Showing Posts For styx.7294:

Dear host of State of the Game

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


This again!

State of the Game is meant only for sPvP because they only found volunteers who are interested in sPvP.

If you want them to do a State of the Game for WvW, volunteer or find a volunteer.

Guild Wars 2 Guru made this call back in March:

and no one’s answered it but people still keep whining here that they’re not being served. You can’t blame Guild Wars 2 Guru for not having people from PvE and WvW, if no one from PvE or WvW wants to do it (apparently all they wanna do is whine here).

Seriously guys, step up or shut up.

Gate of Madness

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


sigh, no one on gom wants to gvg? I guess we will never see that “skill” you claim to have

I’ll GvG you, but Im the only person in my guild on GOM, so I guess its more like dueling… lol.

same to Zombieland
might i add that they quit after 2 rounds czu they couldnt win

I see you click skills with your mouse to use them. Thats pro.

maybe FC should stoop down to GoM’s level adn invest in some AC’s

Ok, seriously guys.


I mean this.

You should build 3-4 ACs per gate, minimum, on every tower and keep you own, and then refresh them so they dont despawn. Then you should put ACs in common wall knockdown spots too.

This is seriously what you should be doing. Then the 3-4 people inside the tower/keep can actually hold it, while you get more people there to defend it. There are also places in towers/keeps where you should pre-build a treb before any attack ever occurs. This is the correct way to play. In every tier above like 5, this is how its done, and one of the main reasons theyre more competitive even though the population differences are not as large as you would expect. Heck on Saturday I saw a full map Q zerg on GOM crash into full map Q zergs of AR and FC on EB. Then I moved to a BL map and there were 40+ man zergs on the map I was on. I was surprised honestly, I never played during NA prime on GOM before.

@ Ferguson

Sorry, don’t know what to tell ya. I don’t really know of anyone in Gate of Madness who is interested in GvG. Speaking for myself, I kinda like the context WvW gives to battles and aren’t really lookin for to fight for the sake of fightin most of the time.

@ wish

Huh, really? We do that sort of thing when on the offensive when we want to hold a tower, for sure. On the home map, it’s harder to do. Somethin we can improve. Honestly, if you or anyone else have more ideas or stuff to give, would love the hear them. Always nice to hear a fresh perspective!

I think I tried contactin you about ideas a day or so ago but didn’t get a reply, haha.

Gate of Madness

[WvW] The Healway Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


I’m a big fan of this build and I’m glad to see it back. It has a lot of variety to it and can easily branch out, I regularly use every guardian weapon with it ’cept torch. Melandru runes + condition reduction food are also an option if you find yourself very alone running from big zergs often.

The 0/0/10/30/30 trait line is very versatile for every scale of fight. No big damage numbers though, so don’t see it often.

Gate of Madness

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I don’t think the Floor Carpets should be paired with the server that hosts ARM. It clearly isnt fair.


I call on ArenaNet, for the sake of fairness, to create the separate Arm of Madness server.

Gate of Madness

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Some quality arrow cart action by Anvil Rock.

Please, tell me that you think this is some form of hack. (Because it would totally make my night.)

sigh See Styx. This is why you can’t pay anyone a compliment.

All I ask is to be entertained..

I do think that arrow carts is bullkitten. Honestly, it was just a moment of frustration. We basically had only the catapult left, were outnumbered like 5 to 1 and now someone is arrow carting everything. Made a grumpy post.

There, entertained?

Gate of Madness

(edited by styx.7294)

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Some quality arrow cart action by Anvil Rock.


Gate of Madness

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I expect much in the way of XOXO/tM/KoM/GT/SPCA/PAXA trash talk and videos. Don’t let me down guys.

Gate of Madness

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


so i see a dagger elem doing a —-- poor job of soloing a camp
sorry you have such idiots on your server

Honestly, I’m at the point that I’ve started to refuse party invites from enemies after a fight. I’ve never had a conversation that’s worth havin that way yet.

I don’t know. I always try to be polite, give pointers if they are warranted, and try to be as respectful as possible to the opposing servers. I have actually had far fewer negative encounters with players than positive ones.

I guess I just don’t like talkin about fights, heh. I kinda feel like the fight speaks for itself enough already. I don’t do many 1v1 though.

Gate of Madness

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


so i see a dagger elem doing a —-- poor job of soloing a camp
sorry you have such idiots on your server

Honestly, I’m at the point that I’ve started to refuse party invites from enemies after a fight. I’ve never had a conversation that’s worth havin that way yet.

