(edited by stof.9341)
Statistical evidence? A class solos a full dungeon without doing any dodging just by out healing all damage and it’s not evidence that the stat is doing more than enough work?
How powerful do you actually want healing to be oO Full HP heal at each regen tick?
No, actually he’s Batman.
ANet doesn’t like diminishing returns. It’s not a bad thing really.
Also, Healing power already give you insane survivability : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6DKZ45a0VU
Still no high mobility skills on the Engineer set either, which are essential for a Thief.
The only movement on an Engi rifle is Overcharegd Shot, which is a self-inflicted knockback so not that positive of an effect.
You forgot https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jump_Shot
Nerfing base healing for all builds that don’t have healing power is a sure way to completely wreck the game balance.
I can’t even imagine the mess it’ll do in sPvP while you buff Celestial so much compared to non celestial builds.
Filling roles we lack in is better than adding onto what we already have so the thief can expand their roles in combat.
The only role a 1200 range weapon fills that a 900 range weapon doesn’t is WvW zerg poking :o
(edited by stof.9341)
You cannot have such a system with hard lockons like I mentioned. Anyone could exploit the “low coverage spots” to play in prime time instead.
Because there’s no way to deal with coverage gaps without closing the server if off hours.
Look at it that way. Say, you got server A that only plays from 00:00 to 12:00. They have 0 presence the rest of the time. As a result, they are more or less guaranteed 100% PPT for that period and nothing the other. That other period sees PPT split between the server B and C.
What do you want the system to do? The servers have the same population on average over the day/week. Should it allow more people to join B and C cause they are “losing”? But B and C are already at max capacity during the day. Adding more players at that time period will not help at all. And even if there was room, it wouldn’t help either.
The only way to solve that is with hard lockdowns based on current time. Say, you want to join B for the 00:00-12:00 period, fine you can. But you aren’t allowed in WvW outside of it. or you plain close the servers down to a small time period. Is that what you want?
he’s probably crying because anet took away the 4th bounce from mirror blade, like 99% of the mesmer community
So they lost 33% of the burst damage on one of their skill. Man, what would they have said if they played thief when a patch reduced Dancing Dagger damage by 50% :/
Well compare P boosts to D and S. Ricochet was a clear outlier here since it was much much stronger than the equivalent traits we have :p
In fact, I think the current and only Pistol trait left for us is the best of our weapon specialization traits.
Anyway, the complete season pack price depends on how many episodes you already unlocked I think.
The buffed SB? When?
Approximately never as far as I remember. On the other hand, nerfs were plenty.
Well you could also drop a smoke screen and make your own (temporary) cover :p Bonus points if the pet will sit in it and blind itself constantly.
You use an utility to counter another utility. Kinda fair.
But seriously, I have no idea why they are introducing a new weapon when they killed everything else for thieves beside dp/sb.
Is that really a question? Do you know what would happen if the day before HoT release ANet was like :
And now, for the long awaited Thief Elite specialisation, you get … NO NEW WEAPON! In fact you don’t get an elite spec at all but don’t worry, we instead rebalanced a few of the old sets that didn’t work as well as expected.
- Pistol #1 damage increased by 5%
- Shortbow Ranged increased by 50
- Sword autoattack chain now completes 5% fasterYour welcome
The reason we get a new weapon is that every single class in the game gets one with the Elite spec.
It has been in the game for at least a year though.
Having the player autoattack with the main hand and use the offhand in an utilitarian way is hardly ambidextrous which is what we have in the game.
It will be weird and unfitting having a thief use his dagger in autoattacks in melee while having a sword in the other hand.
OH sword will not happen because D/S and P/S make no sense.
- Unrelenting Strikes: Fixed an issue that prevented this trait from functioning correctly with missile attacks.
- Deadly Trapper: Increased the duration of might granted from this trait from 8 seconds to 10 seconds. Vulnerability now correctly applies for 10 seconds.
- Ambush: This trap now correctly applies might to the thief when triggered while Deadly Trapper is equipped.
- Shadow Trap—Shadow Pursuit: Fixed an issue that prevented this ability from recognizing the Deadly Trapper trait when applying might.
- No Quarter: This trait now applies ferocity bonuses to all instances of fury applied to the thief instead of all instances of fury that the thief applies (which included ferocity applied to allies).
