I think there should be an emphasis on objectives over kills. That way lower tiers aren’t punished for preferring smaller scale battles (especially now that ranks directly convert to gold wealth).
but as I said, we didn’t actually kill everyone,as you won’t but we won you lost and that is all you can do, you couldn’t beat us.
Now for the part that actually made me laugh hardest, you killed us so much? Thats interesting considering it was 5v30 and there was only a total of 3 deaths between our 5 people. Yet we killed all of your guys numerous times.
Not doing wonders for your credibility.
You know what’s funny, you complain about us making videos that put us in good light, but that’s what you’ve done here, because I did actually apologise and say that I over exaggerated by saying everyone.
I never complained about you making videos that put you in a good light. Most of the videos I’ve seen from SPCA are excellent/entertaining movies that really should get more views. In fact, you can see me saying just that in a comment weeks ago before this matchup happened. I liked the video and they got a few more hits from some of my followers.
I think Rackin’s and Wafflez’s movies are the best duo/small group movies I’ve seen for GW2. You see, I’m not a petty person. I don’t let the fact that I seriously dislike some of SPCA and XOXO as people for their hypocrisy, personal attacks, and lies get in the way of what I see as the truth. The duo movies with Sarsbear are pretty good too.
I did nothing but compliment people and then started getting attacked personally on the forums for what reason I still don’t quite understand. The hypocrisy and dishonesty of the attacks crossed the line for me. End of story.
Your petty is showing under your dress. Clearly tievo’s video is the video of the year. Hypocrite..
I like this one better
It took like what 2 months to get to the ranks we’re now? So in like 2 months this’ll be a mute point?
To be fair, we learned everything we know about PvDoor from Rob and [Os].
Gosh. Please don’t put my name on that.
If you want to put my name on it you guys are going to need some one on one lessons.When you can PvDoor on a map, which contains the same amount of enemy players as your own side, thats when you know you have succeeded in WvW.
You certainly aren’t selling yourself short LOL…
If you’re that ashamed of it, why do you do it? The picture is nonsense because it fails to show that DR supposedly had equal numbers on that map (or that you even succeeded). Whenever a conversation about PvD spouts up, your name is always mentioned.
Oh and nice pugs btw
Yerp. I usually work with pugs and when I get lucky a few Os.
I’m not ashamed of PvDoor, its perfectly good business. Hah, its just that there are 2 types of PvD. One where there is literally no enemy online, and another were you’ve used split groups to disorientate an enemy which has a perfectly good sized zerg, so that you can PvDoor.The picture proves the the exact point I was trying to make. That is an enemy borderland where they are supposed to have the most players on par normal. I thought that was pretty obvious tbh. I’d have to fraps it to fully prove anything, and I didn’t.. so.. haters gunna hate? I don’t even think thats DR’s. I’d have to flick through my SS file to find what match up it is.
We just ran around punching doors until we got to the north of the map, everyone way pointed and we rush upto hills.Pretty standard way to get and outer down and half an inner before they start defending.
That sorta thinkin always made sense to me.
Blind makes you ‘Miss’. Most often place I encounter is off-hand pistol thieves have a blind AoE that just keeps dropping blind on you, as do the veteran scouts (so you do get blinded a fair bit hitting camps) but even a sword/greatsword guardian can be puttin blinds on you fairly often. I’m sure other classes blind too I just don’t know anythin about them.
I like the shield with my 60% boon duration for the protection buff. The knockback I mostly save for interrupts/shadow refuge/cliffs when it can be pretty important (at least in theory, half the time I just find I’m mashin buttons and blowin it in the middle of combat when it doesn’t really do anything effective – I’m just bad like that).
Why would that happen? We don’t even know what is in the chests…
Among other things, ecto and precursors.
To much discussion about other people, score updates are needed for the peeps who can’t play. Yes the marshmallow ones. Peeps are people too.
http://mos.millenium.org/na Has update scoring now so you should always be able to see how things are going.
