Showing Posts For styx.7294:

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


well according to
Gom is getting deleted

Devs got tired of trying to find ways to throw us into T8, so they just decided to delete us altogether. :/

nod nod strokes unshaven chin wisely An obvious next step. Sure, we have the best server name but we invented having guilds transfer off, are no good without siege, and zerg it up in a tier that shouldn’t involve zerging it up. Have we ever won a GvG? Maybe this is for the best.

For retirement, I say we join Northern Shiverpeaks and follow XOXO/tM/SPCA around so that they can’t help but zerg and they become terrible at the game.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


well had some fun last night.

What dyes are you usin? Your skirt looks like it’s on fire!

Gate of Madness

Vabbi is dead?!

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Paint the map red!

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Ok I should have said it better..But majority of gom are bad in pvp..ive seen some good ones also. Point I was trying to make was during tkitten no seige bug, Gom kept getting whiped everywhere. Now that seige is back…they r back to trebbing Anz 24/7, trebbing our keep or using golems which fail everytime cause they dont bother to take out oil.

To gom: Dont rely heavily on seige…maybe this is why you are one of the low servers.

I literally laughed out loud just now. Which is bad because I’m still at work, but whatever.

1) Seige is a huge part of WvW. In fact, one could argue the entire mode was based around seige. You’re supposed to use it heavily.

2) “maybe this is why you are one of the low servers” – Not sure if you noticed, but we’re all in the same tier here.

3) There are quite a few reasons we’re in one of the lower tiers, but the use of seige is definitely not one of them. I’m not going to get into details, but what a ridiculous statement.

4) From what I’ve seen we have just as many good pvpers out there as any of the other servers we’ve fought. Making blanket statements about the skill level of a server’s players is both incredibly subjective and impossible to prove, but you can believe whatever you like.

Sigh, I just had to give in and feed the troll. Well done on pulling me in sir.

Silly GoM, everyone knows you are supposed to auto attack keep doors down while working in groups of 5 or less.

Agreed, it the best.

I tried this once with a party member. Those kitten doors are OP. After a few minutes, I threw a treb down right in front of the gate, figuring it’d do max damage at point blank range. Sadly, the build spot was destroyed by the time we got back with more supply. Finally, we threw a flame ram in front of the wall to see if it was as OP as the gate, but by then people had shown up and killed us while we were trying to build it! PvDoor is really, really hard.

I have a screen shot of genius flame ram placement on my desktop at home, but sadly did not get shots of the auto attacking or the treb.

I didn’t think XOXO took towers but this mornin I saw the SPCA/tM/XOXO trifecta holdin Lake tower on Gates of Madness. Blew my mind and totally killed me =(

Screenshots, or it didn’t happen! I refuse to believe that XOXO would ever stoop as low as to do some actual WvW’ing.

Haha, I can at least post the flame ram placement when I get home this evening. With the new random opponents, I’m not too worried about you guys seeing our super leet strategies. You can even surprise other servers with them!

If you guys are the ones who like to leave flame rams pointed at our tower walls, then we took care of smashing them for you. Free WXP is free WXP! Gotta save up for that OP burning oil mastery!

Well, if people often take walls down with catapults, we figured we’d go the next step and do it with flame rams. It works the same way, right? …Right?!?!?

It absolutely does.


Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I got killed on the stairs to Hills ‘cause the entire fight I’m like standin there with my mouth open goin “What are they doin attackin the guards at Hills? I mean, they’re not even gonna try to take Hills… for some reason they have a tower.. but.. why would they be takin that tower…” brain melt

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Ok I should have said it better..But majority of gom are bad in pvp..ive seen some good ones also. Point I was trying to make was during tkitten no seige bug, Gom kept getting whiped everywhere. Now that seige is back…they r back to trebbing Anz 24/7, trebbing our keep or using golems which fail everytime cause they dont bother to take out oil.

To gom: Dont rely heavily on seige…maybe this is why you are one of the low servers.

I literally laughed out loud just now. Which is bad because I’m still at work, but whatever.

1) Seige is a huge part of WvW. In fact, one could argue the entire mode was based around seige. You’re supposed to use it heavily.

2) “maybe this is why you are one of the low servers” – Not sure if you noticed, but we’re all in the same tier here.

3) There are quite a few reasons we’re in one of the lower tiers, but the use of seige is definitely not one of them. I’m not going to get into details, but what a ridiculous statement.

