erm…i dont have balls at all ….im female…but id like to say jon ty for posting the patchnotes early and ty for working hard.
allthough i would like u to try to focus on zvz for next balancing patch as balance in wvw is terrible. my class is stuck as a duelist and unable to get well deserved buff in wvw, due to spvp 1v1 focus. i am forced to either reroll or be a servant for necro/warrior/guardians as a support class only (veil/tw/portal/nullfield) i lack aoe as all of it comes from cloes that die before they even get the shatter to work, phantasms die too quick, if i try more dps, i lack everything from armor to toughness(warriors are tough, have health, have a high dps, have too much heal).
wvw has become a nightmare for me due to the balance issues. i dont wanna be support only. i wanna be a threat again like all the dominant classes are atm. u destroyed my glamour build and didnt give us anything back for zvz. u even nerfed clone health, nerfed phantasms, nefed bb, nerfed confusion to the ground and all we get is a aoe condition cleanser on a mantra? mantras are terrible! unless they get a zvz makeover they are not worth it at all.
i know mesmers are good in spvp, but it is the least played class in the game. doesent tell u that something?
in wvw we are bottom next to rangers that i barely see. come to t2 and see the fight for yourself. check out the zvz part of wvw, not the roaming part! see for yourself the monster called warrior u have created. this is not fun anymore for me and i really love this game. but the imbalance in wvw pushes me away.
im a gril btw
Can engis summon guile too as an elite?
Got the balls to respond Jon?
Got the balls to respond Jeff?
And since you wanted an over 12k hit here’s an almost 13k hit on an upleveled ele. Poor thing downed on the first shot.
For a second I thought you were riding your river drake.
Best endurance regen, best heal scaling regen that mitigates spike, CC from an alternate source that is tanky including your own, strong enough auto attack with condis to pew pew pew to win, evade spam, more passive buffs and res if you go spirit.
Yes clearly ranger is the weakest class not deserving of nerfs. Now excuse me while I go play the weakest class in the game and mash 1 someone to death with my ranger.
But seriously rangers could use a damage buff and nerf to their passive crap, heal scaling and/or evade spam.
This is what I want to. Not just for rangers but everything in the game. Remove all passive crap.
This forum loves analogies :P
PvP is not currently designed to have extensible content. There are maps, which we do make. There are runes and sigils, but there are already an overabundance of them. Finally there are skins, which are added usually with every other update, but how you obtain those skins stem from PvE.
There are no features we can just ‘throw people at’ to give you guys more content. We need more infrastructure and more extensible systems, but those are the hardest to design and take the most time to implement. An example would be a completely reworked reward system. Those are the things we’re working on. It’s taking a lot of time and hard work to get there, but the payoff will be worth it.
how bout you give us a world editor?
i want to have the ability to:
take any map in the game.
draw boundary lines,
set own rules etc.
make a custom game room out of that.for example,
i can take divinity’s reach.
set boundary lines to be the whole of the upper city.
remove downed state.
use pve gear
make it free for all death match.
disable all skills 1 – 0
disable all traits
set a fixed health
set a fixed movement speed increase or variable it, i.e. +1% movement speed for every second not in combat etc
fill up the level with water up to a certain level.
change the gravity to make it much ligher, people can jump higher.
allow using of skills in the air
give a pool of default skills to players
spawn power ups in the arena
spawn weapons in the arenai want something like this.
let us make our own arenas.sand box, please.
It took them a whole year to add a broken solo q system, do you honestly think they can provide us with this?
All I can say is….12k Maul crits incoming….
I don’t think 15% damage boost will let it hit 12k. Highest I’ve hit is like 6k on a glass spec on a glass target.
That’s because you aren’t stacking power with a valkryie build.
I prefer going man mode with berserkers sorry.
I understand what revealed is. My confusion is more, how does one target something they cannot target to apply reveal?
wow I’m baffled.
I’m kind of confused. If sic’em needs a valid target and stealth breaks targeting how will sic em reveal stealthed characters unless it simply stops them from going into stealth and doesn’t actually take them out of it.
