Showing Posts For rizzo.1079:

Protecting myself and my assets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


If you’re really worried about being banned for nothing, a better solution would be to not use any kind of chat to talk to players other than real life friends. Then all you’d have to worry about is not being a bot and not abusing exploits.

Forced to PvP/WvW for Living Story Unlock

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I’m pretty sure you don’t have to do that, just do the dailies that count towards the LS.

Stop dying to Grand High Viscount

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Anet didn’t “encourage” that in this update.

Considering you can’t go 5 feet in the labyrinth solo without getting cc’d to hell and back, I’m going to go ahead and dispute this statement.

You mean while trying to ignore everything and run through to catch up to the zerg? God forbid you actually have to fight your way there.

No I mean when trying to fight things I have 2 dodges and 2 stunbreaks, once 2 or 3 guys get on you with cc’s it gets really amazingly annoying. Also that trying to fight things solo in there is completely pointless and not worthwhile in any way, and running with the zerg is only slightly better.

Protecting myself and my assets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I’m pretty sure you’ll be fine as long as you act like a decent human being.

"I gathered the mats so it was free"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I went with an average which I feel 2 world bosses is pretty fair average. Quite a few times I got 4 rares from just one boss, very rarely i dont get 5 -6 rares from 2 world bosses. besides the 15 minutes per boss is also a worst case scenario. generally its over in 1/2 the that time. In any case in the long run it will average out anyway. I do not feel this was a low estimate at all, it was an average estimate. a low estimate would be getting all the rares from 1 world boss and finishing that world boss in 6 minutes.

Considering I’ve never gotten more than two rares from a world boss — that’s never, as in not once — you are playing a different game. Two per boss is not all that common. I can’t say 4 rares from one boss has never happened, but I’ve never seen it, or heard anyone claim it before this. However, neither can you say the experience you’re reporting is typical.

Getting 3-4 rares from one boss is pretty common for me, especially Maw, SB and FE…the dragons not so much.

At first it surprised me that so few people here seem to understand economics. But then I realized how bad most people are at managing their own finances that it really isn’t so surprising that this discussion is taking place.

Just to clarify what should be common knowledge:
- Opportunity cost is not an “opinion.”
- Opportunity cost is not a “perspective.”
- Opportunity cost is not a “point of view.”

Opportunity costs exists with every choice you make whether you like it or not.

You missed one:
-Opportunity cost doesn’t really matter in a “video game”

limited use finishers so annoying to delete!

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah that’s what I started doing but it’s still annoying.

200.000 chattering = 740g to NPC

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Ten thousand candy corn = 39 inventory/bank spots plus the stack in your collection. I’m sure that isn’t a coincidence…

Stop dying to Grand High Viscount

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Anet didn’t “encourage” that in this update.

Considering you can’t go 5 feet in the labyrinth solo without getting cc’d to hell and back, I’m going to go ahead and dispute this statement.

limited use finishers so annoying to delete!

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079


The most annoying thing ever! Why do these not go into the bank with the rest of them? I’m never ever going to use this, please fix!

Black Lion Chest Keys Wasted of Gems

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Don’t encourage to keep doing more RNG stuff, boycott RNG gemstore items!

Skeletal Lich - Impossible or Bugged?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Did you smack him into one of those little mausoleums in the area he spawns? We had that problem a few times, half your damage is obstructed by the building and he just starts regen. like others said getting right up in his face is really the only solution when that happens. Embrace the Zerg. :x

Even when it gets into the mausoleum, there is no collision issues in this game unless you have the ‘Melee Assist’ option enabled in the Options Menu. Simply make a line of players and melt him down.

Problem is that’s when he’ll heal like a quarter of his bar when he uses his life steal, I watched it happening last night.

Mad King's Labyrinth Drops

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I seem to get about as many rares from the Labyrinth bags as from FG champ bags.

Tequatl the Funless

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I’m not trying to instigate anything, just offer a friendly suggestion. Why not join [TTS]? I had 5 Teq kills my first day with the guild and also got the Sunbringer title.

Because I have no desire to join another guild and try to get into an overflow to do an open world event that was previously doable by just walking up and doing it. Content like this should be both new and instanced.