Gate of Madness

GoM's match-ups have been unsatisfactory

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


GOM vs JQ lets do this

I’d log in for that.

Gate of Madness

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


This is crazy. Folks complaining about lag because the server is too crowded on reset night. Folks complaining about DCs because these high pop worlds are pushing the WvW servers to and past their limit. Folks bored to tears because they have to sit in a long queue. And folks complaining about having to play the same high ranked servers over and over with no variety.

The signs are all here people! Transfer to lower tiers!

No, we clearly need to add the people from the most populated server not in the match as well. Listen to these guys!

Oh look…..this match up again.

Really not seeing the fun in WvW anymore.

theres really no pleasing everyone, TC has been stuck in blowout matches for weeks now and would love to be in your guys place and here you are complaining about an even match

Well atleast you got your tier 2 buddy back.

Also, send some guilds over to JQ and you will get a fuzz hug and Coca-Cola’s secret recipe

This, the WvW guilds from TC should just come to JQ. There really is no way for 4 servers to be competitive and there’s no other servers coming up. If you want tier 1 action, you have to move to a tier 1 server.

Server population does not necessarily translate into WvW population. JQ doesn’t even have half the overall WvW population now as SoR or BG. While JQ does have a huge WvW pop compared to your server GoM which is ‘T7’ here we are nearly always outmanned.

JQ always has the strongest reset nights. But it dies off because our Oceanic/Asian/Euro is few very in number. Typically JQ’s NA playerbase runs serious Overtime until we have to go back to work on Monday and are unable to fight ’till the sun rises.

The post was about the tier rather than Jade Quarry and it wasn’t very serious, I can’t know what your match up is like havin never been in it.

My 2 cents though (‘cause it’s a forum and I got time to waste):

If Jade Quarry is really in that dire straits, it ought to get out of the tier and make room for someone else who could do it better. If no one else can do it better, let Blackgate and Sanctum Rall bore themselves until they transfer people off. It seems really outlandish for the 3rd place server to talk about it being important that it gets transfers instead of say.. I dunno, Eredon Terrace? My posts are mostly in jest, it’s hard for me to talk about transfers seriously anymore. It all seems kinda ridiculous.

Gate of Madness

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


This is crazy. Folks complaining about lag because the server is too crowded on reset night. Folks complaining about DCs because these high pop worlds are pushing the WvW servers to and past their limit. Folks bored to tears because they have to sit in a long queue. And folks complaining about having to play the same high ranked servers over and over with no variety.

The signs are all here people! Transfer to lower tiers!

No, we clearly need to add the people from the most populated server not in the match as well. Listen to these guys!

Oh look…..this match up again.

Really not seeing the fun in WvW anymore.

theres really no pleasing everyone, TC has been stuck in blowout matches for weeks now and would love to be in your guys place and here you are complaining about an even match

Well atleast you got your tier 2 buddy back.

Also, send some guilds over to JQ and you will get a fuzz hug and Coca-Cola’s secret recipe

This, the WvW guilds from TC should just come to JQ. There really is no way for 4 servers to be competitive and there’s no other servers coming up. If you want tier 1 action, you have to move to a tier 1 server.

Gate of Madness

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294



I have style /shades.


Gate of Madness

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Well, AR … gotta give your lot cred, thus far. Had one of your Guardians whack a few of us, and he kept it classy. /bow.
As for the Gomnomberries. I’d think you’re in love with us Fergs or something … it’s like that case of Ebola: keeps killing you, but won’t clear up

Ha, glad that’s spreading around. I actually killed about 4 of you FC guys right at the reset at your SE camp while it was still neutral. Did my /bow, had camp 95% capped, then the GoM zerg came

Yes, well, uhh, Northern Shiverpeaks is ahead of us by 100+ rating, so we thought we could borrow some of yours to catch up to them!

Gate of Madness

GoM's match-ups have been unsatisfactory

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I think our server could stand to lose more matches, haha!

I’m sure the number generator will eventually come around to the other side. ‘Till then I’ve mostly made sure to stay focused and up my game while the nightcrew carry us (what you mean not everyone wakes up to +400 PPT?) =P

Gate of Madness

So I just took 12k dmg from backstab

in Thief

Posted by: styx.7294


You gotta keep mobile and get your stun breakers ready. Can’t just sit there. 2k armour isn’t tanky, that’s still glass cannon, you can get much higher (I think my mesmer at some point was at 2.6k).

I’d guess you’re an elementalist, in which case you really have to be wary of your health pool and can’t just go that deep into berserker gear unless you’re going to be zerging.