Is true. No one can post updates fast enough before mos updates again! The computers have taken over!
Also fear the Big Brother of WvW! http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/map/700
Try loggin in at reset? Usually that’s when the fights are biggest and you can tag lots.
Dear [TRON] Ranger,
Last time I checked, when two people /bow at each other, it means a duel. NOT a bring-the-other-four-people-in-your-party to gank/stomp me.
You really can’t expect to get a 1v1 right next to one of the drop downs from the waypoint zone in. Was that their drop down or yours? And looking at the emotes, the DR guy cried. Did he do this when the other DR added into the fight? He also bows at the end which looks like an apology to me.
Getting adds in WvW is part of the game. It would be good if people stopped taking it so personally.
I understand adds are part of the game, but the guys that attacked were in his party. I wouldn’t say I took it personally, but I was a bit disappointed by the lack of form. I suppose I can’t always expect people to follow the courtesies.
Also not sure why you can’t expect a 1v1 near the drop down (it was mine btw), it’s just like any other place. Either way it doesn’t matter, I got him back later
I’ve always lived by the rule to never expect anything ‘cause in WvW anythin goes! One of Ichi’s favourite lines is “red is dead”.
Love it, hilarious =)
Does GoM have a website?
We sure do.
Yesterday I was in GoM with Os and I was disconnected over 7 times. Many of us just logged off after an hour because of it.
It`s kinda sad because the fight was getting interesting.
The whole lag situation is unfortunate. It seems to be only the server that’s hostin our borderland and that I think has helped our score situation =(
I have no idea what stable means. If it means staying in the same tier, then Ferguson’s Crossing. If it means not having people leave/join the server constantly, I imagine Jade Quarry still is not the best.
How do I get in on this drama? It looks fun. My mule is on GOM, which side does that put me on??
You’re out of luck, it’s mostly NSP vs. DR.
Best you can hope for is having Mugi or Ooze make a video ganking you.
So i went with withdraw, needle trap, caltrops, thieves guild and ambush. i managed to kill a sentry, but thats it.
Nsp was nice enough to let me duel one of there lowbies that was entertaining i near had him beat when one of there thieves hit me for 16k . not a very productive night but a fun one.
When you and Generationz were runnin around without armour I knew good times were to be had. I almost went without armour too but I got scared! =(
Yeup just came out of NSP bl.
Apparently we had no one on it, literal figures 0 for most of night.
GoM took most of it with 7 people, or so I was told.
Then DR showed up too with 3 Omegas.Wanted to ask if either of you had siege problems? It didn’t look like it though.
Ours is bugging out, we drop it, get it to 90% built and then Poof. Its gone.
Reason why you may have witnessed some gate chewing.That will happen when the siege cap is hit.
Couldn’t have been. We owned a single tower and that only had 1 ac in it.
No idea where all the siege could have been, other servers siege doesn’t effect each other, they’d have to keep ticking it which I’d say rules out under the map. The problem lasted for several hours when I was online.Doesn’t it give you a max siege warning too?
@Nordic Natedog.4360 previous post
I want to buy you a new graphics card.
Seven shades of poopSorry, but I play on a laptop. As a father of four, the luxury of buying a gaming system for me to use isn’t in the cards. This is my work/gaming computer so I run it on lower graphics settings to decrease my odds of lag and such. Having great graphics just increases the look of the game but doesn’t increase in any fashion the fun of playing it.
high five for laptop users!
GoM chasing me from Bay to Garri with 20+ !!!
Good laugh.
I almost made it though T_T
Thank you for all the badges you dropped in Bay. It’s really appreciated, especialy with the new shinies coming on next tuesday <3
It was an awkward push. We had outmanned for most of it, DR came took our Briar, haha, and none of it was directed by anyone, just like ~10 people more or less figurin it out as we went along. Eventually we called in a couple guilds from the map and that got us through (eventually). Badge wise it was profitable for me as well.
It’s not encouraging them, it’s giving them a place to go. Which is why they made a map where you can kill your own server mates with traps.