4) From what I’ve seen we have just as many good pvpers out there as any of the other servers we’ve fought. Making blanket statements about the skill level of a server’s players is both incredibly subjective and impossible to prove, but you can believe whatever you like.

Sigh, I just had to give in and feed the troll. Well done on pulling me in sir.

Silly GoM, everyone knows you are supposed to auto attack keep doors down while working in groups of 5 or less.

Agreed, it the best.

I tried this once with a party member. Those kitten doors are OP. After a few minutes, I threw a treb down right in front of the gate, figuring it’d do max damage at point blank range. Sadly, the build spot was destroyed by the time we got back with more supply. Finally, we threw a flame ram in front of the wall to see if it was as OP as the gate, but by then people had shown up and killed us while we were trying to build it! PvDoor is really, really hard.

I have a screen shot of genius flame ram placement on my desktop at home, but sadly did not get shots of the auto attacking or the treb.

If you’ve got like 2 people tryin to ninja a location, maybe do like a cata. You don’t have to worry about guards and you can place it out of sight.

I didn’t think XOXO took towers but this mornin I saw the SPCA/tM/XOXO trifecta holdin Lake tower on Gates of Madness. Blew my mind and totally killed me =(

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Ok I should have said it better..But majority of gom are bad in pvp..ive seen some good ones also. Point I was trying to make was during tkitten no seige bug, Gom kept getting whiped everywhere. Now that seige is back…they r back to trebbing Anz 24/7, trebbing our keep or using golems which fail everytime cause they dont bother to take out oil.

To gom: Dont rely heavily on seige…maybe this is why you are one of the low servers.

I literally laughed out loud just now. Which is bad because I’m still at work, but whatever.

1) Seige is a huge part of WvW. In fact, one could argue the entire mode was based around seige. You’re supposed to use it heavily.

2) “maybe this is why you are one of the low servers” – Not sure if you noticed, but we’re all in the same tier here.

3) There are quite a few reasons we’re in one of the lower tiers, but the use of seige is definitely not one of them. I’m not going to get into details, but what a ridiculous statement.

4) From what I’ve seen we have just as many good pvpers out there as any of the other servers we’ve fought. Making blanket statements about the skill level of a server’s players is both incredibly subjective and impossible to prove, but you can believe whatever you like.

Sigh, I just had to give in and feed the troll. Well done on pulling me in sir.

Silly GoM, everyone knows you are supposed to auto attack keep doors down while working in groups of 5 or less.

Agreed, it the best.

Gate of Madness

New Matchups

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Mos can still calculate ratings and rankings.. but yeah, uhh, this is going to be a big surprise. I think it’ll be fun but not sure what to plan for reset.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


This I do not agree with …… “nothing but bad pvpers”.

I have fought some really good players from both GoM and DR, Won some and lost some. But they have some really good players. In fact wanted to give a shout out to the VP thief I fought yesterday at the ruins in GoM BL (I think). Fought for what seemed like forever, finally got downed (Friggin’ Ranger Heal steal, lol), then a polite bow. Class act, I do the same.

Ok I should have said it better..But majority of gom are bad in pvp..ive seen some good ones also. Point I was trying to make was during tkitten no seige bug, Gom kept getting whiped everywhere. Now that seige is back…they r back to trebbing Anz 24/7, trebbing our keep or using golems which fail everytime cause they dont bother to take out oil.

To gom: Dont rely heavily on seige…maybe this is why you are one of the low servers.

Advice from the guy who thinks there is a Devona’s Rest and Gates of Madness alliance.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I was the human female mesmer but uhh, not really lookin for a rematch. I only use my mesmer for PvE nowadays. =(

PvWhat? What is this nonsense? Way to waste the best class in the game on this “PvE” or whatever it is you call it.

Seriously though, I’d love to set up some sort of small team fight. I’ve always thought it’d be fun to try. Just do it through PM or something so randoms cough[FIVE]cough don’t decide to crash our party

Sorry, man, guardian is like so much easier and relaxin, haha. Also in my guild it’s tough to find someone to play support so I’m the hero that does that.

I get to play designated driver this evenin so I won’t be around.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I was the human female mesmer but uhh, not really lookin for a rematch. I only use my mesmer for PvE nowadays. =(

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


RH/RISE lets have another small group fight before our match up changes please? Also I forgot to say I had fun fighting the mesmers in between small group fights a couple nights ago. Can’t remember who it was but I’d be willing to give them another fight

Was this at the naked time? Were you the sylvari mesmer?