- Feline Grace: Increased the duration of vigor from 2 seconds to 4 seconds.
Daze is an interrupt too.
There is also this [&AgFgEQEAAA==]
You can already get dolphins :p Just use a spirit underwater!
New thief elite spec : Honorary Largos. I could get behind that if it includes a Largos cosplay set !
1. Not a valid reason. Strong suggestion already that two elite specs are getting shield too
2. Possible, and staff would fill the space for a resilient melee weapon that thief lacks
3. That doesn’t make sense at all. Rifle is a 2H weapon, like Staff. Both will not allow you to use the dual skill system
4. That’s just a repeat of the fact that rifle will probably be long range
5. And Guardians do not fit the longbow. Elite specs aren’t limited by such considerations anyway
6. Thieves got one valid melee weapon : main hand dagger. Currently main hand sword is rather poor especially since dagger got cleave 2 and the nerfs to the survivability of S/D
Offhand sword will not happen anytime soon because D/S and P/S make no sense sense as a set. When people say they want offhand sword, they always mean then want S/S. Since there’s no provision nor any clean way to make D/S and P/S work, offhand sword role is best done by giving thieves a new two handed weapon instead. Like a staff.
“Sword offhand isn’t used for an additional elite spec currently” No kidding. And neither is sword main hand, axe main hand, mace main hand, dagger main hand, pistol main hand, scepter, axe offhand, mace offhand, dagger offhand, pistol offhand, torch, focus, shortbow.
I noticed the attention to melee staff in your post. I haven’t been paying heavy attention to the leaks, but I think it’s possible that the staff could be ranged. I mean, look at what they did for the mesmer’s GS.
Would be funny if they made a ranged staff that worked like a sniper rifle.
The datamined thief like guy holding the (datamined too) staff is in a posture that is more reminiscent of a martial usage of a staff than a mage one.
Yeah cause Rifle will work perfectly with the dual skill system :p
Rifle = range combat (like shortbows u know)
Like Pistol you know. Pistol that works with dual skill system.
You are grasping at straws here.
Yeah cause Rifle will work perfectly with the dual skill system :p
Thief lack staying power in melee. Staff can very well provide them with a fighting style allowing that.
We should just start a thread on why we all really just want off hand sword plox. Right everyone?
why not focus!
Because thiefs are far away from magic?
Thief stealth and shadowsteps is a form of magic though. Also, Assassin in GW1 had quite a lot of spell so having an elite thief spec resurrect that wouldn’t be far fetched.
Salvaging rares doesn’t give luck so the action of salvaging those for players shouldn’t be linked to them reaching MF cap.
There is always a world boss in the daily though.
Also, you might not have noticed but you really aren’t missing much that matters to you if you don’t do the dailies. Most of the rewards are just from login. Doing 3/3 dailies only gives you 10 achievement points and the specific daily rewards which are more in line with the activity itself. Aka, a fractal daily gives you fractal based rewards etc…
So, your best bet might just be to ignore them when they happen and understand you aren’t missing anything worth worrying about like you do !
Thieves cannot stand on point during team fights currently. All they can do is linger around fights and close in for a quick attack or two before retreating away from all the killer AoEs and melee cleaves thrown around.
A staff could help for that and allow a more “brawler” fighting style.
Seriously, why rifle? Just to get an extra 300 range? For what? Shooting people from walls one bullet at a time?
And to do that you have to gut your melee capabilities or survivability by taking an elite spec oriented for ranged combat?
Well the warden phant uses that ranger offhand axe whirling defense style move no? So it makes sense to give him an axe.
Staff would be the most stupid weapon i can imagine. There is simply no need for that. 6 of 9 classes will using staves, 2 of 9 classes currently using rifles. Also thiefs lacking in the long range department. And last but not least: How lame would it be to give rangers AND thiefs both the same weapon? A staff would be so far away from the class concept, i kitten brix if that’s coming.
- A melee staff might as well be counted as an entirely different weapon.
- Rifles are boring. Also, no class needs that many physical ranged weapons. Thief already got two options so getting a 3rd is a waste. Especially when it feels like rifle will do the same role as P/P. They should rather fix P/P in the first place.
- Thief doesn’t need a long range weapon. It’s only “needed” in WvW zerg pirate ship fights. I’d seriously annoyed they dedicate a full elite spec just for filling that kind of role while we could be getting some useful sPvP or PvE weapon.
