I’m pretty sure the biggest problem with dungeons is that they’re simply no fun. How hard or easy they are wouldn’t matter much if they were fun, but they’re not.
I’m using transmuted Shadow Armor on my mesmer, looks fine to me but then again I don’t care much about what my characters look like.
Sigil’s don’t show their stats they give in the hero panel; they do work though. As far as stacking sigils with flat bonuses like that, I’m not sure if you’ll get both bonuses.
Bloodlust does at least, was testing last night to make sure it was working and it definitely shows the bonus power for each stack.
To expound, you can fight The Shatterer in Blazeridge Steppes, Tequatl in Sparkfly Fen and a Claw of Jormag in Frostgorge Sound. Google gw2 dragon timer and you’ll find the timer webpage with the spawn timers on them. Go to those zones a bit before the dragon is scheduled to show and ask for a wp for the dragon, someone will link it for ya.
these are also not the elder dragons, just their lieutenants. anyways, i would assume that it’s expansion material, but who knows.
Right I had already said you didn’t fight any of the other elder dragons.
To expound, you can fight The Shatterer in Blazeridge Steppes, Tequatl in Sparkfly Fen and a Claw of Jormag in Frostgorge Sound. Google gw2 dragon timer and you’ll find the timer webpage with the spawn timers on them. Go to those zones a bit before the dragon is scheduled to show and ask for a wp for the dragon, someone will link it for ya.
Seems that way.
Possibly in an expansion, maybe if you kidnap the dev team they’ll tell you eventually.
Asura…Radiation Field is invaluable for an engy:)
Med kit has too much crap to deal with and any skills that drop med packs are automatically less useful than area healing skills because players actually have to run over a small, hard to see med pack to get healed.
Healing turret all the way, a deploy/detonate heals half of my 18khp:)
A good run around the park can do wonders, it doesn’t cost you anything and it takes an hour out of your day at most.
Except for the tiredness and soreness…ugh exercise is the worst, I’m very confident of that.
To Rizzo:
I agree, that must be learned. Avoiding ice shards is really easy but sometimes you must dodge into opposite direction which is unnatural for normal front camera view. However Anet did kitten good job regarding timing demo charges and timer on frostbite. So when you’re running down from ice wall with frostbite it expires almost every time when you’re again running towards ice wall and once you’re here you’re healed because you were out of combat (you can have speed buff up, it is still fine). Once you master that, you will find out that this way is much better than charzookas.
Might just be me but that doesn’t sound like a fun thing to do, I’d rather stand in a safe spot and shoot the wall consistently.
Regardless I’m doing this fight with my Mesmer now so I need neither charges nor Charrzookas.
A friend of mine ran into this in Mt. Maelstrom over the weekend. Couldn’t /map or /say but hadn’t said anything for 20 minutes or more…seems like something that cropped up after the patch last Tuesday.
No that’s how warrior is pretty much, auto attack and keep yourself buffed/healed. Any other class besides probably guardian would be better for you if you don’t like that playstyle.
Or you could do something different and go totally ranged or something with your warrior, but then you’re underutilizing him.
I’ve got soooo much karma and there’s nothing good to spend it on so I’m just hording it and hoping they make the ascended gear, or other non cosmetic upgrades, available with karma at some point in the future.
The wall goes down pretty quickly if you use explosive charge instead of charzookas. Problem is that most of the ppl do not really know that using them is much faster than standard way. However, it’s slightly harder. You just need to use proper dodge rolls when running to ice wall and vice versa. For example in a group of 5-10 ppl you can get down the wall in one minute or sooner if I exaggerate a little bit. It is really going down fast. I would suggest to try that and you will see. :-)
I’ve tried the charges and they’re way too much of a pain to use effectively. I always end up dead in the middle of the field because the frostbite is way op…you can’t dodge out of the frostbite effect, and half of the time the ice chunks don’t even render before they knock you all the way back to the cannons. Thinking about it, blowing up the ice wall is stupid anyhow. It should be defending the cannons so they can blow up the ice wall really.
