Anyone who really enjoys champ farming will still enjoy it even if they get a few silvers less. Anyone who says it’s less fun now probably wasn’t really doing it to have fun at all. The argument is self defeating.
You’re absolutely right, it’s still just as fun as it was prior.
Honestly I’m not seeing much of a drop anyhow. I opened around 40 boxes last night and most of them had 6+s, only a few of them had between 3 and 6 and even fewer had 0-3.
Yeah a conversion recipe would be great. I’m sitting on almost 100 bricks but I don’t do any activities regularly that drop empyreal shards…
No one said that they are difficult. The thing is that they are ANNOYING.
It is extremely recklessly to add anal grind in game and make it’s target mobs so
It’s all good though since the Labyrinth isn’t really worth grinding for anything…
Honestly the topic was confusing anyhow, I have no idea about office politics and I doubt you do either.
The concept that is hard to get is that it’s somehow ‘fun’ to run in circles killing the same 5 mobs over and over again for hours. I don’t run into many people who actually do consider this ‘fun’, they mostly do it to get ‘stuff’.
I think it’s fun, plus I get stuff. I’m killing a huge troll or whatever with a fireball in the middle of a crack in the middle of mountains in a frozen tundra, yeah of course that’s fun.
Hopefully never…the Teq revamp is horrible and more content like that would definitely push me away from the game.
More zergs? How about anet promotes something more skillful than 111 spam?
I usually hit 2-0 also when killing a world boss, it makes for more fun gameplay and kills the boss faster. You should try it!
Wow dude calm down, he’s just explaining the thought process not saying he likes it.
Also your car engine analogy is not very good, mostly because when you buy a car you own the engine, whereas when you buy GW2 you don’t own anything except the right to install the software on a computer and play the game.
Oh ok I see…it doesn’t bother me personally, the gem store stuff is either not very good looking or it’s townclothes which I never see on any of my characters.
Carry on though!
(edited by rizzo.1079)
Gear is indeed part of the new content, strictly speaking.
It is one of the reasons why it has risen, the others being the ones I stated above.
Nevertheless, thanks for your thoughts.
Gems are worth more gold now because there is more gold in the economy, that’s the only reason. There are numerous reasons why there is more gold now, but Gems are fixed at $10USD/800.
That’s precisely the reason why people start choosing real cash to buy gems over gold to gem exchange. Logical.
Yep you’re right…though conversely I haven’t bought gems in months now that I’ve managed to amass a couple hundred gold…
If you’re trying to insinuate that is incentivizing the spending of real money on gems: duh of course they are, they’re a business.
(edited by rizzo.1079)
Gear is indeed part of the new content, strictly speaking.
It is one of the reasons why it has risen, the others being the ones I stated above.
Nevertheless, thanks for your thoughts.
Gems are worth more gold now because there is more gold in the economy, that’s the only reason. There are numerous reasons why there is more gold now, but Gems are fixed at $10USD/800.
So last night I made the decision to slowly get back into the game. I guess Chris Whiteside’s Collaborative discussion thread re-invigorated me with GW2. Anyways, I took a gander at what I would need for an ascended weapon. It looks…daunting. I feel it is going to be a ton of mats to just craft my way to the required crafting level. Is this true?Any tips ? Suggestions? Do most people have their ascended weapons? Is this going to be painful?
My 2 copper:
It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but it was much worse than it should be.
Gear treadmills (even ones that are as slow as the one in GW2) make me a sad panda, but there’s too much other stuff I like about this game to quit over that, so I went ahead and made my ascended weapon. Honestly, the hardest part was leveling crafting to 500.
The best tip I can give: A watched pot doesn’t boil. Don’t sweat how long it takes to make the weapon.
That’s really good advice. I wasn’t actually shooting to make the weapon until a couple weeks ago when I realized all I really had to farm up was the empyreal’s and then I hit up jp’s once a day to get ’em.
What you want to do is go here:
figure out what weapon you want to craft and then drill down through the links to figure out all the mats you’ll need for it. Then you have to craft to 500.
Protip: Artificers can craft potions to get from (I think)400-450 or so. Potions of ice brood killing or whatever the name is are nice to make because they’re useful for Frostgorge farming.
