Showing Posts For rizzo.1079:

The boats to Southsun Cove.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah can’t argue with that…well not all games like that, I remember a notorious stinker that was released a few years back, can’t think of the name though at the moment.

Young Karka/powerful blood farming nerfed

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I noticed that…last night running between driftglass and Kiel’s the karka were noticeably absent. The first couple times I thought the people who’d been through before me cleared them out, but after a few times I realized that they just hadn’t spawned.

The boats to Southsun Cove.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I wish this game had actual boat trips. None of the “click on the captain and you’re there” stuff, actual boat rides with Dynamic Events occurring (sea creature attacks, pirate attacks, etc).

I don’t, boat rides were the worst part of the games that had them…

What does Guild Wars 2 make you think about?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Guild Wars 2 -> Ncsoft money-tising -> Gaming world became a money draining sinkhole that steals your money for worthless games where developers can’t or don’t care about gameplay anymore as long as they get your $$$.

Wait, you think this is a new thing? Are you old enough to remember when EA was actually a company made up of top tier video game designers that just wanted to make quality products?

What does Guild Wars 2 make you think about?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Well I guess when I listen to Tame Impala it makes me think of GW2 because I listen to it while playing quite often:)

What does Guild Wars 2 make you think about?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


It reminds me of the MUD that I put thousands of hours into when I was a teenager…and which is still going actually. It gives me the same feeling that MUD did. Interesting that it took 10+ years for graphical online games to reach the functionality of the better text based games.

Loot nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Not true in any way, I usually get a yellow out of every 2-3 meta event chest. MF doesn’t affect them at all.

Multiple Flower Back Items?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Don’t think so.

Loot nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Nope. It would be the tenth time players stand on their soap box to complain about a nerf that doesn’t exist, due to lack of knowledge about statistics. This community loves lying through their teeth about drop rates. Most do it out of sheer ignorance, a few do it to artificially increase the price of items they are selling in the TP.

True, but that doesnt really change the fact that loot drops are way too random.

If I kill 5 level 80 veterans standing around in Cursed what should I get? How do I reason?

An exotic? No, that’s very rare even in dungeons. Great if it drops, but not expected at all even with high MF chance.

A rare? Well it is 5 high level veterans, so chances should be decent that one of them drop a rare piece. But as with exotic, not really expected.

A green? I would totally expect that, yes. I would even expect a couple of them.

A blue? Given, veterans should have a high chance of giving you minimal loot in terms of either blue crap or some silver.

T5-6 material? Should be high chance to get T5 and over 5 veterans, decent chance to get a T6 as well.

Now… What did I actually get? A couple of porus bones from one of the veterans, the other 4 doesnt have any loot.

That’s how kittened up this game is on the basic loot level.

5 vets is a TINY sample size. I would expect at least one of them to not drop any loot, personally. Your example would at least be slightly relevant if you’d said 5 champs, at least they’re supposed to drop loot of some sort every time, but that’s still a tiny, tiny sample size. At least in the case of the possible ecto nerfs people are coming up with numbers over hundreds of tries, which makes their data slightly meaningful.

Poll: Profession Over Level 40 Demographics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Level 80 engineer, mesmer and necro

Loot nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


me wearing a tin foil hat
Loot has been reduced everywhere to get more players into southsun cove where everything is “normal”.

depends what you call normal… if you like porous bones, stained tusks and the odd salvageable hide.. if your lucky a white or blue drop from trash mobs.. last week or so its been terrible and I am normally not bothered by loot drops at all as I don’t really farm much unless I have a need for something specific… lately loot drops have gotten really bad.
Also something I too have begun to notice…. I forge down every single green item I get nowadays.. I am talking hundreds a week now seeing as Southsun has proven fruitful until recently in getting greens (crabtoss is an easy win, as are the champ chests) .. I can count the number of rare items I have managed to RNG out of the toilet on one hand over the last week, which isn’t a great success rate, especially when added to the mysterious salvo issue with ectos over the top of it…. but RNG is RNG so I guess its dust of and keep trying time… thankfully I don’t see anything in GW2 that is “must have it now” , so I can wait it out a whiles longer… maybe!