I think if you get rid of the safe spots on phase 1 you’d have to lower the HP of the wall considerably, or lower the frost damage getting near that zone does, because with the way it currently works that wall has a load of hp and would take forever to get down even once. Maybe make it so the crystals fall constantly and destroying them does a fair amount of damage to the wall.
Other than that, A+#1 post:)
I honestly haven’t had too many problems getting to level 72 or so in the storyline on my engy, but if you don’t like it now I’d advise to just give up: To finish it you have to do the Arah dungeon.
Honestly I feel like they nerfed chests with the last patch. Haven’t gotten anything decent from killing any of the dragons in over a week, mostly all blue chests. At least put a minimum of one masterwork item in each dragon chest or something?
I’m level 46 and have been running Scepter/Sword/gs for quite a while. I like the amount of block abilities it gives me, love the sword #5 and do like Sceptre#3 since it’s a decently damaging power with confuse/blind. It does have a bit too long of a windup though. I have a feeling that I’ll be switching to sword for main hand by level 80 though.
Dungeons are unfun and the story in them is laughably lousy anyhow…ok, I get it, Destiny’s Edge is a bunch of wee blubbering babies that are probably lying about almost taking down an elder dragon because they’re not organized or mature enough to open a pickle jar.
Just avoid them, there’s no real reason to run them and every reason to do anything else in the game because most of the rest of it is awesome.
In the center area you have 3 camps to protect that get attacked very often, the ash horizon which can chain if you fail to sink it(use the cannon up further on the hill, not at the shore).
Actually you should be able to cheese Ash Horizon from the one spit of land that jets out closest to it. I can do it with pistol on my engy easy as long as there’s >4ish minutes left in the event when I get there. So anyone with >900 range on a skill should be able to do it since engy pistol is notoriously underpowered.
I have over one million karma and am not interested in a legendary. Are there little things like the spy kits or tele guns out there I’m missing that are useful, or big things I can really sink this wasted currency on?
I guess the question is what do people even spend Karma on
Yeah apparently it’s all/mostly cosmetic stuff. I’m just holding on to mine until they actually put something useful/interesting in that can be bought for karma. Also I’m going to buy the most horrible looking armor possible for my charr mesmer(Sylvari racial looks hideous on charr!)
1. 20s is too much and would make for gold inflation. But the silver could be adjusted a bit more. Then again, when I go to Queensdale I can easily do 5 events within 1 minute. Not sure if this is the best way of going about things.
Heart quests and many DE’s definitely need a good 20s gold reward. It already takes forever to save up multiple gold unless you’re farming specific things that are high value or playing the stupid TP meta game, throwing a few extra gold around isn’t going to sink the economy. For the places where you can do a bunch of events in a short period of time you can scale down the rewards. But man, some of those heart quests are just a stupid, boring slog and getting 50 copper for completing them is a kick in the junk.
I run with healing turret as my main heal. Otherwise, sometimes I’ll drop a rocket turret for Teq since I have to be a little close for comfort to hit him with my FT.
It’s really not hard, it’s just disappointing that I have 20+ jugs of karma sitting in the bank and nothing to spend it on.
Buy Orrian Jewelry Boxes for a chance at some awesome goodies.
Gonna have to check that out…I’ve got 275k+ karma on my engy and nothing at all to spend it on. I haven’t been to Orr at all yet though so first I guess I have to figure out where to even get them…
you could also save it for legendary components. obsidian shards can be bought with karma and youll need them for legendaries
As far as I can tell, the legendaries don’t have any better stats than the exotics that I already have, so I’m really not interested in them.
each one is a de, you can get all 5 each day from Claw of Jormag if you are on during his spawn time.
It’s really not hard, it’s just disappointing that I have 20+ jugs of karma sitting in the bank and nothing to spend it on.
Buy Orrian Jewelry Boxes for a chance at some awesome goodies.
Gonna have to check that out…I’ve got 275k+ karma on my engy and nothing at all to spend it on. I haven’t been to Orr at all yet though so first I guess I have to figure out where to even get them…
Considering there’s nothing else good to spend karma on at this point, I’m going to be buying a bunch of these.
