Showing Posts For rizzo.1079:

Almost nobody does Fire Shaman

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Gate of Madness does him when he’s up between other world events…he sticks around for a while so sometimes you’ll see his timer at an hour or so but we usually down him.

Dulfy is everything that GW2 have

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I ran around Frostgorge for like an hour, didn’t find any of the thingies besides the one by the Jormag spawn, then decided it was a silly quest and I was wasting time.

I’ve stopped using Dulfy for stuff like that, so I just end up doing less stuff in game.

An honest conversation about concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Dungeons for SP please.

This! Molten Facility was ALMOST a SP dungeon, I got more than halfway through it, but some smaller, kitten ring/frustrating SP dungeons would be awesome!

Guess who's coming back on Oct 1?

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


lol they are already retconning her because they realized what joke she is! that’s good. the less smart & less powerful & less influential they make her the better. they surely can’t line up that new data with what they’ve said & shown. retcon retcon lols.

It’s not really a retcon. If people read all the dialogue in the Closing Ceremony instance, they would have heard Vorpp say she got engineering degrees at each college. The player base then assumed she also did the entire course work for each college on top of that as well.

You know what happens when people “assume” something…

Sadly it’s too late. People will think of her as a villian sue and put all their hate in her, which is in my opinion unjustified.

But your are right, Anet didn’t retcon her, she wasn’t a sue in the beginning. What Vorrp said could make her this but the short story said that she didn’t graduate from the colleges. She finishes courseworks, it’s not the same as graduating the colleges.

And the eternal alchemy thing? Did someone really believe that she saw the eternal alchemy?

If you don’t want your villain to be a Villain Sue, you should be very careful not to write her like one.

Who gave up on the reptile already?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I did. I stopped trying when I couldn’t get into my home server for it, though I heard they beat it Saturday night. There are so many fun things to do in GW2 that this just seems both boring and annoying…

Teq Isn't Hard

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


It’s not hard, it’s just not fun is the problem.

Whats the consensus on rezzing people?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I guess none of you have had the problem of being booted to a overflow when you WP…

I wish I could say I have, but 100% of the time(with Teq anyhow) I’m starting from overflow so it’s not something I’m really worried about.

Whats the consensus on rezzing people?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I always assume in any large battle that if I’m not rezzed quickly then I should wp. Heck, even with the old Teq battle you’d get large swaths of dead players, most of them would just wp back to Sparkfly but there’d always be those few people that’d just lay there waiting for a rez.
Or they were the apocryphal ‘hit 1 afk’ crowd that is apparently so frequent at world events.

Its just ridiculous to get into a server

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I see all these threads and I have yet to fully understand WHY players must be in the main server instance?

I’m just assuming my home server gets him down below 90%, because I definitely haven’t been in an overflow that has.

So it wasn't impossible.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Seems like it was impossible for the livestream anyhow…

Its just ridiculous to get into a server

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


That’s why I didn’t even bother last night and continued to level my new alt. Leveling an alt is WAY more fun than hanging out for hours in overflow waiting for an autofail event.

Moved to overflow after waiting

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah that happened to me with a couple Scarlett events. On my home server, port to a wp in the same zone to go kill more clockwork guys and suddenly I’m in Overflow.

Difference being the success rate I experienced in Scarlett overflows was around 50%, while what I’ve experienced in the Teq overflows can only be expressed by the imaginary number i.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


That was my point- do content you enjoy, because you enjoy it.
Why else would you do it?

The problem being that assured failure isn’t fun for a lot of us. More events like this means fewer events that I actually like, making me more likely to pick up another game that has fun content.

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


You know what’s not fun (for me)? Showing up to an event, not caring about who’s there, spamming autoattack while you go get a glass of water, and coming back to pickup your loot.

If you were afk spamming 1 at Teq then you were one of the people that I’d always have to rez after the event. You’re welcome!

did you read past the first line?


