Showing Posts For Belcross.6127:

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I made a very lengthy post, as to why GW2 does not have a mount implemented and ways to go around it.

It is more then just because GW1 didn’t have one that GW2 won’t. It has a lot to do with the game mechanics itself and how the mount can throw off everything. That is why I made very lengthy post pointing out features in which the mount would cause problems and how we should change the mount in order for it to be implemented and yet at the same time not change the game-mechanics, especially since many character classes depend on certain “Speed skills.”

However, most people aren’t willing to read a 4 page post, pointing out many major issues with implementing mounts. If people really did want mounts they would read my post and although they may or may not agree with my idea of how to implement mounts, they could atleast understand some of the main reasons why mounts have not or may not be implemented. Once they understand these things, atleast we can then start to huddle up and figure out ways to balance mounts and get them in game vs. sitting here and saying put mounts in.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I forgot to add that the mounts are squishy, taking only 4-5 hits and they will scale to all zones just as players. So a horse that takes 4-5 hits in cursed shore will take just as many in lower level zones. A hit is a hit!

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belcross.6127


Features I’ve seen suggested by others for mounts include:

-Customization on mounts.
I would definitely like to see this. I remember seeing a 200 page thread on WoW about people wanting to customize their mounts specifically color, adding accessories and etc. These accessories will be a great addition to the gem-market. Great increase in revenue and at the same time you don’t hurt your games design.

I think a horse can handle two people but not two norns or two charr. To be fair we can’t make the norns and charr mounts able to handle two people but not the other races because no one would buy the 3 other races’ mounts. Why 10g or 10 dollars for a mount that can only carry one? It may look better on your class but most will pick the 2 seater over the 1. Instead, we can add the wagon (Soul-bound) feature into the gem-market as well. Sould-bound will avoid the Wagon from being sold for extraneous amounts of gold. At 3000+ gems, you can carry a load of players. The wagon feature will be indestructible compared to the horse and also the horse will lose 10% movement speed for the wagon and an additional 20% loss for each additional player sitting in the wagon max (4) players. Yeah, the horse dying…

-Many have suggested having Mounted battles.
Because of argument D, no. Having mounted battles means mounts need to live far much longer causing problems to arise in other aspects of the game. However, lets add a new feature with mounts. We can move siege equipment now. With the 10g mount a player has the option or risk of moving siege equipment (catapults, ballistas and arrow carts). Trebuchets are too big, sorry~ I’m sure most people know, siege equipment gets blitzed, so move equipment at your own RISK. Of course, the arrow carts are much lighter and will move at 50% less of normal movement speed. The ballistas and catapults will only move at 25% of normal movement speed to avoid running siege equipment everywhere. The movement speeds are not permanent; they may need to be adjusted accordingly to avoid a blitz siege. Many may say this is bad because it doesn’t matter how slow they move, you will sort of still have a blitz siege but many players forget that you are moving siege equipment from somewhere else. Yes, supplies are limited and so the creation and amount of siege engines are regulated fairly well in WvWvW. So the siege engines being moved are usually ones that were used as defense on previous keeps and etc. Therefore, by removing these, the keeps defenses have dropped making it more vulnerable to siege. This idea may need a few more tweaks but I haven’t had that much time to think it out yet. However, this opens WvWvW to whole new level of play.

If you have any suggestions, comments, feedback or foresee certain problems arising, please tell me so we can figure away around it.

Once we have solved all the problems arising from implementing mounts, GW2 will be more then willing to give us Mounts.

Also if Anet ever implements these ideas, it would be nice if I received some credit. This was a 4 page report before posting. A nice customized mount will do, that can die of course… I’m sure the world would love to see the only one of kind horse die sadly in a starting zone =d


Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belcross.6127


E-It shouldn’t be a problem in this game with mounts covering important NPC’s. With the “F” to interact function it removes the whole need to click on any important NPC. Sometimes, it is very annoying when there are multiple NPC’s around each other and you are trying to communicate with a specific one.

F- Botters will definitely try to use this as a key tool for gathering materials. However, as most of the community knows, its hard enough as is to run thru adds to get certain gathering materials, most if not all are pretty much guarded. However, we all know 33% movement speed is already good enough to get away from most mobs. We will need to add the feature of the horse slowing down when in combat and then more when struck. The mount will lose 50% of its movement speed when in combat and will lose all movement speed when struck again. By the time the botter makes it to the gathering material and tries to dismount, his mount will have been killed, making the botter lose 10g or 10 dollars in real currency. Although he may have reached and mined the orihalcum node, that is definitely not equal to the cost of what he lost. Great way to make these kids poor IMO.

