First they’d have to fix whatever they broke in the last patch that’s lagging them out so badly. I fought Shatterer the day after the patch with only around 20 people and it was still lagging horribly.
The Pearl is better because it’s got the same stats and isn’t stupidly overpriced.
Finished Tequatl and heading back to the lab when suddenly BOOM!
Yeah the champs that spawn there now have some kind of one shot thing that you can’t even see…maybe because of the horrible lag that they nicely added on most open world events.
I just don’t understand what fun people find in just wandering around a world and being able to kill things with absolutely zero threat of dying themselves.
Kinda like playing PacMan without any of the goblins in the maze, if you ask me.
Different strokes for different folks. Some of us got burned out on really challenging video games in the 80’s when it was a major event if you could beat any game.
Wait, this counts for dragon chests too? The way they worded it I thought it just counted for chests in the open world. Well, there goes literally half the fun I have in this game. I’ll be shopping for a new one now, great.
Yeah I"m going home to kill stuff and see if any other guilds kick off missions. Like I said, it’s not like I’m going to quit:)
Yep just what I thought, an entire list of unfun, grindy bs.
May I ask what you do in GW2? If you do it, there’s probably a method of making plenty of money at it. I prefer instances and stated that that list is what I PERSONALLY do with my guild.
I wander around, explore stuff and fight dragons. I have no interest in running dungeons, farming mats or joining another guild.
GW2 Dragon Timer:
GW2 Jumping Puzzles:
GW2 Chest Locations:
Those seem up your alley. And you gain influence if 2 members of your guild are partied up.
Yep that’s exactly what I do, and we do party up when 2 or more of us want to do the same things at the same times. Since we’ve not even seen enough influence to get one tree to level 5 in 5 months, and not knowing this would be coming have spread out most of our influence to buy things that are useful already, it definitely seems like an unreasonable amount of time before we can even think about kicking off a mission to me.
Since I’m telling you my 5 man guild has not built up enough influence in the last 5 months to even come close to any of these goals, I’m thinking maybe it is your meds.
Personal attacks, lovely
It’s been a while.
I know what you’re telling me, and I can hear it. However, people have also told me that Alt+F4 in game brings up the LFG tool. That Precursor drops are insanely good from the Shadow Behemoth (while he was bugged) and that they “just killed him and got a Dawn!” while I was standing there.
Now, I don’t know how your guild plays, but if you have 5 people in it and 2 are the only people active in it? Maybe you don’t actually have a guild anymore.
You’re the one that kept suggesting it;)
Because the rest of the people in it actually have real lives and can only play an hour or two each day/week. That doesn’t mean we don’t have a guild, but it does mean that we can’t play the game like it’s our job and when we do get on at the same time maybe we all want to do something different that day so we don’t play grouped anyhow.
Yep just what I thought, an entire list of unfun, grindy bs.
May I ask what you do in GW2? If you do it, there’s probably a method of making plenty of money at it. I prefer instances and stated that that list is what I PERSONALLY do with my guild.
I wander around, explore stuff and fight dragons. I have no interest in running dungeons, farming mats or joining another guild.
Fighting dragons all day must be boring, unfun and grindy…
Nope, because they only pop every few hours and there’s plenty of time inbetween to do other things:) Plus I never feel like I’m missing out on something because I can’t make it to a dragon fight.
Yep just what I thought, an entire list of unfun, grindy bs.
May I ask what you do in GW2? If you do it, there’s probably a method of making plenty of money at it. I prefer instances and stated that that list is what I PERSONALLY do with my guild.
I wander around, explore stuff and fight dragons. I have no interest in running dungeons, farming mats or joining another guild.
Since I’m telling you my 5 man guild has not built up enough influence in the last 5 months to even come close to any of these goals, I’m thinking maybe it is your meds.
Dunno, the only time I ever ran AC it netted me around 50c and it’s an experience that I would never want to be forced to repeat. It was aggressivly unfun. Not sure what other options you’re thinking of, but I bet they involve much grinding and minimal fun.
With omnomberry:
Queen Spider: 14s
Kholer: 14s
Troll (1 of 6 spawn points): 14s
End boss: 22s
Dungeon Reward: 26s
1 Bag of Wonderous Items: 2-4s each, 4-5 per run.That’s not including drops/mats, etc.
AC, imo, is the easiest to do in a small coordinated group, which is why I listed it.
