I’m also more into PvP and I think the energy system is fine as is. With that said I would still like to see energy costs removed from weapon skills and maybe some more active regen built into the class as I think that would be better for the overall feel and flow of the class ,but that is just a personal opinion. Regardless of if the energy system stays how it is right now or not I will still play the class with a smile on my face. I’ve seen many videos from players that prove that the Rev can work in it’s current state and that was pre buffs following the most recent BWE. Sure all videos are taken out of context ,but at least it is some form of visual evidence.
The only videos I’ve seen are wvw which is a pretty terrible part of the game.
I think the people saying it’s fine are also exaggerating the stance of those that don’ think so. It’s not that we’re saying energy needs doubled or such. It’s that after entering a fight and using a few weapon skills, you have not enough energy to use a utility and if you swap legends to get some more energy you’re now stuck in a legend that doesn’t have the utility you need at the moment. You’re very limited in the “oh @#$” moments.
Well as I’ve said many times I think having to Legend Swap on cd is a crappy mechanic ,but as of last BWE that’s all you needed to do to keep the energy up enough to wreck people. I don’t feel like searching for the all the links ,but just look around the forums there are several SPvP and 1v1 Duel videos of Revenants really bringing the pain.
Sure if traited correctly they could do good enough damage against a single player. That’s not the issue. It’s when those oh crap moments happen often there isn’t the energy available when you need it. I don’t feel entering into combat just autoattacking to keep your energy up for the fight is a good way of doing things. There should be some other mechanic to give us a burst of energy besides swapping legends. Or if legend swapping stays the way to get energy I think we should have the choice of more legends like eles have more than 2 attunements. So we have better access to oh crap buttons. If my oh crap button is on legend 1 but I’m already on legend 1 and out of energy I can’t switch to 2 and then back because of the CD.
He barely used his utility skills. The majority of the time he used IO or the brick road I forget the name of. I don’t think he used an elite the entire first match. This says nothing about energy being fine just that you can kill scrubs without problem.
Guess we didn’t watch the same video. You also should’ve watched the duel video ,but regardless he used every single utility in both Shiro and Jalis multiple times. If I really cared that much I could go back and time stamp each usage of a utility ,but I’m sure you would make up some other excuse. He even used Rite of The Great Dwarf and Force Engagement several times and most would consider those a complete waste of energy.
Ok I rewatched and he did use it a couple times. Still his use is fairly low. I use utilities far more on other professions.
I’m also more into PvP and I think the energy system is fine as is. With that said I would still like to see energy costs removed from weapon skills and maybe some more active regen built into the class as I think that would be better for the overall feel and flow of the class ,but that is just a personal opinion. Regardless of if the energy system stays how it is right now or not I will still play the class with a smile on my face. I’ve seen many videos from players that prove that the Rev can work in it’s current state and that was pre buffs following the most recent BWE. Sure all videos are taken out of context ,but at least it is some form of visual evidence.
The only videos I’ve seen are wvw which is a pretty terrible part of the game.
I think the people saying it’s fine are also exaggerating the stance of those that don’ think so. It’s not that we’re saying energy needs doubled or such. It’s that after entering a fight and using a few weapon skills, you have not enough energy to use a utility and if you swap legends to get some more energy you’re now stuck in a legend that doesn’t have the utility you need at the moment. You’re very limited in the “oh @#$” moments.
Well as I’ve said many times I think having to Legend Swap on cd is a crappy mechanic ,but as of last BWE that’s all you needed to do to keep the energy up enough to wreck people. I don’t feel like searching for the all the links ,but just look around the forums there are several SPvP and 1v1 Duel videos of Revenants really bringing the pain.
Sure if traited correctly they could do good enough damage against a single player. That’s not the issue. It’s when those oh crap moments happen often there isn’t the energy available when you need it. I don’t feel entering into combat just autoattacking to keep your energy up for the fight is a good way of doing things. There should be some other mechanic to give us a burst of energy besides swapping legends. Or if legend swapping stays the way to get energy I think we should have the choice of more legends like eles have more than 2 attunements. So we have better access to oh crap buttons. If my oh crap button is on legend 1 but I’m already on legend 1 and out of energy I can’t switch to 2 and then back because of the CD.
