Showing Posts For rizzo.1079:

Love the event!

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I haven’t gotten a crate and I’m having a fine time…

Or would be if I could log on anyhow!


Where is Southsun AT?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


If you click on the Show Me link on the bottom of the mail you got regarding it, it’ll show you where the gate is in Lions Arch.

Southsun Cove bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah almost all the WP’s were contested in Overflow last night with broken events. Then somehow I managed to get into my actual home server Southsun and all was well.

What does omnomberry taste like?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


They taste like snozzberries.

Crap you beat me by 15 minutes!

What is the point of dragon chest loot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I get yellows from it all the time.

Well not like 100% of the time but a good 50% or so I’d say.

ScleriteKarkaShellAscendedtentacledont move

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


A lot of money?

Consortium Whip

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


It’s the one that the Consortium guys spam consistently in the defense events.

Achievment Rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


The two new back items are rewards for achievements.

PSA - Consortium Chests

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I have to assume that the RNG boxes bring in a fair amount of revenue for, or else they wouldn’t be doing it this way. People were talking about spending literally hundreds of dollars to try to get the fused stuff, so I’d believe it.

PSA - Consortium Chests

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Nobody forced you to spend real life cash on a small possibility of getting pixels in a video game. With the way that regular BL chests work, it should be pretty obvious that there’s a very small chance of getting what you want from any of their RNG boxes.

A fool and their money are soon parted!

The Illusive Man

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Ugh…the only character in ME2 with anything going on upstairs and of course he was a traitor in ME3:(

Why a staff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Eh the projectile doesn’t go over 1200…I can’t hit the ice wall in front of Jormag with it, while I can with Mesmer GS#1.

Tentacle backpack

in Necromancer

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Haha no way it’ll cost that much. Karka shells are down to like 2.5s as of last night.

+ 200% MF

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I mostly use MF to farm materials (hello pretty lodestones). Been farming Karkas with ~400% MF and the Vials of Powerful Blood have been popping like crazy, as well as a ton of Karka Shells and Venom Sacs (not sure if possible but sometimes a few of the Veteran Karkas are dropping 2 Karka Shells for me :o )

You know the karka shells are pretty meh for value, and the drakes/skelk/etc. die faster if you want blood (in a non-creepy sense).

Yeah but you need 250 of them to upgrade the back thingy and 1000 of them for the Ancient Karka Shell thingy.

Owain upscaling - hotfix

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Nah it’s definitely a scaling issue, each egg hardly gives a tick on the meter. I think I turned in like 24 the one time last night and that didn’t even fill it halfway up.

Owain upscaling - hotfix

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I just turn in like 10 eggs and go off to do something else, once it finishes you’ll get credit:)

+ 200% MF

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I got a fair amount of t6 mats and like 3 yellows last night, not sure if that’s standard on Southsun though since I never really farmed it before or anything.

No one cares about DEs on Southsun IMO

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


That’s just the escort events probably…I was in overflow for a few hours last night and people were zerging Instigator events the whole time.

New Backpiece is from your nightmares

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Omg you make us do that jp again…

I hate you Anet.

All my characters are pretty large, so after a few tries I got sick of jumping and skipped it. I’m at 24/25 achievements and there are still spares, so… I doubt you need the puzzle.

If they didn’t fix it, you can get to the end of the JP from behind and skip the “difficult” part in the beginning completely without the help of a mesmer.

I heard of it, but there’s still some achievements I’ve not even seen yet (I guess they come later?) so I figure it’ll complete by accident sooner or later.

There was at least 1 mesmer porting to the end of the jp in overflow last night, sit around in there for a while and you should find one.

New Backpiece is from your nightmares

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Ah crap well I’m never going to get 25/25 achievements:(

Just keep at it, I’m sure you can. There are more than 25 total achievements, so you have options on what you plan on doing. Every achievement counts towards it, so go do a few of them and you’ll be there before you know it.

Good call, Bob, I had about 2 hours to play last night and I got 20/25…though it seems like I’ll have to play that stupid crab game if I want it now…

Ah well I’ve got patience to wait, not patience for the crab game…

New Backpiece is from your nightmares

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Ah crap well I’m never going to get 25/25 achievements:(

Just keep at it, I’m sure you can. There are more than 25 total achievements, so you have options on what you plan on doing. Every achievement counts towards it, so go do a few of them and you’ll be there before you know it.

