Showing Posts For styx.7294:

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Wait, wait. This game isn’t about having fun and making friends?

No cutting up, no fun, no gifs, no…anything. Everything has to be serious 24/7.

Why can’t we just have fun? We work pretty hard all week and I know a lot of us come onto the game to unwind and have fun.

Srsbzns 2013.

Look why don’t SF and GoM call a truce tonight? We all agree that ET is bad at WvW. Lets just leave each other’s BLs and EB along, let us have SM, and We’ll split ET territories in their BL and EB evenly, except let you guys have OL and Hills?
Edit: and Work as in, da jorb dat pays fer mah rents and mah intarwebs.

That is where you are wrong, many people do not think “ET is bad at WvW”, in fact what many people think, is that smaller servers tend to have better quality players. Speaking from a server that has outnumbered, and been outnumbered, it is true.

The more people you have, the easier it is, the worse your build is because you can “get away” with it due to sheer numbers usually.

So no I do not think ET is bad at WvW, I think if they had the player-base that the T5-6 servers have then they would make a lot of you sorry for disrespecting them.

ET is actually much better at WvW right now than it has been in some time. I played on ET since it was in T1. I have also played on various other tiers on other servers. ET is not bad and not great. If you are judging solely based on Glicko, than yah ET is the worst server(for another day!). Rank 23 here we come kittenes!

There are a lot of great WvW’ers that have always stuck things out on ET which I have great respect for. I couldn’t do it. There are times when I just couldn’t take the WvW on ET and had to move to another community for a while. I have high expectations from people in WvW. I don’t care about PPT but I do care about strategy, execution, and the fights. Some days I play on ET and I think, hot kitten we can do anything right now we are gonna wreck some kitten. And then next day I think a parade of short buses dropped all the kids off for WvW day camp. But there are only 2 servers where I could login each day and consistently expect high level of play. Please note that I am talking about PUGS and PUG commanding. Guild WvW is its own deal.

But I have always come back and enjoyed ET. There are some WvW I have been on that I definitely wouldn’t come back to…where everyday WvW is filled with the short busers.

Short Bus was an all asura mostly thief WvW guild from a while back. Havin trouble even remembering what server. Anvil Rock, I think?

Gate of Madness

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Who taught you Gommiebear? Did you pay for lessons? You should get a refund if you did. Or a lawyer. Or some astroglide.

I am the night crew. I work Second shift, and I play third with the Oceanics (yes GoM has a HUGE Oceanic population. QQ More.

Do we PvDoor? Yeah sure tons. Especially when we’re not trying to quick cap and just rub it in your faces that we have greater numbers.

We’re aware we have bigger numbers. We just don’t always talk about it. Just like the man with the biggest kitten doesn’t always swing it around.

… But I have no qualms choking you on it.

Its funny because I was gonna make a joke, but I see you already did. Good job “night crew, second shift”, implying that any oceanic gameplay is “work”….Hell implying any of this game is “work”…

Also funny, and typical, kid on the internet talking about whose kitten is bigger….I must have really gotten under your acne-riddled skin kid if you got upset you are steering the conversation towards homosexual innuendo.

I took accutane when I was in highschool. Wonderful for killing acne, and for making you lose your ball hair. I saved SO MUCH on razors. But thanks for bringing that up and giving me a chance to talk about my homosexual balls and how baby’s-butt smooth they are. You can see for yourself sometime. Tea bags aren’t just Lipton’s in GoM.

Lipton? No sir, none of that crap. Harney & sons Earl Grey.

My girlfriend bought about $90 worth of herbal tea blends from some place called Teavana so tea bags are not part of my life anymore.

I know that feel. Harney is loose leaf. But uh, Teavana is alright. Bit pricey and pushy.

My guiding philosophy through life has been that all teas taste the same once I put sugar in them. This whole infuser thing is very new to me.

Gate of Madness

Need WvW Healing Build

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


I could not find a build in that thread@@

Christos’s new thread is here:

Gate of Madness

Low Pop Servers vs High Pop Servers

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Come to JQ where all your problems are solved in under 3 seconds.

That’s right, Jade Quarry needs people more than Ferguson’s Crossing. I mean, how long can Jade Quarry stand having the 3rd highest population? Let no Guild Wars 2 player rest until that’s fixed.

Gate of Madness

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Am I the only person excited for permanent finishers? =/

As long as i can do a fatality like in mortal kombat, im excited!

