Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Having played the last part of the story now, I can give more feedback.
I’m thankful for “The Whispers Way” because there was no chance of me even denting those Jade constructs. Sadly, Demmi obviously has never head of “The Gamer’s Way” – where if you aggro something, you run until you are out of it’s aggro range :p I snuck by them by chance because they were constantly out of sync and pattern and.. well.. both happened to have their backs turned in opposite corners when I ran through the middle. Didn’t like the RNG of that.
I had no other issues until Caudecus himself. The magic option is on the screen for such a tiny moment that anyone with reflex issues is going to miss it most of the time. I had to auto attack to make sure I was ready to smack it when it popped up and attacking with 1 over and over is kinda lame.
The other issue I had was the size of the room. That area is way too small for as many red circles that pop up and too small for a Veteran Jade Construct. I was ping ponged around like a rag doll once that thing showed and all of my deaths happened there, when Caudecus himself had next to no health left. The mechanics of fighting Caudecus are pretty good, that wasn’t too bad of a fight but the room is just too small for that much area damage. I can see why the Jade Bow would be way too much here, glad that was nerfed, but there’s still so much unnecessary difficulty here if you cannot tank hits.
So.. was it challenging? Yes. Was it interesting? Yes. Will I do it on my alts? No, who knows if I’ll have the luck to sneak past those Jade things again and while my Guardian can take explosions to the face like pro – my other toons can’t. I couldn’t even gather all the letters because for some reason, someone decided sticking Jades in manor rooms would be a great idea and I was beyond my tolerance for dealing with them. I just wanted to be done – I finished the story, I got my bloodstone crazed kitty, I was done.
Also – “So what if you die now and then, learn from your mistake and do better next time.” Basically “Git Gud”. Well, there’s only so gud that I can git before it’s beyond my ability. Compared to when I started GW2 in 2011, I’ve gotten really good but I’m at the top end of that now. I’m not going to get much better unless all these players spouting “git gud” would like to heal my reflexes and my vision. I don’t expect to win every time or even the first time, I like mechanics I have to figure out. What I don’t like are things that require me to be perfect or fail.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
You took the words out of my mouth. When you want a challenge, the reward is supposed to be that you beat it – not a title or a skin. There are some console games I beat with self imposed challenges and the thrill of having done that is my actual reward, it’s a personal thing.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
You’re very lucky if it didn’t bug for you. I’ve only done it once with a very helpful guildie. It bugged out, we didn’t have to restart because she knew how to glitch around the bug. From what I hear, that is the experience of over half the players. As a disabled player, the visual effects confused me and set off my migraines. It was hard to tell what was going on and with the pressure of “die here and start all over” hanging over my head, I didn’t have the luxury of spending any time to try to learn the mechanics. When you die on a final boss and then it might be 15-20 minutes before you get back to it IF you get back to it… well there’s a reason most video games give you a save point right before the last encounter.
The Mordremoth fight is poorly implemented and designed compared to Dragon’s Stand which feels much more like the epic battle we should have gotten instead. Why hasn’t it been fixed? It’s a big old cheat to buy HoT and then find out the last chapter is so awful that you won’t enjoy finishing it. Games are supposed to be fun. I don’t enjoy painful RNG based fights either and I have 100+ video games under my belt that I’ve beaten.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Gaile, I will give the fight a shot and see if the changes are helpful. I’m hearing from others that they did make a huge difference.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
I’ve heard she will eat both Bloodstone bisque and Bloodstone Goulash but I haven’t personally tried either.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
I like this “Story Mode” idea because that also keeps the difficulty setting for the players who love those sorts of things. 100% in favor of that, both sides get exactly what they want then. Despite what people love to think about anyone who isn’t 100% in favor of anything frustrating to complete, I want the hardcore players to have their hardcore content (like raids. I let them do their raids and I don’t complain a bit – that is their content). I just don’t want to be forced into their hardcore content to progress in the game. Especially if Anet can’t seem to create an epic fight without tons of artificial difficulty and poor design choices.