Southsun drops are the same as they were last week and the week before for me. If you’re putting greens in the MT expecting to get yellows, well, that’s always been a losing proposition and you’re better off just selling the greens.

API's, Farming vs. Story, and Gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Story is great, but in an MMO where people put in 1000+ hours it’s eventually going to become grind. There’s no way that any company will put enough time and money into story content to make a 1000 hour long story, it’s just not going to happen. If you want good story, pick up a single player game…or I hear Tarnished Coast is a big RP server where they make their own stories, that might be up your alley?

Soul-bound gear into the mystic forge.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


They nerfed most ways of turning karma into gold quite a while ago. If they considered this to be an exploit I think they would have done the same thing to it. Considering the rate of return on the Mystic Toilet, I can see why they wouldn’t look down on it.

You’re better off buying the jewelery boxes though, really.

Traps Achievement and Daltonism

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Oh crap they change color? I thought it was just really bad design because it didn’t notify you, instead it’s really bad design because it relies on colors. Oh and because sometimes they don’t hack right and they only stay hacked for a few seconds from what I can tell. Good thing I don’t care a whit for the achievement.

Please think about color blind people!

Less rare drops?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I’m not specifically farming anything in Southsun, but the drops from the instigator and defense events seem to be the same.
Haven’t gotten a rare chest from any of the instigator mobs in quite a while though, was getting like 1 of those/day initially, but that’s probably just RNG.

New Red Ring of Death

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Definitely helps us colorblind people, I just gotta get used to looking for the new ones:)

Settlers and Consortium Achievements

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah people were talking about this in /map in both Overflow and my home server. I think it’s bugged.
Glad I can still get the mf buff though:)

Sclerite Weapon Claim Ticket?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079



No seriously, this is like the 10th thread about this issue and it’s not likely that anything will change. As you say, people spend hundreds of dollars on these things and as long as that continues to happen I don’t think will change anything.

Sclerite Weapon Claim Ticket?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Well no, I got mine in a crate that dropped, unless they’re not dropping any more since the patch? I certainly didn’t spend any money on crates from the TP, though I did buy a haircut kit because my long hair clipped horribly with the new backpack…bought that with gold though…

As for the rest of your paragraph I’m not exactly sure what you’re saying because you don’t use periods or sentences.

Sclerite Weapon Claim Ticket?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


No, honestly I feel amused and slightly saddened that anyone would spend the money to buy over 100 boxes to possibly get a skin, no matter how awesome looking it is.

I guess at least there should have been passion flowers and karka shells in each box which can be turned into gold so it’s not a total loss.

Sclerite Weapon Claim Ticket?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


A fool and his money are soon parted.

I got a ticket on like my 3rd or so out of like 7 boxes that dropped for me. None of the skins are that great looking anyhow, wish I could sell it or the skin I got with it.

A Casually Fading Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah, if I was a teenager with unlimited free time again, nothing in the game would be challenging to me either probably because I would have memorized it all.

I guess what I’m saying is go outside and ride your bike for more hours than you play video games each day, then you won’t have time to memorize everything.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I wouldn’t call the Mining Pick good content but yeah who thought a mobile crafting table was a good idea in any way?

Unhappy about the strictly single player

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yes, there should be. I’m disappointed with all of the dungeons, they’re over long, buggy and the mechanics are badly designed.

Southsun Back Pieces and Infusions

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


When I put a +toughness infusion it the backpiece, it told me that it would become soulbound, but it remained only account bound. I’m assuming it’d work the same with the +AR ones too.

Mystery solved!

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I get SOOOO much crab meat and yet it’s a junk item rather than a food item? WTF?

Why is there no WP at Driftglass?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah they’re farming karka/skelk and going back and forth between the Instigator spawns.

Why is there no WP at Driftglass?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I hope they put some permanent content there after this event is over, it’d be nice to have a meta event or something that keeps me going back there. I doubt I’m going to be farming karkas solo once there’s no zerg.

Why is there no WP at Driftglass?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Pretty sure that’s bugged, it’s contested even if there aren’t any events going on. Heck, second(third maybe?) night of the event every WP in overflow was contested with no events going on at any of them. I was happy to finally get back to GoM because at least half of the WP’s were open anyhow. Instigator doesn’t make any of the WP’s contested as far as I can tell.