G-Most of the people complaining that a mount will be useless, without movement speed increase, will be hard-pressed to realize that the mount probably has a higher aesthetic value then anything else. Yes, People look cool on cool mounts. People did not farm the turtle mounts in WoW for days to move at awesome speeds. They did it for the aesthetic value and same with every other mount and you always saw people in WoW, riding the cool and rare mounts. Whether we add or remove speed increase to mounts, I have already stated that HP on the mount will solve a lot of the issues with speed increase. If we choose to remove speed increase, players will still buy the mount for its aesthetic value, nullifying arguments A, B, C, D, E and F. People spent millions of dollars in matters of minutes for WoW mounts and pets, please remember that. The aesthetic value of a mount will be even higher in GW2 since GW2 has more customization than WoW by far.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belcross.6127


Solutions to:

A-Most of the content are in off road regions where they are heavily populated with aggressive npcs. Charging thru these areas will result in the mount being killed. At 10 gold players will reconsider riding the mount thru these areas. Walking is definitely a better way in areas that are off road, therefore, forcing players thru content game designers would like them to see or play in. Mounts will be mainly for towns and on-road traveling and therefore actually having a use for roads in this game.

B-Waypoints in general are way much faster then the mount, by far. This argument also makes no sense but seems to appear rather often. If players are afraid that people will zerg to discovering waypoints or POI quicker, we have to remember that the mount can die and a lot of these waypoints are not always in safe-zones, sometimes, these zones are also under attack as well. Some players will say mounts will be much cheaper then waypoints. That is why the price of the mount is set fairly high but not ridiculous cause of the mount having HP and permanently dying.

C-It is very important that we don’t disrupt skills and weapons utilization by certain classes. This could upset the entire game in general and that is why mounts are looked down upon. Making everyone move at a certain speed will make classes that have a lot of abilities to move faster, worthless, when those abilities could be other types of skills, forcing Anet to remake the game and classes. Giving the mount HP will force players to using it in just towns and roads. Running off-road will require walking and movement speed increase skills and talents.

D-It is very evident that movement speed plays an essential role in WvWvW play. The faster troops can reinforce a strategic location will generally have better odds at winning key fights in the game. The WvWvW maps also have a lot of aggressive npcs scattered throughout and roadways are usually the only safe route. However, most of these road ways are being used by the opposing realms as well and many of them have guards on them at some point. Players may move from one point to another slightly quicker but risk the chance of getting 10 gold or possibly 10 dollars in gems flushed down the drain. Many players will say,” We can just dismount before we engage.” I recommend we put a 2 sec dismount timer. Yes, you need to actually get off the mount instead of it disappearing instantly as in WoW or so. In this time frame, your mount is still killable and we can add things like, if you are killed while being mounted, you will be thrown off 25 yards from the current location – removing you from the battle, making you useless, take a 2 sec stun and a loss of 25% hp. There is no blitzing in with mounts; the cons will outweigh the pros by a 3-1 ratio possibly even 4-1 if you consider losing 10 gold or real-money gems pretty phenomenal.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I’ve come across many posts regarding the implementation of mounts in to GW2. There are many arguments for and against mounts. I will outline some of the major arguments against mounts first and then methods to dealing with most if not all those problems.

Many players need to understand that in order to get the DEV team to implement mounts we need to figure out ways to counteract the problems that arise when we implement mounts in to the game. Some of these problems will affect the overall game-play itself. Until we manage to, as a community, solve these issues; mounts may never be implemented into the game. Simply asking for stuff will not get the community anywhere as well.

Please be courteous and keep personal feelings out of this thread. I have no problems with logical views and conflicts that may arise from implementing mounts but statements such as,” I just hate mounts in general” will only waste thread space and make it more tedious for other community members to scroll thru, read and reply.

This is a very HOT topic so remember to Like +1 if you do!

Current arguments against the implementation of mounts

A-Skipping content or going thru content the designer did not intend for you to skip by, for example, road blockades by npcs.

B-Having mounts with increased movement speed will undermine the use of waypoints.

C-Classes that utilize certain weapon mechanics and skills will be undermined by mounts that have increased movement speed. For example: The warrior class. Therefore, making weapons and certain skills a total waste.

D-Those that have mounts will have a clear advantage vs. those that don’t in WvWvW. For example: dying and then running back to large scale battles quicker or being able to reinforce troops to strategic locations faster.

E-Mounts in previous games have been produced to scale with players, therefore mounts for Char classes and Norns will be significantly large if they are implemented, possibly blocking key NPC’s such as Vendors.

F-Botters and farmers will use this amount to gather materials much faster, inflating the market and causing cascade of events on the Trading post.

G-Most have suggested that mounts should not have any movement speed and this has resulted in the argument that it would mean there would be no point in mounts in general.