Haha, I’m actually excited about it too. I miss the snowman finishers.

Gate of Madness

Why is GW2 combat log so bad?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Will be comparing GW2 to WOW since several Anet developers are former WOW employees….

That said, agreed, the GW2 UI could use improvement. One thing I give WOW kudos is their UI is one of the best of all MMO’s it’s unfortunate Anet after 9+ months is unable to duplicate some of its features.

On the other hand, present WOW developers are taking some of Anet’s ideas as they have just introduced “Armor Skins” for 15 bucks, haha

In World of Warcraft the UI was basically the game.

Gate of Madness

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Two ET attacked me while I flew my kite. What nubs your whole server is.


You must be new to PvP.

Let me introduce you to PvP:

PvP: Player Versus Player = Killing Players

Thank you for reading this tutorial on how to crawl out of your PvE hole and into PvP zones, next tutorial will be ""How to press a key".

Your entire server is a PvE server … some of your guilds are pushing WvW harder, like BS. But your name says it all. You’re BSing. Stop trying to talk big against us.

When you line up Laethwyn’s lines like that, it does look a lil’ silly =) Cheer up, Laethwyn, don’t be so trolly!

Gate of Madness

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Forums are starting to get a little boring again, so let me provide you guys with some entertainment

This conversation is between me and the guild [DERP]

I know there are troll guilds out there but this takes the cake. Grats [DERP]
I decided to play along and be nice so I wouldn’t scare you guys off. I gotta admit though some of your pm’s were hilarious, it took every ounce of me not to troll back.

Btw I have no idea what your talking about when u 3v’5d us, but i’m pretty sure it’s another troll tactic.

Oh man! I didn’t notice this at first. Having a conversation with ARM? You’re a braver man than I. It’s… like staring into the abyss… and suddenly your mind….


Gate of Madness

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Anet should rename Forums to Trollrums because that’s most the posts. It is entertaining for sure.

This thread is not our finest hour.

Gate of Madness

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


And I thought WvW was GoMs skill group?

What? No.

*I liked Zombieland. They did good work on the server. People who complained about the work they did to get people out of Queensdale and Lion’s Arch to karma trains while our matches were easy don’t get it and are the people who don’t go to meetings, don’t try to involve themselves, and apparently only sit on the sidelines to complain. We’ll be weaker without ’em but life goes on. *


Also you say people sit on sidelines and complain, those people who complain are paying for upgrades, encouraging people in map chat, letting new commanders know in pm what they might have done differently especially the use of a ballista in a funnel situation, sending new players siege, scouting paper towers for a zerg to take easily for the PPT and a variety of other tasks.

We all do WvW, yes. There’s not many people comin up with fresh ideas on how to move the server forward though. Just lots of people are there to say they don’t like this or that.

Gate of Madness

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


You guys are funny. Guess what there should be a learning curve, and players who have learned not to keyboard turn, spam 2 buttons instead of viewing the scenario and knowing what key is best for that situation, should be rewarded for playing smarter. I didn’t play wow cuz that was carebear as well just not as bad as this. Literally for hardcore players other than kills, there is ZERO reward. The end game is purely what skilled players kill…. We should be able to rank up and make our characters more efficient in player vs player skill…. NONE of us use seige. I will till the day I quit spam AC’s down on Zerg seige. Stop relying on seige to kill… Use your characters abilities….

How about no.

Only trash MMOs reward experienced players with innate power. You shouldn’t need World Rank bonus stats to kill new / casual players. You’re supposed to improve your skill level with time, giving the advantage of being a more experienced player.

Yea Daoc was trash and had a 250k+ population for over 6-7 years…. All paying 15 bucks
A month and the BEST end game of all time for player vs player…. You’re right buddy. Think this game will have 250k players for 6-7 years? Not a kittening chance. Guess what? Zero end game, oh wait, I can hop on a mindless ac and spam 2 buttons for an hour of my RL time…. Lol and carry and pick up more supply…. Useless dude.

There is zero end game ranking system in this game.

If it gave bonuses to make players better against other players, then yeah, it was a trash MMO. Guild Wars had the best PvP of the MMOs I played and it didn’t reward you with stacking your stats against newbies.

I wanna compete on my merits not coast on things I did a year ago.

Gate of Madness

What is the real reason for?:

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Toughness/vitality are only the start, gotta use your character skills to keep you up.