My favorite is Teivo is still referred to as a “she” ….. with incomplete sentences that leave all the articles out. He gets other people to write their sentences the same way lol….how does that not make any of you laugh?
I guess because I don’t know who Teivo is?
I don’t believe there is a max siege warning.
So you place it, it lets you build it and then when its about to finish it goes LOL! and disappears?Hitting siege cap is a pretty hard thing to do for an entire map on a low tier. Even harder now because of the despawns actually working. And even harder harder when you have no camps and a sum total of 7 players.
Siege limit is described at the bottom of this wiki article. What you’re describing doesn’t sound like the siege limit.
What map are you on? In this thread they talk about problems on Jade Quarry and I think one of our WvW maps might be hosted on Jade Quarry too. If it was Gates of Madness, that would explain why funky things are goin on.
I don’t believe there is a max siege warning.
Well, great to see that Os of NSP can actually kill something. This thief was so proud that his 5 man Os guild group plus 2 other pugs could actually kill one memser. Mind you this was the third time I came out from bay gate after being able to successfully go in against them and still be able to live.
Yeup just came out of NSP bl.
Apparently we had no one on it, literal figures 0 for most of night.
GoM took most of it with 7 people, or so I was told.
Then DR showed up too with 3 Omegas.Wanted to ask if either of you had siege problems? It didn’t look like it though.
Ours is bugging out, we drop it, get it to 90% built and then Poof. Its gone.
Reason why you may have witnessed some gate chewing.
I don’t think I’ve seen/heard of any problems with siege bugging out like that.
Most of the lag reports I’ve heard about are for some reason to do with the Gates of Madness borderland since the last patch. Everyone’s always disconnecting there. Probably our lead has somethin to do with that no one wants to go there, heh. Hope it gets fixed soon, this isn’t acceptable.
I see oil fired maybe once a week right now. Who knows what it’ll be like months from now with balance changes and what not. Hell, maybe this oil mastery makes gives the oil a shield that blocks damage while you use it. Maybe this is part of a plan to make oil counter rams instead of arrow carts. Don’t worry so much.
Defense against guards can help solo camps, if that’s your style.
Yes if oil mastery makes it so you can actually use oil when there is stacks of aoe fields on it, then it would be a worthwhile change, but personally I would rather see keep/tower walls made so they are protective for those attacking from them, so that people can use their class abilities rather then stand around spamming 1-3 on an AC.
Who needs help soloing camps and is 50ish less damage an attack doing to make or break your attempt? Even if they made it super powerful were it reduced damage by 50% and made you immune to all their cc/effects, would it be worth taking over other stuff?
None of these skills should make or break anything. If you’re a guy who runs solo, what’s better than reduced damage from camp guards? You’re never going to be on an arrow cart or ballista. Some roamers in the low tiers will flip a camp just to gank the handful of people who filter in to try to take it.
Honestly, I laughed at that skill too ‘cause I don’t roam anymore but then some guildies were like “I took it for camps when I roam” and that made think better.
I know from experience that this setup works with a trait distribution of 0/0/10/30/30
That’s what I often run and find it very effective in small group fights when your control skills can shine. The downside is a lack of mobility.
I see oil fired maybe once a week right now. Who knows what it’ll be like months from now with balance changes and what not. Hell, maybe this oil mastery makes gives the oil a shield that blocks damage while you use it. Maybe this is part of a plan to make oil counter rams instead of arrow carts. Don’t worry so much.
Defense against guards can help solo camps, if that’s your style.
Wtb score update and popcorn will trade nacho cheese and pudding for these commodities
The score updates at http://mos.millenium.org/na are now up to date. Though the map isn’t showing me who the towers/camps belong to.
I don’t really want to hear excuses or explanations or justifications anymore.
All I want is basic UI functionality (like kicking a person from the party, for Pete’s sake!) when I play the game. Fiddling with changing maps and dissolving groups of 4 people to add 1 is beta.