It is just so odd for me to see these posts about people not wanting to play with other people in a “massive multi-player online role playing game” (it wouldn’t hurt if the npc’s were more useful at then end though)
It’s not so strange, the game itself is great but personally I don’t like playing video games with other people. I have plenty of friends irl and my video game time is my time away from having to socialize. Honestly I’d be much more happy if the game itself was single player.
Wait, so I have to do a dungeon to finish the personal storyline? Well, that kills any desire I had to finish the personal storyline since dungeons are horribly designed and amazingly unfun. I’m already peeved that I can’t even attempt dungeons solo without dragging a group down just to learn how the dungeon works, now I am forced to play with other people to finish my solo stuff? That’s really dumb.
Trailing at a distant second is the condition Mesmer. These Mesmers utilise Burning, Bleeding and Confusion to deal damage. They tend to be slightly more flexible than Shatter Mesmers, although almost all condition MesPhantasm Mesmers are an endangered, if not extinct, breed. The idea is to utilise Phantasms as your primary damage dealers and focusing more on preserving Illusions instead of Shattering them. A series of nerfs however have made Phantasms pretty much secondary to Shattering, and the majority of Phantasm Mesmers have transitioned to Shatter Mesmers.
I’m basically using this build in PvE and it’s working just fine. Then again, I’m coming from 200+ hours on an engineer….
Never underestimate the power of hammerpants.
There, fixed that for ya;)
- needs to act like pistol 1 does when you’ve traited coated bullets. It needs to explode on each mob it passes through.
Engineer does have many bugs, but there are no other classes when you can run up to one of the crystals that the Claw drops, stand there and just spit out bombs like a real sapper. Oh you’re getting attacked? Firebomb+big ‘ol bomb and everything near you is either dead or not near you anymore. It’s definitely not a class for everyone, but I’d think the only ‘classes for everyone’ in this game would be either warrior or guardian considering they’re the most cookie cutter in functionality.
Been running Bloodlust sigils since low level. I’ve got my crit % up to almost 60% base anyhow, and it actually seems to proc crits more like 3/4ths of the time, so the extra 250 power is what I need to make my crits even have any force behind them.
Dunno, Engy was my first class in this game, first MMO I’ve played since MUDding days and after I figured out how to play the class it’s fun. I don’t see how that’s any different from any other class though, really. The other classes I’ve tried really do feel like easy mode though.
You can get every single one except the crafting while waiting for/doing the Claw battle. There’s a lake right there, plenty of stuff to gather, plenty of baddies to kill and between the crystals and the dragon fight you get all of your world events.
It’s really not hard, it’s just disappointing that I have 20+ jugs of karma sitting in the bank and nothing to spend it on. At least give me a way to change it into gold or laurels so I can buy worthwhile things. I don’t like playing dressup and that seems to be the only thing it’s good for since the stats are the same as exotics.
My Charr is white, made it when I was drunk one night. I’m not into white tigers or anything, it just looked nice:)
My Superior Bloodlust sigil stacks with the might from Juggernaut now, that’s all I care about:)
P.S: Stay away from water.
Not true, I don’t use grenades at all except underwater where you don’t have to manually target them. They rock.
Res-ing already goes faster with more people doing it, and the res bar does not decrease (for fully KO’d players), so you can easily start a res, dodge an attack, then get back to resing and you will get them up eventually.
A: You can’t dodge right away from rezzing, at least it’s never worked for me. You have to stand first and then dodge, by which time you’ve been hit by an attack which is probably going to 1 or 2 shot you.
B: Then that’s at least 2 people not dpsing and getting hit without being able to block or retaliate. Plus the person on the ground who is left staring at a screen and feeling bad because they’re weighing down the party rather than rezzing at a wp and running back to help.
To me, that sounds like the opposite of fun.
They stated from the very start that explore mode dungeons were intended to be difficult and for more organised and experienced groups. There is no actual ‘reward’ for these dungeons, other than bragging rights by sporting a full set of unique looking gear.. if you just in it for the reward, you need to remember its just a game.