Other methods that I personally use with my guild include CoF path 1/2 farms, Mat farms in Orr, and fractals. Each are more productive than AC explorable (unless you have bad luck, in which case stay AWAY from orr)
This could have been spread over 4 days. That’s 2 hours of a group activity. In addition, you could mix it up, for example: CoF one day, AC another, Fractals the 3rd, with Orr runs in between.
In addition, you always have the option to represent multiple guilds, merge with other guilds, or experience the content that larger guilds set up for the server.
Lastly, with the time gated mechanism in place, larger guilds can’t plow ahead of you. There is a limit to the amount of merits that are earned, regardless of guild size.
Yep just what I thought, an entire list of unfun, grindy stuff that belies the entire ‘Wander around and do what you want, we won’t gate you out of content because of it’ aspect of the game.
(edited by rizzo.1079)
You guys are arguing over influence that could be earned in 6 hours by a guild of 10 and 10 hours by a guild of 5.
And that’s over 4 days.
You and 9 other people can get enough influence to take Art of War from 0-5 in 6 hours over 4 days? That’s 600 influence/person/hour, wow…I’m impressed, though somewhat saddened because you’re probably grinding and not having any fun with the game at all.
Wait, are you the guy in the one thread that was claiming he could make 10g in 2 hours?
AC exp grants 3-4 gold for a full path run. A full path run takes 2 hours on the high end.
3g x 5 players = 15g
15g x 5runs = 75g. It costs 78g to get Tier 5. With 5 runs, that’s 10 hours.
3g x 10 players = 30g
30g x 3 runs = 90g. It costs 78g to get to Tier 5. With 3 runs, that’s 6 hours.
You guys are arguing over influence that could be earned in 6 hours by a guild of 10 and 10 hours by a guild of 5.
And that’s over 4 days.
Thought this was game for fun and not a job? Correct me if i’m wrong
- AC is not the most effective method of gaining money. There are others.
- I do not consider having a common goal for a guild to be “work”, but if you don’t like AC or dungeons, there are other options
- I did not include the influence earned by doing the paths together as a guild.
Dunno, the only time I ever ran AC it netted me around 50c and it’s an experience that I would never want to be forced to repeat. It was aggressivly unfun. Not sure what other options you’re thinking of, but I bet they involve much grinding and minimal fun.
Considering the guild I’m in has been around for 5 months and has not even seen enough influence to get a single tree to level 5, I do see it as a rather insurmountable problem. I guess I could tell everyone they have to grind gold all day or group up and farm DE chains if there’s actually 2 or more of us on at once, but, oddly enough, those things don’t sound fun to me and the whole reason we even made a guild was so we could all have fun together.
As Zullal put so succinctly: “Thought this was game for fun and not a job? Correct me if i’m wrong”
You guys are arguing over influence that could be earned in 6 hours by a guild of 10 and 10 hours by a guild of 5.
And that’s over 4 days.
You and 9 other people can get enough influence to take Art of War from 0-5 in 6 hours over 4 days? That’s 600 influence/person/hour, wow…I’m impressed, though somewhat saddened because you’re probably grinding and not having any fun with the game at all.
Wait, are you the guy in the one thread that was claiming he could make 10g in 2 hours?
(edited by rizzo.1079)
You want the same rewards for less effort. That doesn’t even make sense.
Not true in any way. As I’ve said before, having missions that cost small amounts of influence with small rewards is just fine.
Isn’t there an article stating there are multiple tiers of the missions with increasing rewards? I should go find the link.
Yep and they’re all starting at a influence level far above anything we could hope to get within a reasonable timescale. Binding the missions to existing trees is the problem here. Missions should be an entirely new tree with smaller cheaper missions all the way up to large, 50k influence missions.
You want the same rewards for less effort. That doesn’t even make sense.
Not true in any way. As I’ve said before, having missions that cost small amounts of influence with small rewards is just fine.
Nah that guy is lying his kitten off. If 5g/hour were in any way doable by the majority of the playerbase, everyone would have at least one legendary by now.
The strategy behind bringing both a staff and GS is that you typically stay in GS when all is cool for the DPS, and switch to staff when you need go on the defensive. After you shed the heat, or your opponents blow their CDs, you go back to GS to put more pressure on them. And many staff players also run shatter builds so they can mainatin some burst DPS with MW even while in staff mode.
That’s exactly it, GS is offense and if someone’s closing in on me and I can’t get away it’s “Switch to staff, 5, 4, 2” and now they’re sitting in a chaos storm field staring at a clone while I’ve got chaos armor and ooh now my clones shattered and you’re dead.