The age of the score update is over!
Anet released an official API so sites can access the match-up data. Millenium has already integrated it. You can even see a map of who owns what.
Sweeeet. Now I’m never gonna get stuff done at work.
A big thank you for [RISE] guild giving us some fun 4v4 / 5v5.
good people , fun guild.
4v4 !“http://youtu.be/uuFdmV-hXUk”
mugi is such a noob ;_;
Pretty sure guardian is biggest noob.
After not playing for a couple months and getting nerfed repeatedly while gone….
There’s still a woeful lack of competition in this game.
Dunno who you are but sorry you’re so good that it’s makin you sad! One day maybe I can be as good as you are ’cept not be unhappy.
If you were as good as I am, you’d be sad too.
Are you sure being sad isn’t the thing you’re good at?
After not playing for a couple months and getting nerfed repeatedly while gone….
There’s still a woeful lack of competition in this game.
Dunno who you are but sorry you’re so good that it’s makin you sad! One day maybe I can be as good as you are ’cept not be unhappy.
we decorated your briar NSP, our own personal taste.
a lil mood music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFUjwj_RB5o
Awwww yea.
@Rob – That. Is. Amazing. I am jealous.
Hey XOXO – Thanks for lastnight. <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
You’re not allowed to reuse gifs, Lily!
Battle stations people
battle stations for your battle stations.
I see your Rig and I raise you a shiverpeaks commander
I am.. extremely jealous..
Seriously, I play on a laptop.
HAY GoM. Our date night is overdue. Us, you… some daggers and booze… and a flamethrower to set the mood lighting. Whaddya say?
I’m not gonna lie. Sometimes when I’m fighting NSP or DR I close my eyes and pretend they’re you.
As for the reason for posting, I only really meant to bring the /laughing to your attention, because I know if someone from [RH] was doing it we’d want to know.
Actually, Zumi, we have a number of long time members who /laugh /dance /whatever. We haven’t ever had a policy of telling people not to do that.
No /laugh or /dance for me. I keep things classy and pop fireworks or spike people as a baby quaggan instead.
Edit: I don’t hate thieves but I do hate my thief. I can’t kill anyone with mine =( It’s really sad… like, really, really, really sad.
Your thief needs moar pistols! pew pew > stealth
It’s only 900 range!!
As for the reason for posting, I only really meant to bring the /laughing to your attention, because I know if someone from [RH] was doing it we’d want to know.
Actually, Zumi, we have a number of long time members who /laugh /dance /whatever. We haven’t ever had a policy of telling people not to do that.
Edit: I don’t hate thieves but I do hate my thief. I can’t kill anyone with mine =( It’s really sad… like, really, really, really sad.
(edited by styx.7294)
Looks like we won’t be back for awhile </3
Don’t worry about it, Jelly. WvW is more than any single week’s scores! Do your best and have fun. =)
More about flame rams, here’s one that turned out to be super effective at taking down walls.
What’s your armor? O_O
I’m more curious about the floating Veteran Archer
Like another has said, good eye. Had to search the image for a bit until I realized there’s something up there
And you managed to identify the profession merely from the lower robes?
Still wonder about the armor tho XD
It’s valkyrie armour. Crafted with 350 armoursmithing.
I can’t believe you guys don’t know the floating archer.
More about flame rams, here’s one that turned out to be super effective at taking down walls.
Meanwhile in Tier 8…
Hahaha, Henge doin it with style.
If WXP is changed to be proportional to the amount of contribution/dmg to the kill, then sure I am all in favor of your suggestion, because I agree with the base issue.
If it stays the way it is now, everyone that tags get’s the same amount, which already devalues WXP too a meaningless level, then I would be opposed to the suggestion because it is already to easy to get WXP, making it so everyone in group gets it because one person in that group gets a tag… just too excessive, imo.
Overall how you earn WXP has made it meaningless to me personally so I am not sure why people even care that much? Outside of a few OP siege masteries the abilities are junk and since WXP rank directly correlates to how much of a zerger you are, what is the rush to have more?
