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Why magic find doesn't work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


In order to fascilitate better handling of farming for items needed for crafting, they could easily for example get rid of the restrictions on bags actually dropping from mobs since there is a double negative on those items being RNG just to get them to drop and RNG when opening them. It would help crafters out alot if they did this. Here is the image I spoke of. Shortly after revealing this, this game too suffered a loss of playerbase due to the loot manipulation. It’s a very serious thing.


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Why magic find doesn't work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


“It’s RNG deal with it” is no longer a valid argument. It’s well known that mathematically speaking complete and utter randomness is impossible, it is also a well known fact that the typical algorithms used by all mmo companies are skewed. So that being said let’s look at the problem.

Not only is there RNG that’s skewed, there’s also other factors probably too many that determine what one gets. They use a DPS system of reward for example still to this day, you have to be grouped in order for your chances to improve, you have to have a MF above 100% and you have to not be currently affected by their invisible DR.

This has been happening to people since before Nov 2012 when they had their economist go through and make certain changes to the way loot works. It’s been a problem for people doing the same things everyone else has been doing for more than a year now. I too have yet to get a rare on just normal runnings and I have been using a booster and food to get me above 130%.

Also, I find it funny that people are actually dishing out the nonsense of “save up your money” uhm, without drops to sell in the TP there is no money. Duh. People can’t even farm enough materials to craft midway through crafting nor can they farm T6 materials to reach 500 without resorting to using TP I’m including an image from another title that did this very same thing. It’s a serious problem.

They need to take some serious time after this patch is over and look at it closely and possibly remove DR which has never kept gold sellers from this game in the first place.

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(edited by tigirius.9014)

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Initially I was excited to see a mine on crit option with the new trait called Bunker Down however I have to say that this mine like the ones we drop is pretty much too tiny and too useless in it’s current incarnation to make this skill worthy of a XIII slot. It also falls on a line that is for firearms and interferes with the usefulness of modified ammunition for engineers.

Will there be any change to the placement of modified ammunition to compensate or will this be moved to the explosives trait line so we can gain the usefulness of both? And will the radius be increased dramatically for this mine?

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Will You Be Playing GW2 Less Post Patch ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Nope this patch is the very reason why I returned to the game. They are on the path in the right direction on this one and no amount of complaining from the niche hardcore crowd or the zerker cookie cutter crowd is going to change it for me.

Have to laugh at the people who say they are going to other games. Here’s a statement some of you told us casuals back when they made the announcement for fractals “This game isn’t for you” and I have to wonder about those who don’t even try the patch who are happy in other games but come here and complain, at least download the thing. I got interested because of the patch note announcements and the videos, the least you could do is try it out, it is free you know, WoW is not.

It’s not everything they should be fixing but it’s a great first step.

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(edited by tigirius.9014)

Everything's too easy now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


oh lord here we go. Now they’ll be asking for everything in the open world to be just like Wurm and Teq and if Anet listens to the niche they’ll lose more people. I heard that they made things too hard last night you guys need to make up your minds or be quiet about it altogether and just enjoy the game as it is because most of us are tired of the flipflopping on the subject.

I agree with Indigosundown about the rewards however, they are nowhere to be found still.

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Runes of the Pack > Strength

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I personally don’t use might stacking because to me it’s not only too expensive but not all classes have the faster run speed outside of combat. I hate running at normal speed and I cannot stand that this game doesn’t have mounts so I’m using Runes of the Traveler with options for adding minor boons when using my skills. It’s worked out well so far, I generally don’t have any issues however I’m also using an all condition build so I don’t follow the crowd anyhow. I’m also not one who speed runs dungeons so… there you have it.

I like the travelers runes because it increased the durations of both boons and conditions and it gives me faster run speed. I do use sigil of strength however because only certain non-condition builds give might for engineers and I generally don’t like using potions I prefer explosives/pistol combo with gadgets like mines and rocket boots.

If you like might stacking I say go for it but personally I don’t think the second set is worth it to me because of the fact that there’s no extended duration on that runes of the pack for conditions which when I did try an all might stacking build (for engis it was firearms/alchemy with FT) i found that I struggled to keep might up out of combat without the extended duration.

