Showing Posts For Ceesa.1350:

New Character Select

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I just wish I could hover over my character portraits and use the mousewheel to scroll through them.

World Completion for experienced players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I think it’s ridiculous that people are using the phrase “being forced” in the same sentence as “legendary weapon.” It’s a legendary weapon for a reason.

[Elite Demo] Deadeye's Mark

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I’m ok with having to remember to re-mark, but what saddens me is that marking targets aggros them. I mean, of course it does, because it does damage, but I would really like there to be some mechanic where I can do some real sniping, where I mark the target and it stays unaware, then I just unload onto it.

But yeah, that’s only ok in a PvE setting, and I know the skill needs to be balanced for all game modes.

How much "group play" for Astralaria?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


The HoT legendary weapons are absolutely doable without a dedicated friend-base. The only sacrifice you might have to make is fitting the timing of certain events (like the HoT map metas) into your IRL schedule. The items from fractals are guaranteed drops and you can get them from the lowest level fractals. For WvW, all you need to do is participate, so find a tag and run around with them. To get through the WvW track completely you’ll need to spend about 8-12 hrs, depending on how good the group is, how many dailies you get, and what boosters you have.

Request: Do NOT tweak the mounts.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


Mounts are great, but please enable full strafe.

Gordon Ramsey mini-game need to be repeatable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I think just making it repeatable should be enough. I also had fun, but I wouldn’t be a fan of turning it into a fully fledged adventure a la HOT.

Herald Facets and Mounts - QoL Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


It was a very nice quality of life change when Heralds with active facets could get into and out of shallow water without having to reactivate their active facets.

I would really love it if the same could be done with regards to mounting and dismounting from mounts as well.

Dwayna airdraft difficulty and suggestion

in Living World

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I was frustrated getting up to the spider as well. The biggest problems for me were the disappearing updrafts and the fact that several of the updrafts were impossible to see when the waterfall was behind them. This made for about 5 min of frustrated flying until I got up there somehow, but I’m not at all eager to try it again.

One suggestion which I think would make the area much less frustrating would be to give players multiple, easy to access places where all of the updrafts could be observed easily so that players could plan out a route to take. During the first weeks of HoT I would heat up to the Patriarch fight in VB and just fly away from the platform so I could see where all of the updrafts were to plan the best ways of getting back up to the top.

New Legendary Crafting Problems

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


So how do I get to spawn the Icebrood Quaggan Champion? The event where the Svanir kidnap the little quaggan needs to fail, so it can become the champ, but people just play the game and do the event. Asking them to let the event fail doesn’t help, either they speak no English or they don’t give a kitten.

What am I supposed to do? Get online in the middle of the night, wait for the new episode to launch today so people are less likely to be in that zone? Is that how the designer envisioned this step in the HOPE quest?

I don’t get it really, and waiting for the event and then watching someone kill the few Svanir kidnappers in the last 10 seconds of the event is just enraging.

Here’s a tip Anet: don’t require events to fail to do a quest. It causes anger, trolling and a feeling of wasted time.

I’ve made HOPE and I understand your pain, especially with this event. I basically had to do it during off hours. When someone came by, I ran over to them and in Say Chat started spamming “Please STOP! I need this event to fail for an achievement!” Like, tons of spam. They have a better chance of seeing your speech bubble if your character is right on top of theirs.

Anyway, it took a few days of trying, but I eventually found a couple people who were willing to help me let the event fail and then help me kill the champ that spawned afterwards.

As to your other complaints in this thread, yes some of the achievements are hard to get (like killing the Vinetooth champ), but you’ve misread some or haven’t done enough research on how to get the collection done. Take your time and you can do it.

Video Drivers Crash on New Story Mission

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


If people are curious, I finally made it through my dropping the graphics settings to “Best Performance”.

Video Drivers Crash on New Story Mission

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I don’t know if this is the last of the new story missions because I can’t get past it without my computer dying.

I enter the egg chamber, the cutscene plays where the thing happens (don’t want to spoil it), and then I can play anywhere from 10 seconds to 5 minutes before my screen goes totally black. I can hear the game continuing to play in the background, but nothing short a hard reboot (even using the paperclip to hit the soft reset button on my tower doesn’t work) will get my computer running again. I’ve now tried this mission five times in a row, and I’ve crashed every time.

I’ve had this happen to me before with this game and with Witcher 3, but always within a short time of going through a cutscene. After the fourth crash I completely wiped and reinstalled drivers, but that didn’t help. GeForce 970 GTX.