Suggest some ways to get notifications of events to more players so that a wider population can come to these events rather than just the same people again, and again, and again.
I had fun when I could spend a whole evening killing world bosses and get a chest(with crap loot 100% of the time) every time:)
Yeah and you get the empyreal for dungeon runs and doing stuff in wvw apparently too.
I just made my first ascended yesterday. The hardest part was grinding out all the Empyreals, other than that bloodstone and dragonite dropped like candy. Refining them got me from 450-473 and then I think I needed to make 7 or 8 more exotics to reach 500.
Best advice is to grind up a bunch of t6 mats so you don’t have to pay nearly as much for the mats to make the exo’s you need to get from 475ish-500. You’ll probably still have to buy some lower tier wood or metals unless you’re farming lower level zones for them, but I think all in all it actually cost me less than 50 gold…it did help that I had over 100 obsidian shards banked because I had nothing to use them on prior.
It all depends on how you like to play. I get lots of empyreals and very little dragonite.
Oh yeah that’s true, but unless you spend a lot of time playing you’re going to be short on one of the 3 mats and have to grind them probably. I think the important part was having a lot of high tier mats and not having to buy them, blood and bones get expensive…
I just made my first ascended yesterday. The hardest part was grinding out all the Empyreals, other than that bloodstone and dragonite dropped like candy. Refining them got me from 450-473 and then I think I needed to make 7 or 8 more exotics to reach 500.
Best advice is to grind up a bunch of t6 mats so you don’t have to pay nearly as much for the mats to make the exo’s you need to get from 475ish-500. You’ll probably still have to buy some lower tier wood or metals unless you’re farming lower level zones for them, but I think all in all it actually cost me less than 50 gold…it did help that I had over 100 obsidian shards banked because I had nothing to use them on prior.
SB is the only one that happens with now though, all the other world bosses were buffed so that it takes at least a few minutes to down them. Golem mk. 2 was the most well done IMHO.
I did get to participate in that one, and yes, it has been well done. But the fact remains that you really don’t have to be in sync with the rest of the people to be able to succeed. You can run in on the fly and get into the battle without knowing who is on first, so to speak. Only Teq requires some active coordination and planning at this point. I am hoping as they upgrade the rest, we will see some more events that take a bit more than running in, spamming your DPS skills and staying out of the way of the boss.
I’m not, I like just being able to run in and participate in an event. If they make all the world events like Teq I will probably quit the game, because Teq is not fun.
Anet does not believe farming is a valid way to play the game. This is an objective fact. There is 7 years of GW1 nerfs and 1 year of GW2 nerfs that follows this trend. If you are a farmer then Anet does not want you playing the game, end of story.
So that’s why they gave us a month of champ farming in Southsun with 200%mf buff? Or the pavilion with a 100%+ mf boost?
Yeah doesn’t care whether or not we farm as long as people still buy gems with money. wants anyone who will buy gems with money to play their game because they’re a business.
If it takes 0 skill, why don’t you do it?
Also, oh the irony… A champ train farmer complaining that dungeon running takes 0 skill. It’s almost painfully ironic…
You realize you have been showered with gold for 0 skill for months now, right?
I still don’t get why they are still playing. Pressing 1 gets boring eventually, at least for me.
Because A: you don’t just press 1 and B: running a train isn’t something most people on it are doing for hours and hours and hours, they’re usually doing other things as well as the train with their time…
(edited by rizzo.1079)
That’d be great, I loved it when you could get a chest every time even when the chest wasn’t going to have anything in it but some grumblecakes and a blue.
But oh man, you think the qqing is bad about the champ trains…
Hah! If you think he’s hard now, you should have seen him when he was first released. Every hit he landed on you was basically a one-hit kill. He was rightfully nerfed after people complained that this sucker was tougher than dungeon bosses and sitting in a starter zone.
He’s tougher now after he got buffed in the Tequatl update, but he’s still pretty easy. Just use a ranged weapon and keep moving, and don’t forget to clean up the Embers once in a while before they get too numerous.
This guy has it.