I mean.. if I want Darksouls, I will play Darksouls on my PS3. GW2 was sold to me with the premise of non-frustrating casual friendly gameplay, not “a dozen unfair mechanics, a camera that won’t co-operate, and you better have perfect reflexes and a million repair canisters”.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
No, I don’t want to “press F to win”. All of those are fake difficulty and artificial difficulty. They’re “Lets toss in this and it’ll seem harder!” but all it ends up being is frustrating. No one can dodge every attack, no one can compete with a camera that punishes you by not giving you a fair view, and no one likes fights that rely on RNG to win either. “I got lucky, it glitched and I won” isn’t difficulty either.
What happened to designs like the Marionette? Tequatl? Octovine? The Mordrem that required you keeping minions alive to break it’s shield (though that has a bug where Jory and Kasmeer glitch back to mission start and leave you to fight it alone – still not fixed to this day. Great job, Anet). Why did there have to be awful visual effects for the bloodstone thing and a million mobs on top of that? Why is knockback considered a good thing to toss in everywhere? Sorry but LS should be able to be soloed, that’s the whole point. It’s YOUR story.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
I’m going to start by saying I’m disabled. I have issues with reflexes and depth perception. One of the reasons I like GW2 is that I can work around my disabilities and still play well. I managed everything storywise and LS up to HoT without any issues.
My problem now is.. since HoT, the artificial difficulty just keeps ramping up and up and up and I’m not enjoying the story chapters the way I used to. I barely had the reflexes to do the whole “run away with the egg” chapter. I only finished it because it glitched in my favor. The Mordremoth fight couldn’t be soloed and the visual effects gave me an incredible migraine. Then, in the middle of someone helping me finish it, it bugged out. I was lucky the other player knew how to work around the bug but that combined with the “One death, you start over” bullkitten ensured I only finished HoT once despite having several alts. I felt cheated, especially after the original fight against Zhiatan was adjusted to be able to be done solo. This was sold to me as a casual game, one I could relax playing. That was not relaxing or rewarding.
LSS3 has been a nightmare. It seems with every new chapter dropped, the end boss is a nightmare. The bloodstone magic parts gave me headaches and reeked of artificial difficulty. The ice beast was one giant “hey do you like being knocked down and constantly hit by falling stuff? It’s fun, right?”. Defending Aurene? Way too long but at least that was doable even if the mechanics were annoying. Training Aurene? The maze with the oozes was absolute rubbish and one giant stall tactic to make it seem ‘challenging’. And now I hear the finale of the newest chapter requires massive CC and I shouldn’t attempt it alone. This isn’t fun. It isn’t even challenging. It’s just annoying and frustrating. Challenging is figuring out how to sneak past White Mantle to sabotage their fort. Challenging is making sure each side defeats the Octovine at the same point so it doesn’t respawn and learning the mechanics at each gate. Challenging is learning the Tequatl fight. Exploring the world itself can be a challenge to learn how to get to each vista.
Challenging isn’t massive damage, knockback, painful visual effects, requiring massive CC, or artificial difficulty like immunity unless CCed, immunity unless bloodstone magic zapped, one death = try again from the start, or massive hordes of ememies.
I wish you would realize the one thing players have known for a long time – no one likes forced group content and annoying battles. People get their achieves and then they abandon the area/story chapter if it isn’t rewarding enough. Only reason AB survived so long was multi-map looting. I don’t feel defeating Mordremoth was worth the end rewards. Neither were any of the LS chapters. Why do them again? Why do them at all? Gating story behind annoying content is.. well.. annoying.
No I’m not asking for “Ez Mode”, I’m asking for something reasonable. I shouldn’t have to beg for a group to finish the LS, not when Zhaitan can now be soloed.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
I guess it’s my turn to deal with this. Since the patch went live, I’m getting pings of 1,000 and, opening LFG, gets me “cannot connect to the log in server” errors that repeatedly pop up even after closing LFG. The game is unplayable right now, not stable enough to really do anything.
I’m on Win 10. I have a Nvidia 650 GX but I haven’t updated my drivers to the newest version yet. Had absolutely no issues until patch.