If you need a log, I have no idea how to find it, so please point me towards a guide and I’ll get it for you.

Salvage damaged armaments to build bombs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


This is an event in the quaggan outpost btw that takes stupid time to complete even with entire map doing it. Like 30 min.

They key to that one is to only have 2-3 people doing it. It’s scaled somewhat ok-ish with very few people. It’s 20 min or more once you have a dozen.

A PvEer's Perspective on WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I wish I could get a legendary without going to PvE.

You can. Just save up the gold and buy one off the TP.

Admittedly I can do the same thing, but I’m not complaining about having to spend time in WvW; on the contrary, I think someone crafting a legendary SHOULD have to spend time in WvW. What stinks is that the time there feels like a timeout from getting any other rewards in comparison to the loot I get from PvE.

Gold In Gw2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


It sounds like you have a new account or don’t have much experience with the game since you’re dying in HoT all the time. I’d suggest a very simple farm for you.

Learn the locations of all of the rich iron and rich platinum nodes in the game. Then take each of your characters to every node and mine it (without getting sidetracked by other nearby nodes unless they are directly on the way to the rich node).

At the end of your run you’ll have enough materials to make a deldrimor steel ingot (assuming you already have a lump of mithrillium). Make one and sell it. I’ll get you about 8 g for 20-30 min or work. You can only make one lump of mithrillium a day per account, but iron and plat sell well on the TP, so take as many characters as you have to all of those nodes and just sell the ore you mine. That’s decent income as well. You can only mine rich nodes once per day per character, though.

Blood Ruby Salvage Dialogue Box is Bad

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


why dont you just move inventory under pop up box, thats what i do when buying fractal keys

Why would you do that with keys when you can just enter the amount you want to buy and get 20ish with a single click?

And yes, I know moving them under the dialogue box would be faster, but it’s a very silly thing to do. Anet, you don’t need to hold people’s hands like this. Just let them learn the game the hard way. If they salvage a ton of rubies and then figure out that they need more, they can always go get more.

Migraine Achievement

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I liked my way of doing flights of fancy best. After the first flying phase, land, and then allow the game to glitch and skip all the remaining flying phases in the fight.

Strangest battle ever.

And regarding migraine, I don’t have it either. Just didn’t seem worth the trouble.

A PvEer's Perspective on WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I generally stay out of WvW, but now that the Gift of Battle requires ~10 hours of playing, I’ve had to spend a decent amount of time with everyone. Here are some of my thoughts on the experience. (And fyi, about 70% of the time was spent in EotM.)

1. When two zergs of roughly equal size meet, the battle is fun. When one zerg just rolls over another, it’s not so fun. When your commander can’t make up his mind about what to do, things are downright frustrating. (Last night our zerg was staring at another one, and we each had AC up. Com yells “push left”, leads a charge into AC range, and then immediately turns around and runs all the way back to where we started. Half the zerg follows him, half doesn’t see, so they die in the charge.)

2. Taking objectives is rewarding. I mean I get a sense of accomplishment from it, even if there was no one home to defend other than NPCs.

3. I’ve enjoyed having to tinker with my build. Obviously what works in PvE doesn’t work as well here, and trying new things, especially utility skills that I’d otherwise discount as a “DPS loss” has been a great way of branching out.

4. Despite all of this, as soon as I have my Gift of Battle, I’m going right back to spending 100% of my time in PvE. Why? Rewards suck in WvW. I can play for hours and not have to clear my bags. Just about anything I do in PvE makes me gold faster and with less down time between activities. There’s just so much time spent running from A to B in WvW that I get bored with it, and as long as I’m running, I’m not collecting loot.

5. The reward tracks aren’t rewarding. Tomes of knowledge? I already have thousands of spirit shards and 9 level 80 toons. Transmutation charges? I have hundreds. And the idea of a maximum tick is absurd when the only way to make progress on the track is ticks and daily rewards. If I’m in WvW to grind a gift of battle or the wvw armor set, then I should see that my participation is correlated directly to my rewards. Sadly, this system encourages me to do a soft afk. Here’s how it works: I join the zerg, get my dailies done, get 100% participation, then afk for 5-10 minutes. I’ll alt-tab, get some irl work done, browse 9gag or imgur, read a book, whatever. Then I’ll alt-tab back in, autoattack an NPC so far away from the action that no one cares, and then I’ll run away and afk again. The idea that that behavior gets me the same amount of progress on the reward track is ridiculous. The other rewards that I’m missing out on either don’t matter to me (karma – already have more than I need; experience – already have a zillion spirit shards) or are insignificant enough for me to ignore (loot drops).