New Hair Styles Are Great!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I love the pinecone head for Sylvari!

Pink Day in LA

in Suggestions

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I’m waiting for someone to have something to raise colon cancer awareness. Brown LA!

Skeletal Lich - Impossible or Bugged?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079


You need to range him and keep him out of the building. When he does his fear he gets the life leech and if you’re all in the building at that time he’ll heal a crapload of hp.

Candy corn rewards are a time gate

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079


On the plus side, I made like 3g from selling candy corn yesterday because the rewards require so friggen many of them.

Tequatl the Funless

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Before all you had to do was run up to his foot and afk auto attack. No mechanics, no threat of death, nothing.

Again I say it: If you were doing that, you were one of the people I was rezzing after the fight and were just riding on the work of people who were paying attention, good job. The poison pools and adds easily wiped out large swaths of players before. What you’ve said here is the exact opposite of the way it was.

Before = Before the Tequatl Rising update?

or do you mean those AoEs that really didn’t do anything? To which I would then question whether large swaths really means 0-3 players.

Huh that’s weird, because I saw tens of people downed at a time by those poison clouds. Perhaps because you were afk and down you didn’t see them?

You have to be trolling me -_-

If you think that basic AoE is threatening in any form well then I have bridge to sell you.

No not a troll, that’s what was actually happening while you were afk. That’s why you were dead when you Alt+Tabbed back, you were standing in a poison pool or got killed by an add.

Tequatl the Funless

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Before all you had to do was run up to his foot and afk auto attack. No mechanics, no threat of death, nothing.

Again I say it: If you were doing that, you were one of the people I was rezzing after the fight and were just riding on the work of people who were paying attention, good job. The poison pools and adds easily wiped out large swaths of players before. What you’ve said here is the exact opposite of the way it was.

Before = Before the Tequatl Rising update?

or do you mean those AoEs that really didn’t do anything? To which I would then question whether large swaths really means 0-3 players.

Huh that’s weird, because I saw tens of people downed at a time by those poison clouds. Perhaps because you were afk and down you didn’t see them?

Tequatl the Funless

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Before all you had to do was run up to his foot and afk auto attack. No mechanics, no threat of death, nothing.

Again I say it: If you were doing that, you were one of the people I was rezzing after the fight and were just riding on the work of people who were paying attention, good job. The poison pools and adds easily wiped out large swaths of players before. What you’ve said here is the exact opposite of the way it was.

"I gathered the mats so it was free"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


On the other hand: These are all bits inside machines that you manipulate using software you paid $60 to license. None of these things are actually worth anything at all in a real world sense.

Gold-selling websites disagree with you.

Value to them and to, no value whatsoever to players. You do not own anything in the game, you don’t even own the software interface you use to access the game bits.

Please break Queensdale train

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


They just need to tweak the spawn times so that it’s not worth farming over and over. Either add 5 minutes to the respawn timers and/or have it so the respawn timers increase the more frequently they are killed.

I made a suggestion several months back that a lot of the farmers got upset about. I had suggested that some sort of DR should be in place where if you kill the same champions repeatedly within a certain amount of time, you can lose out on getting the champion bag. XP and karma is also reduced as well for those tied to an event.

I personally don’t really care whether they want to farm the champions so long as they’re respectful to players that want to kill them outside of the zerg.

So you don’t really care if they want to farm champions, yet they should tweak the spawn times so it’s not worth farming them? That’s what I’m getting here…

"I gathered the mats so it was free"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


On the other hand: These are all bits inside machines that you manipulate using software you paid $60 to license. None of these things are actually worth anything at all in a real world sense.

Frostgorge Sound bugged (Piken Square)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rizzo.1079


On GoM, the Claw chilled out on the hill all last night. It was kind of cool.

How to spend gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


First and most important things I bought were extra character slots (I have 8 now) and extra bank tabs.

If you’re new and really hurting for gold, I guess you can exchange gems -> gold but I hear the exchange rate isn’t that great. Hold onto em for when something really shiny comes along that you must have.

Naw it’s gold>gems that’s bad, gems>gold is great these days.

