Showing Posts For rizzo.1079:

So much for this content.

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Once again, if you are experiencing these things then there is something wrong with your game/account somehow and you should contact support. Complaining about it on the forums will do you absolutely no good whatsoever and the longer you do it without trying to solve the problem via the correct procedure the more people tend to suspect that you’re lying about it just to be a troll.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I just found my new hobby: wp to queensdale, say ‘Troll is at 50% hp’ then leave. The best part is that you don’t even have to be near it
A few weeks ago I soloed the underwater wurm in frostgorge. Guild had just completed the rush, so it was convenient. I kept waiting for the zerg to show up and help out but after like 10 minutes no one showed and I killed it alone. a few minutes later people were groaning in chat about the wurm already being dead. I have no sympathy for them. If anyone ever yelled at my directly, I would block and report them.

The jerk store called, they’re out of you.

I’ve never heard anyone moan about a champ being down in FG, they just wait for it to repop or skip to the next one.

What's in the box guessing thread!

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079




(edited by rizzo.1079)

A friendly reminder

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: rizzo.1079


They would have been stupid to absolutely promise all of that stuff. In the tech industry it’s ALWAYS a bad idea to give a specific time frame for anything because things are always more complex than they first seem.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


The most mind boggling thing about the Queensdale train is the fact that they have no idea how Shadow Behemoth works and regularly say things like “only 5 min till SB” (until 30 min window) and then spend the rest of the 30 min wailing why isn’t he up.

Even when you call Kryta wp and link the keg event/Brenda they still wail, do not help and camp the swamp like a bunch of kittens.
edit: or show up at the last minute because they still run the train

I think that’s a lot of newbies who don’t understand the whole ‘window’ thing. We always try to point these people to and explain the window concept to them. I’ll personally check for the escort events at the monastery every time that wp is in the train rotation. It’s usually getting back on track after sb pops that’s the tough part.

Ascended, an Xmas tale.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Coveting only leads to disappointment!

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I think it’s pure courtesy to just call out the champions or not disrupt a train… the way I see it is, if you see 30-50 people doing something, why be a jerk and ruin it for them…? I don’t get where this anti social /anti team work behaviour comes from, I don’t know if people are too young but surely any one who’s had a real job understands the importance of team work and communication…

Before the train became a thing- this is exactly what everyone did.

Now on the other hand you have a massive train of 80’s running through a starter zone and heaven help a new player who disrupts the train because
1 they don’t know it exists
2 they are just leveling
3 don’t know how the champs can be set off.
4 learn really quickly all GW2 is about is killing champs all day in rotation and that the people are really rude to new players.

So pure courtesy would be not to ruin a starter zone for low levels and to take your train to Frostgorge Sound

Team work and co-operation has nothing to do with it- easy lootz has.
I am 42 and this is completely toxic to the game.

Most of the people running the train on my server are leveling not lv80. We make it a point to help newbies and tell them that running a champ train is not a good thing to do with your first character. If people on your server are acting badly towards newbies please report them!

You love Champ Zerg but hate Raids

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah I gave up scheduling my life around online RPG’s back in the days of MUDding, ain’t no way I’m getting on a voice chat and scheduling a raid in a video game these days. That’s for teenagers/people with no life.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I don’t get why people say they are “helping” each other. It’s pretty mindless. You might have 30-40 people involved in the circuit but you don’t see any communication other than “troll up” or “oak up.” Is this the way communities are built now? That if there is any sort of break in the routine people go off on a tirade?

Really it’s like the daily life of your average joe cubicle worker. Get up, change, eat, work, home, sleep, again and again. No break, no sort of deviation. Just a dull and sordid existence.

Break them and liven things up.~

Queensdale on your server must be lame, on GoM we’re always chatting and having a good time on the train.

Sorry some people like to kill time while waiting for SB or get their daily/monthly done using a gameplay method you dislike. I think dungeons are frustrating and boring but you don’t see me(other than sarcastically) saying they should be removed from the game.

OP, if someone yells at you for doing the train out of order just block them.

SB, Jormag, Shatter, they are all joke

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I think the Shaman at the Maw is broken honestly, he hasn’t spawned the whirlwinds or ice fields in like a week, all he does is the knockback now.

So much for this content.

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: rizzo.1079


So why is it that when I and my wife kill something I get something she gets nothing when she gets something I get nothing…if I go by what you all tell me we should both get something we should both get the same exp and we should both not have a problem leveling doing things together…but we do. Cause I see a split in exp between us I see her picking up loot and me getting nothing I see her getting nothing when I get something which means if I get it first she gets nothing if she gets it first I get nothing. Which means it is effected by what others do to it.