Gate of Madness

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Anvil Rock! It’s been so long <3

Gate of Madness

Fair sized guild Looking for new Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: styx.7294


Agreed with the majority of the posters, no one needs guilds like the tier 1 servers. Please, think of the tier 1 servers.

Gate of Madness

SF and ET here comes HOD

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Mr. Crystal Ball over here! =)

Gate of Madness

4 Weeks of complete boredom

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I always hear about tier 1.5 for Tarnished Coast but I do wonder how they would do against Jade Quarry. I think Jade Quarry/Tarnished Coast/Dragonbrand or Blackgate/Jade Quarry/Tarnished Coast would be interesting to see.

Gate of Madness

The Widening Gap in NA Server Rating

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Tier stagnation needs to happen.

Look at all the NA servers that are above BP. At one point in time they were the bandwagon server of the week.

The servers in the lower half of the tiers, do not have the population to be competitive with the upper tier servers.

This would be a great time for Anet to break up the NA servers into 2 distinct tiers.

Not really, tier stagnation made lots of crappy match ups that should have been broken up a long time ago but weren’t going anywhere. AR/BP/EB was one of them. There’s still a lot of ranking left to be figured out.

Gate of Madness

How would you balance WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I wouldn’t change anything balance wise, ‘cept maybe force all equipment to be of exotic item quality. The population thing isn’t an issue. WvW is great.

Styx, you have an interseting perspective, could you develop on it a bit?

Would you block access to WvW to people who aren’t at a certain level / Equipment or would you treat it as it is done in PvP and make it so that people would automatically get access to top level Equipment?

Population isn’t an issue (at least in NA) since Eredon Terrace and Ferguson’s Crossing can get a fairly balanced match up as long the two aren’t together. What happens in any battle depends on what’s happening in the map.

There can be 50 people on each map for every server 24/7 but you’ll end up with uneven numbers of people in the map because where people how many people go is part of the game. You’ll still end up with solo people ganked by zergs, you’ll still end up with some team being outnumbered because someone disconnected/had to go the washroom whatever. WvW is about warfare, it’s about walls you can’t climb, it’s about siege that will hit you from out of range, it’s about cliffs that will kill you if you’re pushed off, it’s about someone watching where you’re going on the map and ambushing you with twice your number. Sometimes it’s about 20 people farming a 10 man at spawn hoping that the 10 man goes to another map to cap things. It’s long term, it’s morale, it’s dynamic. It’s wonderful.

And since any server in North America (Eredon Terrace did beat my server some weeks ago) can win a match up every week, there is no problem. Frankly, you get all sorts of idiots on these forums. People posting about how their top 10 server is dead since it’s not top 5, others how they won’t show up WvW since they aren’t winning. I think the people that transfer, at the end of the day, transfer for communities. If you have a crappy one, people don’t wanna spend time with you and move to the higher tiers, where they assume things are more functional.

Honestly, Jade Quarry can supposedly beat (though I’d wonder how they’d do in a match against Tarnished Coast and Dragonbrand) 21 other servers but for some reason they have probably the most people beggin for recruits. Like I give a kitten that they are losing by 30k in their match up. That’s a balanced match up and it’s not a problem.

Gate of Madness

How would you balance WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I wouldn’t change anything balance wise, ‘cept maybe force all equipment to be of exotic item quality. The population thing isn’t an issue. WvW is great.

Gate of Madness

6/28: FC/GoM/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Its thursday Styx!

I am okay with this.

Gate of Madness


in Looking for...

Posted by: styx.7294


we have not won a game in ages!

Don’t panic and don’t forget your towel.

Gate of Madness

Obsidian Sanctum - Players griefing.

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


The fountain I know of is right before you go up the wooden planks up the well. Right before you go in, on the left is a bit of rocky hill you can climb. The fountain is at the top.

How about the one to the dark room? Is that one down below the entrance or in the dark room itself?

I have never used them, like I said I can usually get through without trouble in my match ups.

This seems to have some info on where the fountains are though, hope it helps:

Gate of Madness

Obsidian Sanctum - Players griefing.

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


The fountain I know of is right before you go up the wooden planks up the well. Right before you go in, on the left is a bit of rocky hill you can climb. The fountain is at the top.

Gate of Madness

Take a dive?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


With the new system dropping rating doesn’t guarantee you will fight worse servers next match. Need to learn what to do when you’re outmanned and outmatched other than wait for it to end.

Gate of Madness

Obsidian Sanctum - Players griefing.

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


The map is for griefing. By design, you can even grief your allies and kill them. It’s the only map that has PvP enabled without an objective, makes no guarantee for even numbers, even gear, even anything, and gives you a thousand traps to do murder with.