How to spend gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Don’t use it on Black Lion keys or any of the RNG boxes. Other than that just keep ‘em until there’s something you want…if you’re new you probably want to change a couple hundred of them to gold, that will help big time:)

"I gathered the mats so it was free"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I think peoples are just blowing things way out of whack here, completely over thinking things.

It’s a pedantic and semantic issue, not a real one.

Skins and the "Unlocked Rewards" window

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


There’s a post on the forums somewhere in which Colin(I think) said they’re working on it. I think there are 2 disparate systems at work here, the original ach system and the new rewards system. They’re probably working on integration of the 2 systems and it’s probably not that easy.

"I gathered the mats so it was free"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I hear this often from people in and out of game. I can’t understand how they can think that crafting something was free since they gathered the mats.

Once you have the mats, you have 2 options:
1. Craft them into something.
2. Sell them.

In both cases, you are without the mats in the end, but gain:
1. The value of the item you crafted.
2. The gold gained from selling mats.

So when crafting, the cost was either #2 (gold you would have gotten selling the mats), or the cost of buying the mats, both of which are pretty similar.

And the time it takes to gather should also be taken into account. Time saved can be used to make gold somewhere else.


I understand opportunity cost, but I’m not sure what your point is. If someone doesn’t understand it why do you feel that it’s your problem?

Player zerg need to be killed imo.

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Teq actually showed just how stupid the majority of the GW2 playerbase really is when you get people that can’t handle basic instructions as “Don’t let the kittening battery get wrecked,” simply because they’re too used to using exploits in dungeons, blindly running through everything, and being able to stand in one place and mashing the 1 key with their face, rather than using any actual form of rational thought.

I guess you never did Teq before? Blindly mashing 1 and just standing there would get you killed just as easily back then. Adding a requirement of 80+ people in zones that only handle 150 or so, plus making the whole thing dependent on a small number of people on turrets is a bad idea in an open world event.

Not being able to complete an event because of being pushed into an overflow with 50 other random people is not stupidity on the part of the players.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

Chat suppressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah message suppression gets screwy sometimes. I remember a while ago one of my guild mates got suppressed and he hadn’t said anything in /map for hours.

Random thoughts on some of Gorr's rambling.

in Personal Story

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Basically. The Norn in general don’t agree with the Sons’ Jormag worship, but they still respect them and will tolerate their presence as long as they don’t outright start a battle in the city.

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Josh Foreman dropping wisdom, great points man!

How many really care about personal story?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Once I found out that you’re forced to do a dungeon at the end I pretty much lost all interest. I’ve only done the racial storylines since then both for the achievement points and because they’re actually pretty well done.

Most beautiful and interesting zone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Hidden Garden all the way. Mount Maelstrom, defeat one of the keepers and you gain entrance to it.

This exactly, Hidden Garden is my favorite place in the whole game and it’s especially cool because I stumbled upon it totally by accident.

Maxing MF - other use for essences of luck?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Can you actually feel the difference with 300% magic find? I mean most things drops as chests now so you don’t even get a chance to roll the dice

Can somebody also post a guide of the best way of getting luck fast?

Pretty sure the champ boxes use MF, it’s just the open world chests and meta event boss chests that don’t. I know I can see a difference in the amount of t6 mats I get now that I’m getting closer to 100% natural.

In the last couple weeks I’ve gotten to 90%+ by salvaging everything I get from running champ trains. That wasn’t too hard but once you get to like 100%+ it might be more efficient just to buy stacks of ectos and break down any you get from rares/exos.

Boring CHamp farm solution

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I don’t think they should do that. I like to be able to do bigger events without crazy amounts of out of game coordination. I talk to people and coordinate things all day at work, I don’t want to do it in my relaxation time.

Merging servers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


The last time I did the Maw, 2 nights ago, there must have been 100+ people there so man I hope they don’t combine servers or I will be down to <10fps…

What stuck around?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Oh the jp in Gendarran is still there I think, right? I didn’t like it so I haven’t checked back but I don’t think it was removed.

Player zerg need to be killed imo.

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yes, Teq was very badly implemented.

