Showing Posts For rizzo.1079:

I don't like dungeons that force you to party

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


@ OP: You can 3 man this dungeon it’s not that hard. I did it this way when it first opened and several times since.

What I like about dungeons is seeing the reactions of friends who experience the content for the first time.

Thank god I don’t have teamspeak or the friends that I’ve gone into dungeons would be deaf from my cursing. Oh yay I dodged twice yet I’m still in this red circle and oh I’ve been one shot and now I get to lay here not able to play the game until someone takes the time to res me. Hey awesome I’m back up thanks for the res oh no I’m down again before I got a chance to do anything because of the one shot mechanic…

Just pepper that with foul language and adjust the volume to about 100db…

I don’t even know of any mob that does a one hit wonder in this dungeon. Might I suggest some vit or toughness perhaps to keep you from getting taken down in one. =oP

Not running a glass cannon build here, I’ve got some toughness gear due to playing the overworld mostly solo. Nor can I say what mob or even in what dungon it was…I know I ran AC once and kept getting hit by trip fireballs even though I was nowhere near them, but it wasn’t that run. Maybe CoE? I know it was after the wp res change because I was sitting dead for a good 5 minutes at one point while the rest of the party tried to kill the mob and res me, and that’s the opposite of fun.

Do you feel powerful?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


In the open world, yes.

In dungeons, not so much. I’ve never been fond of the “5 ‘heroes’ beat on one minion for 30 seconds” mechanic found in general dungeon play both here and elsewhere.

Exactly what I was going to say. With my mesmer in the open world I’ll take on any champ or group event solo and usually come out on top, most of the time pretty easily. In dungeons with trash mobs that have more hp than an overworld champ, no, I feel like a chump.

I don't like dungeons that force you to party

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


What I like about dungeons is seeing the reactions of friends who experience the content for the first time.

Thank god I don’t have teamspeak or the friends that I’ve gone into dungeons would be deaf from my cursing. Oh yay I dodged twice yet I’m still in this red circle and oh I’ve been one shot and now I get to lay here not able to play the game until someone takes the time to res me. Hey awesome I’m back up thanks for the res oh no I’m down again before I got a chance to do anything because of the one shot mechanic…

Just pepper that with foul language and adjust the volume to about 100db…

I don't like dungeons that force you to party

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Perhaps it was a bad choice for the two instances with Rox and Braham to be solo instances, as that might make it seem like the dungeon should be as well.

Pretty much this. At least warn me that there’ll be a dungeon at the end so I don’t bother. My friends and I were hoping for another dragon or a higher level meta event of some kind, to be honest, and we’re all kinda disappointed at a dungeon.

Is it too late to start playing PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


No reason you can’t level solo even if everyone was at late game content, which I don’t think they are.

Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah have to add my voice to the disappointment, though I kind of expected it. Not here to say I’m going to quit or anything, but is it that much trouble to make it scale? Or at least fix the mobs so I can pull them without them giving up, wandering away and completely regening while I’m still hitting them? I got to the ice room thing just fine solo and had to give up once I realized that the mobs just got tired of me hitting them after a while and ran back in to where they started at. I actually enjoyed F&F immensely up to this point and now I’m sad that I have lost all desire to finish it out:(

Oh also the whole HP sponge thing…it’s one of the things that makes all of the dungeons aggressively unfun in general.

After 4 mos of Living Story, How It Feels

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I wish I didn’t have to do a dungeon to finish it, before that it was fun:)

Flame and Frost dungeon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I hate it and it isn’t even fun.. I hate it when you make things so difficult it can’t be done. And the new thing with this you can’t waypoint after dying and have to wait til everyone is dead is ridiculous. Ok rant done.

I have to agree, same complaints I have about the other dungeons.

Then all I can say is you are truly playing a game that isn’t for you.

Ah, wait a minute…you’re one of those “every dungeon should be soloable” people, aren’t you?

No I’m one of these “Can we have one dungeon that I can play by myself, please? Or at least can I res at a wp again so I can learn what I did wrong rather than not being able to play for 5+ minutes please?” people. I’m playing a game that is fine for me, 5 months now and I’m still having plenty of fun. I just ignore the dungeons because they’re not fun with 1 or 5 people.