Costing me gaining levels in the lab that I need for alts here, anet :p
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll give those a try. I found that camming all the way out during bloodstone sections helped too but I really hate that this is necessary. I don’t know many who enjoy being severely disoriented during their happy casual MMO
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Dear Anet,
I understand that you are trying to create a dynamic story both content wise and visually but we need to have a talk about the latter. A great many people are light or visually sensitive. Bright flashing lights, filters, fields of motion… they give these people blinding migraines at best and seizures at worse. I never had an issue with this game and my sensitivity until HoT when the staircase in the second to last episode had me dry heaving with motion sickness. Then, when I reached the battle with Mordremoth, the effects not only confused me but left me with an incredible headache for the rest of the day. Now, in the latest LS episode, the bloodstone shards turn out to have a pulsing, moving light effect that hurts my eyes and my head but I have to approach them to break them.
Please, Anet, I’m begging you – stop with the painful to look at effects in parts of the game relevant to the story. It really adds nothing to the narrative aside from “what happens when the commander gets a migraine”.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Will be there.
This isn’t about sex, it’s about unity and in the wake of what happened yesterday – it’s appropriate.
I never hear anyone say “Pink Day” is wrong because “breasts don’t belong in game”.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Map Chat Person: Haha, this patch is great. The instant 80 was a good idea
Other Map Chat Person: Yeah but give it two weeks, everyone will be complaining.
Me: Two weeks? Try right now!
Map Chat Person: That’s why I never go to the forums
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Two months after GW2 released, I joined. I was told by my friends to get to level 80, nothing else mattered, game was unplayable until 80. So I grinded on EXP trains for a month. I never explored. I didn’t finish PS story. I didn’t learn to properly play my class. I didn’t craft. I got to 80 and had no idea what I was doing and guess what? Neither did my friends.
Hilarious that people think that this sort of thing didn’t exist until this boost was introduced. People still grind away or use tomes or pile up on XP boosters and get to level 80 without having played half the game and they always will. What the insta-80’s will soon learn though is that they need to explore to get the wps for world bosses, that map completion rewards are nice, and there are tons of juicy achievements to be earned. Oh and that they still need to learn to properly play their class and that the free gear is likely crap stats they won’t like.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
So, as far as I can tell, players want a super hard and unforgiving game that welcomes no one and never improves upon itself to better event chains or playability. Nothing should ever be taken away but nothing should be given either and the devs should ignore everyone asking for change. Exploits and unintentional issues shouldn’t be fixed because massive compensation would be expected. No one should get a free pass ever. No boosts. No gifts. Nothing you haven’t earned without hard sweat pouring work.
So basically… Kaizo Mario without save states.
As fulfilling as it is to beat that game, I wouldn’t want to live and play there every day.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Dragonfly wing glider
Rainbow wings glider
“Shatterer” wings glider
Glider of the Sunless
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Will you pre-order the next expansion? [Poll]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aerlen.5326
HoT story was awful ‘too hard’ content that made me sorry I ever looked forward to it. If this is the future of the game? Psssh… nope.gif
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
When i read the majority of the posts, i wonder if you guys understand what anet said with “raid won’t be for everyone”
read it pls everyone. raid are maybe not for you that’s all (people “hating” the meta, refusing the adapt, not wanting to put some effort (lol 6h in first boss that’s nothing, i’ve spent around 15h on it…)).
Pls guys, just accept that for once in gw2, there is something that, maybe, is not for you. And again, that’s not a problem. i hate wvw and pvp, so i just dont play it.And if you want to try raid, lfg is not the good tool, join a guild. We teach some people each week in mine. All we ask is proper gear, build and food (and all class are welcome btw, people that are saying the contrary just don’t know the raids). And yes, we need proper gear, food and build, because without dps, we cannot pass the wings (and btw, wing 2 is a lot less a dps check than the first one). You have to understand that raid IS (for now) the utlimate group content in gw2. So your own build, which probably works fine in open world pve, is maybe not attapted for the raids (where synergy between raid members is mandatory).
And if I read your post, I think you do not understand that this is not what the OP asked for.