He barely used his utility skills. The majority of the time he used IO or the brick road I forget the name of. I don’t think he used an elite the entire first match. This says nothing about energy being fine just that you can kill scrubs without problem.
I’m also more into PvP and I think the energy system is fine as is. With that said I would still like to see energy costs removed from weapon skills and maybe some more active regen built into the class as I think that would be better for the overall feel and flow of the class ,but that is just a personal opinion. Regardless of if the energy system stays how it is right now or not I will still play the class with a smile on my face. I’ve seen many videos from players that prove that the Rev can work in it’s current state and that was pre buffs following the most recent BWE. Sure all videos are taken out of context ,but at least it is some form of visual evidence.
The only videos I’ve seen are wvw which is a pretty terrible part of the game.
I think the people saying it’s fine are also exaggerating the stance of those that don’ think so. It’s not that we’re saying energy needs doubled or such. It’s that after entering a fight and using a few weapon skills, you have not enough energy to use a utility and if you swap legends to get some more energy you’re now stuck in a legend that doesn’t have the utility you need at the moment. You’re very limited in the “oh @#$” moments.
Well as I’ve said many times I think having to Legend Swap on cd is a crappy mechanic ,but as of last BWE that’s all you needed to do to keep the energy up enough to wreck people. I don’t feel like searching for the all the links ,but just look around the forums there are several SPvP and 1v1 Duel videos of Revenants really bringing the pain.
Sure if traited correctly they could do good enough damage against a single player. That’s not the issue. It’s when those oh crap moments happen often there isn’t the energy available when you need it. I don’t feel entering into combat just autoattacking to keep your energy up for the fight is a good way of doing things. There should be some other mechanic to give us a burst of energy besides swapping legends. Or if legend swapping stays the way to get energy I think we should have the choice of more legends like eles have more than 2 attunements. So we have better access to oh crap buttons. If my oh crap button is on legend 1 but I’m already on legend 1 and out of energy I can’t switch to 2 and then back because of the CD.
I’m also more into PvP and I think the energy system is fine as is. With that said I would still like to see energy costs removed from weapon skills and maybe some more active regen built into the class as I think that would be better for the overall feel and flow of the class ,but that is just a personal opinion. Regardless of if the energy system stays how it is right now or not I will still play the class with a smile on my face. I’ve seen many videos from players that prove that the Rev can work in it’s current state and that was pre buffs following the most recent BWE. Sure all videos are taken out of context ,but at least it is some form of visual evidence.
The only videos I’ve seen are wvw which is a pretty terrible part of the game.
I think the people saying it’s fine are also exaggerating the stance of those that don’ think so. It’s not that we’re saying energy needs doubled or such. It’s that after entering a fight and using a few weapon skills, you have not enough energy to use a utility and if you swap legends to get some more energy you’re now stuck in a legend that doesn’t have the utility you need at the moment. You’re very limited in the “oh @#$” moments.
PvP and WvW here, as are at least a couple of the other people saying it’s fine. Please demonstrate the trouble you are having in a video so that we can see more closely, thanks.
Funny it seems all these people saying energy is fine are PvE players. PvE doesn’t count. You can literally roll your face on the keyboard and win at PvE.
idk Revenant has enough skills as is. if Revenant is too perfect i.e highly polished in all regards. it would inevitably need to get a nerf. while it would be nice to get more skills for each legend like most professions we ultimately wouldn’t use some of them like most classes do now.
^This exactly. I keep seeing people post about build variety like all the other classes have it makes me lul so hard. Like what build variety do other classes have. On average other classes choose between 1 of 2 viable heals, 3 of maybe 5-6 viable utilities, and 1-2 viable elites. As a Rev we get 2 Heals, 6 utilities, and 2 elites at all times seems a fair trade to me and we are barely lacking the so called build variety that other classes have.