Is it me or GW2 feel like a chore [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Not sure how dailies are grindy at all. I usually get at least 4/5 things just playing normally for a couple hours…maybe I have to refine 10 ores or something to get the crafting one but that’s not a grind.

Also I don’t stress if I miss a day or two because the rewards are almost useless honestly…I just like the chance for a BL kit and 10 random dyes every 5 days.

Warrior need a buff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I think he’s talking about this:

Flame and Frost dungeon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I hate it and it isn’t even fun.. I hate it when you make things so difficult it can’t be done. And the new thing with this you can’t waypoint after dying and have to wait til everyone is dead is ridiculous. Ok rant done.

I have to agree, same complaints I have about the other dungeons.

Is everyone max level now days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Not sure about the server pop levels, but I know whenever I’m doing events in lowbie zones there are usually newbys asking about different things on /map. Mostly Queensdale but Metrica and Wayfarer also to a lesser extent.
This probably varies server to server as Aly said.

Too much work for temporary content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


It’s unfounded though. Most of the work was done by Josh, the jumping puzzle guy, it was his new jumping puzzle. The idea was that if the content got a good reception, it would be expanded upon and made permanent. I’m pretty sure I remember him saying that is going to happen now, so nobody wasted time doing anything. The other people were only added a month or two before launch, and if the numbers I recall are correct, that’s not even close to 10% of’s workforce.

The vast majority of the time spent on this project was not spent by anybody who fixes bugs.

Guys, guys! New Content!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Cool thanks, have to keep my eye on it:)

How do you get rich?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I made ~100 gold in a month or so by exploring and hitting meta events, apparently dungeons are even more profitable if you’re into that sort of thing. Orr karma trains can be good too, especially if you have a class that can sling AOEs around and tag lots of mobs. Moldy Bags FTW!

THANK YOU! Dungeon was great

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: rizzo.1079


So… What is it like!?!? Is it PUG friendly or no? What are the rewards?

Tell me ;_;

Pugs will have to work, but I can’t imagine it’d be any harder than CoE. Probably easier. Rewards are recipes, ore, weapons, etc.

Is it doable solo or is a party necessary?

Party needed, unless you’re REALLY good. Mostly for mobs. The bosses may not need a party.

Man was hoping for something I could solo. Well I’ll have to give it a try with my Mesmer, he’s a one man army:)

THANK YOU! Dungeon was great

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Is it doable solo or is a party necessary?

Guys, guys! New Content!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Cool, where’s that at exactly?

Too much work for temporary content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Wow I didn’t know SAB ate up months of 8 developers time. That really puts into perspective where all the effort in this game goes too lol. That is really disheartening.

Not sure what to say to that really since it’s heartening to me…maybe GW2 isn’t the game for you?

Yes because a temporary mini game…thing…. isnt for me the whole game must not be.

Wow. Just wow. Thanks for the laugh.

What you said indicated you were disheartened at the way runs their dev team in general, which means GW2 may not be the game for you.

You’re welcome for the laugh though, I aim to please!

Too much work for temporary content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Wow I didn’t know SAB ate up months of 8 developers time. That really puts into perspective where all the effort in this game goes too lol. That is really disheartening.

Not sure what to say to that really since it’s heartening to me…maybe GW2 isn’t the game for you?

Too much work for temporary content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


You have no idea whatsoever how many people has on any given project or what the best use of their time is. Why do people keep assuming they know how to run a game better than people who have run a successful game for 8 years already?

It doesnt take a genius to know that building something like SAB is a lot of work. Only allowing it in the game for a month seems like a tremendous waste of effort.

I can see them nerfing some of the rewards (like the shards) after a month, but I can’t imagine why they would straight up REMOVE a “dungeon” from the game.

Same goes for the new dungeon they added in this patch. It’s nonsensical.

There were like 2 people working on it initially, which was expanded to like 8 a couple months ago. Personally I think it was an amazingly good use of the effort considering that it only took 2 and then 8 people and it was really really fun.

Beyond that I don’t think the devs owe us any explanation of what they’re doing in their time. I could maybe see that argument holding water if we were paying a monthly, but we’re not. If you think there’s not enough permanent content, you can play something else for a while and come back when more has been added, it’s awesome that way:)

Diminishing Returns PvE/Dragons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I know, sigh. I don’t have access to those kinds of numbers though.