I believe there is one way method to dealing with most of these problems if mounts were indeed implemented, specifically A, C, D, F and E.

That method would be putting HP on the mount. Yes, giving the mount life will solve a lot of these problems. On top of that, the mount can die, permanently, when HP hits zero. Players would then be forced to buy the mount again at 10g or with gems. The mount also must be soul-bound to avoid buying the mount for a certain amount of gems and then turning it around to market at 10 gold and down, since gems fluctuate in value.

Could we get a real definition for Magic Find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belcross.6127


MF becomes even more meaningful. Now that the number of drops you receive become limited with DR, you would like those drops to be of higher quality items. To do that you’ll need more MF.

Legendary Seekers Punished

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Belcross.6127


From these posts I understand how you feel as I am also in the process of making a legendary. I have a full time job, I have 2 weekends off a month and I spend one of those weekends working on a farm. My play time is very limited. Probably 2-3 hours a night at most and about 20-30 hours a week at max.

Lets put it into this perspective. If the DR was already patched before the legendary hunts there would be no issues or possibly even before the game was released. However, it was patched after the legendary hunts began and so everyone now has issues and complains about no longer wanting to do it.

Therefore, people are coming up with this," You are making me play this way" argument. Now if Anet had implemented it before it released it, you would not be saying this. However, they did it later as the game progressed.

The game is working as intended now but people don’t like it.

I fear I throw this out 30 times a day. As a gamer, we have always played the game on how the game designer or in this case Anet visioned the game to be. We, as gamers, play by their rules and follow them and if we don’t like them we leave and play other games. Its very simple. However, as a gamer, we have always been able to adapt, adjust and move on and so changes in game are common, just as real life changes, we get over it and move on. That is how we have beaten games since the dawn of the AtaRi.

As a gamer, I find this new change to be extremely phenomenal in a bad way, but at the same time I realize, yes I like it like this. It may be painstakingly, heartbreaking, mind-numbingly hard but when I sit down and think about it carefully I DO NOT want every other joe-smoe who has 300 hours to play with no skills in farming or playing to be able to get this legendary cause then everyone else will just have it too at one point or another making this legendary, not very legendary, like WoW where every joe-smoe of no skill-level to elite players having one.

Therefore I find it even more worth my time to farm something that requires a true gamer to receive something of legendary status. If you want to join me as a gamer in the club of “Elite Farmers” you can continue forging your legendaries regardless the changes. If, you feel this change is too great and has crushed your hopes and whatever is left of your weakittentle heart, then by all means, stop.

However, do not band-wagon people to make the legendaries worthless when logically, Anet has tripled the value of your legendary. Your legendary is now A LEGENDARY cause all the joe-smoes have been weeded.

The legendaries are now truly befit to those who truly deserve it only.

However, they need to fix some of the legendaries. They don’t look too threatening or legendary by my standards. ;d

(edited by Belcross.6127)

Future GW2 content needs protection against the Zerg

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belcross.6127



Starcraft story-mode still has zerg =d lol.

Black Lion Chest- Upgrading or Cheaper keys [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belcross.6127


This will be the first of me hearing or reading about keys dropping from world mobs.

Does heavy armor look lazy to you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belcross.6127


Sometimes I feel there is no connection (protection) between the head and chest pieces. For a heavy armor class to leave a wide open target to hit is a little strange when you sit down to think about it.

Converting karma into gold

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


It is only an exploit if the karma item you are buying is not sold at the correct amount of karma points or when you combine the karma green items you automatically get a rare every time or that rare salvages in to 3 ectos every time and you continue to exploit these bugged mechanics. If something is not working to what is normal and you continue to exploit it, you should be worried. If you are buying everything at what it is suppose to be and works out how its suppose to be, its fine.

Is It Worth Creating a Guild?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


It’ll depend on what you want the guild for.

If its for WvWvW, it is worth your time making one.

If its for large scale PvE, atm there is no content to support the need for large PvE guilds.

If its for small scale PvE like dungeons, its good but just remember your guild should be small or you should have it organized so everyone gets in on runs if your going to recruit alot of PvE’ers.

Im having a hard time deciding.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


My best suggestion is to play each class a little and find out yourself if you enjoy the game-play of each class. Most people will throw out “This class overpowers this class” and etc. It is true some classes are stronger than others in certain aspects but what matters is if you enjoy playing that class so you won’t be bored when you hit 80.

Finding a Dungeon Group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Belcross.6127


It might be a good idea. I don’t like having to warp outside TA to find groups to find out no one is looking. Warp back to Lions Arch and find no groups either, only to warp back to TA to find out a group just filled up.