Well it makes me “lul” that so many people only play the meta builds. In pve especially there are many options to go with.
I’d be happy if there was just one extra utility per legend so we’d have at least a little choice.
Well I think it’s pretty much a given that you can get away with anything in most PvE settings Meta builds are designed for Speed Runs. Everyone plays for their own reason ,but I think most people play to play with other people thats kinda what MMOs are about and in that case you are doing not only yourself but you whole group a disservice by running some random build that doesn’t fit into the meta. PvP is exponentially more strict and if you want to excel Meta is really the only way to go. Most meta builds leave a few utilities optional ,but that doesn’t mean you should just put anything there is always gonna be a choice between like maybe 1-3 Utilities out of the 25 or so you have. Yes other classes have more options then Rev ,but saying some bs like “They have 40,000 combinations to choose from” is completely inaccurate. If you want to play your class at it’s highest level you have very few combinations to choose from.
The meta is the meta because some popular people decide that works better and in the case of pvp likely counters the previous meta. I don’t think random strangers being mad at you is a reason to run the strict meta. If you play for others approval you’re playing wrong. If you run with friends or have cool guildies they don’t care much what you run.
It’s not about playing for someones approval its about being effective. If you aren’t playing to win then yeah I suppose it doesn’t matter what you run (which is fine not everyone is competitive) ,but there’s a reason you don’t go AP Darius because its not effective. I could care less what other people in the match think of my performance ,but I do care about what I think of my own performance and I want to know win or lose that I did all I could. I don’t want to say to myself after that match “Oh we totally would’ve won that if I wasn’t using this completely kittened build”.
I’m not talking about level 50 fractals or tournament pvp. I’m talking about 99% of the game. What you run as long as it isn’t a complete mismatch doesn’t matter all that much but having the ability to customize to fit your style makes it more fun.
That’s the only scenario in which this argument makes any sense ,but considering “leveling” is such a small portion of the game I would rather them not make huge design changes based off of it. If all you do at 80 is run around solo and kill stuff then it’s a miracle you still play this game ,but don’t take that as an insult to each his own I personally see that as something that would be quite boring.
99% of the game is “only”? Are you kidding me? I’m not even talking about just leveling. If you think leveling fractals and high end pvp are the only thing to do then you’re missing out.
You seem to be the highly competitive type which is fine but realize that most do not play to be the #1 at (insert activity here)
idk Revenant has enough skills as is. if Revenant is too perfect i.e highly polished in all regards. it would inevitably need to get a nerf. while it would be nice to get more skills for each legend like most professions we ultimately wouldn’t use some of them like most classes do now.
^This exactly. I keep seeing people post about build variety like all the other classes have it makes me lul so hard. Like what build variety do other classes have. On average other classes choose between 1 of 2 viable heals, 3 of maybe 5-6 viable utilities, and 1-2 viable elites. As a Rev we get 2 Heals, 6 utilities, and 2 elites at all times seems a fair trade to me and we are barely lacking the so called build variety that other classes have.
Well it makes me “lul” that so many people only play the meta builds. In pve especially there are many options to go with.
I’d be happy if there was just one extra utility per legend so we’d have at least a little choice.
Well I think it’s pretty much a given that you can get away with anything in most PvE settings Meta builds are designed for Speed Runs. Everyone plays for their own reason ,but I think most people play to play with other people thats kinda what MMOs are about and in that case you are doing not only yourself but you whole group a disservice by running some random build that doesn’t fit into the meta. PvP is exponentially more strict and if you want to excel Meta is really the only way to go. Most meta builds leave a few utilities optional ,but that doesn’t mean you should just put anything there is always gonna be a choice between like maybe 1-3 Utilities out of the 25 or so you have. Yes other classes have more options then Rev ,but saying some bs like “They have 40,000 combinations to choose from” is completely inaccurate. If you want to play your class at it’s highest level you have very few combinations to choose from.
The meta is the meta because some popular people decide that works better and in the case of pvp likely counters the previous meta. I don’t think random strangers being mad at you is a reason to run the strict meta. If you play for others approval you’re playing wrong. If you run with friends or have cool guildies they don’t care much what you run.