What is causing ecto to plummet lately?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I think it’s great, Ectos for the people!

Why is there no WP at Driftglass?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Only the wildlife attacks make the wp contested, or at least that’s how it works at Kiel’s.

Remove Item Rarity

in Suggestions

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah like the Energy Crystals. Yay I got a chest drop from a mob! Boo it’s a friggen worthless Energy Crystal!

I've missed out on too many things.

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


There is another potential issue. I’m a completionist, I want to get and do everything.

Think of this as a good opportunity to break yourself of that habit. It’s a bad one, and will only make you more and more unhappy as you get older.


Shout Out to all the Mesmers

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


The puzzle isn’t even that difficult.

Just relax and try to use your memory to navigate. I highly recommend practicing your jumping on anything. You might need to spend more time with your character’s mechanics. So try learning the distwnces you can cover etc. Then take that knowledge and speed it up, literally. Start jumping right when your toon touches down. See if you get the timing right.

I’d do it on my Asura I’m sure, but right now I’m playing a Norn and I’d rather not play ‘fight the camera’ along with the JP. I’ve done more than half the JP’s in the game, I’m definitely a fan of them, but it’s just painful with a Norn.

Shout Out to all the Mesmers

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


For the first couple days of the event, I was forced into overflow and there was always a Mesmer porting even there. Of course, being a Norn at the moment, I took advantage of the situation pretty quickly.

So yeah, thanks a lot all you awesome Mesmer players!

Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah but dungeons aren’t fun, so focusing all that effort on them is a bad idea.

Also this does expand on content introduced in the first 6 months; it certainly seems related to Lost Shores, anyhow.

Last Stand on 28th question.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I’m thinking at least Crab Toss will be permanent. I know they’ve been saying they want to get more of the mini games implemented, and it wouldn’t make sense to take out a fully formed game that takes up an actual piece of land. As opposed to SAB which was known to be a ‘beta’ type thing and just had a barker rather than a whole part of a zone.

I've missed out on too many things.

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Honestly, F&F wasn’t that great compared to the new one anyhow. I really like this approach; every month or two there’ll be something new and different going on.

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Just got a chance to read it now and I must say it was enjoyable. Good job!

Drake confusion application

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


This is one enemy that’s very vulnerable to Necros. You can pretty much interrupt all of their attacks with fear or minions and give them their own confusion back if they manage to apply it. The actual damage of their attacks is pretty low.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Being able to see a list of everyone in your current zone and being able to see who is on in the entire game.
Paying eggs to be able to rename my gear with fancy colors and titles.
Walking into a room and seeing a list of everyone in the room.

Yeah, my last MMO was a MUD…other than those 3 things, GW2 is basically the same thing my old MUD was except with a better gathering/crafting system, more players and more frequent content additions.
Oh, and non ASCII graphics.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

Stalwart Achievement

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


There’s going to be a solo instance in a week or two that should count for at least one of the achievements:)

How to counter dragon-timer trolls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Ahhh ok I see, thanks!

How to counter dragon-timer trolls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Oh that’s sweet!

Edit: Though Golem mk2 doesn’t have a timer? Probably going to stick with gw2 temple until it’s gw2stuff is complete, temple is very rarely wrong anyhow.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

Mystic Forge and RNG....maddening...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I figured out not to waste my time with the MF within like 2 weeks of discovering it. The only thing it’s good for is the ‘for sure’ recipes like Mystic salvage kits.

Poor Mini Faren...

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Hahaha reminds me of the guy in Junior High that was obsessed with Jessica Rabbit.

Pretty sure he’s in jail these days…

A Title With Little Honor

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


It’s all good, since it’s a video game, it doesn’t matter at all how someone got the title!


Any way to get the 25 achievements?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


At the moment you’ll need either the omelet or the crab toss mini games I think. You can wait until the dungeon is put in and try to get one of those though.

Backpiece clipping

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


That’s nothing, try the Karka shell one on a character with long hair, hair clips directly through it.
I don’t really care though, but my first thought was “Man that’s going to annoy the heck out of the pretty pretty dressup crowd….”

My idea about the RNG curse!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Wait you’re nerfed 100%, in other words, you don’t get any drops at all?