6. Really then, it looks to me like the only thing keeping people in WvW is that some people just love the game mode. That’s cool and all, but I know all of you are worried about decreasing player population. If you want to generate more PvE interest in WvW, the rewards need to be increased significantly (not to AB Multiloot levels, but to silverwastes or cursed shore levels) and the cap on the reward track tick needs to be done away with. Well, either that or make all sources of WXP also provide ticks for the reward tracks. I’d be ok with ticks stuck at a hard maximum, but each time I kill a player I get 3-4 points for the track as well. It’d make me play more and afk less.

Anyway, just some of my thoughts. Congrats for making your way through the wall of text. I want to like this mode and play it more, but some things are just holding me back.

How many Precursors have you found?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I’ve never done the forge. Zero with 2k hrs. My wife never does the forge either. She’s gotten three drops in 2900 hrs: zap, the spear one, and the torch one.

Blood Ruby Salvage Dialogue Box is Bad

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I know that at first everyone is going to want to stock up on their blood rubies so they can buy the ascended items from the vendor. But after we’ve purchased them, we’re going to want to salvage those rubies. And speaking as someone who salvaged 20 of them last night, having to click “ok” in a popup dialogue box after every single ruby was salvaged was beyond irritating.

Please remove the “are you sure” dialogue box. It’s not like it’s the end of the world if you accidentally salvage one. You can always go get more.

Airship Salvage event in VB

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


Just want to +1 this. I did this event a few weeks ago with a group of about 15 people in squad and the event took, I’m not even joking, 20 minutes. It’s absolutely ridiculous and need to have its scaling fixed.

Remember when they changed the scaling on the shatterer pre to make it a flat 50 siege parts? How about doing that with this event too, changing it to a flat 15 parts or something? Surely that can’t take more than 10 minutes to code.

deldrimor ignots

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


And speaking of things that Anet is never going to do, how about adding another source of mystic coins?

Revenant - Instant Lvl 80

in Revenant

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


Yeah, soldier’s gear is going to be fine. It’s a lot more survivable than what I’m running, which is much more focused on damage. Good gear, but you’ll probably want to start slowly replacing some of the pieces with zerker as you figure out how to play the rev.

Revenant - Instant Lvl 80

in Revenant

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I thought it was stat selectable gear. But if it’s not, for my rev I run marauder armor and zerker trinkets. I know you get exotic gear, which is pretty good and certainly enough to run you through any part of the game except fractals. Just check on what stats you get. That part is much more important. Marauder is power, precision, ferocity, and vitality. Zerker just has the first three of that list.

Frustration with HOPE IV

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I’ve gone through 4 complete legendary journeys now, and while there are times when I’ve had to wait for an event to spawn and even more times when I’ve needed an event to fail (which someone then completes anyway), I’ve never had a crazy time getting anything done.

Take Lyssa for example. I don’t know what the timer on that meta chain is, but I made it a point to hop into Malchor’s Leap every time I started playing gw or swapped characters. While it took me over a week to get Lyssa done, my total wait time in game was probably no more than 5-10 minutes.

Now that’s possible because the Lyssa chain takes a while and is easy to spot. For some other events which get completed quickly and are on 20 min cooldown timers, you have to just wait and be patient. I like to read, so I’d just sit my character down somewhere and grab a good book while I waited for the event to spawn.

If your issue is events you can’t do by yourself that no one else seems interested in, use map chat and LFG. There’s an LFG panel dedicated to getting achievements, and most people will scratch your back if you scratch theirs. Offering to pay them with the LFG title might get people to join up with you faster. Most of the time though, if you ask for help with a champion, people will eventually show up.

HOPE IV was one of my favorite collections. You’ve come so far already, don’t get discouraged! HOPE really is worth it.

Tips for making gold in the world map?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


Doing the meta event in the silverwastes is pretty lucrative. Make sure to use the LFG tool to find people advertising sw x% where x > 50 to get in good maps that are about to do the meta. Once the event is done, taxi over to a new silverwastes map and do it again.

Of course if you have HoT then the real money-maker is the tarir meta event. Join a big squad that has groups in several instances, then taxi between those instances when they finish the meta and then raid all the grand chests for many many rares. If you get alts involved you can easily get 30+ ectos per run, which equates to about 15-20 g in 45 min. But you can only do that every 2 hrs.