Yeah, I guess events where you have to stand around for hours just to make sure you’re in your home server and have so you can have a tiny chance of winning just aren’t for everyone…

Edit: I guess since any mob in the game can drop lv 80 exotics if you’re lv 80, only lv 80’s should be fighting mobs?

You know what people have started doing? Purposely going into overflows instead of trying to get into home servers for this exact reason.

What overflow are they in and how can I be sure I can get to it, please? All the overflows I’ve gotten in are disorganized and futile.

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


You know what’s not fun (for me)? Showing up to an event, not caring about who’s there, spamming autoattack while you go get a glass of water, and coming back to pickup your loot.

If you were afk spamming 1 at Teq then you were one of the people that I’d always have to rez after the event. You’re welcome!

Why don't achievement rewards get unlocked?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I think one of the dev’s said they’re working on something like that. Since they just put it in recently for the achievement chests, I can understand why it might be hard to code for already existing types of rewards.

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah, I guess events where you have to stand around for hours just to make sure you’re in your home server and have so you can have a tiny chance of winning just aren’t for everyone…

Edit: I guess since any mob in the game can drop lv 80 exotics if you’re lv 80, only lv 80’s should be fighting mobs?

(edited by rizzo.1079)

world bosses: GW2's best kept secret

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I didn’t find out about dragons until a good 2 months after I started playing. Before then I’d done Fire Ele and Golem Mk 2 without even realizing they were world events. Heck, I think I soloed the Mk2 because there were no real rewards for doing any of the bosses back then.

Anyhow, like so much of this game, you definitely have to rely on outside resources if you want to find out about it.

Tequatl the Funless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Title is correct, encounter is not fun. Getting thrust into overflows that only get 10% of his life off is not fun. At least the overflows I got put into for Scarlett usually finished the event around 50% of the time.

My favourite boss is now golem mark 2, as you can clearly SEE the fields of death and can dodge out of them.

This. Golem Mk2 was the best redesign so far. Tough but also fun and fair.

Lack of Polish

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I’m half Polish and I’m in game a lot, does that count?

Teq 2.0 Behavior of our Gaming Society

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


The new Teq fight is so fun, I decided to not even bother trying it last night because it wasn’t necessary for the daily.

Tequatl another failure

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Its not Tequatl that is the failure… It is the players. Tequatl is beatable. Players just need to stop being selfish and carebears.

Yeah not being able to see an already hard to see ring under water with a reflective surface and therefore being hit, then dodging into another just popping poison field, then being pulled through one by a krait and dying is definitely being a carebear…

Or it could be a badly designed encounter.

Or you could not be using full Zerker gear for it.

If you’re not…yeeeaaaaah, l2p issue.

Yeeeeaaaa not being able to dodge things you can’t see /= l2p. Thanks for trying though!

I’m colorblind and I can still see it just fine despite being green on basically green everything else. Your HP dipping should be an indication as well.

I’m colorblind too, not being able to tell the difference between good and bad circles sucks, but that’s easily remedied by getting used to dodging out of any circle I’m in. The bad part is trying to see underwater rings through all the particle effects. I usually do go by when my hp dips but at that point it can be too late.

Tequatl another failure

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Tequatl is really fun, you’re just baddies. Keep complaining and don’t learn from previous encounters with him.

I did learn…stay away from poison, protect turrets, dps him as you can. It’s all pretty easy…yet the overflows I’m in still manage to get him down 10% and that’s about it.

So all in all not very fun, frustration is not fun. Oddly enough the other boss revamps make things more challenging AND fun at the same time, this one was just badly done.

Tequatl another failure

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Its not Tequatl that is the failure… It is the players. Tequatl is beatable. Players just need to stop being selfish and carebears.

Yeah not being able to see an already hard to see ring under water with a reflective surface and therefore being hit, then dodging into another just popping poison field, then being pulled through one by a krait and dying is definitely being a carebear…

Or it could be a badly designed encounter.

Or you could not be using full Zerker gear for it.