People will just suggest joining a larger guild. However, even in large guild sometimes, no one may want to run these dungeons, cause they may have already gotten what they need or are not PvE oriented since most content atm does not support large PvE guilds.

Will we get hard modes for dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I currently run all my dungeons in 146% MF gear. They are still doable even with that handicap.

I don’t like the idea of Hard-modes. Its like WoW all over. Raid-finder, Normal and Hard-mode. I got tired of the content in Raid-finder mode. “How many times must I sack death-wing? This kid just doesn’t seem to die!”

I prefer new and harder content vs. hard-modes. Atleast my story in GW2 will progress forwards that way then vs. running around in circles on my story progression.

Dungeons (Progression and feelings of Accomplishment)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Belcross.6127


Your suggesting raids and that is something that has been talked about since day one on the forums.

Unfortunately, I like most of your idea but one part needs to be clarified. We can’t be having special higher-end, more dmg and etc. gear dropping. Progression gear will flaw PvP like it did in WoW. That will force people in PvP to PvE causing ruckus. People who just want to PvP don’t want to feel like they are forced to PvE just to PvP. The best that higher end dungeons could give would be equivalent gear to current gear but of different aesthetic look only. A cape or item signifying that I have accomplished a feat of strength is even fine too for me. Just like the tabard of lightbringer from WoW. However, not everyone will agree with just aesthetic items.

Raids will definitely help PvE guilds come into existence again. GW2 does have a great PVE story. The giant DE’s that get 100’s of people together are great but they don’t require PVE guilds. Most dungeons actually don’t require PVE guilds either. A competent group to some degree will be able to do most content if not all.

But if I recall, there was a post regarding that new content would be added on as the game progressed, so I look forward to what the game designers are going to add. Possibly something to make PVE’ers have a purpose to gather in guilds. Something greater then 5+ people and higher-end coordination to do Boss Kills.

Twilight Arbor Explorer mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Belcross.6127


The dogs are annoying when people die and have to run back. With a necro you can aoe blind and we usually just aoe the dogs down. My party runs with mainly rare-MF gear and can take the dogs down fairly quickly, so gear is not necessary for taking out the dogs.

The attack patterns of the dog NPC is fairly simple. It only leaps on targets its fairly close too. Slowing and snaring them will keep you from getting rolled. The dogs have no long range abilities that are threatening. It will save your party way more time by taking 1 minute to clear them then having to wait on stragglers who keep getting caught by the dogs. Since most people have been skipping adds, they really don’t understand, these dogs aren’t too much of a threat from afar. Its when you run up to them and stand in their faces not knowing what they do. If you have melee classes, as long as they strafe and dodge, the dogs are no biggie.

AC explore Burrows

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I agree with the content designer. During the first weeks of GW2, my siblings and I discovered this problem as well but I managed to figure out the solution. Stationary attacks will not hit the burrows. AOE will usually work but not all classes will have a substantial amount of aoe. For melee classes running around the burrow and attacking it will work, 90% of my attacks will land. The misses probably occur from me becoming stationary for a second or running off too far. As a warrior I could solo the burrows and at the same time kite the larger mobs that came out, so there is a bonus with the running around in circles. The warrior skill that throws the 2h great sword will also work against burrows. All the burrows in AC seem to work this way once we figured it out. Good luck hunting!

So... Karma... what to do with it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


There are many uses for karma

*Cooking materials
*Legendary crafting materials (Estimated you may need around 2.1 million Karma)

Some of the armors are very nifty looking and good for transmuting. Players who are struggling in making gold to buy salvage kits and etc. There are some starter guides out there for making gold. They aren’t phenomenal but they will definitely make sure you don’t have to worry about buying salvage kits again.

Guild Vault transport Q

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I’ve noticed that they become faded once you upgrade it once. So I’d assume they probably don’t.

Should this game have raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belcross.6127


GW2 will require some type of raid format greater then 5+ players. This is because GW2 drew a big crowd of PvE’ers. You have these PVX guilds forming but unfortunately you do not need a guild for PVE at the current time. World events do not require much coordination and definitely have no need for guild coordination. Your guild may receive bonus IP for doing it together but you receive alot more IP doing other things.

To keep PVE’ers and PVE guilds alive on this game, GW2 will have to implement some sort of raid format requiring 5+ players and coordination for a kill. You don’t need a tank and healer format because this game was made similar to “Monster Hunter.” Everyone is self sufficient but at the same time you can work together to defeat a target. Setting traps, blinding, slowing, taking out adds and so forth. Do not limit your mindset to just tank and aggro tables. GW2 has given itself an open window to work with.