God Job Anet Developers ^^

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


Well, I’d say that high level players still have an incentive to do low level fractals, but only one per day: the 1-25 level daily. Take your time and learn from them on that one and ask questions if you have them.

Recently I did a bunch of low level fractals to get the 1-20 achievement right before the patch dropped, and there were a couple runs where I had to drop in the middle. One was on cliffside, where no matter how much explanation I gave of how the fractal had to be done, no one followed the directions. And I’m talking about simple things like “hey guys, I can’t hold the hammer any more, I need one of you to come back here and pick it up” followed by no one moving and me waiting until my 38 stacks of debuff were gone before I picked it up again and carried it the rest of the way.

So it’s a pleasure to help fractal newbies, but only if they listen to my help.

Tequatl Whirlpools and Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


It took me 3 tries to find a whirlpool and then 2 tries to get sucked in. Both of the whirlpools that I saw appeared in front of teq at the end of the first phase of the fight, almost right as he goes invuln and before everyone runs to batteries. The first time I wasn’t able to run to one in time, but the second time I made it. Each time there were only 2 whirlpools that I saw.

I don’t know if you’re trying to contribute to the fight, but my recommendation is that you don’t. Just hang out about 600-1000 range from his head as his health starts to drop and ping him with a longbow or something while you scan the ground with your eyes like a hawk. They don’t have orange AOE circles, so you have to look for the graphical effect.

Just keep trying, I’m sure you can do it!

Strange Matchmaking Behavior

in PvP

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I hadn’t pvp’d much in a year, and then on Friday decided I wanted to try and get some tickets to start the backpiece. Here’s what happened:

Amber League: ~60% win rate, slow but steady progress.
Emerald League: ~55% win rate until I got to t3.

At Emerald t3 I stopped solo-queuing and joined a team with some guildies who are ruby/diamond. We played a few games, lost more than we won, barely got me to Emerald t4, and then I went back to solo queue.

And in Emerald t4 I have played 35 games and won 6 of them, never more than 2 in a row. My worst streak was losing 14 straight.

I’ve seen on the forums that people are having issues with being in “mmr hell” and I saw that one guy with his statistical model of what was going on. I’m not going to claim to be a good pvp player. I’m still new to it, using builds from metabattle. But I can’t help but think that something very wrong happened to my mmr because of the drastic difference in my win rates from before I teamed up with my guildies and after. All I wanted was to get to sapphire, but it looks like I won’t this season.

Again, because I know the “git gud” crowd is going to yell at me, I’m not claiming I’m a really good player. Yes, I still need practice. But why the immediate and drastic difference in win rate? You’d expect it to slowly level off to 50% once I was at the proper level, not suddenly drop off a cliff, right?

Ascended rings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


Eh, I find that salvaging ascended rings usually nets me 0 profit. For a slightly better profit, attune the ring before salvaging it. That way you get two rolls on the loot table instead of one, and for just 30s more.

Lack of valuable loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


Silverwastes is essentially a lot of people playing solo on the same map. Just don’t go to indigo for breach. The loot is quite good there, especially if you keep taxiing between maps that are 80%+ complete.

If you don’t mind doing some mindless farming, iron ore runs are decently profitable as well. Just look up where all the rich nodes in tyria are, then hit them all. You can get about 150 ore in 15 min that way. It doesn’t get you any loot, per se, but you can make decent money with which you can buy the loot you wanted in the first place.

Consider hopping on the world boss train as well. No real coordination required with other players, just attack the boss when he spawns. Look up the spawn times and locations on the wiki.

I hope some of this helps.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


When my wife came down to the kitchen to tell me that you all had cancelled the new legendaries, I was minorly ticked off. Completing the collections (albeit slowly because they’re expensive) has been incredibly rewarding for me. I’ve been finding new events and locations (like the crazed quaggan in Timberline) that I never knew existed, even after 1800 hrs of playtime. I was getting back into fractals after all but quitting them when my personal reward level was in the mid teens. I was looking forward to slowly making progress in new collections.

But I have to say that I’m swayed by the argument that content is needed more than collections. I have no idea how/why making a collection is so much work, since it seems like most of it is just creating a list of events/locations that already exist and adding scripting tags to them. However, if you say that by cutting legendaries we’ll get content in the form of new maps and not new systems, then I’m all for it. Give me more things to do in the game, not new ways of doing old ones. That will make me happy too.

Good luck, Mike.

cant find story green star

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I hope it’s not this simple, but finding the holotapes gives you a green circle to look in, doesn’kitten If the star is gone, maybe the circle is still there?

I might be thinking of the part where you track Rox all over the map, though.