And how does one measure experience?
if patch notes are true, rangers are doomed.
Just sayin
How so?
take a look at healing spring nerf and vigor renewal.
Bye bye rangers.
Because those 2 things are what kept rangers in the game, right.
The only changes I want on LB is #2 shooting as fast as thief unload. Barrage also shooting faster maybe not as fast as unload but faster than what it is now. And if I’m really pushing it, let the ranger move while using barrage.
All I can say is….12k Maul crits incoming….
I don’t think 15% damage boost will let it hit 12k. Highest I’ve hit is like 6k on a glass spec on a glass target.
Masters bond + sick em + pet prowess is some of the highest burst damage we get waka. Surely you don’t think that is a foolish variant?
“Cannot be used without a valid targeted enemy.
The effect will end prematurely if a shout is used, the pet is given an order, the pet falls in battle, or the pet’s target becomes invisible or defeated.
Bug Bug:
This skill will fail when used while further than 2000 range from the target.”
Have fun using sic em
“Your pet has a bond with you that increases its attributes each time you kill a foe. When it is defeated or deactivated, the bond is reset.”
Have fun maintaining masters bond while not swapping pets / not letting your pet die through pet control (which will also deactivate your sic em)
Have fun with that man.
Fix sic’ ems bugs so it’s actually usable with the pet then I might reconsider what all you amazing BM rangers are saying.
too bad sic em is still not worth wasting a slot for
too bad you dont know anything about running a BM build and are not worth listening to
I know lot’s about running BM builds. Seeing as you even considered running sic’ em on a BM build proves to me you are not worth listening to lol.
If you run rampage as one in any kind of damage build, you should be able to hard counter a cc warrior.
There are no viable Power builds on ranger
There would be if conquest wasn’t the game mode.
That really isn’t the case. Everyone does more dmg based on power than rangers. If you want to be a Power Ranger, you have to sell your soul and everything that lets you run away. Or you have to be really skilled and playing stupid opponent
It kind of is the case. Power ranger has a lot of tools to deal with a lot of situations. They perform EXTREMELY well in small scale fights 1v1 2v2 etc.
I’m just frustrated that that was the highlight, because for me it’s more depressing than positive.
I think you’re forgetting that there was another change equally highlighted. One for our pets to give better party support, specifically calling out bear, moa, and fern hound, but probably including other pets as well. Better party support will only help all game modes and is a great highlight.
How about fix the pet mechanic before trying to improve pet skills.????
If you run rampage as one in any kind of damage build, you should be able to hard counter a cc warrior.
There are no viable Power builds on ranger
There would be if conquest wasn’t the game mode.
this topic in itself is a joke. Rangers are the weakest? Play a ele right now and then come say that rangers are the weakest right now.
Ele will be back if conditions get toned down, don’t pretend like ele is a bad class.
I always thought sick em was cool and this makes it cooler. What’s the issue with it not working? Did you know you have to select your target first? Anyways, I could have had a chance vs this camping 5 stack applied fortitude 5 stack guard leech 25 stack bloodlust BG theif who left a JQ account dead body laying around to gank people when they tried to rez. Screw that guy! Sick em! The dude was a bronze major, probably level 425 plus he had legendaries I mean COME ON. lol
Cannot be used without a valid targeted enemy.
The effect will end prematurely if a shout is used, the pet is given an order, the pet falls in battle, or the pet’s target becomes invisible or defeated.
Bug Bug:
This skill will fail when used while further than 2000 range from the target.
Lol rangers the weakest class? you got to be joking, this is the strongest profession by far in the current meta. Best 1v1 alot of evades, perma regen, alot of dmg, team support, team res. I am a champion hunter and i have played this class alot, this the strongest clas. And has been the strongest for a long time. If you’re having trouble as a ranger then is obvious that you don’t know how to play one. And this patch i think spirits got actually buffed in team fights just because the recharge is better and if they die uou csn just get them up again. Please stop crying uf you don’t know kitten about the ranger class.