For the sake of specifically PVE guilds, you need a raid or something that requires a guild coordination kill that requires more then 5+ people otherwise it will still be pointless to have a PVE guild of 5 people. All dungeons atm are puggable. Slow but doable.

How many dyes are there?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


And I thought I had a lot of dyes…. -_-;

Server Capacity Decreased?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belcross.6127


We had many players hopping to dragonbrand to farm ori~ then hop to the next server. =d

What does "END GAME" mean to you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I made a post regarding “End-game” on the opening day of forums. A lot of players confuse what “End-game” means by distorting it with their own definition. End-game has existed since the beginning of all MMO’s. When you have done all content and everything. “End-game” comes in after that, content to challenge you on all that you’ve done. It is not what it means to “you.” That is why it is called End-game content. It is what it is called.

People argue that this game isn’t like others but those people also don’t understand. All MMO’s have an end-game point. When you’ve done everything in the current content that it has to offer, people then request for end-game content. Content that challenges what you have done. Younger generation and new-to-gaming gamers don’t understand this in MMO’s. WoW did not create End-game content. MMO’s did.

A lot of PVE’rs, Including myself, announced our concern about end-game content not being visible and that we’d like an answer prior to MoP’s release, cause we know WoW has a well defined End-Game Content. ANET replied and stated that it would release new stuff officially as the game progressed. So here we are, the PvE’ers of GW2, sitting on our hands waiting.

This thread will cause a lot of confusion in the gaming community, especially to the younger generation of gamers and new-to-MMO gamers. End-game is what it says it is, not what you feel is “your” end-game.

Bugged skill points and more

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I’m sure these things are being looked into but on the list of critical issues. These bugs are not as high as other problems in the game. They will be fixed eventually but until a lot of the major issues dealing with DR are dealt with, I feel these are not on the priority list of what needs to be finished now. Expect them to be fixed but don’t be surprised if it takes awhile.

How bout this?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belcross.6127


-More available town clothing would be nice.

Guild allegiances

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I feel smaller guilds who don’t spam and mass recruit at some point or another face extinction and do not get to experience the true satisfaction of the game. My guild in this case would fit that category. We don’t mass recruit and we are always short people to run or do things but we like our guild, “Panda Crew” and our emblems. We would like to keep them! Joining another guild means we stop building ours at the same time. We can jump between guilds but my guild and I would like to build our guild as well, specifically with the IP.

I would like a feature where a guild can pledge an allegiance with another guild, specifically larger guilds that have upgraded several tiers into politics or so and have unlocked this new “Allegiances” skill.

My guild and I would still run around with our “PC” tags and emblems but we also carry an additional tag of what ever guild we have pledged our services too.

Bonuses to the Larger guild:

A: They receive a percentage of our IP points as a bonus for providing us with services that our smaller guild cannot provide to our players, specifically, more players.
B: They also increase their player selection pool as we also technically become a part of them.
C: We represent them on the field of battle
D: Bringing our members, max (2), will award same amount of IP as normal guild members with an additional 5% bonus IP to the large guild from two of our members. (Literally a great way to spread Influence, Mother guild supporting two daughter guilds). At the same time it has cap to avoid from taking all daughter guild members only parties.
E: Guilds with maxed economy will receive an additional 2% gold when daughter guild members loot.

-These features will promote larger guilds to be interactive with their daughter guilds. Making sure that the daughter guilds are always near max members and always partaking in PVE and PVP. Not just a slap on 30 more members sort of ordeal. Not being interactive with the daughter guilds will result in lowered IP income and lower income to those who have maxed economy.

Bonuses to the Smaller guild:

A: We continue to receive IP towards our guild, although less but better then 0.
B: We have a larger player based community now
C: We can maintain our title and tag without having to join a whole new guild or hopping constantly.


Once this new skilled “allegiances” is unlocked for larger guilds, they can only get max(2) allegiances. This is to avoid one guild from massing allegiances for IP-taxations, abusing the 2% bonus gold, or using it as another means of increasing the guilds current max number of players it can have, cheaply.

The smaller guild pledging the allegiance must submit to the larger guild and can only have a max of (30) players when using the allegiance contract, in total 60 players from two smaller guilds, to avoid cheesing methods to increase max guild members, cause technically the smaller guild is part of the larger guild. Also this is to avoid the smaller guild from stripping members from the larger guild, since it can’t have more then (30) players. If the smaller guild wishes to become a full fledged guild, it will have to stop its allegiance with the larger guild first.

The smaller guild must also upgrade a skill in politics “Contracted Services.” Lower down in the politics tier but high enough that a guild must have developed somewhat to be considered a viable guild to become aligned with.

This will help smaller guilds start up if they choose too or have a place to stay if they prefer to be aligned with another guild permanently.