Its the principle…
Why should players who “tag” as many targets as they can in a zerg fight get more WXP than the ones who cant "tag’ as many targets due to dropping CC and healing?
Every one should be treated equal, every one should be offered the same amount, regardless if they DPS or Support.
You have equal opportunity to attack and support. You only choose to do one of those while others are doing both.
You intend to imply me using a skill with skill lag and a casting time is the same amount of time efficiency as x player spamming #1 with no cast time?
I suppose I could cast my Sanctuary and ~3 seconds later (due to lag) start spamming #1, and not cast my Line of Warding or Sheild of Absorbtion and let us get rolled over? Is this what you suggest?
I think the problem you’re describing is skill lag.
Without skill lag, my support guardian tags tons of people in the sort of choke point holding situation you’re describing. Staff is amazing for tagging as is being in melee. I don’t think there’s any build that only uses non-attack skills.
So we finally finished the Guild vs Guild video.
Os vs BOSS guild.
Shiverpeaks vs Gates?
Pull up a seat and watch it in 1080pAnyway. Enjoy and please subscribe
I hope you like it and thanks to everyone who took part!We did the same to WvW last evening !
NSP <3
You also had a 20v20 guild versus guild battle? I didn’t realize you were such a heavy weight, XOXO.
I suppose my attempt at humor was not appreciated. Oh well.
Consider this. A woman of surname Choo, wants to marry a man of surname Choo. She wants to honor her family and retain her maiden name. So her name changes to Mrs. Choo-Choo. The big question here is this- is she the first Choo, or the second Choo?
I hope the answer isn’t incest. Which name goes first and which name goes second probably is for the couple to decide rather than us to guess at so I don’t even see how this is a riddle.
(edited by styx.7294)
Huh, neat to see GvG in Tier 7! Hope everyone had fun =)
DDLG was taking a break last night with PVE doing temple unlocks. We were coming up on daily reset, so I popped over to DRBL to use the mystic forge, and noticed it was blue. This news was greeted with a chorus of the groans, where we had left defense for 1hr and already the BL was getting trashed.
So our evening was cut short. We called to arms for our BL. Apologies to those roaming groups who got zerged hard, but it was just business. Only significant resistance occured when Zombieland was mowed down quickly at Hills. We mopped up the map, and went on the offensive in GOM BL. Trashed the garrison there. Blitz ended with port of golems beneath pot of oil. Spent some time farming GOM near water gate, garrison. Had a good time with Darkestshadows calling tactical feints and flanks, wiping superior numbers until they just decided they had enough. Logged to watch House of Cards with wife, so don’t know how it ended.
Good fun guys, but really, our PvE coordinator should talk with GOM about good nights for us to just do temple unlocks. Certainly there was a breakdown in communications there. You guys are supposed to go for our stuff when we are out there defending, not on PvE night. Sheesh. Check the calendar.
You make a good point. Here, lemme help ya coordinate since I’m Head Honcho of Gates of Madness (mostly a result of having the fanciest hat, really).
PvE-what-is-this-kitten-I-don’t-even Night Schedule: When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. Then you can PvE and not before.
WvW Schedule: All day every day.
I run a support guardian and this is my impression.
Guardian’s about as good as it gets for boons, pretty good heals, and you can tank alright with fairly meh damage, with some CC. I think warrior is slightly better healing and more hit points (not sure how damage compares in a support build). Elementalist is better healing, great CC, but not a tank.
Dont forget that a guardian with staff/hammer can keep people in a choke point at an objective (like a single staircase) to keep all those enemies nice and huddled on the stairs.
Extremely, extremely effective tactic even with just one guardian and a couple ACs.
Agreed, it’s great though it can be countered with stability/teleports/portal/probably other things. I also wanted to mention that I think guardian is the only one who can give the party stability. Hallowed Ground and Hold Your Ground are both pretty solid utilities.
I run a support guardian and this is my impression.