It can happen that one of you gets loot and one doesn’t depending on the roll. If you’re both killing a mob and one of you gets xp while one doesn’t, then your account is bugged somehow and you need to talk to support.

Or are you a troll?

Make Mad King Hard please!

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Super hard /= fun

So much for this content.

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Do events Do hearts but I stay away from dungeons cause you need a crap ton of people to even get through them and I do not want my exp split amoung people or people tagging monsters and me getting nothing for killing and yeah I have heard that does not happen in this game but I have watched it seen it and proved it time and again. So I will get leveled up one day its no big deal. When I am level 80 and getting EXP means nothing I will start doing other things. Until then I guess I miss out on content and such cause I am not about to have to gather a group of people I do not know and give them my exp and loot.

Once again there is no xp or loot sharing in this game.

So much for this content.

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Mob killing hint: Kill mobs that haven’t been killed for an hour or so, the bonus XP you get from them will be double the regular XP.

Also yeah do Events, explore and do your personal story, that gives you loads of XP.

Is Anet afraid of expansion not selling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I don’t think GW2 needs an expansion, it’s barely been out for a year yet and they’re still shaking the bugs out.

Does playing a Prof. change item drop rates?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


i actually want to believe that the choices you make about your character’s background (say human nobility) might make your drop rates crappy

One of my alts took that path and his drop rates are the same as my other alts.

SB, Jormag, Shatter, they are all joke

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Personally I’ve been having fun with them since even before they gave good rewards. I hope they don’t make any of the other events any ‘harder’(aka frustrating/unfun).

Only one back item skin?

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: rizzo.1079


There’s a post here somewhere where Colin or someone said they’re working on it but it’s not that easy. I have a feeling that the withdrawal system and the achievement rewards systems are actually separate and somewhat incompatible.

Mystic Salvage Kit - Issue?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Very small sample size but last night I salvaged 4 rares and ended up with 5 ectos.

Is Guild Wars 2 Alt Friendly or Not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I have 5 fully exo’d out lv 80 alts, seems pretty alt friendly to me:)

I have fully exo’d 8 level 80s. That part was ok and the amount of effort was within acceptable range. But then you add ascended trinkets. At one laurel a day, a person with one toon will outfit it far more quickly than a person with alts. Even with guild commendations and WvW badges, mine only have 2 or at most 3 trinkets after a year. A person with a main could be fully outfitted. When you throw in WvW restrictions, fractal restrictions, the time it will take to outfit 8 chars in ascended weapons and armor as opposed to only one, it’s very alt unfriendly,

Oh well I don’t play WvW and the stat % increase on ascended stuff is in no way a big enough carrot for the time sink they require.

Tequatl... Desert

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


They should basically revert Tequatl back to how it was, but add the new version as a “guild raid”, which you can enter like a “guild rush” or “guild puzzle”.

does there really need to be another faceroll press 1 afk world boss? we already got like 10 other events where the only thing you need to do is show up and you win. Nothing is really gained by having another autowin boss. You really need 1 more rare that badly? If they revert it, all the rewards and achievements to go with it would as well, so no one would really even want to do it except for an easy rare

As I’ve said in other threads: I’ve been doing world bosses since they had like a .001% chance to even give a rare, just because they were fun. If there actually were ‘press 1 afk’ people playing them, they were the people I’d have to res at the end of the fight because they were doing it wrong. The change to Teq has basically removed an event that I had fun with…oh yeah I could jump through procedural hoops to wait an hour to try to fight him on a server that can beat him, but I’d rather have fun with the limited time I have to play the game rather than stand around to wait for a fight that’s actually very easy mechanically.

you still have the vast majority of those events, and while in small groups, with 5-10 people doing these events its entertaining, almost all of them become incredibly boring with 40+ people there. Shatterer is a prime example. afk fight almost completely.
The game world is enriched by having a greater variety of content, of varying difficulty. Now i dont think every world boss should be like tequatl, but some of them should be tough fights in the world, that need coordination.

I was still having fun with the Teq fight almost a year after first doing it. Making this change made it frustrating and unable to be completed on my home server, therefore it removed content I found fun, which is disappointing. There are already plenty of dungeons for people who like frustrating content.