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What new outfits would you like to see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I’d like for all of the medium outfits from PVP to be made available for PVE as a good start. I’d also like a fishermans outfit, and possibly a farmers outfit. Outfits for jobs in the world. I’d also like numerous backpacks to be added to the game (LOTRO has 16) for every possible job as well (hunter had one with antlers and carving knife). And I’d love to be allowed to change the colors of the weapons/backpacks to match the colors we are using on armors. No more hobo sacks!

I’d also like wardrobe to be expanded so that we change the appearance of items only once per armor set when we are setting a look up, and can switch between a given number of outfits/armors with a click without having to buy new items to change the appearance every single time after the first use.

Again much like LOTRO and WoW.

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(edited by tigirius.9014)

Monthly achievements reset.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I had 2/2 done and got the reward. It’s now showing 2/4 and has kept my progress on the other achievements. I’m not sure if I’ll get a second reward but I had assumed I wouldn’t.

I did notice that as well, not sure what’s going on but now this is what I’m seeing.

They took away the permanent gatherer part of the daily making it a bit harder to do dailies.

And now we’re supposed to do twice as much for the monthlies. Not a good thing imo.

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Monthly achievements reset.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Mine didn’t so it’s definitely gotta be a bug.

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Who is Guild Wars 2 really for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I wouldn’t say adding fractals adding vertical progression and adding a massive grind to get said gear, and then restricting farming with the use of tools like DR, ~ catering to the casual crowd because I’m a casual and we don’t like those things.

In fact most of us liked what we were told this game would be when they talked about it at length before launch to every major and minor interviewer, which was open world focused, permanent DE/metas every month, never have to step into another 5 man instance if we didn’t want to, non-grind horizontal progression game.

So when I see these types of threads I have to laugh at them because it really isn’t the case.

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How is torment?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I have to say I noticed a big change on damage output against mobs that were very mobile when I tried NOT having torment on my main. It doesn’t look like it’s doing much at first but the more they move the bigger the numbers become and it actually does last longer than the other conditions do.

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Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


yes please can we at least have an in game toggle?

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Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


but when I convert them I will need transmutation stones to use them right? I already paid for these items.

I noticed this as well. The outfits from the store should have unlimited transmutation because we bought them with real money.

Other armor pieces from the game I don’t mind paying for but the store outfits shouldn’t be limited to 1 use. As it is I bought one last night and now I have to actually wait until my ranger is level 80 before using it or be forced to buy more stones just to be able to convert the look over when he gets max level gear.

To me that’s overboard especially for something I bought already.

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Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I don’t know if this suggestion is already in this forum but I’d like to put in my two cents anyway.

Having the feature where you can respec the traits of your character at will, developers should also add a “traits profile” where players can save trait builds so that they can input multiple builds that fit different situations, and can implement them when those situations arise.

I was hoping for this too, I call it Dual Spec. I’d like to have it because traits still have the problem of not being useful underwater. Even with all burst zerker gear specs of old, there was still traits that weren’t chosen on land that would make all the difference while swimming.

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List of 150+ QoL Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Dual spec
Outfitter style armor switching (where you can program sets in the ui and switch between them)

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[Suggestion] Swaping gear/accessories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Actually I have been interested in this. I would have loved to have had the option for swapping between dps and healy when healy actually functioned, on my engineer early on but gave up when I learned they weren’t interested in anything resembling their own trinity (no support role).

It would be nice if they added this and dual spec to the game.

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With zerker I now deal *more* damages...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I’m sorta glad they did the rework of mobs <80 because many an engineer had the complaint of there being a problem with DPS at level 60 I experienced this too when I was leveling but pressed on by going to lower level zones. Since doing this it looks like it might help new players with classes they haven’t quite completely fixed yet.

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Only 10 Daily Achivements?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Yes, it’s a very puzzling and unwelcome change. Remember last time they updated it to have more options? They said they wanted to give people more chance to finish the daily with lots more options than previously. And now they take those options away again. It didn’t feel like a chore, since you had so many options before. And now it feels like a chore again.

Who the kitten cares about leaderboards? (if that is truly the reason behind this) I just want the daily to return the way it was.

(also, removing daily activity from the dailies list is sure to boost the number of players doing the activity … NOT)

SOOOOooooo much THIS! You took the words right out of my mouth.

Quoted for the truth.

Absolutely! And I do remember that! Downvoting daily change here! /signed.

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Daily gatherer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Looked to me like it was missing too because it did used to be everyday.

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Don't ragequit/uninstall just yet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Anyone who’d rage quit over this is not someone I’d like to play with.