It’s not about playing for someones approval its about being effective. If you aren’t playing to win then yeah I suppose it doesn’t matter what you run (which is fine not everyone is competitive) ,but there’s a reason you don’t go AP Darius because its not effective. I could care less what other people in the match think of my performance ,but I do care about what I think of my own performance and I want to know win or lose that I did all I could. I don’t want to say to myself after that match “Oh we totally would’ve won that if I wasn’t using this completely kittened build”.
I’m not talking about level 50 fractals or tournament pvp. I’m talking about 99% of the game. What you run as long as it isn’t a complete mismatch doesn’t matter all that much but having the ability to customize to fit your style makes it more fun.
idk Revenant has enough skills as is. if Revenant is too perfect i.e highly polished in all regards. it would inevitably need to get a nerf. while it would be nice to get more skills for each legend like most professions we ultimately wouldn’t use some of them like most classes do now.
^This exactly. I keep seeing people post about build variety like all the other classes have it makes me lul so hard. Like what build variety do other classes have. On average other classes choose between 1 of 2 viable heals, 3 of maybe 5-6 viable utilities, and 1-2 viable elites. As a Rev we get 2 Heals, 6 utilities, and 2 elites at all times seems a fair trade to me and we are barely lacking the so called build variety that other classes have.
Well it makes me “lul” that so many people only play the meta builds. In pve especially there are many options to go with.
I’d be happy if there was just one extra utility per legend so we’d have at least a little choice.
Well I think it’s pretty much a given that you can get away with anything in most PvE settings Meta builds are designed for Speed Runs. Everyone plays for their own reason ,but I think most people play to play with other people thats kinda what MMOs are about and in that case you are doing not only yourself but you whole group a disservice by running some random build that doesn’t fit into the meta. PvP is exponentially more strict and if you want to excel Meta is really the only way to go. Most meta builds leave a few utilities optional ,but that doesn’t mean you should just put anything there is always gonna be a choice between like maybe 1-3 Utilities out of the 25 or so you have. Yes other classes have more options then Rev ,but saying some bs like “They have 40,000 combinations to choose from” is completely inaccurate. If you want to play your class at it’s highest level you have very few combinations to choose from.
The meta is the meta because some popular people decide that works better and in the case of pvp likely counters the previous meta. I don’t think random strangers being mad at you is a reason to run the strict meta. If you play for others approval you’re playing wrong. If you run with friends or have cool guildies they don’t care much what you run.
idk Revenant has enough skills as is. if Revenant is too perfect i.e highly polished in all regards. it would inevitably need to get a nerf. while it would be nice to get more skills for each legend like most professions we ultimately wouldn’t use some of them like most classes do now.
^This exactly. I keep seeing people post about build variety like all the other classes have it makes me lul so hard. Like what build variety do other classes have. On average other classes choose between 1 of 2 viable heals, 3 of maybe 5-6 viable utilities, and 1-2 viable elites. As a Rev we get 2 Heals, 6 utilities, and 2 elites at all times seems a fair trade to me and we are barely lacking the so called build variety that other classes have.
Well it makes me “lul” that so many people only play the meta builds. In pve especially there are many options to go with.
I’d be happy if there was just one extra utility per legend so we’d have at least a little choice.
I think the cooldowns on legend swap are too high. It may match elementalist but they have 4 attunements to switch through while rev only has 2. I think it would be great to have 3 legends using f1-3. 3 instead of the 4 eles get because we have weapon swap. Though perhaps if we got 4 legends maybe we wouldn’t need the weapon swap.
Disappointed energy costs were not really touched. Some extra energy on auto attack would be great. Could just be on the final hit of the chain.
Start at 100 energy. Regen stays the same. No energy when you swap Legends (stays the same amount as you had in the previous legend so if you swap at 15 energy you stay at 15 energy). Add trait when you swap Legends instantly gain 35 energy.