Keep moving, bring utilities that give you invuln or at least stability and clear out the embers when you can see them and they’re not invuln…
SB is the only one that happens with now though, all the other world bosses were buffed so that it takes at least a few minutes to down them. Golem mk. 2 was the most well done IMHO.
Also you get at least one rare for sure from every world boss, some like FE and Jormag give you champ boxes and ones like Maw and SB usually have at least one other rare in the big chest…
(edited by rizzo.1079)
Yes I did one day when I completed all dungeons during the night so I had nothing to do and decide to farm it. I made around 40g in 4:30 and I got surprised how rewarding spamming 111 truly is .
Basic math fail? Figure on an average of 40 boxes per hour.
No way you get 40/hour farming FG, 20 max and that’s if you don’t have to wait for anything to spawn which never happens more than a couple times around in an hour.
Also please also be aware that there is a lot of judgment around Scarlet when the arc has not completed yet. I agree with many of the points being made at a foundational level but please don’t assume that the direction of the arc is understood by all just yet.
I think the point is that her story so far is less an arc and more of a line.
Yep i think this point is valid.
Cool…well that’s honestly my biggest personal gripe with the story so if we’re on the same page here I, for one, am happier than I was before:)
At least it had a point. Traits like that Guradian trait that halves falling damage just had no purpose to begin with
All classes have a trait that halves falling damage.
Also please also be aware that there is a lot of judgment around Scarlet when the arc has not completed yet. I agree with many of the points being made at a foundational level but please don’t assume that the direction of the arc is understood by all just yet.
I think the point is that her story so far is less an arc and more of a line.
December 10th patch notes
- Lingering Elements has received an updated skill fact
Lingering Elements- This trait does nothing
But wait that would be a useful fact!
Anyhow I like the mystery of it all…does it do something that I’m not noticing? I don’t know anything is possible!
You never know…
I’m with inculpatus, why not open the chests?
They’ve already said there’s no use in discussing the frequency of the LS updates. I have a feeling that they’re dictated by marketing/corporate and there’s nothing they can do about it.
Than I really do hope Anet is prepared for the backlast and loss of players that it’s going to bring.
You’re going to want to post your comments here:
They’re actually participating in that thread.
No, this has nothing to do with you being a ‘casual player’ (a meaningless term). This has to do with you complaining that you took two weeks to actually participate in Halloween.
If your job has you so busy that you can’t muster up a few hours to play Halloween over the course of two weeks, then I think you need to re-evaluate your work/life balance rather than the pacing of the game.
Not that I’m ever going to argue that working 60 hours/week is a good thing, but you do realize that some people have jobs that require a few weeks in a row of working like mad and then a few weeks in a row of time off/reduced hours, right?
They’ve already said there’s no use in discussing the frequency of the LS updates. I have a feeling that they’re dictated by marketing/corporate and there’s nothing they can do about it.
It’s only the 15th time ANet has nerfed the most profitable money maker in the game and it’s good on them so you’re not forced to do the same money making scheme to keep up with the inflation that comes from tons of people doing said most profitable thing in the game.
No, you’re still forced to do the same money making scheme that you were in the beginning if you wanted to make good money: Play TP baron…yay!
Oh also running a champ train is still plenty profitable…each ecto is worth like 30+s now you know…
Really, the champ farming was driving up the prices of gems, making it so that those who don’t farm look at a steadily increasing price over the past few months
Gold>Gem prices have been rising steadily since long before champs were given decent loot.
Hey, think you’ll get those updated patch notes up at some point or did you ‘forget about’ them again?
(edited by rizzo.1079)
Champions died regularly long before the champ bags were introduced.
Not really…
Truth. At most, you would kill a Champion once and that was that.
Exactly. I’d usually give them a go if I ran across them, and truthfully doing stuff like taking down the champ giant in the cave in Diessa with 2 of my friends was fun…once. I stumbled across him, we took him down and I haven’t been back since.
It’s a sticky wicket but I feel it was pretty balanced before and didn’t need to be nerfed. Sure people run trains, but never, at least on GoM, did I see other events/areas/activities go unpopulated any more than they did before champs actually got decent loot.