The Thread Topic is:
“Why are people so afraid of raids?”
“Raids are not for everyone, so why do people complain about that on the internet?”
The OP asked for reasons, and people gave them their personal reasons. That you don´t see it that way is understandable, but also just a personal opinion.What i read is: i’m affraid because i don’t want to be bullied by evil elitists. I don’t want to change armor or build, etc etc. Plus the “i don’t want to wipe hours by hours”
But all of this was implied by Anet before HOT. It’s a challenging content after all. So, it’s made to challenge people, to force them (if they want to raid) out of their confort zone.
Cool. Raids aren’t for me and I’ll freely say they aren’t. The OP asked why more people don’t do raids though, not “why don’t people think raids are for them or should be altered to fit them”. If you read the responses wrong, as lazy players who don’t put in effort, and as whining, then that’s on you. I don’t have a single issue with elite content existing that I’m not able to do as long as it’s not a main component of the game. I’m middle aged, my reflexes are bad and I have disability issues, and if I want to be challenged and frustrated – I have a whole stack of NES games to play (Ninja Gaiden.. shudder )
No one is saying OH MY GOSH, NERF RAIDS.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Afraid? No, just old enough to know better.
I’m not casual or pro – I’m that middle ground that casuals think is skilled and pros just lump with the other ‘n00bs’. I was going to try raiding and I did ask about it but the requirements I was told were absolutely ridiculous – full ascended armor, weapons, and trinkets, build off metabattle site – no exceptions, dedicated ‘holy trinity’ type roles, 2-4 hours of uninterrupted free time, and pinpoint reflexes and timing. I quietly shuffled it into “pro content created to keep elitists quiet, not for me” after that. And hey, that’s fine, something for them to do but not anything I’m dumb enough to get involved with.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
When I saw that happen, I was like “Oh.. Anet has been listening to the forums.”
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
The entire story is beyond ridiculous. If I want to play Kaizo Mario where every step must be pinpointed or else death and a restart occur, then I will go play Kaizo Mario. I don’t want this in GW2. On top of that, in my fight the floor was flashing and blurring so much that I got disoriented and headachy. Made it great fun when the glider updrafts failed and I had to desperately try to find some way off the ground. Then it glitched. Luckily the person with me knew how to damage the break bar because I couldn’t imagine starting that bullkitten all over again from the start. In fact, I owe my victory to them. Between migraine inducing visuals, game breaking bugs, overpowered enemies, and moves requiring kaizo reflexes – I was way out of my league.
Hey, A-Net, we aren’t all hardcore NES Hard gamers who enjoy glitches and flashing lights. This is extreme mode content for e-sports fans, not someone who games for a little challenge and to relax.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
So where is my content? I’m not a casual or a hardcore. I’m that little sliver in between. I want a decent amount of challenge but I don’t want Nintendo Hard where I have to be absolutely perfect to survive or succeed. I want wiggle room to mess up but I don’t want so much room that I can be a total kitten, fall on my face, and still get rewarded. I want things I might not beat the first time or the fifth time and things I have to drag my butt through to finish but I don’t have 24/7 to devote to becoming ‘the best’ or to grind the best gear in the shortest amount of time or to use charts and numbers to figure out exact damage and tweak my build to exact specifics with complicated weapon switches and skills done in exact order to get max damage.
All I hear is WHINE WHINE WHINE YOU HAVE 98% OF THE GAME, GIVE US 2% like casuals and hardcores are the only types of players who exist. Well they’re not so where’s my %? Where’s the % for a player who regularly beat Teq when it was new and not a cake walk? For someone who hates agony and fractals? I was half hoping raids would appeal to both hardcore and skilled players, not just hardcore gear/skill/trait checks do it perfect or fail. That’s not fun. I’m fine with it existing, don’t think I’m saying to nerf it or change it, but tap dancing Tybalt, shut up about no content for hardcores.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
And, in a month after release, ‘hardcores’ will be complaining it’s too easy and that Anet doesn’t properly cater to them, only to ‘casuals’. It’s happened before. It happens every kitten time Anet offers content for highly skilled players that shuts out ‘casuals’ and it will keep on happening because part of the ‘hardcore’ mentality is finding ways to cheese and break the content and make it laughably easy. Then the complaining for ‘hard content’ and bashing of GW2 as a ‘casual only’ game begins all over again.
