Yeah did get rolled back a bit, yay server crash?
Yep back up now:)
Nope not just you:(
This is not about giving players who like to gamble something to work for. It’s about Anet taking advantage of those people to line their own pockets.
Gambling addiction is a disability that Anet should not exploit off of.
Maybe you should go after casinos and lottos first, considering they sucker a lot more people and pay out a lot worse than anything could ever dream up.
Also you do realize you can get bl keys for free, right? “will be nerfed soon, Anet does not want you to create and delete characters to farm keys”
casinos are required to pay back 75% of the money they take in. But most pay back more “95%”. It keep customers at there casinos and not their competition.
Not in Pennsylvania. I’m not talking about making characters to farm keys, I’m talking about the ones you get from area completion and possibly with your daily. No reason to buy keys other than that since 99% of the things in BL chests suck and the extra 1% aren’t worth real money.
Good companies make their customers happy by providing products and prices that the market will bear with an eye towards maximum profit.
There, fixed that for you. That’s capitalism right there, baby.
Personally, I find hanging out in an area where I can talk to and meet new players and help ease their transition into Tyria to be very rewarding on its own.
Dungeon runs won’t complete my dailies most days.
I find speed runs to be the dungeoneering equivalent of toilet humor; it may entertain some but it is hollow and base compared to what I enjoy.
I play the game to have fun, not become an e-millionaire; yes, by my standards, standing around in a swamp is more fun than doing dungeon speedclears.
One of the most fun things in the game is when a newby asks what everyone’s talking about, you tell them and they show up for the event. Invariably the reaction is “Woah, are there other events like this?”
They might get bored with them later depending on their tastes, but it’s always cool being able to help someone have a good experience like that:)
the people in charge of the gem store believe that they would earn more this way.
sad but true.this will not make people happy.
Seems to me like they already made about $60 from this guy…
Then it becomes a money game of gambling.
Having the buyers remorse?
It’s the culmination of the The Battle for Wychmire Swamp event chain, to be specific.
To all the people who say that doing the world bosses are “fun” and " I do them because they are designed so well, lulz" Would you still do them if there were no chest at all?
Well I did them quite a bit before the chests got buffed(aka: Look at all the pretty greens and blues!), so yeah I’d say I do them mostly because they’re fun.
Either way the point I was trying to make was that all successful sports don’t focus on the game, they focus on the stories around the players. People don’t care as much about the specifics of the game compared to interesting tales of humanity.
Gotta say that’s probably not right either, it’s about the team and not the individual in team sports. I don’t care who Arsenals striker is this year or what his story is as long as he doesn’t suck and helps Arsenal win.
Individual sports like tennis or golf are obviously different stories.
Wait, you’re saying football is a simple game? You obviously don’t know much about it, eh?
You kick the ball into the goal, it’s a lot simpler than any esport.
Ah ok difference in terms, I was talking American football. In any case, I’ve played both and neither are as simple as “kick the ball in the goal” when played on any level above sandlot. American football especially is way more complicated than any esport.
I’m talking about to the viewer. In american football they just have to get the ball to the other end or kick it between those posts. I’m not saying it lacks subtleties, every sport has those, but It’s really nothing near to the depth in games like SC2.
So what’s more subtle about SC2? “Kill opposing enemies” is pretty simple to the viewer, as is capture the flag, and whatever new game modes they added which I won’t play anyhow because even the first SC was a pretty boring game.
You break any kind of competition down to its base it’s going to be very simple: Kick ball, hit ball with stick, throw ball through hoop, kill opposing player/team, capture the flag, hold all 3 points on map, whatever. Seems to me that you’re just trying to say “Video game nerds are smarter than those stupid jocks that run around on a field” but man you don’t need to act like esports are harder than real sports to be able to say that. Esports are a joke compared to real sports, and this is coming from a lifelong gigantic nerd, video game player/fan and professional lazy man.
You can try and rationalize it all you want, but wrong is wrong. The devs stated, in black and white, that server “fullness” is tied to accounts, not people online.
You can write 20 more pages about why you think your anecdotal evidence is right, but it would still be wrong.
Nor will it matter at all.
Because world bosses are fun and dungeons are not, it’s pretty simple really. Just look at res mechanics…if I die facing a world boss, I can res at a waypoint and hopefully avoid what killed me before, or at least figure out what killed me. In a dungeon I have to lay there, not helping my team, until they finish the battle or waste their time ressing me. That’s not fun. The loot is just icing on the cake, IMHO.