I’ve noticed many smaller guilds with fewer people, leave to other guilds, or just quit the game entirely. This feature would definitely help a lot of the smaller guilds who don’t promote actively and prefer to stay with their guild title/emblems and build up their guild but at the same time provide larger guilds an opportunity to enhance their own guilds by actually being interactive with smaller guilds.

The numbers are not exact yet but you get the general idea that there will need to be limitations and number limits to avoid exploits and abuse.

This will definitely be a great way to weave socialization into this game. The interactions between big and small guilds.

Make sure you +1 Like my idea if you like it of course.

Additional ideas, feedback and changes would definitely be appreciated. Maybe, if we get enough responses this may come into play one day, hopefully soon though, small guilds can’t hang on forever and something of this scale requires a lot of programming =d.

(edited by Belcross.6127)

Communication about skipping trash mobs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Belcross.6127


There is a difference in “Sneaking” past a mob and “Bugging” it out. Getting by mobs by avoiding and evading them without gaining aggro is tactical, however, when we refer to skipping in this game atm, most people run thru, with aggro and hope to survive until the adds bug out and return. Is it a tatic? Yes a lame one. Level of skill required, novice-intermediate, based on your class.

With killing adds. I do most runs close to or slightly over 45 mins. After figuring out how to deal with certain adds and mobs, its pretty simple. If killing adds is that hard and it takes people 3 hours, its very indicative of where peoples’ skill level of play is at.

When people cry about good players being punished, you better fit under the category:

A. Do all trash mobs, clear all boss mechanics without bugging mechanics under 1 hour.

Otherwise, if your a skipper complaining that your being punished. That’s just silly. If we added the WoW feature where mobs hunt you down to a corner. I’d be surprised at how many people who would no longer be able to do any of these dungeons under 3 hours or worse, unable to finish them. The trash mobs in some instances are “Significantly” hard.

I believe instead of using a DR system, we should be rewarded tokens on how much of the dungeon we clear at the end. For example, 90% dungeon clear = 60 tokens, greater then 50% dungeon clear = 30 tokens and less then 50% clear would be 15 tokens. This would reward the Good players who can do quick runs and clear most content and give less tokens for people who wish to just cheese for tokens and loot. This will promote people to become actually GOOD at this game vs. cheesing and claiming to be GOOD.

Hodgins search for second scepter?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Belcross.6127


We are lost, we can’t seem to get him to the second scepter. We take him to the red zone and it doesn’t work. Any help would be nice. Thanks.

The definition of "endgame" in Guild Wars 2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


First, I realized I made a mistake with the title thread. Wasn’t meaning to change what GW2 way of endgame was but trying to tell people what the difference of endgame was and some issues arising from PVE’ers in GW2. My bad there.

Players continue to misunderstand my post. At some point or another we will ALL reach an “Endgame” at our each and own unique pace. Some people can progress through the story line and game faster then others. Just like some people can read a book faster then others.

Yes, I’m talking about the storyline! These days everyone is infatuated with PVE = raiding.

PVE content is truly and actually story content. It has nothing to do with your pvp or your raiding or WoW mindset content you guys are talking about with progression gear. PVE’ers want to know once we beat the game storyline, can we expect more content, more storyline?

Most people will say that I want something for new content. Yes, I do. A cape will do! Most people will laugh. However, I’d kill lich king on heroic for that tabard of the lightbringer or TOGC 25 for that mount or 4 lights in Ulduar for mimrons head. None of which affect pve or pvp. People will know when they see that cape that I’ve saved all of Tyria x2. LOL.

“Can the Heros of Tyria be expected to be called upon once more to save Tyria from great chaos?”

Is the correct phrase.

Is it going to be worth while gearing up with legendaries and so forth, getting everything and maxing everything possible for PVE once we’ve cleared current content. Yes, PVE. I’d not like to spend countless hours decking out and then find out.

“Sorry Hero, we don’t need your services anymore, as a matter of fact, the Queen has asked that you and your guild to disband.”

So all the PVE’ers leave.

So before we form these massive PVE guilds, decking out everything, professions and content to save Tyria, can we expect more and possibly harder content afterwards! I am a legendary hero decked out that has saved all of Tyria, my next opponent better god-like.

Like I said PVE players and PVE guilds are concerned because as we approach the end at an alarming rate, is their really a need for heroes to gather once we save Tyria? The content is not extremely easy but not challenging enough to be called endgame, content after beating the game, is there really a need for heroes to gather and form guilds? In this case PVE players to be exact or will we be disbanded by Tyria and sent back to our watermelon farms?