Oh not like F&F where only the specific achievements counted? Ok that sounds a bit better anyhow:)

Flame and Frost: A Rallying Flame (Bonfire) [Merged]

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I got my (broken) buff from the fire and got the ach that I don’t care about at all, but I can see where you people are coming from for sure. There shouldn’t be anything, especially part of a story with an ach attached to it, that is in the game for less than a week.

New Backpiece is from your nightmares

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Ah crap well I’m never going to get 25/25 achievements:(

New Backpiece is from your nightmares

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Looks good for my necro:)

Flame and Frost: A Rallying Flame (Bonfire) [Merged]

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


If you do, please fix the +10% to stats…or note it for a fix if you’re going to use them again. They actually only give +1% buff, unless math is broken and 10 is suddenly 10% of 1000.

Please.. Dungeons throughout.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Hello Arena Net. Please make every aspect of the living story a dungeon. Then it won’t be starting as a singe player thing and moving to a group thing. This apparently is misleading to people. Therefore, in order to not mislead people and to continue to deliver amazing end-story dungeons, make every story step a dungeon.


I’m down with that, at least I’ll know I should avoid the whole thing because it won’t be any fun.

Great idea, +1!

Secret of Southsun

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


At the end of it all, go to a bonfire and get a 1 hour buff that’s broken.

There, fixed that for you.

question about afk weapon ap farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I wouldn’t be worried about that. If Anet enforced that rule, the majority of the player base in this game would be banned.

People afk farm (10-15 seconds) events all the time. I do it with kitten teq, SB, FE. Anything that can be targetable, I enable auto-attack.

Frankly I’m surprised that option is in game because right now it is getting ‘exploited’

You get into trouble when you use 3rd-party applications, or maybe even setting up macros

So you’re one of the ones that gets downed all the time at Teq and FE and never says thanks for a res? You might not notice since you’re AFK and all, but both of them spit out AOE’s that down you while you’re watching TV or whatever.

Defining MMO....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


The issue is that many players that refuse organization or grouping jump at every bit of content that lies out of their self-defined comfort zone and demand changes towards their preferences, without considering that others might like it that way and it’s the turn of those other people now.

As is GW2 has a TON of solo content, but that’s not enough. They demand a clear seperation of solo content from group content (see the drama about the F&F conclusion in that forum). The suggestion that some players like me might enjoy content design that flows back and forth between solo and group play is ignored by them, instead players like that are put into the “evil group player” category in their minds.

I dont see grouping oriented players whining about all the pointless solo content, its always the other way around.

That’s because grouping oriented players are content running dungeons/fractles until they get whatever pretty pretty dressup costume they want. There’s no good reason to make dungeons that A: Are as unfun as the dungeons in GW2 and B: Don’t scale, especially as the conclusion to a chain of solo quests.
Heck they don’t even need to scale, if they just fix mobs so they don’t wander off and fully regen while I’m actively pounding on them I’d be able to solo this crap anyhow.

Necros should be angry about minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I see why it doesn’t though, I’d rather have my minions attack only the mob I specifically tell them to attack rather than a mob I target that’s outside my weapon range.

Necros should be angry about minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Ah there you go then, you solved your own problem!

Necros should be angry about minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Try pressing one.

try it with a dagger, minions won’t move a bit

I would put a bug report in then, that’s not correct functionality. Staff and scepter/dagger work just fine.

Necros should be angry about minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Huh? I’ve heard complaints about the minions but as far as I can see I press 1 and they go attack the thing I have targeted. Yeah sometimes they get stuck places but I’ve never played a game with minions that don’t get stuck. You guys want they should just be able to steamroll everything without user intervention or something?

Use them outside of sPvP and you’ll see exactly what everyone is talking about. They’re especially spazstick in WvW for some reason.

I only play PvE, they never stand around for me after I’ve pressed 1 unless they’re stuck on something, which is rare and the places they stick are understandable. I’ve only leveled my necro in the past month or so though, am I missing something they did in the past that they don’t do now?

A PvE build until the GS is fixed.

in Mesmer

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Wait, GS is borked? I haven’t played my mesmer much in a week or so…what’d they do?

Why a staff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I dunno, I main a staff with my Necro because of the range…start out with marks then switch to scepter while my minions swarm whatever I’m attacking.

Loot issues still exist for some.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Just started again just now after submitting my bug report. I killed about 10 enemies and poof nothing but whites a couple of blues and then the pourous bones started again.

Hmm it’s happening only in 30+ areas and above.