If you’re not…yeeeaaaaah, l2p issue.

Yeeeeaaaa not being able to dodge things you can’t see /= l2p. Thanks for trying though!

The Shatterer is too easy to kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


If you make every dragon like sunless you won’t be seeing anyone but guildies doing this event and that is not something Anet wants, and honestly if they did GW2 will just die even more. GW2 is a casual game, not a raid game.

What? Please tell you are kidding. You actually like simple, ridiculously easy world boss fights?

I do…I was killing these bosses regularly when they only gave greens and blues because they were fun. New Teq is not fun.

Well casuals can kill boars and stuff. Dragons are probably kind or badkittens irl too so you need real army if you wanna kill one.

Hardcores can play the already unfun dungeon encounters and leave the world bosses to us ‘casuals’.

Good for goose, good for gander.

Tequatl another failure

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Its not Tequatl that is the failure… It is the players. Tequatl is beatable. Players just need to stop being selfish and carebears.

Yeah not being able to see an already hard to see ring under water with a reflective surface and therefore being hit, then dodging into another just popping poison field, then being pulled through one by a krait and dying is definitely being a carebear…

Or it could be a badly designed encounter.

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Oh with a 20 minute timer NA overflow can get him down to maybe 85%, sweet!

Tequatl another failure

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Not all at once. Sooner or later, the encounter will be mastered and will seem easy.
Increasing complexity teach people to be serious to their abilities and gear, as well as other players and combo mechanics.

The overflows I’ve made it to for this event have gotten maybe 10% off his life. I don’t think I’m going to bother with the ‘learning curve’ for this one much longer.

Flawless Defense - Defend the Hylek Turrets

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I got 3 jumps over waves towards the ach last night but as far as I could tell it’s impossible to jump over them without getting hit since the knockback happens at a random time before the wave gets to your position.

So yeah the achievements aren’t exactly solid right now it seems.

Difficult? No

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I was one of the few people doing the meta events for fun before they even gave a yellow. I’ve never done the events to get something for nothing, but because they were fun. This is not fun.

A bunch of RPers just beat Taco

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I don’t buy it, I don’t see “Overflow” on that map and as far as I can tell there’s no way to get into non overflow versions of this event…

Tequatl - Wow Crazy requirements

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Let me make this simple.

99.9% of the content in Guild Wars 2 is Easy Mode

If you don’t want challenge you have 2 options. 1: Play the rest of the content in Guild Wars 2, or 2: Play FreeRealms. That might be more your speed.

If 99.9% of the content in the game is too easy for you, might I instead suggest that YOU’RE the one playing the wrong game? I hear there are a bunch of ‘bash your head against the wall in frustration’ type games out there these days…

"Stationary boss easy mode" for the whiners?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Shadow Behemoth was killed in 3 minutes. He drops guaranteed a Rare, plus another chest with a chance for more stuff. Spread the word!

Plus his new Champ adds have drops, not sure how long that’ll last for though.

"Stationary boss easy mode" for the whiners?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I’ll tell you what, I was doing world bosses before they gave any kind of decent rewards, because they were fun. I never just stood there hitting 111111 and anyone who did was doing it wrong. This fight has become unfun, so instead of “Stationary boss easy mode”, how about we do “Fun Boss Fight” mode?


in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah I tried a dungeon for the first time…and then the second time…and it wasn’t fun dying a billion times, not being able to self rez and holding back the guys I was playing with…so I don’t do them anymore.

Overflow - impossible

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


In my day MUDs didn’t have queues but they had lag and random disconnects and you had to read all the words.


Edit: I too am rather miffed about the overflow problem.

Risk vs Reward [Challenging Content.]

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Here’s a tip for you: If you feel Tequatl isn’t worth your time, go kill the Shadow Behemoth. He has a new 15 minute timer too, but you can still kill him in under 3 minutes.