Accidently Sold Starting Equipment

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I’ve ended up selling many items I wanted to transmute by accident. I also salvage many on accident too when I go on salvage sprees. ;(

The definition of "endgame" in Guild Wars 2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I posted this in a reply to another thread but alot of people don’t like reading 66 posts later to see it but this will help the community better understand this VERY HOT issue as I notice people continue to post and don’t really know what “Endgame” means and what Endgamers want and that’s alot of TYRIANS!

The game itself is sort of in a sense endgame through out and not at the same time especially for PVE. The content isn’t challenging enough to be considered endgame content. Sorry~

For those saying that WoW created the ideal of Endgame, that’s quite wrong. Endgame existed in early MMO’s before WoW’s time. Endgame came into existence because players at one point or another MAX level, professions and content over a period of days or years. Something as gamers, we’ve experienced many times.

At one point or another, people will all hit 80 in this game and have done 90% of content and have maxed professions. At that point, if there is nothing beyond that, the game becomes dull, like D3, even though it is a different genre. People will hit 80 and will max everything. That’s inevitable in MMO’s.

Alot of people say that levels don’t matter in this game. They do. You can only do certain zones properly once you hit those levels, you can only do certain dungeons when you hit certain levels, you can only farm certain materials until your level allows you to reach those zones, Levels do matter, its just not as much as they used too. The down scaling of levels was a great idea and well done feature. I can finally run around with my siblings who are always lower level in every game in our past 15 years of gaming.

Endgame content was designed to be hard and challenging, something to keep players occupied in the world when they hit the end of the road. In GW2 your occupied all the time but eventually, you’ll have done most the content and you’ll end up at this point. At “Endgame.” When you have done it all! This is what endgame truly is. The game GW2 gives the feel of endgame throughout but its not “Endgame.”

“What foe could possibly challenge the Heroes of Tyria who wield Legendary weapons and have accomplished impossible feats?!”

The world events are challenging but they aren’t what people would call end-game challenging and they don’t necessarily require PVE-Guilds. If GW2 attaches new dungeons and they are of similar difficulty and 5-man size, people become bored quickly, same with world events. Easy isn’t always fun, cause its not satisfying, look at the WoW raid-finder crisis. Just think why strong fighters are always wanting to fight stronger fighters. No fun in beating up wimps who provide no challenge, well I’m sure it’d be somewhat amusing but not as fun.

Remember this is what we are looking for:

“What foe could possibly challenge the Heroes of Tyria who wield Legendary weapons and have accomplished impossible feats?!”

Not wimps that provide no challenge.

The current dungeons do provide a certain degree of challenge. I’ve done quite a few myself and managed to beat them. I found them very enjoyable, however there aren’t very many of them. They only require 5 people. Once again they don’t necessarily require PVE-Guilds to do them. This is why PVE-Guilds and players are very concerned. Is there any reason why PVE’ers should be gathering for other then just guild buffs? What are these buffs for if no there is no one to challenge? Why should they gather to begin with? If PVE endgame did exist, people wouldn’t be here posting so and there definitely would not be this many views either by the community.

The voice of concern here is from the PVE players and guilds. There is still plenty to do now since its early but is there anything worth doing when players hit the TRUE “endgame marker” is the true question. Players would like to know now cause they will be investing in much more play time waiting for things like that or preparing to move to other games… cough… MOP. (I seriously don’t want to play MOP).

Some players voice that progression gear will ruin the game. Yes it does but who says end-game content has to give progression gear? Ragnarok Online didn’t give progression gear all the time. People farmed endgame content for God awesome looking accessories. Just cause it looked cool, people farmed months for it.

“The heroes of Tyria, who want to protect and save Tyria from future problems, want to know if they are truly needed in the future or will just any commoner suffice to save Tyria, if so… they will move on to be heroes in other strange new lands”

This is what the PVE players are asking. It is crucial that this be clearly stated as well and soon. With MOP, a MMORPG with endgame FOR SURE, just over the hill. GW2 PVE-guilds and players are wanting to know. Time is money, especially to everyone in this category, GW2 franchise and players alike.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


The game itself is sort of in a sense endgame through out and not at the same time especially for PVE. The content isn’t challenging enough to be considered endgame content. Sorry~

For those saying that WoW created the ideal of Endgame, that’s quite wrong. Endgame existed in early MMO’s before WoW’s time. Endgame came into existence because players at one point or another max level, professions and content over a period of days or years. Something as gamers, we’ve experienced many times.

At one point or another, people will all hit 80 in this game and have done 90% of content and have maxed professions. At that point, if there is nothing beyond that, the game becomes dull, like D3, even though it is a different genre. People will hit 80 and will max everything. That’s inevitable in MMO’s.