You don’t say……?
too bad sic em is still not worth wasting a slot for
this right here is 100% of the reason they hesitate to post this kind of information. You are ungrateful, and if you offer no meaningful criticism, do not post at all.
This is very meaningful. Sic em doesn’t even work properly.
too bad sic em is still not worth wasting a slot for
Opposed to
Pvp being The _________ Story
devs u guise can play this game too
i like the part where maul got buffed
I wish they put the same amount of effort in pvp as they do in living story.
they should rename pvp to dead story.
There is too much gear grinding, and too much achievements, and too much things to do as well.
inb4 “living story makes it easy to make new pve content” blablablablabla
We read all the threads – including this one. Thanks for making the effort and taking the time OP!
P.S. Your english, while broken up a little bit, was still perfectly fine. I think I understand all the points you were making. It’s better than my rusty-kitten Japanese, so kudos to you for making the post!
What’s a rusty kitten ?
Can we please have the old QZ days back?
“We don’t like to whack a mole style balance”
You miss out too LITTLE variety of BUILDS and too LITTLE choice of mix and match like PvE. (Amulet stats wise)
That’s a given. Fix the things listed and I’m sure those will be alleviated somewhat
Being honest here, currently nothing really counters it atm.
I’ve been using “Guard” for awhile too. It’s actually a pretty good skill combined with the trait that gives your whole team perma swiftness and regen. Also good for setting up river drake burst + giving your jaguar more stealth.
Before everyone cries about how wrong I am I would like to make a few points.
Guild Wars 2 has too much dodging, too much boon spam, too much automatic condition removal, too much conditions, too much damage.
1. Now all of these are basically related, dodges basically need to be spammed because
A) You will always dodge something if you dodge because every class currently can just spam every single skill with 0 diminishing returns
B) There is no reason to save your dodges when you have permanent vigor, a full endurance bar on weapon swap + passive endurance regen
C)Traits that rewards dodging (protection on dodge etc, please change these traits to get protection IF you evade something etc or remove all together)
D) Some classes can spam evade frames with absolutely no diminishing returns making it optimal to spam your evades opposed to using them intelligently.
2. Boons are way too accessible have no rewarding play
A) Every class can basically get every boon through passive traits
B) No one uses boons on reaction because it’s pretty much all passive
C) Like dodges, people spam these because they are so accessible.
3. Too much condition removal = too much condition spam
Nerf condition “bombing” and condition removal together. Conditions should be damage OVER TIME, not nuke someones health in 5 seconds while they are unable to do anything about it. Condition application should be paced like scepter 1 on necro, but for that to have any impact on someones health, condition removal has to be heavily nerfed as well. Anyone playing a condition spec should have to work for their condi stacks, not stack every single condition with high stacks in 3 seconds.
4. Too much damage in the game (Bad type of damage)
Do you guys remember the old days of QZ + bulls rush + hundred blades + whirlwind days? That is what high damage builds should be in this game if someone decides to run it. High reward, high risk. Instant “unavoidable” burst damage should not exist in any game, it’s not fun for anyone.
5. The only thing GW2 has too LITTLE of is highly telegraphed skills. This also relates to “instant burst”. High damage skills should be HIGHLY animated like eviscerate, killshot, burning speed, churning earth etc. If you nerf spammy dodging and blind spam you would actually have to watch for these and dodge them accordingly because you know it will hurt. Instead we just spam all our dodges whenever we want, spam our condis because we know it will recharge when we need it anyways.
srs post is srs, pls respond j sharp, karl plz
Warrior is the answer? Warrior is the meta.
Posts like this is the reason why ANET refuses to give rangers more control
OP do you listen to periphery?
Then we can’t be bothered with your nonsense.
Basically this. If you’re too lazy to test why should we make the effort to do it for you.
@OP. You lost me at too much dodging. No thanks.
The game does have too much dodging. But the game also has equal amounts of spam attacks that have no diminishing returns. This game overall is just spam everything whenever you can.