Zerker still has the highest damage output, combat in GW2 is still pretty quick compared to other MMOs.

That’s what I was thinking and much to my surprise they have tweaked an enormous amount of abilities for each class, I haven’t had this much fun on my condition engineer in a long time. I’m actually able to make a power condi engineer and do some awesome damage in PVE to mobs and not have the fights last for 5 minutes like they used to.

They still have a long way to go to perfect it like with pets and summons being so weak, and everything big being immune to CC but it’s a great start!

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Pickup times

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


The pickup times on Rocket Turret and Thumper Turret are not consistant with the damage output they do. Seriously, and please no one come to this thread thinking that the 1 time use of skills that already have a large cooldown makes up for it, it doesn’t because those skills aren’t that powerful in the first place. If turrets were a real threat then I could see them doing this but they die in like 1 hit, they still aren’t protected like many of the pets in this game and the CD of 35 seconds is just not warranted.

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Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


The only thing that bothered me about traits so far has been how the trait called Bunker Down replaces Modified Ammunition which harms DPS overall for builds on engineers using condition damage. That 2% per condition on the enemy for many of us was making quite a bit of difference on damage output.

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Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Tribal gear as well as the other PVP only skins should be moved to the PVE vendors so as to help fascilitate more options for PVE skins.

The 5 free points for transmutation should be changed to 10 to help many people change not only their armor but their weapons (many people carry around with them multiple weapon types.)

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A step in the right direction Gw2...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I installed it just for this patch and to see if they would be making further changes in the months to come. To me it’s a great step in the right direction. All of these funny complain posts about the nerf to Zerker to me was well worth it just for the comedy of how people who mistreated condition build and healer build players early on are now getting a taste of what many of us have had issue with since just after launch, almost two years into the game.

They are planning on more CDIs for other overall subjects like guilds and I would hope that they’d do one on content (it’s common sense) mainly open world content and what we’d like to see, because I will be the first one there to put in about how we were expecting not LS but permanent additions to DE’s and metas every month.

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Turret bugfix list

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Did turrets get their health buffed to match the buff that every other summon got a few patches ago?


Seriously if anyone thought turrets were suddenly going to be a magical second player at your side, you will be sorrily mistaken.

Its just now that they are working as intended: which is very good!

Yeah unfortunately they have yet to fix the inherent weakness of all pets in the game still waiting on that.

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The wait was not worth it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Completely disagree with you on many points. (and bare with me, people on here know my reputation as one of the most vocal against certain things on this title, so your post is actually kind of ironic in many ways imo)

1: the game is beautiful one of the most beautiful I’ve played, it’s one of the things that I sincerely like about it.

2: the game absolutely needed these changes to help offset the use of zerker builds. I agree they could do more to improve the damage and healing of the other two types of builds in this game, they could even improve the use of CC but to fret over an over abused stat that the community has all but held this community hostage over (and oh yes they have with things like class prejudice, and gear score tactics they absolutely have) what they’ve done to zerker is the right thing to do.

3: when they nerfed to the ground condition damage, those of us who liked diversity in builds were very much against it, but we were told by the community at large that this game just wasn’t for us, to adapt or gtfo, that was literally the answer from many of you. Many of us did leave for a while. For me it was only the use of the CDI that brought me back to be curious as to what they’d do to fix these serious problems with their community.

4: In many ways the grind is unbarable for items, but I plan on waiting to see what all of their CDIs bring to the table before making final judgement, and who knows maybe they’ll have completed the changes necessary to bring diversity back, maybe they’ll have learned their lesson on how harmful to a community DR is, and maybe just maybe they’ll figure out that what they promised early on about content is what we really want, as you stated, permanent DE/metas every month instead of LS. But I plan on staying long enough to find out the final outcome. This IS the first of many updates they will be adding. Heck they’ve only had 2 count them 2 CDIs that’s hardly enough to find out anything and neither is 1 patch.

5: I too was curious about NCsoft titles, which is why I’m watching just how Wildstar will do especially as a sub only game. I am going to be watching closely to see if they too suddenly get a loot nerf, if they too require enormous materials to make anything worth while, and if they too get an NCsoft representative for their economist slot. I totally agree with you there, and I would suggest as a matter of long time perspective on these games and how they develop after launch, that you not pre-order, but I am at least giving them time enough to fix the plethora of problems with this game using the CDIs before making final judgement.