Gate of Madness

Q : for a new player & new guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


Everything I’ve read about Guardians says that at higher levels, the shield becomes more and more useless and to run with mace/focus or something.

Shield’s better when you’re with a group who can take advantage of the CC. It’s amazing for stopping stomps, gettin someone off your friend’s back, knockin people off things (siege, cliffs), dealing with shadow refuge, etc. that sort of thing. It’s not as consistently relevant as having 3 blocks (which is super useful) but I think using it at the right time can be pretty game changin in small group fights. I run focus when I’m with like 1-2 people and shield when it’s 3-4+

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


In Feudal era Japan, Samurais use to walk out onto the battlefield and declare their name, rank and fighting style and take one on one challenges before their armys would fight to inspire them. And of course to take the heads of their opponents to their lords.

I actually tried this with XOXO and it worked. Got a 1v1 with Obs (well, as much as you can 1v1 in the busy crossroads of EB).

Did you bring his head to Pierre after the match was over?

No, you should know how my duels go. Either someone falls asleep or a zerg shows up. In this case it turned out that NSP wanted to put down catas there.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294



Tell Purimm thanks for posting that warrior build. I’d been playing around with a similar idea in spvp (sword/shield + longbow, shaman’s amulet), but I’d never thought to try using banners. Mind=blown.

We’re still making tweeks to it, but I love banners. Perma swift + a leap + blast finisher.

Yeah, that build was definitely interesting. Enough so to actually make me sit here and theory-craft about it at work.

I think I’m going to swap out the geomancy sigil on the longbow to a doom sigil. It seems the build plays most comfortably at medium range (900 range is the radius for traited banner buffs, as well as the max range to connect with a savage leap + shield bash combo). By the time I’ve hit the combo to get up close, flurried, then moved back to medium range via shield stance or leap, the opponents tend to be panicked from all the conditions and desperately trying to hit their heals. Dropping aoe poison on them with an arcing shot at that point seems like it would be brutal.

As for banners, any particular reason you guys chose banner of discipline over banner of defense? The aoe fury is nice, but I think the extra vit/tough would be clutch against a zerg. Then again, you guys didn’t seem to have any trouble surviving in that video, so the extra defense might be a bit overkill.

If you wanna start bringing AoE healing/buff banner warrior, I am okay with that.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


In Feudal era Japan, Samurais use to walk out onto the battlefield and declare their name, rank and fighting style and take one on one challenges before their armys would fight to inspire them. And of course to take the heads of their opponents to their lords.

I actually tried this with XOXO and it worked. Got a 1v1 with Obs (well, as much as you can 1v1 in the busy crossroads of EB).

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


GoM build that city on the hill…
GoM build that wall (of score) up to the sky…
GoM build that wall until it’s dawn…

Playard then falls to his death.

Just kidding.

Gate of Madness

A Wild Dev Appeared! What will you do?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


It’s been some months since one of the ArenaNet programmers on my server explained it for me. I don’t think it’s a special account, they just have to rep the ArenaNet guild. That shows the tag. Presumably, if you joined that guild and rep’ed it, you’d have the lil’ icon by your name too.

Gate of Madness

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


It is amusing that this whole ascended gear fiasco is a very effective scapegoat to blind people to the fact that wvw gets no substantial badges. The fact that we can cause 10 pages of uproar over a laurel vendor is sad. Who even cares about the rewards of 3% more stats or whatever kitten when the actual core gameplay is so fundamentally broken.

Lets try this, fix:

-Banner rez on lord
-Raid UI
-Improved commander tag features
-Waypoints being useable while the keep is under siege
-Diminishing returns for playing in larger groups (wexp scaling for both events and kills based on the number of players with you)
-Reducing the damage of arrowcarts
-Fixing the problem where retal is only nerfed in EB (I lold at this one, do they even know about this bug?)
-Lowering the amount of supply a keep can hold to prevent night time advantage
-Reducing the amount of supply transported by a dolyak when enemy servers are outmanned (hello upgrades overnight?)
-Improving the outmanned buff to serve a useful function (increase siege damage or supply capacity)
-A leaderboard for player kills/wexp rank and other wvw related features
-And finally a bit of class balance, such that running 40 guardians isnt the optimal thing to do

Oh wait no wtf, nevermind. Whether I can get ascended accessories is more important, please ignore the above, I know you will anyways…

Speak for yourself, I don’t think the core is fundamentally broken. Half those changes aren’t good ideas (who cares how many kills someone on an AoE class farmed in tier 1?).

