^Greatsword warriors have no control and survivability. If you choose skills that do no damage dont cry about it.
Warriors do have control, it’s just that every warrior uses the same utility skills. Whether or not you think these control utility skills are kitten they still do have them as options.
well…. the skills that say, I don’t know, maybe “Gadget” ?
oh and PBR is absolute trash. It’s basically a smaller ranged ridiculously high cool down overcharged shot.
Oh dude, PBR doesn’t CC you and with the right combo, it’s amazingly fun.
But is it worth the 45 second cool down? Nope.
To me it is. On the build I run it on, it’s a 36 second cooldown and it’s totally worth it.
I’d rather take flamethrower or even throw mine as I can actually kill people with it. PBR is just a one time gimmick skill that’s on a huge cooldown that won’t change the outcome of the fight.
oh and PBR is absolute trash. It’s basically a smaller ranged ridiculously high cool down overcharged shot.
Oh dude, PBR doesn’t CC you and with the right combo, it’s amazingly fun.
But is it worth the 45 second cool down? Nope.
I believe the patch is still due in February. ANet didn’t specify as to what year, though.
“Hey John’s how come you keep saying the upcoming patches are “the big pvp patch” but always end up disappointing us?"
John’s : “We never said what year! We meant the big pvp patch is in 2091”
This is a good idea! In fact, we’ve already discussed this. It’s done and will be in the next patch.
When exactly is the next patch anyways? And is this the real “BIG PVP PATCH”.
The 26th, so two weeks from now. This patch is going to be more WvW based.
Haven’t they been calling the next patch the “big pvp patch” for the last like 3 months?
This is a good idea! In fact, we’ve already discussed this. It’s done and will be in the next patch.
When exactly is the next patch anyways? And is this the real “BIG PVP PATCH”.
11.) a funeral
I guess i’m esports now
Except I imagine he’s saying guild wars instead of girlfriend.
ANET honestly need to half the CD on some of the gadgets, those CDs are stupidly long for what they do.
oh and PBR is absolute trash. It’s basically a smaller ranged ridiculously high cool down overcharged shot.
I know this problem as well. Engineer just can’t do damage without atleast 1 kit and that’s the whole problem of the engineer design. We HAVE to take a stun breaker, we HAVE to take a kit, that leaves us with basically 1 utility slot left for free pickings.
I hear Natty Angus Wrench is basically the best engineer in NA currently.
When ANET says it’s invisible, the translation is really as follows:
“We do not have anything set up currently but we are afraid of the consequences of telling you guys that we have done nothing for the PVP infrastructure in the past 7 months so we are going to tell you that the rating system for the game is invisible so you guys don’t go on a furious rampage”
-The truth -
I give up, I’ve tried believe me, tpvp used to be fun when it was tickets, I honestly think it kept the hotjoin heroes away because it was tickets.
Tpvp soloq is now just an extension of hotjoin you get crap pvp with teams with burst builds zerging around the points.
Game over for me I’m afraid, and yes you can have my stuff.
Mail me all your gold and valuables
Thanks mate.
How many minutes into SOTG do you think it will take for the John’s to say the word “soon”.
I bid 5 gold on 5 minutes.
Swords aren’t that heavy in real life.
Games just portray them as being overly heavy.Also, nice troll thread
Actually some swords are actually heavy enough that you will injure your wrist bad if you swing it with 1 hand like an idiot.
next patch will make gw2 e-sport
… next patch is THE patch
We could only wish.
I think that the poster you just quoted, was using irony, making fun of their " big " patch.
You mean sarcasm.
Did anyone else laugh at the “esports gaming” in the beginning?
funny thing is this is what they are also going to say on the third SOTG
The sad thing is the sotg 3 one isn’t even over exaggerated.
Since Defektive made an excellent class tier thread I thought I would make a thread where we as a community could make an underwater tier thread. As we all know that underwater combat is paramount to the overall combat of the game, so I just want to see how underwater tiers compare to the on land tiers.
Everything. I printed my engineer’s face on a poster with rainbows, bacon and naked women as a symbol of glory for all engineers to embrace me as their savior.
The esports fame is getting to your head Hiba, just because you are rich and get all the girls from being a professional Guild Wars 2 competitor doesn’t mean you are a better person than us non esports players.
I am proud to kick kittens with a tier B class according to this kittenty tier list.