Yeah that’s probably what I’m going to do if whatever overflow I get into tonight can only get him down to 90% or whatever again. Lord knows I’m not just going to stand around dodging rotting fish carcasses for an hour just to have a shot at losing on my home server…

This is why there is a timer

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Black Gate beat him. It’s not impossible but will require effort as it should always have been. It’s only been a day. Relax. Giving up won’t get you anywhere. We were just so used to the brain dead spam auto attack encounters that most of us are struggling to actually work together to beat a dragon.

and that tells everything. new Teq is an end of autoattack spam.
it’s the time to co-op.

I keep seeing people saying about how they’d AFK autoattack him before, but how would you dodge the poison pools and spawns?
Or were you one of those people that I’d have to rez after every Teq fight because you were doing it wrong?

i dislike timers

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I like the timer because it lets me know I can give up and go do more fun stuff. In overflow, five minutes left and only 10% off his health bar? Yeah I’ll go explore or kill champs or do my daily World 1 run in SAB.

Veteran Oakhearts - Now regular Oakhearts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


The ones by where Wurm spawns are still Vets too:)

Sab, Rewards and motivation to play

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Personally I lost all motivation when 2-1 was reasonably long and then 2-2 took me forever. No zone should take more than a half hour to run through just because of length and not difficulty.

Plus I still can’t beat the King Toad solo even the second time around so even though the general idea is fun I’m kinda frustrated by the whole thing at this point.

King Toad Skins are too easy to obtain.

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


You managed to memorize the World 1 trib mode, grats!

No Soup For Solo

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Well, I tried it. I made it to King Toad, wasted my supply of twenty-something continue coins and logged out. Whomever states that SAB is solo content is out of their gourd. No offense but it’s true. Now, if you will excuse me I must go out and purchase a new keyboard as King Toad has left mine missing a few function keys.

Well I know you’re a troll but if you’re being honest here I can’t argue with King Toad being too hard to solo. Played SAB in April and am playing it now and I still can’t even get one hit in on the kitten. Glad I had one guild mate still playing in April to help beat him so at least I can start on World 2.

Absolutely soul-crushing bug

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Well heck I was getting Infantile Mode achievements last night and I wasn’t even running in Infantile Mode…or at least I had to make all the jumps and didn’t see any pretty rainbow clouds. Things may be slightly buggy…

Unintended Monthly Achievement Rollback?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Prior to this I was all behind the 2 week release schedule but now I’m wondering if it is too much for you guys to handle. This is a pretty big screw up, especially for those of us who just had one more daily for completion. Please consider decompressing your release schedule, hiring more QA people, opening a public beta test server or all of the above.

Drop rate of event shoulders?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I’m at 5 sets of shoulders after ~12 invasions, always taking the boxes not the scraps. I wish I could sell some, I put one on my warrior just because he doesn’t look that bad with it but they don’t fit any of my other alts…

460k of CCU (concurrent users)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


This one is a good example, Anet new contents are really boring and doesn’t really make the game any enjoyable to play. The only real update the past whole year was fractal. Other than that, all other contents are meh at best.

Except the content is really fun and makes the game very enjoyable to play except for fractals because dungeons aren’t fun.

Isn't it rather sad....

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: rizzo.1079


No it’s not sad, it’s fun!

What the heck is even going on now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Wait, you’re getting literally free gold for having achievement points and you’re complaining about it?

Every loading screen with its original art makes wanna cry when I think about all the glowing and ridiculous wings on players now.

Sorry they’re not to your taste but I really like them…

That’s fine. I just wish I have a checkbox to turn glowings off. It was one of the things that I loved from this game (and hated from cheap art games like most asians MMO or Wow later expansions, the original first edition was cool).

Ok that I get but still, you’re angry that you got free gold for points that were totally useless prior?

What the heck is even going on now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Wait, you’re getting literally free gold for having achievement points and you’re complaining about it?

Every loading screen with its original art makes wanna cry when I think about all the glowing and ridiculous wings on players now.

Sorry they’re not to your taste but I really like them…