Gate of Madness

Guilds: Improved UI in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I love the first 2 but not the notification. You want to know what’s happenin in your keep, be there =P WvW is a lot about misdirection, so step up.

I could deal with a location becoming unclaimed after all the buffs wear out though.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


lol truly pathetic display SOCO commander. Come 1v1 instead of running to your zerg / siege.

Finish the fights you start -worst -necro -ever.

Care to explain?

Lion of the Wind

He left AD and transferred to NSP. He is in XOXO now but forgot to change his signature.

This is very confusing. tM is the thieves guild! XOXO is for mesmers. SPCA is for people who run very fast.

This is how I understand things and everyone should get in line with it already.

Gate of Madness

WvW Rank Reward Chest

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


The chests can drop precursors. First person to get one post it here with a pic!!

It’s probably one of those “yes there’s a chance. But the chances are so small it’s even smaller than getting a sclerite skin from a consortium chest” kind of thing :P

That’s true for every method of getting precursors though. That’s what being precursor means.

I’ve kinda mellowed out about the patch notes. We’re richer than before and getting ascended gear is easier than before. Maybe not as rich as someone who farms Fractals but hey, the gap is closing. Maybe it’ll close later if they find we’re still behind and well, it’s not like I was goin broke before anyway.

Gate of Madness

Does SOR have the highest % of wvw'rs?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


that they have a high pop of wvwers compared to pvers ?

No, you may be surprised that’s not what I learned from this thread at all.

Gate of Madness

Does SOR have the highest % of wvw'rs?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I have learned a lot about Sanctum of Rall here.

Gate of Madness

WvW Rank Reward Chest

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Well this is kind of BS for players with highish ranks, It’ll be forever before I get my back log done.

More incentive for you to continue playing? :p

I assume forever means “two months of extra rewards for two months of playtime I had already logged if I continue to play as regularly as I did before” and BS means “I will gain many more rewards than someone who didn’t have as many WvW ranks as me”.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Here’s a little video of me and Purimm fighting a DDLG smallman. Mostly just escaping. Thanks to GOM for the assist.

Great video but no credit to Rat Fart? Thanks for sharin the warrior build. Would be interested in what the guardian was runnin as well.

Gate of Madness

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Thanks devs for the more pve in wvw!!! we need it!!!!! i play wvw only for gathering and for kill npcs for the daily!!! ty a lot!

Is this sarcasm? o_O

laurels and ectos for ascended items, and infusions against npcs. So no, it’s not sarcasm.

We’ll chalk it up to a lack of full comprehension then. Laurels come easy enough that I have ascended everything except the back piece right now. They’ll be even easier with the changes to dailies. The monthly is about to reset, if you haven’t finished it there’s 10 more waiting for you and 10 more about to become available.

Indeed man, but cmon.. im in wvw for the pvp not becouse i like waiting and farming dailies or ectos while i have tons of badges. It’s a kitten joke!
There is the pve for this things

There are three (now) daily items that are WvW specific. In addition, things like daily kills, kill variety, gathering, etc. all suppliment WvW and should be a part of your play regardless. Gathering, for example, is quite useful for superior siege. Mystic Forge uses for the same… save your stuff and when that one pops up it’s a freebie. Salvaging is another freebie. Laurels are ridiculously easy to get in WvW, it’s just a matter of paying attention. Maybe you need to kill five yaks. Well, go kill five yaks. Fix a wall, Make bad guys go dead. Mine some mithril and chop some wood. Make superior ACs. Piece of cake.

Oh god..
A wvw item obtained with dailies means that you need to farm every day. Yes farm. Becouse even if you need 1 minute per daily oblige to do that thing mean force to farm every single day for a kitten gear. And again im not in wvw maps for kill npcs.
Ty for the lesson but i dont need it

You don’t want to make superior siege, you don’t want to mine a handful of nodes in a WvW map as you run by them, kill the NPCs in camps or towers, talk to the laurel NPCs, I mean, like, I dunno man. You don’t have to earn all 40 laurels a month. You can do 25 to get a ring now (assumin a ring doesn’t fall out of a chest). And this is arguin over like +5 power or whatever.

