Ventari Rev and the other healing builds are not OP. We already lost Minstrel’s and Cleric’s amulets, and lost all of the support sigils.
Also nice that someone else uses Tempest runes. It’s so good for Rev, even with the limited stunbreaks. A 5k+ allied heal on stunbreak is awesome
You should use Life sigil instead of Benevolence. It’s better than Benevolence at that healing power with everything except the passive on tablet and water blast finisher.
Any skill used while in stealth should cause reveal. Triggering the traps should also cause reveal.
After just doing some math on an average Magi Ventari healer: Monk runes should heal allies for more than Water (especially if you aren’t going to spam Ventari’s Will) at the loss of 5% boon duration, and you yourself will get healed for just about the same hps from the #4 bonus assuming both are constantly procced. Sigil of Life should heal for more than Benevolence by a decent amount, but I think Water would be better than either of those. Water+Life should give better hps, but Life+Transferrence would be best for max Natural Harmony.
Ventari’s Will is the most efficient heal, so that should be the primary source of healing.
Life is better than Benevolence on everything except the passive on the tablet and blasting a water field.
I’m not sure about this, because it wouldn’t allow counterplay. I’d honestly like it to be a grandmaster trait so the damage could be higher or have added functionality. It is a build defining trait and the current GMs are kinda meh. This way, engis could take Power Wrench and SD.
Now there is no more differences between grand master traits and traits becouse we have no more the old system in which you could you use 2 ,4 or 6 points in a trait to invest . After years i find old trait system much better but it is a personal taste. Now you have take all the line so if it is in first place or in last nothing change . There is no different investiment in taking first or third
Yeah there isn’t much of a difference now. I would have hoped for something more with the buff, kitten doesn’t do much damage as it is. They could go with the Sleight of Hand route and make SD a GM trait while adding additional toolbelt recharge reduction.
Not the only one! I’ve been using it for years. It would be nice if it got the radius fixed. Throw Mine’s radius gets increased with Gadgeteer, but that trait is bad.
I play rifle a lot, mostly for WvW. Rifle needs some serious balance touch-ups to make it playable (evades on Overcharged Shot and Jump Shot) and generally needs another kit to cover for its long-ish cooldowns. It’s not a weapon you want to camp in all the time – hence grenades. They combo well with Overcharged Shot and Net Shot, which want to keep your target at range and cc’d.
That said, if I had to swap grenades with anything, it’d probably be..
- Flamethrower – not as good with Rifle as it used to be now that it’s a condi weapon. You’d sort of be forced to play a hybrid/cele build. Still, the Juggernaut combo with Scrapper makes for some easy might stacking and good access to stability. That puts you in Firearms and Scrapper. It’d probably best to take Alchemy and go for the HGH / elixir condi cleanse to round out the build.
- Throw Mine – I’m not sure if this still works, but there used to be a full-glass zerker engi build using Throw Mine and its toolbelt skill for ridiculous close range burst. If you’re going this route, you’d probably take Toolkit, Rifle Turret, and the Static Discharge trait. I haven’t tried this build in a long time, but it was hard mode for sure.
The mine build is the build I’ve been running on my engi for years. It’s more powerful since the specialization patch and the recent SD buffs, but it’s not worth it because the elite specs and general power creep are too overwhelming.
I’m not sure about this, because it wouldn’t allow counterplay. I’d honestly like it to be a grandmaster trait so the damage could be higher or have added functionality. It is a build defining trait and the current GMs are kinda meh. This way, engis could take Power Wrench and SD.
Can you add Clerics to the list of removed Amulets?
Certain builds that overuse the healing power were just plain boring to fight last season.
Clerics is fine. Toughness doesn’t do enough as it is.
need stronger heal, and the cooldown reduced.
Needs an offensive component if it plans to stay weak like this.
It shouldn’t stay as weak as it currently is also a offensive component gods against what the legend represents.
We revenants, not Ventari. We just use copies of his powers from memory of the mist.
hence why we can still attack with Staff,.They have been pretty consistent in not putting any form of damage in Ventari and the salvation line. Also see the original live-stream…
Plus if it was added, the healing would get nerfed, and the healing isn’t as good as it should be yet.
Rune of the Tempest is really good on a Ventari/Glint build with Invocation. Only two stunbreaks, but it heals for 2.3k and heals allies for ~4k with Salvation/Shrouding Mists
Where is the buff to A.E.D making it instant?
With the amount of blinds, blocks, dodges/evasions, invulnerable and reflects (in the case of rifle) going about still, landing hits solid is not all that easy and has been a sore spot for Warrior ever since the Cleansing Ire change.
That’s why this game is a team game, and you can have teammates stun/immobilize and set up big hits.
Assassin’s Annihilation is currently doing 2k damage with hammer auto attacks on Revenant, instead of the stated ~300 damage.