This removes clunky in combat then suddenly out of combat (whoops back down to 50 energy) and keeps it consistent throughout game play.
Could go either way on Weapon energy. Personally feel cool downs are sufficient to prevent spam and the weapon skills just seem to cost energy because of “reasons.” Really silly to have a 20s cool down and a 20 energy cost on a skill.
I like this except for maybe the trait. Seems like if they added that as a trait it would be a mandatory trait and everyone would spec into whatever line it was put in hurting diversity.
Take out energy on swap and just add energy gain to auto attacks.
If we did get it early it would be after balancing the underwater part of the revenant. I don’t think we could do much without that part of them and parts of the maps we would be unable to to do at all.
i’d be fine with placeholder/copyover underwater skills. I just worry it’s not balanced/finished enough to allow general access to pvp outside the occasional beta weekend.
They could just keep it out of ranked pvp. It’s not like anything else is serious enough for it to matter. Not that ranked is all that serious right now.
A solution is to simply make it like GW1 energy but with a slower regen. Start at full and low regen.
And why not start with 100%, keep energy on swap if it was above 50%, reduce some energy cost on wep skills (max 10), maybe upkeeps too and keep current regeneration?
Probably because it’s not necessary. From my experience with revenant in PvP and WvW I have no reason to believe that anything about energy mechanics needs to change.
Some energy reduction on certain weapon skills might be reasonable, but I don’t see any evidence to indicate that the revenant needs more access to energy to make it viable in these game modes.
Seriously? Compare it to other classes and their cooldowns on utilities. On every other you can use at LEAST 3 utility skills per minute plus an elite every 3 without having to sacrifice weapon skills. You cannot do that on the current revenant.
Let’s look at some numbers. In a fairly ideal world:
50 starting energy
5 * 60 = 300 passive regen per minute
5 * 50 = 250 from legend swaps, approximately on cooldown with a little wiggle room
150 – A rough estimate of using staff skills on cooldown
50 – For an elite use
150 – For da homies (Energy lost to mismanagement/swapping with remaining energy/Heal skill)
250 – For 7 * 35 utility skill usage (on the higher end of utility energy costs)
Of course, this is a fairly skilled player, playing efficiently in terms of swapping legends frequently and not leaving large amounts of energy when swapping. But your take on it is way off base. Even playing extremely sloppy you’d be wrong.
I think a lot of the problem is just poor management by players, such as sitting in upkeep skills.
edit: forgots a word
You’re assuming a whole lot of things here. You don’t only swap legends when you run out of energy. You swap when you need a utility on that legend. Your weaponskills costs are off. On staff using on cooldown your usage will be 195. On mace/axe that number would be 225 roughly on cooldowns. If you use an upkeep skill you’re not generating any energy, you’re losing energy so your energy regen numbers are going to be lower. You’re assuming you’re going to use the utilities when you have energy rather than when you need it.
If I plan on using a utility in one stance why am I going to switch just to maybe get 50 energy in a perfect scenario?
Sure, like I said that was a pretty ideal scenario. Nothing impossible though.
On the other hand, let’s look at a worst case scenario:
50 starting
300 Base Regen
50 from one legend swap (Very low end)
400 energy per minute
200 weapon skill (Very high end)
50 for da homies (Less than in the best case example because you’re only swapping once. This includes two heal skills and swapping while you sill have 40 enery left—essentially wasting that energy)
100 for three 35 energy utilities
50 for one elite skill
400 energy spent
So, even in a worst case scenario, revenant is outperforming the three utilities per minute and 1 elite per three minutes mentioned in the post I was responding to.
Managing energy is part of the skill required by the class. It is meant to be limiting—that’s the whole point. It has drawbacks and advantages which are represented by the current system. I think it’s pretty tightly tuned overall.
You’re still assuming that you only swap at 0 energy. You’re still not accounting for upkeeps that take energy which means that 300 isn’t 300. There will also be times when your energy is at 100 and aren’t spending it because you don’t spend just because you have it. You’re still not taking into account that people need to use utilities when they need them not just when they have the energy available.