Delete please.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


Anonthiel, shoot me a PM in game. I’m interested, if you’re ok with me being very active in your guild but repping another one about half the time. I have lvl 80s of each class in full exotic, with two of them being in full ascended. My fractal level is 41, but I can get it higher pretty easily. Let me know.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I’d rather see Anet devote resources to new features and maps then to making an easy mode for raids. I understand OP’s main points, but I don’t think the effort to implement them would be worth the reward of having them.

[NA] LF Serious Raiding Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I’m looking for a group that raids regularly, either weeknights or weekends. I have DPS zerk herald in nearly full ascended (and who has already beat VG), but with a small amount of gearing I could bring several other classes.

I want a guild that takes raiding seriously, which means giving good feedback, practicing, and being appropriately geared. Eventually I want to take a shot at the legendary armor, so I need a group looking to get there too.

HOPE III - A fungus among us proximity test

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I got it to work by completing the adventure, getting silver, and then resetting. Once I hit reset I opened my inventory and used it, and it worked.

New Mastery Idea: Make Parties Matter!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


There’s a big problem with what you’ve described: If you suddenly grant any kind of bonus to being in a party, then it’s going to disincentivize people from joining squads. Then what’ll happen is commander tags go back to what they were before: little icons on a map and nothing more. And now that people are finding good uses for squads (have you ever run DS and NOT seen 3 tags up?), I doubt Anet would take to take a step backwards.

Legendary difficulty

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I agree with what everyone else is saying. The system is as fair as it can reasonably be right now.

HOPE IV Icebrood Crystalline Phail

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I felt your pain on that. The first time I tried to do it, the daily was frostgorge events, so as you can imagine the prior event never failed. The second time I tried to do it it was during the evening EST, during what I imagine are peak playing hours. Again, no luck, as people continued to finish the event and not let it fail.

My solution was to log on Sunday morning at 8 am EST and keep my fingers crossed. Thankfully it worked, as I only had to warn off two people, and mercifully both of them listened to me. One was even nice enough to stick around and help me kill the champ.

But I agree with you, I thought the devs had mentioned doing away with collection items that required previous events to fail. Apparently they haven’t gotten to this one yet.

A Tale of HOPE

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I just made HOPE, and let me tell you, it does NOT disappoint. I was showing it off in LA and helping some new players with tips on how to make gold to save up for it when I mentioned that I was going to be working on twilight next (and I chat linked all three gifts that had already made), but was not looking forward to how long it was going to take to save up 90 deldrimor ingots for dusk. At that point a guy whispered me “How many deld do you need?” I told him 90, since I’d spent everything on getting HOPE.

And then he mailed me 90 deldrimor ingots.

I really was stunned, as I’m sure any of you would be. I asked him if he wanted anything at all and he said no, he just felt like helping me out. So…wow. Just wanted to share the really cool thing that happened to me. I’ll be doing my best to pay it forward.

Sug: Maguuma Orb for Amalg. Gemstones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


This is an incredibly well reasoned and worded suggestion with which I agree 100%, but for those very reasons I feel it is unlikely to be noticed or acted upon by the devs.

After all, they promised to give us a way to get legendary weapons. Nevermind that in 1500 hrs of gameplay I had amassed enough orbs to make 70-ish amalgamated gemstones. Clearly these new legendary weapons should require another 2000 hrs, or an insane amount of gold grind.

Can someone explain the orb price increase

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


Well if that’s the case then I bet the dust price has risen accordingly.

Questions about The Bifrost III

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


For Shatterer, I’ve heard you should stand by his foot, and when the battle is about half way done, relog. With luck it’ll throw you into a low population map and you’ll be one of the only people standing in front of him. Good luck!

Can someone explain the orb price increase

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


The same item that requires orbs can also be made with rare crests or any doubloon, so those prices have unsurprisingly spikes as well.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the price of the lower level gems has gone up as well as people look to transmogrify them.

were are the other new legendary's??

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


It takes a lot of work for them to make a full collection set for a new legendary. They said a long time ago that they plan to release the new legendaries in batches. While they didn’t specify an exact timeline, the dev post this week about releasing major updates every three months would suggest, to me at least, that every three months we’ll see a legendary or two added to the game.

Except for the underwater ones, of course, since no one wanted those.

