And not fixed into today’s patch. If it was it wasn’t mentioned in the patch notes.
Just tested: confirmed still broked.
(edited by thefantasticg.3984)
I’m just hoping they modified the pet mechanic enough that’ll make me want to spec to Druid… And then that I can still use my sword+axe/horn & LB… I don’t remember it saying anywhere that you HAVE to use the Staff if you are spec’d for Druid.
No. This would be a terrible idea.
This. Exactly this.
99.99% of the “suggestions” on this forum are horrible terrible ideas that should have been flushed with the last bowel movement instead of splattered on the forums for all to see.
What's roles you want from Specializations?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: thefantasticg.3984
I want a Ranger specialization that replaces the pet with a pet aurora that provides a certain buff for Ranger and group..
So much jealousy and salted dogs in that linked thread a few posts up.
589 times…
The only way Ranger is going to change in regards to the pet mechanic, in my opinion, is going to be through a future Specialization that replaces it.
He is just trolling.
Painfully obvious.
Still confirmed not fixed.
Can we get a sticky on this???
Precursor Crafting explained by KongZhong
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: thefantasticg.3984
Meh. Not interested. Sucks you can’t get them on the TP. I’d much rather that route.
Tell ya what, I don’t join speed run groups, OP. I like to join efficient running groups so the run doesn’t take ages. Perhaps you should look into that?
Since they are unwilling to fix pet ai they should definitely give pets a good cleave radius so that they will hit moving targets a bit more reliably.
I’d rather get F5 and F6 on passsive/aggressive and stow/unstow… oh, and perma-stow
Just checked. Still broked.
You know, if it’s that big of an issue just give us perma-stow, then it’ll be a lot less of an issue
(edited by thefantasticg.3984)
Ok. Added y’all on the NA side.
Anybody else?
You know… If we had perma-stow… this wouldn’t be that big of an issue.
I think enough evidence has been provided the Devs won’t take this thread seriously.
My ranger is on the shelf until this is fixed.
This snowblind change is extremely annoying.
Is it just me or are things hitting a lot harder now?
Keep your expectations low.
If you main a Ranger that’s the status-quo!
Mods, can we get this thread moved to the PVP section since that is obviously where it belongs?
Then I’m not sure why you’re posting your opinion on a pvp topic.
I guess it should have been posted in the PVP section then, hmm?
Yeah, I wasn’t referring to the Druid spec… I was referring to future specializations in future expansions.
Aomine.5012, the best you can hope for is a Specialization that replaces the pet mechanic in the future.
I don’t care. Don’t care if PVP interest in this game dies out 100%. Pretty sure it’s not PVP players that’s keeping the gem store up and running thus keeping the lights on.
As long as RaO stays at the 22s that’ll be a literal change in my opinion… Maybe it’ll go to 24s so it’ll pulse 8 times.
A few days ago I saw blue stream gw2.
Nobody cares.
Why not wait until seeing the complete class before making such a suggestion?
OP, you are telling the developers, who have designed and built this class from the ground up, what you think might be a problem with it. Do you really think they haven’t thought of this?
Isnt that the point of betas? So people can tell developers about things they may have missed or didnt think about?
Yeah, but Beta isn’t out yet.
Awesome. Added everybody on NA.
I usually run Guardian or Ranger.
Definitely sounds like something to make things take longer to kill, so… no. Bad idea on those grounds. Things don’t need to take longer to kill than they already do.
I’d be happy already if they changed the RnG to the way PvP maps are currently chosen. Rolling swamp usually takes longer than the actual fractal. >_>
Whhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa? Man, I usually get it within the first 3 rolls. It’s EXTREMELY rare for me to not to get it within 5 rolls… which is why when I run fractals with my guild they always demand I go roll for swamp lol
I guess RnGesus is on your side then…
It is. LVL 38 last night. Swamp on 1st roll.
Will the Revenant have a specialization?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: thefantasticg.3984
Geezus… Learning a new class then learning the Specialization? Awesome. Should provide me with $$$ of entertainment value.
It’s these types of threads I hope the GW2 Game Designers/Developers just don’t read. All this muck about “GW2 would be better with THE holy trinity!” is better off in the trash can where it belongs.
Can you read? I never said gw2 would be better with trinity.
My reading ability is not in question. Your ability to understand what words mean is in question. Since you’re the OP you wrote the thread title, correct? Are the words “HOLY TRINITY” in the thread title that you wrote? Yes, yes they are. In your OP you go on and ENDORSE the Holy Trinity saying it’ll improve GW2. Now, go sit in the corner with the dictionary and look up “viable” and “optimal” because you obviously don’t now what those words mean either.
i kinda see how Anet feels when time kitten comes along to whine how late something is…..
I don’t know why but that made me LOL so bad
Totally read that as the world’s oldest profession… not posture…
I rarely have this kind of experience.
Gotta agree I haven’t had that experience either.
I don’t think that quite counts as a haiku…
Dahell did I just read?
I guess I just don’t understand the state of mind that you generalize everyone who will do it as future complainers… Just because I nearly insta-lvl’d 6 of my 8 toons doesn’t mean I insta-complained about 6 of my 8 toons. The Rev will be no different.
Live and let live, yo.
People want to level 1-80 normally on the Rev? No problem.
People want to insta-lvl 1 to 80 on tomes, etc on the Rev? No problem.
Something bugs me about this.
So don’t do it???
Seems like the simple answer for you.
5 legends to come
Why not wait until seeing the complete class before making such a suggestion?
It’s these types of threads I hope the GW2 Game Designers/Developers just don’t read. All this muck about “GW2 would be better with THE holy trinity!” is better off in the trash can where it belongs.
You have an option to hide emotes from your chat window..
I did that so long ago I forgot emotes were even in the game.
for PvE i wouldnt even bother with this trait since the other two are more suited for PvE mode.
Yeah, I don’t pvp.. only PVE… so I don’ t bother with it lol
When geargate is put in place it’ll be at the same time legendary armor gets put into the game so you can change the stats on the fly.
Being an unpaid game tester? Nah, no thanks.