Backpacks are probably the only pain in the kitten item now.

Gate of Madness

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I like how people are at the same time complaining that they want to be able to get ascended items from ONLY WvW and now that you can they say its to expensive and they can just PvE fractals for them. Really guys?? Also its like you all missed the part where the rank chests drop ascended rings.

They made it much easier to get laurels in WvW now with 3 parts of the daily being WvW oriented AND you can easily gather and get the remaining daily in WvW maps now.

Hm, I did miss rings from chests when I was making my post. Thanks for reminding me =)

I do feel better now.

Gate of Madness

Manual Server change up

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I think we’re still good, E = mc^2 is pretty easy. It’s one exponentiation and one multiplication.

Gate of Madness

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Also a bit disappointed about the 25 laurels. It’s 10 laurels less, sure, but still nowhere near the rate people have been gettin them in Fractals for 7 months now.

The patch is an improvement all around though nothin bad in it (’cept the infusions are really awkward, do they even add any stats other than damage against guards?) . Longer siege times, loot for gainin WvW ranks, easier to gain WvW ranks are all welcome.

Gate of Madness

Manual Server change up

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I like math! The more the better =)

It’s quite possible we’ll fight a higher tier server, FreeRide. So I expect we’ll get to be an underdog again.

Gate of Madness

Manual Server change up

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I think WvW’s charm is the free for all format. I believe a tier 1 server has more active players than 2 low tier servers.

Gate of Madness

remove resurrection/rally from WvW

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Zergfest isn’t favoured in WvW, it’s favoured in the top tiers. You want smaller zergs, stop transferrin to the top tiers and complainin about how many people there are. Seriously.

I like the resurrection/rally mechanic. It lets small groups pick themselves up when you’re deep in enemy territory. I don’t want it removed just because some bandwagon’ers can’t stop bandwagon’ing. Stop pretending that 60 man zergs are actually WvW. It’s not WvW for a great deal of the servers. That you’re not on one of those servers when you’d apparently rather be is not at all my problem or the dev’s problem, I think.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Well, we had them first. But don’t be sad, you and Mugi are welcome too.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Vid 2
1st guild in the clip was ASH (sorry paragues, generationz was telling the truth nothing personal)


Gate of Madness

Wasnt retal nerfed?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


all i can say is, Learn to Play or avoid someone using a retaliation build.

Ok, I’ll just avoid the ZvZ encounter where the enemy players would chase me half way across the map to kill me. (LOGIC)

Sounds like you need to spec into tank and lead around enemy zergs while your zerg takes stuff.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I’m pretty “not understanding your need to belittle people” is the not the same as angry.

Renae is super cool guy who wins a lot of 1vX fights and is always on hand to help out but I’m with Ooze on this one. I’ve never had a party of 2+ that saw a single person and said “Everyone step back guys, we will duel him one by one in honourable fashion, it wouldn’t be fair” just like no one ever saw an up arrow and said “Hold sir, I find have to find an alt of your exact level before we begin this duel of fates”. I’ve never judged anyone for having more people. That’s just what the circumstances happen to be and everyone ought to roll with it.

Hell, I was runnin with a guildie two days ago ago in DR and we were findin solo under levels and my guildie would be like “Yeah! Die die die!” and he’d even start jumpin on their corpse and we’d be laughin and how ridiculous the situation was. I love killin people. (we also fought more than 2v2+, won sometimes, lost sometimes, took camps, stupidly nearly both of us went down in one unupgraded camp, no one cares etc, blah blah blah, life goes on).

Gate of Madness

More rewards

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


You do get silver, karma, XP, world XP (which will turn into chests next patch), and loot bags. Also possible progression to your daily achievement which earns laurels, XP, silver, karma jugs, and yet still more random things like those gold coins and black lion salvage kits.

I imagine there’s somethin about fun and working together to overcome great odds as well.

WvW rewards still isn’t as profitable as other ventures in the game but it has been gettin better and still continues to do so.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


All the guild siege looks fantastic. Ballistas are probably my favourite. It’s one of the oft overlooked but feel good additions they added.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


I got to 7 minutes and thought that is odd, I don’t think I have seen them fight anyone who wasn’t already fighting someone else. They also don’t really seem to be doing anything.