6: I’m the ideal person they’d want as well in marketing. I contracted a disease that harmed a vital organ and as such I’m restricted in many ways to home much of my time, but as you’ll see in my history, I’ve been very vocal even while taking a hiatus to vote with my wallet, that I was not happy with what the game had turned out to be. (a zerker filled champion trained gear treadmill grind fest through content that was not only temporary but boring for gear that should never have been allowed to be used in the open world or WvW in the first place) but like I said I’m willing to see what happens next with their CDIs.

So far the changes I’m seeing are actually positive ones even tho there’s still much more work to be done.

I kinda find this ironic to some degree, early on when this kind of nerf to a who class of PVE builds occurred this community told us to basically get over it and go play something else. Why isn’t that happening to the Zerkers I wonder? hmmm.

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Thieves and stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: tigirius.9014


place your traps in a different place closer to you, I do that with my mines on my engi. I would also suggest looking into making the AOE bigger on those things to help catch them in the field, and thieves aren’t immune btw they are probably just stealing with makes them port to you. I use that against mobs all day long, it’s awesome. In the engineer forums for PVP however people were suggesting the very same thing I’m telling you for your traps.

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Good bye Zerker

in Profession Balance

Posted by: tigirius.9014


How was it higher than announced? They said 10% OVERALL damage nerf but crit damage % would be higher. Some builds/classes are hurt more than others but I don’t see a huge deviation from 10%.

Not that I agree with the nerf, just saying it was announced correctly.

According to their own article – 10% overall for full zerker build. Lets see warrior…
Acended trinkets, armor, scholar runes and weapon used to be 109%. Post-patch is 72.6%
36% are simply missing. Not even close to 10. But almost 4 times higher than the announced.

Didn’t someone mention a new replacement armor? I coulda sworn i read that somewhere, something that replaced full zerker armor and people started a thread soon after asking for refunds of their full zerker armor sets….

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Good bye Zerker

in Profession Balance

Posted by: tigirius.9014


What we’re having here is a hypocritical QQ fest because some of these people were actually here early on when they did this to condition damage builds right before announcing Fractals. As I recall they said some pretty nasty things to the condition and healing crowds back then, things like “make a power crit build” “learn to crit” and my personal favorite “this game isn’t for you”. Now that the shoe is on the other foot however they are being forced to adapt and many of them won’t take their own advice.

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Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Oh good now we need to do some events to unlock traits. How is this better?

you don’t have to you can buy them all.

It’s not only 3g per trait skill but also a rediculous 20 skill points!!! Who in their right mind is going to waste not only gold but skill points on this?! I think it’s an outrage that we’re basically FORCED into doing the events (which some are bugged btw) to get these, they should be given by default.

If your character made before the patch, he/she already has everything except those 3g traits unlock.

And poor newcommers are put off the game by this rediculous change. I was leveling a new character, but I will definately NOT be wasting my time doing that now.

I have no idea what you’re talking about, both my 80’s have all their previous traits so it’s not an issue for those who have leveled already and shouldn’t be one for the people who are leveling considering they have to do those events for certain achievements as it is. Beside this has been talking about forever before they did it. It’s not like today was the first day we knew about it.

As far as gold is concerned, those of us who have been reporting the lopsided loot system and the DR problems for over a year now have been told multiple times how we’re wrong that anyone can afford anything with a little farming and there’s absolutely no issue with farming gold in this game, are you saying now suddenly those claims are false?

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OMG! Thank you!

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Thanks Anet for the traits that give turrets and gadgets boons that makes them far more useful, and thanks for the free extra mine from crits, as a P/Bomb/Mine condi engineer I think that’s awesome!

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Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


You might be trying to equip it from the wardrobe?

That’s what I was thinking, using the wardrobe is not equipping the item folks.

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Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Wait people aren’t buying the traits because they cost gold?

But we’ve been hearing for almost 2 years now how there’s no struggle to make gold in this game. What happened?

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Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Oh good now we need to do some events to unlock traits. How is this better?

you don’t have to you can buy them all.

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Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Years old? seriously?

Anyway, they said they were adjusting the mobs for this, including personal stories. This has been talked about at length long before the patch.

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Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


It would be nice if they picked some of these up and made them available for PVE considering the lack of added skins for non-temporary content that’s come out over the past 2 years. I’d like to see some of these available in the wardrobe and would love to get a response from the devs when they get a chance.