Gate of Madness

so Guardian Shield 5 can block melee attack

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


Shield is amazing and the focus is amazing. AoE knock down is so critical in small group WvW. You can get blocks off shelter and renewal and focus is you really want.

Gate of Madness

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


This thread needs less arguing and more cat pictures…

Whoah, I almost got mixed up there but I’ve figured it out.

Insane Wafflez is the guy who put up the heart cat picture.

Insane Pancakez is the guy who rages on his guild until they quit.


When Insane Breakfast Cerealz walks in and tells us he doesn’t care either way, I’m gonna lose my mind.

Gate of Madness

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


This thread needs less arguing and more cat pictures…

Whoah, I almost got mixed up there but I’ve figured it out.

Insane Wafflez is the guy who put up the heart cat picture.

Insane Pancakez is the guy who rages on his guild until they quit.

Gate of Madness

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


And I thought WvW was GoMs skill group?

What? No.

I liked Zombieland. They did good work on the server. People who complained about the work they did to get people out of Queensdale and Lion’s Arch to karma trains while our matches were easy don’t get it and are the people who don’t go to meetings, don’t try to involve themselves, and apparently only sit on the sidelines to complain. We’ll be weaker without ’em but life goes on.

But leaving because the match ups are too easy? That’s ridiculous. Especially to join one that’s even more unbalanced. Any server has a chance to roll a match up against 2 lower ranked servers, especially Jade Quarry (ie. their match up right now). Gate of Madness has rolled more easy matches than anyone else and some how that made Zombieland lose their kitten enough that when Jade Quarry came calling with enough gold they thought to themselves “transferred once, why not do it again?”.

Gate of Madness

GoM's match-ups have been unsatisfactory

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Ummm… I’m pretty sure GoM is losing now. I was thinking we were going to get destroyed by GoM, as I’ve heard about your large zergs and things. If GoM beats SF, it looks like it will only be from Oceanic coverage (If you have any, I have no clue) but if you’re dependant on your NA coverage, well.. you’re about 4k behind ATM. Anyway, VS had fun tonight playing against GoM for a change. Haven’t seen zergs in a while. Hope the large fights continue all week.

I dunno if your guild is big enough to make a difference or whether we’ve got enough people PvE’ing but usually our lead comes a couple days after reset. We don’t have the strongest resets.

Edit: Welcome to the match up =)

Gate of Madness

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


last necro standing

nice fights so far.

I’m in these screenshots, yay!

Eternal Battlegrounds is a crazy place with some crazy fights. Had a blast =)

Gate of Madness

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Soo…DR lost everything. Ouch

Ohh, that’s too bad. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of doods…

I dunno bout that, I was flying my kite on thier outer walls just then as they capped the keep and as a ranger I posed no real threat to be ganged up on by about 7 people… I tried to pull out the kite again but the little bugger unequips if you get shot!

Jealous! I would love to kill someone with a kite. It’s probably even better than killing someone that’s AFK or have their back turned to you.

@ Lili

So majestic!

Gate of Madness

(edited by styx.7294)

Blackgate vs Dragonbrand vs Jadesquary

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Any of the servers T4 and above (though I think CD’s community is questionable and EB is in chaos) have committed WvW guilds and good communities.

Wow, that’s just plain ignorance. Probably should just stick to talkin about your own server.

Gate of Madness

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Did Crow leave us for good?

Nah, yesterday he said he had three more days on NSP and then he was heading back to GoM.

He’s actually been on Gate of Madness on his alt account this week too. That goof, haha.

Gate of Madness

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I can guarantee you that if NSP rolls GoM for reset tonight, XOXO/tM/SPCA/SPLT and every other small man will be in your bl 24/7 for the next week. We’ll wipe that boredom straight away.

You guys are gonna fight us when we’re at our zergiest? Hm, alright!

Gate of Madness

Has anyone seen this (farming of some sort)?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Geez, those PvE players! They’re doin it wrong.

Gate of Madness

I think it's time to end RNG matchups

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


There is the super awkward rating gap (~250 points) between rank 15 and 16, even though last time we fought Darkhaven we only lost by 30k points.

Gate of Madness

Will elementalists ever have to give WXP?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Huh, I will have to check this next time I kill an elementalist.

Gate of Madness

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I do have to apologize for part of my comment… I know RH can take a defended position and fight in the open field… its the rest of your server that seems to be lacking.

Thanks though we generally try to ninja undefended positions as much as possible, haha.