Wait, you expect to get something more than that? I think I’m seeing your problem now…

Necros should be angry about minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Huh? I’ve heard complaints about the minions but as far as I can see I press 1 and they go attack the thing I have targeted. Yeah sometimes they get stuck places but I’ve never played a game with minions that don’t get stuck. You guys want they should just be able to steamroll everything without user intervention or something?

GW2 expansion - 1Q Ncsoft Conference Call [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


YES I can confirm! An expansion will be released July 20th!!!

I also have various bridges in Brooklyn and some primo land in Florida for sale if anyone is interested!

How to survive in Southsun Cove; Guaranteed*

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah I figured all that out just screwing around down there. Doesn’t make hp sponge mobs any more fun though:(

RNG - Please stop Anet.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Yeah SAB rewards were perfect: Minimal grind required to get a nice looking piece of equipment of your choice. RNG boxes are for suckers, but there’s a sucker born every minute and they’re ALL on the internet, so I can’t blame for taking their money. I mean, if someone out there is willing to literally give up hundreds of dollars to get a few pixels in a video game, more power to them, sucker.

Loot issues still exist for some.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I got a lv80 rare from a regular krait in the event north of Teq’s spawn last night, it was sweet.

Why do you display a certain title?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I use either Combat Healer or Volunteer because those are the only two titles I have and I’m unlikely to get any others except for possibly Master Craftsman.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


No because paying a monthly fee for a video game is foolish.

Open world or dungeons and why for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


As I’ve said before, dungeons are not fun. From my first experience in AC getting hit by fireballs passing nowhere near me, to my latest one in MF where mobs that I’m pounding on lose interest and wander back into the cheezy chill field, I’ve found them to be both buggy and the exact opposite of what I find fun. Plus they hold no rewards for me since I don’t care much about how my character looks.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

Will Southsun end in a Group Dungeon?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


That’s all fine. I agree with you. The thing is that the story-pie seemed to be for me, but in between they changed the recipe so that it’s delicous for some other people but not for me anymore, that’s what I’m critising. If you happen to like both cakes it’s fine, but some do not.

The story pie is actually a lot of small pies, or should we call them tarts? Yes, I will call them tarts. Story missions are pie tarts, fairly easy to complete solo and you get to have your fun with them with learning what’s going on. Some pie tarts are bigger and tastier than others while some are small and sometimes stale.

But all these pie tarts build towards the big entree pie because only having small pies doesn’t really lead into any kind of special tart if they’re all the same size. And boy, it’s a really big pie! Bigger than anything you’ve ever seen! So big, it’s too much to eat on your own. It’s so massive, you just gotta share this giant pie with others. So you gather some friends or just hungry pie eaters and then dive right in to the big pie! Celebrations are had all around the empty tin of the big entree pie.

Analogies ahoy!

A lot of people think the giant pie doesn’t taste good and it gives them indigestion, they’re disappointed that the pie doesn’t scale back down to where it tasted good to them. Or, like me, they got a little more than halfway through the pie by themselves until they got to a really lame part where the bits of pie in their hand wandered back into the pie and regenerated as they were eating them.

Now they’re wary of starting to eat more of the tarts they find because they’re worried it’ll just take them to another large, unpalatable pie containing more disappointment.

Most played class in Gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Really, mesmer is played that infrequently? I’ve found them to be my favorite class so far with basically unlimited dodges, high dps and pets to distract mobs for you.

I mean yeah I wish you could have a choice between like fire and butterflies or something, but I’m not really worried about how any of my stuff looks so I really don’t care much about it.

I don't like dungeons that force you to party

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


If dungeons scaled for one player it wouldnt be faster to do it in party or atleast in pug. Noone would do dungeons in random parties and whole concept of MMO in GW2 would die. So hard to figure it out?

Should the MMO concept die because a few singleplayers guys want it? Nope.

Yes because a story dungeon is soloable the MMO concept will die totally, that’s exactly what will happen.

Scratch-Off Orrian Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Oh I didn’t realize the clover recipe can give other random things too, I guess that’s something to do with them. What kind of crystal is that, the ones you get for skill points? Is there anything you can do with the clovers besides using them for legendaries?

Scratch-Off Orrian Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I wish I could sell the obs shards, I’ve got like 100 of them and have no use for them whatsoever since I’m not interested in grinding out legendaries:(

What is the best way not ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


For online games get the mobile authenticator, or at least the email one.