I honestly don’t think they can do stuff like that without losing players, plus the dev time that something like that would take would probably not pay for them in the long run.

Player zerg need to be killed imo.

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


The change to the Teq event has already effectively removed Sparkfly and the event itself from the radar of the vast majority of players, there’s no good reason to do that to even more of the world map.

I will counter argue this point. The “real” reason no one do Teq anymore is because there is zero consequence of losing

Well I can’t say the ‘real’ reason no one does Teq(neither can you), but I can say I don’t do it because it’s frustrating and unfun, more about overcoming technical hurdles than actual game play skill. From what I can see on the forums, there are many people who share that opinion.

Having Lion’s Arch shut down because of an event doesn’t sound very fun either. I’m with you about the LS having more permanent effects, but closing off areas, especially major hubs, will cause more harm than good.

Edit: Also I’m struggling to figure out how the content of your post goes with the subject. Having to defend LA from Teq or a zone from 10k mobs would require even more of a zerg than we see now except maybe for WvW zergs.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

Maxing MF - other use for essences of luck?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Maybe stop making them?

You can sell everything that makes essence of luck. So just sell them.

There is literally no problem to solve in this thread.

But how else can one humblebrag so effectively?

Player zerg need to be killed imo.

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


The change to the Teq event has already effectively removed Sparkfly and the event itself from the radar of the vast majority of players, there’s no good reason to do that to even more of the world map.

What stuck around?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


No the only things that have really stuck around are the Scarlet invasions, the Karka Queen meta, the Teq change and now the new TA path. There are some cosmetic changes to South Sun also…oh and there were a few mini games added which are on rotation in LA like Crab Toss, Southsun Survival and Sanctum Sprint.

Anyone can feel free to correct me though, I may be forgetting one or two things.

How would you make LS better?

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Make it an entire story, not just bits and pieces the way it is now.

Don’t bury critical information, like Scarlet not actually seeing the Eternal Alchemy, in obscure places.

If someone has an idea for an encounter that it will take players weeks to beat for the first time, do not use that idea.

Do not remove open world current content and replace it with content that requires out of game logistical coordination and 3rd party programs. New content of that nature, whether open world or instanced, is perfectly fine however.

Any chance of getting teq down today?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Not unless you want to jump through procedural hoops and download 3rd party applications, no.

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Well that was a nice post full of PR speak. Chris, if you read other game forums you’ll realize that this is far, FAR from the worst the internet has to offer. EVERY game forum is full of trolls and angry people in my experience, except maybe Egosoft but I haven’t been on theirs since like a year and a half after X3 dropped so that may have even changed. Remember it’s the internet and 90% of people are jerks.

That said, I do think the communication from your end is lacking. I see things, such as guild events for smaller guilds, being added due to feedback from the forums. I also, however, see bugs go for months and months without even simple acknowledgement. In addition, slapping Josh on the wrist for actually communicating with the community was a REALLY bad thing to do. He should be the example for the rest of your employees to follow, not a warning to them. If your employees don’t have time to engage with the community even though you say it’s important to you, then you need to have better time management going on.

I honestly see it as a management problem. Your management is not prioritizing the fixing of obvious bugs, they pay lip service to community communications but then reprimand devs who actually communicate with the community. These problems are totally on management, which is not surprising since management is usually the weakest link in ANY company.

tl/dr: If you actually want to communicate with the community then you have to do it rather than just releasing a forum post full of PR speak.

Small Horned Light Armor Helm?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I have that on my fem norn necro too, probably the most asked about piece of gear on any of my alts.

So much for this content.

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Ok Why would I contact support for a question thats not support worthy? Its a MMO thats how Mechanics for a MMO are….its not a support problem. Its just how the game is made. ALL MMO’s are the same in that respect. So No I have not cause it would be redundant.

Ha you got us! We’ve set up this elaborate ruse to convince you that what you’re seeing is wrong…we set up a whole Wiki and have dozens of fake accounts on this forum just to convince you that there is xp/loot sharing in this game. You’re just WAY smarter than us so you could see through it, good job! But man it was great while it lasted!

So much for this content.

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Have you contacted support yet?