Alot of people say that levels don’t matter in this game. They do. You can only do certain zones properly once you hit those levels, you can only do certain dungeons when you hit certain levels, you can only farm certain materials until your level allows you to reach those zones, Levels do matter, its just not as much as they used too. The down scaling of levels was a great idea and well done feature. I can finally run around with my siblings who are always lower level in every game in our past 15 years of gaming.

Endgame content was designed to be hard and challenging, something to keep players occupied in the world when they hit the end of the road. In GW2 your occupied all the time but eventually, you’ll have done most the content and you’ll end up at this point.

“What foe could possibly challenge the Heroes of Tyria who wield Legendary weapons and have accomplished impossible feats?!”

The world events are challenging but they aren’t what people would call end-game challenging and they don’t necessarily require PVE-Guilds. If GW2 attaches new dungeons and they are of similar difficulty and 5-man size, people become bored quickly, same with world events. Easy isn’t always fun, cause its not satisfying, look at the WoW raid-finder crisis. Just think why strong fighters are always wanting to fight stronger fighters. No fun in beating up wimps who provide no challenge, well I’m sure it’d be somewhat amusing but not as fun.

Remember this is what we are looking for:

“What foe could possibly challenge the Heroes of Tyria who wield Legendary weapons and have accomplished impossible feats?!”

Not wimps that provide no challenge.

The current dungeons do provide a certain degree of challenge. I’ve done quite a few myself and managed to beat them. I found them very enjoyable, however there aren’t very many of them. They only require 5 people. Once again they don’t necessarily require PVE-Guilds to do them. This is why PVE-Guilds and players are very concerned. Is there any reason why PVE’ers should be gathering for other then just guild buffs? What are these buffs for if no there is no one to challenge? Why should they gather to begin with? If PVE endgame did exist, people wouldn’t be here posting so and there definitely would not be this many views either by the community.

The voice of concern here is from the PVE players and guilds. There is still plenty to do now since its early but is there anything worth doing when players hit the “endgame marker” is the true question. Players would like to know now cause they will be investing in much more play time waiting for things like that or preparing to move to other games… cough… MOP. (I seriously don’t want to play MOP)

Some players voice that progression gear will ruin the game. Yes it does but who says end-game content has to give progression gear? Ragnarok Online didn’t give progression gear all the time. People farmed endgame content for God awesome looking accessories. Just cause it looked cool, people farmed months for it.

“The heroes of Tyria, who want to protect and save Tyria from future problems, want to know if they are truly needed in the future or will just any commoner suffice to save Tyria, if so… they will move on to be heroes in other strange new lands”

This is what the PVE players are asking. It is crucial that this be clearly stated as well and soon. With MOP, a MMORPG with endgame, just over the hill. GW2 PVE-guilds and players are wanting to know. Time is money, especially to everyone in this category, GW2 franchise and players alike.

Cannot progress through my story quests.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I’ve done my main story quests up to 3 levels under as warrior. I would get two shot but I managed to strafe, use my CC’s, assist my NPC allies and managed to progress through my storyline. Skill has a lot to with how well you progress in this game and with how much gear. If your skill level of play is lower then normal, you’ll need to depend heavily on gear, if your skill level is much higher then normal, you can suffice with sub-par gear or even less.

Your understanding of the game also plays an important role on how far you will go as well.

Weapons For Example: 2h mace for warriors tend to dish out slow high-dmg burst atks and has interupts vs. a 2h sword which is high-steady dps with no interrupts. Based on situations, a 2h mace may play better since it can interrupt but sometimes, you just need to dish the damage constantly and quickly, a 2h sword would fit that role. There are quite a few combinations of weapons and scenarios when some are better then others. You have to decide.

Skills For Example: Some fights, mobs don’t hit hard, its what they do that hurts. For, example, mobs that bleed. They swarm you and stack it on you. It would be good if you put skills that remove conditions on your bar vs. having skills that do dmg. Removing the debuff is sort of in a sense equivalent to that of heal.

Players do stand a chance, if they know what they are doing. This game has complexity to it.

Guild Wars 2 Appreciation Thread

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


Yes, I am also very pleased with this game.

The foundation of the game is very solid but its definitely not perfect yet and since we can always see what the DEVS are doing, we know they are working very diligently to solve all these problems and therefore we won’t complain and whine like in D3.

Its been half a decade since I’ve played an MMO this addicting.

Level 20 too late to start crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I leveled myself to 68 last night. Since lvl 1, I have saved all my mats for all the professions. I started crafting last night and gained 10 levels. However, since I was only starting to enter the final zones, I didn’t have enough mats to max out my professions. However, w/ the bonus exp buff for crafting, it was pretty good and now I only have 2 levels left to go. You can craft whenever you want, if you want.