Tell me, what have you done to help the engineer community?
I’m not sure whether or not you are making a joke about how bad the trait is, or whether the trait is so bad you actually forgot about it. It is an impressively bad trait though.
Oh, I was not referring to that bad trait.
That isnt what you said roz. You said elixir X is bad, you made no mention of runes combination.
Elixir X is highly undervalued and under rated. The Juggernaut can be extremely useful in the same situations as the Tornado. Jugg’s stomp is great for knocking people from edges of towers/keeps
The combo 3-2-4 (Tackle, Kick, followed by rock throw is great for a knockdown chain)
The Slide Tackle is great to escape a zerg or a thief, or how i use it to get to a door when people are guarding the entrance.
People rely on supply crate to much, it ignores so many other possibilities.
supply crate far outshines the RNG elite.
I’m sorry but this build is terrible, like others have said. I don’t know what kind of opponents you fight andI don’t know how you survive past your elixir S and 25% Elixir S but okay.
I strongly support getting rid of Armor Mods, not only because it’s terrible, but because a good Gadget trait could go in alongside improving the base of many of the Gadget abilities.
How do you get rid of something that doesn’t exist…?
Zoose please mention the lack of variety in builds and ask them when they will organize + combine all the kittenty traits in every class. I really want to know when we will be seeing more variety in builds.
FT is the Kit that needs the Stunbreaker.
FT skill #5 should have Stunbreaker added.
imo 3 birds with 1 stone.
A kit gets a Stunbreaker.
The lame placeholder FT skill is now very useful.
The FT’s utility now better makes up for its lesser damage.
Or just make FT 5 as good as thieves smoke field.
is really hurting the viable options of engi, I feel like atleast one of the tool belt skills of a utility or one of the skills in the kits should be a reliable stun breaker.
We already have to equip our kits (which is presumably our “special class mechanic”) then we all know a stun breaker is basically necessary in the current meta which leaves us with not many other choices in build variety.
I think this game mode or err map would be ALOT more intense and team work based if it was solely based on your teammates to protect you as you carry the orb.
I honestly think when you grab the orb you shouldn’t be able to use 1-5 at all
bingo. It should be up to your teammates to protect you score the orb.
Apparently the trait changes the cooldowns on all the medkit skills too. Multifix!
Thanks Tyler! Didn’t expect that quick of a fix or even a response. Really appreciate it.
edit: was under the influence that you already fixed it, but still the same
(edited by waka.9826)
I started using this trait and it seems that sometimes when you throw the number 5 on med kit (fury and swiftness) you cannot pick it up until you have no more boons. This only happens with the packaged stimulants trait.
Just thought I’d let you devs know it’s a pretty annoying bug.
I think helseth should represent both
Natty angus wrench here
Ask them when they are going to nerf engineer.
Hello Evan Lesh. Glad to see you on the forum.
So you’re one of the sPvP programmer on this game ? Well, do you know that a lot of people were waiting for you for ages here ?
Better late than never. I mean, these last time we didn’t see anyone who was on a direct relation with the game programming. Well, i think you shouldn’t spend your time on the forum, because wasting time reading forums means less time working on programming. Maybe someone should read for you what you need to do, it means more time for you to focus on your work : programming.
Anyway, in my opinion, what should be your focus in sPvP :
1/ Working on fixing existing bugs.
2/ Working on improvements/features on the game ( Like matchmaking, ladder, spectator mode, etc… )For example, there was a bug on Capricorn map where we didn’t get the skirmisher point… This bug is 6 month old…
It’s not really his job to come on here and interact with players, there’s different teams designed to do that and facilitate changes that get sent to Evan.
The mere fact that he took the time to come on, to quell some fears such as ‘we aren’t being heard’ or that ‘changes aren’t happening’ means that he cares.
Should be respectful if not delighted that someone took time out of their day to interact with us – especially considering everyone moans that there’s no interaction.
Here on the GW2 forums there is no such thing as respect.
Think like a dev ;p they are holding onto gadgets and turrents so that in the future they can boost and shift meta builds
yah that’s why they literally never post in engineer forum. makes sense
^ the class is not face roll.The bunker build is faceroll
Now to op i dont find the ideas bad but really 1 thing.Why make rtl 30 sec cd when there are many 1200 range mobility skills that are at as low as 12 sec cd.