We’ve got a lot of smart commanders on the server and a WvW guilds with long and worthy histories. I think we do have a larger number of people than many of the servers we’ve been fightin (and that is due to a lot of work by our guilds and commanders gettin word out to our PvE players… which does include karma trains, yes, haha. It is a strange beast WvW. The fights are only a small part of making a “good” server) and that can make people who are used to being outnumbered very confused about what’s happening on the server, I think!

Gate of Madness

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Wow what a shock… Dr takes back a few things 40 Gom show up to fight 5 or 6 people… then got to love the emotes…

Want to know why you cant bridge the ratings gap… you either cant or wont attack a defended position… you had this problem a couple months ago and apparently you still only attack weakly upgrade or undefended positions and to get into a tier/ranking you have to be able to take upgraded and defended positions and this week I havent seen the ability or desire to.

The ratings gap was higher before. It goes away when the server below is matched with the server above. It’s workin down the ladder, I think, until the bottom server poops it out.

Gate of Madness

Anvil Rock Server Dying?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


There are no dead servers. Everyone’s kickin and fighting.

Gate of Madness

Who will be the new top WvW guild?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


More importantly…

Who will be WvW’s next top model?!

Gate of Madness

Question about the Guilded Infusion in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


You know, I never noticed whether I get gold from players either. I hope someone answers this!

Gate of Madness

Why patching in primetime?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Because ANet is in the office right now and best able to respond if there are any issues.

8 am Anets time -> 3PM EU time (which would be a good time to release the patch, which could be prepared the day before)

OK… let’s slow down and think about that a bit. 8AM for a corporation.

Lol I worked for a corporation with 55 agencies around the world, we started at 8 AM just the managers started at 9 AM.

And btw he is right, they have 8 hours to upload the patch and they can do it while is not prime time in EU nor in US.

The world is bigger than the European Union and the United States.

Gate of Madness

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294



Holy cow, they’re sleek!

Gate of Madness

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Been a while since I’ve posted here. Can’t wait to fight my good buddies from GoM. Counting down the days till we roll the dice on Friday, hope I get lucky. Oh, and it was hilarious running into Scarecrow in NSPs WvW. Guess the temptations of roaming with SPCA and XOXO was just too strong. Ciao.

I think he needs the vacation from his guild!

Gate of Madness

Worlds Highest sPvP Eviscerate!

in Warrior

Posted by: styx.7294


Naked warrior + using frenzy (for extra damage) + traits and gear nobody will ever use in any fight ever to maximize damage + stacking vulnerability.

I.e.: This isn’t even a proof of concept. It’s a sad “look at me” attempt masqueraded as min-maxing (which this isn’t).

I would say it’s a curiousity. It’s neat learnin someone can make eviscerate reach 50k.

Gate of Madness

Your weapon skins?

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


My personal favourite is to rock the aureate targe and aureate mace. Just some honest solid wood and steel to rely on.

Gate of Madness

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Ouch DR, slow down >.>

On a serious note, less than 15 DR did that to your map…. That’s the downside to zerging as hard as you do. When literally every single person on the server is in the same place, that is what happens.

Well.. it started out with GoM taking our keep in EB and spawn camping us.

Quick call on the bat phone and 5 of my guildies show up and off we go with the pots of red paint in hand to GoM bordeland.

10 minutes and 2 golems later, we have GoMs Garrison.

Then Bay.

Then Hills.

I would trade our Keep in EB for that any day of the week.


I dare say good work! Your daring paid off, my friend.

Gate of Madness

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


God kitten , GoM. So many golems.

I was defending on Gate of Madness so I wasn’t there but I was told we had 33 golems, if you wanted the exact number =)

Gate of Madness

(edited by styx.7294)

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Ouch DR, slow down >.>

Borderland different color? Lets keep everyone on EB and lose massive ppt. GoM Logic is impeccable.

Meh, at work, not sweatin every time an icon turns a different colour =)

Gate of Madness

7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I’ve had multiple guildies on multiple occasions do it by accident (Sunnyhill is a pretty big offender, don’t know about the Eternal Battleground towers). Not sure if anyone did it twice in a row (maybe testing for science?).

That should be fixed now.
Thats an old one and only relevant to sunnyhill, longview, the other one.

Oh, it’s fixed? Good stuff. Wish they’d get on the party system already.

GoM just checking up on us, hmmmm?
Party, Commander tags, thieves and guardians being able to teleport into keeps,towers etc, being able to res through a gate, being able to stealth off a wall. The list goes on, they’ve all been reported.