Tequatl... Desert

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


They should basically revert Tequatl back to how it was, but add the new version as a “guild raid”, which you can enter like a “guild rush” or “guild puzzle”.

does there really need to be another faceroll press 1 afk world boss? we already got like 10 other events where the only thing you need to do is show up and you win. Nothing is really gained by having another autowin boss. You really need 1 more rare that badly? If they revert it, all the rewards and achievements to go with it would as well, so no one would really even want to do it except for an easy rare

As I’ve said in other threads: I’ve been doing world bosses since they had like a .001% chance to even give a rare, just because they were fun. If there actually were ‘press 1 afk’ people playing them, they were the people I’d have to res at the end of the fight because they were doing it wrong. The change to Teq has basically removed an event that I had fun with…oh yeah I could jump through procedural hoops to wait an hour to try to fight him on a server that can beat him, but I’d rather have fun with the limited time I have to play the game rather than stand around to wait for a fight that’s actually very easy mechanically.

Is Guild Wars 2 Alt Friendly or Not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I have 5 fully exo’d out lv 80 alts, seems pretty alt friendly to me:)

Are we sure Scarlet is the Personal Nemesis?

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


But you wouldn’t really get that unless you read the short story not even hinted at in the game and/or dig for an interview ArenaNet never mentions.

Yeah that’s the one thing that bugs me about the LS: I really like the short stories, they’re some of the best written content is making, but holy god why are you burying important bits of lore in interviews with German publications? I don’t care if it has to be a story on the website or an infodump NPC, but randomly dropping important plot points in interviews is very silly.

I played for a year-I suddenly realized

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Given how well this TP is designed compared to other games, I would say TP is the things they’ve done right and is at the bottom of their list of NEED TO FIX ASAP things. They have so many more other things they have messed up that requires attention.

No even has admitted that the TP was only meant to be for the beta but they didn’t have time to implement a real interface. There’s a poster on the Something Awful forums who works for and is actually working on a new TP interface, but it’s just him and like 2 other guys so it might be a while.

Tequatl... Desert

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Not surprising. Out of 10 or so times I tried the event I never saw him get below 90%hp. That doesn’t make me want to beat it, that makes me want to go do other things that aren’t completely frustrating. I get frustrated enough at work throughout the day, I don’t want to be frustrated by my relaxation time.

Have you ever seen 2 Shatterers at same time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah the other day I wp’d to the Last Whiskey Bar and there was one Shatterer landing outside the fortress and one flying around in the sky. Pretty sure that never happened before.

Please break Queensdale train

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


If i was fighting a champion out of turn i wouldnt care what the others thought or wrote in chat. What are we all sheep that has to follow the majority, no were not. We have all paid the same money for this game so do what yous like and dont give a hoot what others wanna do.

They are not your master
You are not their slave

So enjoy yourself whichever way you like and ignore them

No we don’t have to, but if we follow the train it means more loot, xp and karma for everyone. It’s an interesting exercise in communal benefits:)

… “random” players who just play the game and “start” events before “the train arrives”.

That’s exactly how to derail this train.

Meh, having to skip the spider or oak is no big deal at all; everyone’s got to stack at boar, so as long as you’re not specifically griefing the train it’s just another minute or two more standing around waiting for boar pre to finish.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

Oct 15th Release

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


That guy has lots of belts on his chest. hired Rob Liefeld?

Please break Queensdale train

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I hope they don’t nerf it, it’s been a fun and profitable way to level my newest alt. I hope they nerf dungeons because people just farm them over and over and they’re not enjoyable in any way whatsoever.

And your not farming champs over and over of course… double standards much!

That was my point. The first sentence was the way I actually feel, the second one was slightly sarcastic. I don’t like doing dungeons personally, but I’m not making threads about how they should be removed from the game, I just ignore them.

As far as the verbal abuse, I just block people who are being nasty and personally I don’t yell at people for killing the champs out of order because it’s such a small deal. Unfortunately you’ll find schmucks in every aspect of any online game:(

Please break Queensdale train

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I hope they don’t nerf it, it’s been a fun and profitable way to level my newest alt. I hope they nerf dungeons because people just farm them over and over and they’re not enjoyable in any way whatsoever.

Diabolical new path

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: rizzo.1079


That’s the way dungeons are in this game really.

Dungeon is way too hard.

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I guess it’s not easy enough to do single player then, ah well just more new content that I can disregard…

Failure is not a bad thing.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079



That is the only word I can use to describe the complainers right now.

Keep trying. Help your group rather than scream at them because of what “they did wrong”. I was in one of those groups today and we didn’t even get him to 75%.

I then joined another overflow where there were 3 commanders telling everyone what to do an hour before the fight. We went over it a few times, everybody got organized, and we ALMOST killed him! It was honestly so close we pretty much did beat him.