That said, raids are cool. I’ll give it a try, likely with a guild that isn’t going to whine like babies and turn to elementary school insults if we lose while figuring out how the raid works. If I like it, great. If I don’t, fine. It’ll likely be just like Fracts, Dungeons, and Triple Trouble – all things I won’t try outside of a guild because of toxic buttwipes who make them unpleasant otherwise.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Thank you everyone (aside from the troll).
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
No, I’m questioning if kids are allowed in GW2 considering it’s rated T and the ToS says stuff about no one under 13.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
I’m pretty sure I saw in the ToS that no one under 13 is supposed to be playing but I’ve read threads here and elsewhere about 8, 6, and 5 year olds having their own toons and in some cases, their own accounts given to them by their parents. Is this chill with Anet or are these parents willfully breaking ToS?
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Yeah here’s the thing – this event punishes you for caring about others and staying to finish events. I learned that the hard way. If maybe the skins I wanted cost 50 blooms, then 5 blooms per event would still be a grind but one that could be dealt with. Especially with the daily bonus.
But no. They’re 200-something so 5 blooms per event isn’t going to cut it at all. If I don’t tag to get those stacks up and pray the zerg hasn’t wiped out the event before I get there then I’ve wasted my time. Mind you, I’ve never gotten to 20, only 10, and I still zip around to help but I understand the ones who AFK. The whole thing is designed to function that way. The people whining about it in map chat don’t help – this isn’t Scarlet’s Invasions where farmers purposely broke the event to get champ bags and made sure it failed, this is a poorly designed glitchy buggy awful ‘invasion’ that’s only rewarding via tagging.
Basically, it stinks for everyone.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
The F2P accounts are severely limited, even if you bought the game yesterday you’re still not getting hosed unless you enjoy an extremely limited experience and would prefer that. It’s all over the forums – F2P is limited, the base game as we know it is not free.
Negative Vision’s friend also needs to get over himself. You can get a refund for the base game if you buy HoT, last I knew, and if he’s not going to touch it because a very restricted, trial game version is available for free then he must not game much at all. “Oh no! I can buy Assassin’s Creed at Gamestop for $3! I paid $55 when it came out! RIOT! RIOT!!!!!”
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Hey, know where I was during Dragon Bash? Recovering from a complete mental breakdown after being severely abused by someone who said they loved me. I wasn’t playing any games, not even GW2 which I had put almost 6 hours a day into since I joined. I had an account, I had characters, so I do feel that I should have a chance at those wings. Not given to me. Not a freebie. Something I have to work to acquire just like everyone else who has them. I wasn’t playing when the event that dropped the Karka backpack was up either.. but I have it. I grinded until I could buy it.
Now I didn’t join GW2 until after the first Halloween event so I don’t feel any entitlement to those items or ones that came before. I didn’t own GW2. Too bad.
And LOL at the prestige. That should come via the birthday gifts and titles. Hey, remember those? I have the Tequatl wings and I got all the Tequatl achievements within those two weeks – re-releasing Teq wings won’t take that away from me, it doesn’t ‘cheapen’ my achievements because I did it the hard way and I’m proud of myself – I don’t need some random stranger to look at me in awe and feel like I’m a special snowflake.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Complains about no gender neutral clothes, inclusion, and pulls the whole “heteronormative society” stuff.
Leaves the ‘Q’ and ‘A’ off LGBTQA.
Look, it would be great if everything could be worn by everyone – I hate that a lot of feminine outfits turn into ugly male versions on asura and charr, awesome male armors turn into lingerie on women, and that males get the crap end of the carapace set but realistically speaking, there’s a lot of work involved in changing that and it would likely mean these outfits just wouldn’t get released at all. Too little payout for a crap ton of effort.