Also I’ve run CoF once and it took like an hour and a half, most of that time I spent dead because I’d never played it before and couldn’t res myself to figure out how I got killed. I think I made 50s and a charged lodestone(which is nice, gotta admit)…still less fun and lucrative than just wandering around for an hour and then waiting a half hour to kill Teq.
CoF path 1 takes 15 minutes tops. Really. It’s one of the easier dungeons. You learn the run, you can do it in 15 minutes. You’ll get at least 2 rares for your effort, if you want to spend your tokens that way, plus whatever drops.
Have we talked about this before? Rote memorization, like what you’re talking about, is not fun for me especially in video games. Same reason I wouldn’t play the highest level of Guitar Hero, you go past skill into just memorizing patterns…that’s not fun, it’s work.
So yes, you CAN do this, but it’s unfun for me. Standing around waiting for a boss is more fun than memorizing a dungeon. Maybe if I was 10-15 years younger I’d have a different opinion.
Wait, you’re saying football is a simple game? You obviously don’t know much about it, eh?
You kick the ball into the goal, it’s a lot simpler than any esport.
Ah ok difference in terms, I was talking American football. In any case, I’ve played both and neither are as simple as “kick the ball in the goal” when played on any level above sandlot. American football especially is way more complicated than any esport.
Wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a dev response to this one, especially since you can figure out most of the answers by playing for a while.
Wait, you’re saying football is a simple game? You obviously don’t know much about it, eh?
I must agree: Watching other people play video games is by and large as fun as watching paint dry.
watch this
Yep, exactly as fun as watching paint dry.
Guild wars 2 isn’t even fun to watch for the most part classes aren’t dynamic enough so most people won’t even watch it the biggest thing an Esport wants viewers.
I don’t think there are ANY e-sports it’s actually fun to watch unless you are total obsessive about the game (as I once was about Quake1/2/3, for example). SC2 is incredibly dull to watch, like watching paint dry, as are most MOBAs, but they’re successul as e-sports, so I don’t think that’s relevant.
I must agree: Watching other people play video games is by and large as fun as watching paint dry.
Having came to this game some time after my dissapointment of Diablo 3, I have begun to wonder. I sympathize with the OP and kind of share his sentiment. But I really do gotta ask, can somebody explain to me why RNG is a necessity in games? I mean I’m no fan of maniacal grinds, you know, harvesting thousands of X and hundreds of Y and Z just to get something, but at least if you keep at it, you will get it eventually. I don’t know why however, there should be a mechanic that sort of makes you do a grind all the same yet it is possible to not get your goal still.
Honestly it’s because RNG is relatively simple. Yes, you can make a perfect MMORPG that has no gear grind or RNG and takes nothing but pure skill to get anything, but it’s going to take way more dev time and money than anyone is willing to throw at it. RNG is simple and cheap to code and easy to tweak as you go on to produce the desired results.
(edited by rizzo.1079)
there has never been a game before with such big loot gaps…..
Hahaha you didn’t play Diablo 3 at all did you? People with items selling for hundreds of millions of gold on the AH whereas farming up a couple million was a challenge for the average player. Loot gaps of hundreds of thousands of coins is piddly compared to the D3 economy.
Just the term ‘PvP Esport’ itself makes me chuckle, so no. I hadn’t even realized they were shooting for that until I read about it on the forums.
Forum traffic goes up. My posts first 6 months 1-2 total. My posts this weeks 210
The man has a point. If you’re on the forums. You’re not playing the game.
Counterpoint: Alt+Tab
Just because such terms are common, it doesn’t make them any better. EA also is well known for putting such regulations in their agreements, and they’re often breaking local laws and are considered the worst publisher in the industry for a reason.
This is called arbitrariness, and such passages are probably legally void depending on where you live. Just because I sign an agreement that allows NCSOFT to remove my organs and sell them, that doesn’t mean they’re actually allowed to do so.You seriously didn’t just compare organs with pixels that you don’t even own did you?
What’s going on here? Is this thread for real? Am I still sleeping?
Meh people just don’t understand legaleze and get bent out of shape when they think their bits will get stolen.
I’m not the biggest fan of the DMCA myself but this is completely legit…if their servers all DIAF or something, this covers them from being sued for all the cash by vengeful nerds who lost all their gold.
But they are bits on their servers and they’re technically only being licensed to you. Pretty sure the DMCA is very clear on situations like this: You don’t own the bits, NCSOFT does.
Not sure what you’re expecting, very few RPG’s over the years aren’t grind/rng based or both. If you want something without grind or rng, maybe get PS:T or something?