That’s the thing, they’re both unfun and unrewarding. A different looking piece of gear is not a reward, it’s a paper cutout for a dress up doll. Dying to cheap tactics like fireball traps that one shot you when you’re nowhere near them is not challenging for anyone, it’s cheap, frustrating and annoying.
Dungeons were aggressively unfun before. It’s like they were designed to not work like the rest of the game, to reward rote memorization and prioritization of certain classes within the party. I was hopeful that whatever changes you were making would fix that somehow, but this doesn’t make me want to play them. I didn’t like rez rushing before, but I highly dislike just sitting there, being dead weight for my party and watching them lose partially because I went down. A debuff across the board and better rewards are necessary. Also, please consider making a dungeon or two that are for one or two players, not 5, as some of us don’t like to play with other people for the most part.
Thank god the overworld is so awesome:)
The problem with the cone is that it’s entirely inconsistant from one minute to the next. I can literally be hitting two guys 90 degrees apart with the flame facing the left side of my screen one blast, then the next blast miss both of them when none of us have moved. I’ve found it’s not necessarily where the camera is facing because of this…I can target a guy behind me and spray fire towards the camera and it hits, but sometimes it’ll miss a guy a foot above me when the camera is facing him. It’s fun and effective and I’m not going to stop using it, but if a.net doesn’t up the dam at least they can work the bugs out.
Found the post link at the bottom of the page on Magic Find on the wiki:
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/Magic-Find-Chests“They only work on creature kills, chests however have a better table then normal kills. We wanted to avoid the game play of killing a boss and then having to equip your whole Magic Find set before opening the chest.
Also magic find is calculated from when the creature is killed so it’s also not viable to use your normal gear set kill a boss then switch to magic find.” -Isaiah Cartwright.My memory isn’t what it used to be when I was younger, but I got the gist of it, I believe. But the important thing in his quote is, “…before opening the chest.”
I’m trying and trying to see where you can twist his words to make it seem like mf works on chests, but I can’t. He’s saying that mf works on mobs only and they designed it that way specifically so you DON’T put on mf gear ‘before opening the chest’. You don’t loot Teq’s body, you loot the chest that drops, therefore mf doesn’t apply.
So rizzo.1079, try loading up on mf armor/gear/jewelry/consumables next time you do one of the dragon events and see if it makes a difference in your event chest loot. I’ll wager you’ll notice a difference.
I have, and while anecdote /= data, I did not get better items from the dragon chests when using mf gear/food.
I think the range is fine, but damage should be upped. It should remain more of a med-short range option, but it should have higher damage to compensate.
Ugh another one.
The Coil events in Mount Maelstrom.
Too many enemies, in small quarters, all getting aggroed together.
The one in the NorthWest (it’s a circle on the minimap) has a champion, 4 turrets, a group of inquest that you have to kill first, and while fighting the champ they respawn.2 players couldn’t do this. It wasn’t marked as an event or group event, just an insane area that is totally not worth exploring.
Also the volcano event. I’d like to do it and I bet it’s cool, but that whole area inside it is a giant pain in general.
My problem with karma is that I have almost 250k and there is nothing good to spend it on. Ooohhh I can buy a weapon/armor that looks different but has the same stats, big deal. It’s easy to get that much if you just wander around doing de’s all the time.
I agree though, dragon loot needs to be fixed, it’s mostly crap…I killed all three in a row last night and got almost all blues and no rares at all. Never seen an exotic from one and I’ve killed them over 100 times altogether. And Sinbold.8723, mf doesn’t work on chests, so loading up on mf gear/food for dragons only hurts you. It’s nice for killing adds but I never really get anything good from them either.
Spended hours on it, and 150-200g on gear
150-200g? Did you buy one set of each armor or something? You can gear up with all exotics for less than 20g.
And yeah we don’t do much direct damage. My ach for most dam in one attack is still over 200k so I’m not too worried about it.
I would simply let Juggernaut trait work on Elixir Gun as well, instead of only Flamethrower.
The 6 stacks of might baseline would make up for any low damage…
Amen to that. I’ve just been starting to mess with the Elixir Gun over the past couple days and this is exactly what I was thinking.