Players: Art of War is worthless, our small guild doesn’t PvP, so Art of War was given lowest priority when deciding on what to build. The amount of influence necessary to get level V in it is more influence than our guild has produced in the entire 5 months of its existence.
Anet: Sure, here is a long term highly rewarding content tree that gives lots of progression and makes the Art of War tree useful for everyone!
Players: Wow that’s nice, but it will literally be years until our guild can save up that much influence. Can you possibly include cheaper missions with smaller rewards that our guild can initiate?
Anet: …
Strawman argument removed, actual problem with system inserted.
Well, 40 laurels by just playing the game, and 50 ectos from TP or salvaging rares you get by playing the game.
The only grind I see is the one you put on yourself. You can get your ecto from pent/shelt runs and Plinx over and over again. Ill get mine from fractals, the rehauled AC, and another dungeon or two.
Your way is grind. My way is fun and lends progress to multiple goals. Perception vs. reality is a kitten.
Wait, you think running fractals and dungeons over and over is different from running anything else over and over? They’re both horrible grinds.
Or make them available through Karma and crafting.
I’m holding out for the Karma rout, give me something to do with 500k+ otherwise useless Karma points.
Well the concern I expressed in the beginning of this thread seems to have been well founded, my enthusiasm for this current Living Story content is pretty much dead. I’ll join in on any that other guilds pop, but my guild is hardlocked out of this content.
Not quitting the game or anything, but the Living Story has now been put into the ‘WTF Were They Thinking?’ category along with dungeons.
You know the Living Story is stuff happening outside and not noted on the patch notes? It’s the stuff happening in the far north around Hoelbrak and Black Citadel.
The guild missions have been promoted as being part of the 2nd part of the Flame & Frost event. If that’s not correct, then I’ll change my statement: My enthusiasm for the guild missions, which was previously very high, is now dead.
(edited by rizzo.1079)
Well the concern I expressed in the beginning of this thread seems to have been well founded, my enthusiasm for this current Living Story content is pretty much dead. I’ll join in on any that other guilds pop, but my guild is hardlocked out of this content.
Not quitting the game or anything, but the Living Story has now been put into the ‘WTF Were They Thinking?’ category along with dungeons.
Hey nice, my guild really is hardlocked out of all the new content. And here I was happy that we’d been able to grind up another 2.5k in the last week. Great job of making me not care about this living storyline,
Running exactly this in PvE, no idea how it’ll work in any kind of pvp but it melts mobs like nobody’s business.
I’m not going to change what I’m doing unless it’s really clear the other person is trying to get a daily done.
This exactly. If someone starts yelling at you for killing their dodge mob or whatever, just ignore them like you would any other kitten in real life.
About the only things it doesn’t provide is crafting stations and laurel vendors, but those are basically the easiest things possible to get. You can probably even find 15 different mob types around, though that might require a bit of hunting around.
Frostgorge by the area where Claw spawns is a great place too. You’ve got a lake with a DE to res refugees, plus the Kodons who die regularly right by the wp north of Earthshake. You’ve got a bunch of stuff to gather, you’ve got the ice worms with their easily dodgable rock throw(usually nets 2-3 evade messages per rock) plus all the Grawls that run around in packs of 3…I can usually do almost my entire daily just waiting for Claw to spawn and doing the battle.
It could be, but as long as it’s predetermined by the RNG it makes no difference.
Yeah you should be able to craft up or buy exotics without too much of a problem. Been playing for about 5 months and just finished fully outfitting my second character with exotics, I think I’ve put $20 real money into gems. That’s without specifically farming or grinding anything, just wandering around doing exploration and DE’s and selling mats and whatnot on the TP. You should be able to make money just wandering around and doing regular PvE stuff.
The Legendaries, however, are way too much of a time sink for just a different looking weapon.
Better yet why does an Engineer…everything?
I was just wondering about this on Saturday night while 100%ing Black Citidel. I wasn’t in BWE so I didn’t know there was actually stuff going on in them at one point, but I was thinking it’s kind of silly to have to instance in to a part of the city that’s really no different than the rest.
It’s definitely harder than other professions. After 300ish hours on my engy, I started a Mesmer and he’s sooo easy mode comparatively.
I have to say that it does seem like the ones that roam around more are weaker. There’s that wandering Corrupted Quaggon champ in Frostgorge for example, I wouldn’t even call him a group event. The ones that stay around the same area like the giant in Diessa are usually the harder ones, or at least the ones with more HP anyhow.