Now what they could do is an outfit suit that’s a suit on everyone or an outfit dress that’s a dress on everyone but not a singluar outfit with multiple options depending on how a person feels that day and that has to be toggled to male or female or neutral. Not that same option added on every single existing outfit (even if that Halloween dress would look AWESOME on my asura). That’s asking a lot.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
I understand what beta means and do not need it explained
With that out of the way, the amount of broken events this weekend is unreal. The last Verdant Brink beta I took place in was not this bugged and we were able to advance the Mastery system (I got cool gliding stuff). This time around, the Verdant Brinks maps have been halted to a standstill by events that just don’t progress and are hauntingly empty. And there’s no faster way to ruin a map where co-operation is needed than to sabotage every last event with bugs that make players leave.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
I was going to say… both Malwarebytes and Webroot are fine with it and I’m not seeing any processes running in task manager. I haven’t run AVG in years, heard it had gone to crap, so I agree that OP needs to get some better protection going.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Leave my chinese noodle alone, it’s fine.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Only the first character you log into appears to have this issue.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Sharknado 4: Oh Kitten!
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
i think you ppl are losing sight on the real issue here……
Why don’t you remind us what that is instead of just saying so. And who you mean by “you ppl” as there are two who are engaging in a back and forth that has gone past the realm of relevant (the back and forth on whether one can tolerate an intolerant person).
it’s not about tolerance here, that’s actually the off-topic part, it’s about one group bullying the other.
meta players joining non-meta player groups and bully them for it and vise versa.
People who are doing this need a smack upside the head.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
180g for a set of 10 is hardly a problem, come back when they cost 1000 gold each
not everyone has 30 accounts that give tons of free gold by login rewards every month
Some of us just have one account and work for every gold piece.
But still buying one core at a time after a few days of world boss runs is not out of the question or unreasonable considering there’s no instant free way to get that many Blade Shards all at once either.
At the rate of one core per week, I will also have time to get Blade Shards and Sprockets to turn into Blade Shards in the Mystic Toilet. This isn’t an “instant gratification” item, what’s wrong with gathering the pieces over time?
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
“Start your own group”
Speed clearers can and do join casual/non-speed runs and force them into speed runs. It’s not as common as some are making it out to be but it does happen.
I was with a casual, first time SE group. The leader made it very clear she didn’t know the path and intended to watch all cut scenes. Two zerkers joined us and turned the run into a speed clear. Oh I hear you “kick them from the party and move on” – well no one did, probably because they weren’t abusive, but it was very frustrating to have a mellow run turned into RUSH RUSH HURRY HURRY NO CUT SCENES SKIP ALL MOBS STACK HERE. They left right after the last boss, no ‘thank you’, nothing.
So both sides can be guilty of not reading a LFG, sadly that’s the chance you take.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Trahearne was the reason I thought Necromancers were weak and wouldn’t play one for the longest time. I went through PS first as a human with Forgal as my mentor and I never had to save his rear at all. Suddenly, this odd salad was thrust at me and he was dead constantly – made me think necros had nothing in the damage and health area.
On topic – I’m more okay with Trahearne now than I used to be. Doing the ps as a sylvari gives him an actual real introduction so there’s no huge jump in believability when he shows up – my character has met him and a firstborn as a companion makes sense.
But it.. really doesn’t with any other race. Claw Island is the wrong time to first introduce him to every other race besides sylvari – there should have been talk of him before, during the Order part of the PS. The sudden replacement of your mentor is jarring and the instant friendship makes no sense unless you’re sylvari. It just doesn’t work to suddenly have this tight friendship where you basically give him all the control over the Pact and respect him as a great leader.
The stealing credit thing is a real feeling, not limited to young boys. I felt it my first time through and I hated every mission with Trahearne because I knew he was going to talk endlessly, die constantly, and make me feel like his personal bodyguard and butler. Fighting NPCs should be the same level as you are and not weak as paper. S2 fixed a lot of that (though Maj and Jory standing on the wall in Fort Salma apparently having kissyface time and ignoring Belinda dying while I solo that stupid ‘PROTECT MY MINION’ mordrem was pretty awful) and last time I played PS since the voice changes – Trahearne was actually useful but it doesn’t change my initial experience of feeling like a bodyguard for an incompetent oaf who was forced on me and who gives me all my choices and then announces all my decisions to the Pact instead of me telling them or having any of my own. The last parts of ps revolve around him and carrying him and it’s boring, so so boring.