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Update: It needs more changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I was hoping they’d take some tips from LOTRO because that game was awesome when it comes to wardrobes but I’m okay with this. I do however agree with the measely five free transmutations tho, they could have done better with that considering the number of slots.

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The next obvious step in "Quality of life..."

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I’m hoping they do a general UI CDI in the near future because there’s a ton I have to suggest.

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I lost 37% Crit Damage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Welcome to the club, condition damage builds have been suffering that much since before Nov 2012 back when they nerfed it globally and never fixed it, this was before their balance team separated the values for PVP and PVE.

I’ve watched their changes videos and they said they added some new traits for healing specs as well! It’s about time.

Bravo balance team bravo! Keep up the good work!

I too have a zerker build thief and you know what I’m going to do? Take all the karma I earned and buy a different set.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

When will the patch go live?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Ahh text, I guess “LOL” or “:)” isn’t enough to convey being campy these days.

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When will the patch go live?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


My posterior is beyond sore now… been sitting here for hours…

Uses tailoring to create a comfy butt pillow.

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When will the patch go live?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


As above. They put no time on the patch and it’s based on their day not our day in the UK.

It’s just a video game, it’ll be ready when it is ready.

If that were true than they shouldn’t give a date.

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When will the patch go live?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Any update as to when we’ll get the patch?

As it stands, it looks increasingly likely that I will get the update on the 16th, not the 15th.

Arenanet patch days. Take the date they propose and add +1 LOL

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When will the patch go live?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


coming up on 4:30 pm EST anyone know if there’s a problem?

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[Suggestion] Darkness Falls like dungeon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Not for me but I think many servers could stand with an option for cross server LFG autoteam feature.

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Auto Loot Needs to be Reworked

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


+1 totally support this, never understood why they designed the auto loot this way, to me auto loot means everything goes directly into your inventory.

What would also be good, is to have an overflow loot bag system like in Lotro, so if ur bags are full while running a dungeon or w/ever it goes into this overflow bag and you can collect it once back in town.

Same. I want to click once and have it all sorta get sucked into my backpack visually LOL

Oh and OP don’t listen to the grammar nuts they just want to refute valid arguments for problems with the ui by making the poster seem inadequate or somehow vacuous. What matters simply is your point and you have a great one.

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(edited by tigirius.9014)

When will the patch go live?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


taps monitor

oh come on! it’s 21:38 already!

taps monitor some more

Sigh. Inorite!

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*Precursor Rage*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I have played 3k hours and gotten 6 precursor drops so I think the system is all right. Heck, once I got two precursors in row from the forge.

Broken as intended.

(When I say a biased hidden +luck factor it’s been demonstrated on youtube that one can go thru and create multiple toons, look for factors while playing beginner zones that indicate your account has this +luck stat through gameplay, then level it, get to max level and drops will be on par with the players who get multiple precursors.)

If there is a video, I’d like to see that. Please link it.

I think the video may have been deleted (often happens to those who work in the field of reporting on games because they have contracts with big companies to do these videos for money and I’ve seen too often where these companies bully these individuals) but here’s a great reddit conversation I’ve seen on the subject. There are quite a number of parallels between D3’s economic structure and this title.

lucky unlucky accounts

now keep in mind no one has any idea if they actually addressed this but my guess is it’s still a problem considering how it’s the standard in the math used in these RNG systems for games, and how I keep seeing reports of other players having the exact same experience as I have in game. nothing of value dropping. (rares or exotics even with boosts).

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What made anet turn against their Trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


They haven’t really turned away completly but alot of the concepts change based on player-suggestions and while the players absolutly don’t want to accept it, Anet listen alot to the playerbase which I think, in some cases, is just lame.

While listening is good, going by their own vision is important. The player-base will never be happy and they will never please everyone, re-working everything over and over is a cycle that will never end, since there will always be players complaining about how the system works.

Correction, they did those things for the PVP playerbase NOT the PVE. the PVE playerbase has basically been ignored until recently with the first CDI and even then there’s alot that still needs worked on in the PVE side of things before it’s on par with what they’ve done for PVPers especially in the arena of class balance which has broken many a PVE skill.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Any new "looks" coming at all?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


So profession-bound skins will be in the wardrobe?
Hell yea

They’re not really profession bound… You could simply transmute them and use them on a different character anyway.

Not all of them Engineers have been not only locked from being used by any other class but also locked from being used by any other character. It’s been that way for the longest especially for goggles.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!