I mean I’m sure you had some sort of plan or goal for the night that wasn’t just sneak up on people fighting someone else?

…would you prefer a video where DDLG just stare at a tower while firing a trebuchet? Since I think they can arrange that.

“See the excitement as the commander peeks over the gate to see if there’s an arrowcart behind it! Gasp in amazement as the zerg scoots off to a safe distance and start building siege! Be astounded while they take a camp for more supplies!”

It doesn’t get any pretty videos but it gets stuff done.

Gate of Madness

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


So, I was told about this “zerging” thing. Rolled through EB last night, got a bunch of kills. This is how you zerg my friends.
Watch out, DDLG stepped it up a bit.

Quote of the night: “1 on the way in, F on the way out”

If you’re on DR and this style of fighting appeals to you, whisper me about more information on joining DDLG!

Credits to Bluevalle for the video.

Good video, I hope you get more people and teach the T7s how to charge zergs and fight better. (As opposed to the ranged attack wars they seem so fond of)

Oh, tier 1! You’re so adorable.

My mule is on GOM =/

Yes, I know. I even think I’ve seen ya in game. You’ve still got that cutsey tier 1 charm though!

Edit: Err, that is to say, I can’t say hearing “Zerg up!” from tier 1 players again and again is really goin to change how we’re playing.

Gate of Madness

(edited by styx.7294)

5/24 T7 NSP/DR/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


So, I was told about this “zerging” thing. Rolled through EB last night, got a bunch of kills. This is how you zerg my friends.
Watch out, DDLG stepped it up a bit.

Quote of the night: “1 on the way in, F on the way out”

If you’re on DR and this style of fighting appeals to you, whisper me about more information on joining DDLG!

Credits to Bluevalle for the video.

Good video, I hope you get more people and teach the T7s how to charge zergs and fight better. (As opposed to the ranged attack wars they seem so fond of)

Oh, tier 1! You’re so adorable.

Gate of Madness

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I find it amusing that so much of the support of this is coming from the lower tier servers. Oh well, you wanted it, you got it.

I know a lot of people that are excited about this and I don’t think it’s gonna be a bad thing either. We’re aware of the tier differences and have a long history of being completely blown out of a match, so I do think we know what we’re in for =)

Gate of Madness

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Anet has addressed the wrong issue. The true issue is WvW coverage/population.
Coverage/population needs to be evened out among the servers.

Currently, each server only has a couple other servers that match up similarly coverage/populationwise. So currently, the ideal matchups would be between these evenly populated servers — which leads to the same match every week: more or less what we have now.

Different matchups, however, will only see huge population imbalances. And even if a matchup does happen to have servers with comparable populations during primetime,
we’d see terrible imbalances outside of primetime. Whatever you do during primetime will be meaningless — one hour after primetime, the whole map will be green; not due to superior skill, but simply due to one server having overwhelming numbers.

The real solution is to fix the root issue: even out coverage/population. The stale matchup problem then fixes itself: we could just have randomized match-ups (or round-robin). If you lose a match, at least it’s a fair loss — it’s because you suck, not because they have 10 times more population that you.

Anet needs to address the root of the problem but what we’re seeing is a band-aid fix.

You can’t even out coverage. The server coverage is what the players made it. People don’t want even coverage. They want better coverage for their server. No one’s transferrin from Sanctum Rall to Blackgate or Jade Quarry so coverage evens out.

What you expect ArenaNet to do? Move people around to other servers and then make them play durin their timezone?

Gate of Madness

5-17 Gom-DR-NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


You mean I gotta walk ALL the way to the merchant!?

AND click on him!?!?!

Yes! He asked for you personally. I was like “I’m here!” and he was like “Don’t care, I wanted Glaeser”.

Gate of Madness

5-17 Gom-DR-NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Looks like you still need practice picking up them loot bags, Oozo.

Edit: Oh yeah, good video too. Needs more upbeat music though imo.

Lootbags? Hell, I don’t even do my dailies anymore.

Thanks, next movie will be more upbeat.

I hear that. Even when I’m 4/5 categories done I can barely bring myself to go do the last one. Hopefully the WvW categories will be better, and not something like “Capture 3 towers”, the 25 repairs is bad enough.

Talkin to laurel merchant is best.