But, all that said, I hate the writing now more than I hate Trahearne. There are a dozen ways he could have been better introduced to all non-sylvari and a better way to handle him and the Pact. It just wasn’t done.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
So start buying them one at a time when you have extra gold if it’s that important to you. I’ve already started buying the core color I want so that when I’ve gotten all the blade shards needed, it’s all taken care of.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
You know.. I noticed my Feline Grace was nerfed and that’s insanely irritating. Part of my thief build relied on being able to dodge and kite enemies so there are many times that I’m going to dodge an attack and finding that the energy simply isn’t there to use.
However, thieves have other tricks and I’ll just learn to use those instead of a dodge.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Blah blah blah. Jerks need not reply :p
Thank you to Koomaster. I open up and clean my computer 4x per year so I was sure it was fine. It was not. Never underestimate the ability of a spider to spin a web on your graphics card fan and then die there – gumming up the stupid thing.
I blew it out with my handy air can and boom, no more Tequatl issues. Not even while running other programs. Back to a perfect 15 FPS on ultra during Teq.
Thank you to everyone who offered solutions that it might be on my end and things to check as well as explaining lag spikes and such. No thanks to the jerkfaces with nothing constructive to contribute.
Mods, feel free to delete.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Take a break, don’t expect the game to play entertainment nanny. I do it frequently when I burn out, I’ve even missed some of the LS but I was just too burned out to care at that time.
Not much is going to happen right now until HoT gets closer to release, you won’t miss anything but dailys. You’ll also be surprised how a break refreshes your interest.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Gonna be honest, you tell me “need event to fail for champs, stop” then I’m going to stop and farm champs with you. Not wordy, no use of please, but not hostile either. The minute you act like a jerk to me when I’ve given you no real reason, I’m going to continue to do whatever doesn’t benefit you.
Also – do people not recall this is what gets farms nerfed? No one really reports a nice farm en masse but the toxic rude ones get reported by the dozens and fixed/eliminated. It benefits farmers to be nice and take the high road.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
I’ll go ahead and open it up – fall cleaning is a bit off but it can’t hurt. Just odd it’s happening all the sudden like this and with others having issues, it seemed to not be just my machine.
Will give a cleaning to the rig and test with no other programs running.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Yeah, here’s the thing – it wasn’t just me. Someone else had their screen freeze then everything running at twice normal speed. Someone else said they suddenly had a 1.4k ping at burn.
It was fine yesterday. The day before. The week before. And in every other part of the game today besides Tequatl burn phases. In fact, this is the first time this has ever happened. Usually when a graphics card is reaching the end of it’s capabilities – I start noticing increasing lag and inability to handle basic rendering. That’s not what happened here which leads me to think it’s the game – especially with other players having odd glitches.
My screen froze. Completely. Then abruptly resumed after the burn phase. I’ll try it again tonight with nothing but GW2 running and see if I get a repeat.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
I have a gaming computer. I run Teq on ultra settings without lag…
Until tonight. At each burn phase, my game was halted to an absolute standstill. This has never happened in my entire time playing GW2 and it was only during the burn phases. I crashed at the last burn.
So I have to ask, what the kitten did Anet do to the game? One day, no lag, next freezing screens and crashes?
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
We went through this already. The official stance is that verbally abusing players who are attempting to play the game as intended is grounds for infraction.
It’s good the OP brought this to the attention of the forum, because it is important that we know when this is happening.
I had no idea that there are still people trying to push event fails in Cursed Shore – it was so quiet since the Shelter event fiasco.
This all could have been easily quelled with that simple but too often unused word:
This right here.
“Please let the event fail”, “Hey, can you please get out of there?”, “Please stop. Event needs to fail for champs.”
It’s not a matter of being offended by profanity, it’s a matter of do you want to sound hostile and like a jerk or not?
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.