I’d say growth since I don’t think guesting is a big deal.
People quit because they felt betrayed. Lied to. Not because of ascended gear directly. They worried it was the tip of the iceberg, a sign of things to come. Well, it’s a bunch of months later and it still hasn’t come. But people keep telling me it will.
I agree, I think it’s a storm in a teacup. That said, I do understand why those people left.
Yeah people take their fun waaayyyy too seriously.
All this is saying is that both gems and gold are technically bits on their servers and they can do whatever they want with them…those bits are theirs and they license you to use them. This is a standard ‘cover your own butt’ clause, don’t expect them to ever do it.
Also don’t turn 1k coins into gems, not worth it at all.
Honestly, if people quit because of FotM(a part of the game nobody has to do if they don’t want to) and Ascended gear(silly stat increase, not real vertical progression), then that’s fine. If you’re going to quit a game over silly crap like that then I don’t think I want to play with you anyhow.
I really hope a video game isn’t standing in for the professional help someone in your situation needs.
Actually, professionals are starting to use video games to treat PTSD for just the reason he says he uses it.
Thank you for your service, good sir!
Is that really true? i have never heard about it.
for example.
I’ve only seen the ingame population growing since I got the game in November. Are you guys on really servers or something?
Your first CoF run will net you two rares, since you can change in the tokens for level 70 rares. The next run will get you another rare. That’s three. Plus what drops of course.
Standing around waiting for events is more fun that banging my head against the wall that is any dungeon. I’d rather be standing around alive than be dead, unressable and a weight to the other 4 guys running the dungeon.
I honestly don’t like this change, but since I think you can get the big chest more than once/day/event I can see why you had to do it.
Stop standing around then. Go do something else. For the folks that cry they have no time and “needed” the Maw on a fast timer, you could do a speed dungeon run in less time, get better loot and more money.
Every dungeon run I"ve tried takes an hour+. I’ve never done a dungeon in even close to the 30mins the Maw respawned on before. Memorizing dungeons in order to speed run them is work, I do enough work when I’m working thank you.
Not too many people complained about the mithril dagger in DikuMUD either, and that was one drop per server reset.
I see loads of people in pve, more than when I started in November.
Heck just running omnomberry bars it seems to me like I get more random rares from regular mobs.
Lol, how come every time someone claims they are going to quit, the game is “dying”?
Because obviously they’re the most important person and the game will never survive without them. They are the lynchpin of the Guild Wars 2 universe!
I really hope a video game isn’t standing in for the professional help someone in your situation needs.
Actually, professionals are starting to use video games to treat PTSD for just the reason he says he uses it.
Thank you for your service, good sir!
This is not about giving players who like to gamble something to work for. It’s about Anet taking advantage of those people to line their own pockets.
Gambling addiction is a disability that Anet should not exploit off of.
Maybe you should go after casinos and lottos first, considering they sucker a lot more people and pay out a lot worse than anything could ever dream up.
Also you do realize you can get bl keys for free, right?
That is the absolute wrong way of thinking. U wont ever get legendary ikitteneep spending money, u have to keep saving it.
Seriously…I mostly stopped spending gold finally a couple weeks ago and it’s amazing how much you can accumulate if you’re not spending it.
As for your #4, yeah I think so. If you time it right you can even dodge the fear effect from a dragon roar.
I said this in a different thread: All game forums are full of whining and complaining, but this one is worlds better than Blizzards forums.
Ya from what i understand if you read blizzard forums you would think they where responsible for all things that have been plugin humanity from the start of time. This dose not give ppl who do whine and complain a free pass on these forums though.
Oh no of course not, but realize that people who are happy with the game are generally only going to post one or two things and then go back to playing. It’s mostly people who like to complain and/or people who are bored at work that post on most forums…
I said this in a different thread: All game forums are full of whining and complaining, but this one is worlds better than Blizzards forums.
It helps because my small guild is lucky to be able to generate 1k influence/week. Being able to get 1800/3 days is HUGE for us. Not to mention that just being able to do them makes us happy:)
I got a Frost dye that I’m using for white, celestial is whiter than white though.
Oh wow it took that long for you to get actually logged in?
I dunno, I think they’re fun as is. There are plenty of dungeons for hardcore players to memorize.
Yeah jp’s need better loot. I’d be perfectly fine with rares dropping more often and ecto prices going down again…less money for me but makes life easier for people who are crafting.
Precursors are useless, same stats as the equivalent exotics, and I"m perfectly happy with the easiest way to get exotics being crafting.