yes, you can keep transmuting the skin.
if you are still unsure about how it works tehn do a test in game for yourself with yellow transmuting stones and 2 low lvl weapons on armors with different skins and stats.
find your server and then look at map list. there is several ppl whp update maps on each server. some ppl have different maps then other, however, you should be able to find one which have hte same nodes as you do and then can easily find them,
buying keys is a waste of real money or in game gold.
if you want keys, then i suggest you either level up a new character or just farm keys.
the farming part would be 4 ppl starting new character with a lvl 80 in party. do storyline quests til lvl 10 where you get a key and repeat. easiest done with guildies or friends.
its a gamble no matter how you look at it. the Sab skin isnt that great imo and they constantly add new weapon skins. which is why the price went down over time.
the reason there is only 160 rose skins on the trading post is because there is a lot of people who have skins and are saving their rose skin for when the price goes higher. some to flip rose skins bought for cheap, others from drops they got. if the price goes up or down is a gamble you have to take.
back when fractals came out you didnt have many back item skins at all and it was the best you could get in stats as well. However, the last 4-5 months anet have added like idk 10ish back skins or more to the game. some better than others. depending on what ppl like and what they add in the future will determine the price on the rose.
the pvp in heart of the mists is the same regardless of custom or tournament. you have to capture 3 points and defend them. you get points for holding the points and for killing enemies and on one map 2 mobs. the maps is slightly different, but as i said, its mostly about getting the points. you also get different kinds of buffs or other things to play with on the different maps.
if you want another type of pvp, then there is wvw mentioned by another person. here you use your pve gear and is limited by your level on what you can get in traits and gear. However, wvw is very different from heart of the mists.
I think you misunderstand something.
you have access to everything in pvp ( heart of the mists). you have all trait points unlocked in pvp, something you would only have as lvl 80 in Pve.
your given a starter gear for pvp, but it can be changed easily and for free.
traits, utility skills, weapons, sigils and runes is free from npc vendors . you can change everything the way you want them for free as many times as you want.
if you have problems knowing what traits to use, then look for a pvp guide for your profession.
there is 2-3 different modes you can play pvp. you have the tournament mode, where you can join with a party or alone ( that makes 2), talk to the npc near the mystic forge. tournaments can not be quit once started. even if you log out or exit the game and come back.
Then there is the custom area. to the left of the purple lions arch portal there is another npc with a lot of servers open for you to join. you can come and go here as you want.
youtube is your friend when you cant get to vistas, point of interests etc.
I would say ranger is better than thief in pve. With the help of the pet you have more survivability + its great for helping you rez when downed. as for wvw and pvp everyone have their own opinion.
What you should focus on is which one of the two do you enjoy playing the most ? if you cant decided then level both to 80. might take some time but you will get there eventually.
then you only have 2 options.
1) dont move to that place…. probably not an option
2) try and see if you can play gw2 when u get there. if you cant, then you cant.-
if you get to the area and start hitting the dragon when he is almost dead it is likely you get the event medal, but not the chests. idk why , but it have happened to me a couple of times with shatterer and tequatl.
breathers is one of the forgotten items in the game. anet havent added many of them and all is masterwork. And you cant choose the stats you get on them. the stats you want doesnt exist on breathers.
run other short dungeon paths once each day along cof
take a look here:
run a lot of dungeon paths. farm champions and hope to get a good new skin.
orichalcum ore, ancient logs and omnomberries can be gathered daily < select your server and find a map that have the same node locations as you. then you can easily go and collect everything. you can make 2-3g pr lvl 80 character pr day and takes about 20-30 min pr character to collect all.
you can also make money using the trading post, however, that can be somewhat difficult if you have no idea to begin with + it helps to have some some capital to get started.
the mystic forge stone works as if you throw in 4 random rares/exotic, which means you get a random one back. everything after that is as normal.
% for rare to become exotic and chance of precursor is there as normal.
you have to spend time/hours doing something to make money. money isnt quick and easy to earn in this game.
for dungeons you need experienced people. pug ( pick up groups ) which is groups of total random people is the worst groups as they tend to do whatever they want. which makes the group fail.
yes, the dungeons have changed since near launch and the end reward will change again on thuesday 6th of august.