Guardian’s about as good as it gets for boons, pretty good heals, and you can tank alright with fairly meh damage, with some CC. I think warrior is slightly better healing and more hit points (not sure how damage compares in a support build). Elementalist is better healing, great CC, but not a tank.
Just want to it clear [WvW] is only in GoM. Yes there is another guild that uses that tag. Yes when ever we see them we destroy them as there should only be one guild with that tag and that’s us.
Claim all the 2xTeam you want if you lose you lose. All I can say is we don’t fight for 2nd and we don’t ask for help we just get our people take our zerg and take all your stuff.
We love trolling and love causing drama because it makes us laugh so nsp please keep feeding us more bags.
Just a quick side note please keep talking about [WvW] I love seeing you guys cry and spread false info.
Just. LOL. You don’t destroy us. You outnumber us. And I kill you lame copycats with extreme prejudice. You have the absolute tastiest loot bags.
“And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee. "
Awesome the feeling is mutual :P
Also I’m pretty sure my team of 4 not to long ago beat you guys down pretty hard. If memory serves it was 4v8 with several of your guys in the 8. But hey it’s ok we both can has some internet cookiesBTW I love that everyone thinks we are a huge guild. I wish that was true but honestly we only have like 28 peeps on reset the rest of time its more like 8 but if I got pwn’d all the time I’d say there were more to :P
I do think you are a huge guild because I can’t think of guilds bigger than you.
This thread really seems as pointless as banging on the table and forcing the guy opposite you to like the brand of beer you are drinking.
Here are a few things to consider
Different tiers field different numbers and that is why fights may vary from 1v1 to 5v5 and even to 80v802)
Due to the different number of players fielded, each tier develops it’s own meta. Commanders and players develop different skill sets3)
Skill does not simply equate to just being able to kill players. It involves more than that. Being able to command a 30 or 40 group as 1 entity is on a totally different level. Does that make a commander not fantastic at 1v1 a lousy player? No. His talent is just as if not more valuable i.e able to get a group to move as 1 entity.4)
Strategies for different sized groups vary greatly and harping on I can kill 1vX number of people is meaningless. It is truly a work of art when you see an organized group kill on the field especially when they take on greater numbers.5)
Once the group sizes become bigger, you will start to see that there is alot of thought put into team synergy, making builds work with each other, combo fields, field movement, timing of attacks, group composition, weapon and skill interactions etc. This is something that a 1v1, 2v2 or 5v5 won’t see. There is nothing wrong with that, just means that meta and playstyles differ. Experiencing such fights simply means paying ANET gems to move to a different tier.6)
Different players like different play styles, some of you guys enjoy 1v1, 2v2, 5v5, 10v10. There are also others that like to play 30v30, 30v50 or even 80v80. That does not however mean they are any less skilled than someone playing 1v1, 2v2. It is a totally different play orientation.7)
A 1v1, 2v2 player harping on “I can kill X who plays often in a 30v30 group = he sucks” is extremely lame and naive. Builds designed for group combat and builds designed for 1v1, 2v2 etc comabt are vastly different in focus. Tradeoffs and compromises are made resulting in weaknesses when forced into a combat scenario it is not designed for and vice versa.Lastly, I believe we all should be able to acknowledge that different players like different playstyles and hence reside in different tiers. Constant harping on who is better or trying to one up the other is doing nobody any favours.
This thread didn’t really deserve such a well thought out post.
So you are saying “accept all playstyles” but people who command and cant really win small fights, shouldn’t be ridiculed because they can command 30 people to run around from tower to tower and put siege down. On the other hand Players that win small fights and beat ridiculous odds 3-8 vs. 15 shouldnt be glorified because of excuses excuses excuses? I dont understand your logic.
No, you got it. You have all the important points. The logic starts with the premise people shouldn’t be ridiculed and it ends there.
Edit: Also, I can’t believe you just said that we should glorify you. Who does that in a non-ironic way?
(edited by styx.7294)