So, my guild member told me there is a 30 minute window. IF it says 1 hour and 40 minutes. I should log in when there is about 30 minutes left, and then the pre event will start around there. I also don’t like that ANet made it random
Not sure which timer you’re using, but the one at Guildwarstemple is usually accurate at least for my server(Gate of Madness). The Shatterer has no window, the preevents should start and then the timer gives a generic 15 minute window for them to be completed, which they almost always are. Then a minute or two later the dragon shows.
Tequatl and Claw have 30 minute and 1h15m windows respectively. No preevents for Teq, 6 preevents for Claw which are very obvious if you’re anywhere near his spawn point.
Since they’re third party apps, maybe you should be talking to the people who created the apps.
To add to this, there could have possibly been a server reset just before you logged on, which resets the timers. Also the timers are manually reset by the general public, if someone clicks Teq instead of Shatterer and resets it, there’s no check, they just reset the wrong timer.
This is why I never reset the timers when I’m drunk;)
Sorry but if your guild is 5 man, thats a group not a guild, there does have to be some restriction. we cant have every small guild dropping events endlessly.
Oh I’m sorry, I thought our guild was a real guild since we have a bank and an emblem and everything. Thanks for clarifying that a real guild is made up of 5+x people!
Sorry if that offends you, but by that definition a guild can have 1 person and have all those things, Just saying we can have every party sized group dropping events all over the open world, there has to be some kind of restrictive variable or they would never end.
Right so a good plan would be to allow each guild to only drop the low level events once, and make them 1-5k influence somewhere, high enough so that a single person can’t make multiple guilds and pop the event every day but low enough so that guilds that don’t farm so much influence can at least start one or two. Locking content for smaller groups that don’t have fun grinding/farming all day is definitely the easiest solution to the issue but it’s also pretty much the wrong way to go if you want to stick with the all inclusive style generally shoots for.
I’m concerned that our guild has been hard gated out of building this new content ourselves. At our current rate of influence gain, without mass recruiting people which we will not do, we’re looking at 60+ days of influence gathering plus build time to get AoW to lv 5. Please reconsider introducing missions that smaller tier guilds can initiate, possibly starting around 1k influence to build. With that floor, even single person guilds can amass enough influence in a week or two of casual playing to at least initiate one mission.
Why dont you just buy influence with gold?
To some of us, 78g is quite a bit. Running dungeons and farming mats are both unfun, as well as TP flipping…as I said in the previous thread, if I wanted another job I’d get one, video games are supposed to be fun.
you said you would be locked out for 60+ days, even if some of your guild buys influence, that time will be cut way, way down. what does your guild have 10 members? can they each toss in a couple gold? if is that urgent and that much or a priority to you and your guild, you can make it happen.
5, among whom only I play for any significant amount of time each day.
oh, then with the very limited info we have been given about these event, it does appear you are out of luck. i dont belive these events will be geared to only 2 or 3 people at a time.
Exactly. I was hoping to be able to get everyone together for a few hours a couple weekends this month to try whichever events we could unlock, but obviously that’s out of the picture. I’m not asking to be able to do everything and get all the rewards, but to be completely unable to unlock a single mission with 5k+ influence is very disheartening.
Sorry but if your guild is 5 man, thats a group not a guild, there does have to be some restriction. we cant have every small guild dropping events endlessly.
Oh I’m sorry, I thought our guild was a real guild since we have a bank and an emblem and everything. Thanks for clarifying that a real guild is made up of 5+x people!
I’m concerned that our guild has been hard gated out of building this new content ourselves. At our current rate of influence gain, without mass recruiting people which we will not do, we’re looking at 60+ days of influence gathering plus build time to get AoW to lv 5. Please reconsider introducing missions that smaller tier guilds can initiate, possibly starting around 1k influence to build. With that floor, even single person guilds can amass enough influence in a week or two of casual playing to at least initiate one mission.
Why dont you just buy influence with gold?
To some of us, 78g is quite a bit. Running dungeons and farming mats are both unfun, as well as TP flipping…as I said in the previous thread, if I wanted another job I’d get one, video games are supposed to be fun.
you said you would be locked out for 60+ days, even if some of your guild buys influence, that time will be cut way, way down. what does your guild have 10 members? can they each toss in a couple gold? if is that urgent and that much or a priority to you and your guild, you can make it happen.
5, among whom only I play for any significant amount of time each day.