Join a guild if your not in one and find people there to run dungeons with and learn dungeons if you dont know them already. guild groups tend to be a lot better than pugs.
farming lodestones is not a good idea. I spent a 3 weeks farming charged lodestones and my average was 1-2 pr hour. some ppl even go hours without getting any. much faster to farm 5 gold an hours then buy lodestone/cores (charged lodestone is like 3g or a little less atm )
forget everything you learned in previous mmo’s. guild wars 2 is a totally different game and work differently. Start by experience the world and do anything and everything you encounter of events, quests and more.
as for race I suggest you look at every race in the character screen when you first make one. find one you like to try and see if it fit your playstyle. Same goes for profession. some like this and others that. you can make up to 5 characters so you can easily try different races and professions.
never mind
its too early to tell. they have yet to implement the new system into the game. once we know a bit more what the rewards will be, it will be easier to answer whats worth skipping or not.
you can also level fast trough dynamic events, map completion in between and more. However, the amount of time to level this way requires a lot of time and effort. A lot more than 8h crafting. On the other hand it cost you little gold/money to do so.
also, for leveling up and pre 80 you should use green armor items. any higher than that is not needed tbh and its a waste of money. you can easily obtain these trough monster drops or heart karma vendors once the hearts is completed.
you can use laurels to buy crafting bags from laurel vendor to get t6 mats. that is if you have no other use for them.
as for using clover recipes, well you dont always get the same value of items you put in out of the forge. + the clover would be useless unless you go after another legendary.
(edited by Black Wolf.7348)
you havent been gone long so I suggest you just read the patch notes to see whats new.
and yes, there is still large crowds doing world bosses and dugneons. especially dungeons now that there is an upcoming change in the dungeon reward system.
there is another reason for people having last names. That is due to the fact thakittens extremely hard to find a non used first name without having to use numbers instead of letters .
with the new dungeon system its likely that people will not farm cof anymore, but change to farming all quick and easy dungeon paths in all dungeons. the amount of rares will probably not decrease.
Your work here in this thread is awesome.
I read that your busy, I would love to get one of my Norn warrior.
The armor is norn cultural armor Tier 3 heavy.Edit: fixed the images
Edit2: Did a change of hairstyle since I uploaded the images last time so I switched them out with new ones as you havent started on mine yet.
Had too since I saw a character in game that looked too much like me (same hair, armor and sunrise ) :P
I have been checking back on this thread once in a while since I posted here.
Im still around and the reason I havent said so earlier is that I have been on 3 weeks vacation
My post is on the middle page 7.
or you create 3 new characters and play them to level 10-20 while testing the weapon skills each profession have to see which one you prefer.
Exotic drops (orange):
Many exotic drops have runes and sigils on them that is worth more than the item itself. ALWAYS check to see how much the item, then the sigil/rune is worth. If the sigil/rune is worth more than the item you should use a Black Lions salvage kit to be 100% sure to get the rune/sigil + you get some glob of ectoplasms which will net you some more silver.
Black Lions salvage kit should be obtained trough daily achievement rewards, buying it from the trading post for gems is expensive.
Rares (yellows):
There is a few things you can do with rares and which one you make most money with depends on rng.
1)Weapons can be use in hte mystic forge to create exotic items. There is a 20% chance to do so, and if you get lucky you can get good exotics to precursors.
2) you can salvage the rares with master salvage kit to get glob of ectoplasm which you can sell.
3) sell the rares themselves and make 20-40 silver pr rare ( price depends a lot on the weapon)
I will recommend you to salvage rare armor pieces as they is not worth much on the trading post and is very rarely made into a good exotic.
The runes and sigils you get from salvaging rares is NOT worth using in the mystic forge. you make more money in the long run by selling them on the trading post. I know because I have tried for a period of a month to see what i could get from them in the forge.
Masterwork items ( greens)
Most people use one of two ways to make money of these items. 1) is to sell to an npc and get the value of the items which is between 1.3silver to 2 silver each item.
2) is to use them in the mystic forge to create rare ( yellow) items. same as with rare to exotic, the green to yellow also have 20% chance of upgrading. up to you which one you prefer, however, some people say you make money money by selling to npc vendors as you might get a lot of greens back in the forge. your choice.
Blue and whites:
its up to personal preference what you do with these items. Either you sell them to the npc vendor or salvage them using a basic salvage kit which have a 10% chance for rare items such as orichalcum ores. you also get a lot of mithril, t5 & t6 silk and wood logs.
yes. thank you.
I have Beta Fractal Capacitor (Infused) and I want to transmute the shattered dragon wings skin on to it.
What I want to know is if I will lose the (infused) part when transmuting the beta fractal capacitor.
Because I have used 250 glob of ecto to upgrade it to get the +5AR and I would hate to lose that by transmuting the wings on to it.
you can also use alt characters. that way you can easily get 50 while not using waypoints all over the place. just do a few of those close to LA, then switch characters and do the same all over again.