It just doesnt feel worth it.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


Pezz, you shouldn’t be losing gold on HoT maps. However, it will seem like you are if you don’t sell any of your loot. Here’s a tip: people really want Viper’s stats on their armor since it’s a new set with HoT. The only way to get it is with black diamonds that drop infrequently from exalted chests in auric basin under tarir. So do the tarir event a few times (it’s fun so it won’t feel grindy), loot the chests, and then sell the diamonds. Their prices has been dropping slowly but steadily since HoT released and demand decreases, so sell them now. Same thing with mordrem lodestones which you can get by combining mordrem slivers which you get in noxious pods in Dragon Stand.

You can also save all of the items which you open to give you gear and open them on a low level character. Sell all of those materials and make a decent profit.

It sounds to me like you’re expecting money to fly at you from just going around killing things and doing events. That’s how many games work, but not this one, not anymore. You have to sell what you salvage if you want a decent income.

And you should only be using basic salvage kits for everything except rares, for which you should be using mystic kits (if you can make them) or master kits (if you need ectos). Otherwise, sell your rares and just buy ectos when you need them.

[SPOILERS!] Ending opinions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


Boss was mechanically fun but the boss’s appearance and the environment was pathetically bland. He looks like a generic mordrem, not an Elder Dragon. Why couldn’t we have something like the Mouth of Mordremoth or mr. Vine Dragon from the cinematic? Even saving the Shadow of the Dragon and using some generic creature in its place for S2 would have been better.

The ending was super abrupt as well. Mordy is dead, end. No closure, it just stops.

I agree with this. I’ve only done the fight once, but I thought it was fun mechanically. The setting had nothing to really separate it from other boss fights in the game. Since you’re in Mordy’s mind, I would have loved a level where you’re on a large platform floating in a void, similar to the Act II dungeon from Diablo III.

The ending story was abrupt, not in terms of the length of cinematics, but in terms of the emotional content. The story itself was focused on “find Destiny’s Edge” singularly, without any extra tidbits that would increase the suspense/tension around getting to them quickly. Personally, I was never sure that they were in danger in the first place, just missing. Therefore when we find Trahearne in his ugly situation I was kind of like “oh, that sucks” without any tugging of my heartstrings.

So storywise, there’s a lot of room for improvement, but gameplay-wise, I’m pretty happy.

Is DS fixed?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


What’s been happening is that people are taxiing others into a map that has already popped the “map is closing in one hour, would you like to volunteer to go to a new map” indicator. Then the map fills, but the map still closes in one hour regardless of how many people are now in it.

As Rayden said, just be sure to join a DS map right when they open and you should be fine.

Whirl finisher - time for a change.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I play DH with GS. The whirl is awesome, when fighting one mob or closely grouped mobs. If it is one mob stand inside it, a you said. Works really well on large mobs. If you are inside the mob hit box, every hit and projectile will hit the mob. For smaller mobs, most will hit. So it is pretty huge burst dps.

I don’t see it being that much of a pain to just stand inside the hit box.

I will say I am not familiar how other classes whirls work. Not sure if that would work for others.

You’re talking about the GS 2 skill, which is a whirling attack and a whirl finisher. What you described above is the whiling attack part, not the finisher part. The attack is good at hitting anything close by.

However, if you stand in a field (like the one made by GS 4), you’ll see “Condition Removed” spam a zillion times over your heard. That’s the finisher part. Bolts fly away from you to remove conditions because you’re standing in a light field. If you were in another field though, such as a fire field, you’d have flaming bolts shooting away from you, bolts with a very low chance of hitting anything worth hitting. And that’s what this thread is about.

Legendary Crafting, don't do it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


To those of you saying that precursor crafting is more expensive in terms of gold cost, you’re doing it wrong.

The cost to craft a deldrimor ingot is about 4 gold. Yes, I know it’s time gated, but I’m only talking monetary cost right now. If you take your time and actually do the crafting part yourself instead of just buying all of the materials off the TP, you save a ton of money. It’s not hard to get the mats for an ingot either. I found that 30 min/day of hitting all of the rich iron and plat nodes got me more than enough ore to craft an ingot per day, plus enough to stockpile and send to my wife so she could craft one a day for me as well. Then I send the excess ore that I still had leftover to guildies who generously crafted me a few ingots, and this was enough so that last week I was able to finally get Sunrise.

In total I think I spent about 300 g, and that’s only because I got impatient and started buying iron and plat ore directly from the TP instead of mining it. I never bought a single deldrimor ingot.

I also found the scavenger hunt fun, as it took me places I hadn’t visited in a long time. So complain about it if you want, but for many people precursor crafting is a fun and worthwhile experience and, for me at least, a much cheaper way of getting a precursor.