I’m concerned that our guild has been hard gated out of building this new content ourselves. At our current rate of influence gain, without mass recruiting people which we will not do, we’re looking at 60+ days of influence gathering plus build time to get AoW to lv 5. Please reconsider introducing missions that smaller tier guilds can initiate, possibly starting around 1k influence to build. With that floor, even single person guilds can amass enough influence in a week or two of casual playing to at least initiate one mission.
Why dont you just buy influence with gold?
To some of us, 78g is quite a bit. Running dungeons and farming mats are both unfun, as well as TP flipping…as I said in the previous thread, if I wanted another job I’d get one, video games are supposed to be fun.
I’m concerned that our guild has been hard gated out of building this new content ourselves. At our current rate of influence gain, without mass recruiting people which we will not do, we’re looking at 60+ days of influence gathering plus build time to get AoW to lv 5. Please reconsider introducing missions that smaller tier guilds can initiate, possibly starting around 1k influence to build. With that floor, even single person guilds can amass enough influence in a week or two of casual playing to at least initiate one mission.
Exactly, this is a game, so you might have to a couple weeks to be able to trigger guild events. so whats the big deal? realistically, it is not out of the reach of any sized guild, if you think it is so important and that big of a priority, then as a guild, get together and make it happen.
If our guild can somehow up our influence generation to 500 influence/day, which is a stretch since most of us have real lives that are more important than GW2, and taking into account the 5k influence we’ve banked in the last month, we’ll need 60+ days to build up the influence needed for AoW level 5.
Here’s a few ways of making 3-4 gold a day taking 1-1.5 hours a day. At that rate, NOT including drops, you will be able to afford the ENTIRE Art of War level in 5 days with a 5 person guild group.
1) AC exp paths 1-3
2) CoF (Path 1>1>2)
3) Tradepost flipping
4) Ori-ore farming in Frostgorge Sound or Orr
5) Material flipping from Mystic Forge (granted, has RNG)
I’m sure there are more ways…but it will take a guild of 5 people 5 days…at 1.5 hours a day.
And during that time they’re not having any fun whatsoever. If I wanted more work I’d pick up a second job, this is a game.
So your guild does not find any joy from doing dungeons together, roaming the world looking for ore together, or mat farming together?
Alrighty then.
Dungeons are aggressivly unfun. Mat farming is aggressivly unfun. Roaming the world is fun and collecting random things is fun, but by requiring collection and donation of all your ori you’ve just turned it into a job and made it unfun. Roaming the world, doing events together and whatnot is fun and I’ve been able to make almost 7k influence for my guild doing that over the last 4 months or so, but in a 5 man guild where most people can play for only an hour or two per day max we’re talking a couple hundred influence/day max. We haven’t built anything in the past month in preparation for this, not a single banner or upgrade, and we’ve managed to bank slightly over 5k influence. Out of 36k and how many build days required for AoW 5.
(edited by rizzo.1079)
Here’s a few ways of making 3-4 gold a day taking 1-1.5 hours a day. At that rate, NOT including drops, you will be able to afford the ENTIRE Art of War level in 5 days with a 5 person guild group.
1) AC exp paths 1-3
2) CoF (Path 1>1>2)
3) Tradepost flipping
4) Ori-ore farming in Frostgorge Sound or Orr
5) Material flipping from Mystic Forge (granted, has RNG)
I’m sure there are more ways…but it will take a guild of 5 people 5 days…at 1.5 hours a day.
And during that time they’re not having any fun whatsoever. If I wanted more work I’d pick up a second job, this is a game.
You should get a baseline mission just for making the guild and have it stupid easy. Then with each rank in each area you can get a new mission, of course they get harder with each rank but the rewards are better.
Seriously, give me a base mission for like 100 influence that gives some blues and some silver for a reward. I don’t want crazy exotic stuff for doing easy missions, I just want my guild to not be totally locked out of content, which is what this will do.
So at the rate my tiny guild gains influence, we ought to be able to start doing these missions sometime next year. And here I was getting excited about new content…
I had this happen a couple times a month or two ago, so it’s not just something introduced in the new patch. Pretty sure just exiting to the character select screen and going back in fixed it.
Yeah after falling off of that one like 5 times in one night I let it go till the next day. Got it my first try then. I find myself doing that often with jp’s, especially if I run into them after playing for many hours or if it’s late at night…just come back later with a fresh set of eyes and fingers and you can probably do it.
Yeah I still melt things just fine in zones up to lv70 or so with my engy decked out in full exotic, and even my new mesmer that’s still only in lv 65 rare gear feels way more powerful in low level zones than he did when he was that level.