- Not lame at all. After all, Mesmer and Revenant both get Shield for their elite weapon. Also, ranger gets a mage staff while thief will probably get a martial staff so they are really two different weapons.
- As I said, thief getting a martial arts melee staff fits perfectly the concept
(edited by stof.9341)
Thief only has 2 main hand melee weapons. Heck, one can argue that in PvP thief only got one melee weapon set that works in D/P
Also, it doesn’t matter that the staff skins are horrible for melee. All that matters is that HoT adds new skins that are fine for a melee staff and that we use those.
Does this look like a thief with a rifle to anyone else?
No. Actually it looks like an engineer. Something we can already do.
2H axes would be nice, but I have some concerns about how many classes it’d fit in.
Also, it’ll be missing all the existing skin sets unless some massive work is done by ANet.
Besides, I strongly believe that if someone build really wanted more a Major Trait than a Grandmaster trait, then it meant the traits themselves were completely unbalanced.
It also created a lot of new build that needed three Grandmaster traits to work before.
The new system is fine for now. No need to change it.
Hello ANet, I’d like to equip two Grandmaster Traits at the same time. Thanks in advance!
Sorry, I doubt it’ll happen without a nerf of the trait you drop to Major (and a buff of the one going to Grandmaster)
The point is that it’s very easy to miss when you get one. Are you sure you only got one ever?
You also get them as random loot from mobs. It only shows on the right though since they are automatically added to your wallet.
This PS step happens in the old version of LA. The kids are still there.
In fact, all the PS steps that happen in an instance inside LA use the old version of the map for good reason.
Considering Ranger gets a staff, I don’t see them doubling the same weapon type for two Elite professions.
Why? There’s no good reason really. Especially when rangers get a ranged mage staff while thieves will probably get a melee staff which have completely different play styles. They might as well be two completely different weapons in the first place.
At 900+ I figure I may as well go for the 1,000. While there are still some to get they are all several gold (annoying for something I will just toss in the mystic toilet and some I can not even do that with).
Basically, Mystic Forge recipes that use the Eldritch Scroll which costs 50 spirit shards : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eldritch_Scroll
You should be able to sell those for more they cost you to make since one of the components is the untradable spirit shards.
I am not even sure what to do with them. I do not forge legendaries and I think the only time I have talked to whasername at the mystic forge was to see if there was anything good in the offered stuff.
You could make some of the mystic forge exotics with their custom skins. You might even win some money out of the trade allowing you to get gold for your spirit shards.
This is true, but that’s for elementalists. A tempest class which is based on storms, shouldn’t be dabbling in time manipulation. It makes no sense. The skills should be based on the 4 elements instead of arcane.
In actuality, I would have liked an elite that combined the 4 elements into one storm, to make an actual tempest storm.
It’s funny how you say it because in French, time and weather are actually the same word
Anyway, remember that Chill which is definitively an elementalist condition has effects on cooldowns. Are you saying Chill is actually time manipulation?
Rangers can reduce their weapons cooldowns just by switching weapon sets. Time manipulation too?
Thieves can reset all their cooldowns while stealing.
Chronomancer will remain the only class that can make all cooldowns move faster. Elementalist doesn’t manipulate time with his elite : he makes it so that the cooldown doesn’t happen as strong in the first place.
Elementalists acutally have a long tradition of manipulating the cost, cast time, recharge, etc. of the next few spells. That’s actually what Glyphs did.
Indeed. Glyph of Renewal ftw.
I’d just like to mention that although I agree with you those things are rare to see enumerated, what’s less rare is the people running those 80 exp groups who assume that “exp” automatically equals the zerker meta.
Well when I first saw announces like “P1 exp” I assumed Exp = experienced. Not explorable which is redundant with the notion that it’s the “P1” that is done.
Of course experienced doesn’t mean “speed runner metazerk” but it kind of implies for me a minimal amount of effort to play the path optimally. Like not going full tank/heal build in the first place which we know isn’t optimal at all.
The problem is that healing will only ever be needed when it improves DPS of the team. The only way Healing improves DPS of a player is if that player would be dead without it.
Ergo, the only way healing will help is if people will die without a healer. Which is similar to saying that healing is required.