I am the all seeing eye of the Gate of Madness. Beware!

Gate of Madness

7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I’ve had multiple guildies on multiple occasions do it by accident (Sunnyhill is a pretty big offender, don’t know about the Eternal Battleground towers). Not sure if anyone did it twice in a row (maybe testing for science?).

That should be fixed now.
Thats an old one and only relevant to sunnyhill, longview, the other one.

Oh, it’s fixed? Good stuff. Wish they’d get on the party system already.

Gate of Madness

7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I’ve had multiple guildies on multiple occasions do it by accident (Sunnyhill is a pretty big offender, don’t know about the Eternal Battleground towers). Not sure if anyone did it twice in a row (maybe testing for science?).

Gate of Madness

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Ouch DR, slow down >.>

ARM made a remark about DR being bad, so by myself I went and took all of GoM borderlands to show him how bad he is, and how über 1337 and pro I am.

Better watch out ARM, or I’ll do this every day and send you to third.

I think you just got your ARM impression down pat now. Remember to finish your message with ARM next time!


Gate of Madness

Is everyone tankier or did i just turn bad ?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Guardian is still good for roaming. You can check out some builds in the Guardian forums. I personally like this build

Gate of Madness

Is everyone tankier or did i just turn bad ?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I think in general yeah, people build tankier than before.

Gate of Madness

Rallying in WVW is too over the top

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I think they should’ve stuck with dedicated healers.

So true.

Let’s not say crazy things. Standin around in Lion’s Arch asking for healers before headin to WvW isn’t what I want.

Gate of Madness

This is WvW.........

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I run with groups of 5-10 and have no problems other than limited bag space.

Gate of Madness

This is WvW.........

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


It sounds like your first time. I don’t know how much you expect to know on your first time. As you get to learn how things work (if you take the time to play it more), things will get clearer.

Usually the commander can only do so much when he/she is leading people like you who aren’t sure of what’s going on. Instructions have to be simple, can’t react fast, and without voice chat you can’t really type out everything that’s going through your head (which can often be wrong, you can’t expect every decision to be gold over many hours of playtime) and give some context to your actions. So I think in large pick up groups lots of people are sort of makin their own decisions based on the information they have.

Joining a guild helps the process of learning. Running with a regular group gives you a better idea of the things you can do with a certain size of people and, perhaps more importantly, the things you can’t do, heh. Discoverin new things you can do though is heaps of fun =)

Gate of Madness

(edited by styx.7294)

Roamers are MUCH More Valuable Than Zergers

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Roamers are pretty well irrelevant. That’s because on the whole, camps, dolyaks and sentries are of very, very minor importance. Even towers are generally unimportant strategically (with one or two exceptions)

The battle is largely over who holds the keeps and the strategic towers and because of the way the game is structured, there’s little point in worrying too much about upgrading anything else. Very often (in fact, usually) the battle will roll over a structure, cap it and leave. The only value of supply camps and most towers is as a source of siege equipment supply.

The idea of ‘cutting off supply’ as a game mechanic has failed because camps are so vulnerable. They can be switched back-and-forth at any moment by minor forces. The only real obstacle being the buff timer.

35-40% of all weekly points comes from dollyak kills alone.

Yeah, this. Lots of different ways to play WvW and they all contribute and you need all of them for a healthy WvW community.

Gate of Madness

Worlds Highest WvW Kill Shot!

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Bang, bang, you shot him down

Gate of Madness

7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Your mesmer jumped into 5v10.

Yeah, and I stuck it up your thief’s butt!
And just to point out, it was a group of NSP, not HoD!

Check the guild tags at the front. That is PAXA joining in with 25+ HoD to try to kill us. I’ve never seen you guys do something like that before. You hit us while we were fighting those numbers. What’s up with that? And what happened to you is precisely the reason why I always try to get my group to pull out and leave in those situations because I’d never want to be caught dying with a zerg at my back like that.

Below is the fight where you added in. Check the tags. It’s HoD. This was not too long after we let you 1v1 the thief. A fight which you won, but we had to kill you because you went to stomp him. People don’t do that in duels.

Watched first video pretty sure you guys are doing it wrong from what I heard on vent too much laughing this kitten is srs biznes enough with the fun

They were making fun of me.

Man, that’s why you’re not postin in our match up thread. You’re here still fightin PAXA and XOSPTM!

Gate of Madness