Nice nerf , now people won’t get free looot and it’s great . There was absolutly 0 risk fighting those chwmps and 0 effort .
As much as any other loot in the game it requires time input…beyond that the only way loot isn’t free in this game is if you buy gems with real money. Regardless, I’d still say champ trains are probably the best way of making money, doing metas then breaking down rares/exos and selling the ectos being the second best. It’s not like the champ trains will stop just because there’s slightly less silver per bag.
(edited by rizzo.1079)
Champions died regularly long before the champ bags were introduced.
Not really…
Think about it. He’s got a cool sword, he’s in Destiny’s Edge. He can kick Logan’s butt. He even pushes around that one girl from flame and frost. Is there anything he can’t do?
He’s such a Mary Sue.
When the character is male, it’s Marty Stu. When it’s Scarlet, it’s Mary Sue.
The first improvement to address this went live on 10/29. The special event UI now tells you where to go and in what order to experience the story bits. We have designs for another system that will potentially sort out the timelines and provide other mechanisms to enhance LW releases, but until it’s confirmed for a specific build I can’t divulge more specifics.
Honestly I don’t care about timelines or anything else except: Can you make it so I can remove things I don’t want up there? Blood and Madness is still there saying the same thing after I’ve completed the meta as it did before and it’s really annoying.
We’re going to see inflation in gold continuing for a while I think, which isn’t a bad thing since gold was WAY too valuable initially. I do think the heart quests and DE’s should be buffed way beyond what they are now…I can’t explain how frustrated I was to see a level 80 heart quest hardly reward more than a level 10. I don’t think nerfing the rewards for anything is the right way to go about it though. Maybe a chest and increased money reward for DE’s/heart quests that are 70+? That still leaves a lot of zones with no good reason to visit them since their stuff is <70…
I’m only at 107% at the moment but I definitely get more yellow drops than I used to.
Getting to around 100% made a noticeable difference but more doesn’t seem to have made much difference.
Oh huh….during the Southsun and Pavilion events I thought I could tell the difference between various levels of MF. The +250% from the Southsun event definitely made a big difference with how many rare’s/exo’s that dropped.
I don’t play any content I don’t enjoy no matter what the reward is. Luckily they’ve done pretty well with making the rewards available via content I enjoy one way or another. There’s definitely stuff I’ve skipped like the Sunbringer title because the content is just lousy though…
I’m only at 107% at the moment but I definitely get more yellow drops than I used to.
Stop being lazy , arenanet did a nice move to nerf it . Pressing 111 ina blob of players without any strategy . Should give only 1 silver+ 1 drop and some mats . You can farm dungeons which give way more than champtrain, dungeons are as easy but at least it’s not in a giant blob.
Except dungeons are frustrating and unfun, whereas at least champ farming is kind of fun anyhow. So why shouldn’t they nerf dungeon rewards then?
I don’t feel like she’s the personal nemesis of any of my PC’s. If anything, she’s the nemesis of Queen Jenna since it seems that she specifically wrecked the festival to get at her. She hasn’t actually done anything specifically to any of my PC’s as far as I remember.
She didn’t do as much damage as Zhaitan did, perhaps, but she does sort of attack zones in all areas of the world. Queen Jennah is the Krytan Queen, but she was also behind the assassination of a Lion’s Arch Captain, which is not specifically a human city but a city of all races. And she does assault pretty much every zone.
I guess my question for you is this: what did Zhaitan do you to personally?
She’s an enemy of the free people’s of the world. She’s attacked two major cities and all of our territories. Oh, and she sent you a bomb. I’d say that’s pretty personal. lol
Zhaitan didn’t do anything to me and I didn’t do anything to him because he’s at the end of a dungeon for some silly reason.
She does assault every zone but she doesn’t actually DO anything to those zones and then leaves after she gets bored. She doesn’t even open portals in cities that I’ve seen, mostly just in random fields in the middle of nowhere.
She sent me a bomb after I blew her up a couple of times, tit for tat I’d say.
Do people still fight Tequatl on NA servers? or did that world event just die for being too hard?