Gate of Madness

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Why would you complain about this?!?! This is great! Some matchups will be roflstomps, fine. That’s better than facing the same two servers for 3 months. Especially when that 3 month matchup has the exact same outcome every week! I’d love to get my kitten kicked by someone.

Locked tiers were terrible, we need the variation to get some true ratings. They can fine tune the variation as we go along, but this is an excellent way to start. Two HUGE thumbs up from myself, and judging by the reaction on our server forum that goes for all of EBay’s WvW community too. I’m fairly sure AR and BP share our sentiments as well.

Yup. Went thru one of those 3 month match ups over the holidays and new years time period. Completely killed any desire to do it anymore. Had suggested this wayyy back then. Pretty much to late for me. Tried to dip my toes back into WvW a few times since the March update. Just don’t care anymore. Maybe one day, but only went in 3 times since March, when I used to be in almost nightly. Even sadder since GoM been doing good. Just can’t get into it…

Do you play the same toon all the time? Have you tried starting a new toon and taking them right into WvW. That makes it much more interesting. I alternate toons all the time. When I get bored with one, I jump on another. The different playstyles make WvW seem like a different game.

I have everything but mez and engi. Having the care beat out of you by the same old stale bread isn’t going to make the stale bread less stale by changing the “mouth” I put it into. Hopefully this will improve. Used to love this part of the game the most….

Have ya tried checkin out the Gates of Madness Teamspeak? That livens things up. The server’s more active as community now than three months ago.

Gate of Madness

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I can tell you now Kain lost over half of its guilds and is able to compete in t3. So if Kain gets matched up against any t2 server or above it would be a blow out. When Kain was at full strength (maybe 12 guilds) it was not able to compete with BG before it moved up to t1 and BG stomped everyone in t2 by 100k. As Kain was falling to t3 we still had around 9 active WvW guilds now we are down to maybe 4 WvW guilds. So the differences between t1, t2 and t3 are HUGE.

This is what people dont seem to understand. They havent been following wvw… but some of us have and are able to see the vast differences in strength between tiers.

Here is a some food for thought for those that think hmmm maybe a DB vs JQ vs TC matchup might be interesting or whatever.

Alot of servers were absolutely smashed by Kainengs rise through the ranks. Kaineng got to tier 2 and was getting beaten by BG there by 50k. A TIER 1 SERVER (SOS) fell apart and the vast majority of their wvw forces transferred to BG pushing them into tier 1. That last match in tier 2 for BG, A FULL STRENGTH KAINENG, lost by 150k.

After Kaineng collapsed, WM, RISE, MEOW, a huge portion of what made Kaineng massacre their way up to tier 2, moved to Blackgate. WITH ALL OF THAT ON BG, they are currently in third place in tier 1, losing by 80k +

I hope this somewhat paints a picture of how absolutely vast the differences between the tiers are. Granted there is a bit too much stagnation that developed, but all that it required was a simple adjustment to NUDGE a server out of a tier that it may not have belonged in.

Maybe this will change help. Why is Blackgate even askin for transfers when it is 2nd out of 24? Maybe if Blackgate gets to beat up on rank 8, it’ll feel better about itself rather than feeling it’s such a huge failure for losing to Sanctum Rall or whatever. The tier 1 servers won’t have to be in an endless arms race with each other.

Gate of Madness

Wxp and points too few

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


WvW is not pvp, wvw is about conquering the map with military strategy, that’s why they need to reward more those players that take and defend objectives instead of those chasing enemy zergs. We need a total rebalance to make players being more focused on important things (you don’t win the match if you kill players as they don’t reward points).

So instead of chasing enemy zergs we should wait for them in our keeps/towers till the moment they attack to destroy them then with our siege? Those AC buffs were clearly made for people like you.

Sometimes is a time to chase zergs down and kill them, other times is a time to wait for them to come to you, and there’s even other times as well. The point is you get rewarded for your time all the time.

I think a healthy map should have scouts, sentries, groupkittenting dolyaks, tapping keeps, sieges, worries about supply lines, and open field battles that serve an end (cutting reinforcements, supply, etc) and all sorts of things like that.

Gate of Madness

Players should be worth a minimum # of points

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


You get more WvW XP off them until they offer 0 than after they kill you, I imagine. Also you get way more loot bags and aren’t being repeatedly wiped. If you don’t think this is a win for you, I don’t know.

Gate of Madness