So rather than feel like you’re entitled to something, how about you actually try to participate and be positive in a group rather than complaining about how you can’t solo a dragon.

The new Tequatl fight is awesome and I sincerely hope ANet does more content like this in the future rather than listening to the whiners. And if they do end up listening, I hope we see this kind of content in 20 man raids or something, because we definitely need more like it.

Yeah I feel entitled…I feel entitled to have a CHANCE to kill this dragon without having to jump through procedural hoops. I feel entitled to not have to sit in a random overflow for hours just to have a shot at doing the event on my home server. I feel entitled to not have to guest to a different server to wait in THEIR overflow for hours to possibly complete what was previously a fun event. Entitled to even once see him get down to 75% on my home server, even though everyone has given up there at this point since the event isn’t fun.

So yeah, I guess I do feel entitled…and here I’m not even a Millennial or anything, boo hoo.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

Please break Queensdale train

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Please report the schmucks who are abusing people in chat about the champ farming. I’m leveling my 5th alt, and it’s been both fun and rewarding leveling her via the champ train…don’t let stupid angry people ruin our fun!

An Honest Evaluation

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Both the mobs and the timer are part of the challenge.

Except it’s not so much challenging as boring and frustrating.

No. Timer is valid as is. Anet has even said that they were surprised that people found a way to beat Teq so quickly. It was supposed to take a week or two weeks for groups to figure out a way to get him down.

But now that we know the secrets to winning, the 15 minute timer is actually generous. Groups are competing to see who can win the fastest. Having 5 or 6 minutes to spare on the timer (without event bugging) isn’t uncommon.

Here’s a little secret that I’d like to share with you: If you have enough DPS when Teq gets hit by the Mega Laser, you can take off another 25% of his HP and the timer doesn’t restart. He goes from one Defense event to another.

Unfortunately, I’ve never seen him go under 90%, so I have no idea what any of that is. Glad you seem to be willing to jump through non gameplay related hoops to go somewhere to beat him though:)

Tequati Was Supposed To Be Hard

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


No, now it’s at the mercy of people who grief or don’t know how to use the turrets. It’s at the mercy of only 20 people being there in prime time. Having to guest to a different server, download software and get on voice chat with people I don’t know just to have a chance at possibly killing him for no more reward than previously is not fun, it’s cumbersome and frustrating.

If you’re afk how are you going to step back 2 meters? What happens when he fears you and you run away and you’re afk, how do you get back?

It’s not actually any harder…in fact the dragon himself is slightly easier because the roar only has one application of fear now so it’s really easy to dodge.

No, what bugs me is that I have to jump through procedural hoops to have any hope of killing him. It’s never seeing him even get to 90% health, never mind the first reward tier at 75%. It’s not fun nor is it challenging, it’s frustrating and annoying.

I’m not even going to bring up the overflow problem which only goes away once a server abandons the fight…

(edited by rizzo.1079)

Tequati Was Supposed To Be Hard

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


It’kittenhe firkitten big bokittenhey revamp and its perfectly fine the way it is. It showed people that they can no longer jukitten press 1 and watch TV.

Well no it’s not perfectly fine it’s in no way fun at all.

If you were ‘press 1 akitteng’ before then you were one of the people who I’d have to res after the old Teq fight because you were just standing in poison pools and dying. Thanks!

Edit: Ha ha ha broken word filter ‘kitten kitten kitten’

Teq is not the only world boss.

No I don’t just press 1. I’m talking for the usual mass of blue names behind at range on dragons.

I like this Teql and like or not, its staying as it is for another year.

Kittens… kittens everywhere!

No it’s not, but it’s a world boss that won’t get killed on most servers right now and therefore it’s mostly wasted content.
I hear a lot about this mythical ‘press 1 afk’ beast, but I’ve been doing boss battles since before you were even likely to get a rare from them and I’ve never actually met one.

If they keep taking away fun encounters and replacing them with frustrating, unrewarding content, the new Teq will be here next year but a lot of players won’t.

Tequati Was Supposed To Be Hard

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


It’kittenhe firkitten big bokittenhey revamp and its perfectly fine the way it is. It showed people that they can no longer jukitten press 1 and watch TV.

Well no it’s not perfectly fine it’s in no way fun at all.

If you were ‘press 1 akitteng’ before then you were one of the people who I’d have to res after the old Teq fight because you were jukitten kittenanding in poison pools and dying. Thanks!