You don’t want to be griefed, don’t go there. You finding it tough to get an achievement? Guess then it’s a tough achievement. If nothing else, farm some CoF and pay for the two way transfer to a lower tier server. Obsidian Sanctum is plenty empty in my matches.

Gate of Madness

Balancing achievement points

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: styx.7294


Leaving your server for achievement points? Wow, haha, that’s pretty petty and really shortsighted. You’re not going to be earning achievement points even in tier 1. There isn’t suddenly more dolyaks and more towers getting flipped. You’ll get more kills but that’s 250k kills for 51 achievement points (31 of those are for 50k), which takes such a long time you ain’t gonna be gettin any other achievement points.

Just get your achievement points from doin the monthly event and and show some community building on your home server.

It really is ridiculous. I got 148 achievement points from playing 148 games in PvP (I am rank 12). To get an idea of how active I am in WvW, I’ve captured 3.5k objectives, 2.8k supply camps, 600 towers, 140 keeps, and 4 stonemists (I don’t do much EB) and have only 101 achievement points.

Gate of Madness

How is Eredon Terrace for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


ET has some active WvW guilds, look for them and see what sorta stuff they do. If you got an active guild, you won’t ever lack for anything to do in WvW. Basic are pretty good at the small man stuff, for example.

Gate of Madness

Oh Lawdy (New Exp Line)

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


It doesn’t give people extra defense or damage against players? Win in my book.

Edit: Since we’re workin to get all the lines, nice to haves are good enough. It’s not about makin choices about which to take and which not to take.

Gate of Madness

6/28: FC/GoM/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


It’s been tough to find roamers to fight this week, so I’ve been playing around on my lowbie instead. My new zergromancer is up to level 18!

Bandwagoner. With names like Count Zergula and Frankenzerg, Taquito and 2 other RH made identical looking necros.

Gate of Madness

Wvw proffesion for Zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Ok let me add something to the question…say the Zerg is balanced/has a good amount of every class. What would be a good to add to it? Another question.. What proffesion isn’t seen in zergs the most but extremely useful to have?

Probably a staff elementalist. You just add big damage and big heals to everyone and you can’t have enough of that.

Gate of Madness

Did WvW recreate the Trinity?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


like silvermember.8941 mentioned, gw2 doesnt work like the typical traditional mmorpg designated class of designated role. gw2 give you the some choice on the roles you can take. there are other similar games that do it that way, it is nothing new.

the healing is not extremely high compared to typical mmorpg’s healer. TS’s “trinity” is nothing more than wvw’s organized formations

Agreed. You can look for characters that take more damage, deal more damage, or heal more damage and say “Ha! Trinity! I got you!” but characters do lots of things and they can specialize in all sorts of other ways too (unless you make the categories broad enough, then maybe we end up doin stupid things like talkin about which players are tanks in soccer and which are DPS).

Gate of Madness

The Widening Gap in NA Server Rating

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I think the top servers are overrated and the bottom servers are underrated against each other. The AR/BP/EB matchup was a gateway. Everyone underneath it was accurately rated against each other but not against anyone above. Both BP and AR are bleeding tons of rating this week because it’s the first week they’re fightin anyone from below (I know AR lost some folk and aren’t as strong as they were but I think they would still have bled a lot of rating). I think a lot of the gaps will close as more servers fight people outside what their tiers used to be.

Gate of Madness

Stability Needed for Stomp

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Yeah, finishing someone isn’t free. What’s the problem again?

Gate of Madness

Did WvW recreate the Trinity?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Guild groups wipe pugs because they’re organized and move together.

Gate of Madness

GoM vs. FC vs. SF Winning! Zombie Nation!

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Knock yourselves out, guys!

Gate of Madness

6/28 HoD/AR/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


what is up.. i for for for got to loot your bags ~ ~ ~ wuauaahhhhh :0
{anime reference}
hello strange opponents..
i slept through reset night, but will get back to you..
as for the guy who spotted our “zerg” in the skritt caves, it’s called a karma train.. your players do get personal WvW points for that y’know?

i completely agree with Dovgan.. the only thing i’ll miss of [als] is the money they spent on upgrades.. our server just needs to reconstitute itself

and apologies to my fellow tyrians.. i’ve been spending less time on this game now that staff elem is So broken and irrelevant at this point

Well ALS is perfectly happy without you missing them. 630PP 200+ badges in 3 hours… good luck in tier 8 =P.