I used waypoints to get my 50. way too boring to run between them + the cost isnt that bad. sure if all you have is 4 gold then it might be expensive for you, but come on… whats so fun by running to 50 effegies with 3 on each map ??? takes forever and is kitten boring
I didn’t even realized that it was a veteran before.
I just checked the wiki and it’s not updated, it states that the mob is a vet: maybe making it a champion was just an error?
If it was a decision I wonder what the person had in mind since it was done with the patch that made Orr champions way more powerful.
So why changing the vet to a new overpowered champion?
It just doesn’t make any sense.
No. it was not an error. They did it on purpose.
The update when they changed him from veteran to champion he became a champion, but the event text still said veteran, which they fixed in an update later.
And like hte person above me here said, no one is interested in doing events like this due to no loot and being time consuming.
I have opened about 1700 regular coffers and got a total of 4 tickets.
some farmed myself and others just bought of the trading post.
^^great idea. they ruin the game for us so making them bleed in return is fair. + it will ensure that they stay away.
he used to be a veteran which you could kill alone. he respawned so fast that ppl farmed him quite a lot while farming sparks. so instead of making the respawn timer longer, they made him a champion. thus no one ever kills him anymore and is just annoying.
why do you ppl need to have people standing outside the dungeons??? there is no point in that. use and get a group to any dungeon quickly- that way you dont have to waste time standing outside dungeons.
also lots of ppl standing outside dungeons is not what shows the activity of the dungeon. because ppl just standing outside isnt playing the dungeon.
rng is rng even with magic find. it helps to increase your chances of better loot.
its the same as buying 2 tickets to the lottery instead of 1. you increase your chances but its still random if you win anything at all.
and a 0.01% chance for something increased by 100% to 0.02% is still extremely low chance.
what you do is not farm 100k zhaitaffy, but you farm the actual gold to buy hte wings of the trading post. much cheaper and less time consuming.
100k zhaitaffy is like 120g with 12copper each. the wings is down to 17-18g each right now.
they shouldnt have made the dragon ball part of the achievements.
ppl want 20 wins for the achievement – why stay when its a certain loss and waste time when you can leave and restart. thats how they think and thats how I would think. I havent actually played yet due to hearing about the bug yesterday and didnt have time to try today.
I hope they all get banned. at least those who continue to use it + losing progress in their achievements.
the karka queen gives 2 items in the daily chest. so all who do the dragons and other world events/temples will do the karka event.
I have heard that the cooldown is about 1h and it have a 30 min spawn window.
But I cant say how accurate that is as I dont stay to farm southsun in between karka queens. However, it seems to be true as it appear to not spawn 1h after last kill even with 4/4 secure settlements.
should give you what you need
small remark bout this site. The gw2 armor gallery is nothing wrong with, but the rest of the site has some software that if you download and use it you are acting against the ToS and can result in a termination of your account. Black Wolf, maybe good to make a note bout it when you link this.
So to view the armor in the gallery: no problem. other things that require a download? Don’t touch them.
how can I make a note of that when I dont event know about it?
I have used the armor gallery only, and never really looked into other stuff of the site as it didnt interest me at all.
should give you what you need
no one will know the exact answer before they actually introduce ascended weapons.
there is is lot of different opinions.
One thing is for sure tho. If you transmute twilight to get different weapon stats you will not be able to use it to create Eternity.
I have 100% map completion on 3 characters. Elementalist, warrior and ranger. Tbh there is no best profession. As stated before me here, each profession have it own advantages.
Pick a profession you enjoy playing and just got for map completion. it takes time regardless of which one you choose. so it might take you some hours longer with the one profession you choose, however, the most important thing is to have fun.
Dont grind map completion because you will get bored while doing that. take one zone at a time and enjoy yourself and have fun. you will get to 100% eventually.
I do recommend that you do as much in wvw as you can while we have captured so much as we have right now. The wvw is the most difficult with world completion as you have to get inside towers and garrisons. if your unlucky and we have good oponents, it could take weeks.
Here is images of some of my characters.
First is my human elementalist – light armor, tier 3 leggings, CoE dungeon chest, winged boots, gountlets and hood.
2nd is my human thief – medium armor – full tier 3 human med armor
3rd my Norn warrior – heavy armor – full tier 3 norn heavy armor
4th my Norn guardian – heavy armor – all tier 2 norn heavy armor, except boots which is arah
5th Norn elementalist – light, may not fit well with necromance profession… – chest, boots, gauntlets is tier 2 norn. head piece I dont recall what is but green or blue hood from below lvl 80. Leggings is from the winged armor set.