We are definitely aware of the issues surrounding PvP. We’ve been generating data since we released these features and I think it’s fair to say that each will be visited by us as soon as we can get around to it. (matchmaking, decay, dishonored, ratings, rewards)
We have a lot on our plate but what you can expect to see soon is:
- Random map rotation should be working appropriately for Team Arena
- New amulets for PvP
- Temple of the Silent Storm map layout re-work (took out the water)
We started a query today for the Random Map Rotation bug on Team Arenas as this bug should currently be fixed on live. Please let us know if you are still experiencing playing one specific map much more often then the others though if the issue arises again.
New amulets..? For once I’m interested.
They should let us tame svanir and chieftain.
Path of Scars IS RNG as far as not only hitting the first time, but its rare on anything but a level, non-moving target to hit on the second pass. Then another RNG if it actually pulls the target.
I mainly use Axe/Axe and GS. Increasing the bounces of the auto would be nice, but adding a condition would be even better IMO.
That’s not rng. That’s called L2P and use cripple and immob.
Riiiight. My bad. Path or Scars hitting a target standing still always hits coming back, and always pulls. It never bugs with a slight elevation, or anything like that. Sarcasm
That’s not RNG, that’s called a bug. Do you know what RNG stands for?
Just change F1 to allow the pet to attack and recall.
Make it so F2 skills actually worked when requested.
Make F3 the secondary skill for each pet and allow players to set it to auto-cast so if ANet is serious about this somehow being too complicated, players can leave it on auto cast and nothing would change.i agree f2 skill needs to work when requested.
Allowing players to determine when to cast the 2ndary skill of pets is just asking for ranger buff. And the ability to autocast it sounds pretty OP if you wanna know the truth.Asking to be able to use our own skills is asking for a buff? Okay then engineer kits should be RNG as well, from now on you cannot choose which 1-5 skill you can use in kits, the game will choose for you. Fair play right.
Engineer isn’t using an AI pet. You’re asking the ability to decide when your pet should deal a secondary damage (with effect), in addition to the f2 skill, while essentially keeping the pet’s ability to deal damage on their own. Not to mention you have two pets to switch between.
Surely you can see this is very different to weapon kit?
You honestly think this is going to create balance issues for rangers? Oh please lol.
Just change F1 to allow the pet to attack and recall.
Make it so F2 skills actually worked when requested.
Make F3 the secondary skill for each pet and allow players to set it to auto-cast so if ANet is serious about this somehow being too complicated, players can leave it on auto cast and nothing would change.i agree f2 skill needs to work when requested.
Allowing players to determine when to cast the 2ndary skill of pets is just asking for ranger buff. And the ability to autocast it sounds pretty OP if you wanna know the truth.
Asking to be able to use our own skills is asking for a buff? Okay then engineer kits should be RNG as well, from now on you cannot choose which 1-5 skill you can use in kits, the game will choose for you. Fair play right.
Ranger pet having too few manageable skill is a problem?
According to whom?
It’s a problem because this game is already dumbed down enough as it is. Ranger pet is just 1 small problem but it is still bothersome as a ranger player.
This is just an excuse for either
A) You guys are too lazy to do it
B) You guys do not have the resources to do it because of PvE nut sucking
C) You guys don’t know how to implement it ? (Unlikely)
If players being unable to control 3 extra ranger pet skills is your real concern, why not give players the OPTION of doing it. You already gave the ranger pet a “Guard” and “Stay out of combat” toggle. Give it a toggle to give extra control to the pet or a toggle to make it easier for newer players (How it is right now)
There you go ANET, easiest solution that you somehow could not think of or are just refusing to implement for whatever reason.
Path of Scars IS RNG as far as not only hitting the first time, but its rare on anything but a level, non-moving target to hit on the second pass. Then another RNG if it actually pulls the target.
I mainly use Axe/Axe and GS. Increasing the bounces of the auto would be nice, but adding a condition would be even better IMO.
That’s not rng. That’s called L2P and use cripple and immob.
I think it should just get a dumbed down version of the mesmers staff autoattack. Maybe like RNG bleed/cripple/vulnerability with appropriately balanced durations?
More rng in this game? No thanks buddy.