I’m not saying we need double energy or anything like that. They just need to reduce weapon skill energy a bit all around.
A solution is to simply make it like GW1 energy but with a slower regen. Start at full and low regen.
And why not start with 100%, keep energy on swap if it was above 50%, reduce some energy cost on wep skills (max 10), maybe upkeeps too and keep current regeneration?
Probably because it’s not necessary. From my experience with revenant in PvP and WvW I have no reason to believe that anything about energy mechanics needs to change.
Some energy reduction on certain weapon skills might be reasonable, but I don’t see any evidence to indicate that the revenant needs more access to energy to make it viable in these game modes.
Seriously? Compare it to other classes and their cooldowns on utilities. On every other you can use at LEAST 3 utility skills per minute plus an elite every 3 without having to sacrifice weapon skills. You cannot do that on the current revenant.
Let’s look at some numbers. In a fairly ideal world:
50 starting energy
5 * 60 = 300 passive regen per minute
5 * 50 = 250 from legend swaps, approximately on cooldown with a little wiggle room
150 – A rough estimate of using staff skills on cooldown
50 – For an elite use
150 – For da homies (Energy lost to mismanagement/swapping with remaining energy/Heal skill)
250 – For 7 * 35 utility skill usage (on the higher end of utility energy costs)
Of course, this is a fairly skilled player, playing efficiently in terms of swapping legends frequently and not leaving large amounts of energy when swapping. But your take on it is way off base. Even playing extremely sloppy you’d be wrong.
I think a lot of the problem is just poor management by players, such as sitting in upkeep skills.
edit: forgots a word
You’re assuming a whole lot of things here. You don’t only swap legends when you run out of energy. You swap when you need a utility on that legend. Your weaponskills costs are off. On staff using on cooldown your usage will be 195. On mace/axe that number would be 225 roughly on cooldowns. If you use an upkeep skill you’re not generating any energy, you’re losing energy so your energy regen numbers are going to be lower. You’re assuming you’re going to use the utilities when you have energy rather than when you need it.
If I plan on using a utility in one stance why am I going to switch just to maybe get 50 energy in a perfect scenario?
A solution is to simply make it like GW1 energy but with a slower regen. Start at full and low regen.
And why not start with 100%, keep energy on swap if it was above 50%, reduce some energy cost on wep skills (max 10), maybe upkeeps too and keep current regeneration?
Probably because it’s not necessary. From my experience with revenant in PvP and WvW I have no reason to believe that anything about energy mechanics needs to change.
Some energy reduction on certain weapon skills might be reasonable, but I don’t see any evidence to indicate that the revenant needs more access to energy to make it viable in these game modes.
Seriously? Compare it to other classes and their cooldowns on utilities. On every other you can use at LEAST 3 utility skills per minute plus an elite every 3 without having to sacrifice weapon skills. You cannot do that on the current revenant.
“Unrelenting Assault – When striking a foe, gain 1 Energy for each stack of Vulnerability on them.”
Sounds extremely OP. What about pve? On a boss? Or even in pvp when teammates also have vuln stacked on that target? That would be a crapload of energy. 7 hits x 25 stacks = instant fill up.
To bring revenant on par with other classes he needs 5 utility per legend 4×5=20. I dont think we should be looking at elite skills for other classes as they will come eventually, espesially after specialization changes when all of them got a category.
Oh come on. Quality>quantity
But they’re not quality. Not for each type of game play. Some are useful in some parts of the game but useless in others.
General: Give Rev in each legend 5 utilitys to choose from….so it’s in line with other professions (20 Skills) ans theres more variability in the builds.
So what would be the point of choosing 2 legends and so of having 20 utility skills at the same time? You basically want the same freedom of other classes plus the advantage of 2 custom skill sets.
The point of revenant is that you don’t pick your skills but just your legends with 2 skillsets set in stone. Because of this “handicap” you have a double number of skills to choose from during the fight, and so energy to avoid spam. It’s a chain you can’t break.
And what’s the matter with the NUMBER of skills? What really matters is the quality.
