Basha Blue – 80 Guard, Cat Harsis – 80 Ranger
And many more… on Crystal Desert Server (NA)
8/10 for christopher walken
Name: Ziff the Zookeeper
Race: Asuran
Gender: Female
Cos minion master
I’m going to become an omnivore
Crafted items will always be cheaper than the mats because people will dump the equipment they craft on the tp when leveling their crafting.
The extra you pay for materials is actually for the crafting experience
How will the engine differentiate between you running off a ledge intentionally and if someone knocks you off?
I’m proposing balancing control conditions to not benefit from +condition duration, as high condition duration stat both increases a condi build’s control and damage
But then you run into class design issues. For example for Mesmers, the spec lined giving +duration is based on binary effects, not damaging conditions.
How would you handle that? Resort it so the duration effect is always on the condition damage line?
Also, there’s the compound issue that PvP is already a direct-damage game. Conditions only “dominate” at low-levels of play: casual sPvP and solo roaming WvW.
I should explain. I am suggesting that if you get 30% condi duration from the power trait line, all damaging conditions get the full 30% condi duration boost, while the control conditions stay at 100% duration. I do not suggest moving the condi duration bonus to traits to any other traitline.
I’m proposing balancing control conditions to not benefit from +condition duration, as high condition duration stat both increases a condi build’s control and damage
Hi all.
Condition damage seems to be the meta in PvP. It’s modified by condition damage and condition duration. The way stat combinations are, it’s far more likely to come with defensive stats like toughness, vitality, healing. Condition damage also bypasses all armor.
Another important characteristic of conditions is that ‘control’ conditions is also modified by condition duration. Thus, boosting expertise, aka condition duration, also enables the condition specced character to kite melee attackers around, wearing them down with long lasting damaging conditions at the same time. This leads to situations like 20s chill, perma cripple, 15s immobilise.
Contrast this with the power user. For maximum damage, one needs Power, Crit chance, and the recently nerfed crit damage. All these come conveniently bundled in the Berserker’s and Assassin’s stat combinations, but leave a lot to be desired in terms of defensive capability. The straight damage player will also need to withstand kiting, and the swath of damaging conditions that the condition user will be applying.
Another interesting characteristic of damaging conditions is as such: fractional ticks of damaging conditions do zero damage. 1.5s of burn, for instance, does the same amount of damage as 1s of burn. Stack 2 stacks of 1.5s burn, however, and you get a total of 3s of burn. This is all well and good, but this makes building a character turn into a series of condition damage breakpoints. Terrormancers, for example, may find the need to adjust their fear duration just to get the final tick of damage in. This makes certain builds sacrifice all in the pursuit of the ‘just right’ amount of condition duration, sometimes at the rest of the builds detriment.
Finally, conditions are just bad in pve when there are up to a certain amount of players. This is due to the 25 stack cap for the stackable damaging conditions, and the duration stacking conditions such as burn will do pitiful dps when divided amongst a group of even modest size.
Therefore, I would like to raise the following suggestions to balance conditions in PvP and PvE.
1. Condition duration increases no longer modify the duration of ‘control’ conditions. This does not include sigils and runes. This includes Cripple, Chill, Blind, Immobilize, Fear, Weakness. Effects which reduce condition duration, however, like food and runes, still work. This would reduce the amount of control pure condition specs have, and largely buff food in WvW, without reducing damage. Vulnerability should remain modified by condition duration; while it doesn’t do damage per se, neither does it apply a control effect on its target.
2. Fractions of ticks for condition damage apply when the effect expires. 1s burn for 900 dmg? 1.5s burn for 900 dmg on the first second, and 450 dmg when burn expires.
3. Conditions in PvE have been discussed to death, and I feel that giving players unique conditions on PvE mobs will be great. It may be difficult to code, but maybe doing it in phases will be good. Maybe individual poison stacks first to try out the code. Then experiment with bleed, a stacking condition. Then maybe burn. And so on and so forth.
In conclusion, I feel that these above suggestions will positively affect the game balance in all aspects: by nerfing control conditions, by slightly buffing condition duration to compensate (fractional ticks), and by increasing PvE viability of condition using specs.
TL,DR: Suggestions to nerf control conditions, making fractional damage ticks of conditions count, and to start rolling out tech to allow individual stacking of damaging conditions in PvE.
(edited by Catharsis.8571)
I tried a zerker ham bow build in cof. The max I saw was 6k crits on back breaker. In comparison the last hit of axe chain can crit for more.
Honor of the waves pants. Regal and flowing
The problem you are experiencing is probably latency and too much spamming. I find that when I swap to any weapon and start spamming f1 I tend to just perform the burst forward, disregarding my target or the reticle. This happens for earthshaker and evis. Try it. Interrupt a skill on your offset with weapon swap, then start spamming f1. Sometimes you will miss your intended target.
I’ve had limited success running 2/0/6/0/6 zerker ham bow. It stacks moderate amounts of might and the hammer hits pretty hard. Stack might by blasting your bows fire field while zerker stance is up; you can achieve about 20 stacks assuming u have strength runes.