Exactly…simplest answer is just perception bias on your point, not DR on the RNG, so I’d say you’ll either have to live with that or quit for a few months and come back.

Diminishing Returns PvE/Dragons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I don’t think you’re right though, I didn’t get a single exotic drop from a world event until many months after I started doing them, and then I got 3 exotics in the span of a week or so. There’s no DR, but your brain is going to find patterns in the RNG that don’t exist because our brains are hardwired to find patterns in EVERYTHING.

That’s fair, yes, our brains are hardwired to find patterns. I had two other guild-mates who had returned from a long hiatus were also getting fantastic drops. Which would reinforce the pattern.

You’re going to have to have a lot bigger sample size than that to figure out if there’s a pattern of any sort in the RNG. Like millions of drops across the playerbase kind of sample size.

@ArchonWing: Ah I see what you’re going for…good call:)

(edited by rizzo.1079)

General Discussion About Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


So saving money, and having a better product doesnt matter? That matters to every industry.

Saving money, yes, having a better product, no…a better SELLING product is the important thing.

There are products in every industry that focus on the high-quality, high-price market, and products that are focused on the cheap and disposable market. The $100 truffle and Kobe beef hamburger vs the Big Mac.

MMO publishers know the market they’re going after, and it isn’t the market that will pay $100 a month to play a bug-free game.

Well I was just talking in general. Of course there are niche products like $100million yacht manufacturers, but in general a better selling product is preferable to a better quality product in the modern business environment.

Diminishing Returns PvE/Dragons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I don’t think you’re right though, I didn’t get a single exotic drop from a world event until many months after I started doing them, and then I got 3 exotics in the span of a week or so. There’s no DR, but your brain is going to find patterns in the RNG that don’t exist because our brains are hardwired to find patterns in EVERYTHING.

@ArchonWing: There are some of us who do world events because they’re fun to do, any money made is just a bonus. Yeah it took me a month or so of world events to get 100g in the bank, but I had a lot more fun doing that than I would have had farming CoF howevermany times it would take to make that money.

General Discussion About Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


So saving money, and having a better product doesnt matter? That matters to every industry.

Saving money, yes, having a better product, no…a better SELLING product is the important thing.

Too much work for temporary content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


You have no idea whatsoever how many people has on any given project or what the best use of their time is. Why do people keep assuming they know how to run a game better than people who have run a successful game for 8 years already?

Well they cant have a big team since the content worth of an xpac is 4months out and still waiting…. so why waste this content they do give us for only a week or 3 ? why not keep it in game, iv never played a MMO that makes content then removes it.

don’t say the holiday events as you will be seeing the same events for years to come.

As I remember the dev team is a couple hundred people, and we know that there were, what, 8 people on the SAB team? I can’t say what all those people are doing, but I think they have the resources to develop more than one thing at once.

Max Level 100 confirmed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I’m confirming it here.

Some guy on a forum, confirming this.

Also, mounts, playable dragons, dual-wielding longbows.

Level 100 mounts only but player level cap at 80 still so you can only look at mounts not ride them. I swear some guy told it to me and he said he has an uncle who works for Nintendo who’s got a good friend at who told him.

Too much work for temporary content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


You have no idea whatsoever how many people has on any given project or what the best use of their time is. Why do people keep assuming they know how to run a game better than people who have run a successful game for 8 years already?

Patch notes are up (30 April)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


but running around on a Necro with a pet out was really annoying sometimes – stop to do some mining and the pet would wander off and start beating on something that didn’t even notice you.

This may have been fixed prior, 73 levels into my Necro and this hasn’t happened to me once.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Gotta love these threads. You know what other forum loudly denied the game was in trouble and that anyone who said it was dying was just lying?

city of heroes.

Yeah also every Blizzard game is dying in perpetuity…yet they’re still rolling in the dough.

Wish people would grow up and stop throwing the term “fanboy” at those who disagree with them.

Some people earn the title. If you blindly defend a corporation, even when it is making poor decisions, you deserve to be dismissed out of hand. That is what the fanboy moniker was created for. (Especially when said corporation could give a crap about you or anyone else, as long as it gets its money).