Make it exactly as it is(you can take full damage and be cc) but introduce a small casting time(charging )that determines the maximum range you go and drop cd back to 15 sec.See now its far easier to counter it and you dont have to bring one of the fastest mobility classes to the bottom by doing something so absurd as putting that huge cd.
You know the 20 sec cd has already afected the pve guys(travelling time etc).The 30 sec would be killing it in anything other than the small pvp maps..
When I say “class” I basically mean the only single viable spec the class has like every class in this kitten game. What I’m getting at is that ANET should buff everything else on par with these ridiculously OP specs or nerf that spec on par with everything else. It’s not even funny how stupid that D/D and or S/D bunker/sustain builds are right now.
All i saw was:
Eles dodge too muh, nerf!! -> Most of the classes can do this, have u ever seen a ranger or engi?
Eles heal too much! nerf!! -> thats needed, its their game mechanic due to such low armor and hp
Eles have too much control and mobility, nerf!! -> god d/d needs it, how else is a class with no hp, and no armor, supposed to go melee against kitten warriors or rangers? We need gap closers, adding a 2s cast time to RTL and 30s cd would make it utterly crap, i can tell you by this you are terrible as an ele, considering this change only was minded to use RTL as an escape mechanic, how are we supposed to catch those sneaky thieves or rangers if RTL has a huge neon signal telling you your enemy to dodge or move away? With burning speed? lol
Ya remove shocking aura from D/D, and plus all the changes above, you have a 100% glass cannon build that cant survive a burst nor catch his enemy and has to go in melee.
Ok remove healing from eles, give them 24k base hp and rework the healing skills so they give you an evade (just as most of the rangers skills) component rather than a heal.
Remove RTL from daggers, but give them 1200 range and huge single target damaging skills. (we have staffs for aoe but it is so slow and boring no one uses it)
Also evasive arcana was nerfed in pvp already, so it will barely heal for 700-800, not to mention the 10s internal cooldown, just shows how 0 knowledge you have about the class.
Hey look another ELE main who is trying to defend the class when it’s disgustingly obvious how faceroll this class currently is.
helseth why don’t you just rename your character to “Hairseth”?
It feels as if you guys (ANET DEVS) kind of just shoved them in there last second as there is basically no traits for them (other than the cool down one) and honestly is very hard to use 1 of our only 3 valuable utility slots for them as they only have VERY situational uses and go on a VERY HIGH cool down once used.
Can any developer shed some light on any future changes to the gadgets?
Few ideas :
Lower CD
Maybe change them into a more “armor mod” style (think signet) and give them a passive effect, a simple one would be giving slick shoes 25% movement speed etc.
Waka, could you explain a set up with this build? I take it you have so save your ccs to get at the node. What do you do if there’s a defender with stability? I guess you probably hold your bombs.
Its very easy to neutralize a guardian with this build. assuming its not MID on foefire.
Watch his boons / watch the aegis and you should easily neutralize it from the guardian.
soooooo stability instantly breaks your entire purpose to be in the game??
I vaguely remember throw mine being able to knockback people even when they have stability up?! Is that still the case? Does it apply to any other knockbacks you got in your build?
Cuz if not there`s really no point…Also they can just kill your dudes with ranged weapons instead of stomping if they dont have stabi ready…
Wait a sec – are you trolling?
throw mine and mine field is AOE boon removal, that is 6 boons removed.
It now makes a “PUH SHHHHHHH POW”
the SHHHHHHH was never there before, thanks anet. No longer upset about the kit refinement nerf.
Nevermind, no purpose in talking to you, you’re very narrow-minded.
I don’t really consider the turrets reliable enough…
sure they are its basically a 360 flamethrower knockback.
u are stuck in the current meta bro, you have to believe to change the meta. this is the first step in the door.
Its actually a step back, turrets are unreliable at the moment therefore they aren’t really good enough to be in a meta build. I get that you’re trying to make a knockdown build, but eh…I guess its ok but definitely not meta. btw…are you a hipster of some sort?
Thumper turret is nothing but reliable, it’s an instant big ole bomb. Not sure what you’re getting at here.
What happen’s after someone 2 shots the turret? There comes a long cooldown and half your build is gone.
Good on them, it served its purpose. 1 aoe knock down basically 30 seconds ( assuming it survives) and if it’s killed 1 aoe knock back.