But it doesn’t stack might as fast as any phalanx strength build, and does less damage than a straight up axe or gd build. But it is fun to play and the aoe damage is great.
Great sword f1: contemplation of mobility
Raise your great sword, blocking all ranged attacks for 1/1.5/2s
If you are hit in melee range, counter with a slash which immobilises the enemy for 1/2/3 seconds.
Adrenaline is consumed upon the end of the block effect.
May be too op
Esc seems to work for shorter cast time abilities where sheathe doesn’t. For example warrior hammer 4
Escape works too.
Asuran engineers failed magi tech college so they’re stuck in steampunk. Charr are the true lore based engineers.
Engineer for condi pressure and useful fields, warrior for cc and combo finishers. Engi can use limited stealth capabilities and both classes are great at finishing downed players.
Engineer and warrior
Counterattack isn’t supposed to work like riposte
It’s not bugged. They changed the tooltip so now it’s working as intended.
Berserker stance: conditions cannot be applied to you.
Yes and yes.
However if you enter certain areas like SAB in the past you would lose the buff. Right now I don’t think anything actually would remove it.
Search for “spirit links” on the tp. Similar purple glow, much more affordable.
Well if you are good in pvp, having lame weapons can cause people to underestimate you, as people generally associate nice gear with skill.
Alternatively, you can get achievement chests which do grant a few pvp pieces.
Dual wielding is a misnomer. What you probably heard of is that thieves are the only class that have dual attacks. That means that your 3 skill changes based on your offhand. Eg pistol whip is 3 skill for sword pistol, if you change your pistol to a dagger then you get flanking strike.
Every class who uses one handed weapons can have an additional piece of equipment on the offhand. Most are able to use dedicated off hands, that is, focus, war horn, shield. These generally have utility and defensive skills.
Some classes such as rangers, warriors, thieves are able to use weapons on their offhand. Warriors seem to be the best at this; they can equip swords, axes, maces in the offhand. Rangers can use axes and daggers. Thieves use daggers and pistols. Engineers can use pistols on offhand, necros and eles get to use daggers.
Gw2 is different from many other wow type mmos as the auto attack comes at an opportunity cost; using skills interrupts the auto attack and resets the chain. Offhand weapons do not auto attack, and are used primarily for the 4 and 5 skills they give you. Since you are a thief, your offhand affects your 3 skill as well so choosing an offhand weapon takes a bit more thought.
Hope that helped
Hi all
I’m just making a suggestion here. Anet has released many high quality finishers for use in pvp and wvw. I would appreciate the release of an option for us to use a random finisher from our collection whenever we finish someone. So someone with the sab finisher, wurm, cow, giant, etc etc etc will be able to see all of them without manually selecting them from the screen.
Here’s how I would fix rallies and defeated.
Players can only rally on the last thing they hit.
This would make people actually aim their downed skills, and the death of one random uplevel is unlikely to rally an entire zerg.
Hard-rezzing only out of combat.
This has been advocated by many different people.
normal swing arc effects are light based (no mass) where as the mercury has mass and would not fly as far due to gravity. use this to rationalize it in your brain.
If i were going to rationalise it, sunrise/twilight will do less damage due to their blades being composed to space, which has negligible mass.
I’m just confused due to the arc size differences. Other legendaries do not have this discrepancy, as far as I know.
The arc which follows a hammer as you swing it, is different in diameter between the Juggernaut and a normal hammer. Attached are two screens of myself standing at the same position, doing the warrior’s hammer #4. Note the arc with reference to the commander on my left. The diameter of the swing for Juggernaut is about half the swing size for a normal hammer. This has the effect of making the Juggernaut’s visual effect a lot more muted than other legendaries like that of the greatswords.
Though the present visual effect is good enough, I feel that the weapon could be significantly more appealing if the arc was the same diameter as a normal hammer. Mercury will fly and it will be… awesome.
Does anyone agree?
(edited by Catharsis.8571)
The human t3 light has horrible tail clipping issues with Charr. Unforgivable I say!
human guard with
t2 shoulders
arah gloves
se chest
hotw pants
plated shoes
You can nerf the damage component of the hammer’s control skills, but please then buff the damage component of the hammer’s non-control skills, like 1, 2, 3.
well considering that 2 supply adds more than 8k hp to a buildsite, surely 10 hp per toolkit melee is small enough?
why not lyssa for the boons and condition clear coupled with the short cooldown of flesh golem?
Would it be terribly OP if engineers could build siege/repair walls/repair siege for free with their toolkit? Make it so that each use of the 1 skill restores 10hp or some extremely low and insignificant amount, more if the tool kit trait is chosen. I think that this addition would give a bit more flavour to the tool kit and make it somewhat more attractive to bring engineers around.
bubbles did it…
shouldnt it be 10s x 0.7 = 7s?
signets still not providing passive effects sometimes on entering pvp maps
stand your ground is a borderline OP skill that only guardians (and now mesmers and engineers) can bring to the table.
Group wide stability pushes the favor of the encounter massively to you. It allows uninterrupted stomps which quickly whittles down the resistance. It allows pushing past line of warding (another guardian staple) and fear walls.