It’s not too hard, it’s just not rewarding and requires too much standing around and preparation. Hell if it scaled right and had AI controlled turrets you could probably still 5 man it, it’s just you NEED 80+ people now and nobody wants to stand there and wait for it when we can be doing something fun or rewarding instead.
There is a guild that does it regularly in overflows or something called TTS…check out the Teq threads and you should be able to find a member to PM for an invite.
Favorite: I don’t have favorite things generally but I’ve liked most of the content honestly.
Least Favorite: Teq Rising. Removing functional events and replacing them with something only a very tiny portion of the population does is a very bad idea. If you want to make new instanced content like that it’s fine, but the way you did Teq wasn’t a good idea. I also didn’t like the Labyrinth too much this year and feel it was a wasted opportunity for a giant boss battle. Also anything dungeon focused because I don’t like the dungeons in GW2, but I’m not going to tell you to stop doing them because a lot of people obviously like them. Can you possibly fix the mob area rubberbanding though? I could have soloed MF if not for that…
Regarding the cadence of releases: You really need to get some more QA people if you want to keep doing 2 week releases. I’m an IT guy, so I understand complex software gets buggy, but there are some majorly obvious things that your QA team doesn’t catch and it seems to be a regular thing. I do like new content every 2 weeks, I just wish it wasn’t regularly followed by an entire night of updates screwing up the meta event times.
(edited by rizzo.1079)
Jeez, it wasn’t that bad. The bloody prince fight was surprisingly awful, but I felt the rest of Halloween was done well. I wasn’t around last year, however.
I’m picturing the Prince and King standing in the Labyrinth trading the same canned quips for the next year…it’s a sad picture…
Honestly I think I would pay money to get the dust reduced so…
You’re reading way too much into this. Honestly if there’s a train you should just run with it unless you really have a burning need to kill a champ yourself. Running with the train means more loot for everyone, you included. If you have a compulsion to kill champs by yourself, there are a load of zones without trains and only 2 zones with them. For example, I just soloed the champ ooze in Metrica the other day because I felt like soloing a champ.
That said, is it in any way proper to yell at someone for killing a champ out of order? Absolutely not.
(edited by rizzo.1079)
I don’t feel like she’s the personal nemesis of any of my PC’s. If anything, she’s the nemesis of Queen Jenna since it seems that she specifically wrecked the festival to get at her. She hasn’t actually done anything specifically to any of my PC’s as far as I remember.
I only have problems with folks that are going out of their way to spoil the train. Otherwise, just move to the next champ and life goes on. I still recall when a small party politely asked the Icezerg in map chat if they could tackle the Champ Quaggan on their own without interference. The response was nothing but positive and folks cheered them on and wished them well. And yes, we just bypassed them and let them have their fun/challenge.
If someone, or a group of someones is simply playing along why should they have to ask the zerg for permission to simply play? They have as much right to do the content as the zerg.
To me, this is like having to ask your spouse if its ok to sleep, or to eat, or to use the bathroom. You shouldn’t have to ask permission to do something that should be considered as part of the natural order.
Because if you know there’s a train that usually kills a champ, it’s polite to ask first. Polite, ya know, the whole ‘treating people how you’d like to be treated’ thing?
I don’t think politeness has anything to do with it. You don’t need to ask for permission to kill something in the game because someone else (or a group of someones) might come around and want to kill it.
If people want to run a train, that is their choice. But that choice is not binding on anyone else. Making choices comes with a certain degree of implicit responsibility. The people in the train need to take responsibility for the fact that one of the creatures they might want to kill will be already dead.
But politeness has everything to do with it. The interaction that was described was a civilized one wherein everyone was polite to everyone else and no confrontation or foul language was necessary. It’s not the ‘asking for permission’ part that is important in the interaction, it’s recognizing that there are other people playing the game and treating them respectfully.
If you put the Prince back in the box, then you’re done. There’s no Reapers Rumble this year and no quest to stop the Mad King. You can play Mad King Says by the fountain in Lion’s Arch. That’s it and yes, it is short and disappointing. I started not long after Halloween last year, bought the game partially because my friends said how much fun Halloween was…well by now they’ve all quit and I wouldn’t recommend it to others based on this event…