What do we call people who constantly say a game is dying even though they have no way of having any idea of knowing whether or not it really is then?

I’m gonna start calling them Sad Sack Sallies, or SSSs for short:)

Patch notes are up (30 April)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


“This content is available from April 30 to May 12”

Oh, great, another temporary dungeon

Hey as long as I can do it solo I’ll be happy:)

Max Level 100 confirmed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I heard it’s only lv 100 mounts, not lv 100 players…confirm/deny?

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


nevermind, I just read your post more closely.

Ascended gear is a lousy carrot, put it out of your mind until they introduce some real vertical progression. I like bigger numbers too but with such a small reward for such a major grind it’s not even worth it.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

Well around 200 players from my first guild that LEFT FOR GOOD (not paused) and many guilds after that that i joined and had at least 100 players that never logged in tells me that. Also wvw activity. Yes, there are some guilds growing (i’m in one of them now) but that is just because small ones are dying.

And that is an anecdote, which is not data.

OK, you want data? GW2 playerbase at start – around 3 million
Gw2 playerbase now – around 500 000 active players
You happy? Anyone can give you any data, but that ’anegdote" i gave, can bi given by most of the gw2 players.

At to people that go to overflow in some maps is just cause players are grinding (afk, alttabing) events that give rare, try some meta event without rares at end in some mid level zone and you will see. does not exist, and forward to So now I know, you’re not only a troll but a spammer too. Your anecdote is appreciated but is not data no matter how much you insist it is.

I was just trying to prove a point, i know it’s hard to understand….for some.

What is that point and how are you trying to prove it? Because offering anecdotal evidence and then putting up nonexistent and falsely linked websites only proves that you’re wrong.

Ok, i will use bigger letter so maybe you get it:“ANYONE CAN PUT ANY STATS, IT DOESN’T (DOESN’T) MAKE THEM TRUE!”

Ah ok, because that’s not actually what you were saying in the post I initially quoted, you were saying the game was dying because your guildies had quit. Commendable moving of the goalposts though. And thanks for proving my point: Just because all of your guildies quit doesn’t mean anything about overall numbers.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

Well around 200 players from my first guild that LEFT FOR GOOD (not paused) and many guilds after that that i joined and had at least 100 players that never logged in tells me that. Also wvw activity. Yes, there are some guilds growing (i’m in one of them now) but that is just because small ones are dying.

And that is an anecdote, which is not data.

OK, you want data? GW2 playerbase at start – around 3 million
Gw2 playerbase now – around 500 000 active players
You happy? Anyone can give you any data, but that ’anegdote" i gave, can bi given by most of the gw2 players.

At to people that go to overflow in some maps is just cause players are grinding (afk, alttabing) events that give rare, try some meta event without rares at end in some mid level zone and you will see. does not exist, and forward to So now I know, you’re not only a troll but a spammer too. Your anecdote is appreciated but is not data no matter how much you insist it is.

I was just trying to prove a point, i know it’s hard to understand….for some.

What is that point and how are you trying to prove it? Because offering anecdotal evidence and then putting up nonexistent and falsely linked websites only proves that you’re wrong.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

Well around 200 players from my first guild that LEFT FOR GOOD (not paused) and many guilds after that that i joined and had at least 100 players that never logged in tells me that. Also wvw activity. Yes, there are some guilds growing (i’m in one of them now) but that is just because small ones are dying.

And that is an anecdote, which is not data.

OK, you want data? GW2 playerbase at start – around 3 million
Gw2 playerbase now – around 500 000 active players
You happy? Anyone can give you any data, but that ’anegdote" i gave, can bi given by most of the gw2 players.

At to people that go to overflow in some maps is just cause players are grinding (afk, alttabing) events that give rare, try some meta event without rares at end in some mid level zone and you will see. and do not exist, forwards to, which seems like a shady f2p aggrigator. So now I know, you’re not only a troll but a spammer too.

Your anecdote is still appreciated but is not data no matter how much you insist it is.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

Well around 200 players from my first guild that LEFT FOR GOOD (not paused) and many guilds after that that i joined and had at least 100 players that never logged in tells me that. Also wvw activity. Yes, there are some guilds growing (i’m in one of them now) but that is just because small ones are dying.