In fact, if the guardian’s only function was to provide aoe stability, it would already be pretty powerful. Instead, guards still give good uptime of group protection, regen, and might to their very grateful allies. Not to mention aoe blinds, aegis and heals. Also, one of the most annoying control effects in the game (gs5).
I, as a warrior main, respect and fear guardians for the effect even one (well played one) can bring on the battlefield.
Of course, this is all just for pvp/wvw. For fotm, reflects op
I do tpvp to get skins.
Thus I really don’t like this change.
the meta is 0/10/30/0/30 for hammer trait, unsuspecting foe, burst mastery as they combine to give a large amount of burst which can be repeated often. such a build also has excellent adrenaline generation
what if the autoattack did as much damage as hip shot?
for a signature skill of the class, at least in wvwvw, this skill only works half the time. More often than not it’s going to take 2 seconds to activate, make u jump forward instead of toward ur targeting reticule, or have NO EFFECT whatsoever.
When it lands, however, it is the stuff of legends.
From what I can see, having more things happening on the screen causes it to fail more often. Earthshaker works more often in small groups and soloing vs large zerg fights. Executing Earthshaker at maximum range rarely works in pvp. Having low fps also seems to make the skill fail, as your character seems to swing the hammer down and execute the blast at a certain rate, which seems independent of where the character is in terms of the leap portion of the skill
This skill needs better consistency.
(edited by Catharsis.8571)
I chose female charr cos of rox horns and the fluffy tail. Also I have an issue with the snorting that happens when male charrs talk; it’s a bit jarring.
I must say, very innovative idea. Nice thinking.
Wonder if they could make that into a F2 profession mechanic that will drain your Adrenaline while active, and once deactivated will go on a decent cool down.
It could also be called something along the lines of Weapon Master to allow for 2 handed weapons to either do one of the following:
-Attacks made with 2 handed weapons Reduce 2 handed weapon skills cool downs by a small percentage while active.
-Attacks made with 2 handed weapons have a chance to remove the boons: Stability or protection while active.
We already have destruction of the empowered with regard to boons. My suggestion is for a utility skill, not an F2 skill which will be much harder to implement and balance.
well most weapon sets take a dedicated offhand like shield and warhorn… I’d actually like to see more ‘weapon’ offhands like axe, mace and sword around
Hi guys, just a utility skill suggestion to increase our versatility.
Ambidextrous Stance: 60s cooldown, 15s duration
For the duration of this skill, all Offhand weapons are considered Mainhand weapons and all Mainhand weapons are considered Offhand weapons.
This would increase warrior versatility by allowing the clutch use of certain weapon abilities that aren’t accessible because the 1 handed weapon is on the wrong arm. For example, an Axe/sword warrior spots a target, gets a few hits in. The target starts to flee, whereby the warrior pops ambidextrous stance, gaining the skill set of sword/axe. He closes distance with sword 2, immobilises with flurry, and finishes off the runner with axe 5.
It may be a weak example, but I’ve always been confused as to why it is so easy to stow double single handed weapons and take out a hammer, but so difficult to just… swap weapons from left to right.
All in all, I think that the inclusion of this skill will expand the list of possible builds, increasing the prevalence of warriors using double 1 handed weapons, and greatly expand the warrior’s toolkit in all aspects of the game.
Comments? Suggestions?
(edited by Catharsis.8571)
hundred blades is a powerful skill with many drawbacks. you seem to know what they are.
Keeping your opponent in one place is the key to doing damage with a greatsword. accomplish this by stuns or immobilize. Longbow 5 and the utility skill throw bolas works great for this purpose because they are ranged and most opponents expect a melee stun.
I’ve seen that build in spvp before and it’s annoying as heck… will definitely try it out.
But I’m trying to make a build with the intention of outputting a diverse array of conditions; any suggestions would be welcome
Hi guys,
I’ve been running this build in hotjoins and having quite a bit of fun with it.
What it offers:
Base condition duration increase of 20%
Burn stacking with the longbow trait and runes of the guardian
Ability to apply confusion by shield and stomp interrupts
Condition wipes with Mending+restorative strength
More condition management with Cleansing ire (who doesnt love this trait)
Access to poison through sigils of doom
The problems I’m facing:
Bad HP pool. Im using Rabid and I think that’s the problem; which amulet should I change to?
No Fast Hands. I find it very troublesome to wait 10s for weapon swap.
Mobility is a little lacking. Low +boon duration, no signet CDR or warriors sprint.
In order to access confusion, I have sacrificed quite a number of useful traits.
Lowish condition damage through just having 10 points in arms
My playstyle is to start off in bow and try to bait some dodges so I can get in a skill 5, whereupon I f1 and autoattack or skill 2 to stack some burns, weapon swap, sword skill 2 in to get fire shield, autoattack, interrupt with shield 4, etcetc, stomp when necessary. This usually gets single opponents but I find great difficulty in 1v2 or 1v3.
Any tips or comments?
guards give aoe protection. guards give aoe stability. guards have many projectile counters
therefore guards win in utility
why would the skritt king give shinies to us
when he already holds all the shinies
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