Praising yourself for transferrin to a stacked match and flippin off people who didn’t do that? Not sure it’s possible to sound more like a loser! Someone give this a guy a hand!

Gate of Madness


in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Up to you NSP to drag their ratings down so the rest of us can fight some new people too!

You can do it!

Gate of Madness

6/21 DR/FC/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Yeah, all my duels end with /sleep or jumping up and down. It’s why I don’t go to fight club.

Gate of Madness

6/21 DR/FC/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I won’t be able to play tonight but maybe try Zumi, Lime or Taquito, since they have the biggest mouths apparently =) One of ’em should be on

Gate of Madness

Roaming: done to death

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


There’s lots of ways to contribute to WvW. Roaming is one of those ways. WvW is multifaceted.

A guide to that sort of thing you’re asking for would be pretty big. I don’t know of one. Most of what I know just comes from doing and seeing.

Gate of Madness

6/21 DR/FC/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Also, Garthius was hardly a spy in DDLG. He was just in there for the laughs. He never gave us intel or any information about you guys. We don’t want spies.

Edit: Actually, it caused more drama on our side. He once followed a commander on our server representing you (again for laughs) and that made people think he was spying for you and well, drama in team chat. So yeah.

Gate of Madness

(edited by styx.7294)

6/21 DR/FC/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Advanced Tots Tactics 101:
When getting blown up by a stealthless thief, it’s time to unleash the META ZERG!

You should avoid me when repping DDLG, because usually that means there’s 15 people behind me. ;D

We had a GOM spy in our guild, and when we kicked him he mentioned my name, saying something about me raging. Not sure where all the hate came from but I have an idea now who that spy was… we’re tier 7/8… spying is a little too tryhard, so why?

[RH] Why don’t you GvG us? Forum war proves nothing.
Also, you do realize there are two of you, and one of me in that clip at first.

My guys are just teasing. They know better than to complain about numbers. Guilds of different sizes for different roles. You’ve been asking for GvGs of like 10+, we’re not that big. We might be able to put a 5 man for you to fight, if you want.

Gate of Madness

6/21 DR/FC/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294



Its not fair to attack them.

kitten you got DR good there. Smashing our highly organized 15-man guild “crew” into the ground like that. The guys in that screenshot even GvG’s regularly and do extremely well, and you are telling me you beat them?

I mean when I saw you maintaining that amazing 230ppt against equal numbers in the first screenshot all while holding SM(!) I was impressed. But this? This is just a whole nother level. 295ppt with SM while only marginally outnumbering DR and sitting outside your fully upgraded SM. Remember those DR guys are some highly organized people. Not many servers can do that. Kudos to you!

I guess I’m just going to have to accept the fact that GoM is superior to DR in every way.

Aw cheer up dude =(

We are all suppose to be having fun here….

alsoidonteven…search hamburger gifs and you find the weirdest things.

I am not only having fun, I’m thouroughly exhilirated by this amazing show of skill from GoM. And the fact that you have the courtesy to post screenshots showing exactly what you guys do so well is just fabulous.

I’m even considering moving to GoM to see for myself just how good your server is at this game, although I’m afraid lowly me wouldn’t fit in among the gods of GW2.

This is a lot of sarcasm spent over a screenshot that doesn’t say anything.

Gate of Madness

Seriously how is this being ignored

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Shortly back Thief Infiltrator Strike was changed to teleport back 1200 range. Ok, fine. How is it that Elemental Vapor running into keeps and self reviving being ignored? Honestly I’m seeing double standards with this.

Anyway, Vapor running into keeps after being downed (warrior or elemental) needs to stop. Players should not be able to use these types of abilities past keep/tower doors from a downed state.

With Infiltrator Strike I never got downed and ran into a Keep/Tower and self revived and rinse and repeat.

Agreed, anything Infiltrator Strike can’t do no other class should be able to do.

Gate of Madness

6/21 DR/FC/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Maybe you could try posting something else? =( Who is to attack anyway? Maybe you are tired of us but the match may be one of the most balanced Ferguson’s Crossing has had in a while. No one’s borderland waypoints are safe really.

Lots of good reasons for your server to be proud. DDLG is doin some impressive big zerg stuff, gettin better every day. You guys are still a scary bunch, killin my guild on video.

Gate of Madness

6/21 DR/FC/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I’d like to take this moment to thank [RH] on behalf of all of us for being so gracious as to allow us to use their own private guild forum to discuss this week’s matchup.

As that must be the only reason you guys aren’t posting, you’re welcome!

Maybe I need to get XOXO in here to get ya to speak up? =)

Gate of Madness