GW2 (and earn ten times the ammount of reward) but by setting up the game to auto farm (even if activly playing gives you ten times the reward) while you do something compleatly different is in my opinion wrong.
Agreed, active play should be rewarded not afk bot farming.
Yes, toughness is useful.
I guess Anet never finished EoTM or the personal wardrobe, or Living Story Season 2. Anet has finished many things, and they’ve abandoned others, pretty much like every MMO I’ve ever played.
In fact, in MMOs most things aren’t really supposed to be finished. They’re always moving on.
I mean Guild Halls are finished, but they’re going to add more Guild Halls I’m sure.
Guild Halls aren’t finished, several people reported they’ve done all the upgrades and are stuck in the 60s. Unless there is another way to level.
This is allowed behavior; as it was designed to function that way.
Unless your policies have changed recently, that is incorrect.
Anything that enables a person to play the game without actually playing the game is a problem, such as using third party programs to automate game play.
Going AFK with turrets running isn’t technically an exploit, but players should be playing the game in good faith.
We do not consider “not answering a whisper” as an indictment. Please do not worry about this; as long as you legitimately are playing, or are not gaining undeserved rewards when not playing, you’re just fine.
This one was very clear https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/players/Has-there-ever-been-an-official-response-on-what-is-considered-botting/first#post204144 Regina Buenaobra
Anything that automates game play to the point where you are able to not actually play the game as-intended (example: you can walk away from it) is considered a breach of the User Agreement.
I don’t know about now, but it was a major problem in the past in Dry Top and Silverwastes. Often times these AFK players with pets/minions are using macros and/or bot programs to prevent the AFK timer from kicking in and logging them out of the game.
Rangers afk botting in SW was a major problem. Players eventually learned to leave the player for dead because they unfairly got rewards from the forts.
I made a post about this a few days ago which was then merged into the SAB thread, expect the same to happen to this one.
The good news is you DON’T have to do tribulation mode to be able to scribe the new furniture. Doing so and earning that achievement only unlocks being able to buy more furniture coins for 25 baubbles.
The furniture is actually scribed from the clouds which can be earned by ANYONE in your guild doing the furniture achieves. So in theory EVERY single one of your members could do the furniture shops except the Trib one and you will have a ton of clouds for scribing.
This also means anyone else COULD do the full achievement and unlock the ability to be able to buy extra furniture coins with baubbles for your scribe to then use. But this would just be a bonus.
Awesome, thank you this is great news. Sometimes, I wish information is more straight forward when an item is linked to achievements, merchants, and crafting. But thank you!
If anyone else, has thoughts about Super Adventure Box and scribing feel free to comment\post.
The following is my opinion and suggestion to remove the kick out of instance timer from Tribulation Mode when the player has Zero continue coins. It’s double punishment for not only dieing but failing to read text fast enough. This was not an enjoyable Scribing experience. The story is as follows:
Everyone, Super Adventure Box is great and Scribing is tough but can be enjoyable. However, there is one thing that is not enjoyable for Scribes. Our guild scribe, was doing Super Adventure Box Tribulation mode to unlock the decorations for us. They’re awesome and friendly player, they even managed to get our Guild Hall Uzolan Musical Orchestra Legendary item despite not liking Adventures. However, the requirement for Scribes to do Tribulation Mode crossed the line.
They spent over 100 lives trying to get the furniture coins to unlock the Moto vendor in HoT Hard Mode. I was there with them, we spent over 3 hours and was right before the merchant entrance when they died. No more lives, they spent baubles to buy a continue coin…when they went to buy the continue coin time was up. SAB ejected back to the lobby and they couldn’t return. Also, frustrated with what happen, I decided not to finish Tribulation Mode for Super Adventure Box. Our guild scribe has been playing GW2 since Beta, they’ve been through high and lows of the game. However, requiring players to do Tribulation Mode to unlock Guild Hall Decorations is a bit too far imo. Scratch that, that’s not even the problem.
The problem IS giving a time limit for players to continue when they run out of continue coins. Players should not be auto-ejected from SAB when they have 0 continue coins. It takes time for players to read the dialogue, convert baubles, and buy the continue coin. So I’m asking, removing the kick out timer from tribulation mode when the player has 0 continue coins. It’s unfair to ban players from an instance they’ve done for hours only because they’re being careful with reading the dialogues.
P.S.: I did not proofread this, this message was type after spending 3+ hours in Tribulation Mode for the one furniture shop.
(edited by reapex.8546)
Why do you need to even ask this? It was intended to be a flail, so fix the bug. You shouldn’t need our permission to fix a bug.
Because of the Howler “bug fix.”
Has anyone has issues throwing bombs? I try tossing the bombs to break the icicles but the throw are weak. They don’t like in Dulfy’s video at 12:29 mins:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6MEdbqRXtwIs this bugged or is there some special way to throw the bomb?
Some things with the bombs and slingshot have definitely changed, I noticed it in 2-3 as well when trying to make icicle platforms. I managed to get throught by using the slingshot (has longer range) and finding a different spot to shoot from in some instances.
When it comes to W2 Z3., the differences in physics become easy to spot if you played this years ago. For one the ice that basically the whole third zone is made off of is way more slippery than it used to be, dunno why… maybe they adjusted lag compensation or something else too.
Edit: although this makes me wonder, how well were the “classic” or long versions of W2 tested this time around… they are still needed for achievements after all. There is also something weird going on with the jump mushrooms in W1 for example, sometimes the momentum doesn’t stop when it should, or at times you land on a shroom and you don’t bounce before jumping again manually.
Thank you, glad I wasn’t the only one. I’ll get the slingshot, thanks again
Has anyone has issues throwing bombs? I try tossing the bombs to break the icicles but the throw are weak. They don’t like in Dulfy’s video at 12:29 mins:
Is this bugged or is there some special way to throw the bomb?
Not a bug, but certainly a mistake.
Yup, it would have been nice if they talked to us before making the change after 3+ years.
You’re welcome, thank you.
It is a fun ‘bouncy’ word to say.
You’re welcome, we thank Angel McCoy for creating it.
That’s so lovely. I miss these short stories. <3
On a related note, these stories could certainly fill a lot of in-game lore gaps. I personally wouldn’t have any issues with that, specially when we have this wonderful community capable of doing these kinds of videos.I reaaaaally miss short stories as a way to lay the background for important characters, and also give us some room to breath when all we talk about is Elder Dragons centered plot.
Thank you for the encouragement to continue!
Can change the sound quality to fastest under game options, that may help.
My right click, started to act up in windows so it’s a mouse issue for me.
It’s been a bit but found a video that summarizes the bag within bag issue in GW2:
“Players will no longer have blue and brown highlights in PvP if they are in your party or guild”
Thank you I found that the change was in a late patch in March:
So, it’s not a bug. Thanks Booms.