You can’t use all of them anyway.
That’s not what people are suggesting. The extra skills would still be exclusive to the legend but each legend would have more to pick from. So In assassin stance instead of only having those 3 you could have 2 others to swap. When you go into another stance you have a different set of utilities to pick from. No one is suggesting to make them all available to any legend.
I like the idea of mallyx gaining energy when receiving a condition. There could be something like that for each legend. Shiro could gain energy on crits or being crit. Or a chance to. Etc.
No other class has to choose between utilities or weapons. If you want to keep energy for both you need to either increase energy gains or reduce costs. From there then you debate each one.
If legend swap is meant to be something to constantly switch between then the CD needs to be lowered like engineer kits OR give us access to more legends at one time like ele Attunements. You can’t take away from one area without giving on another or else you have an Imbalance.
If you’re saving energy to use 2 elites in a row you’re doing a lot of nothing in between and being very ineffective
Perhaps capping energy ooc at 75 and make elites cost 75 so you choose between an elite or using your other utilities while giving you something to start combat with but make legend swap reset to 50 still.
lowering the cd on legendswap is not easy, since you would increase the skill throughput of the elites. I’m not saying I’m against it.
I’d add cool down to elites
sure, a nerf is what we need. -_-
I rarely used elites when I was playing because I was always low on energy. Unyielding anguish is too useful.
Actually it wouldn’t even be a nerf if you make the cool down 10 seconds because that’s the cool down on legendaries now. Or something like that. Just enough to prevent spam.
If legend swap is going to be a major focus of the class and up keeping energy then the cool down should be lowered on swap in combat. An elementalist has twice as many attunements to switch to make up for the cool downs. An engineer has no cool down on kit swaps.
Traits could be a way of increasing energy. Each trait line could have an energy gain option.
Example. Devastation trait – sword and axe skills cost less energy
I was hoping for another long range weapon option. Only hammer is lame. Maybe they’ll do something different with shield and make it offensive and long range?
Having 100 energy out of combat would help better than 100 on swap. Let it reset to 50 on swap but let it regen to 100 out of combat. That way you can come into a fight and actually use your utilities but not be able to spam elites forever. You could even fix that by putting a cooldown on the elites and/or a slight boost to energy cost.
If you go with the gain energy on auto attack you could simply increase the energy cost on upkeep so you can’t forever upkeep it by autoattacking. But would that even be that bad if you could? If you are only autoattacking you probably aren’t doing anything useful so why not? Using other skills will eventually end your energy anyway. Impossible odds may be a bit much for that but again just increase the upkeep cost. The point of increasing energy is to be able to use more than 1 skill every 5 seconds and not just auto attack all the time.
Gw1 is much more based on TEAM builds. There were few solo builds as most gameplay wasn’t solo. Gvg usually had a solo ganker but that’s about it. And there were many cheese builds for team builds. IWAY, ritspike, searing flames, etc.
The more pve and gimmicks the less apparent are the flaws.
I don’t think you understand what pvp is. It’s just players competing against other players. Having objectives does not take away anything. It makes the game more strategic rather than all tactical. Button mashing just dumbs down the game.
this is dumb. LA has no training dummies, and doesn’t use pvp stats so you can’t test builds. why the hell would i want to be there instead of HotM where i have both on those things.
im not object to a HotM revamp, but it’s really not what pvp needs. we need more maps and gamemodes before a better lobby.
^ This.
Just need a revamp to hotm. Add more things to do while waiting. More profession training npcs would be nice. People always fighting for them in a full map.
A dueling area would be great so we can practice against other players 1v1 rather than dumb npcs.
I think if you fix the energy issue revenant will be at least close to on par with others. I think a slight buff to a few more skills would do it. Or some trait tweaks. I still feel the traits aren’t all that great. Also little more healing is needed I think. I got better at not dying in 2 seconds but still felt much more squishy than other melee specs.
Getting my new toon out of the starter instance seemed to fix it. I had made it just to save a name so I left it in the beginner area. I went back through that and when I finished it all my achieves came back.