Elites definitely need to lose something and be tweaked so that they are alternative playstyles and not upgrades. I think having Elites replace the class mechanic line would be the best, but that would involve a lot more changes as well.
Give steal a .25 second cast time. Sadly it would never happen.
That would be one of the worst things possible, and no reason for it.
Seeing how many players combo skills with steal, yes there is absolutely a reason for it. Why be positioned properly when you can just use steal mid cast of your skill?
Having to do adventures for mastery points and having to grind XP to even use the mastery points.
Give steal a .25 second cast time. Sadly it would never happen.
I’m glad we have at least one projectile left in the game that you can strafe and avoid without dodging. GW2 was great when you could strafe Ranger longbow arrows, just like you could in GW1.
It happens when you somehow don’t have the Legendary Dragon Stance buff on your bar.
There is no point in running Jalis right now when you can get the elite for free just by slotting the GM trait.
Staff auto needs a new, less annoying sound effect(same with DH traps). It also needs a damage reduction instead of a damage increase.
Just make the #6 skill be instant and then go from there.
Make CC not overwrite so that players have to actually time their CC correctly. Problem solved.
1. Nerf Elite specs until they’re actual alternative playstyles and not pure upgrades over the base profession. Currently taking an Elite spec has no downside and tons of upsides.
2. Remove the power creep from the June specialization patch.
3. Make CC not overwrite, so players have to time their disables instead of spam them.
4. Revert the stability change.
5. Buff Foefire Lord health to be closer to Stronghold. It currently dies way too fast.
Sure, as long as steal gets a 1/4 sec cast time.
The healing is fine, focus however is not.
Prince Rurik!
Still nothing on Search and Rescue.
nothing will ever be changed about it stop whining a atleast try to practice interrputing the druid/ranger before he sets up a double res by stacking on the ranger before the pet teleports the further away the ranger the more time it’ll take you to counter the double res , so keep tabs on it and keep the pressure up to prevent fast res.
it has a shout Que and a travel delay (if the pet is far away from the downed) that should be plenty of time to stop Tunneling visioning cleaving a downed body , ranged Aoe or traps/bows or eles are enough to counter / pressure a tele res.
It just needs a range nerf tbh.
Probably current meta pvp scrapper.
The main thing that needs to be fixed with explosives is the ICD of Evasive Powder Keg and Thermobaric Detonation need to be removed. The damage increase should stay though.
Bug fix(supposedly) for Soothing Bastion, but no fix for Shield 4 healing less than the tooltip.
Cleric’s amulet should never get split or removed from the game. Healing is fine in this game, and in some cases could use buffs. Toughness is useless without Vitality as you still get hit for huge damage numbers even with high toughness.
They better not touch Cleric’s amulet.
Toughness doesn’t do that much anyway. You still can get crit for 6-8k with 3k+ armor.
The problem with elite specs is you don’t really sacrifice anything to take the line. Sure you don’t get access to a third core trait line, but the added mechanics and the elite spec traits and skills completely overshadow that.
Anet also can’t just keep buffing core profession skills and traits because that just adds more power creep. All the necro changes did was buff Reaper more than base necro.
(edited by warherox.7943)
I’d like more bank tabs as well as more shared inventory slots!
The elite specs for the most part are a different way to play the class and are not required.
Every ranger is not a Druid, thief not DD, etc. in PvP and PvE.
Granted some classes need more work and delineation within their spec/trait lines but it is a living, breathing game with devs making changes.
They were supposed to be alternative playstyles, but what we’ve seen so far is that prety much every elite spec is an upgrade to the base profession.
Ranger longbow already got buffs it didn’t deserve with projectile speed trait becoming baseline and the rapid fire buff. So no more power creep please.
I think the biggest issue with Ventari has to be the cast time on moving the tablet. The cast time should be removed and that should be the first thing done with Ventari. See how it goes and move from there.
(edited by warherox.7943)
Having a counter doesn’t make it balanced.
Druid Staff auto with quickness can do more than Rapid Fire in the same time peroid. GG
A lot of people seem to forget the amount of power creep that was added to Thief with the specialization patch. But then again, everything to made over the top and nothing was really nerfed :\
(edited by warherox.7943)
And toughness doesn’t do that much at all. You still get crit extremely hard with lots of armor.
Mine Field is fine, just needs the increased radius.
No, necro’s have been weak for too long it’s about time they finally get decent. No nerf is needed and you know if they did, they’d overdo it so much it wouldn’t even be worth using the damage on chill trait anymore
But all these changes did was buff Reaper and not base necro. Reaper, as is the case with most elite specs, is just a pure upgrade to the base profession. So Necros are weak, but Reaper isn’t.
This would be hilarious…but also incredibly broken. Takedown Round already hits pretty hard as it is.
Toughness doesn’t do enough, so no don’t remove Cleric’s amulet.