And that is an anecdote, which is not data.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Personally I see more people than ever while I’m running around the world and doing events. My anecdotal data is equal to your anecdotal data so game is just fine. Close thread please, no worries.

I’m guessing you run events in Lornar’s Pass, Timberline Falls, Bloodtide Coast?

No I run events all over the map and I see loads of people all the time…not sure where you guys are hiding. I’ve seen more people every month since I’ve gotten the game. Maybe you’re doing dungeons or something? People tend to not do them because they’re not very fun, I think.

Apparently, someone did not like my post. So I’ll repost it.

All you people defending this game need to open your eyes. The OP is 100% correct in every point he makes is a valid one.

And if any of you want to come back at me with some overly-used internet meme’s — don’t waste your time. Instead, provide some intelligent reasons why the OP is wrong.

Post the server usage statistics you’ve got access to then, eh?

(edited by rizzo.1079)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Personally I see more people than ever while I’m running around the world and doing events. My anecdotal data is equal to your anecdotal data so game is just fine. Close thread please, no worries.

More Skimpy Armor Please? [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: rizzo.1079


My female Norn is basically wearing a bikini now…if you want more revealing than that can’t you just run around with no armor until it’s time to fight?

Edit: Making her more fully clothed once I hit 80, personally I’m happy that there are more somewhat practical looking armor choices in this game than usual.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

World Event or Welfare Line

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Even though I don’t see how using the game as an economic simulator is fun, a hardcore TP junkie probably doesn’t see how wandering around killing various evil beasts is fun.

Funnily, from my position it looks almost exactly the other way around.

When my buy orders are set, deals are done and flips listed I love to don my shiny exotic armour and pretty skins and go beat up some monsters – maybe try out a new build and go explore the world, go obscure places, find new challenges and champions to try defeating and see what’s lurking out there – always somewhere and something new to try.

I can’t understand how people could be content grinding the same stuff over and over and over day in, day out simply because it’s the fastest way to get gold (Well, fastest way to get gold that doesn’t involve excel and/or a calculator)

Well I don’t do it because it’s the fastest way to get gold, I do it because it’s intrinsically fun to do, at least for me. I really don’t care about the gold or shinies, honestly. I only saved the ~100g so I wouldn’t be scraping by leveling my next alt like I’d been for the first two.

World Event or Welfare Line

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Whether you realise it or not, you’re the working class – breaking your backs farming dungeons and world bosses for meagre amounts of resources and then flogging them on the TP for a few gold.

You may be surprised to learn that the daily gross product of dozens if not hundreds of farmers can be consumed in minutes by a single industrious power trader (And your pay for your work is out of that one individuals pocket)

Yet, since this is a video game, I really don’t care about the bourgeoisie TP Barons stepping on my proletarian(moletarian?;) neck. Since it’s not real life I figure we’re all in it for fun: Even though I don’t see how using the game as an economic simulator is fun, a hardcore TP junkie probably doesn’t see how wandering around killing various evil beasts is fun.

Server Troll problems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Man I remember the old days when MUDs had worldwide channels and loads of new 12-14 year old kids were discovering the internet daily. Oh and you couldn’t just block users easily, and it was a crapshoot whether GM’s were around, cared and wanted to do anything about it.
GW2 is positively relaxing in comparison…

What happens when you've achieved everything?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


That’s why goals are for suckers: Once you’ve achieved them, you just feel empty because no you have no more goal.

No but really play a new game for a while and then come back.

World Event or Welfare Line

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Not sure what your question is exactly, but doing world events between wandering around doing DE’s netted me ~100 gold in less than a month, and I had loads of fun doing all of it.

Megadestroyer event chain left out

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Well that is what the dev said in one of the numerous threads on the topic, he said they’d take a look at it in the near future.

Gold useless, more ways to spend it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Actually play the game rather than using it as an economic simulator?

Golem Mark II

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah the Golem actually scales pretty well, I wish the wurm worked like he does.

break between pre- and main event necessary

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Oh yeah I only do one of the portal events for the pre, don’t try to do more than one.