Edit: Ha ha ha broken word filter ‘kitten kitten kitten’

Next Dragons, please!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah that’s what we need: To chase people out of more world boss events to the point where they’re impossible to complete.

Impossibole ? i rly don’t think so. Plus this event is fun, the only prob is that is not rewarding enuf . We absolutely need more event like this !!

I’m pretty sure it can’t be done with only 10-20 people.

Tequati Was Supposed To Be Hard

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


With this, hopefully Arena Net realizes that they have to make even harder content.

Harder /= fun, which is what they made the Teq fight. I can finally get into Sparkfly in my home server to try the fight because everyone realized it was boring and a waste of time. Golem Mk2 should be the target they’re shooting for here: They made it harder AND more fun at the same time.

Golem Mark II pre-event needs help.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I think it was just people not knowing what they’re doing. When the world bosses got good loot a lot of people were doing it for the first time and didn’t understand what they needed to do.

Next Dragons, please!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah that’s what we need: To chase people out of more world boss events to the point where they’re impossible to complete.

Golem Mark II pre-event needs help.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Huh didn’t realize that, never saw any of the pre’s stop for the others. Haven’t seen anyone fail this one in quite a long time on my server either. You don’t have a Starfleet Dental infestation on your server, do ya?;)

hunt the dragons - feedback

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I didn’t even bother looking them up on Dulfy since you can get the wings from doing the dailies. I wandered around Frostgorge for like an hour and couldn’t find more than one so I figured I’d stop wasting time. This isn’t even a scavenger hunt, this is a ‘wander around until you randomly find the 10 things you’re looking for’ hunt.

extrinsic/intrinsic value after 1-year?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Read a book? That’s what I do when I have free time and don’t feel like video gaming or going outside…

Golem Mark II pre-event needs help.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I think this pre has a huge issue due to the fail condition. afaik this is the only pre-event for a world boss with a fail condition.

Ohter world bosses have pre-events but those can’t fail (just maybe not done cause nobody is around to do them).

I thought this game was designed to prevent griefing

I’ve soloed this preevent, it’s not too hard. If it fails it repops in less than an hour. SB, FE, Maw, Jungle Wurm…they all have preevents which can fail as far as I know.

I guess they know what's important...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


It may be that a minority is complaining, it’s more like a majority just gave up on the event.

This is the only LS that I can remember that I’ve actually seen people complaining about in LA map chat.

OK when am I going to get out of overflow.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I got into the main on my server finally last night. The event has died down to 30-50ish people and is impossible. I actually had more fun than the last couple times I did it though since at least it was with my home server population.

Guess who's coming back on Oct 1?

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


lol they are already retconning her because they realized what joke she is! that’s good. the less smart & less powerful & less influential they make her the better. they surely can’t line up that new data with what they’ve said & shown. retcon retcon lols.

It’s not really a retcon. If people read all the dialogue in the Closing Ceremony instance, they would have heard Vorpp say she got engineering degrees at each college. The player base then assumed she also did the entire course work for each college on top of that as well.

You know what happens when people “assume” something…

Sadly it’s too late. People will think of her as a villian sue and put all their hate in her, which is in my opinion unjustified.

But your are right, Anet didn’t retcon her, she wasn’t a sue in the beginning. What Vorrp said could make her this but the short story said that she didn’t graduate from the colleges. She finishes courseworks, it’s not the same as graduating the colleges.

And the eternal alchemy thing? Did someone really believe that she saw the eternal alchemy?

If you don’t want your villain to be a Villain Sue, you should be very careful not to write her like one.

Even though I like Scarlet, I must agree with you. I had a really nice conversation with other roleplayers on the map chat at Divinity’s Reach last night about Mary Sues, and it seemed to be consensus that an unoriginal character can be great if presented correctly (like your average orphan that now kills centaurs to get revenge for his parents, which is like half the human population or so), but a character that could have been awesome can end up as Mary Sue if it is presented as one.

Exactly. She’s all ‘mad evil insane cackling die die die’ but also is crazy powerful and according to what we’ve been given has seen the Eternal Alchemy. That gives us a basic evil character archetype who is seemingly unbeatable and pretty much all powerful. That’s one of the definitions of ‘bad writing of a Mary Sue character’ and any good creative writing teacher will tell you not to do that.

Sadness… I logged onto GW2 for the first time Halloween night 2012, so I missed out on the Mad King event. I was really hoping to get to try it this year

I got the game like Nov 3rd or something, so I’m right there with you. Along with the fact that I think dungeons are amazingly unfun it’s very disappointing:(